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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
--wHj, DAILY CATITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 21), 1007. ifWdkf 1 "W PL I PU I Ull tfl A WiS'tiy w i ..n jJtfftf OUTWHITE CORNER. jjSPRING STYLES IN Ladies' Suits . and Jackets Exclusive styles that every woman who Intends purchasing a now spring suit should Bee. Even new mate- . rial checks, plaids, stripe effects and tho favorite- panamns In black, tan, blue, grey, etc. Thdugh you may not wish to buy Just now you will find our gend roslty extending to offer you tho courtesy of closely Inspecting any and every garment in our stock. ' Qomo hi and try them on. You are always wolcome. (RETTY WASH GOODS .i- .. cnrlnir '07 domorlscs waBh weaves for cvory poss t . aa ,im nf such clcellcmt styles as to command yoiir ad- tttfofl, ind at prices s6 reasonable as, to prompt liberal purchasing. rtiealarly dealrablo are tno uotiou unsusies nuu owiasus m uu . .. i.. !,., nnrf femnll nolka dets: fancy silk organdies in yxt ilripes, tnercerhed checks and tho embroidered dotted BvjasosMj 5c to 75c yard. id t f.ii'.-t .v.u.Uit1 ;-'u.-: i;v;;h jftrii. ANfTrilPn . t irtotia CNFIDBNE BROTHER Dusky Preacher of Hayti Vis . its Salem After WorRiBg Portland14 i w 3ER GRAND THEATRE )ire Stock Co. I") ow Presenting i;" )ital Vs. Labor tWorkingman's Play DR. E C. MOHLER ieht Specialist3. :!l,Tho Eldrlcdge, Salera,6r l 3 . I .- i ;9 ,to . S5&ij 3 s? 1112 .rni,AJinniAN nnnBAiil la rrtrtvn 4 Mint? 'lnniiifosT in Salem's attractive store, 'whoro thero are m display tho most fiisclnntlng articles for tho ladles and iklllltlnm. Everything Is Hero -In groat array, from tho Httlo chick, B!tc rti i h l- L ma f r.aithc to the eyo 4 . a requiting correct i nultatton and OUR ' IPKIALTY ' t - r." i- ln nr .u- r , OJft wa ro tiiiu defeetlve hit, st optical iM work to n. We hurt 'in Salem, mid ni prompt nnd --"und lease for Wo car refer ail others havo fj'i z i aud accurate tar- . 1 .A y and Low Prices II H. HingcSnv -&hua OptieLrtu l?il .Uonl Dank. EASTER JP""'- SEASON IS HERE Salem Stores Are Alive With the-Brightest Stocks the plcturesyueral)liltiiulth T6ds df hbrCtOiiamnlT elab()WJjirccl of. snfo6r,iolules.HBumo't M nil Is this Easter spirit manifest at tflo millinery establlshTnWg or Mrs. Pj H. Ful1efr&l fthSkeftiiole ea uhiliahment iVrHlVealllr a varlt aile reception. The place is deror- hi hi tt ymi-iMHiiimwteM the goods themselves make It seem li a flower gitalin rit spring, In htr line Mrs. Fullerton seems to have onught thr fMl (?plWl WWei rTeae th eva Hnil aatiaflea the longing of In cistre hats, and the IHo .' ii-n Xffi&x e,.ffi jng Up ;-- f .i ' s Perfection tn " J fc that your cu9 a,i that P&try will F,r,H aai !,. .w .. tw,. '."" ka'-1 deeirable EPPLEY CtUrcr Oregon eijeAtlous for spring wear her plaw is, among tht ijjpstH-neltVVe on th. ntaet. Salem ladies by the scores are thBror nob-only buying, but UioroHijh ly enjoying tho opportunity to exam Ino and Ueltolil tha niugnlilcent pro ductions of tU milliner's art. One fact that la not gftnarally knotfn tiomjamlng Mrs. Fullerlon'u busiijoss Is that sho has ostabHshed branch stores In a number of tho jinnllitown8,innd that tha Btook for all tfi place Is hought fpr cash j direct Irom.the No York importers, ny this. proBS tho very Jowost price in tho w1?rRe!o obUiined, and tle customers are thus ennnieirio gei the benefit or her close figures. ' o (7m-o,Qf Stomnch Xrouhiet.. Wiqn,a man has trouble with hla stomaoh you, may know that ho fe eatiug more than he should or of some article of food or drink nPjt salted to-hiAgV'e.r' dcctipiitlon. or that his ""bowels- are hibltally eon sUrmted. Tnko-ChamberIalBJs Stora- faolv and WYArvTabjQtS toWShitthft bowels and Improve )h,e leMjon poap. Aak for a. froo sample. Sold by r. Stonos prup.Storti. 