,t, , p-." rvrvy',mWI ?ri DAILX OAPI TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH 2d, 1007. St sr If J ;fJ FvMIiTm' 1 i !' Tomorrow, Only ! BARGAIN SALE NUMKER 825. NEW SPRING JACKETS In nhort lengths, llko lllustrn tlou. They come In stripes, checks nnd plaids, aomc with flttad backs, others pony stylo and box backs. All nro thoroughly tailor ed throughout and nt tho price aro tne Ulggest hnrgnlns ever forod vain oh $5.50 None hold until Wednesday morn. ImK nt H:!J0. No tduuio orders tnkon. n 't $4.38 New Spring Dress Goods A great many now wonvos nnd "iolorlngs to show you. Among tho newest thlngB shown are tho Moonlight Mixture Which nro creating biicIi r stir in tho east. Wo havo thorn ex clusively In this city. You will bo pleased with this lino showing and tho values cannot' bo matched outsldo of this storo. Lace Curtains HouRc-clcanlng tlino Is near at hand nnd no doubt you will nood Bbvcrnl pairs of curtains to bright en up your rooms. Wo huvo an unusually lino showing of newest stylos In popular weaves. 75cto$10Pr OXFORDS White and Grey Tho good weathor wl'l soon bo hero nnd you will wnnt a pair of wlilto Oxtords to go with that itimmor gown. Now's tho I lino to .nako your solcctlon whllo tho stock Is nt Its host and all bIzob H aro complete You'll not find such values olsowhoro, nor style. A most comploto showing of all now styles for Spring woar. Suit Cases Ladies' Suits Tho broadeit showing mndo In this city, nnd nowhere In tho val 1 ojt nro nioro lino stylos to bo soon I iv this gathering Is uvory good stylo; such oxcollont workman nlilp as nppoals nt onro to dis criminating tuBto. Tho wanted colors nnd fabrics nro hero In u. wldo rniigo, nnd such exceptional values ns appeal to every looker Como today. $11.85 to $40 Another big lot of Riilt cases just rocolved nil slzos nnd kinds, Including tho light-weight and wantod Btrnw suit casos. Encli i ratio ropresonls tho best value for tho money to bo found. $2.50 to $23.50 Men's Clothes It Is now time to soloct your spring clothing. If you know you could buy a suit ns good fitting, ns good looking and as good wearing ns If It was mndo to your measure, would you buy it? This Is Just what wo give you, nnd from tho latest styles and fab rics. A vlHlt of Inspection will satisfy nnd point out whoro you enn save money. $10 and Up Mrs. West's Funeral Tho funcrnl of Mrs. Nancy West will bo held from tho residence at 473 Mill street, Thursday afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Will .Make Home in Snleni W. O. Sweotham, an old-timo car pet and furniture man, hns located at Salem, and will tako a position with the House Furnishing Com pany, as salesman In thoso depart ments. Mr. Swootmnn was for some years with tho largor housos In Chi cago, and later has been located at Pueblo, but hns como to Ordgon to make his permnnont homo. Ho Is n capable man In his line, nnd will prove n welcome acquisition to the Capital City. lUrtl Meeting Tonight As previously nnnouncod, there will be a meeting this ovoning nt the Unitarian church, for tho reorganiza tion of tho Salem DIrd Study Club, which has been lnnctlvo for sovora' seasons. All persons Intorostcd In this subject, and that Inoludos the young folks, boys nnd glrU, mon nnd women, nro urged to come out, as this Is a subject that Hob ninoli cloi cr to our lntorosts, both aesthetic and commercial, than wo renlizo. A nlonsant tlmo Is promlsod nil who will attend, nnd they can becomo helpful to the ontlro community by so doing. o MRS. WEST DEAD. Piles Cured Quickly at Home Without Tnln, Cutting or Surgery Instant Relief. Wc Prove It Sample Free. PnckngtM Well Known Septegciiiirinti Passed Awny Suddenly Yo.stenlny livening. fA so&. 