Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1907, Image 1

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OAJtx JEjoJU' JlLBil x:Xj
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Itjltffi.iOwnjpfl the Restitution of $ J 00,000 ees
Collected by F . L Dttiiba
"IVO ,"' '
tlOilK'tuu f n i ,i I
llrf 111! f JJ T ,JI'I
1 'f V3W
IADERS - litasa
it Federal GoYern
Ut to Take Hand ,
irs Fixes BlamciQtlSc.
IKimerous Accidents
An IVA nliilVA
!co, Marcn -y - ""
h called until we Bvo tho gov
Ut in opportunity to nioui-
drtlarh Garrison nnd Moms
!, mornlntt. Later tho striKO
I ritlflcd tho loaders' decision.
h nd Noltl. of tho Interstate
Eirte commission nrrlvo tomor
Th conservative stand of tho
i W"dN baa reasurred tho pnb-
lltttbeliovtd that if the radicals
It restraint d until Monday a
ilJ bo averted.
Maine for Wrecks.
Iidnngton. March 2u.-rFroal-
icompera in a signed article In
lFe4erationIst. resent tha nl-
! titemrt of railroad innnugers,
kMtdo, to shift the blame to th
bij mens union for so ninny
ktif He di clarca that ovrwork-
c in ibargo of trnlus is a cou-
lilor Kh the luinpiinles nro
KMlMe. ntffiai
;:;': i
Ai liJ.ii-
Ij(ike,'NiiVUnttHi1 . ' t
Navigation will bo opened nT too
KM of M6 e-ajidAihSt Uhi Mnfe.
"by blowlnij up tl,lqo Many; qntp-
urai'llavol iruachod tho 'Jlevut'ors for
(jafedpi"dc feritln, of liti p-m n
CflfttiiClo islfwU. Thif Ulflm1. Sc-
pootod'tq bD the, heaviest, lu tba Ins
tory bf lakd navigation.
. Catlllnl In Horses.
Qorraja star: wo ,noto.-w
VJeasnrb t'liareflor & Drown' car
Tloil off thd first prlzo for both
Clydesdale rind Porclicroii stnlilons
23tT. These men Tiavo spFnra Targe
amount of monoy to sccuro tho best
stock that could bo had. and the
patronage, of tho fanners and stock
mqn In this vicinity Is Justly de,-,
served by them. They linvo also re
contly purchased two registered Per'
choron inures, and Intend raising
bfooded stock In tho future.
I). Kt Anthony tu fiuntrtl Curtis.
Tqppka, Knn., JlnrcU 29. Tlie prl-
ltwry for tlve selection of ,a Rqmibll
can candidate for congro&g In place
of Cougrossmnn Curtis, who resign
ed to buconi United Statoa senator
fs In nrogross today. Tho cloctlon
I will bo voted for at tiio oloctlon on
iMny 23. As tho district Is over
whelming Republican, tho nomlnoa
today Is certain of oloctlon. All
candidates except Daniel R. Anthony
of Loavouworth, editor of the Loavon
worth Tlmos, hayo withdrawn, ho
that ho has no opposition, and will
bo chosen congressman.
Suit to Obtain $100,
000 State Fees
i ,i
Will Now Be -Presented With
State as Complainant
Of ( Beautiful
innot be surpassed by anyhouse in
Willamette valley. Choke goods
correct styles stand out promi-
itly in every departm nt of this
jressive, always busy store.
'SS Tills si ttrkv -iv miTu i.i.rM.v -m rii h-ici." rrirr1
firVii I,VUj IX)U vou T0 s'Tr I'ROM IS qitlCAT AXD
- i r n, v
iter Novelties On Display !
-4 1 1 1 1 1 m u I I I III u 1 I 1 1 n 1 1 1 h-
Silks, Fine Millinery, Spring Dress,
Js, Ladies Coats, Spring Suits
FS Gloves, Fine Shoes, Ribbons,
h Embroideries, Silk Waists, Petf
fe Fancy Neckwear, fancy Belts,
jSgJDress Trinjmingg
rvj- mwjHP M'XrwTi't& HiWctl
-. xxaijjh'w'M7i,iWA'.',r-' .. .