9 r t-: ro SSS881 ef: Mr. Moved to Tm unuiue. gea lo L Grande where they flU reside? , o Workyd'lJIa? f Charm. 4 Mr. D. N'. VfW, editor of that spicy Journal,- tho Enterprise, Louisa, Va., sajjs: "I ran a' nail In rajrjoot last week, and at 9a?e an" oiled Duoklen'8 Arnica Salve. No tnftanjujatlbi ,tolJoweaa tho- lair. simply 'healed Aha ,woirnJ.,: TleaJr Rqv. "D. J. JI, A. Z. Swnckhannor, tho cdlored brothor o;Vc8a fame, has' takou hlssdpartror points north, 'still' wdrkmg In tholn toret of education and for tho bet ternieht of mankind. Ho does nof travol In a pno-hops shay, nolthor does ho rido upon a beast of burden. Ho lins booh practicing tho cross country run until, ho dooa not ovpn wait lor a slx-mlle-an-hour train. It lias been suggested that It would 'bo policy to ehgngb his services to io the athletes take tho messago at tho governor to Portland on tho pro poscif rsQ'inlfo run. MV. D., J...H,' A.' Z. wnci;hnnncr, ns life, 'name rujj gests, is n Btnyor aud. thoso. 'Whoi havo ni6t hinf hsbrt thlit lio Is rirf oil nXp Vttrkf, lhat is q,rjjrfy cry on he -cn,u. Ho gnvo"n ipissiQiir ary talk Inbt 8umlny afternoon Intlxo FlrSf. Chelan fcritorrti, and Bald "tlmt ho lmiVCopn lut Vn.,do pr'lson. ail, Bufforod luucU.nt tha hnnda-of '-his, ppfuptfinof-s-1 whin in hiK M-nonv gcpUfmai mouoy. t9 ? )il d)nu,cr.: nnd Bup'pdd nnd fuany others lonatod to his personal' comfm't. Becrelury Forboa. of tho local T.M." Q A.,, li bath tub to tho darkoned phUnuUirp?i plst, also a good suit, of qlothos. To show that t1ionmn from1 thb Indies appreciated- hln" friendship, ho-nsked Mr. Forhw, to havo thq suit prossod nnd tailor fitted, nnd mudo In ac cordance with tho dignity of u trnvol lng ttvnngellst. Ho was lntorostod In the reform of ladlus' mlllllnory. Ho visited tho Fullorton milllnory bstabllshmont nnd gnvo a discourso hgnlnst plumotl hats. Ho wanted, to )iiy a ulumoloM hat, to cosf nt least ?'JG. to Bnd to soma nntlvo relatlvo; then he thought thpt It would be ap- jirpprlwte to .send onqh ono or the tribe n ha,t. there were 1C, so ho pro ceeded tq Ke prices, acoordpgly. The report of Uls conduct In, oth- r towns shows him to he Jn the mis- iouary hiiBineaB for what he can et ut ,f it. It Is aald that while In 'ullinau he showed a tendency for appropriating articles In such a narked degree that he ux told that the missionary business could ba un there without his services. A like fate is said to have uverlakun him Id Portland. o Do Not Crgutl the SeMion. The Jlrat warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get out and enjoy the eshiliratlng air and sunshine. Children that havo beu housed up all wintor are brough out and you wonder where they all came from. The heavy winter cloth log is thrown aside and niany she' their tlajinels. Then a cold wav comet, and people say that grip H epidemic. Colds at this season aro even more dangerous than In mid winter, as there is much more dan ger of pneumonlu. Take Chamber lain's cough Tiemeily, However, nn2 yon will havo nothing to fear. It always cures, nd we havo uoyer knon' ftfJofiLto reftiltMr pneumo nlaftvbbsultj wa4us8(ii 1 tils plcasnut and? safo-to-taker-Ohlldro'li jlko it FoiSale-vDrtc'sDrug Storo. U .U. L A I'll'fA . .