Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 30, 1907, Image 1

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    mi sj ipuvH-- ' v i
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NO. 78.
HvPmi' . -TV hmwhs- my wi
C Some Tuck Out
of Ruef ;
iai, Another Bribe Has
ta Offered &ome- j
Letteo. March 30.-When
, iu,y reconvened this nft-
i-Till have laid before It the
L; evidence necessary for re-
additional Indictments
the Home ieiiuu w-
it Kaodal of omclnls nnu
Lvtin which Ruef is bolleved
Imde heavy deposits, follow-,
I after by heay withdrawals. ,
U nfter trolley and tele-J
nncblses will bo examined. I
rirl and Dr. Johnson Halnos,
Asgelcj, heavy stockholders
Home company, will also oo
1 Heney will nsii tnem (
fetr know about sending a
L San Francisco, n few days
lire There is little danger
l-rtsors resigning as Schmitz
fcrttcd them to do. Thoy arc
It the tig stick, and will re-
i oSco throughout tho terms
uh y wire elected If Ilanay
t J Vs Ruof's trinl np-
litoisb ninnlng to loso somo
tjjita . nr Ho Is nlso down
Dt.mas rcfu-al to conio into
Doth Bid j it Is bollevod
I rwidr to prorc. d with the
betdtr It. port from ono of
i far Schml'z that ho has
tide ovcr'urts lor Immunity
'hth' usual denial. An on-
Kricio to the investigation
Ens fn.s niPrnlng when Infor
nt pssol to Heney to tho
p? a labor leader now hold
ing office under Mayor Sohlmtr ac
cepted a bribe In turn for settling n
strike. The matter will bo placed
before the jury. c
The prosocutlon Is In possession
nbsolutoly of proof that Schmitz at
tempted to force three supervisors
to rosign. It Is not likely that any
thing will be done In the matter as
long as the supervisors don't resign.
If they do n term in the penitentiary
stares them in tho faco. "Tho prose
cution also discovered the identity of
the persons who hnvo beon distribut
ing circulnrs In tho flnnnclnl district
predicting a panic If tho graft In
vestigation Is not discontinued. Tho
matter will not bo brought bofore tho
grand Jury, as thore is nothing In the
net for which those responsible can
bo punlshod.
President Not Very
McKcnzle Electric 11 road.
Bugone, Ore., March 30. Engi
neer Klovrnhl has comploted tho de
scription of tho route of tho propos
ed electric railway from this city up
the McKenzIo, as survoyod by him
as far ns Martin's rapids, and the
company's ngents will start out Mon
day or Tuesday of next week to se
cure tho right-of-way- Tho company
ofllclnls believe thero will bo no
trouble In securing tho lnnd without
any ensh outlay, as almost everybody
along tho route of tho proposed Una
seems to bo very anxious for tho
road to bo built, and will be willing
to donate tho small strip of land re
quired for the track. '
o i
Long Island ltaclng Association.
Now York. March 29. Tho Long
Island Sound Racing association to
day ndoptod tho Bchedulo of datos
for the racing Bonson approaching,
and tho modifications to tho rnclng
rules proposed by tho oxocutlvo com
mlttoo. A numbor of other mod men
tions woro adopted also.
KuIm Telegraph Hates.
Now York. March 30. A now
scnlo of tclogrnph ratos, amounting
in some enso to Incronso of 25 per
cont was announced todny by tho
Wostorn Union. It is to tnko effect
Monday. It is said tho Postal will
Nil III r
Of jJBcauliful
flflr no CtifnccsA U..t -.' tmn r
Willamette valley. Choice goods
lwni biyies srana out promi-
rflw : i - . -
; hi every aeparcm nc ot mis
ressive, always busy store.
ttflrvr n, P0R Y0U To SKLKCT FHOM IS flltKAT AX1
uWrn tak ,,IG vor'UMI' op isusixkss we io. wis
H I I 1 1 I I I III 1 1 1 i 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1
Novelti.cs On Display !
mw ,l" 1 1 1 i ii i h n 1 1 1 n m n 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'
Silks, fine Millinery, Spring Dress
Ladies Coats, Spriner Suits,
' Cloves, Fine Shoes, Ribbons,
embroideries, Silk Waists, Pet-
rancy Neckwear, Fancy Belts,
?lf Trimmings.
