f '& 8 MIWWfcieCgMWi ft ; DAILY CAPITA JOURNAL, 8AMH, ORBCrON. SATURDAY. LVHCn 23, 1007- Ta ihv ALT If thcv'ra not liX- ACTliY rlsht, let us mako them no. When we fit you, wo fit you AC CUIIATKL.Y, Long- experience, every necoiiary atlen'lfle apparatim and the required knowledge en abling us to correctly una the game, our own complete workshop, with every facility oven to the grinding of special len-are all at your dtapoml here, assuring a service not possible with others less fortu nately equipped. Aealn-do your classes FIT, or nearly tit? Munsdl Optical Cb. Itjjtrviya vutu rc onnnaun nn-kani m r nTwuuw.....!-..... in j " i A BEAUTIFUL FACE Send stamp for Particulars and Testimonials of tho remedy that clears c1k Complexion, Removes SJcln Imperfections, Malic New Wood mid Improves Iho Health. If you take BEAUTYSKIN beneficial resulta nro guaranteed or money refumlml. CHICHKSTKU CIIIGMfCATj CO.,v Mudlnoii PJnce, l'lilhtdclphiM, Pa. i99 ? J. VV. BOLLEN Managor Salem Undertaking Co. Funornl Dlroetnr and ICmhnlmor. Calls answered day or night. Phono 70. 383 Court St.. Salotn 2 MIHHIIMIMIMitf JSi-WOMEN '"' Hobertlne Klves lt evory wumnn jnwit desire- perfoct comp'lnn It urlnits that soft smooth, frwiii clear tint to the o)nwk that 0noie youthfuliiet. It will uiltnc lieauM to Otoso who lack it; It will rma.n It for thoso who already poMttm it It will enable you to aueewatur.) combat the ravaxwi of weallier and time. Don't dijubl -dun' I nrRu Jimt try Hobertlne Your d ihiur!! v 1U Blv you a frea sample All drim k!Is keep Hobertlne mtetwMW a-i3sSr 'LV-i KrCSB-JVJ r :? A Grand Display.. Of good always on linnd and wo tnko grout pleasure In f showing them to you. llavo you uutlatHl those IiIk ripe or Z tinges, uuil unrly vegetables, and our prloe are always rlKliU j H. M. BRANSON I Phone 131. 32 StnlcSt. ClM tM ft840veTOO DR. KUM Woodcrfut CHINESE DOCTOR Will treat you witt iinenui eri and cur any dlws vtt.et eperattei or pain. Dr. Kutn U knewn everywhere lt Baleui, aud lae curo4 many pretatoent people here. He la lived to Bleu for SK yeraa, aud can b trusted. IU w wuy medicine uakBu to whlU doctors, and with tkew oau curt catarrh, aetkuta, lung troubles, rhu jaatUm, itoiuaeh, liver, aad kidney die ease. Dr. Kuia wakv a sftjiltjr of drop.; and feuiale troubles Ilia reinodlee cur. private diseases when everything 4m fall. II. ha. auaJreJe of teetl moukU, .ad glrMt cbiu(atl)a free. Prlco tor ntcdiclBta ty taodecata )FfM ia tb. country tan writ, or Mtak. 8to4 .taiup. If y wm&l avm. wtra fix. te, (vl k lrH Ura. Mk. XVH SOW WO 00., Wf Ulg itml, Mm, Otcr. done by him under this net, showing Kenerally tho condition of the bank Jng; business of this state, with a de tailed Btatomont, verified by his oath, of all moneys, fees, etc., .received by him during tho samo period, and Hhall iMibllsli at least 240 copies of such report In pamphlet form for distribution. Section ffi. It shall bo tho duty of the bank oxamlnor, when ho shnll deem It necessary, und nt least onco n each yfnr, without provlous notice to visit and muko a comploto examina tion of tho affairs of ench bank fall ing within tho provisions of this act, and file in his office a report show ing th general condition of the :im; an.l for this purplso ho bIuiII l:v j.utliorlty to demand and In spect t II books, moneys, notes, bonds, pnpora and other records of said bnnk. Hoctlon 27. Tho bunk oxamlnor shall have power to ndminlHtur oaths and shnll havu authority to examine under oath tho odlcrs, ni;unts, clerks, owner or ownora of nny hank, touch ing tho mattors which lie Is by this net directed to oxnmlno Into, and any parson wilfully making any falso statomont In such examination shall b8 ileum ed guilty of perjury and upon conviction thereof punished accord ingly. If any oineor, itgent, clerk, owner or owners of nny hank, wheth ir under oath or not, shall In any manner wilfully misrepresent tho rondltlou of the bank to the exam iner, or purposely mislead or make falMc Htutoinents to the examiner re garding the condition of wild bank or an) part or Its business, snld person Hhall lie deemed guilty of a inlwle iixunor and upon conviction thereof In nny court of competent Jurisdic tion Much poi'Mou sIihII be punished by a line of $1000 