Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 28, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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I wwFtnh Tir I w i?
Wtff'?W Ml'ltt-
I ,ft"TBBK WiB
I Lc'dn l.BhritwHbi u
""te X K y t
of Dependable
Clothing for Men
and Boys that for
a excellence of make
correctness of
style and great va
riety is unequalled
in this city.
Military Hoard Will Mnfce Two Full
lU'gliiiciitH in Tills State.
Copyright 1007 by
Hart Schafihcr fef Marx
Ladies' Suits
Stylishly stunning Hulls In novql
offoctH a nil nrtlntlc doslgns. Thoro
nro so inany hIiimIoh In voguo thai
ovon the mot particular unit
th6Ho who want something differ
out will hno no dlMculty In inalc
Idk v Holoctlon. Our showing l
mich that wo can moot nil do
innmlH. $1 1 .85 to $40
Easter Gloves
Not Just n fow, but 11 coiupro
hunslvo allowing of nil that'n now
for spring wear In nil leathers in
wantuil stylo, widths and bIzob
Wo nro Hhowlng somo exceeding
ly good vnluoe In novelty Ox
fords that nro to ho worn to n.
Kraal oxtont HiIh season. Wo re
for to tliOHo pretty
White and Grey Tics
A look now will convlnco
yon that wo enn nave yon money
on tlio nowuHt HtyloB.
T0M0RR0W81,ort '""J11'8 f HoaHonnblo mid loHALF PRICE
pwiiiauio goout ni
Within tho noxt fow weeks tho Or
egon Xatlonnl Guard will bo enlarged
to two regimental organizations, In
stead of ono reglmont and one bat
talion, as at present. This announce
ment has boon made by Adjutant
General W. 13. Flnzer, of the O. X.
O. .
At prosont tho Third roglmont has
Us full quota of 12 companies re
cruited to tho standnrd ponce footing
of G5 onllatod mon oacli, but there 1b
at present but ono additional bat
talion of militia.
Ono now company Is nlrtady bolng
organized at Pendleton, and four
more will be organized nnd located
at various towns and cities of the
Btato, though the exact plncos whore
they will locate have not boon deter
mined. Tho military board, having
rccontly doclded on Increasing the
standing of tho guard, has boon on-
gaged for Home time on this matt r,
nhd throo towns out of tho four hnve
practically been decided upon, partly
bocnuo of thoir location and partly
becutiB It has boon thoughl tlioy had
flrflt call on new compnnlos when
ever it should ho thought host to
form thorn.
Tho throo oltlos already solectod
nre Orogon City, McMlnnvIUo nnd
Forest Orovc, nnd there is such keen
rlvnlry for tho honor of being the
homo of tho fourth company that
tho military board is having much
difficulty in making n Boloctlon. It
Is said that Sllverton will probably
win tho prize.
Wlton those companies hnvo boon
organized tho Orogon Nntlonnl Qunrd
will havo tho following standing:
Ono 12-compuny roglmont, the
Third; ono olght-compnny roglmont,
tho Fourth; ono battery, light artil
lery, and one hospital corps.
Man With Alany Aliases Who
Commits Crimes
Found at Ijist.
J. A. Hnrmon, of Llzomoro. West
Vn says: "At last I havo found the
porfoct pill that novor dlsnppoints
mo; nnd for tho bonoflt of othors nf
fllctod with torpid llvor nnd ohronio
constipation, will say: tako Dr.
King's Now Llfo PIUb." Ounrnntood
Bntlsfnctory. 2Cc nt J. C. Perry, drug
glat. o
Case or William Hell Will o l).
redly to llio Circuit Court.
A Collection of Important l'nriw
KrupliH for Your ('oiiMderntluii.
CoiiKiVNNiiian Huwley Return-
Mrs. W. t llnwley U.ft this morn
ing for Portland to meet her hus
band. Cungreetmaa Huwlty, who ar
rived lit Portland last night. Titty
wilt return to ialem on till even
ing local.