&.:. ' GllAAU urauu. nvvv.,t -...! .JnoHtfianttill 17-N ."v.,, . ' JV siimurt.wi m rj : , CoiuTiiB Attrnctfous i Ifaymond) Hltoheock IfflRXbe Yan- keeiTonYJsU" ' - -" J(W?? K . ft Strangtr Inn.gSfi-v 4 esa's latest opera, "Hie Free J-ance." . - rt mgi,it rlaltlyfJif5 by-hbf high fMool atuacntac" SodBMdaxA i Mwch- ,2,7 : Aoe MaRaiAvVt 3r&8ljBnhur$BT bll e - MSfa'u 'W "1 "TnrngerOrami: it Iffl.l.. lllnA . AVASIBM orday maMoee and Sunday even- erery orer Guaranteed gist. 25c. burn and skin disease, at J C, Perry's, drug- "Wtater ttill llaera lortBglr la the lap of sprlafi-pd the. pcstuK.crop Is Auditorium Holler Jllnk, Mbrninir. afternoon and ovenlag seeSons. except Snnddy. ? . . o Attorney-Oeneral Crawferd has rt8rned from absslaess trip to Port land. tvad Miller, head salesman for the Magors Uqwor Company, went to sbi . Sherman toaay. o " ' " 1 f.ji . .Ar!r JMiss iriiririttji? ssj maj-ning ror a- few flay! T'fr'l l'"'-" 'fiurau s 1 Mlsq-baur-UtHletvtlQtr!jthlarxnerit-: ng for AfsAVGraTliiioatbii' JftatU;' W nXailrorma! Sua was'necom- to tho Golden stato by hor hLlncol la Sinnled J, Portland. . Silas js'pf j i prpiutL.nttc M3Sl Fi... .. . r. .. ..... . I. lil 1 n isi,ir, vujss c-arnii, wio win yihu uvr fbrothor nnd slater In Ios Angeles. ug Mr3 R4E. Lewis, of this city, left this Jiloalar, lott-this morulng torrBjgcn,3 morltlng1 for herhbmbiriv-p6rtln'nilf fbn bualncH - 1 "r " Xj Mr. and Mrs. Trovor loft today for Portland on business. W. D. Matthows nnd wlfo havo gono to Portland to bo cuosts of friends. Thoy will visit In Astoria boforo returning homo. Miss Znrolda Mlnton left thli morning for Ilalnlor. whero sho Is employed as a tonchor In the public schools. 1 County Judge Scott Is In Sllvecton on business. Don Tamplln. aftor a short Tlslt hero, loft this morning-for Portland, whoro ho Is employed, in tho llno typo dopnetment of tho Orcgonlan. W. W. Hall loft this moraine foe Woodburn on business. Dr. Z. M. Pnrvln loft today for his homo In Portland. Mrs. Paul Stoge, Mrs. F. A Hrlck son nnd Miss A, Crossnn left thltt 'morning for a saveral days.' visit In Portland, Orogou QIti- aud 8t. Johns. 1 C. Frisby, of Marlon, la. In the city on business. I Govornor ChnmborlnlncT roturitcd today from a busluess trip to .Albany ' Mi and Mrs. G. AT. Potigjag ltoyc rotumod from Albany whero tho nt tondod tho fmtoml of t,ho Into Jamcu Churchill. ' Roy Iloan Is lsltlng Snlom rcla tlvos nnd frloius:. . 1 1 C, 0, Kutipy loft, today fqr a bunt Ticsn trip to Eastern Oregon. Ho Is ail oxtonslvo farmer of- that section. G. H. Polethrbpowho.littH boon In thu aity on btiBlnoss, loft this morn fiig for his homo In Portland. Mrs. C. h. Hrown, of Tncomn, has boon tho guest of Profossor nnd Rfrs. Mntthows, of this city, loft Inst ov on,tng for Portland. ' Miss Poarl Macoy, who has boon, visiting hor pnrohts lh this elly, has rolurnod to Portland. II 12. Iloborts camo homo thlt morning from Marlon. Ho will re turn this evening to finish a ronl as-, tnto-deal In which ho la Interested. D. Dr.Tompklnp, tho rcnl,.cstnq -i-U MtkAIjIhol Kenned, o Wo'dbutn Is visiting Salem friends. -a O. O. McOlellap, tho hap mah, Is making a roundup of tho Albany scctlont K. J. lvefty, who hhs bbea vtaittrtB here, lott today for his homo In Cor .vallls. K. Fnwcot, who has boon tha guest of Dr. Mercer, returned this morulas to hts'hotilo in Corvallls. Mrs. C. 