-r '" wTfT'nfjgfm r DAILY OAl'JtTAIi JOURNAI 8ALEJL OREGON, MONDAY, SLUICII 25, 1007. JS ..CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAq Tho Lincoln Stoffens stylo of reformers arc Hko canned Balmon com pared to hooking and landing tho real chlnook. They come a long tlmo aftorward Thoy reap where there Is o DANGER OF CUTTING THEIR FINGERS ON THE EDGE 01- THE KCVTIIE It Is a protty little gamo, this playing yourself up In connection with roforms with which you never had the remotest connection. FULTON WILL RUN AGAIN HOFERv BROS., Ptofa-flg Proprietors 4HHHH i cmpressei THE JOUHNAL STANDS FOR FIIO GHE8S, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADI2D LA1JOH. i Yeast ",1 i- c1- M I THE PLOUGH. I am n worker Sloop on and take your real Though my sharp coulter shows white in the dawn: Heating through wind and rain, Furrowing hill ami plain Till twilight dims tho wost And I stand darkly against the night, s1y I am n worker, I, tho plough. ' I feed tho pooplos. Easorly wnlt on mo High-born and low-born, palo children of ,wan Kingdoms may rlso and wnno, Wrtr claim lior tlthu of filnln, Hands nro outstretched to mo. Master of mon nm I, soomlng a slave, J food tho peoples, r, tho plough. .- !. OBJECT LESSON TO OREGON. .' . I provo God's word iruo Tolling that earth may glvo Vrnlt tnnn ulinlt lrnflmr with nones In tlin mm.. .4 - - - "-- - -- - y. Wbcro sloops tho hidden grain Y Corn-fields shall wnvo ncnln; v , Showing that while mon llvo Nor seed nor harvest tlmo ovor will coane. 1 provo God's words true, I, tho plough. -V. F. Uoyson, In tho April Everybody. LEADERSHIP HACKED HV THE PEOPLE. Tho Capital Journal ban no dcslro or tlmo for personal nrgumonls with auyono about public affairs, It bolleves In political organization, not ns a moans hut nn end and to gain romilts for promoting belter govornmont. IT HAS NO OTHEIt VflH FOIt PARTIES. Tho peoplo nro learning to dosplso tho man who Is a partisan for per sonal ends. Ho Is tho Hpollnmnn, tho grnftor, tho corruptlouisl. He says: "My party can mako no tnlstnkos. I bolong to tho pnrty JIKNCE ALL I DO IN THE NAME OF THE PAItTV IH HIGHT." It Is tho old dnctrlno of tho infallibility of "my pnrty." "MY PAItTV IH ALWAY8 HIGHT. YOUHH IH ALWAYS WRONG." It Is rehabilitating the doctrine or tho dlvlno right of kings. "THE KING CAN DO NO WRONG. HIV PAHTV IH THE KING." Tho puoplo get no progross from tills doctrine. It Is used ns tho shield of tho graftorH. Tho loudest and most clamorous partisan will bo found on this lino, GUAIIIII.NG ALL IN MIGHT, AND PLANNING ALWAYS TO GUAIl .MOKE. When progrons hns to bo inatlo, when roforms cannot. be stnvod off longer, when corrupt rings nru onthronod, then u Governor Hughos, n District Attornoy llunoy, a Prosldont Roosuvolt, A POWERFUL LEADER OF THE PEOPLE Ml'HT RREAK TTHHOUGH PAItTV LINES AND AC COMPLINE HENIMI'M. What Is leadership? Idtas. brains. Intelligence, THE GOD-GIVEN POWEIl OF HIGHT DIRHOTION APPLIED TO lll'MAN AFFAIHS. It has nothing to do with hosslsm, boodle and tho thirst for power for pro lit nnd parsona! glorified! Ion. Strong leadership Is needed by the peoplo as never before. IIomIhiii 1 the vrr opposite of leadership. Men who no to the legtHlnturo aud Increase salaries and appropria tions all around do not seem to nallse that thoy