7teM& iUUJMMMlUmJ&til Mrs. Nancy West, n woll-known and cHtlmnblo woman, dlod sudden ly of henrt falluro last ovoning about 8 o'clock at her homo nt 173 Mill street. Mrs. West hns boon HI for Hip grenter part of tho wlntar, but wns supposed to havo nonrly recov ered when tho Until end enmo Inst night without warning. ; Dpllnlk' arrangements hnvo not yet been mndo for the funurnl. but It 'will be held Wodnosdny afternoon from the resldonco. Mrs. West wiib tho widow of Orrln W. WoBt, who died In 1S73. She wns born In Illinois in 1S35, and tho family came to Orogon 10 yonrs ago, Sho Is survived by tho fol lowing children: Fred L. West, of Snlom; Wllllnm West, of Hnn Francisco; W. L. West. of Knl'in: Miss Hollo West. of Sa lem, Mrs. Albert L. llrown, of Snlom, and II. Frank West, of Eugene. The deceased was widely known and grout ly osteomed In this city, whoro her klndnoss, benevolence nnd charity ondearod her to all who knew hor. Personals Seven people out of ton are said to havo piles. Not one1 man In u million need havo thorn, nnd wo nro proving It every day nt our own ex pense. We send a sample package of the wonderful Pyramid Pile Curo to any person, absolutely free. We don't do this as a mattor or amusement or philanthropy, but bo cause It l to our Intereet to do so. We know that the BUfferor from piles, tormentod and driven nlmosl crasy by this wretched trouble will find such immediate relief that ho will go at once to his druggist nnd get well. We know that wo have got the grenteft Itinedy In tho world for piles, nnd wo aro ready and willing to stand or fnll by the vordlct of those who make tho trial. Wo havo been doing this for some yonrs now, and wo never yet have had occasion to rogrot it. . And tho remedy nt tho drug store Is exactly tho samo ns tho Bnmplo wo send out. " As, for Instance, hero Is n man who got such immedlnto rc llof from tho sample thnt ho at onco bought a box. Was It Just the samo? Undoubtedly, slnco It curod him nf- tor all sorts and kinds of things had failed. Herolsasample of tho -kind of let ters wo get ovary dny, and wo don't have to ask for thern: "Received your sample of Pllo Cure and havo given It a fair trial. and It has provod tho best I have ever tried nnd effected a complete cure. I chii recommend you highly In this vicinity. Hnvo used your sample and one box ami It has been a complete cure. It has been worth $100 to me. "Thanking you for tho sample and the cure, I will recommend you to everybody. Yours rospoctfully, Ju lius Mayor, donlor In fetithors, gin Bond nnd hides, Hodford, Ind." Pyramid Pllo Curo 1b for Bale at overy druggist's at f0 coats a box. or, If you would llko to try a sample llrst,you will receive one by roturn mall by sending your name nnd ml dross to Tho Prnmld Drug Com pany, fi'J Pyramid Building, Mar shall, Mich. MOTKIi ARRIVALS. -o- CITY NEWS A Collection of Important 1'nru graph for Your Coiiihh-rntlnn. If Your Memory In Poo Tatoo this on your arm, thnt Tho Spa lends In Kaitar and nil special tiny goods. Hue our frying unmt mid eggs, 383 Statu street, cud Ifrrp'n Your Clmnrt A force sale. A modern dwelling, vast front, full basement, lot 76X150, city water, hut and ouhl. throughout, mUo a No. 1 well. You bettar w this nl once, and make us an otter. You ouu have this plant with h good router In It nt 115. or vacated wit ran ttonnhte. notice Hadcllff Co. JMS-U The Newest Spec tacle Lenses Tonic leuacs are roaawa In ahai mill Ibaa nah thv y to tee MrUlghl lliloUKll llif llt. no UtatUl In Wutt dluntlou it look la. out. up or down. r atratght ahead Tluw 1hm ar o Ikh to thoa who hnv to fir glv . ilfui llnaat. ao easy oa tb- V ilu furnish tt n !h Km MM, tthtrft tian.-Ht u. :hli I jhut tight than the u tii I u- ilo. Uryptxk luUslble Blfocl .u. Hi. intaat ! I ui gtawMw for eiiis Mwr t f' iH mui w will .