Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 25, 1907, Image 1

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    vwOTrrr . 7
EE OFFER Save 25 Fe Cent on Subscriptions.
XO. Tit.
reM of the Largest
Fish Are Lanaea
:idHcneyWm Tackle
Police Department
tit? nMA
t,FMuelsco. Marcn -". -L
of the second wcok of tho
d turning P i ' "'
ri finds tho marrow In the
, of many of tho "iiigner-ups
illDS. ene uuu """""
I th a mountain or evidence,
lradr frcca muicimenis
ut ihrco bis Ash, and beforo tho
kIcks It Is expected, the list will
riiHlftlly added to, both In mnt-
lil netr names, nnd f rosh lndlct-
ci against those already ainnrt
iBtdcr the big stick. Tho whore-
La of two of tho big men Indtct-
cr bribery, Glass nnd Detwollor,
still unknown, although It Is be
ll Glass Is Installed Bomowhcro
Ln Gflldflold and San Francisco.
It no Indication that Olnss
jitumpt to escape, but tho pros-
i would llko to serve warrants
tla Just tho same.
.tellers movements nro sur-
iH by conslderablo mystery.
i claims to bo In possession of
brltatlve Information to tho ef-
I ftit Detwollor Is in Egypt, whllo
all; In Toledo Insists that ho
hli way to San Francisco.
statement, made public to-
Jobs urn disposed of, tho police de
partment will be takon up, has not
added to tho comfort of that long
suspected body of sleuths. That
"protection" litis beon extended to
many questionable enterprises has
long been known. Immoral resorts,
many of which nro said to bo backed
by administration pets, nnd even
members of the administration, are
pormltted to flourish without re
straint, while others, not so fortu
nalo as to bask in the smiles of tho
"gang," have boon summarily closed.
Pokor rooms, clgnr stands, hand
books, lottery concorns, so-called
dance halls, but in ronllty dons whero
boys nnd girls nro nightly de
bauched, have long flourished under
tho eyes nnd with tho knowledgo of
tho police.
To Stop War Between Cen
tral American States
Washington, March 25. A. B.
Browne, representing counsel for
Abe Huof, nnnouncod that ho today,
on instructions from Snn Francisco,
will nsk tho U. S. supromo court to
dismiss Ruof on a writ of error. It
Is oxpected that othor proceedings
will bo Instituted in Ruef's behalf.
Tho supremo court of tho Unltod
States dismissed tho writ of error in
tho Itttef case today. Tho motion to
dismiss was in ado by Uuof's counsel.
Tho stnto of California asked that a
mandate go forth Immcdlntoly.
I Mining Federation Cni.cs nl Boise.
Boise, March 25. Chango of
Venuo In tho Moycr, Heywood, Pottl-
bono cases la denied. Tho cases
will bo tried at Bolso soon after
, that as soon as the big brlbo I May 1st.
Of Beautiful
lot be surpassed by any house in
Willamette valley. Choice goods
correct styles stand out promi-
-ntly in every department of this
ressive, always busy store.
Months ihwt ri'i i?'i.ic! ivn iinv mav !
tOCVtc i' i min limn imi).i ntn, .
"'MM- II w i mim ,..,..... ... ...... .. .... ..., ,,..,n
"HM-SSTllK i u.,v .. .. ,
Wort.-,.. -. i. mi-, iiihuiiu ill' win iiwi miv. -iiir.
Um!,,,!01 T,,K,,KJ VOIil'MK OK llt'SINKSS VK DO. WK
Washington, March 25. With tho
copturo of Choluteca by Soelay's
forcos, tho march to Togclgalpa, tho
Honduras capital, Is easier reached.
Most of Soelny'8 succoss is duo to
tho assistance of tho Uondurnn rev
olutionists in organizing bands In a
fight to overthrow Uoutlln. It Is not
believed Seolny' wfll Includo in tho
demand territorial concession In im
posing terms. The efforts of tho
United Stntcs and Mexico to stop
further fighting will now bo ro
nowed vigorously.
