Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 25, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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jftsrt9&? -oJ-CCrX3tfcfoS'5re
a pretty face, s good figure, but
sooner or Inter learn that the
healthy, happy, contented woman
It moat of all to bo admired.
Womon troubled with fainting1
spells, Irregularities, nervous Irrita
bility, backache, tho "blues," and
thoso dreadful dragging sensations,
cannot hope to bo happy or popular,
and advancement in cither homo,
business 01 social llfo is Impossible.
Tho causo of these troubles, how
ever, yieldn quickly toLydlaE. 1'InU
hams VcffeUblo Compound made
from nativo roots nnd herbs It acts
at onco upon tho organ afllicted and
tho norvo ccntors, dispelling effec
tually all Uioo uiairesaiiiir ym" . . , , , ...iiii,i
tomsf No other rocdlclno in tho country has received bucIi unqualified
indorsement or hus such a record of cures of female IHfl as has
Ldia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Miss nmma Ilunlrlcr, of 031 State 8t tSchoncctudy, N. Y., writes:
'For a Ionic tlmo I was troubled wlthTi weakness which seemed to
drain nil my strength away 1 had dull hcodoches, was nervous.
Irritable, null all worn out. Chancing to read ono of your advertisements
of n, casd similar to rnlno cured by Lydlu. B. Pltikham's Vegetable
Compound, I decided to try It and I cannot express my gratitude for tuo
benefit received lam entirely well nnd feel llko anew person
Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the most successful
romody for all forms of I-'cmalo Complaints, Wcnlc Rack, Falling nntl
Displacement, Inllammation and Ulceration, and is Invnluablo in pro
parlnif for childbirth nnd tho Change of Life.
Mm Dlnkham't Uniirllno Invitation to Women
.a t. .. tl4 wi 4r
women ulionng irom any lonn or lomaio wcbkucwi m m
promptly communicate witu Mrs, nnicuain, nt uyuu, wb ....
is frco and always holpful.
. . iiillllllll H-H-t-H-
n n 1 1 1 1 1 i I in 1 1 h urn? jrirrm
t nFFiriAl
KLAL LDIABL 2h 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-whh
State News
For President While the Man
the People Want Keeps
Washington, Mnroh 25. Tlioso
nro uorry doy for receptive presi
dential enndldutos. In spite of Pres
ident Roosevelt's rolturnted doclnr
atlons that ho will not ho u cnndldnto
boforo tho convention of 1008, tho
fooling l growing Unit popular
clamor yet may forco lilm to tnko tho
head of tho republican tlokot In tho
next campaign. Former Roprosonta
tlvo Charles P. Taft, of Cincinnati,
brother of tho socrotnry of war, Ih
hero quietly necking to uncurtain tho
fouling in iidmlniHtnition circles with
reference to his brother's nnihltlon
It is Bald that Mr. Tuft hnv had It
pointed out (o him that hoforo any
ondnrttoinent of thu secretary of war's
rjindlda'cy could h mode, thoro will
Imvo to ho u much more clearly de
ll nod public sentiment than any of
probable candidate have yet boon
ablo to uroiiMu. Almost slinultan
oouitly with Mr. Tnft'u appearance,
Oov. Honoon. of Illinois, who onme
hero to dUous railroad mnttor with
President lloonovult, sumo out lint
fnotvdly with a hearty ondyrHtimont
of "Undo Joe" Cannon's boom.
"llllnolH will have u candidate
next )nar for thu republican nomln
ntlon for president of the United
States, and that oandldato will be
noun other than 'Uncle Joe' Cannon,"
wild Clov. Ueneon. "The speaker uf
thu houso Ih thu 'favorite Hon' of the
ropublleaiiH of Illtnul. Had his nnii
will bo presented In tlu convention.
If nominated ho will make u splendid
Tho Fairbanks boom Is being
nursed quietly and llttlo I heard of
It nt tho prwont time. It Is a lusty
infant, however, and it may be al.
tho bettor for tho noddling It la re
ceiving nt tho irent tu.
