DAjLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1007, 7 ' Free from Alcohol Since May, 1906, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been entirely free from alcohol. If you are in poor health, weak, pale, nervous, ask your doctor about taking this non alcoholic tonic and alterative. If he has a better medicine, take his. Get the best, always. This is our advice. Wc have no secrets to hide I Wc pub- lish the rormuias 01 an uui nicun-mcs. I C. AVER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Ma$j. , Ilcfonn Election Hill. r.nii. March 26. Tho Mls- C Mnte has passed a bill that jtttracted much attention, nnu j t Imitated In other states, If i Biny Inquiries received hero , tioso states aro any criterion. tUU l Intended to rogulato re- i riKtlon movements, to tho ox- of DiaclnB such movoments un- t requirements ns aro lm tj upon political pnrtlos. Tho I provides that loaguos, commit- HiMlatlons or soclotlos, Incor- Ekdorunlncorporatod.formed for Usrposo ot Investigating tho Ltcter fitness or qualification of Witts or nominees for public of- , tad making reports on same, i'Jitite In full, In every roport or famtndatlon ns to such candl- ti or nominees, tho nnmos and LttKi of all persons furnishing i itformatlon Any roport or roc- laeadiflon furnished or published fitch associations which doos not U:a all of this Information shall n'jwful, and nny person print- tor circulating a report without If Information shall bo guilty of a pmranor and lined not loss than I asr more than $300 or by lm- usment in Jail not less tlinn one uacr more than one yonr, or by rl ivo fine and lntprlsonmont. jt:'a.so provides for reports of ep.j3 rxpmv -, mich as nro re- Ind ' fg'ilar party orgnnlzn- i o Sing to n Talking Machine. 3T,'lt Maich 8C Instond of pstodav f.r Europe Melbn, the Mpr tmR' r, has signed a oon- ' h the proprietor ot a talk- ;4C3i2, wh pan her $50,000 fcsiito h"3 ma. bine for a weok. MicjiM u M rcrrjc more thna KSXSPS J Sears th Signatur of in Use For Over 30 Years .vers Sarsaparilla 1 The new kind contains no alcohol IHL'-LJIlMiLJ. $50,000 for singing In tho week end ing April 2d. This Bum will bo paid In royalties, but tho company has guaranteed tho sum, equal to tho an nual salary of tho President ot tho United States, and tho total probably will bo far In excess of that figure. To fulfill tho contract tho diva can celled n passage to England, which alio had engaged for today. Wood for Statu Institutions. , Senled bids will bo received at the oxccutlvo odlcc, Stato Capitol,- Salem, until 2 o'clock p. m April 10, 1907, for furnishing 350 cords of big sec ond growth fir wood to be dcllvored at tho Stato ponltontlnry commonc lug on or about May 1st 1907. Each bid must bo accompanlod by a certified chock, payablo to tho clerk, or cash equal to 25 conts per, cord, to bo forfoltod to tho stnto ns dnmagos, In enso tho blddor receiv ing tho nward shall fall to exocuto a contract to dollvor tho wood and furnish a satisfactory bond. Suc cessful blddora will bo roqutrod with in ftvo days aftor notification of ac coptanco ot bid to outor Into a con tract and furnish a satisfactory bond. Rids must bo soalod in envoi opos endorsed "Proposal for Wood," and nddrossod to tho undei-rilgned. Any furthor Information may be had of tho undorslgnod. The right to reject any or all bids, or any part of a bid, or to waive defects In any bids If it be deemed to the Interest of the state to do so. Dy order ot the board of trustees. W. N. QATHNS, Clork ot the Hoard. 