Favorable to Hermann.
Washington, March 25. Repre
sentative Francis Cushmnn, of tho
state of Washington, testified to tho
good chnrnctor of Blnger Hormnnn,
ou trial for destroying copy books
while land commissioner. S. A. D.
Puter, on re-dlrect examination, said
that In several donla prior to his in
dictment In Oregon nnd Washington
ho paid $900f to Prosldont Chaffco,
of the First Xntlonnl nank of Mll
mnukee. somo of which Sonntor
Mitchell got when ho cnino to Wash
ington soaking nld in pressing
claims beforo the dopnrtmont. Cer
tain ontrles woro identified by tho
formor commissioner, Richards.
The latter hpproved tho Puter
Xo I'm don Offered K-Scimtor Bur
ton, (Scrlpps News Association.)
Washington, March 25. -Pardon
Attornoy Gordon, of the department
of justice, denlos that tho President
offored cx-Sonntor Burton a pardon
nftor being Jnllcd in Missouri. Gor
don wroto to Burton, but no roply
was rccolvod. It is Btated tlint tho
President had no intontlon to par
don him.
Dover, Xnrch 25. Detectives who
nro searclwng for tho lost Marvin
boy Intimato that arrests will bo
inado beforo night. Theso may in
volve Dr. Marvin's neighbors. A
MechnnlcsYillo, N. Y., detectivo says
ho found facts deserving Investiga
tion. It Is rumored In Now York
that tho boy hns actually boon found
in Chicago. Tho Prosldont is con
tinuing to Intarost hlmsolf In the re
covory of tho lost boy.
Chen go Markets.
Chicago. March 25. Whont 75 &
75, corn 45ft 4G, onto II to
Will Be Acquitted of Insanity
If One Is Called.
-h n ii s n 1 1 iii 1 1 n ii 1 1 1 1 ii i in ii
ter Novclticc On Display !
HHHfl " ' " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i u 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1
Silks, Pine Millinery, Spring Dress
Ladies Coats. Sorine Suits.
Gloves, Fine Shoes, Ribbons,
. Embroideries, Silk Waists, Pet-
rancy Neckwear, fancy Belts,
Dress Trimmings.
""' VAMnmrr wtowixa stork.
Ctnwr r Cmumt-
cbLmi (tort Stritte
Probata HunIiicss.
Tho following buslnoM was trans
acted in tho probnto court' this
In tho matter of tho ostato of
Herman Van Dusan, deceased, tho
final account of O. B. Lawroncu, ns
administrator, has boeu approved.
Tho will of George Horwarth has
boon approved and Kntlo Horwarth
appointed oxcoutrlx.
Tho flnnl account of Ida G. Saw
yer as administrator of tho oatato of
W. S. Sawyor, deceased, will be
hoard on April 22, at 1 In. m. The
ostnto Is valued at fGCOO.
The eatate of O. F. Bloper, de
ceased, has beon appralsod at $580.
The property consists of real (Mini
in Motion II), t 0 b, r J w.
Geo. M. King, as administrator of
the eetato of John King, 1 been
granted 30 dy additional In which
to file Inventory.
The S9t tiny of April, 107. at
10 a. hi., hae been set a the time for
hearing the HhhI account of Mlbt A.
Klllin, administratrix of the estate
of W It. and UlitabvtH Adair, de
Itallrojul Mtui to Strikt.
Chicago. March , -It la uaottl
cially aRNOuneetl that, with half tkfc
vote counted. It favoru the raen
standing by their demands. Itallroad
firemen and anglneers auk 12 per
cent increase and shorter hfturs. The
railroads deelare they onHaot great
It. The next step Ib doolsion of eith
er aide or a strike committee here
which has full power to call a strike
Another vote will be taken before it
Is ordered, as it may Involve other
unions. The manngors and commit
tee confer Tuosday.
Know Sldii Up Xortli.