Interstate Commerce Com'
mission Tackles Express
Washington, March 30. It Is
rumored thnt tho President Is 111.
This Is donlod at the Will to House.
Ho had Indigestion yostordny as
wired, but rocofVod calls today. He
has tnkon no horseback rides nor
played tonnis for several days.
Chicago, March 30. Commission
ers Knapp and Noll arrived this
morning and Immediately wont into
sosslon with representatives of rail
roads at tho Auditorium hotol. Tho
managers explained they could "not
grant more than ton to soven per
conts Increase ot wngos nnd ten
hours as a day because It will bo Im
possible to pay operating oxponsos
and dividends undor tho two-cont
faro law. A numbor of Btato com
missioners must modify their de
mands or accept responsibility for
whnt will be a buslnoss calamity.
Commlssonors then mot Gurrustson
and Morrlssoy, hond of tho work
mon's sldo. Thoy show how living
line Incrensed fully ton poc cont, In
crease In earning capacity -of rail
roads having doubled. Gonorul opin
ion Is thnt Hottlemont Is uonror.
Colon, Pnnnmn, March 30. The
Mnyllowor arrived thlH morning with
Taft and pnrty aboard. Thoy woro
welcomed by Chief Hnginoor Stovens,
Dr. Gorgis, Gonornl Managor Dlord,
ot tho l'annmn Hallway nnd othors,
and took train for Panama. Voyago
was uneventful. All mombors of
party nro In good honlth.
Washington, March 30. At Vo
quost of lntorstnto commorco com
mission railroads In onstorn nnd west
ern statoH nnd trunk llus of contra!
freight nModntlon torrltorlos have
Hgreel to postpone until My 1 pro
post d lucrewse In grain rate.
ti&mi Cmrt Striis
Wnshlngtoii, March SO. The In
teretttte com mere ooinmlselon to-
dny ordered the American. Admne,
Unlte: SUtec, PmcIAo. Welle Pnrgo
Express comiMiiIee to file within 80
days, delayed etftemeuU of Inter
state connections, rates on commodi
ties to transportation associations
and dealers. Thoy will be permitted
to testify at hearings to follow.
" o
. Tliiuv Lunacy Commission.
New York, March 30. The Thaw
lunacy eouimlaalon rosumed Ita ex
amination at 10:30 this morning
Thaw was beforo them In secret nee
slon. The commiselon remained In
secret session three hours and nd
journed for lunch. Thaw was before
them all the morning. It was stated
they would probably finished with
Thaw In half an hour this aftornoon.
McClure announced that ns soon ns
the examination of Thaw Is con
cluded a suasion will be hold. Dr.
Hamilton and attendant at the
Tombs are likely to bo wltnaeeos
Thursday the deputy sheriff was ex
cluded from the room. Today ho re
turned instructed by the sheriff not
to relinquish the custody ot the pris
oner urWms the ooiuntleelon gave a
written receipt for his body. The
commission refused and permitted
the depnty to remain beside the de
fendant. Great ooro was taken that
none of the prqoeedlngs should be
kaowR. IBxtnt brnoe were put
against the door to prevent any un
expected Interruption. Of course,
the lawyers rwftwed to venture a
Vord tut to kow Thaw stood the or
The fact that the prisoner stood
sock a toag examination wltfeoet
breaking dowg iadientSM that he baa
beea a sassssetwl Jr Metiag the
probiag of the oommlaelonera aa he
was Thursday. Dr. PaUel today
queetioaed'Thaw specially oa iwlnu
uadlag to show light or bis moalal
capacity. The manner of Thaw's
lawyers show that thoy are, satiefled
with thdr clients conduct.
