DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1007. 8 V TODAY ONLY HAROAIX SALE XUMHER 025. NEW SPRING JACKETS In short longths, llko illustra tion. Thoy como In stripes, checks nnd plaids, some with fitted backs, otherB pony stylo and box backs. All nro thoroughly tailor ed throughout and at the prici- aro mo uiggcst bargains ever of fored values to $D. DO None sold until Wednesday morn ing, "t 8:SI0. No yhono order (aken. 1 I $4.38 New Spring Dress Goods A great many new wenves and 'olorlngs to show you. Among lhr newest things shown aro the Moonlight .Mixture Whlrh are rrtntlng such a Btlr In tho cast. Wo hnvo thorn ex clusively In this city. You will ho pleased with this fino showing and the values cannot ho matched outsldo of this store. Lace Curtains HoiiRo-cloanlng tlnio Is near at hnnd nnd no doubt you will neod sovornl pairs of curtains to bright on up your rooms, Wo liavo an limiHimlly lino showing of newest styles In popular wonvos. 75cto$10Pr Ladies' Suits TJio broadest Hliowlng made In thlny'lty, and nowhere In tho vnl ley arc inoro lino stylos to bo soon In this gathurlng In overy good style; such excellent workman ship as appualH nl oneo to dis criminating tasto. The wantui) colors nnd fabrics art hero In a wide rang", and such oxceptlonnl Valium as appeal to ovovy lookor Como today. $11.85 to $40 OXFORDS White and Grey Tho good woathor will soon bo horo and you will want n pair of will to Oxlords to go with that jiimmor gown. Now's tho tlmo to ainko your soloctlon whllo tho stock Is at Its host and all sizes n nro complttlo. You'll not find Bud" values olsowhoro, nor style. A most complete showing of all now itylos for Spring wear. PAVING STATE the number of signatures necessary 1 for an Initiative petition In city leg islation ; and, whereas, the provisions j of the state law relating to tHe time within which referendum petitions OTF ppiri may bo filed agninst municipal leg S! nrr I ' Islatlun are such as to embarrass, re J a flA&,Lwl . . ,,, imnortant leclsln- tlon In the city of Salem, Oregon, therefore It is the Judgment of tho common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, thnt as emergency exists, and that It is necessary for the pub lic safety that thi3 ordlnnnco shall i become operative upon Its approval last night when the j" the ia'or;, ""roforo, Wla ordl mguratlng the por-!" shall nko effect and be In Ordered by Unanimous Vote of Salem Council An ovontful meeting of the city council wns hold ordinance for luaug mancnt improvement of streets wore put through. It wns f oared that a majority mglht not bo present, but ten men "good and true" showed up and business was dispatched with n rush, Tho ordinances would not'hnvo been taken up unloss eight hnd been pres ent. Aldormen Gosnor and Bayno were unavoidably absent, while Aldorman Waldo was detained at home not very woll. Alderman Stolz Is In the oast. j (Quorum Was PrcM'iit. Mayor Itodgors and Aldermen ' Downing, Haas, Stockton, Frnser, Low, Goodo, Jacobs, Churohlll, Rod- force Immediately by tho mayor." upon Its approval Personals Mrs. .1. W. Flook loft this morn ing for a visit in dates. D. A, Errett left today for Corval lls, whore he will preach the rally sermon for the rally convention of the First Christian church. DR. E. C MOHLER Eyesight Specialist. Suit 21, Tho Eldrledge, Snlom, Or- Suit Cases Another big lot of suit enses Just rocolved all slzos nnd kinds, Including tho llght-wolght nnd wantod Btrnw suit cases. Each irado represents tho best value for tho money to bo found. $2.50 to $23.50 Men's Clothes It Is now tlmu to select your spring clothing. If you knew you could buy n suit as good fitting, as good looking nnd us good wearing as If It was nindo to your monHiiru, would you buy It? This Is Just what we give you, and from tho latent styles and fub rlttH. A visit of Inspection will satisfy and point out where you can save money. $10 and Up egon. Hours 9 a. m. to cliff and Groenbnum wore nrosent. ! n. m. -. .. ... . . - r -.