- ltlntH t ui-iu f our glaM end what l Hoy l I do Km om W twvr bed many years' e&tri twfio m oKtlclnu Ilcautlful doors add much to tho bonut of n new home Uvory stylo ran be had at Hanson's planing mills, Chuioh and Mill streets. tt A l'lno Htolinwiy fJninil Piano From duo. C. Will's miislo housa will be used by Prof, von Jihtsun to play tho accompaniments of tho "Itowi Maiden" tomorrow ovoning nt the First Methodist utiuroli. Prof. I'rniioi'M'o Soly Attended the tlual reheureul of the "Hoe Maiden" lust evening, nnd ex ureeeed himself iu well pleeseil with tbe work. There Is no tnuit In the Willamette vnlley better versed In rborl wark than Prof. Salar. hmiI hU fgvorable ooIuIom It g eoHtpltMieMt to tbe club. (tet Yuur llvkwt . for tb "Rum Matdea" at toaa' book etor. Reserve aati gvaeral edwuMlua tickets eato. Pet U for BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Slate md UbKyStSa(e.N '111 ItHttltt (T- lt4V And onw row on the iuljii will W Ailed with lb thurus stagers at the hruduoUva u( ih ' Hoao Maid en.'' oa toatorrow v.tilns. at the Mthodtet cknrch lsltr HH Xra One biryrle iidr. u!, .! l uu hvi ht laaip trUameU mid i..m'.uhk aubi last ttvata u.,.i i .i k u.' up f3.59 to the tux ii. . -in Mtk l)aky, roraierly r u Km. mitt lair, but more reeaUy vr tb i aii vf Hiigvn. bnptMae4 to at ttrc in i . . it) iuilav The mt dvn vbang iuiu a di inu hvt uuc htm. ai.l k tn im' mvin in bvlti blot to the ntf l. w!n. h- w atea a bed for the alcht llu bill will m $?. bwjlHl PtpotixI Ttu noeial that to be given l the OrHMge, nt MaeJeay, h beee pttH tinned n ttPtHiwat of th death of YUiM Iloworman. which ooturred I Fiilrinoiiiit Club OrganlA-H. i The Falrmnunt Haseball Club, of South Snlom, recently orgnnlzod, rented grounds on the cornur of Lib erty and Mission stroete. and Is now rondy to begin practice for tho sou son. Tho diamond has been mude with groat care, being olllclnlly laid out nnd on sultnblo ground, nnd it Is ono of tho best diamonds In this section. Tho following nre the players and mnnngemeiit: Manager; Otto M tiler. entailers, C. Went nnd Fred tingle. Pitchers. George Kenton ami 111- mar Unite, Second bano. Clay Carey. First base, Hvorott Arnold. Second Use. Mr. UiHHHreya. Thlnl iNtae. Otto Miller (eapt.). Urt Held, nuy Iloyt. Oonter field, MIlo ttaamuaaen. KlgHt Held, Willie Daniels. Iilttlo IiiiIIhii Maidens 'INikv ICeiilnK Walk. Four little nooaWaattl aborbjtaal beaailM. who are attaadtag the 8a- teat ladlaa Training aVhool. at Che atawa. took aa evening walk, with oat a ehaparoae, aad without permit attta. abortly arur auniiir Monday alghl. caualug a wave of excitaieaft to low ovwr the placid oourat of Che atawa ewatu One of the four lit tle glrU had beea imnlaht by a Matron for naugbtltie and the tour d.rtas lo make h wit-awsj' from the lnmitmlou wn i.,. ,.f th dlnlug UhII. tia-t . ..! ,i,rt t0 thi-li itiiriuuon h w ,,.,1 va doMii the lailitM.l ui.k l" . ra i.iiikMi MtihSu half mis., an tfbi t-.lk. Thcti nj.., mage ' ' to 11 yara. Willamette. K. Cooke Putton, ally. Ilul Pattnn, city. W. Johnson, Portland. C. Mowe, Chicago. C. P. Ilerrmnn, Dottnn. .1. H Hiirton, PottlumU C. W. llHiixhurst, San Farnelsoo. W. O. Forlmnn, San Francisco. Wi... McGeary, New York. K. rianders, Coos Hay. J. U. .eublett. New York. J. II. Ctilee, Portland. W. 8. I)o, Portland. W. h. Cunnlnghnm, Portland. Ooo. Averlll, Portland. J. It. Flynn, Portland. M. Fleokner and wife. New York" J. T. Wilson. Portland. Mrs. V. u. Stevens and daughter, Mlmny. a. C. Fulton. Astoria. Hall? at l .math. Thf ChrUitati hu'c'i v i- ,wlr auuuu! . ji,. . t'i lrt uiul '' ' ii 4av. X K. Ull ot tills t .', Will uy wmrmon mcancaklav me (. nnetun cnuixti m