It would be tho thumbeerews an.1
tho rack far Senator UiKolletto
were hli colleagues In tho senate
ublo to seiitouco him to them. What
will happen to him when CongreM
reconvene U probleiuutionl. Buoh
member of tho government on arc
nt present In WnuhlnKtott are at n
lots to undurstniul the peoullar tac
tics of tho Junlur Wlncunsin senator,
nud If tho report of his address
made on Friday before tho University
of Michigan are. correct, ho has mto
coiHled In adding two iHiworfu) ono
mia to tho ulroudy largo number ho
hn made during his tdiort term In
tin uppr house. Senator m Kol
!t to U dHjlared to havo Hworted In
nu(julocal laiiKtiago that both tho
United Btatvs Bonators from Mlohl
gn wero plodgud body and soul to
tho corporatlona. Henator William
Aldeu Binlth di-claratlou that Mr.
iMiFolletto's stntQtuent was a down
right lid will not servo to rti)livo tho
situation, and tho reception tu tho
junior Wlwonidu senator on his re
turn to Washington In December
probably will b oxtroiuoly harty It
not altOEether pleasant.
Kaunas, tho homo of the srats
Veyer and uiauiaioth corn crop,
(hkt wcfk mado la now bid for fume.
Jaia W Uldky annouecvtl to tho
klefciftfeal society of Waihtagto th
Utjyry of a ww hors4 rtnf in
tho Miocene of KnnsnH. This rodont
n skeleton of which was unenrthod
by Mr. Oldley, la about tho size of n
woodrhuck nnd hns two uprlKh)
horns protruding from tho top of Its
Hkull. It Is tho only rodont known
to HclontlHtH which has horns. And
nil this dlscovory was mndo In pro
hibition Kansnul
Unolo Hntn Is BtnrtliiK n Iioiibo
clonnliiK In his forolKii oetnbllBh
inont. Under tho now law pnsaod by
CoiiKrotw, providlui; for tho rtorRan
Izatlon of thu consular sorvlco, oxnm
InatloiiH nro boliiK hold in tho ntnto
dopurtmunt for tho lllllim of hoiii.)
olKhtoou vnoanoles. It Is tho Inten
tion to romovo from potties nu fnr aa
pouHlbo tho appointment of Ameri
can rcproHontutlvos to foreign coun
trlfts, nnd to this ond tho oxunilnn
tlons nro niuoh more suvoro nnd thor
oimh than they havo been In tho
past. Tho Kovornmont Is oxporlonc
Ini; no dllllculty In flndlni; plenty of
available men for thuso now placet).
Only tho watchfulness of a elerk
stood botwoon tho white hnuao nnd
suffurlnK next winter. In tho sundry
civil appropriation bill an Item pro
viding expenditures for coal was In
cluded, which rend: "Coal for tho
oxecutlvo mansion, green houses and
stabloH, $7000." Somowhero on thu
way from tho Iiouho to tho souato tho
tlrst comma got lost, nud tho hill
after being reprinted appropriated
$7000 for coal for "tho oxucutlv
numslon greenhouses nnd eatables."
This loft tho whlto Iiouho without
money fur fuel, and had it not beon
for tho olork I'rosldent Hoosovult
iiilnht havo had to pay tho coul man
out of his own pocket.
As tho result of examinations
hold In January, n number of west
orn young men weru appointed sec
ond Jloutunants In tho United Btntoi
Marino Corps. Among thwo were
Harold 1 Utly, of Thnyor, III., and
James N'. flutton, of Portland, Or.
Hoglnald F I.udlow, of Illinois, was
guoewsful in being added 'to the
waiting list and was ono of thoso se
lected for promotion aa soon as tin
nojtt vaonnoy oeaurs.
Tho United Btatoti win afford to
ntKurd with complaisance tho sight
of vall Htroot operators running
around ngltattnlU' In n olrolo and do
ing Uielr bot to preclpltnto uhwisI
iim In builiiHss. According to gov
wrHinont reports, tho foreign oom
iuitre of tho Uultod Htatos in tho
tight months ending February SS In
creased nearly $224,000,000. Of
this Inoreato approximately $133,
000,000 was In imports, whleh
rtmolml n total of l93S.0ia.3S5.
while tho exports aggregated $1,289,
346,29(1, an Increase of approxi
mately $91,000,000 ovsr tho exports
for tho same purled of last ar. In
tho fttco of this showing It Is not
likely that American husltwsa mim
will bo stampeded by tho stock-Job-blng
methods aimed to croato it flur
ry In Wall Stmit socurltlwi.
O ' ' ...
ChnnitM! Iain's Cough Heuntly Is
ll.oth AgTWihlo nml Kffcvtlw.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
no superior for coughs, colds and
croup, and the fact that It la pleasant
to take and contains nothing In any
way Injurious has inado It u furor
He with mother. Mr. W. S. 11
ham, of Klrksvllle, Iowa, says.