-iS We limit our practice to tho oyo K )c7fleiiei&&&i m 4 CITY JNEWS A Collection of Important Pane graphs for Your CoiiNldttrntloit. To the CKUoiih uf Kiihin NVu call your nttuiitlou to tho fact that Mr. J A Patterson, the furni ture man, nt 271 Comiuurclnl strosl has boon nddlug wonderfully to the beauty of his storo. Wo are assured ho will con II mm to prosper. If Your Miunory Is Poor Tntoo Hint on your arm. that Tho Hpa huila In Master nnd all special day goods. Boo our frying puna and vggs, asa Statu stroot. ood The Newest Spec tacle Lenses Tonic lenses are concave In shape nnd thus eiiuhlo tho eyo to so MtrnlKht through the Ion, ho nmttar In trbat direction H look-In. out. up or down, or straight uhoud. Thoso leitsoe, re a uouh iu those who have to woer ruumm o rlonr. au pleasant, so ay oh the my. Wu Hint Ornish the Health May lemm. vhjeli tnuunilt oae-thlrj. moro light thaw the ordinary 1m do. Kryptuk Ittvhtlblo lllforlre are the lntost niu boot glasses for slsuf tionr and far. Os.ll ami wilt ! plain, the merit of our glass and what they will do tor ywi. Wo have had many yora' too?! uico os optlelaus. BARR'S JtWtLRY STORE ftU, mmI UMrty Ste, Salem lUiiutlful doors add much to tho boautj of a new houii . Uvory style ran bo hud at Hanson's planing mills, Church and Milt stroot. tf .Iiint IUh-uIwmI A new lino of onrpots and art square. Many nlco colors at rea sonable prices. Call and soo them. J. A. I'nttorsou, Oommurclnl stroot. Wmt DlMippolntetl . A niimbor of Conipuny M's lady and gontltiiiun friends wltuossusd tho aompuny drill last night In tho ar mory. All expected to oujoy tho light fantastic during tho lattor part of tho (mining, but, owing to u short ago In uiiulc, tlui dnnoo was vllmln titod. Soim'thliig ,o A lurgo varloU- f now laoe our tains, window shados, uto. Call and. soo thorn at J. A. l'ttttorsons, 271 Conimerelal stroeU (Mil KrlemU ,hvn. LHwronoo Oolvor. who shhk the WHO of "Col, IHihI WlMlbrop. ' In "Tito Tonilorroot," catiductMl n stw d.hi In IhU ottf for several utumhs awrlHf 1S8, DttriNg kls stay hre ke made many trlouds. Mud was fur h Uwo d I root or of tho M. IS. church choir. Prof, lloritngo rwumu-d too uiomioii yoHUK or ihf ! lost Hlffct, Hid fti the Hr formoocw MHit km kour ilrutly to reoowtog tk wosoorleo of thh oroMoiaUovw. It I'hj to itiiy A Ckrtr OtiX rtUtgO wkoo u koy We kvo wltwt yon want at roNMMAbU yrloo. Cwll aod u. J, A lHittMMsau, GomiMorolal stroot Mrs. U M. HaluiM roturuod this niomluK from a visit In Portland. To Women- Ordinance committee roportod favor ably on ordinance for assessment of Stnto street improvement, with ver bal amendments. Adopted. Direct Legislation. Inltintiv.o nnd referoudum ordi nunce wns road third tlmo. It ro Utilros thnt ton por cent of votes shnli bo required for referring uny ordl nnnco, resolution or frnuchlso, and 15 por cont for Inltlntlvo of any nions nro. In nt least r0 days an election shnll bo hold. 1)111 passod. Klnln Street