or luiprUonment In the county Jail not less than six month, or both such Una and im i Imminent. Hcctlon 2. The slnte troiisiner ahall collect from each hunk, for each compbtH examination of Its condi tion, an amount regulated according lo the capital, surplus and uudlvidod profits of said bank, according to the following schedule, to-wlt: 1'or till banks having a capital, surplus and undivided profits amounting to $10, 000 und less than $i!G,000, $30; $25, 000 and under $150,000. $30; $50,000 und under $75,000, $10; $75,000 and $100,000, $50; $100,000 und under $lf)0,t)00, $00; $150,000 and under $'JOO,000, $70; $200,000 and under $250,000, $80;, $250,000 and under $500,000, $00; $500,000 und under $750,000, $100; $750,000 und under $1,000,000, $125; $1,000,000 and under $1,500,000, $150; $1.- 500.000 und under $2,000,000, $175; $2,000,000 and iiudtr $3,000,000, $200; $3,000,000 and over, $250. Provided, howovor, that no hank shall hu required to pay for more than one examination any one your. Hm'tlnu 20. It upon examination or from any report made by a bank governed by the provision of this act. It appMtra Mint the capital of Niich Imnk Is reduced by Impalrm.nr or otherwise. It shnll be tb. duty of the .XHinluar to require such bunk to nmlie good the doflolunoy, and he ahull have power to ejcumlno sny such bank to Hsrortaln the amount of surh Impairment or reduction of capital, and whether tho dulloloucy has been tuado gothl In compliance with his demand. If sucli bank shall neglect after suoh dumiind has been niadrt to tunka good tho dollelenoy so Hppwtrlng or found to bxist, tho samo aliHll b. onus, for the prooeodlnKs provided for In tHiotlon 30 of this Sit HotlH 30. If tho bank axnmln.r "iiti .xNiiilnatloH, or uiwh any re rt rtud.rwl MtMttc tills net, shnll '' or th. oplHlon that any bank U ''laolwbt. or tkat Its epltal In m airwl. or that IU comllttoH Is suoh aa to r.ud.r th. fMcther miHtlHUullun of u bNltw Wawrdous to lu ore lit or.. d.KMlter, or the publle. or hod. havtax UmU In lu custody, y Itwt th. bHHk has xeHll Its ow.rs or mim to eonudy with any tf tho rulM, mstrlMluHs sml condl tt provtdl Wy taw, W- )mII fortU lia report tk. btet. to th twW bent of iMMtk noNMlittNr. HHd In ail. 4lrttoii iwajr Uk IudhmIIaU 'MMMMSMkm ahU ooMtrul of th. urop rty and arts Irs of stkld hawk. If up on any suoh rK)rt and Inquiry Into '.h fecit Mud elroumntHAB. tU said boanl. or a muJorlO" of it. mbr ka.ll voHstd.r tt neury or wxpedl at In tb. Int.iwt of wedltors. d (MMliora or others htwlng lawful IaImm uuon or awbut ail)' sum bank, or tf tk. ld board, ur a Hrn Jorliy of lu JHombttrs, bollevo that fa ouudltlun of aald bank la suoh tut to rder ti furthw ttoittltumUuH of lu bH4ua baittrUous to the pub lic or to tkoav buying funds In its etiklody. or that tho batik has Vvx- osoil.il lu H)wor, or fulltNl to i-om-r4y wtth any of tha rules, rotrle tlon or uoudltlous rvqulrd by law. or submit to the examination or make anil lutblUh the" ri'iwrU herein nv Weak Hearts Upon the heart action depends not only health, but life. Over-work, worry, great mental ef fort, sickness, or any un usual strain upon tho nervous system, affects the heart, by increasing its labors. In this hustling age it is not surprising that one person in four hasaweakheart. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure strengthens the heart nerves and mus cles and restores healthy activity. 'I wroto tho Miles Medical Co., nuking- ndvlco ns J wna aufforlnir with hwirt troublo nnd hud been for two ywirH. I hud pain In my lienrt, Thick nnd loft eldo. nnd hnd not boon ablo to draw a deep breath for two yoRnt. Any llttlo oxttrtlon would cnuno palpi tation, nnd I could not llo on my left aide, without aurferlni:. Tltoy ndvlHcd Dr. MIIch' Heart Curo nnd Norvlno, which 1 took with tho rcxult that I nm In iKittor hoaltli than I ever wan before, hnvlnic Knlncd 11 pounds alnco I commenced tnklrw It. I took about thlrtefii bottli-s of tho two mcdlclrjpH nnd haven't boon troubled ono bit wltli my bwirt alnco. I recommend It to ovory onn mirroring ns I did." MHH. MLUB THOMAfl. Upper HuiidiiMky, Ohio. Dr. Mile' Heart Cure It sold by your druggist, who will ouarantee that the flrit lottl. will benefit. If It falls he vlll refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind quired, or that Its capital Is Impair eil, they nliall In their discretion forthwith report the facts to tho at torney general or the stnto with di rections to proceed In an npproprlutt legul way, by Injunction or other wise, to cause a discontinuance of further business by any such bank us h going concern. Upon nny such di rection it shall become tho duty of the said attorney gonornl to begin proper proceedings In tho name of tho bank examiner to wind up tho affairs of any such bank. Tho cir cuit court of tho Judicial district or any Judge thoruof in which any such bunk Is carried on shall have, and Is hereby given, Jurisdiction of any Hitch proceedings Instituted by said bank examiner, und shnll have, nnd In hereby given, authority to appoint n receiver or receivers to tnko charge of tho affairs of any Bitch bunk nnd to muko dual and comploto disposi tion or Its ufTnlrs, und to muko such orders and decrees, Injunctive nnd otherwise, prollmlnary und Until, to rostrnln, suspend, or prohibit tho further prosecution or tho buslnoss or suoh hank, and to dlspnso or all Its business us may bo noedful In tho premises. Should It nppour that tho bnnk oxamlnor lu nny such case has proceeded maliciously or without reasonabl. causo, ho shall be hold liable to such bank on his olllolnl bond ror nny damane. resulting therefrom, Including all expanses and cost, of such proceedings, nnd, In addition, the bank examiner, shall be deemud guilty of h felony, und up on convlotlun thereof be punished by n lino not 1ms than $1000, or by Imprisonment In the state penltan tlary not exceeding two years, or both suoh tine and Imprisonment, at the dlsoretlon of tho court. Seotlon 31. Receivers provided for In this not ahull receive such com pensation ns shall be allowed by tho eourt. Seotlon 32. Th bank examiner shall, hi the do, of ouch month, imy Into the state treasury nil sums of mnH.y reclved by him during suoh month Crow any souree connect UU bit ottte.. Section 33. Th bnnk examiner 'hall keep as reoords or his oinoo. proper book, ewowlug all acts, mat rs and thlHip dose by him under th urovtetoM of Uils sot. Neither h. aor bis MolsUAt shall dlMlo to aay yartoH;. oglainl or tHherwbte, any t or iMforwutlon obtained in the nree of th iwrformaueo of their 'it la, extMWt so fur m this net K It lueoiolMHii aeoa thoMi to 1 I ...Millinery Display.,, Better, Brighter, Bigger Than Erer. Oar Millinery Department has Grown. Thfa season we axe carrying the largcit and best assorted stock In the city. We have more experienced trimmers and help to wait on yoo. All the new crea tions are fceing shown here. Beautiful flowers and trimmed hats. Oar usual low prices will he the rale. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY STORE S-4 l S . iKUKi , . -ijl"W5ai 1: ' r- V ' A 'A nlshlng by him, verified under oath by the owner, president, treasurer or cashier, executive or managing agent thereof such report, however, shall not be published by cither the bank making the same, or tho examiner. Tbe said report shall exhibit under appropriate heads, tho resources and liabilities of tho bank at tho time of making tho report; and at any time after the making of such reports, such bank shall be subject to ex amination by the bank examiner, lor which examination tho bank shall pay tho fee provided in this act. Within 18 months nfter tho taking effect of this act, all such banks shall conrorm to, and In nil respects com ply with all tho provisions of this act, and be subject to examination by the oxamlner, nnd tho penalties thorcln provided. Section 33. Hvery bank or banker, nnd forolgn bank or bankor, hereto roro having established or hereartor establishing ono or moro offlccs in this state, shall have and at all times maintain, at ovory such ofllco, a capi tal not less in amount thnn that re quired by this act, for tho organiza tion of othor bnnks, nt tho time when nnd place whoro such ofllco or ofllcoi wore or Bhnll bo oponod; nnd no bank or bankor, or forolgn bnnk or banker Bhnll sot forth on tho station ery of such bank or bankor, or In any mnnnor advortlso In tho place where such ofllre or ofllces nro lo cated, a greater capital, surplus, or undivided