Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Women Who
? It la tMrtonlshinj; how great n change
ft few years of married Hfo often mnko
in tlio appearance and disposition of
many women. Tho freshness, the
charm, the brilliance vanish liko the
bloom from a flower which is rudely
handled. Tho matron is only a dim
shadow, n faint echo of tho charming
maldon. Few young women appreciate
tho shock of the system through the
chango which comes with marriage nnd
motherhood. Many neglect to deal with
tho unpleasant pelvic dmina and weak
nesses which loo often como with mar
ringo nnd motherhood, not understand
log that thin Bccret drain is robbing tho
cheek of its freshness nnd tho form of
its fairness.
As surely as tho general health suffors
when thereisdernngementof thohcnlth
of tho delicate womanly organs, so surely
when theso organs nro established in
health tho faco and form nt unco witness
td tho fact Ju renewed comeliness.
Wore than a million women linvo found
health and happiness in the use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It makes
weak women strong and clck women
well. Ingredients on label contains
no alcohol or harmful habit-forming
drugs. It is mado wholly of thoso
native, American, medicinal roots most
highly recommonded by leading med
ical authorities of iilliho several schools
of practice for tho euro of woman's
peculiar ailment.
For nursing mothers, or for those
broken-down In health by too frequent
bearing of children, nlso ?or tho expect
ant mothers, to prepare tho system for
tho coming of baby and make its ad
vent easy and almost painless, there Is
no medicine qulto so good iu "Favorite
Prescription." It can do no hunt) in
any condition of the itstem. It Is a
moit potent invigorating tonlo and
utrenRtlionliiR nervine, nicely adapted
to woman's delicate system by n phy
sician of largo experience In tlio treat
ment of woman's peculiar ailments.
Bad Symptoms. The woman who
has periodical headachcH, backache, sees
imaginary dark spots or specks floating
or dancing before her eyes, has gnawing
distress or heavy full feeling in stomach,
faint spoils, dragglng-dowu feeling in
lower abdominal orpelvlo region, rosily
startled or excited, Irregular or painful
Jicrlods, with or without pelvic catarrh,
s suffering from wmknteuH nnd de
rangements that should have early at
tention. Not nil of above symptoms are
likely to bo presold in nnyonso ntoue
Neglected or badly treated and such
cases often run into maladies which de
mand tho surgeon's knife if they do not
result lainuy.
ynfettional indorsement of each of its
several ingredients worth moro than
any number of ordinary non-profoa-slonal
testimonials. The very best In
gredients known to medical science for
tlio cure of woman's peculiar nlliumit
fintr lilt" ' pnmvwlllnii Vri ntnlml.
To Hell KHeil Article.
New York. March MO. Tlt Uni
ted Butte appraisers department Is
making ready fur one of the hlggat
ynlHe It ha ever held, whleh wtll nut
ho concluded until the laat article la
disposal of am) goea out of lltt
wnrahouee, which lma baeti accumu
lating Ih them for yeara.
The eale wtll bwglu on the tnd of
April, ami u x peeled (u taka a long
lime, aa tlier are many thlHga In
aaiwral pcka t dlapoaw o(. A
no veil y ur th- ale will ba that tbrra
will U aeat for woitiaa. Thr kav
haa cordially tiivltad. aud tba govaru
niaat olriila will wake It pleasant
fur than lu vry mail, au that a
lra HUHibvr of buyer will u at
traetiMl. It la axpactal.
Oar of tba muat rurloua offwrlnca
Ih "Couau.l" lluatoek'a traJnad ekim
1WHI. which Ih Ufa eoatrlkulad to
the Kityaty of royally oh tka otkar
alila, nad to tit antartalaMiawt of tka
Khlncy Trwublc Mukos You Miserable,
Alimt rvr bod v who rwda Ui uv
jjr i M to kuaw of tba wotMhtrfal
curwi aitiviu vy tJr.
ICtuuar'ii VH1U
Root, the oteat kiu
uv. ltvar awl Wad-
tUr ivHtaily.