Paving. Ordlnnnco for pnvemont of State Btroet with Warren's bltullthlc wntorproof iiavemont from Coinmer clnl stroot to oast lino of Church street wns road third time nnd pass cd. All voting aye. ItclVmMluin In ItllVct. Mayor Itodgers Immodlntely slgu ' the liiltlullve nnd roferouduui null nance with his npproval ,aud It I.. came a law at once. Following 1 the full text thereef: Section 1. Ordinances or nim-nd inutile to the chnrtor of the cltv ir Salem, Oregon, proiiosod by Inltla j tlve, shall be signed by not less than j K p r cent (if tho legal votoro of tin i city. Section 2. Hoferoiiilinii ptl(lois against any ordluunoe pawed by tho common council shnll be signed by not less Hthnn 10 por cent of tho lo gal voters of the city: tho petition ! shall h filed with the city recorder , within ten days after tho passage and , approval of any ordlnnnco. No or dinance shall take effect and become op.iniive until ten days after Its pas ag by the council and approval by tho mayor or passage over the veto of the mayor, oxcopt measures nec oosnry for the Immediate preserva tion of the penco, honlth and safety of the city: and no such emergency moasuro shall becomo immediately oporatlvo unlooo It shnll state. In a Boparato soctlon, tho reason why u Is noooiwnry that It should become Immediately oporatlvo and shall bo approvod by a mnjorlty of the mem bers elected to tho council nnd also bo approvod by tho innyor. Mensuror upon which tho referendum may hnvo bovti Invoked "slinU bo submit- tit, I ii fi,. ....k... ... . ... " " uim in mo city at tno noxt otisiiltig oloctlon, not leoe than 50 days after tho petition Is tiled. "Section 3. Tho laws of the atnt of Oregon providing for carrying Into Phone 1112 to defects of vision requiring correc tion by glnsses. Consultation nnd examination free. I sroxirs iirvM-: dkops. GruitcU known r rudy for hcawa. Price 1. To tirts offices away from Sslem I pay 2.1 c uts on express charges. Highland. Oregon, Oct. 31, 1902. This Is to certify that 1 gnvo my mare one bottle of "Stone's Honve Drops" and cured her of heaves. This was last winter and she hns no; been aflllcted since. G. Wallace. Dr. S. ( STOXK, Salem, Ore. For tale by Ml drugglstc. Mrs. Iva Cox, who has been visit ing in Eugene, has returned to her home at Cheniawn. 1J. AV. Carr, of Salem, spent Sun da In Albany. 'Lawyer M. E. Pugh, of Salem, was an Albany business visitor. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Shanks, of Salem, are visiting nt tho homo of their daughter, Mrs. J. L. Irvln. Albany Democrat. J. H. Iddlngs nnd family leavo this week for their new homo nt Colorado Springs. Ralph Iddlngs has been em ployed In tho Brnnson grocery. Miss Gertrude Iddlngs hns been employed at the Chicago store, and tho whole family will bo much missed In Salem circles. Attorney A. 0. Condlt left this morning for Portland on business. Mr', and Mrs. W. F. Dunlnp and children loft this morning for Lewis ton, whore Mr. Dunlap will take charge of tho Howe, Davis & Kll lom bindery nnd job office. ,11m Frcolnnd, tho woll-known fur niture dealer, wont to Portland this morning to attend tho couvontlon of the stato association of furniture men. Shermnn Miles loft today for i buslnoss trip to Portland. Attorney H. II. Tumor loft this morning for a buslnoss trip ot Seat tle. Miss Martha Whclnn has gone to Portland to visit her sister, Mrs. P. McCarthy. Mrs, Sam Sicwnr and lltlc daugh ter, who havo boon visiting Mrs. Tom Cornelius and family, left this morn ing for tholr homo in Portland. County Judge Scott returned this morning from n buslnoss trip to Jef ferson nnd Mnrlon. Mrs. Emma Galloway, vlco-prosl-dent of the state Ilobekah assombly loft this morning for Orogon City, where sho will nttond a couvontlon of tho ordor. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cronlso loft to day for Portland, to attend n course !ln photography, given by tho Arlsto school, Thoy will roturn Mondny Mrs. M. S. Fuller, loft this morn ing for n buslnoss trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Irwin loft to- da lor Milton, on account of tho Illness of Mrs, Irwin's mothor, Mrs. ' Sponce. I Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Mooros loft I nut niuriuiig lor netuue, to visit rot- i ativej. J. W. Howcrhau Is a Saluni vlslor ' from Sclo. I i $ioof fosZrr - Uh Tho ...... ""fWrfS "":3r?.J ""uus to expend . strect, that . ' m s TnistoM?,': ut flnost crushed f0,v the street, that i L an also to Dnrra "- ' Ki.. --. i worn in. !... . rock from Z!!5', '"to the center ZMi -o"lng that down, i0.68 different, lt . I "j out by wheel! .JTti ThM i. -... " "liim. m; "& It Is deeM TK ".. street commit,-.." ."n4M to finish the street u.' manner, and hare km ...rf18 oytobeusedasuTI roady to .in WBtthaii '"w Itcwanl. iia. Pleased to learn th n,J: l on dreaded diseaso q ,Z1 ;, ;,.:. ..i"cureiniti. """ l,,ul s uuarrh. Hili'u Cure is the nnW v - - vuii IIUIIIIT ' ,k:r..i,.h!mMi' "v'"6 wntutntiom t ..niiros a constitutional trus Hall's Catarrh Curo Is tiw. , nally, acting directly opoall u mucous surfsces of tij i moreoy destroying the f04 tuo disease, and gltlng thi , strength by building op n, . tution and nssistlng nter h j Its work. Tho proprietor! 1 much faith In Iu etiratin i that they offer Ono Hnndred l for nny caso that It ftlii t i Send for list of testimony. Address P.J. CHENEY k C0.1 icao, o. Sold by all druggists. 75e Take Hall's Kami!; Plllift stlpatlon. Kiigenc Will Par The cit i-ounrll of Eqs-mmH oil the rout rat i last mitt lor j Ing five blacks to the Wiwil structlon Company o How to lt.t Ijisj Buy soiiio of our eair tiiln, hnvo a large variety ot s chairs and rockers, Our prim, i surprise you. Call and tet tWx v Miiiiiiriir 'tasssH SiV' v - tox-.uayor wntors roturnou this a. Patterson. Commercu) itrnt morning from n buslnoss trip up the -- n"e' i Alloa Vlrnmlii France VS4BI F. V. Gallowny, nftor n visit horo, ,miiIca, Itudint here, left ventrl leir mis morning for .Moscow, Idnho, for er home n Kagtern Ortpt i lug to the slrkUrtl of rf!iT Mark lltniiHiit, uf a. itii board, who iiilikW 'V esiJ th board llrlV U'lv W turned to his hon n i ''" COPYRIGHT Til UOW AWAY VOUIl PHYSIC And ont propor food. Good broad Is more potont than drugs, particularly " high quality of bread such as Ullom makes. Being ono, If not tho nrinelitnl ariinia rr .u. ,. , ,. o. ... .1... ........... ' '.' .---.... , u,l u BIIOUIU ,""v',m l" ""ivo niut reforen- reoolvo the most careful consldora iliiiu. In rospeot to niunloljwl loslslu- Jtlon of all food produeu. Our broad Hon. shall be followed In the city qf , Is carefully and cleanly made of tho .,.,.. u,rKUti. in w particular, beet Hour, and Is rich In oxcopt as In this ordinance provided, nnd healthful properties. ,vui i. Mnorens. tne laws of i CAPITAL IIVKKItY the stato of Oregon do not specify ' V. viloni. Pron. ' nutrlilvo WMiHWIMIMM'1l,-M -:- 'T S A SQUARE DEAL AM) A KA1U Till I. OF Ol It KAUM IMl'MOUVTS vll MAWUXUIIY OF