Hop laborer In Dtmmml
Chnrlea A. Ulvealey, the wall
known hop mu up ike river, raiKXla
that hop art looking wtll, tke proa
jkkUh fully hii good at tiny were tkln
time hut year, but tke hop men nre
now working with only Unit oraw,
on account of the shortage of men.
ThU In tho eate, uotwIthitHiidlUK a
10 r umit atlvancM In whm Ik
offorwl ovr taut yenr'u mtw.
The Newest Spec
tacle Lenses
Tonlo 1hs art oononvw In h)ik)hi
nnd thus otiftuliflhw tiyt to
otralKht throMgh the !, no muUav
In what aimoUon U louka IH. ouU
up or dwwsu r ttriUgtil Jma4.
Thorn 1hm nr h kooM to thai wU
hnvo in vw Iimm- o tkmr, to
pltMMHt. BO Mia? IIM Ui .
VY Klw furnlali ill UAltk Kr
leuM. wliJrh trMwH oue thtrJ
iHir llfdt thu th ordlBAry Imiw
Krypiok luvltlbl Ulfwlw ar lh
Atet Kita bMt KIM fur MOID ft
HMr Httd fur Cull ud W Will X
plnlH tke nurlt of our (Iimm Md
vrlutt tby itt do for you.
V Iwvc bad ay Mtra' porl
or re m oiuUttt.
lluautiful doors ndd much to thu
buHiity of h inw home. Hvery stylo
ohii lit hud nt Hanson's planing mills,
Church Hiul .Mill struts. tf
II. V. O. UlkN, At tout Ion
Blcclioii, of oitlotrt tonight.
At Gurnetl'B onntly tuctory, ISO
Smu trt, you Hlwigri vt frttli
ORHily. Coma M try torn wui It
It wariM.
illhs Jim Intto Hivalih Ann
.Mitt JBrn MurlattB, tht wtlNkuown
ttaolitr In tkt Hunt neluml. who lmd
.tht mbifortunt to UrHk hr arm,
1 wkllt tknUHir Ht tha rink last nljlit,
. tt rttwrttil to ht nf hr work In thf
whool t4af. linmwIlHtoJy aftwr th
aocldtnt Inst iilsht the unfortunate
youuK ldy whh Uktu to th olllot of
Dr. V. S. Kwith, wktrt th fraoture
iWM toow rtdwettl. awl U iwtltMt
MiNilt r temforlHlilt nt husIU1. As
wh ik mm of Mint Umur .Maokay.
who rtotttly Umk War arm whllt
.tktkUMK. tk bant waa broktn Just
Hbot Ik wrtal.
II. 1. O. Hlkji, AttMiitliju
IHmUon of otllttn UtulBbU Aft
ooiiUhk to Ik Jlrtct Hrlmary law.
INirtnor Silwmlttv Itottiru
Mr. and ilhu II. Ilttwtr MrHml a
ftw 4jr h from Santa Itotm. Call
roralM. aad kav Uoankt prepare!'
Mtajr IWU alti wkar ikay wlU rtalda
Tky forwarly llrad hart, km tvr
al yaart kro worad to Saata Horn,
war thy tafftftal )aat ky tkt tarik
taka tftaaatar, awl aaw taj that
Oroa ta tht alaea for tktat.
OaJi atui LitWftv t talpcia
lNimktir ItMt it l)w.
Waaklaatoa. Mwrak IS. Forakar
hat lost a Baa kail aaa aat) kat
tkt ikt Mlaa to a4 kin. Tka
MBMiur tart h itraMtewl to k a
irat Acktar. aal k 1 ta)Kkt kav
dHl klw ta tka Okto oaiaiMijnt
ltlutar leaver kt kvra. Ha ay tka
Okto altaatlM ht uafortttMaVa. at tt
l ttHMtaamtry. Ht says ik 'l(t
ForAkor trouble will k tatflothtd
ovr. and dtolura tkut whoavor It
nominauxl tho s&ordtary or Bunatorl
will bii for him. I
William Hell, alias John King, and
11 numhur of othur nam on, was ar
raigned before Justloo Wubstor this
mornliiK at 10 o'clock, charged with
obtaining money under fnlta pra
tenttt by getting 60 from tho
llnuk of Wofldbtirn on h Iragut chtk.
lit walrttl examination, and the cat
will go dirtotly to tht circuit court.