??r s,""""-!' 'f" uff-
'fj i ' ..-
c!aVad Court Strctts
-Judgo GaUowny; has sustained i the
domurror nrBUddl'ln'tli'e'ftultJ to com'1
pell' restitution of foos collOctcd by
Seerotftry of Stato Dunbar. Tho
matter was arguod baforo htm lata
Thursday! nftomoon by Counsol.ning
hnm and Clyde Fulton for dofond
npt indilii JU IcMnhati ion plnlatltr.
Mr. Pulton, nruued that no ono had
a right to ask return of tho foos but
thot persons who paid them, and thoy
could not buo to recover them for thu
tntc, but only for themselves, on the
ground that the- Htato had. no right
to allow such fbes to bo collected.
Judge Galloway snld ho would 'stay
over nt Salem until this ,df tonioon to
hwar nil that could bo prosantod as
ho deelrod to have to have tho caso
fully prosontud on Its merits.
DocNIon of (iiillowny.
In suit of Soars vs. 'Duhbitr the
court having tnkon mnttor under ad
visement, bultiK suit of tnxpnyer to
compol roturn of fuuH paid to tho
late Secrotary of Stato Dunbar, In
amount of $100000, motion to
strike out part of pleadings wa?
ovurrulod. Demurror to complaint
is sustnlnod. Judgo Galloway. In
rendorliiK his declRlon, said tho only
case cited by commol for defense wan
that of Seam vs. Jmnes, uperlntend
ent of the state prison, where the
Oregon supreme court held that suit
could not be sustained by a private
party, hut must be 'brought In the
name of the state. The court woul.l
so hold In this caw. as the result
would be the wmt action.
.McMuliHn'x Xoxt SU'p.
L. L .MqJInhan, qouiumI for Sen,
stated that he had serveil a nutlo
on District Attorney McXnry asking
that otllclal to Intervene in bohnlf of
'the sute and make Uie state imrty
plalntlli Instead of Sears. If Mr.
McXary declined to do this MoMn
ban said ho would brlns mandamu
proceedings uiider tho decision of
Hunt vs. Williams, citing doclalon by
the sppromo, court, to compel en
forcement of the. laws through tho
district attorneys olllce. The jnatttir
was ursued at 1 p. in.
- .1 ! . . o . '
Competition, Is Sharp.
ev Xuri,M&rch. !--There will
TikfW fruJ,A1M"i!nit WWIF
for, (he the bridge .loop. Half n
dQan largu contacting flrns liavo
Bijiffa of. iuen o,t, 'or In tie main
omc of, the raphl transit commis
sion pn tue detullpa plan,s and spocltl-
cn,uons. , , ,
The commission oxpQcts to rqcolvo
bids from tho Dugnon Contracting
company; tho Crnnford Contracting
compnny, Wllllnm Rradloy, John
ShleJds and tho 'McDenn company.
Tho Degnon nnd Crnnford compnnlea
nro now employed in building two
sections of tho nrooklyn subway ex
tension. There will also bo some, out
of town, competitors, Tho blda will
be received on April 11th.
a Jr . ... - r-q I.. . i , ,
U Ii I'ftwnbroKcr Implicated! i ! u
' Chicago, Mnrch 29, Alter his ar
rest tho lint two ot the biggest resit
denco "burglars tho pnst year lir this
city, Johu Edwards,, a negro, oxrcon-
vlct,,I snld to have confessed mid
implicated Sam Sllvormnn, a puwnV
brokVn, Tho pollco nroi searching
Sllvormnn's shop for $'46,000! worth
of Jowelr Edwards Is accused ot
stealing from tho hoiuofl of Robert
McGnim and George Uastlo. Ud
wards, according to the iiolloe, says
hu sold the Jtwole to Bllvurmnu for
Threaten t( Tie Up the En
tire Industry at St.
Sfc.7ultf,Arih(-J20;-tFaMliiC to
obtajr) ,ew seal of wens, all te
UreArWryJworh6rt,af,fh 6lty wnt
Toe brewers and freight hand I
dliai the drivers, flremeo, euglncer
td tbe allied crafts will JoluVthi
trlkers to lie up the entire Industry.
Trfflf!lte i Mloex?! i?4okfer-
Mtrlke. The brewers hayatif$3
granted an eight-hour day, and a five
Ir c&tStXTJTXXfsGI wgdrflS the
i nlons demand a "closed shoo."