Winnipeg, Maroh 25.Faur Per
sons are reported killed by a slide at
Howo Sound, B. C. Snow sides are
Interfering with tho Canadian Pa
cific. Tho British Colombia moun
tains at Field havo a snow slide A
oil elong. Plows aro working to
bore a tunnel through for trains.
Now York, March 25. Thaw's
lawyers early today said thoy would
have nothing moro to offor, except n
brief, unloss Fitzgerald domnndod
further auldnvlts. Hnrtrldgo pro
pared a (brief which, it Is snld, deals
merely with tho lognl features of tho
proceedings. ,It Is Raid Joromo has
propared a long Btntemcnt for Fits
gorald, but tho nature of It Is not
announced. Dolmus tnlked to Thaw
half an hour, and said Thaw had
changed hlB mind about appearing
beforo a lunacy commission. Ho Ib
confident thoy would find him sane.
If 'Fltsgwald rules against n com
mission It In bollovcd tho enso will
tie- wound up In a week, If ouo Is
appointed it may tnko thrco wooks
to conclndo It. Tho trlnf must bus
pond meanwhile.
CorvnlllN Ilrtsclwll Tciun Is Organ.
Corvallls, Mnroh 25. Twenty
eight men nro practicing every even
ing whon suhool is In session at tho
college, and tho chnncB nro that n
splendid team will bo put out this
soBson. Wo uudor stand that tho
porsonnol of tho nine will bo as fol fel fol
eows: Pitchers Todd, Hogors,
Brogue; first base, Batty; second
bnso, Swannt third hnsc Jones;
ofltcher. Wolfo; right Hold, "Dungnn"
Iloopor; loft flold, Bllyau; center
Held, Moore; shortsop, Murray.
Thero may bo changes, however.
Prof". F. C. MoHoynolds hns boon on
gaged as coach. The suits will soon
arrlvo, and will be of a maroon color,
whllo Jcrnoys and hoso will bo orange
The "0. A. C monogram will be on
the breasts of tho Jerseys,
By the States as Well
As By Nation
Declares Government Owner
ship Will Be Ultimate
Chclago, March 25. William J.
Bryan, speaking on tho rnilrond agi
tation, says: "Tho only political Icb
son tho present agitation toward tho
fedoral regulation of rnilroads, Is tho
public should not glvo up tho local
nuthorlty over tho rnilroadB, nt tho
request of mnnngora who do not
want to bo regulated at all. Wo
should prcservo tho dual character
of our government, congross rogulat
ing tho tntorstnto business, allowing
tho states tho regulation of thuii In
ternal mnttors, transportation, etc.
Tho fact that tho railroad managers
wish to get rid of tho stnto, and buIi
Btltulo congrcsslonnl nuthorlty Is
nnothor proof that tho farthor ro
moved Ib tho legislature from tho
peoplo tho loss responsible It is to
tho peoplo. Itallroad mnnagorB pre
fer to deal with ono legislative body
ItiRtend of 45."
Bryan thinks that fedoral control,
ns outlined by Rockefeller, Hnrrlmnn
nnd others Is In kooplng with bin
speech nt Madison Squnra Gnrden
Inst fall. Ho snld that tho ultimate
result of 'tho railroad situation noo
cssarlly will bo gvcrnmont ownof-1
ship. Ho would not discuss Ilooso-'
volt'B nttltudo, favoring tho control
of till roads under a now rate law.
Bryan's position la taken "nsa ur
priso to railroad mon, nnii7 ahombi
shell to tholr desires. ".
Tho railroad sltuntlon' Is inOrfl
ncute. Now demands for Increased
wages and reduced hours nro made
by 37,000 Dromon and onglncors,
who woro formerly flromon. Grand
Master Hnnrahnn Is holding a con
ference with the managers, who aro
also considering tho conductors and
railway tralnmou's grievances. Tho
railroad mon sum up the sltuntlon
ns this being tho last straw. Thoy
say loglslutlou hns required regulat
ing freight, roduclng of faros and,
together with, tho advanced Interest
rntos nnd slufuplng of strength of nil
bonds, will be detrimental to tho
roads, and they will be bampored to
Hiioh nn extent that tho oouutry's
prosperity will be Imperiled.
m&vru ov ocToaKNAitiAX.