W'hll tka matttr will com up at tht
ntxt ttrm It It not Iwlltvad tht trial
will ht reached at that time, at wlt
nataat will have to be brought from
Montreal. Bell hat' not engaged
eonaaal. and still refuses to talk
about hit affaire.
Oeorge 0. lilngkam. representing
tka defrauded bank, today Med a pe
tltlou aaklng (bat $46 found ou U.i;
whtu arrested be turned over to the
Hank of Woodburn, at being a part
of tka $00 aacurad from that Institu
tion. OUicara In Multnomah ami Clacka
mas ouuHlltM are atudout to have
Bell brought to trial la tkoee coun
tlat for hit actions at Portland and
Oregon City.
William Bell, with several ullagos
attached, was held In $500 bond
before Judge Webster Wednoeday.
His failure to mnke good cauaod him
to be remanded to Jail.
Ik the Man Inwine?
ltd nna. in n romtirknblo one. Ap
parently a man of culture and busl-
ndiiroM. ne wont aown ma vai-
ley from Portland leaving a trail of
forged checks uemnu mm, nnu ooiu
ly walked into ono bank aftor anoth
er with a new alias, nnd nindo smal'.
drafts on suppositious accounts with
banks in Canada and the EaBt. That
he should do these things openly and
with llttlo concealment fs ovidonco
of n shaken and shattered moral
concept, that borders on the ludi
crous. Pack of it all he talks liko a
man In full possession of his facul
ties. It is an open question whether
he is shamming or off his balance.
Cuttent Events
Hungarian residents of Roumnnin
aro asking protection nt tho hands of
their 'govornment against tho revo
lutionists. '
Tho intornnl revonuo rccoipts of
tho United States for Fobruary wore
$20,2G0,250, and Incronse ovor tho
same month In 1900 of $1,917,318.
John I)riB8lln, of Pittsburg, who
Invented tho machine by which nonr
ly all the steel rails In the world nre
rolled, Is (lend.
The King of Slam has left Bang
kok, his capital, for n 'tour of Bu
ropo. Walter Wellmnn, of 'ciiicngo, is
having airships built nt Pnrls to un
dertake his trip to tho north polo.
Governor Chnmborlnln has Issued
a proclamatlo nnsklug nld for the
Russian fainlno.
Who Shall Huh Down Honduras
Managua, March 28. Tho revolu
tionists who aided Nicaragua In over
throwing llonllla rule nt Tegucigal
pa, succeeding- the fugitive prealdtnt
Zelayat representatives are now In
control. It is believed that Zelnya
hat no ambition to rule Honduras,
but wants a friendly party at tho
lu ad of the government.
H. H. Ware, who was transferred
from San Francisco to tho Salem
postal service shortly after the dis
aster, received the sad news last
evening of his aged father's dying
condition, and departed on tho 11:30
train for his bedside. Mr. Ware is
S5 years of age and a pioneer of
San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wint, formerly
of this city, aro visiting Salem
friends, and will return to their
home In Portland noxt weok. Mr.
Wint is a violinist well-known hore.
Albert Rape, who has boon very
111 with pneumonia, In Portland, is
reported to bo much Improved.
Mrs. J. H. Wllsn left this morn
ing for St. Johns on Uusincss.
Mrs. M. T. Rlnoman spent the day
in Portland.
Mrs. B. A. Dodge left thiB morning
for a visit in Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson nnd
son loft today for Tacoma, where
they will visit relatives and friends.
Mrs. George Melson has returned
from Eugene, whoro sho was called
by the Illness of h5r nunt, Mrs. Of-
E. GIttins and wife spent tho day
In Woodburn visiting friends.
Ex-Treasurer and Mrs. C. S.
