Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 28, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Ladies' Suits
and Jackets
Excluslvo stylos that every woman
who Intends purchasing n now spring
suit should see. Every new mate
rial chocks, plaids, stripe oftects
nnd tho favorite pnnamns In black,
tan, blue, grey, etc.
Though you may not wish to buy
Just now you will nnd our gono
roslty extending to offer you tho
courtosy of- closely Inspecting any
nnd overy garment In our stock.
Como Jn and try them on. You are
always welcome.
Oar ihowlng for spring 07 comprises wash weaves for overy pos-
tta purpose, and nro of sucn excellent styles as to command your ad-
urttlon, and at prices so reasonable ns to prompt liberal purchasing.
lutlcolarljr dcslrnblo are the dotted bastlstes and Swisses In white
hands, with largo nnd smnll polka dots; fancy silk organdies in
bun stripes, mercerized checks nnd tho embroidered dotted Swlssos.
(Continued from page one.)
5c to 75c yard.
ipire mock mi.
Xow Presenting
The Wicklow
Mine. "
i Strong Western Play.
Tenuis of V. M. C. A. and Company
M, O. X. O., Will IMny in tho
V. M. C. A. Gym.
' t :i a's3s on hand and
,- ' at pleasure In
"r ' m ti you. Have
1 i1 , big ritM or-
' ' vegetables,
are alwuys
MC131. 432StatcSt.
ticichts '
The third of n sorlos of Indoor
bnsobnll games will bo plnyod tonight
In the Y. M. C. A. symnnslttm be
twoon tho Association tonm nnd
Company M, 0. N. G. Of tho two
provlous gnmos both havo boon won
by tho Y. M. C. A. bunclu nlthough
tho militia boys put up n strong nnd
hot gnme. Tho gamo will bo called
nt S:30 p. in., nnd will no doubt bo
Interesting until tho finish.
On Snturdny, April 5th, the Salem
Y. M. C. A. Indoor bnsabnll team will
play the crack team of Company II,
Third regiment, of Portland. The
gnmo will be played here,
The Tcvns Wonder?
Cures all kldnoy, bladder , and
rhoumntlc trouble; sold by all drug
gists, or two months' trentmont by
mall for $1. Dr. B. W. .Hall, 292C
Olive street, St. Louis. Mo. Send
for testimonials . Sold by Stono'i
drug storo. dw-lyr
appliances ,for
give tho beet satisfaction.
I accurately correcting defective
vision. We have the latest optical
doing this work to
We have
the only grinding plant in Salem, and
therefore can give you prompt and
absolutely perfectly ground lenses for
your particular case. We can refer
you to cases where nil others have
failed. Promptness and accurate ser
Wake liit at youu ::
'A-VD GUI' Till; YHAST '
lU 101 WILL SOON "
' rmir . ::
f Grocery i
: Htmnn. O J.
iii: ioz i
Quality and Low Prices
Chas. H. Hinges
Graduate Opticinn.
12JI Conuiicrclnl Street, nv&t door to
Cnpltnl National Hank.
While It was true that Adams was
immediately rearrested on tho chnrgo
of killing Fred Tylor In north Idaho,
and for which ho was glvon a speedy
trial, yet as a witness for tho state
ho Is lost'forovor.
Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbono,
who had beon implicated by Or
chard's confession ns the Instigators
of the Steunonborg murdor, wore ar
rested at night In Donvor upon requi
sition of the governor of Colorado
nnd hurried on a sneclnl train to
Boise. The threo mon wero charged
with being nccompltcoa of Orchnrd,
nnd under tho stntutos of Idaho an
accomplice Is hold equally guilty
with the principal nnd if convicted
mny recolvo the snmo punishment.
It was this point that stirred up so
much antagonism to tho action of tho
Idnho authorities, as thoy ater woro
forcod to chnrgo the mon with tho
actual commission of tho crime, whon'
It was known that nolthor of them
had beon In tho state for months, for
it Orchnul's confession bo truo. thon
undor tho Idaho law thoy nro in fnct
equally guilty with Orchnrd.
No soonor had tho Federation of-
Hclns boon lodged In tho Idnho peni
tentiary for safe keeping thnn Fod
eratlon attorneys from Donvor nnd
Spokane stnrtod for Ilolso. On nr
rlvlng hero they sought to rolonso tho
prisoners by Invoking tho aid of tho
writ of habeas corpus. Tlley fllml
tho first application In tho district
court, whoro, nftor nrgumont tho writ
was donlod. An appeal was thon
takon to tho stato supromo court of
the Unltod Stntoa. About this tlmo
nppllcntlon was mado for tho writ
In the Unltod Stnjos district court In
Ilolso beforo Judge I3ontty. Aftor n
henrlng Judgo Bentty denlel the writ,
nnd an appeal wns iaken to tho su
promo court of tho Unltod Stntos,
making two appeals ponding boforo
the court of last resort.
Finally tho court hnndod down an
opinion sustaining tho decision of the
Idaho courts In holding tho prison
ers to anawer to tho chargoa nnd
tnnd trial in this state.
