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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
BlIIrY-OAPITAWOURNAIr 'wr lacfpim, ihws. J- V M J i vuHmxftHMl&om&frM Hljimi in in i ai I i X t iRinusnniPTin'v hathm: 3 DAILY CAPITAL .JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1007. WrT MOTTO: v h .... :j TELEPffOHE COMPANIES i 'SUBSCRIPTION RATIOS; ' Bally Journal, ono uiontk ... . 35c, m .K c a j . L.l. A4.1V iiwiiy journal, uirca mourns ,iiiuu ESilly Journal otio your n. . . . '4,00 Wookiy Jotirntrt, oho ycnr r . i ilOO, f ' , By Cftrficb i " Dally Journal, per month ;..'.'" COc tyoomiiritti h6i1$e riiigv Farmers' Lines Are Uniting Interests in Clackamas County orogon City, March 20. Tho telo phono situation In Clackamas coun ty advanced another stop towards settlement yosterday nt a "mealing hold nt tlfo court house. i Thoro wore present representatives from the various ' farmers' mutual and Independent linos through the county, and ulno thosb having nlt- thorlty to spoultf for tho Pacific Tel ophono hild ' Tofegrnph Comliany and 'tho 'Home' Telephone Contpnny. This meeting waft u continuation of tho moatllig hold on iUnreh lClh, FtrJcs ilnao by tho Exlrihiior" of' !inr HIiMJcj ,, , ; TBlnok ,Pprphorn. etudAtPJston,; frlglor & Urwuie Gor.vqnrBalftdour JS,M8'S. .A. Mlllpr, Aurora;, Vernon irp,-151i2 ywirflj B. A,jMIlcr, AurpraJ MUromi, Goqyals; ftunojitiJlM'ISi 1 3W,( I Xntonths. p,u M. , Dryden,; Woortburn; Jhiko,T,.J,Unn,U WQftd-; lifcriiyj it i I' linuiii'i rl Jl .iim'iI !f8iiro,)stiirt(-nA!ox(idor,ifl-a..GHi alfrrL.WoqiJbuqi,,, imm. h.iu -ii....t tfltandnrd studs Cn4,ln,,DiviW. H." ottuqt WP9iiir.c yUwnAHmXf a.- ifrtitkr VlumognUGii.Cri iJ'?Hl!Htn; ATpodbiirn,, Tiii) .,(,, vi.,,n, tConnU ldH.Trr!M 1A7.t,J.tfiMc acy,),Bt,l.Pa.ui; AflturM,, a. .Rolling,. "tSpndbu.rn.,, .it :,hIi. .i-ir.. I ;Br9qd1)nr8-JI. Klrsr,lj Jftahuot;j "J'' ll I i.l, I (lull l illlnliil l ' '. JJrJYln.(uftn-r-CprdpUn, nAurpca.' dra uonpiwir, , i i,.i, ,-,Mr ; Clyde. 1,0 mouth. GniUit-lW.,aUlo-; mitor, Woodhurn; ,H, ,KJrphji Quoon! a-y, wave uwKiimib ..tW90uwun;:.tivocomimnl while olLWiUUQt vyiiik?, n;u).siiMM, iVfi, M A.Wimu?i; :iUiU'.lKUjfH:i' .Aiaicurmuntw"Min mm Prof. K. TT BIarlafte..DrrncTrrar of the si4feiUlU0ajonl)ht On the 0:30 train for Eugene, where he Is going to represent his school In tho formation of nn athletic league among tho high and prepara tory schools of this part pf Oregon. This movoment has heon Under wny among tho schools of 'tho W1I lamotte valley for somo (mo, and their efforts will hcgln to ho renllzod tomorrow at tho meatlng'J'n Eugene. Tho purpose of this loaguo ts to or ganlzo nthlotlcs In a systematic or der among tho schools. ,At least ton schools will bo reprosonted nf the meeting, nnd plnns and nrrangoraonts will ho mhde fpr a pormnncmt league? Thoro