Mooro left this morning for Port
land. They will go to California in
a few days, nnd nfter an extended
trip in tho Golden state, will settle
in Klumath Falls. '
W. H. Rose lcfV this morning on
Hermnn Smith, of Creswell. who
has boon horo buying horses, loft to
day for Portland on business.
J. Chnmness, who hns been visit
ing in the city, hns returned to tils
home in Sllverton.
Rev. D. A. Errett roturncd thin
morning from Corvnllls, whoro ho
proachod tho rally sonnon for tho
Christian church rnlly conyontion
last night.
Rov. Fowlor, u studont in tho
Kimball school hdro, enmo down
from Tumor this morning. '
Ex-Mayor Wntors loft today for
Portland on buslnoss.
F. L. KolBtor, who has boon visit
ing his fnthor. D. W. KelBtor. loft
today for his homo in Arlington.
I-nther Moore wont to Portland
this morning,
Mrs. E. Frnzler. who has boon
visiting Snlom nnd Frultlnnd frlonds,
loft this morning for hor homo In
Mrt. Eugene Broymnn and Mrs.
C. h. McNary loft today for Port
land, whore thoy will visit for n fow
MT. ami .Mrs. Q. Hollrm lmvo rn
IT' nnl
Vctin-. .
1'nsscd Aim, .. i,
Mrs. Thurza v p 1
1-uunsner, editor oft .
News, ofli.-M,:' her
avenue, in this ..,.:?' 05
'ast evening, v ' "
WwoW, and,.a,r0T"m
was Thurza .' Ble fi
tllOV o, . .. "
In Salem In 1S78 .to.uj
Od herr, h... '"" iHhS
"" V. U 1J I I ) llf1H.I
n Salem i 1S72 anT v
Od horn '' lH fi
children, Frank Z ?m5
uumana, and MjS3 Lab rV S?
this city. Ever .1 o.i"
"or of the First PreibrS?
of this city. "neruati
AtthetlraeofherdeitMf, J
over was at Hubh. !? :
roach BaleaunuithiaJfl
Frank Conover Is 8t vi 1 l J I
Butte, nn.i " ",th,liJ
rnerl wUlZT ?
be roroivn.. , ::- """ s
-- ---.,vu Hum nun,
More Callfomi. o...
Oakland. ri ....'?
-- vhiii .usrrn r
Oakland grand lurv 1. .i .. .7"?
The foreman lntlmatA. v.. !5!
o-nflriM ttlii t. t '
receives the Information h 2
ises to give. The ertdenea S
cured in tho San FraaciicoUri
"Ul,u"' iiainmcations eittnton
"'""" --ro uncartned.
't -i
A Cunl of Thank.
The children of Mrt. Nancy Watt
wttb to thank their many frleadt aad
aatgUbara for man' acta and txprea
ataaa af klndNtat lu connection witk
tka death and funeral of their dear
waUier. ClllLUUKN.
And oat proper food. Good bread it
, more iwtent than druga. particularly
a high quality of bread auah nu
j UHom wiakee. Being one, If not the
J principal article of diet. It should
! receive the most careful considera
tion of all food producta. Our bread
It carefully and rleaaly wade of tka
beat Hour, and It rich In nutritive
and Healthful proportle.
1 V. Ulom, lVop.
Bollon havo
turned from a vslt In Portland.
Mrt. Dayton, who hns boon visit
ing Portland, returned home last
The Misses Ifidith and Alice Yoder
are visiting frlende lu Albany.
Mrs. Otto Shall, who. hns been vlt
Itlng her parents, Mr. and Mra. W.
tt. Anderson, left lnut ovanlng for
her home lu Portland.
J. W. Wlllion left yesterday for
BrowntvIUe, whero ho was called
by the illness of hit mother, Mrs.
Robert Dnvey enmo up from .Co
lumbia University lnst ovanlng to
visit hit paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
$100 Reward. loo.