u..l( Au MrolbHIt ,krOtrau: ) ,. rang4 tor the to a.o i bold IU Ctrvallia Kev It. rvech tht utng la placex a ar- U)B. .Mnko Tholr Own Selections-. The street eowiwIUae of the Sa lam city council baa auopteo a new plan In regard to petitions for itreat Iwprorewents. The altaatloa Is aneh that there are but two companies In Oregon who put down first -elaea pavements, the hltutithlr and thr aephalt corporations. If the uronar ty owners will lnvettie and let prlra from oth and then aak site cllcally for what thc ant. great preeaurc IU be taken of the council. aad tho iroK-rt oucni virtually make their own lmiBalu. the ptv round! onh .utinK th ofldal agnnt of the iniuiv iimiitt That will be thv rule follow, d in future perma nert linir,-nu u' iitci,-d. HUM,., of Nitli.itial ltnaka. Waahlngton V.ar, h 28.- Th ' mmptrollr . r , lu ,a!)rt t ,' nuuai HAIk Ml' .".nt St turn a tti- , . r lid to c, ul!- siii.- Mar v. VUUiM tln Prison. Tkh waj Clevaraor UkwtnbralaVi regalar dny far vtaittas tb tt,t DR. C C. MOHLCR Eyesight Specialist. Sa-H'iu. Or- autt St. i. r i.u-egoa. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Wa Hmlt our practke to the e to defect of Msloa renirlr correo tlon by Klaseee. ConsuiinMnr. a Phone ' 1112 Danker Jno. Auppprlo of Jefferson Is In tho city on business. Mrs. E. J. Wilson is the guest of Marlon friends. William Wallace Orahnm, tho vio linist, returned toils homo in Port land, after a professional visit in this city. F. A. Mangold, of Gervais, re turned to his homo yesterday, after a visit here. Mrs. A. M. Cnnnon is visiting hor pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jones, of "Labish Meadows." Miss Lillian Jonos, n trained nurso nt tho Snlom hospltnl, loft yesterday for a visit at hor homo In Brooks. Miss Addle Mntlhos has returned from nn ovor-Sundny visit at Lake Labish. Miss Llzzlo Donny, a studont of Wlllnmotto University, has roturned from n few days' visit nt hor homo in Hnyosvllle. Miss Poarl Applegate, who has boon quite 111 for several weeks, lb roportod Improving rapidly. Waltor Lyon came down from Al bany this morning. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Goode, of Eu gene, nro in tho city visiting rela tives and friends. Carl Abrams, of .tho Statesman forco, left this morning for Portland on business. W. A. Rnlnos, formerly of this city, nftcr n visit here, has returned to his homo In Orogon City. J. L. Coombs loft todny for Port land on btislnoss. A. D. Dloomor, who has been vis iting horo, loft this morning for his homo In Hubbard. J. Running, of tho Wlllnmotto Construction Company, nftor a busi ness visit horo, roturned to Portlnnd this morning. Hnnkor F. D. Gilbert, who hnB boon visiting his slstor, Mrs. A. N. Gilbert, of this city, loft this morn ing for his homo In Joseph. Mrs. Lnfe, who hns been visiting , her slstor. Mrs. H. A. Wlechmnn, of , Church strcot, roturned today to her ,hoino In Portlnnd. Mrs. Ray L. Antrim nnd family and nloco, Miss Artka Antrim, left ,thlB morning for Portlnnd, whoro they will reside. I Mrs. Gcorgo Hatch has roturned from n visit In Portlnnd. I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bollon, of tho Snlom Undertaking parlors are. spoildlng tho dny In Portlnnd. , Mrs. (1. W. Smith and daughter, Mies Hazol, after a visit horo, re turned to tholr homo In Portlnnd yesterday. John Krnuse, of Albany, wns In tho city on business yostordny. Rev. C. C. Sparry, who conducted service In the Waldo hills Sunday, loft yesterday for his homo In Hrownavllle. U. G. Holt, or tho Spnnldlng Log ging Compnny, left this morning for Jefferson this morning on business. Fred McCnll, who hns boon visit ing Salem friends for tho past few days, has returned to Corvallts to re eunio his studios In