Al... KINDS. IK YOU AUK XOT SXTISHK WITH A FAIIC TIU M. YOl' NKKI) NOT HI Y. I tthi.1. TK.UTION n STATIOXUHY KX(J1X1, AND SliKPAIMi'S Hi:i) ltlVIIK SIJPA1UTOUS. HY STUUKT M UO Mi (5ltAlUXn.MACIlI.VKUY. Wft HAMU.K THK 1IYUII WAHONS, KNGKlt HACKS AM) CAKItl.MiUS. XirilOL'S lUI.KItS, IUCKJ1KS, WK AHK AOK.VTS TOU THU AD1UAXC1J. IHCKimi! MOW KUS Cl.IPP.CH PLOWS AX1) il.rH lUllllON CPLT VVTOlV Al SO SO.MK 8UMMI HAND FAH.M IMFlilSis lS AVAC10XS YKItY CH1C.. -'! li-Mb AM) SiwiSS A,NS ?l AUL K,X,,S" AM) PA1XIEI18 Hl'fiGY TOIS, 1USI1HOA1ID.S, Willi's, HOMES FTP Tl' 'ISn?, MCITK1N CinctLlSSxKSCRIl.. Tlt. CATAI4K111&3 Fl'HXISHKn OX APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Prop WOXR l MAIN m nnv. .v .. where be will be one of tho mom hers of tho Oregon dobatlng otnm, whl'h will moot the dobaters of Mose.m tomorrow night. Tho other member of the Stnte University throe are J. H. Bend and Thomas Townsend. Tho subjeot Is tho fit toonth nniendmont, nnd during Mr Galloway's visit horo ho hns spoilt some tlmo In rosoarch work In the state library. Mrs. W. 1). Stovons. Edwin Fort- mlller, Bort Stovons and Miss Coollo Stevens, of Albnny, attended "Tho Tendorfoot" producUon hero last night. Mrs. M. G. Jacobson left yostcrdny to Join her husbnnd nt Lagan, Iowa, wliero they will reside. Mrs. William Hoovor and Mrs. S. M. Rldlnger, of Brooks, wero visit- i Ing Salem frlonds yesterday. B. F. Hulbert, who has been visit ing Salem frlonds, has returned to his homo In Eugene. Mrs. V. P. Tlbbnls, of Port Town Bond, Wash., Is visiting In tho city. J. II. Hanlton, who has been tho guest of his cousin. Mr. Stump, left yostprday for his homo In Arlington. Mrs. J. L. Neal, of Marlon, was visiting In tho city this morning. Miss Moulhnupt and hor guost, L. B. Heed, of Portland, Mrs.; Lyon, Mis Schlndlor and Mrs. Arnold will roturn this nftornoon jfroni n visit at Portland. I Hon. Thomas Kay loft this morn j lug for a business trip to Eugene. j Mlaa Bdna 'Jones and Mrs. Clydo Boonoy, of Gervais. nro vlsltlajf l the city. E Halelgh SouUiwIck loft Utte morn j ing for Newport lit the latoroet of Uo j kating rink whlco win bt eoastrvefc , ed soon. i J. D. Hamakor, who bus bsvn vis jitlng in Portland la thte city, loft I this mornlHg for hor homo la Ho ,naaza. Klamath counb. Mr and Mrs. AV. L. Jonas, who have been visiting In tho olty, ro turned this xuorulng to tholr homo In Jefferson. Miss Georgia Hoagland, who has been visiting Salem relatives, left' to day for her home In Bonanxa, Klam ath county. 1)1 KD. CLAUSING- At the burn!' aG5 South lMh ret We day. March 27. 1? rs lln Jennie Clausing, u" J Bosldos a husband sbelu"' ilnnchiors nnd one sod to ' loss. Tho funeral lerriMi a conducted from the reUa o'clock Friday mornlsj. Kft f Knight ofHclatlnB. ..MONEY TO LOI THOMAS t Over Ladd & Bush's lUst&J Norwich Uflk Fire lnsiact t, i. fa,uth. Rel4 Office with Wo. Bro 129 Commercial strwi. NEW TODAi , --i Aro You in Hulnf-i n oiiK)rt..T ST, . . ... f 1SK - ing iv "" - - 89U. r '":; uu aau oan-.- - - .v ThU U tu won. ;- ,feam. live. ob-w"-v oil loooe r ""'-,, ?iO.vv ---- .SIB- HtOMtfcS. l f$lj.1 Tfco "". ." rwr propria :. '"" " j.'Kj 3S. Wnntwl " o.d .. rv Bt Staw -. XJi I" A ..- c.liv- A B -" .! J teaw: eS l'Z & .blinds, a b4- r,. once; t KMi .rf. Prll9,v WTTcterd CAMVOltXJL. srsiii J, A. Pattersoa,, Comtuercla) stretI ,- , .., 4.!,. aiKKIiTS Capital B- U U eay to keep your bouse, neat when you can uH such slco linoleum n rlitia1!!. Comt anil uuv nur rlr.v