hns heon much trpuhlo among tho schools In tho pnst In ar ranging gnmos, and at tho end of the Bcason In deciding the championship. Whon tho loaguo Is fully organized, which will probably ho la tlmo for tho noxt football soason a schedule of gamos win mo arrangcu, ana ine chahfplonshlp decided, and thoro will ho no grounds' for dispute. A system will also ho arranged b which no so-called "Vlngors" will ho nllowod . n -' ;f 'A JO WTrii.- v n ..'J ! IINE EXTENSION Party of 24 Surveyors Ar rives in Newport from Astoria. ut which tlmo thoro was uuioh dls cusslon as to tho company with -. irtv nn nnV nfhihHn mm.' wJilclt tho 'farmer nhould . tlo ifp At f j,,8 iuobtlng the debating loiigue when tholi-prtRionl contracts run out wMetf ln6 filr'ondy beon fornletl'.HvlII for! cnnntctl'oil W-Jth OroJion'Clty and hx -rtirrintro,i. h,i,i nliinH niiAni tt,. ... , . -. , .. . , t. .-.- n- ,.. v""- "t ,",, 1'orcinnu, wonioot tnoso conirnciB ftn intn u r nrtf with tho ani-mor' MnP startod Tio drghnlza'tlon' of an athletic wltlilionnoy,' anil 'which Ima beonIorfJ,u'0 ",y Ah'otxt stop' foVwrtfd'ln nbsorhtd by tho iftfhio -TolepliohO ,,Wf. school' ritlildtfcs, nHd kf t'6nd uompnny. anu somo or tneni wiuvtim to 'better existing 'condltlOhs. ' ;nnJ PAolflo atntohfCompany.. A fart'fif ,nak- trll0r nn,i DM1;ldr mW: ' thcHU i contracts oxplro on April lstf and titbom tufi Juno 1st. Thobjoct dC thu Vrjent' mooting was to irPcolvo iropo3al& from tho Fopiioslug companion no to 'tho (arms thuy: wduld -gruut for fchmiijctlom A a rusdlt of fi'mlBitiidorstahdlug, bomu of tho delesntos coma with full pow er to act on boluiK of their rwpec Not fil,of tha judpHqD4nt tPJpnhpne literkK 'liu M Woiilrtyi vraWirWo- 'I "tnti Ml I- flifotty, PorchawilMO months, A. . "leofli , Huiubl,Mfinlnp, ). A. -ul;.' rnhouevftlt, Ulnc.H Slilro, 1 yftar ami JO' months, p. L Koundy; Perchurou, i. yenrifu'd 1 o tmxtotf, V: U ntntbt DrlrJng toams--f. II; ToU'nadhd, ') A. Hnmpi i ' ' ' Prlios woro rt warded n followai "HwoostnlmVnrliOn, lilrtck Por horou, H. A. 'Miller, itun. sllvur imp, Mlonntod hy.Uaillo of NVoodhurn. ' PdrohurunHPlHtotiti Jlglar' to. ttrown, lnlt Jliilitiluiir. H.-A. Mlllor 'i&e " ut t 'I .i m .I i tflhlrt-hA.lwtiimlurMk aOuUlrd,!, fPom on- ua an1 .' I ,J(, I) lalilHi . .1.1 tihlrtt audi ltj-iloeoiiilntt &yir. oldw-ltoMvblti lUt U' Itsnaily, lt; Uitpiiiit. 1). 'lUiiDrytlM, il. . 1 U(HHh--litali Ji.iK. Knyv at i A nrhal. a. llUllln d.. , ,i UtAiidanlnruiMlkOHH, A. Piatt. Itti VIUIIISilKt (I. ,Ui l'MHlltIM. Kd. Clyl stiul -Jim Omrk, X ilr Ut Itrowtt. l.i Uukr. T .1 Ilimt. VVMilium. x 4, J. tfuhatt i t 'it - lit; ilrutxt Him v 1. Klmh. M, CU . I. l.r. lit h K IYI Iw, d; J U MllUr. 4d V W Jt- M. It. U. V. ft4lcbl. XUi H. UtWh, d. P. U Kwukdji, lxt; a ft(. UrjKl". Sd. J. N McKy. lat; iior UU, l4m UcHUoul. 