arc puttluK new taxes on the peoplu NOT Al'TROIIIHD IIV HV THE PEOPLE AND NIIVKIt CONSENTED TO HV THE PEOPLE. .MINT VIM It STATE TAXES WILL HE HIGHIIH THAN THIS YIMH. Lemlershlp that contents Itself with getting Itself a Job, ami then ways, "I urn no longer a lender but n private etlaen holding a fat Job. It's none of the public's buHlutNM how I not it," IS NOT LEADERSHIP OR Hit VUHLICANI8M OH DEMOCRACY. Those who apologise for all that the legislature duet quote Editor Geer and Editor Kluoald ns defending tho legllsuture and objecting Ui all rrltlolem of that body. THAT 18 THE ATTlTnui OF PROFESSIONALISM IN DEPENDING THE .MACHINE. Hut riMr and ICIncald both held state olllww us the result or auupalgna of kicking aitatitst the Iwglaliiture nud their predeaeeaorH. The people have to win roforms nud pi In progre IN SPITE OF ALL TIIOHItTHIIY "HONOR WITH OFFICII," AND HIGH OFFICIAL ST A. TION. The organs of uIUdIhIUin. and apologist for the mnohlne will not print the truth about the legislature from the people's standpoint For that reueon this puper will print h review uf the leRlslature from the Labor Pihms of Portland. As Is lutlmnted lu that tMtiver, th pMl onnnot ho tn the twisUluture Vi)H Itlll'OIIMS OU HIIVIINUE HAISING .MIUSUItES, Tho loud talk for reform was mtwtly t Kt thu olllow. It wns 8h Hlttr furKultvu. Bo far as th mwchlns and ullU'lulUw pudomtHates, the aHb will tttt h Mule r4Ief, aad little that la right. OFFICIALISM AND THE MACHINE OAX ONLY HEAP ui NEW HUHDENS IN THE VHUV NAT lilt K OF THINGS. When that Is (ho dominating force ot u lnUUture or of nn administra tion It Is the holiday summer time of the professional partisan for rev enue. 11 Is tlw iiportHHlly fur the grafter to nwtke bajr. It to suasklne for boodlers Wot oUimiU' wvuthor. for taxHiyers. ' o CANNED GOODS HHFOUMHIIS. (Dally Eugene Relator.) A WashlHgton dispatch says: "The census office today made public Its eetlmato of population of states and of cities over 50,000 for the yoar 190G. This ostlmato shows that Portland is the largest city of the northwest, Its population being approximately 109,884 as against 104, 1C3 In Sonttlo and 55,382 In Tacomn. Spokane doos not roach 50,000 and Its estimated population is not given. Tho population of states Is estimated as follews: Orogon, 474,738; Washington, 814,025; Idaho, 205,704, In 1900 tho census showed the following flgurea: Portland, 90.42G; Seattle, 80,071; Tacoma, 37,714. Orogon, 413,530; Washington, 518.1 03; Idaho, 1 01,772." Whllo thoso flguroa aro not accurato thoy aro noarly enough so to wnr rnnt commont. It will bo noticed In tho increase of Portland for tho past six years as compared with Soattlo nnd Tacoma, tho por cent of increase for Seattle Ib 28; Tacoma, 74; Portland, 22. Whllo from theso figures It Is soon that Portland liaB made splendid gain, almost equal to Seattle, the most striking featuro of tho report lies In tho figures on compnrntlvo gain of population in tho two Btntcs of Oro gon and Washington. Tho population of Washington In 1900 was 518,103 nnd In 190C 811,025, n gain of 29G,552 or n gain of 255,382 In tho stnto outsldo of Seattle nnd Tacoma. Oregon's population In 1900 was 413,530 and In 190G 474,738, or a gain In six yearn or 01,202 or again of 41,318 In tho stato outsldo of Portland. Whllo