"For moro than twenty year Cham
borUIn,' Cough Remedy has b?en
my leading remedy for all throat
troubles, U U cipcclally auccossful
In cae of croup. Children llko it,
and My ciutowmra who have ucd it
will Ht UV y Mkr.M For aal
by Dr. m,9W' tH I,
7i n 1 1 1 1 1 n i n i n n 6 1 1 1 i-H
Tho following deeds havo been
filed for record in tho ofllco of the
Mnrlon county recerder:
Volney Lonnard to J. A. Arm
strong, lnnd In Sllvorton,
w d 130
J. W. and A. h. Woich to W. J.
Wilson, et nl., lnnd In block
2, Add. "D," Woodburn,
w d 180
T. L. Pnrydalo ot nl to Albert
Schwab, 31.C3 ncros, t 5 b,
r 2 w, w d 12CC
E. M. Crolsan ot ux to F. nnd
I Bunco, n lot 18, Sunny
flldo Fruit Fnriu Xo. 1, q c d 1
Lena A. Schlndlor to M, A.
VIobco, lot 2, block 12, Qoo.
H. Jones, Add., Salfltil, w d 300
John W. AsB8ln to J. H. ShllhlH,
CO. CO ncrcB, t 7 h, r 2 and 3
w, w d 7500
K. nnd M. J. Hnrtloy to Mary
UpdorgrafT, -10 ticroB, t 8 s,
r 2 w, w d 2100
C. W. Drnko, ot ux, to 'J. D.
Drake, ot ux, land In Silver-
ton, w d 1500
J. N. Sknlfo ot ux to II. G.
Carl, lot 7, Wallora Add., Sa-
lom, wd 1C0
J. X. Sknlfo ot ux to A. G. Carl,
lot 0, WnllorH Add., Snlcm,
w (1 1C0
J. F. Enrlght ot ux to 12. T.
Adnlr, lnnd in lot 7, block
23, Snlsm, w d 2000
J. Hobs ot ux to Geo, II. nnd
V. Lutolllur, lots 1 nnd 2,
block 3, Mill City, w d.... 1
G. A. Cono of ux to Orogon
Klectrlo By. Co., right of
way, doed 195
Oliver Thlbodonn ot ux to Oro
gon Electric By. Co., right of
wny, dood 150
Louis Fourolar ot ux to Oro
gon Electric By Co., right of
wny, deed 2?
F. A. nnd A. Gofllii to Orogon
Electric By Co., right of wny,
dood 75i
E. M. uud Ida Golllu to Oregon
Electric By. Co., right of
way, deed 300
M. A. and A. II. Crosby to Ore.
Electric By. Co., right of
way, deed 50 1
W. Q. and M. Adams to Chas.
A. Gray, west Vj lot 1 nnd 2
block 17, University Park
Add. Salem, deed 800
Found in Last.
J. A. Harmon, ot Llzemoro, West
Vn., says: "At loot I havo found the
porfect pill that novur disappoints
mo; and for tho benefit of othors af
flicted with torpid llvor and chronic
constipation, will say: tako Dr.
King's Now Llfo Pills." Guaranteed
satisfactory. 25c at J. O. Perry, drug
gist. o
Dclegntlon in Congress.
Sonator Chaa. W. Fulton, Astorln.
Senator Jonathan Bourne, Jr.,
Boprosontatlvo W. C. Huwley, Sa-
Boprosontatlvo W. B. Ellis, Pendlo
Stnto Olllchils.
Governor, George E. Chamborlnln.
Sars-tary of State, Frank W. Bon-
HunteV Imptixoiird Knur Days In u
'ue llofoiti ItOM'iio Came,
Trapped In n boor's dan for four
days by th body ot an animal he had
shot Is tho strnngo axiwlance of Lo
FloHhmau, of Prnmlso, Wallowa
county. Xows has just reached
Wallowa, OroMon, of the ndvantur,
which Is ouo of tk nuMit pcullr in
tho hunting annals of outturn Oro
gon. Uio FlMhman, Frank Sannar nnd
Rurto Miller, all ot Promts, stnrtod
for a bwr hunt on th hwidwators of
Mur orsok ton days agt. Miller nnd
Sanner rturntl two days Hgo, saying
that Flshmun had preceded thorn
throo Any. l had not arrived at
hli homo and n rolling party was
Tracks woro soon found where h
bad trailed a bear, and In n few mllos
the party oamo upon a cove nnd
otiplod a boar lying against the mouth
of it. Two shot wrn tred at the
lmr. when a vtilco froai within In
formed them that the animal had
alroady wet Its fate
Fleshman had tracked the bear t
Its den and entered to shout it. when
bruin made u dash lo get out nad
run over him. He killed tho bear
before it reached the upwUhk and tho
oaroass rolled daw and ailed tha
narrow paaeage uattt Fleehwan could
not escape. He was uaable to move
the carcas and Mas trapped com
pletely. Ho had i tent (oHr days in
tho den and was nearly out uf pro
visions whon the sean-alas party
reached him.