14. ' " - i ' Mow (o HyiiuUii Young. To oolituM ymiHS In hwuth ami Btrenut,!), dy an Mr. X V. Uawttn, DohwurIi, qu. did. Oho wyti: "TlirH hnUliM ut HlMtrla llltutr ciirl tun of Uronl Ihor and 4om qh tri)ulil, oiHiillat(kl vlth such u unhwiiilo ofliidltlQn of tlie blol thpt luy Kklu turned rtd ns flunuel. 1 riu now prMtloally 140 yiwrs ounR r than before l took illatrio lilttem. 1 Mil flow do All my work with mmki and MUt U my luisband'a ter." flnarnnteed at J. O, Perry, drupUU Price coo. mfm Mi O''""""" AYeuM T T. dear bo willliiK'tu b t-oiiitf h iMndidatd for jcornr nmt uphold U tlte loBUIiUuro dldt n ii Hw1im iiji mmHmmmimaummmmmmm Louis Punk was uliouen clialrman of iliu .ineuLInu and .C. .E.-Spuuuui: ucrutnry. tf r , ho or ionization thoro wni comlderable ' discussion by (ho delegates ju tp whetlipr or not they)'flio'ned 'tq'iet on any proposition (jiat mljht b mndo, lliujn, a nil 'ii b whellier or mu .iy, wUhwl to cliaiigu what cuntraclH they hud. The sentiment tuought out durliiK tlY.'lWU sefnea Wll Chnt the inrnien wer Mrrraur AvnuilK lo . ". . . 1 . i Z 1 liiinfc-rirfc irtr If the tervlce would He 'better. ' P IB llnn.K iU4iit " -Alkl GJtJJ bldi be rocolre! from tueWo ebift pirWlee' tor mte of MMnoetlon. Th'Ii lotion was carried, and, after moi dfariMiilon, all hot rhe deteites tfefe KxcludvU tVote' tiif room, and the tli n op ncd in turret aenlob rlliiri the dilcKatOH had ho power to aiTp or reject auy proposition, llif bids will he runlcd to thu mefl lui of the arlnut conipaulca and ac . ptiU or rejirltd by thorn lldvlA uull) The Pmrlllc Company utates. ihrotiRh Jude Carey, In praentltoe. He bid. that It aid not extend to any company with which there was a contract exletlnj at thu preeent tlmo. Itobert Tucker, oa hehal of the llontu CompArif. ItaM (hat hie bid would apply to ny company In the tounty, no natter vhetu4r tbere'Vaa ronlraet In eXletVnre noV or not. make truor and cletuidr sport'.' iu .: ; " li. a lon't Complain. If your chost pains nnd, you' arc u nab Id to Bloep bocauso of a cough. I)u a 'bottle of Dallard'a Hoi'o'liOund S)'!1!!, 'and you won't Have any cough. Got a hottlo now and, that coilgh will not Inst long. A euro for oll-JiUltt'Pnary disowns. 3Irfl.J.. Galvosyjn.Lfroxas.rjTlJtcan't say cnuugli lor. Jlallard'a Uprcliound, Byrupj.-TJjOrollof It has glvon mo Is all tbnriti noeeissnry fpr nio to say." Sold by p. J. Fry, o i lIOTHIi AKHIVAI.H. '' Wlllauietlc ii if. Better Than Yotut A thofLlntf aOi)iiut Ueqp ypur I)iulnc4e timuMCtlou iUKu!tttcdy I rtirnvl. You can idy n tpo 'word of ywur- chwklMa nroouut, WIuh )-u Ueoltv to rvfur to pat (mUMirlltmti, it clKsrklo account furnWlKW rvtUtdo dala ally , foiiml Atul couiplelo In nil Uftall. Iy by rlu'ck h erory transaction. Wc Invito jvur cluvklng nrcouut. Wo oflft'r uiKrlor advtntaga. Salem State Bank i t. K. PAGE, Pttsiimt Allcv