11 1 laa xraal Mtau-
ical triHVM4 of tba
, niiwtvruik cwotarr ;
Ulco wrd f lac rrar
of Mieaitftc rcaaanli
by Dt. Kihuar, tba
cmtutriit kUlucy and
bladder ian-UHt. and la wtootfttlly
MioccaaJul in pmtMtitty ciuiaa lata bark.
Hrk acta. rUirh of Uw bUdilcr aud
NrijilH'o IMrM vluck U tha mmX
furiH of ai-liw-N (MKiMe.
lu. Xilturi Swautp-Koet ia wH tf
uiwiawmlril tvi cMt)t)aiij Imlif um Iut
Uitlu, 1 1 -1 lU.Ukr tMMiltWit wtll ba
fuaifei ) llu- n tut- l Jvhi itrnl. U .aa
xe U-wtt-' u..tt'i) iu uiHt.l
Viork an' '" i-mxic (iiaitut-, ami 1mm
laoved " ' 'lul in trn cm tlwit a
mmcm) ! i.t .nit ti.' tmii matlc l)
vutfk all i ' t thu a, ukokava
Malrtd uii-tt,ui hx a mui4
bKl)a ul 'txv ''' U41' 'IxJa Kk lell
1 UMta abuui Smiu K-hM,aitd 1mmi U)
llH4oatiulutit tulin " tiUUU-riiuu-I4.
YVIm i iinK iMooiu-ii ivatUoicUua
I5iroollcr iiitUii-ir tilmu yuor
adtUnsatolv kilnur
& C., lUHntb.ti
N V Tho ttfcuat
itflvixut a'sd csit
(Uilisr aito bottl era H u .,
Wld bv all liOfrl tlw'tjfcl. JXr t raak
yy i!itak?, but rtrustrdKr tba uajw,
tanTvKout. Pr, KU:itr'a Sweii'iRooH,
. t &V.. .l.lji lMtiitlt.tiilnn 9J N- ruj
So medicine cxtanL ling such a long
iitimerjni'' rucTTrd l cuiftf in suSfi
fcrnu'w an Or. I'H'tce'tt iavonle I'reiCrU).
Nn m.w litMrin lina mii'lt it nrrmit,
l ii m k. it
a fff )vm i j
mr i
iPftisi 1 1 'Wi
Wear Well.
harmful, or habit-forming drug is to be
found in tho list of its Ingredients print
ed on each bottle-wrapper and attested
under oath ns complete nnd correct.
In anv condition of the female system
nr.j'iercc's ravorite Prescription can
do only good never harm. Its wliolo
etfecTis to strengthen, invigorate and
in1ntr Mm trtinln fomnln nvftLpm nnd
especially tho pelvic organs. When
these are deranged in function or nffect
cd by dlwine, the stomach and other
organs of digestion become sympatheti
cally dernnged, the nerves nro weak
ened, and n long list of bad, unpleasant
jyniptoms follow. Too much must not
be expected of the " Favorite Prescrip
tion." It will not perform miracles;
will not cure tumors no medicine will.
It will often jretcnt them, if taken in
time, and thus the operating table and
tho nurgcon'B knife may be nvoided.
Doctor'o Ail Agree. Tho most emi
nent writers on Materia Medial, whose
works are consulted ns authorities by
physlclnns of all tho different schools of
practice, extol, In tho most positive
terms, tlio curative virtues of each and
every ingredient entering into Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. In
fact it is the only medicine, put up for
sale through druggists for tho cure of
nil diseases of the mucous surfaces, as
nasal catarrh, throat, laryngenl, and
bronchial affections attended by linger
ing, or hang-on-coughs that has any
Bucli proftnw)il endorsement worth
more tlinn nny amount of lay or non
professional testimonials.
Do not expect too much from the use
of Dr. Plerco'H Golden Medical Dis
covery. It will not work mlrnclcs. It
will not cure consumption in it ad
vanced stages. No medicine will. Nor
I tlm It rtluiifi4f W art irrtrtrt for n ftlllflnn
in tun iviDwiuij1 owftwwu ...-
attack of acute cough, but for thn
lingering, obstinate. liang-on-couKhs,
BftnniitfintiiMitn fn f n rrlin I (lirinf IftrOti
lingering, onstlnate. liang-on-couKlis
accompanying catarrhal, throat, lam!
geal ami bronchial aUcctums. it i""
geal and bronchial altcctu'iis. It itTl
fcoiV cliicncious i e nicely In cases ac-
compaulcu with wattiui; ol llcsn. nignt
Bwento, weak stomach nnd poor digestion
with faulty assimilation, and which, if
neglected or badly treated are apt to
lead to consumption, tho "Discovery"
liaB proven wonderfully successful in
effecting cures.