Many business men are shorUlght
In not looklnj Into thlacs. They ar
dally IoiIbk woaoy by not adopttns
ao creai Mounter Rocky Mountain
TV ysytea. Mast them wU and
kee tkem welL 35 ceats. For tale
M Dr, moae's atort.
State Treasuror, Gcorgo A. Steolo.
Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion, J. H. Ackorman.
Attorney General, A. M. Crawford.
State Printer, W. S. Dunlwny.
State Labor Commissioner, O. P
Supremo Court.
Chief Justice, Bobort S. Bonn.
Aaeoclate Justice, Frank A. Mooro.
Associate Justice, Bobort Enkln.
Commissioners, W. T. Slator, W.
it. King.
Clerk, J. J. Murphy.
Beportor, B. G. Morrow.
Bailiff, P. H. Bnymond.
Circuit Judges, Geo. II. Burnett,
Salem; William Galloway, McMlnn-
District Attorney, John II. Mc-
Nary, Salgm.
Other Stnto OillclnR
J. W. Balloy, Food nnd Dairy Com
mlselonor, Portland.
J. W. Bnkor, Gnmo and Forestry
warden, Cottngo Grove.
Bo'bt. C. Yonny, Stuto Honlth 001
cer, Portland.
J. II. Lewis, Stnte Englnoor, Sti
lem. E. Gllllnghnm, Stato Llbrnrlun, Sa
eom. II. G. Vnn Duson, Stato Fish Com
missioner, Astorln.
Chns. V. Galloway, Stato Lnnd
Agent, Salem.
W. W. Eldor, Commnndor Soldiers'
Home, Boseburg.
Marlon County Oillcinls.
John II. Scott, County nnd Probate
B. D. Allen, Clork of Courts.
W. J. Culver, Shorlff.
W. Y. Richardson, Treasurer.
E. T. MoorcB, Superintendent of
F. J. Blco, Assessor.
B. II. Horrick, Jr., Survoyor.
J. C. Ncodham, W. II. Goulot, Com
missioners. A. M. dough, Coronor.
D. G. Drnger, Bocordor.
Salem City OfllcJnls.
Goo. F. Badgers, Mayor.
W. A. MooroB, Bocordor nnd Pollco
J). W. Gibson, Marshal and Ohlof
ot Pollco.
Frnnk Moredlth, City Tronsuror.
A. O. Condlt, City Attorney.
Jas. W. Martin, Street Commis
sioner. Murk Snvngo, Chief Kiro Dopnrt
mont. W. C. Smith, Health OHlcor.
City .St4indlng Committee.
Waj-s and Meons Jncob, Waldo,
Ordlnnnoee Greenlmum, Low,
Accounts and Current Kxponsos
Churchill, Radolirr, Bnyno.
Streets- Downing, Stockton, Stolz.
Public BuildingsStockton, Stolz,
Sewerngo, Stoli, Jacob, Ijw.
Plumbing Frnsor, Downing, Gos
ner. Flro and Wator Low, Badcllff,
Bridges Geanar, Churchill, Fras-or.
Health and Pollco Haas, Jncob usT
Lights Goodo, Haas, Greenbaum.
Printing Itadellrf, Unas, Frnsor.
Public !ark Ilayno, Greenbaum,
Hoard of Kdurntion.
W. H. Byrd, Chairman.
A. A. U), H. C. Eploy, E. M
Crolsan, Ulreotors.
11. A. Johnson, Jr., Clerk.
J. M. Powers, City Supt. Schools.
Bov. nnd Mrs. J. W. McDougall, of
4. Albany, celobrated tho twentieth an
niversary of their marriage last
Tho strike situation at North Bend
is still serious. The sash and door
mon arc still out and it is said that
no new mon will be brought in to
tako their pluce.