ltho4o.irVu,"'i'lliiiK Was oittth)HK to be reotrdtl in tlu uhuhU of hntort-. llerblne has leea Hcknowelditeil tke greatest of llmf reyulatori. A poltne cure for blt tnua liendaehwi, oqHatlptUlon, CkllU Had l'ever.,nHU nil liver oowplaUU. J. O atU0 UtU Uo!k, A,rk, wrltoa. "llerblne l tjt jtfutet Uy or tuetlleiRe known. Have uea It It due Uu wwk." ,$old Vrf. fof yaw. by D. J. 1 Puwml of lbywtfriiMii. gtv a very marked tribute of Ct Oon on tke.oeik oj 4U btqrlM JVuilue4y. Tke IiMeeal aerTice (wc held rroat the late rvafejemc (uf tk derwued, and h(u .kf ha' 'a4e 1,U HrmiW since he ha been 'in Orecnn. An ttnprole eervte wn couduoleU by kU old frle4. P & Knlgki. wko gav AHprt-vUtivi' aketcn of kin ckaa3Lc M a utae ami of hU tnHnenc lit the rowmun Jty. A bmiutl.eoME Hrvk w .reoderwl by Meeera itnrU- and Uh uwa. and Mr I.ekwan atul IlnicV' .ein. There waa a wreot abundant of Now era fitr tttu mjuton of tb yvar and A erv hiriittliUltnee of iisleh. jbont nnd friend wko eseortd the re mains to Lee Mlaelon cenietery. Hta foil. Senator Uaworinan. returut to Qllllaw county Monday, and will after attending a term ot court re turn to Salem to eetilo up the nttalrt of tb tritat for tho family. ' ' o " A Spokan womah U coetesUnj? her htii&Bit'a trill. 5om& i(n lliftt- V. F-Mllrfl'eaiiyportlhnd.' 7l. Steinhorx. San Fraiicl'bl V.'D. 'Campbell, Portland, it W.' Lludlmrd, Portland. '" Vt. 12. 'Cn'r1!tr, ' Pprilnml. " J fMUA A I)aI ,fV..UKn.'i Ukt'ft UVWIV 4 IfUl, A I'lkltlllUt nnWliniH,' "Portland. ' IS. D. linkw: ' 'S. a' 'Sfeelhtad. Portland. ' C W. 'Porttr. "uoalnil. 'S. 0. ilpiiceK 1'ortlHml. . i(. iuiite'r, .!reV Yiirt. ' II. S. aibody, PortlftHd'. tW'Ir'.'mftdle, 'Portland. ll Shannkn, San Francisco. J iturphy, Portland. ' Walter Jarkattu, Portland. FioJ 8hilda, San Pranelaeo. J, A. Allen. San Franctaco. I'rank Jewell, brand' ltapldt. II. M. Scott. Portland. Sul(iii. W Bhurtleff. Sacramento. Cal ,t tlflT 1 i i n' i i.O i ii -iiil i i The Ilornld says:: Partlos arriving In Albany from Newport report that a surveying party of 24 men arrived In Newport Tuosday, having worked tholr way southward along tho coast lino from Astoria. Tho survoyors aro In the employ of tho Astoria & Columbia river road, and tho engin eer In charge of tho party stated In answer to Inquiries that ho was un der Instructions to go back over the survey at once and set tho grndo stakes. Front tho arrival or this surveying party In would seem that tho Northern Pacific Interests have n6t cased the work- of aurvoylng tho extonslon of the proposed coast lino, a3 Portland pnpors1 reported u short time ago, but' that tho lino will bo juxtctided ns plannttod. ' - .Tho party has boon proceeding slowly and clblng a careful Job df en gineering. Thdy aro .said to bo "work ing uiulor ordors for strict uocrdcy and nil haste compatible with a