JJr-o4ilrtrGHOTl'e Park loft-
last evening for Chicago and other
cities of the East,
, M- r r miji ..i JhV "mil. cmr.l" oi I ol -mil V
..It a or- ir ivki iBtn!b'ljil oJ i.o! oiU to i.'dint'.n
l ill 1 1 J f I . T -.w s .tliul mo ti Jarfl Jormuii iff
.UUi' -nhnt MH MM Mtf JHtf .THr.Vt !te
Say His Sanity Is Evident
and Handicap Jerome
t, Morocco :Musfi Otuipjyt i
J'arls. Meroh 20. Tho- main col
umn of the farce dispatched from Al
gorla occupied Oujdn this morning,
without resistance, and will romnln
ilnt'll' Morocco lircedeB to tho Kreuoh
domnnds for full satisfaction In Uio
matter of tho nHsmistunljon of Miu
chimp. Prom I or Clamoneau has cau
ecllcTrhls plnnsto visit, snnmri'he
situation" Is graVo. '
Sclimif z and Ruef Keep Their
Counsel and Saw Wood i
San ' P'rancfsco, March Xp. This
being Otnrt Friday' there Is n t-iu-jtorury
oeeeation ip the graft luveetl
gHtlon, an far hh thu grand Jury la
concerned, but Lanmlun, Lley and
IiuriiB set to work parly on the evi
dence gathered In the Home tele
phono oflso sine the Inst Indictment
was retnmod, nnd there Is ovory like
lihood .that .when the inquisitorial
board ruoonvenew tomorrow ovory
tiling will b In shape for returning
addltlonnl true bills. Tliat a per
jury indloimuut will be roturned
ngalnst U. Qase, ot the Los Anaeles
(Miinpany, !tinl he ohnnges his tee
tlinoiiy Moms certain. J Inner
clulniH to be absolutely In posseeeinn
of faota that shows that Gass did not
tell tha trittli. Without rwiuet Din
trlet Attorney Drown, of Oakland, at
an early dato began to sift out Untl
uiony affeotlng Uie granUng of tha
Home franchise by Uie Oakland u
Itervlsors. Behmltr le silent on all
miUJwU on which )m is to h ar
raigned on tho graft scandal. Cm-
centlsK the discovery of the neoret
wmlt in JuVotd lionii hu will net tell
to wWat vim it wan put. Ruef in hie
hint Uriahs. . nlens ea cheerful n
wmr thbi- tuuiytiug; Mm mpreenea
blHMU plf 8wl Tllh things.
, ' Ip,,.,"1!)"1! ' '""!'
Tern Ihtrrls Wtll.lIoIlaoKwl THly.
Ooiuwbft, S.1 O.'; Mn U.-Ttm'
Harris, ne'forih'1 Ctrolikan ' wlie
confMHMd o1;tl- mudef of" Mrs.
Hortenila Mbrgutr', Will' be bnugtid
todai-.lPfshS-nfst'hasfljWk' (WaV
JAB1 evif oAio'rW In- tiherol tohW-
.!; nrll ffi,fT0'': :;,,i
1 : 1 1
iNftWi Yprk, iMnrplv.flO, Vcnbqrty,
this morning after a visit with
Thaw, ,n.nnuncqd th,nt the prlHonor
was IpokUiR fluo. Tjio , ln,vyor saldi
"I uovor saw him looking ,iiorQ fit
tornny kind, of, an umorgouri' It
la, intimated, that, It UlO case, Is re
sumed tho.dofonso will rest In buIi
ro,biittal ItutUQiljatul)' wlthput, tho ox
nmlnaUou, of ,morq ytltuvsses. , Hi
renchliiR Mila duclHlou T)iuw'n uttor-uoi-H
vurq KUlOeiV by , tho boUpf tlmf.
Jqromo, if Thaw is doclarod sauo,
wj,bq,hnHllcftpped.lu nmklng-iui up?
ponl for tho first dogroo verdict.
The present, Indications uro that
the Tliaw trial will bo roimnoil.
Thaw'a etinduct. baforo (ho commls
SI911 llhuvsday, tlu. attornuj-a today
said. wh such that tH commlsilou
Vonld.no 1(0: iplhgrwlsq-thau icopt
vlucetl or his sanity. It Ib assorted
that Thaw . answered In a rational
iiiani)Vr pVMry uoMou pntMo him.
Jerome admits "tnueh coherency" In
Thaw's convm-Hutlon.