Tlio formula is printed on every
wrapporof "Golden Medical Discovery'
attested us to correctness under oath,
nnd you can't afford to accept any
mihetitute of unknown comjwittan for
this non-tecret remedy no matter what
selllsh Interests may prompt the dealer
to urec such upon you. In fact it Is
(in iunult to your intelligcnee for him to
do so. You know what you want und
it Is his place to supply that want.
Dr. Plerco'H lMoasant Pellets nre the
original " Little Liver Tills" (Irst put up
uy old ur. rierce over -iu yearn ago.
Much imitated, but never equaled.
They cleanse, Invigorate und regulate
stomach, liver anil bowels, curing bll
loiiniHMM nnd constipation. Little sugar
coated granules easy to take iiHoaudy.
Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter
trte of ohnrge. Address Dr. It. V.
I'lerce, Invalids' Hotel nnd Surgical
Institute, Iiuffalo. N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1000
pages) Is Mint trte on receipt of 21 one
cent Htnmps for paper-covered, or 211
stamps for cloth-bound copy. Address
Pr. l'leiwi as alwtve.
"100" on tilts aide. Prior to hit
daalh threa yeara aao "CobbiiI" waa
much In demand at aoclul affalra
wliera his vlaRauca of mannera
eauplad with corract draaa for all oe
oaalona, won him untraa Into tlia
utoat axeliialva clrolaa. At tlia tanltk
of bla Kwlarlty tha animal oarrtad
a Ufa laaurauea poller nt 110,000.
Ilia rahia at data of asamlimtlon la
atatsHl at $10. Tha vartaty of tka
arttclaa la truly htwtldarlHf , aad aw
braeea avarytblnjc trow JaJtlaa warn
ing apparal to eaant.
INMlbt of l,H.OV0t'.
New York. March CI. All the
llebraw cjtlaana t Now York ally.
aa wall m la all qwurtara of tha
lloba whara tbalr watidartHR faat
kava trail, ara aalabraUHC toHlskt
tba graat FNHwt of tka I'Hsdovar with
tka tadar or ODaalac (aatlvlty.
Qraat earamoMy atlatnla Ih faHat
tonight, which baa baa uraoadad
by tka rlaaaaing of koataa. atorlng
away tka orUltiar)' tbl and ktlokeu
Htanallaa, ao that tba oaaa danlloalad
to tka laaaovar tka aarvtea May not
ba eoHtMWlMNtal.
Tkara ara hHMdrwIa of quaint ok
aervaaeao In eon Mart Ion with tka
faatlval nowtmamoratlva of "Tka dw
llvaranoa of Iamar Urat born, from
tka Jadtemaal wrowght om tkoM of
tka UgyntlNMs ami tka woadrowa da
llraraaaa aad llbargtlow of tka Ua
brawa fruM tka boHdaga of tka ttswp
iloaa. Hat tka boat known faatura
of tka woak la tka nalaavaaed brand
- asataotk tka ba,ktnK of wklek
has kut k und rail of paotola asantoy
hI for man)' wontka In about 40
Uak'-rit in tbkt ctti'. Ona bakar of
this rHy aaJd Uat "hla concarn
woikxl U wontka avary yanr to nro
due what kla vuatonsara raaulra
within a waak. Wo mnka only tka
nmr. aalaavanad braod, wkkk la
ih. only currart kind. Tka round
akf whlrk tba raforwad Jaw tuta
cannot pruparlr ba nsada, baaawe
tha iaca which rawalM katwwn tha
diaka na thay ara cut ont am kaaad
ad ovar smd uaatl again, and that
Canaan fariHanuttloM, and MMkaa tka
preduet uaalaaa front tka orthodox
point of law. Our product l aar
aud pic na they ara cut nro baked
and nothing I worked over "
0 ' '
No otto hut yt bea able to Idcntl-
who kvij IwswwwaUd
M 1 1 1 1 H IIIIIIIIHI ii
HI I I I ! 1 1 H II I I H I 1 1 1 1 1 l-t
Tho following doedB havo boon
placed on record In tho office of the
Marion county recerder:
W. A. Liston ot ux to Goo F.
Whltnoy.lots 11, IB and 10,
block 3, and o 14 block 32
Knglewood addition, Salam
w d ?