Chicago Grufn Market
Chicago, March 30.- Wheat 75
7C$, corn 41. oU ii.
Hon Harrison R. Kfncaid Pays
a Tribute to Hon. Geo.
H. Williams.
Hon. Geo. II. Williams, "tho grand
old (young) man of Oregon," was
S4 yonrs young last Saturday, March
23, having heen bbm In Columbia
county, N. Y., March 23, 1S23. Ho
spent the day as usual proparalng
lognl papors In his oillco and tho eve
ning at the Commorolnl club playing
"bottlo pool," whatovor that may be
with Col. John McCrackon, ngod 82.
Judrto Williams was admitted to the
bar in New York In 1844, nnd soon
afterward moved to Iowa, whero ho
was elected judgo ot tho First Judi
cial district in 1S47. Ho was elected
presidential doctor In 1852, and was
appointed chlof Justice of Oregon
territory In 18G3, by Prosldont
Prnnklln Plerco, and hold tho oluco
uutll 1857, when ho declined a ro
appointment by Prosldont Jamos
Uuchannn. We saw htm hold court
under an onk tree in Eugcno moro
thnn 50 yonrs ago. Ho wa3 n mom
bor oT tho convention of CO dologntos
thnt framod tho constitution of tho
Btato of Oregon, which was adopted
by tho convention at Snlom, Soptom
bur 18, 1S57. rntllled by tho people
Novomboi 9. 1867, and ap;irovud by
congress February II, 1S59. Many
of tho will provisions of our consti
tution limiting expousos, prohibiting
dobts, nnd guarding the people from
reckless extravagance, owe tholr ex
istence to him. Ily his ability and
oxporlouce he was Ti controllolug
power In tfmt body of plouoors, nnd
mndo the fundamental law of Iowa
tho model or Oregon.
Tho puoujo of Oregon will do woll
to make haste slowly In rupunllug or
nmondlng the constitution, except In
matters whore tho Btato has oloarly
outgrown the garments that woro
mndo for It half n coutury ago. In
1804 Judge' Williams was oloctod by
tho legislature ot Orogon a member
of the United Stntos senate, and
sorvod In that body with groat dis
tinction from March 4, 1S06, to
March I, 1871. He wns then ap
IKilnted by President Grant a mem
ber of the Joint high commission to
settle the dispute between Great Url
tlau aud the United States altoitt
claims for damage caused by the
rebel cruiser Alabama and other ves
sels furnished the "Confederacy" b
Ifiagland't cltlseus. and the illsuulm!
boundary between the United States
and llrlllah Columbia. He waa large
ly Instrumental lit causing Great Url-
tlau to pay to the United StaUa many
millions ot dollar for damage done
to American shipping by rebel cruis
er that ware sent out from ISngllsh
ports, and was parhape wholly re
spoiisiblo for the relinquishment of
IBttglaud'a ctaJw toSan Juan Island
and muoh vulnable territory Includ
wl In the elate of Washington.
While In tho senate he served the
committees on Judiciary, lluuuce.
claims, private claims, and the spe
cial committee oh reeonstruotlun.