com pleto sttrvoy of a first-class railroad line. It Is b.lloved that tho North ern PnalUc Is making all propnra tlpns to rush tho building of a road from Astortn to Yaqulnn liny, nnd possibly from that poltit to tho oast ward, orosslnc tho Coast and Cas Cado ranges and mooting tho con struction of a lino Up tho D6schutct river to Coutrnl Orogou. This plan bus beon roported before, nnd It Is thought to be a rough outline of tho Hill schoine to bronk tho prosont llarrluian monopoly of railroad trans portntlou In Oregon. It would suprlso nobody familiar ivlth Hill's railroad policy to hoar that he was determined to oxtond thu Northman. Pacific to San Francis co In return for the Hnrrlinnit exten sion of the Southern Paolflo to Pugot Sound. a .yoiosonl?uglllsHi...i iMI L. Sullivan says that John L. Sullivan says that his sparrlngaSlpIrtaerldOgttCnvl!)' sop'L be aftor somo of tho hcavy welSits. Cutler ,1s only 22 years of age; but stands G feet 1 inch in his stoppings, and tlpstaca tjp," potiSds. He Is quick on his feet, and haAa solid punch In either hand. John has euLc"5Sl?w3ilmTJnvlt auoiu tuo game in tno last year or so. Ben Sellg, business manager of JoWbans. hns accepted the offer of a $30,000 nurse, made by Tex Rlck- ardif the NoVUdlOV ptotiidtof , f oF W finish battlo.wtth J3attllng Nelson at ElyftNevadSf of 4. W5 mains for Nelson to signify his MM v s Mb' Rlck- nrdlnformed Sellg that ho had de nosTtld 810-ODOHni GnldflnM hnnle as nnorfelt. and that as Boon as thiV articles wcH$.!gne(l(!bxjJthP flghterss no ijwouiu deposit tno rest or the purse, IIo.'aiaVlhVingH6)fildoJni settle tho division of tho purso be- iwceu inemscives. ah no nsKeu was thafnhoy post forfeltSjqaj ljupi;ante of good fnlth. Tfiof Gl)lJFJif4ggt Accoful5l tcutakpM,RlapQntlit.Qle.YJQland,.waa, stopped "byiho slierlff boforo li6meii had a chanco' to dntpr the ring. Mlko S"che6ck and Boil Tromblo, a wostern heavyweight, wero match ed to nWir.' '''r6indk ! 'it' Illbbln, Minn., this ijreek; ' 1 ' ' Young Otto, tho Ideal pugilist, and Young NItchfo, 'the Phlltt. lightweight I uoxoa six rounus ucroro tno Nation al A. C. Philadelphia Saturday night. Kid Wlll'lams and Jndk Carroll tied up last! weolc In a bout boforo tho Aomo A. JC. 'bf Ajtooiiaf Pa. They wJiU'ten rdun'H fbr a pursb of $800. Sammy Smith',' of Ifio7 (iu'aider" clly, and Low Meyers, it l'diihl 'flghtor, boxed six round's In tho Btnr bout nt tho Long Aero AA-G. Saturday night Smith had n rtlflo a bettor ot the bout. a'Adtool I G?s faWiJt&i CalliBiJi: 'rMRmi&tol V"Ei J. K. Gow v pi.