Asahol Bush to W. A. Linton,
lotB 11, 15 and 10. block 3,
and'o h block 32. Hngle
wood nddltlon Salem, w d..
II. K. Roberta et ux to J. 13.
und J. A. Roberta, 410
ncroH, t 0 b, r 2 w
Urowor Dnm Co. to C. II. und
J. II. Urewor, Jr., lots 3 nnd
4, block C, Stnyton, w d...
State Lund Honrd to A. M.
ChnmnoBB, 82.45 ncros, aec 3,
t 7 h, r 1 o, deed
Oliver Whitney ot ux to Oscar
A. Olson, lot 23, Yew Pnrk
nddltlon, Woodburn, w d..
I L. McQrath to OBcar A.
Olson, lot 22, Yew Park nd
dltlon, Woodburn, w d ....
A. K. and J. Ilusaoll to Uornlco
Kldor, 27 I Mi ucroa, Ills,
r 2 w, q o d
Waltor J. Stowell ot ux to
Homer Smith, lot 7, Edes'
addition ,SnIom, q c d 2600
W. T. Smith ot nl to
Homor Smith, lot 7, EdoB
nddltlon .Snlom, q c d 2500
John Wills et ux to Job AlbortH
82 ncrea In Mnrion county,
t 7 b. r 1 o, nnd t 7 a, r 3
w, q c d
Job. II. Alhort et ux to J. II.
Aluort, triiHtao, 82 nor oh, t 7
h, r I o, nnd t 7 8, r 3 w,
q o d . . '
Salem Imp. Co., to John Wills
52 uoroa, t 7 h, r 3 w, tax
Salem Imp. Co. to John Wlllu,
30 norus. t 7, r 3 w, tnx
II. K. Itobarta ot nl to M.
lluorer ot nl, II 011 noroB, t
It m, r 2 w, w d ........
D. O. Connor to S. Doran, l
noraH, Marlon county, w d . .
C. W. Nlst to V. und J. Shower-
man, hind In sou 29, t 8 h, r
3 w
Iloburt Down ot ux to J. M.
II row u, 1 lOucraa, t G h, r 1
w, w d
W. N. Savaga at ux to Hanry
Haimer at ux, 160 acraa, c
1 aud 0. t S a, r 1 aud 9 w,
w d
Paved Her Son's Life.
Tha knnplaat mother In the little
town or Ava, Mo., Is Mra. S. Ituppaa.
She wrltaa: "One year ago tuy aan
WM8 down with audi aarloua lung
trouble that our physician waa tin
able to help him; when, by our drug
giat'a Hilvloe I began glrlng klm Dr.
ICIng'a New Dlacorary, and I aoou
noUoad tmprovamant. 1 kept tkla
treatment up for a tew weeka whan
ka waa narfeetly well. He baa work
ed wteadtly alnce at earpenter work.
Dr. Ktng'a Dlaeovery aarad kla Ufa,"
Ouarantoad beat eongh and cold curt
by J. O. Perry, drugglat; nOe and )l.
Trial bottle free.
Noxvurk Sehmd Uoinl Oireirl.
Newark. N. J., March S -City
Comptroller Barnaller Is today re
ealrlng blda for Jl.Ke.5eo U hoo'
bonda ofared for aala at 1 i r cent
internet, and running &o ar with
a one par oettt, alnklng fund. The
oontptroller aaye tka condition of
Newark's Hnanoaa la gratlOlni: With
tka water debt Unladed, the ar.
bonded Indabtadneaa ot the rii is
Ht.81J.O0l ami tka net d.t.t $15.