Abnor Slopor died Snturdnr
Mnrch 23, 1007, In Snlem, Oregon
aged SO years. Mr. Slopor was born
at Tuppor's Plains, Mogls county,
Ohio, January 25, 1827. Ho moved?
to Dnvonport, lowa, In 1837. Ha
waB married to i.uolndn Cnldor Iln
1851, To them woro born throe
sons. His wlfo died In 1850 nt Brims
wick, Missouri, whero he hod gone
on n trip for hor health, aiut Mr.
Slopor returned to Iowa nbout tllo
first year of the Civil War. KIghC
yonrs later ho was mnrrlod to Mis
Mnrgnrct Means, nt Nnquukotn, lav
Of this union flvo children woro bortr.
tho mother dying nt Portland, Ore.,
nbout ton .unrs ago. Mr. Slopor br
survived by all his chtldron, who nrtr
as follews: W. H., of Salem: I. M.
of San Francisco; J. K., of Staytaur
Charles, of llalnlor; Frank ( of Port
land; Mrs. Lucia Anderson, of Orator.
Vnlloy; Mrs. Myrtlo Olson, of Ska
moknwn, Wnsh., oud Irene, of Porf
lnnd. Tho deceased was a man of singu
larly kind nnd happy disposition, tho
Inst survivor of n family of 17, and
ho inndo many friends In nil tho
places ho lived. HIh word won hi,
bond, and ho had charity and sympa
thy for nil. Ho wob for many yenrfr
n member of tho Christian chiircts
Ills romnlUH will bo Interred nt Stay
ton, Or. whero thoy woro sont todnv
by tho Snlnm Undortnklng Compnuy.
iti.iiKauH' iUKTitirr
Tho annual dUtrlct convention ot
the Heboccn lodge Is being' held1 bore
today. Tho district Is composed or
Mt. Jefferson Lodge, of Jefferson;
Trphona Iidgo, of Hllvorton; Scottv
Mills, and tho Snlotn Ilebeccn No. 1.
A good representation Ib prosontp.
nnd an l)toreatlng mooting Is in pro
gress. The nfteruoon session will
.consist of speeches nnd pnpors ou tlicr
good of tho order, nnd a tmiBlcnl pro
gram. This evening a hcshIoii of tho
lodgo will bo held, when three can
dldiUfswlll bu tnltlntcdj and. tho reg
Tilnrfloor worUwII) bo glvon. At
tho bustucsH H0lon tbd')ti.ce for t'haf
uoxt'mootluK will bo decided uponv.
Lu neli will bo Hr'vdd ninobn iii'ilt
dinner from 0 to 7 "this 'bvenlug Itw
tho bull.
Will Hnd War.
It kt rportwl that the oapltul of
Honduras )ih fallen into the haada
of ZelayHB, general of the NMeornguan
O' ' 11
liiroiiM)rntloii)t lulled Willi Secretary
, of Kluto.
The Moore Realty Comnaay. of
Portland; ckuHmI stock, $9000, by
H. A. Moore, W. Coooer Morris. II.
W. West and C. II. Hlealaad.
CohIIok, Columbia Cooaty. lodge
I. O. O. V., by V. J. Coojw, A. P.
Usaer sad C. HL Heine.
IloHoit Moroantlle Co., of An
tetofte. hy W. Bolton, Smith I'roaeh
and Mm. Nellie Fronoh Bolton. Caul
Ul stoek. 114.000.