tho Agricultural Callego. C. C. Uaynard, aftor a visit bore, has ret u mod to his school work In Corvnllls. C. R. Durfoo was n Snlom visitor this morning from Marlon. Robert Woddlo, after a buslnoss visit Iu the olty, loft this morning for his home In JolTorson. Mark McAlllstor, the onorgetlc athletic manngor of tho Agricultural College, who has boon visiting at his home near this city, returned to Cor vallle this morning. Ho says tho school will have an excellent baso uall nine this aeneon, and the pros pects are good for a traek team. Clarence Hamilton, the well-known furniture man of thjs city, returned this morning from a bualneae trip, on the Weat Side. Tain Oaten, alter vUltiag hi pa-1 ruii. Mr. gad Mrs. Claud Oalok. has r turned to Oorralils. where Ml U atteudiaaj tbe Agricultural Col- Kge. J. D. Hamaker. pf Bonania. K'am ath county. I Malting relative In the city. Mr. aad Mrs. D. Dlnstuoic bare it-turned from .Portland, nberc ihey err called by the death of Mrs. Pennlcard. ' Ptfter W'aliar was a Sal. iu lbitor tirom Turner today. tteurge Moure-, th wH-ku. wa contractor. Kfi this uioiuma for ICu gea oa basinet. Kav. W. H. aeltaek weal to Oor vallis tbia moralag. Mr. Mar grate, of AKoa. 111., arrived la Salem laat eraalag, aad will reeide with her daughter. Mr. Lou Kaowlaad. of thU dty. P. W. BureoR left this afternoon for a vtslt In Portland. FEEBLE MINDED- 1NSTITU Sites to Waldo aid West fU n 0C0wi At torday a new turn ...THi cation of the sUe k4 SOn. lhnlnr.. "" ortv off.: ZWJ!t selection. nn hl donn(lnav:.re?,0tttJ rond CommiMinn ... ,,J rntinn,! i,v t... ' lfl"IblM . "' surer steaiu . Ing Secretary of Stnl1 Waldo and West Win -T lml ,...!. .. W ".. uuuva ai once, iff ir onnn I... .. f "5t """ "' " e loner tfkt.. ... fllOV vnnM ., " '! ...wrf mu,.iu -uu8iuer all tht , ' tho state had secure! opUoZ """ wou,o "Ke up tbifc:, r, """" "u'nnce. nmn tlons, wood and water tinh transportation faeJUUn. -nil former tracts recommends i, , w.u Dlu, uuura wouia be touSte but thoy wore not conHnei u i Piece of property, and would in. in a fow weoks totuomltttdt, ommendatlons to the stale lain iiHBisi m its tinal detcrnlnitki Work of .narthl. uiiiij iiok. jiarrn z$ was thrown at Goreraort Bogalveskl while he wai irWjts tiay. The general wai vu but the buildings weredtmiMtt by. The bomb-thrower momI o- 1)1 KI. HALL. At tho farallr rutinai Mission Bottom. Monde Sw 25, 1907. the Infant of Mr : Mrs. C. M. Hall Tlmfunoral services were Mi! afternoon from the home, uj: burial took place In the Cia cemetery. BURT. At Chcmawa, Ussl March 25, 1907, Elmer But i 18 years. The funeral services were ducted by Rev. D. A. ErrttttlSi tornoon. JONES. At Brooks, Sundi;, Vc 21, 1907, tho Infant somJM and Mrs. Harry Jones. lata will be made at the DroohwH tory today. IIBXDRICK In this elt Sstattl March S3. 1907 of tBMW6 John Hendrlck. aged Js rttt His mother. Mrs L. J Tbcstuf. compnnled the remains to MiB Inst ovoning. where Intertwit i bo made. ..MONEY TO 1M THOMAS K.FC Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Sal' Norwich Union Fife Inswfct r...V Morwllth. IleslJHtW Onlcewlth Win. Drown 4' 129 Commercial " NEW TODAY iftfceii An, You III IWiincf J an opportunity of U mg io Bu .. b.11 mv rlaura6 to-" .., i.-vr ..! less tsv "" """. J 1H' k.w"" . :;.. IITf.aav-w - w, I . .. ..'l --- . ii.''lltMo' a; iI5.o..g p.T7 - - Fonr..:,rn U'he ' ge'u I o. r, C , firoirl icir. i,v . ij- JS T-TZm 9" ana i UlMwl J'l.'I'O K lll.UIJ: trt ; rr Sal-.u l' - Jb'r, 7" fro... "- . S . .urn. i- illi-c w n . ..- lr sl. hoi- ' i ....i t irtf V ' . . ' rta,,. jnil "" jt- O. O. Jatt' .. . fcT i , n r w Canirt "aw' '-la eauae thej " &. tj nr BMdC IW J State rt OHN-4 yterdA' at c o'etook it. hi. jrl. I examination free