Tho readers of this papw
pleased to learn that tier
on dreaded disease that ,..
boon able to euro In all lu fcji
nnu mat is Catarrh. H&ll'i dy
euro is tho only positive an
known to the medical f raternitr. (kj
tnrrh being a constitutional divJ
requires a congtitutlonsl trit
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is tikta tit
nally, acting directly upoatatlkJ
nnd mucous surfaces ot the ijtij
thereby destroying tho foundaUn
tho dlsoase, and giving tht paSa
strength by building up the at
tutlon nnd assisting nature la is
Its work. Tho proprietors hn
much faith in Its curative fa
that thoy offer Ono Hundred DoEw
for nny caso that it fails to tn
Sond for list of testimonials.
Addross F. J. CHENEY k CO, Ti
lodo, O.
Sold bv all drucKlsts. 75c.
Tako Hall's Family Pllli for e,
1)1.... V.i.r.
The river now statdt at m
foot mark.
There is a good demaad la Baj
land for hay, and the river fcaujl
dolnc nulte a bulne la !
the product.
A carload of box su '-
shlODed today for San FraaM
ardwood Floors
In Cans
- Spread item ea our ni.)
roo. dtaint-raam, ball or putor.
Natural ed ft.,, toegh, ttttttv. and dunbJe
Vftrnn-I ao
M hue uaeds, no auaer hew eki ske sHi
' ' zzXJ?
..aa'Wrao-Ucr t l ,
M'CARTNKY. At hit noaeUirj
rJtburg. March 27. iw.
nrtnev. aet-d is yean, & 'f
culotlt. The funtral "
be held this afternoon.
tii ,i,..io.mI naa a btetk
. . ...v
Judge T. L. Davidson has retumod A- J' Ilug' ffa "TT
from a visit In Portland. I W. Port'r' of ,hl,8 "JlA
Mm m f,. 1, , , . ..-:trnn tn Harrleburg to attesa w
- .'.mi mm luiurneu to nor
home in Lebanon aftor n visit horo
Mrs. D. F. Jormnn Is the ciiost of
htr cousin lu Tumor.
Mrs. J. A. Wngnor. of Orocon CItv.
who has beon the guost of Mrs. A. F.
Jermnn, of this city, loft todav for
Turner, whore she will visit Mrs.
Mies Joele Moruhend nnd Miss
Irma Owen, students of tho Salem
schools, havo gono to their homo In
Bugane for tho ISaster vacation.
Mrt. Sarah Woodlngton nnd '
daughter, of Stlverton, will attaad
the funeral tarvlcea of the lata Mrs. i
Mngert totlaj-. Mrs. Sarah Wood-!
lagtoft la a daMgktar of Mrs. Magars.
Harry Slonly. of Pralrla Oltj is
vlaltlag Mr. aad Mm. D. p. Junk.
Mrs. lfdwartl Waller was visltlnf
In Portland yettertlay.
thouas k-re
r .-. TT-irt Ple
Insafafice a"J
Frank Meredith. BfSI
. ..1. wm nrtura0
umce whu "
129 Commercial trei.
AtM Vtet Ui CelK Weeks, DtjMfeij
Phono -401
A Succwssful MootliiB.
Captain and Mr. Branson, who
are holding a revival meeting in
tke ckureh at Pop Cora, are raeetltts
wltk good reanlts. Nearly arary v
aijig. It ta reported tkat several
are onv-rted to the faith, aad If this
rate of increase la the membership
keeps up much longer It will bo nec
tatary to enlarge tke present churob.
Rocky Mcuntvn Tea Nuygets
" O U. Bl Vijer,
WJUaMh, U5tUA eru. Kwdich
Hotuw IHc ft,M. MTvrK '
AnsYou i Uiuiac- -
aaapaortuniiyoia."-- r
lag to Wlin5, I.faq
and bakery at 1 3
U. worth. ThUHl
for ve ...jrfl
1Moo i"nt
Tka Angela- n fVi
Wanted to t- ""Zwvn
.i.fl eas" ''
rsiV-A iJ
!! " q.
12SJ S. WW" '"
. - ma ve siiPa a 4
0f j. Baa"'" " j4H
grounds tt"1'