David Taylor, a 17 yenr old boy
from Halnos, is In jail nt Pendleton
for passing worthless checks.
Bov. Jamos Monroe McFee, a plo
neor minister of Polk county, dle.l
last weok at Black Bock in that coun
ty. Ho was 74 years old.
Mrs. Thomas Dunsmore, of Falls
City, died last Sunday 'nt n hospital
in Portland.
Honry Dorn, nn Insane man living
in Umatilla county, shot Deputy
Drlscoll at Boise, Idaho. Ho will be
brought to Snlem to tho asylum.
Dave Craig, of Albany, whllo
droseing n chicken found a flue agate
In its crop. The agate is about a
hnlf Inch In dlnmeter and is llko
thoso usually found at tho bench.
Tho Black Butte Placer mines In
Grant county nro In full operation.
Fred DoFord. of Grant county,
hns boon sentenced to threo years In
tho stnto prison for tho larceny of
a cow.
It Is said there is no doubt that
tho rocont find of coal nt Scott's Mills
Is a good ono nnd that tho bed will
provo to bo very valuable.
Cottago Grove will have n now
brick plant.
Springfield will havo a. sash nnd
door factory that will cost $15,000.
o .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
Boors tho
6ijpin;uro of
Better Than the
Wild Rose
Made From Selected Valley
At All Grocers
$1.00 a Sack
Spent wisely Is the source ot much
satisfaction. Why not spend a little
of It wisely now buying grocorlea of
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
Successors to Harrtit ft Lawreaee.
f eWlatMMWIHig
Gold Dost Flout
SB COMPANY, ttteey, OrtgOH.
Made for family nee. Ask yoor
groctr for it. Bras asd aborts
alwttye oa hand,
P. B. Wallace
Martha Wilson Asks Dirnm.
Mrs. Martha Wilson haa filed di
vorce proceedlags In department No.
2 at the Marlon county circuit court
against Q. W Wilson. ihnri.nr
cruelty aad fallaro to provldo as
cause lor action. Tho parties were MOM MiHIHil
married In Iowa. 2S years ago and
hae lived In Oregon for ten year
There is no proporty rights Involved
In the suit, but Mrs. Wilson besides
asking for tho divorce decreo prays
tor tho custody of tho two youngest
children, who are S and 1C years ot
age. There aru six sons in the family.
Salem Fence Wire
Hcadaartera for Wovca WW
Hop Wire, Bar wire. Poultry
Netting, Pickets, Gate. Shingle aad
P. 4k B. Ready Roolsyc.
AM at leweat yrtee.
Walter rMorfey
254 CturtSt. Stltw, Of,
In Real F
Real estate win m., i
Wo are offtrta jjHr4
orn; good fruit of .fjft
well, chicken yard 1
Salem. See RadSi S? h
. hlsheleret
house on Court, 128 iJ. Q5f
"0 feet ZTS
Radcllff Co. "i
Modern cottage ol fi J
Price n50y0.15t
barn 20x34. woodshed' Sj
house. Price $2625. ?
Sovon acres all h cmunji
houso and barn, plenty otBoi'S
road 3 miles from Eilta ;
U200. a 7
Ten acres all in cultltiUeji
flvo room house, barn and oJi
good mixed fruit, etl f,tJ
acres In oats, 2 mtt fftJ.
lorn. Prlco ?1900.
Eighty acres; 67 In cjlthW
in pasturo and timber; it te
wheat and cheat; 7 acres ii t&
5 room houso, good bars csl ja
arj, norses, u neadofttU!e,W
chlckons; 2 wagons, 3 set of hi
all Implements, hay, grain, tte. h
Sovoral houses for rent Wi
you want anything In InnmJ
notary work. 3
Reliable Agents
Room 11, Moores block, SikM
Reference, any bank or lab
houso in tho city ot Sileai
Tim RPflsoa is lers to; tl
houso and when it is mm jw
your plumbing put la J
thoro Is anytning wrv
.. wnlor tink. Kft
pipes or gas pipes send wri m
oxporlenced men w v -,
A. L.
258 State Stw-
Phone 135.
H. S. Gite&
missioa -
.. . ..bt si i3
dried fralt and Uf V"
m .n.lnr m4il8i '
ingnna.-o- -ma I
.. .irar: U
ror a !
Send th F
Wash in '
mm ,. ..
It done at bo J
Whcn every Wt
t0 S ctas
but times b J
family- ,
. . . . nr pi
Ing, rosh rr. "