Mthough that denlslon was ren
dered Inst fall, tho mnndnte did not
nrrlve until the middle of March.
For the last six months, Moyer,
Haywood and Pettlhone have been
confined In the county Jnll at Dolso.
They were allowed to Utke exercise
on the court house lawn several
times each day. are In apparent per
fect health and look much heavier
than whon they were brought hero
from Colorado.
Ochard was kept In close confine
meat at his own request. He was
aid to be afraid of dynamiters, and
at his own request he was naver
taken out unless accompanied by
three or four guards. While Or
chard's, confession is considered the
chief testimony against the prison
ers. It is said that cipher letters and
telegrams front them found in Or
chard's trunk In the Caldwell depot
a few days after his arrest mar he
of even more Importanee than the
testimony of Orchard himself.
Strong Combine Formed.
New York, March 2S. A now and
what promises" to bo an Important
development, In tho dry goods Job
bing buslnoss has como to tho front
In the formation of tho Kmplro Dry
Goods company, along linos suggestr
ed, more or loss remotely, by thb
Claflln company nnd lt3 string of nl-
lled stores. This company Is prlmnr
ly n combination and tho outgrowth
of opportunities nnd needs that ap
pealed especially to aveornl of tho
largor stores for rotall located in
Boston, Buffalo, Rochester nnd
Akron, Ohio.
Five prominent dry goods houses
nro ropresentod In tho now company.
Mr! P. A. O'Conncl, of tho James A.
Houston Co., of Boston, Is president,
nnd the mombors concernod fool thnt
It Is n specially good solcctlon nnd
prosagos succoss. Tho company hna
nlonrdy begun business with com
pletely equipped and well-stocked
snlo rooms, and It Is said, will act,
moro or loss, as a cloarlng houso
for tho business housos nlrondy
unmed. Everything betokens nn early
outrnnco upon a business of great
Tho nominal capital Is no Indox
of tliqt voluino of transactions expect
ed, an dwlll bo llmltod at present to
?20,000. By tho plans upon which
tho buslnoss Is bnsod It Is bollovcd to
bo ample for its prosont purposos.
Southeast Tomik Association.
Orange, To. Mnrch 2S. Tho
tlftli nnnunl mooting of tho Southonst
Toxas Baptist association will con
vene horeto night nt tho Qroono nvo
nue Baptist church. It will continue
In sosslon until Sunday night. John
Maro will preach tho sormnn on tho
opening night. On Friday n largo
number of dlvluos from nil parts of
tho association's torrltory will pnr
tlclpato in tho oxerclsos, nnd on Snt
urdny as mnny moro different onos
will carry out tho oxtonslvo nnd nt-
trnotlvo program of thnt day. On
r I . a w . . ...
sununy uiu uununy scuoois will re
colvo special attontlou. All subjects
nro open for gonornl discussion. This
privilege will be grontly used an I
enjoyed, as mnny of tho Ituest Hponk
ors, nnd It has n largo numbor of
thorn, delight In tho general discussion.
Do Xot Oi-oml tlio Sonson,
The first warm days of spring
bring with thorn n doalro to got out
timl enjoy tho oxhlllrntlng nlr nnd
sunehlue. Children thnt have boen
housed up all winter nro brought
out and you wonder where they nil
came from. The henry winter cloth
ing Is thrown aside nnd many shed
their Uanaels. Then a cold wave
comes, and people say that grip !
epidemic. Colds at this season are
even more dangerous than in mid
winter, as there Is much more dan
ger of pneumonia. Take Chamber
lain's Cough ltoiuedy, however, and
you will have nothing. to fear. It
always cures, and we have never
known a cold to result In pneumo
nia when It was used. It la pleasant
and safe to take. Children like It
For Sale by Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
' o
J, Salem, Or-
fcto eye
ttH, -"
Going Up
That Is one of the character
istic results of good baking pow
der. When you use
Eppley's Perfection
you are always euro that your
biscuit, cako and pastry will
properly rise, and that they will
bavo that sweet palatable flavor
that la so essential and desirable.
Try it nil tho time.
Wednesday, April 17: "Flake Ju
bilee Singers."
. Coming Attractloni.
Raymond Hltchaoak In 'The Yan
kee Tourist."
"X Stranger In Town,"
Sousa's lateet opera, "The Fre
"Trial by JHry," by the high
school stMdaata.
Wednesday, Mareh 27: "nose
Maiden," at 11m M. If. oMttrch.
"The Wlekkw Mln" ermlags.
Saturday matinee and Sunday even
ing. Auditorium Roller Rink.
Mornlag. alterooan aad erenlag
seesloas, exeapt Sunday.
Tot tor, Snlt Ithoiuii nnd Itazemn.
These are diseases far whlsh Cham
herlala's Sahe l ospeolally valu
able. It qnlekly allays the Itehlng
and soon ottaois a aure. Priee 28
eeaU. For sale by Dr. Stone's Drue
' ' -o
Sinking Fund Buying Bonds.