tho total of incronso for Portland during tho past six yoars com pares favorably with that for Seattle and Tacoma, thoro is a most (lis trosslug disparity botwoon tho rural Incronso In tho two stntos. For In stance, Soattlo gained 23,492, while Portland gained 19,884, but tho Btato of Washington outsldo of Sonttlo and Tacoma gained 255,382 while Interior Oregon nddod only 4 1,3 IS. In othor words rural Washington has boon gaining six times ns fast in population as rural Oregon. Now horo Is a nut for Oregon peoplo to crack and n hard ono, too. AVhy Is It thusly, nnd whnt nro wo going to do about It? Our solution is that whllo Orogon Is tho bottor country, Washington Is six tlmos tho bet tor rustler In ndvortlslng that state's resources and hustling for now pop ulation nnd now woalth. "Makes His Announcement in the Portland Papers WOODIIUHN HOUSE SHOW. Was a Hum-as In Splt of Unfavor abb? Wmllicr. Woodburu, March 25. Tho honu show here wns a groat suceose. Sen ator Fulton nud Dr. Wlthycombe spoke to a largo crowd. Tho prizes for the various classes were as follews: Stallions, ilrst prliM lu each class, $10; Monnd prlo, $S. Team, Ilrst prlzo. $S.50; socond prU, JI.R0. llrood ' niarofi, Ilrst prise. $2.50; mcoiuI prise, $1.50. Colts, (lret prize. $1.80. Special prize, SpelKht & McKay, offered $10 for the beet J -year-old colt; $K for the sec ond beat 1-year-old celt: $10 for the beet yearling colt; $6 for the eeoond best yearllHK colt, that were aired by Caatel. The Judge who passed upon the hornea were: Alex. UFollette, or Salem; 11. O. lloedlghelmer. or Sub limity, and .Mr. Claucey, or Seattle. The epeclel prise for the boat of all clauses, n $St silver cup, donated by the Hank of Woodburu. was won by Vernon, a beautiful black Per cheroa. owned by the Vernon If ore Comiwiiy, of Aurora. Other prises were awarded as fol fows: Standard bred stallion. S-yeare-old atMl ever: First prise, llroadheart. A. Pratt. Aurora; second prise. Vln month. O. O. Pendleton. Woodburu. Tfoms. First prlzo, W. D Itandstors Townsend, Woodburu; second prize, G. A. Hump, Woodburu. Among thouo In attendance at tho fair were: George W. Weoks, or Salem; Hon. Alex. LnFolletto, or Sa lom; 11. G. Uoodlgholmar, or Sublimi ty; F. E. McEldownoy, or Portland, and Hon. Lloyd T. Reynolds, or Che ma wa. PILES CURED IN 0 TO 11 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to ouro any enso or Itching, Dllud, Bleeding or Protruding Plica In 6 to 14 days or money rofundod. 50c o 1 RAND CONCERT. Siilciu Mllllnry Hand (Jlcs Open Air ('oiiairt on Commercial Street Viv.li ribiy Afti'i'iioou. Apiiropos or the Hue afternoon yes terday, the Salem Military band gave aa excellent open air concert on the corner of State and Commercial etreete. A large cro.vd soon gathered U hear the muslo of the bund which Is always appreciated. Mr. Stouden- meyer aad his musicians are prnc tlciag now twice a week and the band Is getting In good shape for the spring ami summer concerts. Sev eral muslrlons have made nppllca Uon recently for membership In the Senator Charles W. Fulton has announced thnt ho will bo a candi date to succeed himself in the United States. Ho declared that ho will como out as a candtdato without leaving his post at Washington, nnd that ho will not spend n kopeck to securo