.i -o
llrli'f TclegraiUH. i
Cardinal Mnohl, secrotary of apdB-
tollu lirloffl, at Home, dlod ot apo-
pluxy today. Ho was Imrn, lu Urnxlt
In 1832.
Oif nccounl of. Drostrated . wires
tJi.ure Is no oonfjfirtntlon of -tlio ro-
port of lot or. lr as tjie result ior a
severe tornnilo it Marietta, I. T by
which it in anlil. niaitf vmtit hlllwl.
A (ornadg'la'MlHa reiiorlwl Ui have
struck Itoff. I. T.
At UCrossc. Wis., the UCroaee
cracker aud randy factory and the A
W. HoosuYolt Plumbing 8upply Com
pany wcru destroyed liy nro this
morning. U $150,000.
Uniral Coal a Jlua has orgsnuted
a provisional Boverniuent fur Hon
duras headed by Jtosalee.'QqueU and
Ignaco Castro.
At Ioufnrttl. Ky.. "Coty" Donlan,
a player of the Iiostou NatlMinl
lengile Imaelwll lean), died this morn
I HI of typhoid fever.
$tf hmsJ?MlM Hum
or llonnl.
-) !) M ' .' U -,0l '"til' ' '. .
1 n VWAIVi Actf?0A 'w?r V?
dpfgr, etectfng jv nxriio.r.pf i,iq board
tq 1)1 n va,qin9y CAUjjod ,by,ta.Q, r
(gnat,loi, of VlapRt 8mp mitIV tho
nooioni,,, , .if,ft ii
Dr. K)ljy, iv moinbor. ot tho liqnrd,
on 0 2Qn (ut, tnujrcsscil tHo, fol
lowing lottor to Supcrlntond'qn J.
11. Ackerman:
"Accordln,K to tlo wording qt tho
,awfi nvWir rVVa'n"F 99)VPV
or tiio noarn or euucniion or.SQarioi
dlstrjq No. 3-i, In ijuly Vjpund to
oloct, a dlrcctqr cnnul.bjf Uo vpslfj
nniloi o Mr. Sfnljjit or bnyo WO tho
pbwqr, to, defer, 0.Q V'RVqn,, ot such
director, jiit) tio general ( oiaqqn
fiold in .tunc- nn Uu,f) tno ynenn-
cy Jfy ojoqUon fi 0 IW.,0, 1
QiU9r,liunpni AcAprmnn J)li)K
away frqjii ,l0 cfp.dilnt CW B.
i CJurllpn, lopRcJ , un,thf quontlon
nnq lYiBwergd, the, comp,)fn,ton ni
jjer jConsuiinion (wjtn ,tno puoruoy
gonernl aH follews: ., , .
"Rplyln tQ J,9lr f.ynr of March
SO. t will miv that, n ceo nil 11 it to tho
wording of thu iwtholvoflpji 91 a
dRoplqr ($p,n.ll, a,, yftf&W cnoniit. ik
dofprrail, blj ,luit , the hori,rd uiup
nrpJBupi nt ,0110 ,,1111 'wjeh vnenu
,1 1. (
' 1 'r i ft. ' u' ' .i
Ktatp. lsHiiltttiitod.
L, H. MoMnlu'm. at i'.iuiUv fUqii
an nmoiided cqi'iulnlnln which tho
dlaUuu nttqrney or the rourtn di.
lyql Jpliw him.
Tho potltlon movoH tho court for ari
order substllutliiK tho stato upon re
latjon ot District Attorney MoNary
ad pllituUrf, lusteud of Scars. Ik
1st. For on nOpountlpK of n'1
sums of, uipnoy, recolvoij, h Dununr.
l rtuuJ
s.i. That he be rmulroil to pay
the stat thu sums opil to. lmvu
Veen received.
Ail., Judgment and, costH-
Counsel lltnghaiu asked that the
mattqr go over. Mi Jdahen askod that
tbi malt- r b argud this venIlK,
and that It W pained on tomorrow.
Judgt niiiiiay anlnd if counsel
was willing to let Uihj hf-at-d Ihh
fore JnJ Hu.nelt.
It wa Anally agr'rd, that the nat
ter was to bi. urgutHl at McMlnnvllU
a week- from net Monday.
1 ' ' o 1 .1-
Much Imuran fit.