3-23-2C-2S-30 Miss Nollle Walton, ot the blind school, loft this morning for a visit in Portland. SJCJCCSXOXO Wad You Ilavo Alwnys Bought, and wlilcli lias bcea USO for OVPr lift vnnni lino l.m-nn flirt alrmntnrA P sjf and kas been mado under his per- (LeV&T2; sonnl supervlsiou filnco its Infancy. - ', 'ttCUK Allowno one to dccolvo you iu this. Jwntcrfclts, Imitations and"Just-ns-joodnr Imfe 2ent3 tknt trlllo with and endanger tho hea--i of " aud Children-Experience ngrttluat Export .oat Virsiat is CASTORIA Tj& U n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Par- Drops .nti Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It JTM neither Opium, Morpklno aor other Narcotie J?' Its ngo Is its guarantee, it destroys Wonus 7 "toys Poverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wu4 TcLlt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation Wi cy' Ifc ttiuihte3 tho Food, rejrulates tho W?itand Bowels, giUng healthy nud Hatural slocj. vllUdren8 Pamicca-Tho Mother's Priond. CASTORIA always S?J7m ?" m' - SS Ji i 'VM" j& Mr Afr Jr J eswa' & ffr jiT JT. iT OIbf STUWJ You Ha?6 Always Bought 'Rose Maiden." Tho soloists at tho production ot tho cantata, "Rose Maiden" on Wed nesday evening, of this week at tho First Methodist church, nro worthy ot special mention. Mcrnio A. Hug is a brilliant soprnno with much power and yot beautiful singing qual ity. She hns taken tho solo part In many cantatas and lighter operas. Miss Bosslo Cornelius is sick and her solo, pnrt Is takon by Mrs. Carlton Smith on short notice. Mrs. Smith Is one of Salem's host slngors and tho imero fact that sho Is to sing tho mozzo soprano pnrt Is n gunrnntoo that It will bo woll done In tho trio, Roso Bnbcock will sing tho alto part. For tho past ton years sua has boon ono of tho fnvorlto nltos ot tho city. Tho tonor part will bo tnkon by Frank Hughos. Ho studied It with Francisco Soloy and later with tho director of this cantata. Frank has a puro lyric tenor voice, Just adapted to tho rolo, and will, undoubtedly glvo a splendid reading ot this difficult pnrt. Dr. R. A. Herltago will bIhr tho bass rolo, na well as do tho conducting, and that ho Is thoroughly competont to handle tho part, goes without saying. Tho chorus will consist ot about CO so lected voices, and they will do their pnrty equally woll with tho soloists. Tho proceeds of this entcrtnlnmont Is for tho benefit of tho choir. Hy coming you will not only hear ono of tho best enntntns over wrltton, but help a very worthy organization, o You enn't toll a woman's ago af ter sho takes Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Ten. I lor complexion Is line. Sho Is round, plump and hnnd somo; In fact, alio is young again. 35 conts, Tea or Tnblots. Dr. Stone's Drug Store A Whist in Aid of Destitute Jews. Now York, March 20. Under tho direction of Mrs. Snmuol I). Lovy. Mrs. Hugo A. Wnllenstoln, Mrs. Snmuol Groonllold, Mrs. Joseph U. Cohon, Mrs. Alfred Plticus and Mrs. Albort Lucas, a whist In nld of ths Jews, ngod nnd dostltuto poor, nud for tho rouuildlng ot tho nlms housos doBtroyed In the Kingston onrth quako will he given tonight at tho Wnldorf-Astorln. Tho nnfflr Is ox- pected to bo n lively one, ns n large nunibor of tho most Influential people among the Jewish population nro convened nctlvoly in this ontorpriso. o $100 Howard, 5100. Tno roaoera of this pnpor will bo plonsod to learn that thoro Is at least on drondod dlsenso that solonco hns baon nblo to curs In nil Its stagos, nnd that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is Ilia only poBltlvs euro now known to tht msdlenl fraternity. Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional trontment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tnkon Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot tho system, thoreby destroying the foundation ot tho dlsenso, and giving tho patient strongth by building up tho consti tution nnd nsslstlng nnttiro In doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith in Its curntlvo powors that thoy offer Ono Hundred Dollar for any caso that it falU to cure. Send for list ot testimonials. Addross F. J. CIIHNI3Y & CO., To ledo, O. Sold by nil druggists, 76c Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. V, M, O. A. Contest. The Knights of King Arthur, of tho loonl Y. M. C. A., will hold a swimming moot In tho Y. M. C. A building Monday, April 1st. The following ovonts havo boen sched uled: A 13, 26 and 39-yard swim ming