Nowe SiarUng Mining Co., of
Portland, by Phil Metsohan, Vlnoont
Cook aad A. B. Croasronn. Stoak,
The Shark & Graham Co., of
Portland; atook. $20,000; merchan
dise and commission; Geo. W. Sherk,
R. W. Graham, Phoebo II. Sherk.
Astoria Hardwaro Co.; stock, $10,
000, by B. E. Carruthers, II. 13. Set
tem, F I.. Parker.
Mrs. C. Ponnlonrd Hiicruinbod 8nf
urdoy morning, March 2.1d, to a sud
den nttnek of heart troubto at the
family rosldance on oast Forty-first
and Clinton streets, Portland.
Mr. Ponulcurtl had only been nwuy
from tho Iioiiho for a short time, and
when ho returned found Mrs. Ponnl
onrd dead In the bath room. HI10
whs 48 yonrs of age, nnd was thw
mother of Miss Mllllo Ponnlonrd, or
jlhls alty, who want to Portland Sut-
urday ofturnoon. Mr. and Mrs. I). A.
Dlnsmoro loft for the Penuloard
houfo yosterday morning. Mrs. Pou
nlcard was n mombyr of tho Mt. Hoao?
Circle. W. O. W.. nnd wiim vlna.nrout.
Secretary Tuft and a party of en- t,gnt of th(, fln llulor n,ef Corl,g
gliiodi'B nro sailing to Panama to In- tf
apeet the canui work. ' I "Th" fnt,.M, w, ... hmMl. a, ,,..
raniuy reaiiieneo today.
Current Events
Dr . J. F. COOK
iwvEfi to ummmr vrmwxt
Sjieuker Cnnnon and party who
started to liteieot the Panama eawil
are being held up In quaruittlne nt
Colon harbor. Aoeordlng to regular
tlnns their veaael will have to lie in
the knrlHir six days.
By a new treaty between the got
eriimeut of Klatn and Franco, th
latter oouatry galmi poiweniion of
throe rich provinces of 11,100 wiuaro
.miles of territory.
I In Franco there is a reform move-
meat ou In favor of mo direct
Uuee and less Indirect taxation, to
oppoette from this eouatxy.
A kimtor klllod a wolf at OUa
dale; weight over lt poads.
Oallfornln llooils about Jkooklon
aro subsldlHg.
Rains In California havo beon so
heavy as to eanoel all baseball games
PorseoMtlon of the Jews continues
In the olMe and towns of the Bal
kan region of Sotithwewtern Hurope
The stvuitnshlp Northwestern,
wrooked on Latouche Island, Alaska,
Is to be floated and saved.
Portland sawmills resumed work
today, and the biff strike Is deolarod
a failure.
Baron Rotohsohlld, of Ixindon,
says thero Is no danger of a panic.
A largo colony of Polos has been
established at Aberdeen, Wash.
Several transcontinental railroads
are struggling as to which ono will
bo ablo to get into Grays Harbor.
Wash., first.
It ma; be two weeks beforo
through overlaad train servtro la re
sum oil to Usui Praaclsw. Flood
eonilime In Ccllforam.
Tralas No.s 17 and is run be
tween Cottage drove and Portland.
Tlieae go north at :3o a. in. am
south at SS p. nt
Train No. 11 gos south to A8t
land at 11:11, and north 10 Portland
at I: Is p. nt. Tney ar running near
ly on time.
Illg ItallriHul Hult.
TronUlH. N. J., Marrh 3. -A
JudgtHOMt for $1.13 1.7 IS has begin
recorded In the aiiMreme HmrH
against tho PetiiwylvaHla road, aw
lug to fullnro to ahoy Ike order at
the ohler Jwatlae to jwy ono-half por
oent tax.
' -o i...
Xotfco Of ApIK'Ul
A notloo of appoa! has been filed
In the circuit court In tho case or
W. T. Mlddleton vb. Margaret Beok.
' o . ...
Professor Charles O. Boyer, of
Wlllametto University, baa returned
from Portland, whore ho" acted aw
Judge In tho debato between tho Mc
Mlnnvlllo collego students and tho
Young Men's Club, of tho second Bap
tlat church of Portland,