tho nomination. Around tho whether or not of Fulton's candidacy clustor tho hopes of a number of senatorial aspirants. Undoubtedly ho will bo opposed In tho primaries, but It Is a foregone conclusion thnt somo of thoso who have hearkened to tho buzzing of tho beo will keep out of tho race, stneo tho Scnntor hns announced his Intention of entering It. "You may say that I shall bo a candldato to succeed myself, barring developments that I know nothing of at this time," said Senator Ful ton this morning. "Whllo I shall allow my nnmo to go boforo tho pri maries, I shall mako no campaign. I shall not loave my post at Washing ton, for congross will bo In session at that time, I shall not spend a dollar In tho way of a campaign fund. I shall by that tlmo havo boon in congross for flvo years and shall go boforo the peoplo for tho Repub lican nomination upon my rocord ns Beuator from Orogon during thnt porlod. Tho pooplo will by that tlmo hnvo had sufficient opportunity to Judge or my qualifications tor tho olllco." Tho next general primaries will be held lu April, 1908. Congross will be in Besalou tor tho long torm tit that tlmo, nnd In announcing thnt he will not leave his seat In tho son- nto to ongngo In tho campaign, Son ntor Fulton Is following tho policy first practiced by Sonutor Goarln at tho Inst prlnmrlos. Senator Fulton's campaign for re nomination and re-oleotlon wns prac tically launchod nt tho banquet glvon In his honor at Snlom Inst wook Governor Chamberlain, who was In vited to participate In tho fonst, was not thorn. Prominent nnd Influential Republicans were lu ntendunoe from different sections or the stato, nnd every mention or Intorenco made to the subject or Fulton's re-oleotlou was applauded to the echo. Although Governor Chamberlain has not said so hlmsolf, his followors and all othors lu closo communion with tho chief oxocutlvo admit that he aspire to don tho sonntorlnl togn, and hns been building his fonces with tluit contingency in view for months. band and It hi the deeiro of the bovs Standard bred lHarea, l-yeursM to Inerease the membership to 2R If ami ever: First prhw. queen,, Dave the proper material cun be found. lerkliaut, Womlburn. Two-yenr-olds: First prlxe, J. N. Kay. Woodburu Yenrllnga: First prize, UnUta. G. C. Pendleton, Woodburn; secoml prise. I). A. Kile.. Aurora; third prlie. Coda, W. 11. Goulet. Woodhura. German uoaoh atallleas: vim One LntftolH 8tefT. n lonK-rnnice, magnvlno wrliar. U at Pertlaml. whero h U belug IIhIikI n a tremendous fue of grafts. Tho fuel In, tltese WRKWilae hemes are e)fmade, and DISH UP SRC-OND-HANDIID IIUAIUNAY STPFF AIUHT REIX)RMB, Net one of them oer had any real contact with a reform hto life Thrtj- aro dealers In teooad-hamt goods. After MHtbliiK has Iiwh done, they dtsh R ud, warm It over and seP their wttre to an HulaforuieJ ami uaeHepecUHjc puhlle. To a eeruin utwnt the) Impart laformatloa In a attraoth1 maaaer that 11111.18 NULL THE MAOAINliS, SPPPLIHS A DEMAND. Thei- are etiterers to the public HHHetlle for sometMng to devour that is caviar, spicy, teaduble. The men never fae) a great abuee. studied into Its dimensions, dug down 10 its rwoU. KXPOSHI) IT WHERE IT LIVED, AND KILLED IT. Good gorniaeHt Is the result of 1 1 relet vtllganeo, hand-to-hand tight Inn, oeaseU denMHttatlon of wroug. eApo4ure of. real ngonts, and con demnation. Then loly cornea the reform Into view. Thoo who profll by It as a rule luK1 low ,Mlo tho fight was on, and KTia' IN AND Girr THE XK.VKFiT WHEN THE 1UTTLK 18 OVIUI. Tey are tnen good and upright nnd pure and honest until they havo tQ. 8nlght. Hubbard; third prlie Itetd oMcv 4 power enough to bo co rrupt4. U. Klrscb, Mt. Ansel. Woodburu. Clj'Ueedttle stallions. 