race, a garaa of water polo be tween toams squads 2 and 4, a tug of war between squads I and 3, div ing for objects and comic trick swim ming. Admission of 10 conts will be charged, and evoryonu will be wel come. Tho management has taken steps to organize a hookey club, which promises to be an Interesting fea ture among tho sports of tho asso ciation. A handball tournament will bo begun soon, which will Include 49 uauios. Thero has boon 14 ent trios made, and tho games will be playott by seven doublo teams. The nrlite will either be a Y. M. C A gold medal or a silver trophy. o Peter Bayard, a well-known citi zen of Astoria, found In a gulch 48 pieces ot silverware that was stolen from the residence of ex-County Commissioner C. C. Masten over three months ago. Tho gulch U back of Masten's residence. The silver waro was In a largo nail keg In a pillow case, and must have lain thero since the robbery. Bayard turned It over to tho chief of police. An annex is being built to the Good Samaritan hospital at Portland. Cures Woman's Weaknesses. Wo refer to that boon to weak, nervous, suffering women known a Dr. Plerco'i Favorlto Prescription. Dr. John Fjfo ono of tho Editorial SUilT of TuKEcLKCTioMKntcAt. Rkvikw snys of Unicorn root (Ikhmtas Dlolctt) which Is ono of tho chief Ingredients ot tho "Fa vorlto Prescription " : "A rcmetly which Invariably act as a .itcr tno lnrlsorator maki-s for normal ac tivity ot tho entire reproductive system." Ilo contliiuuH in Helonlas we have a medica ment which tnoro tully answers the alovo j)unxie.t tftan miuoIhfrlni; wtth vhith 1 at atqiMtnted. In iho trvalmont ot dl.easei w ctillar to women It M seldom thai a eao is sH!ii which A t not prewm wmo Indication for thU retin'tlial awnu" Dr. Kyfo further says: "The fo.iowinir are ntrone the IcaiUiis Indications for Urlonu (UnU'orn root 1'aln or achlns In the back, with jlcucorfhwa t atonic (weak) confilttofri of the rcuroJuctlra oraan of oiren, rntnttfi dcprevslon ami Ir ritability, .-fsiviatctl will) chronic Ulseaws of Uio rcprotli'iid nrtrans of woracntconMant sensation or leat in ih rcclon of tho Kltl neyss mcnbrrbarld tfiooUIng. lue lo a weak encd coiuitlo' ottho reproductive sulcmi amenoruapyt juttH"d or atrtcnt monthly pcrUxlji.VN' vIrom or accompani inc an abnoTiyU co. lion of tho qieellve. orcans and Arfa.mlc "hln blood) habit: drareinc scnspion In the extivuio lowtr pari 01 tuo atjlo locn." ... moroor 'e of tho nbovo nvrmunm aWnV.V.;.iM. , TnviilUl Woman miJILl BeUorttuiT. W o Ur. I'lerco'a bavorn-T lSSTrSnwrnio-Tr-nrBTeT crnaonrnTclI is Unicorn root, or llclonlas, and tho nmi'.cal projvrtlcs of which it most falthtu' v represents. Of tJolden Seal root, nnotbor prominent Ingredient of "Favorlto Prescription." Prof. Flnlor KlllngwotKl. M. D.. of Ken nott Modlcal t ollego, Chicago, enys: "It Is an inir rtant remedy In dlordors pf tho womb. In l catarrhal eondltloii tad ireneral onfceblemcnt. It uwful," Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D lato of Cincinnati. si3 of Golden Seal roet: "In relation to Its peneral effect on tho system, thtrt U no mtdUUxe (n utt almut xcUtth thtrtUttwh antrl tinunimlfof oilnbm. It 1 uiliirrnniiy vcinrucu ma mo iuuiu uuiui m nit ilnltlilfnf..il vl ftliB w Prof. It. K .rtholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Metllcitl College, says of (lolden Seal : "VnluaMo In utprlno Immorrhaire, utenor- rhaula (lloixlleif will coninwilvo Uyauienor rhtra ipulnful iintruatlon)." , Dr. Plerco'- lavorlto Prescription fnlth. tnlly roi'rocs.ta all tho alwvo named In- Sntllenui and cures tho diseases for which jyy aro rucouuiondod. ltebekah Convention. The illstrlct gathering nt Salem Monday wns n succoss. The evening nttondnuco wns large, tlu ro being reproaontntlves from Portland, Woodburn, Gorvnls, Joftor son, ludopondonco, Atimsvlllo nnd McMlnnvlllo. Dlnnor nnd suppor woro sorvod to the visitors nnd refreshments fol lowed the evening session. Tho fol lowing olllcerB woro oloctcd for the unsulnx year: Chairman, Mrs. Lil lian Iirown; vlco-chalrmnn, Mrs. 12. T. Adair; warden, Mrs. Fntlmn Bnldwln; conductor, Mrs. Lottie Hobs; Inside gunrdlan, Mrs. Thatch or; outsldo gunrdlan, Ilnrvoy Wnlk or; chnplnlu, Mrs. Peterson; sec retary, Mrs. Mabel Wnlkor. o Tronsuror W. Y. Hlohardson loft today for Portland on buslnosB. D. 11. Jnmos, tho woll-known fur nlturo mnn. loft today for a few days' visit In Portland. O. C. T. CO STEAMERS- pomona AND OltKGONA LI2AVK POHTLANI) .MONDAY, WKDNKS DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M TUKSDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT 0:00 A. M. FOR CORVALIS TUKSDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT O P. M. P. M, BALDWIN, Agt. The Fashion Stables Formerly tiunpson's BUbles. Up-to-date livery ami cab lint Funoral turnouts a specialty. Tally ho for picnics and excursion. Phons 44. CHAS. W YANNKK, Prop 247 and 249 High Street. t2 A Grand Display.. Of good always on band and $ we take great ploasuro in showing them to you. Have you notlcod thoso big ripe or- j anges, and early vegetables, and our prices aro nlwnya right. H. M. BRANSON 1 PfKMiel31. 432 StateSt. UitUtftl !tBIsWFMCH FDMLE mnunmu unnm & PILL. ' Su. Cmau buu (M ttnvifa Vt. an Umm ml j mt tttm uarrfM4HM. m tu 4. Uhuhh. m. 3wi9 PB pMMf jf Oft 9 C iWswc 4t4atiiiiatiii(iisitfrtisji' CLASSIfiED iif eii4f iiif frif iieiittttfji tor BAia For Sale IB ncroa ot lnntl, good house, barn nnd greon house. Fruit ot nil kinds, 3H mllos oast of Salem, In Auburn addition. In quire of C. V. Ynnnke, Fashion Stnbles. 3-21-2W For Snle. A flvo nnd a Blx-roorn house, with from ono to six lots with each, woll located In East Snlom. Good bargains. Isaiah Schcnoflcld, 21st nnd Mnrlou Sts., Salem. 1-28-tf WANTED. NNNW Fnnn Wtuttcil. Rcsponslblo parties would Iko n small farm tor dairy, hog nnd, chicken ranch. Address "C. L. T., enro Journal. 3-25-Gt Work Wnnteil By n man who Is capable nnd wants to socuro n por mnncnt homo. Call on or address H II. Kynn, Snlom. 3-2G-3t Wanted A medium-priced, gcntlo driving horso, weight nbotit 1100 pounds. Address P. O. box 4C3. 3-2G-3t Wanted. A young man to drlvo n grocory wagon pnrt of tho tlmo. nnd nlao work In storo. Answer with references, r, O. box 463, 3-2B-3t Wanted. Your pntronngo for homo mado candles. Thoy'ro good; coino nnd try them. Thoy nro mado fresh ovory day nt Gnrnott's candy factory, 436 Stato streot. 3-23-3t WuntcHl By n young lady, a plnco to work for board and attend school. Address J. J. Krnpp, Sa eom, Or. 3-19-tt Help Wanted. A dozen good men for work In uursory. C. F. Lans ing, Qunkor Nursorlos, on Gardon road. Phono 66G. 2-22-t IiODGICS. ForesterH of AmerJcn -Court Sh-r-wood Foresters, No. 10, Moota Tuesday In Hurst hnll, Stnto streot Leo Abblo, O. II.; A. L, Brown, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holmnu block, cor nor 8tnto nnd Liberty stroots. Tuosdny ot each wook nt 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hazard, C. O.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of Amerlcn -Ore gon Codnr Camp No. C24C. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'olook In Holmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, Glork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, In Holmnu hall. J. A. Dlokey, C. 8.; P. L. Frazlor, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, accl- dont nnd pension iusurnnco; ?2,- 000, 00p pledged; ovory claim paid Good agents wanted. J. II. O. Montgomory, supromo orgaulzor, Box 432 Salem, Orogon. R. R Ryan, socroctnry, C40 Stato stroot MUHICAL. Arthur Von J.m'ii Toncker of pi ano; touch, tochnloh, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory oourso Advanced students prepared for publlo npponrauco. Rosldouco GG8 Center St. Tel. Main C26. 