13. Hill and daughter loft today for S,taylon to visit relatives. Mr 8. E. S, Kingston left thin morn ing for Kingston, whoro Bho has been called by tho illness of her sou, Hen ry Graves, W. D. ScoOold was n business visi tor hero this mornlug from Marlon, Frod Clcmo, the Univowlty tu-. dent, left Hits morning for a visit nt hla homo in Junction City. MJfla Artn, Anderson, who la , at tending" WIUnmottQ University, loft today for hor homo In Momfoo whore sho will Bpontl tho Caster vnchtlotw Mr. G. G. Qn.ns, Jr., and tw6 chil dren, and sister, Miss Olllo M0.G00, havo oturned from Onklandt Califor nia, "whorji IV. Gnns la Hu btlnas, to vlilt Vr i'tvrento In this city for n fow monthB, Tlioy worn lt tho wash- put for a week oh a dclnyeU tnlu.4 MrtJf. oprai who h.os Wn, viHiting (ieuv romuvoH, iqk louuy for hor homo In Vol80r, Idaho. D. J. Gondo, of HtiRono, w'ho 1Ai b for atlvt for Bfcvornl dtlys. W. A. Illco wont to Tortlnnd on 1iihIuq3 this morning, Davo Ynntla, tho proprietor of tho TOggory, will rotttrn thla ovoulng from a busluesfl trip to Portland. 0. W. Tnrnor, who hnu been visit ing rrlomlH In this city, left this morning for 8t. Johns. Attorney John llayuo loft thU mornlug for Portland on business. L. G. Vlbgrt has roturnod n liudl noMs trip to Vancouver, Wash. DOUBLE .: VICTORY: don visiting herq, left this morning or Portland, whoro ho will visit, rel- ' Inttho trl-state- unlvorslti debate Orttgon won out over Idaho an ' NVashlngton. In both caso OrcgoA ?tud6nts had. tho mpopular side 01-' the- quostlort," rolionl pf tho equal rights amendment. ' Question for Debate, Tho Quostlou debated was; , "JtwolTWl, Thati tho llftexRtH ntnentlmtMit and section a of tlw for tecnth nmendment wliould Im n ' pcnlctl, thb Uimculty onterlnK into tho repeal hot Iwhif consldotvtl Ib tho discussion.' Tho tlulvorsity of Oregon won a. doublo victory, dofqatjug tho Unlver- pity of Idaho at Moscow nnd, thQ .UbI-) verlty of- Ordgou at Eugene. Afr : Bonttlo tho University of Idaho devl fented tho University of Washlhr ' ton. ' l ,rf Who t)clalerj ycrc. ' lf Tho na'mpot tlo dobntoxn andCtv,,, sUtutous revrpsontqd pllosi v,. , 1 1 Ab Moscow Jttmon! H. Frhxlero itnlioi JessoH, Dond Orofcon; Thoa. C. Galloway. Idahe: Thbluno' 'R.-I T t AVomby Oregon. ' ' u At CugoneciArbnco KfXpoiV.l,T dOn, OreRoJU Kilwnnl M. Hnwos, t ,'Wnshlnntoh; John It;: Lntourotto, 1 Orcfetin; ChnYlotJ W." Hall, VnMir8 nop; 4h.n. C, Vohtch, droBon;7i Vllllapi. Unsmuson, Washington. Won lly Oren. At Sontt'io It. t. S)Irk, "WshlnKj "' ton; N'llllnm Mns'on, lunhq; lfarla t Trumbull, Washington; Ilohort Jonba 1 tiinlut' Vlntdi- Zodnlek. Wnshlnaten: ' Guy HQlnmn, Idaho. Won by Idaho,ai F. V. Unlliiwny, U. of O., lendor In dobnto, Ih a son of Jttdgo Galloway, of McMlnnvlllo, who Is holding court at Snlom. Pitted against him was. a uophow of his In Idltho. F. V, Galloway, leador of tho Uni versity team, Is only 21 years old, lui stead of 23, as publlnhed In otto paper. u, uauowoy, innno; "nioiunn . i VownsdnflOegijilj WcKobn 'MoVrd (dahp; Ae9.QnilQwnyPrcion.. f f Your H H rl ' m Washington Fashioned Apparel tM MAHUTOM CO. fashions. Easter Clothing We have given our expert attention to the Easter clothing ques tion. We have spared no efforts to thor oughly equip our store with a most complete and exclusive selection of the newest clothing Easter Styles in Suits Easter Styles in Top Coats Easter Styles in Hats Salem Woolen Mill Store HI I M 4 SjSst3c r safe. XshoM i9JlbV I 1 SI r-l1