- . vu, 0j w -t '"J lllttl UT IL'n.l went out nnd .mI.7"3 -- -. acifliRfl i . holds recorder erred uZ,r vato prosecutor . ,;R?ilt Jckli'riAfll,iJfl.JJX",",h rhht,n,.ti ."WtltJa. uran WoodC'ura Annn r..Ml.t. .... hart, ot al.. suit In'pM pf referee nied and .Vr,..3 The' Texas' Wom Cures ad VMno, vi... rhoumatlo trouble; gold kT.n j gists, or two montht' trMtautl uiuu ior i. ur. E.T. HUM Olivo street, St. Ljnli, Jia, luanujuuiaig , bojj jj,i urug storfl. ' .j tw.f. ,.i , $100 Itomiri, 9100. , Tlie readers of this paiwr will be plaaaed'to learn that there is nblotist R drtfuled dinette that aoteiiee had ieen aute.te sure in all' its atagee, anil that Is Cataruh. HalPa Catarrh Cnre la the only positive cure ndw known to the tutdieal fratdrnlty. Oa tarrk Mux a constitutional dfseaae, requires a constitutional troatment. Hall's Catarrh Curs Is taken inter naily. nothig directly upon the blood and Htuoone surfaces of the system, tNsreoy destroying tho foundstiou of F. W. Hnnond. 'I'ntnor. John THtttle. Sa.. St OUarlesv Mo. 8, F. Jane. Iortland. ao. ItMvus, No'port JaMMM Tmlny, Portland. J. 0. Wosdeil. ally. .J. 0. ltjchnrds. PorUand. 11. W. itNitasoH. Per tin ml. Qii Qi i iii tho disease, and giving- the patient toVeugth by bulldlns; up the consu lt. ItJ'Cnlwfowl and wire, Turner. IttiWa and auletlng nature in dolus rw work. The proprietors hare so utueh faith In its curative powers that; tboy olfer On Hundred Dollars ,f.o'r any case that It falls to cure. Semi for list of testimonials. Xddrtes P. J. CllKNBY & CO., To lado, 0. Sold by all drurflsts. 76c Take Hall's Family Pills ;or con- Elks Elect Olllrcnr. Tlin Cnlarn 1wtr.n n T f T.l lnHl od tho following omcors for tho en suing year liisl nlghtr Exalted Itulor, W. C. Smith. Esteemod 'Loading knight, B. O. Schueklng. '' ' ' ' Esteemed Itoyal Knight, Qharlos V. Galloway. Estoomed Lecturing Knight, Kpy Buckingham.' ' ' Secrotnry, A: S. Bonion. Treasurer, Hd. L.'Bakor. Tyler, Alox, Cornqj-r, . K , TpistfeeJ'ilenry ;f. Meyers.' Representative to grilmf IqdEfl. whlcli meet In Phllarfelpjiln. Ilari-y Alb rt. PHOENIX SPRAY Vo are again supplied til this groat spray. Send la m Ordors oarly, n qu; j,', llmltod. Field Peas A small stock ot Choice Cu- ada l'oas In stock FrIr bugs. Seed GrainJ W have Whit- 0t lv Joy and Sluing VD?aL M are reasonable R S RttlU fim'Hpn Found ur Ijtst. lit SDOflC ,ii,i M I Ml " l" ULVUO vnpKSWWnWhW5rM h tte "'ff p(Ftiu4. ur d,s,p,t csirr w" '1 " vurpiii jiver anu curonio . ... , fc . ...... . . . ' but buJLuf oojistipation. will . say; taku D,r. SJigS New T.lfe Pills." aunrauteed tlsfactory. Uc lit 4J. C. 'Perry, drug- Tvtlor, giilt IIHctun and Eczema, fstlpatldh. ' i iHMHt re uiMAMn tor wiiioh Cham burluVV Salv hi uepaolally yhIm-'i Indoor Tlasoball. nh. H. uuiekly allays tlie Itahing Tlie game 'of Indoor baseball In and mm effects a ouwu Price SSUte Y. M. C. A. gym last t)lght bo oMU. Fpr twlrt by Dr. Stone's Drug ttfss the Y. M. C. A. and Company taiuot. i fll.'U. .V O.. reau tMl in ha ,i,.i "' oi . mm nrtcury for tk Y. . q, t. 0Tr (He Mrs. K .ThororMioR, of Aahlaml.' jmldlWi' boys. The