Now York, March 28. The Stand
ard Trust company, of this city,
trustee under mortgago deed of
trust of May 4, 1001, seourlng the
Issue of $7,500,000 of 4V4 reducing
mortgage bonds of the Consolidation
Coal company, gives notice that It
will receive today proposals or of
fers of such bonds until today at a
prlco not exceeding 105 and interest.
for retirement by the sinking fund
The bonis osTerei at the leweet pr&
will k Cfl4.
Detrlol Coufoi'oiiro in Kum'-Iuii.
New York, March 28. The 1)
trolt Co nfer en ee annual convention
takes plaoe today at the Prlucn
Qeorge hotel, In this city, nnd will
remain until nnd Including the 29th.
The oouferunoe announces It will
take casualty risks. A great variety
of topics concerning the business,
will be dlsoussed during the sessions
by men specially experienced in that
part of the buslnoes.
n i
ICIete Kreohter, city.
A. I. Dunoan, Seattle.
II. II. Woods, San Francisco.
C. W. Hv&Afl, Oregon City.
W. II. Itamp, Brooks.
Harry Sordle, Prairie City.
I. C. 'Clement, Portland.
W. B. Bolton, Portland.
M. P. Iteld, San PraadaM.
D. T. SwhIh Portlaml.
II. I Ltayd, Seattle.
F. F. geavtr. St. LohIi.
Kd. Baker, Portland.
J. W. Rodger, Salt Lake.
II. Beakwlth, Portland.
Kugeae Shelby, San Francisco.
Oeo. Fltrgibbon.
F. P. Portor, The Dalles.
W. . Oarpentor, Portland.
Fred Schwab and wife, ML Angel.
Rlohnrd Manning, Silrorton.
W. N. Haines, Woodburn.
J. F. Mayes, Portland.
John. Wilson, Portland.
B. Cadyf Albany.
J. T. Mayo, Portland.
John Wilson, Portland'.
Harry Hayes, Albany.
MUs Ruby as4 LHa Stelwer, of tho
Sacred Heart Aea4y, are afMai
Isg their Kasier wtUm at thrtr
Imsm t Jeta.
of your new Spring Dress depends
upon the fir. of your Corset
Thompson's Glove-Fitting Corsets
Improve the Figure Without Distorting It.
Our Second Shipment of New Spring
Models Arrived This Week
We have them in special shapes to fit every figure, hi
both coutil and batiste. Our prices arc much below the
regular retail list price at which merchants arc expected
to sell Thompson's Corsets.
First Shipment of Men's New Spring
Hats Arrived Yesterday
In our famous XX grade at $1 .95 and thc'XXX grade
at $2.25 we have every desirable new shape in black
and colors. Compare them with $2.50 and $3.00 lines
at "regular stores" and you'll find an explanation of our
constantly growing business.
Jj &'&& (m&sA' uZes'&
Moot be ordeied soon or It will not bo ready for KHMtur Sunday. It is
Oh I6aUr, and you will not be satisfied without new aendgenr. Salem's
largo Uicluslve Millinery Store Invito- you to call and Inspect their
nuporlor lino of trimmed hat
Special Discount !
To build tip our Saturday evening trade
we will give you
A JO Pet Cent Reduction !
On every cash purchase marjcjlnjour store
from 6 to f 0 p. m.
The store that always saves you money
Phone J 44
Phone 933
Additional Personals
Max Uurwn, the well-known faraU
Utre iiintl, returned this morning
tram a biwluess trip to Portland.
Mlas ISIele Painter, h student of
the blind school left today for a visit
at her home In Lebunon,
Mrs. W. J, Howard went to the re
form school this mornlUK for a short
Tlslt with friends.
A. L. Ilrowu went to Jefferson thli
inotnlng on business.
Mrs. McCnuley. Mrs. Uarkhursl
and. daughter, of Sllveilon, are In the
city to attend tho funeral of tno
lato Mrs. Magers.
H. K. Itoberts went to Marlon on
business today.
Mrs. A. I'atton, of Marlon, was a
8a I cm visitor today.
J, T, States and wlfo, of Portland,
after Tliltlng Oal&m friends, left
this woralBg for a 7lslt 1b Lebanon.
0rof ChanWrtola (eft this
asera tag toe Alfceay en butts,
I Mrs. Illalr and son, of SllvertoH,
are In the city to a (lend the funeral
of the late Mrs. Magers.
Mr. aad Mrs. J. II. Magers and
two sows, of Dallas; Mrs. Smith ami
son. of Hopewell; Miss ICtta Magers,
of Hopewell; George Magers nud
daughter, of JefferHon, ore here to
attend the lae Mrs. Magera' fuuernt.
Mrs. Thompson and daughter, of
Harrington, Washington; Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Mngers and two daugh
ters, of Portland, attended tho funer
al of (J run dm a Magers today.
S. P. Kimball, tho well-known
fruit man. Is In Albany on bustuoss.
Mrs. T. J. Smith loft this morning
for Albany, whoro she will attend
tho funeral of tho lato James
Mr. and Mrr. 0. M. Douislatt will
attend the funeral services of the
lato James Churchill la Albany to
day, Ma?or L. J A4aiu, 0 SMlmtoa,
was kvera ok Imelaaae yeetetitajr.