He was a member ot the national
comiHlitoe that ucoimipanled the re
mains of Proatdent Lincoln to Illi
nois. He., was the author of the re
construction not, the tenure of of
fice act, and the act proscribing the
time and manner of electing United
States senator, under which nil aen- p
ators hare been eleeted since; three
of the moat Important law passed
by congress during his term of of
fice. In 171, at the close of his
term In Ute iHwate. and as soon as
the business) of the Joint eomwiecton
had Item flaUhed. Pyaeldent Qnutt
apnotnted Judge Williams attorner
general ot the OnlleU gute. which
position he Ailed with great ability
and credit diiriag the stormy re
construction CMs, until 1S7S, when
PreeJ4Bt Orititt aomlaated him to
be chief JweUec of the Unltwl tUMm
to flN the TOMtitcy onuaed by the
death of Salmon P. Chase. Hh eon
imalkw we bitterly opftooed hy
some leadtNK (wnators who were ea
aeedlngly JeaJen of hie ability and
promotion and by some who wanted
the plaee for themselves or their
fritrada, and they Inspired the news
paper eorreependents from ovry
part of the United Stated to attack
him furiously In their papers. As
they could not find a dishonest or
wrong act in bis whole public career,
they trumped up" one, and callod
Ulta "loundulef Williams, because
hl ebkf cltrk had ioe over to 1-
tlmoro nnd bought a ono-horso car
riage, Instead ot a two-horse carrlago
such ns tho other members of Uic
cabinet had, thinking thereby to snYO
expenses. Tho whole country wns
shocked with tho oxtravnganco of n
man who would rldo In n "lnundUlet,"
or somo such nnmo, white tho two
horso carriages ot Secrotnry Fish nnd
other mombors ot the cabinet
pranced through tho streets, unmo
lested nnd without shocking a single
member of congress or newspaper
correspondent. No greater humbug,
outrage, Injustice, misrepresentation
and malicious Ho wns over perpotrat
od ngnlnst an honest man. In d's-
gust he nsked tho president to with
draw his nnmo. Ho thou roturned
to his homo In Portland, Oregon,
whoro ho has stneo boon mayor ot
tho city, nnd whoro ho stands nt the
head ot his profession.
Thinks Conditions Very Fa
vorable for Free Locks
Roumanian Rebels duelled
and Rebellion
TlucharoBt, March 30. Tho no
tion ot the troops In Kuumnuln to
dny dogonorntud Into ruthloss
butchery, poorly armed rebels woro
shot down without a chance for their
lives nnd tho bnckbono ot tho revo
lution Is broken. A continuation of
tho butchery, how-over, Is serving as
n ronctlon Instead of a pacification
ot tho poasnnt. Tho survivors nr
rouowlug tholr outhronkH nnd moro
bloodshed la certain. At Cnneathestl
today thoy rhnrgod n band of rioting
peasants who dropped upon their
knees begging for morcy, hut tho
commander ordorod n volley 11 rod
and scoron ot dond nnd woundod
woro found whon the smoko olonred,
Kqually bloody roporta from vnrlouH
coutors nro arriving by couriers and
wire, and rofugos.
TluclinroHt, Mnrali 30.-Additional
advices from Cnueetu sity U'o volley
killed many women nud ohllilren who
whon tho soldier wore drawn up to
lire r'usliiHl In front of tho Una of
rebels and knelt down In hope ot
preventing a lire. Ilabea following
Congressman Hnwley has returned
from attending a session ot congross
where ho occupied a Bont In tho
houso of roprosontntlvos and watched
tho proceedings. Ho mndo somo val
uable acquaintances which ho hopo.l
will bo useful In securing him favor
nblo recognition on tho Important
Ho thinks tho outlook la good for
somo fnvorablo legislation looking
toward throwing tho Southern Pa
cific lands upon tho market nt tho
original terms of tho grant, not to
exceed $2.50 per ncro. Ho will mnko
a hard light to get tho public laud
commlttcu whero ho could lmvo
something to say on that nmttor.
Vivo Lock Illll.
Congressman Hnwloy did somo
work on tho proposed bill for froo
locks nnd canal nt Orogon City, tho
matter which la uppermost in tho
minds ot tho pooplo ot western Oro
gon. Ho had n very frlondly visit
with Chalrmnn Uurton, ot tho rivers
and harbors commlttuo, nnd snya
owing to tho gonornl situation thero
nppears to bo ovorythlnfi In favor oC
getting that project through tho nox.
congross. Tho great IntnrsHts thnt
have heroloforo opposed appropria
tion fqr rivers nnd harbors lmvo bo
como friendly to tho waterway in
general and It Is'golng to bo a groat
deal oasler to gut appropriations for
suoh purposes thnn In tho pant. Ho
says tho whole delegation nro com
mitted to this project, how thnt tho
statu has decided to- moro than do
Its part In tho matter by appropriate
lug 1300,000 towards public owner
ship nud making tho river frco for
nil tlmo to como. Congressman Hnw
loy Iiiih a largo volume of corro
apondanno on his hands nud Is kept
ulmoHt constantly at work dictating
Prof. XmvlK'i-i-y Hnlorlnln Pupil.