SI.I9T.T$. Tka taxable value of
property In X9t waa $JM,soj.aio.
nnd tkla year It will prubabi rxrd
tM,NI,IM. Tha net debt, includ
ing Um water dvtartneat, U about
& Pr eaut of the taxable values.
'" o
llitvutiu TelwicroV Derli-lt.
Jeraajr City. March J The report
for tha year of the Havana Tabaero
eoniimay ohowi that tbera I a deficli
of HMN. Net earning. iBiludtng
dtrMaaaU ratwlvej during it)C.
ware f !. 1. after deducting es
paaaaa of wanagentent. Interval paU
oil par cant gold bonds, $37&.ouo
taavlng tha ronipany n aecure from
other arose la order to meat Ita
urt ehargaa. JUviU't1
tibnt 1 All (luh HaMtMt
Uii'ii riiu n v4rch :.The!
Ula VaJ !. wi old Its annnnl
bnae.aet looteitt. v..;- a wry dutin
galahwsl cowpaDT prvr.t Amour
ih KMau i m t. uu.r Hughe. '
Colon! Tr-a.dwi-1! ui.:rv sreruar
.to tho RQTcnier. K-ast W lluffout,
ufu iri toe vc-rnni iw clool and
h-gal 4vhr to tbo sotcrnor, aud
Juattea VajL- Kirk, All thALA .d
Many people who talk to me say: "1
feci half sick allthe time. I dont just
Unnir what'a the
matter with me."
This is general
debility. It's very
common. People
who get in this
Bhapc have my
sympathy. Thcv
arn't sick euough
for bed so they
drac; around and
their families
get exasperated
with them.
There arc two
causes for this
condition; bad habits and a weak
stomach. By bad habits I mean eating
Irregularly and too fast and not chew
ing the food thoroughly. The atom
ach gives out and loss of appetite,
bllliousuess, constipation, and general
debility result. First get the stomach
In shape and then be more careful iu
the future, and the worn out, despond
ent, half sick feeling will be a thing
of the past.
Two bottles of Cooper's New Dis
covery will put the stomach in shape.
Common sense will do the rest. There
are fifty thousand people in this
country who know this to be true be
cause they've tried it.
Here's a letter from one of them:
'I was all run down from overwork,
lost ambition and energy and could
not sleep. It was diflicult for me to
attend to my work owing to that tired
out feeling. I secured two bottles of
the New Discovery medicine and de
termined to try It. The result de
lighted me for renewed strength and
vigor add energy came with the first
few doses. It's effect was different
from anything I had ever taken. I
finished the two bottles now and feel
well and strong again." E. McDadc,
839 Dlx Ave, Detroit, Mich.
We hear favorable reports of these
famous medicines every day. Ask us
about them.
Wasting Time nnd Money.
London, March 29. Tho provin
cial papers nre deplorlnK seriously
the waate of time nnd inonoy to which
the Judiciary system Is subjected by
red tape. Judges nre paid by the
nation seven pounds ten hIiIUIuks per
day for travelling expenses, und,
with the other expanses nllowed the
yearly bill conies to 12.000 a year.
Taking n Judxo to nn cxIho town,
therefore, when it Is known thore nre
taw entaa, or no prisoners to try, Is
to Incur au expenditure that nothing
can Justify. Then there is the wnst
of time, deplored n little while ago
by the lord chief Justice. For ex
ample, J uit Ice Malton had to he
away from London SO days, though
the high courts were cbokad with
business, to try eight paltry cases In
tkrea Welsh count lea. Justice Darling
records that ha once went all tha way
to Dolgelly to try one caaa, that of
a man charged with stealing a
There ara many tontca In tha land
As by tha papers you can aee,
Uut none of them can equal
Rocky Mountain Tea.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Ifiwtmilt' roiiveuttoti. !
New York. March 8. The Thetn
Nu Enellon fralerntty la holding u
convention nt tha Hotel Aator today
nnd tomorrow, to reorganise Its s
tem of Rowt anient without depart
ing from tlr original objects of ita
A Whole
Alotl.t cl DEAN'S
tn I'MA Ot W.l0.f
uitl mux rtur.
WUI ki ik. v.t WrW let with
out laa.iKK air if u4 1 Uu. W
4 lhJwt wf IMUHMlM Ut vni
thtotML Ki.fj iuii lift idk)MM
kM M kuU. tor U to t hmIUt n far
Ml), IfWsto. niM. U M(. lUtoE.