score was lc to urrlvtud Jam uvwlas nail will resklo cS, nl ft Mas a hot caiae, although nUbicJtov ,. ... rthlugs-In gouetal welt fa favor of airs. u.11. vonuwiran unu uauga tef l(t last tvaulng for their. Uomo in, Auma.vlu. II. C. Prvejr. hp has ba th KUeat of SJH-Mt frieada, reluruinl Ui his bua 1h Auntuill yuMrdo. tits Association. Tlie game was n forced by Hucke- ateTtt Ilirtoker X. D KnHtle. of Poweroy, U In Sahiri on tumlns ' " ipwi. in , i TTTTVTT???? Wm "'' iekta. 'orlafl sfBBWraBaV I M CWBaSoBLaaLaoHsHnaV EVERYBODY CAN HAVE GOOD HEALTH "" lJW- rac teBuai good diatioa. If the hwd is not property Ueed. Ute body Is not suf- n.ientiy nonritked, tkj howeU are )ojgd ftHd impure Vlooil Is et eouratag Uirosch the entire ruitt. o wadr yw are sick. (Jet a bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS at oace and let It restore your digestive organs o jaeir normal tondttlon, and thus open up tho logged bowels and junka the blood pare, Thon ouit enjoy good health. For curing and preventing aitiaribum. fva... Poor Appetite, Indlgxistlou, lyspqsia, Cvsthc ncw, lVnulo lit, lllllomnTj, Colds, Chills or Mlrin, Vvcr ami Ague Jt Is excellent Try it and s ror urself. u ty y t ml ai4 m,M nnrl . nl J" r nead of Oareii x F Id i'J . to . ' D. A. WHITES SONS ulu' 'larlets i" J A-ery'l 'fet i' ' nnd ctJ) nnd (I4 8o Mounts;.) Tea fiiirjyoiG bj n.ii.. ..: V- ice vi.i,..ii, nnd Itcisil H"",w''"," ' ' ' '' ' IHBTM Vljr, (i " .,...t . 1T7nr-4rrTTO .1 Poultry and He hspplk V r":: .-.f. X S? m Jiwx S aw iw i n-,tt uii i: i i M, -v ! .wrt.,"'M 12 THAT EASTER Muat bo ordered goon or lywlll liotbe roady-for F l , ONE OB A KIND A r7 . ill net batlsned without m-w On faster. HA' snizi W. hPdeor. -S r -. it call and iMivr !!l L daege ExcliiBlgj Mllltrirylstord Invftos yj-Ao laurlirlor ilnoiiof rimmedj hnU. ? ' I MISS M. D.. EVANS vrrnv jos. meykii & sovs A SQUARE DEAL i a r.m tiuai op quu ruim LMl,MmsrH 1.NE1IY 01? ALL MMS. JF YOU ABL NT ' MCHOJ-a BAL13 -NI) JIACHI.NLMIY 01? ALL WITH A i'Vm TRIAL YOU SEK1) NOT 111 Y 1 SET.T, TRACTIOX AXD STATlOXEltY llNOlM- KTHKirr AXD UOAD CnADIXG 3L1CIIINBRY. njcci VK 1IAXDLE THE I1YRO WAGONS, BNGCT HACKS AXD CAIUHAGBS. ul.. js"' WE ARE AGKXTS l'OR THE ADRIAXCK. 1U ChJ 'l, KRS, CLIPPER PIX)VS AXD HLl'R RIBltON Ciw AIO SOME SECOND HAND FARM DH'tW11 WAGON'S YERY CHKAl. ,T) ! PAINTS, Olli AXD VAnNISHES AT WIIOIJSAU. . TIU QXJiSS AND STAINS OV ALL KINDS, AX '" 1ICGGY TOI'S, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS. 0llKvi,fSl' CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIHCl'WS AW T1VK CATALOGIBS FURK1S1IBI ON AlVUrAT" r I'M m i ' UCJGEOBHAGOB, i. E.W.HAmaJ wwraca wita a41 Pare Drug rulramoats. ' t-k f- tunaaoM 'WW I" y.uifi wqw y wtm mmn y. ?: n 1 f I vfr kliHHBleHHBHMBnB 1 4)' i - ' t -"'Of w r-n l ki . "-tis " .. Jblore has ew redact It to writ