Prof. Frank Newberry Wednesday
raultttf MllfnrtliLlAj) hla ......II. nn.t ..
itrAVanMiiv a lira IlaUaa rnllnwlua I -. .. pvnH nu B
their mother Into the fray were shot tt",",,ri of Lta m,tic t
with the older.
Chicago, Marrb 30. - Campaign
proceedings for the election Tuesday
uloeed tcMluy. The campaign has
been marked by liltleni'-ss, resulting
Ing in the overahndowlng of both the
lending candidate for the iimyontll-
ty, Dunne nud litis, by the acrimo
nious ohauge of derogatory opinion
between the editor and cartoonist
of thu Hearst papers nnd the Tribune.
Hearst ha sued the Tribune for two
and a half millions, Iituwe bus aned
Hearst nnd other suit are threatened
The method of settling the traction
question Is the direct, and municipal
ownership the Indirect Issue,
O" '
tmilo III the I. O. O. K. biill.Ilnsf.
,Tbe llrst part of In evening was
(spnt In a musiral ri-rlial. after
, which refreshment were served and
a pleasant social time enjoyed.
1 " " -n ' .
Klllgltto Toinplar Jo AUrx.,1 C4IHtrr
Mvn'lt'm u( l'li- foagr.-gtkinul
WnihlNHtoti, March 30. Chart
A. Jut?, who saya he came to
Waahlngton on a freight train this
morning, triad to see the President.
D Mohty UomiMmlcry, No. R.
Knlghw Teinptar, of this city, will
attend Hotter serrlees at the First
Congregational oliureh tomorrow at
10:80 n. m.. In full uniform. This
I an annual oiiHtqiii of tills orgnnlxn.
tlou, and the Kawter oelrbratlou is
looked forwitrd to with Interest by
nil tho members. Thu sermon will
he delivered by Hoy. V. Ifl. Dell, pa
tor or the ohuroli. A new feature
will b added In the atteniiauee of
the wives, mother, widow, daugh
ter and stater of Knight Templar.
The ladle will assemble in the
Svndny school room of the rhiiroh,
eaterlng on Center street at 10:15 .
m., under ilia direction of a lOilght
Templar In attendance, nnd on the
arrival of the aoHimandery they will
he escorted le ttal In the body or
the CHiirtk. The onbllr u cordially
The air knights are requested tu
meet at their asylntn promptly at
:S0 g. m.
i -)..
WJIIniintMws Do 3Iny BIiiiiIn.
A good ataed trowd wiiMMa.i ik.
telling the ouleers th PrWnt had athleti entertain meat l the Wll-
shuuhohmI him by wlrolees to testify
in a murder trial. The pelloe are
holding him for examination.
-o i i . .
Puiieral of QUI Martin.
The funeral service of Ollie Mar
tin war conducted this afternoon at
2 o'aloek In the Salem Undertaking
Parlor by Father Moore. Inter
ment took place In the Catholic
cemetery. .-
Dr. J. F. COOK
lamette gymoaalum laet night. .Many
aiunts were performed throughout
the evening whleh showed up well
for the Willamette students. lie
aid th high Jump. hlh din-, turn
UtlHg, wrestling, rlags and tar, whleh.
were worked off In ttn suap. two
elown were in ovldenee and formed
mHii amusemeet during the eve
ning. The credit of this work In One to
Prof. Heater, the a$Ifnt coach and
trftar of WJllauifttto University.
Those on last night'a program were:
Prof. Heater. Edward Wlaans, oy
Hewitt, Win. Vundorrort, Win
Ilooth, Tool WchardMM, Marlon
Dale and John Leach,