Hi itiaii 4 Um Imm mm. It U su-
mum w4 MUm. iiBt u tat;
m raataw mitt m. 14 wwm,
Milll nimi otM. hit mU
r t MtH www Mat; i br
OLNEY A N-cOAID, OMatan, Iowa.
Itiuli Vy
. W. lhitnam On,
333 X. Com. frt.
Sakaa, Or.
VK raKjrf t?8
founders. Tho development of the
Boclety since its orcanization In the
year 1870, has been bo rapid that a
more complete control of tho national
organization is necessary, nnd for
tho first time in the history of the
society a convention is being held.
Tho proceedings will end with a ban
quot on Saturday night, at which
men of prominence will speak.
l'l-evcnts Distribution of Estate.
London, March 29. At Bnrdford
county court tho judge directed to
presume the death of William
Gatonhy, the next-of-kin of a retired
postman, who had died Intostate.
Tho sum of 193 pounds, tho sum
avnilnhlo of the estate, was ordorcd
distributed among relatives.
It became know a few dayB later,
however, that Gatonhy, who had not
hoon hoard of for eight or nine years,
and had boon advertised for. was stilj
alive. He read an account of the
case, and immediately set about to
prove that he was alive, nnd to claim
tho estate.
From rafts to mill tho snmo enro
Is used in tho handling nnd soloction
of our lumbor, nnd also savosyou
Como nnd soo us about prlcas.
Yards Near Depot.
Better Than the
Wild Rose
Made From Selected Valley
At All Grocers
$1.00 a Sack
Spont wisely Is the source of tnucb
satisfaction. Why not spend a little
of it wisely now buying groceries of
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
Successors to H&rrltt it Lawrence.
rixsoa) ga)aaa)a
Gold Dust Fiotf I
ER OOMTAKY, Sidney, Oregon.
Matio for fatally use. Ask your
grotfrr for it. Bran and shorts
always on hand. 1
5 1
P. B. Wallace it
Salem Fence Wire
HcAdquArtors for Woven Wire
Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry
Netting, rickota. Gates, Shingles nnd
P. & B, Ready Rooftng.
All nt lowaat iwka.
Waiter MoHey
-..-r ;
r3f ?V fi$ K
I vi Til lllgag
,n Real Esfcfo
Real estate tn ..
Wo are offering
P you to lnvenigatt Hy
Tl,. 6ale
-"-iourins aero 0f
land, a new 1 . l y
em; good fruit , J5"
well, chicken .m. . U
Salem. Rmnj.L?,liy
See this hPfnrw..l0r
house on Court, 128 fen'J
160 feet deen. ,,J. H
Radcllff Co. Pri9
Modern cottage ot fl
nlUmhml nnrf .i ,BTOSl
, . V- . "e' SOOdTari
Jut ' uy 150 feet, it
Prico $1500. ,U
Nino room house, phjj
eta. nnnliv .. utSl
!,- oP.n, .." fl
r i---Jt uuafiiianr ...
""'" oi, woouaned lfuj,
imuv;u ia inreo blocks fa
house. Prico J2C25
Seven acres all In cnlUrttia,
houso and barn, nlentr J.!
This placo Is on a good cruiHn
ruuu o n miica irom Sden.
Ton acres nil In mm...... .
flvo room house, barn .
good mixed fruit. n 7!
, , ,wi
uujco m oms, 2 milMbcsj
10m. l'rlco S1900.
Eighty acres; 67 in cttltlnij
in pasturo anu timber; It u
wheat and cheat: 7 d ,
5 room house, good bin ul 1
ary; 4 horses. 6 head ot mm.
chickens; 2 wagons, 3 toUtlrn
all implements, bay, grain, ettf
Sovcrnl houses tor fnt rol
you want nnytnlng la lutrua
noinry worK.
Reliable Agents i
Room 11, Moores block, Sika.4
Roferenco, nny bank or 1
houso in tho city ot Silts.
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experienced men to pat
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238 State buw.
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Wholesale &occSfu
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dried fruit and firm jro" j
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