2-28-lf. PHYSICIANS AND HURaiX)Nfl. Dr. 1). II. GrIOln, tho Hprclallst oa Morphine All drug and liquor habits, which ho cures In 3 days. No money until cured, 214 Tinds St., Balom, Ore. Phono 608. Jobs Doyens, Business Manager. e OSTEOPATH. Dr. II. II. White Oraduato of Klrks- vllle, Mo., under founder of Os teopathy. Room 21, Breymaa building. Commercial street Phono 87. Residence corner Mill nnd Twonty-flrst Sts, Phone G89. Treats acuta and ohronlo diseased. Examination free. 11-17-tf SASH AND DOOtt FAOTOBTJEJI. Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer ol sash, d.ors, moulding. AH knd ' botue finish and hard woxl work Front street, tt. State ami Court. ml o. Cuniiuiu Cummins, express, dollvery and transfer llnw. Prompt service M our motto. Furniture and piano moving a specialty, "Hand at lit gouth Commercial sweet. Pboae 176. Reslawt pkoae 168. 8-1-U DEPARTMENT NEW AM) 8KCOND-UAND GOOD, Now anil BccomMIattd Goehi-4 Bought and sold, hIbo rangs. Btovoa and cooking utensils, dish os, granlto and tlnwaro ot all kinds Giro us n call. O. L. McPook, 17 Bouth Commercial BU 8-13-1 rLTJMBBRS, Theo. SI. llnrr Plumbing, hot wstsr nnd Btenm heating and tlnnlni, 164 Commorctal street. Phoiis Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Petxol Plumbing, stoaru aa4 gas fitting. Successor to Knox ft Murphy, 226 Commercial street. Phono Main 17. FOR RRNT For Rout Sovon-room liouao, hob and cold water, cloctrlc light, batk room. Inqulro ot Aug, Schrolb or. 3-2G-tf !r IUmiI Houbo nnd four lots, bnra nnd hen hotiso, good woll, nnd all kinds ot fruit. Phono Mnln GDI. 3-2S-3t For Rent Aftor April 1st, 1G0 acres of pasture within two mlloa of town, tor horsoa nnd cnttlo. F. A. Sutton, routo No. 4, Salem. 3-2G-3t For Rent Ohcnp, nn upslnlra room, 2Gx60 feet. Oood location for shop, Inqulro ot Sknlfo & Em mott, 19S Stnto stroot. 3-2C-lwk For Rent. Nlcoly turnlshoil front room, 990 Onk Btroot, 3-23-3t For Rent A 0-acro hop yard, at ono-fourth rout, Inqulro of M. J. Egnn, aorvnta, Routo 2. 3-31-tf For Rent. Nlco cottago, largo grounds; tho roso nnd llowcr cor ner block of Snlom. Houso In flrst-clnsa condition, screens to all windows nnd doors, now shades, curtain polos, hot nnd cold water In bod rooms, porcolnln and mar bio wash stands, porcolnln batk and toilet, chnudellors In ovory f room, olectrlo lights, lino porcla nud shndo treos; tho finest locntloa in Snlom, cIobo In, corner ot Mill nnd church stroots. This cottnge' will bo for rent April 1st. J. Con nor, Wlllnmotto Hotel. 3-14-tt t MIHCKLLANICOUB. ICiilarged wk Our in on t market on East State stroot tins boon doublod In slzo and wo nro better propnrod thnn ovor to sorvo oustomors. Prompt sorvlco nnd tho best of moats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop Plant Tuner L. L. Woods, piano o part tuning, ropnlrlng and polish ing. Leave orders nt Ooo. O. Wills' music sttjro, Snlom. 2- 9-lyr Cniii-fefo Wrk. Get my prices on eldownlks, curbs, soptlo tanks nnd comont work of nny kind. All work gunrnntootl first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phono 509. 2-11-tf IlutU) tt Wondemtli FJno wlnoi, liquors and cigars, Wo handle tko colobratud Kellogg and Castln whtsklos. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commorclal street 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works Founders, ma chlnlsts nnd blacksmiths. Manu facturer of nil kinds ot aawalll machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, ot,c. Manufacturers of tan Balom Iron Works Hop Pros. SALEM WATER COMPANY' orrioa CITY XALL. For water service apply st offev, Bills psyable monthly in sJvssm Make all complaints at the ofUs, BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth moro than any other brpad, yet tho price Is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA HAKKIIY, Thomas & Cooloy, Props. INDEPENDKNOK HTAOK. Dally except Sunday. Loavos Wil lametto Hotel, Salem at 3 p. ru., con nects with motor for Monmouth ana Dallas at 0:15 p. ro. Leaves Inde pendence at 8 a. m. Phone Main 179. RALPH BUpLONO, Manager, BULLOCK BROS. ..RESTAURANT.. Two floors south of Bueh's Bunk Open Dy ami Night The bctt f everyfchMf . Otaa whI quick service. 3,:.!L -Mi - jtah i-k;i;A -''... ,