Albert ftnpw, who has bn very
111 with pneumonia, In Portland, H
reported to be qir of dniiKer, and
will be slropg ejiopRji, Ip leave tho
hotpttnl by Sunilny. Alfiort la wa,lt
iqiowii iifre, aiiij in iuuy irlentle
Injured in it Wreck,
Loa AiigelM, Mar. JO. Of the In
jured brought' to this olty last night I
from the Col ton wreck seven are In
a eerlous condltfon. being Seriously wfll lie Rind to leant of his rsoovejy.
injureu. They are c. 11. wanning-j . o-.
toil." the1 engineer of t,he wreckeil )lv. Horn Sellsjluslne.
englhe; Vfctor crnpp, Hremau; tfiw ' GiKirK Horn the weJMuiown pop-
porter, juiiiis Ktiin. ot New York,; . ourn, man, on the corner f mte nmt
T. I,. Davit, of Cannago. OklRhoiiMi, WLtrt Mreet, la mnerUil Ui hav
hhu mree iiauau emigrnnu. lltd liU huelne t a Mr. Wojt
" o -
Miirditn-r Haugiil at Sua Qtinidn.
Hen Queiitlii Prison, March 2d.
Leon SoeVtier wan litix pil inQrti
lig for tlie'rtiirder of hU broflter-fn-law,
Jos Illalse, of San Francisco,
three yearK ago. He liirwl lllalse to
America from Germany ami had Mm
insure his life lu Hoarder's favor,'
aitd'eooH after Soenler stabbed him
to death.
tor some real usUUh In -P(rtk county.
11 1.. ij 1 1 ip 11 .1 11
I'rrnrliiHl UN Onu Ihiuernl.
Gurrni.y, S C, MaraH B. Tlmnlrte
Harris, a former Ilaptlst minister.
whs iMinged telay fi the Mtuwier or
(Mrs, Hm Mk .Moswfcn, nit aged whlt
woimwi, In NwvMUer, llarrla
licenuhetl Ills own fun em I eeyinon. If
kll!l the iNojimn to seewe- fsoo In
?4 J VnfriAttfiibftohi ";
rt 3ajfi leli-id ('VA-0.H l ba;
Momow. Manui .21). A. lawyer
amed AleABdei'baiijia lfMAMmb.
Id here on tbe charge of lacItTng the
assassination of Dr. Jollof. Tbo ac
tual murderer has not been located.
Cuntatu I'ot(ioiicl.
Owing to the sleknene of some of
the sliiMttrs, tho oantaUt whlefa wan
to Imm leeii jtflren in the Iat Sekus
Cn;rtfilloHi(l chureh, tin the Bth
of MrtVch; hrfs nrt pttfokl. 11ie
eantatn, WMIcli Ir a' uVodHottlm of
werlti wrlUon by I'rtof. I'arVlu, Witt
li. publish!.
1. Washington latf Siilclilcx. '
MllBKteH, March S3 Mrs.
IVotMiaeti MrComai, sMter-in-law of
Jbdga Mct'oisai, tho foDteer eilHtr
pt MqvyiMul.,subiliteVl' lltl uftem'doil'
byialioatbi. 1 1 . f - ' i '
1'upiilar Jflistf foil J11 riilllppliittf.
Waetagtes. Marsh . The I' re
hiawi UiilH Iseeeil an executive onler
onlllng (or a pennlMr oleetlOH In tbu
lawilnrttt tor-deieejAtevto tho prn-
iwml RhJtlptihMM ' lehsnlnture tin
IdAM tu be ilsndih gtm lihlMMdif?
iWM4itt.i - ..
gpudipni a'vtvii iliuiibitt Uv
hmtfrKtr Hi' a. Mitrnh JOlTrfcli
4ftW 'he hwrjilng, On'hundiiedi uud.
(lj(iy hgiist. hv bqbi7AistrartKl.
(The wtmt ls iHHHt vshfliwelMd nnd
lWHMl iHil'ftlfl unedii tel'ii' 1 t- .
i-r-WitW-tf-o wnl i("n" 'l
0 .tiKuirHiwuJWiiigniKiwi 1
j i&i iKWBs?rfi AlHCtJihiflP-fs-Tb
WyK"Vul ialhMet5lfAlfeaqcJ0Q)!it
ing for Tuesday to organize a unlou
to enforco tholr demand for a 20 por
cent lacrcamo la salary.