3-yearKld and ever: First prise. Jim Craek. leg Itr & Hrown. Gervale; second prize. DMVe, T. J. llHRt. Woodbnrn. Two-year-ohls: litU prise. A. M. Fel ler. RuUevllle. Yearlings: Firat rrle. DutMint, 1). M. Drytten. MeKee. Shire stallloae. 3-year-old and ever: Ftret nrlse, Alex. C n. num. fwvl. Woodburn. Yearlings: First IM-lze. Reowvelt. P. L. Kennedy.' Woodburn. Pereheron euutons, 5-yeuM-i I and oxtr. PJret urtve. Pteten. XI r & ltrewn. Woe4fra; seeond prtee, llaladeur, S. A. Miller, Aurora; thlid prise. Oastel. a. W. Sought. I WooAlburn. YeartliMss: First prize. r. w. settlemier. Weodhera. Celts: First prtse. a. G. Miller Aurora. urade' Perch erea: pj Scotty. A. D. Heart, HnlVrd, llrood mare: First nrlze. J Schaelile, Woodburn; Rcond prize Had breath, coated tonguo, a lan guid feollng, is entlroly unnatural. Your laz liver and bowols need a tonic. Tha best soothing tonlo to every organ Is HollUter'a Rocky Mountalu Tea. 3D conta. T , Tablets. For sale at Dr. Stono'a atoro, seeenu prize. ASirwtml. Relllng llros. prize. Yoti Will Get Three Months Interest ON THE FIRST DAY OF JILY ON ALL DKl'OSITS MADE HE FORK THE SKCOND DAY OF APR1U THIS IS A SPLENDID OPlOR. TCNITY TO LKK A GIIEDGE SHORT TIME INVESTMENT. WE PAY THREE PER CENT INTEREST ON MONTHLY HAU ANTICS MPOl'NDKD SEMI-ANNPALLY. Savings Dpattmemt Capful NaUoaal Bamk A BEAUTIFUL FACE Send stamp for Particulars and Testimonials of tho remedy tluW clears the Complexion, Removes Skin Imperfections, Makes Now Elood nnd Improves tho Health. If you tafco BEAUTYSKIN iK'iicllcJal results nro cuarnuteed or money refunded. CIIICHESTEK CHESnCAIi CO., .Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. omri B B B Trade Mark Oraor a package of this famous health and brain building flour and enjoy somo good old fashioned New England Brown Bread. A chance at a right hot loaf will make you think you are in Boston. With Allea'e Self-rising B. n. B, Flour you can make bread just like tho Puritans used to make. 3-D PjLacako Flour Is also a pure food; self rising and all ready to mix with water and bake on a hot griddle. ALLEN'S B B B f LOUR CO. PadAc Coast Factory, San Joe. Cl. KnstcrH Factor, Little Wolf Mills, Mmss, Wis. ,,mX0 TUB T,n TATAHELEPr '". HK lUFFa, a, vt U1 THAT - :: """" the nitric :.. aiavays viimi xt Moir Gro vinpany 456 State pg -""imnuiiHfm ?rs. rr?- C.. From rafts to mill the tusc la used In the handling ltd it&l of our lumber, and alto ural monoy. Como nnd -see us about rtoi GOODALE LVM0FJH Ynrdi Xw 1 CAPITAL COMMISSION 267 Commercial Si Phone 179 Cash Purchasers Puuitry, Eggs, and All Farm Produci Stole the rS nl rM ,1?J R. Why nal meat cca aresoloT"Uiw ST9SI 1'IIUIllT -w Garden S w J? seeds are all "" ONION SOS. You set three tl to tne pu- ,rCBi nlnMtfS " anfT ..:; o Chevella w'" -.y ; Clover. MM. nM Land Narter, - K Tne w'"' ,. jvicw retail u- CC TILLSON k 151 J