profits than nro actually maintained at any ofllco or ofllces within this stnte. Provided that every foreign bank and ovory foreign bnuker shall be subject to all pro visions of this act to tho same oxtont as hanks or hankers organized or doing a banking buslnoss under or by virtue of the laws of this state. Wherever the word bank is usod In this act It shall be held to include the hanking or savings dopartmont or any trust compnny doing a bank ing or savings business. Section 3G. Kvory rorolgn bank or foreign bnukor and ovory ofllcer, ngont or omployoo thereof, violating any or tho provisions of this net, shnll, ror ench violation, bo subject to tho penalties provided for in this act In the snmp mannor nnd to the snmo cxtont ns other persons nnd bnnks referrod to heroin. Section 37. In construing this net tho torm "rorolgn bnnk" nnd rorolgn hnnkor" shnll bo doomod to Include, (1) Hvory corporation not orga nised under tho lnws or tho stnto or Oregon, doing n blinking biiBlnoss, except n National bnnk. (2) Kvory unincorporated corn puny, pnrtnorahlp or association of two or moro Individuals organized undor or pursuant to tho laws of an othor state or county, doing u bank ing business authorized by this act. (3) Kvory othor Incorporated company, partnership or association of two or more Individuals doing n banking business authorized by this net, If the members thoreot owning a majority interest therein, nrc on titled to more than halt tho profits thereof, or who would, If It woro dis solved, be untitled to more than one half the not Resets thereof aro not rosldonts of this stnto. (-1) Kvery non-resident of this state doing u banking buslnoss au thorized by section seven of this net In his own namo und right only, Sootlon 3S. In tho ovont of tho In solvency or bankruptcy of any per son, firm, or corporation, maintain ing, operating or conducting n bnnk or n banking dopartmont, or doing buslne within the meaning of this not, depositors of such hank or bank- not, or shall bo found for nny rea- lug department shall have u first nud son to ho unfit or disqualified to hold prior lbu on all the assets of such bnnk or banking department, and in the distribution of such aseets or the uroeeed thereof, the same shall first b HDolUd to satisfy the amount duo such dioHor; and if ny person, firm or corporation maintains, oper ated or conduct one or moro bronchos or subordinate bnnkB, or more than oiai bank or banking de partment, or does a banking busi ness within the weaning of this net at wore than on place, tb deposl- Grand (nffiflQ 7F' 7 Tj I "KlviVj 1 sbVj orifwood Floors T In Cans A Spread them on vour old floors with a good brush, tnd ' flOL'l An UfV.frk-r4ok MKantltn lW HI HriVUBIh IWVWIIU1 room, dining-room, hill or parlor. Natural wood finish, tough, elastic and dunblfc, Varno-Lac exactly Imitate all fine woods, no matter how old tlie lurfitt to be stained. The only article made that requires no skill ta' produce good results. Avoid disappointment by rememratuf to ask for Varno-Lac. Midi i Acme White Leid & Color Work, Dttrelfjrtkjjj GEO. B. JACOB MONT AND PINE STREETS. NORTH SALEM, rhono 404 ) xifiifflJlMrr riiono '104 M tu(il ,j( .aaaBnaiM ap Urvqr VsaaaBnMsflaaBHHsVaValalaVMHBiB iMlfHMHMSSMI Men Ate Well Dressed If They Have Their Clothes Made By JOHN SHOLUND, The Opera Hoase 1VIERCHANT TAILOR Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing snry, for tho salnry of tho bank ox nmlnor and his assistants, and for tho oxponBca of his ofllco. Section -11. Any bank or bankers, undor Bitch rules as tho bonrd ot bunk commissioners may proscribe, mny nt nny tlmo prosent churgea ngnlnst tho bnnk oxnmlner, and there upon tho said bonrd shall iinvo power und must exnmlno Into such charges; and If tho Bald oxnmlner, upon a honriug Bhnll bo fonnd to havo vlo Intod nny of tho provisions of this the ofllco of bank oxamlner, ho may in tho discretion of tho bonrd, bo romoved by It. For tho purposes of any suoh Investigation, nny mombor of Bald board shall havo tho power to administer oaths nnd compel the attendance of witnesses and require the production of books and papers. The removal of the bnnk examiner Bhnll not oxompt him from nny of tho penalties herein prescribed. Section 42. It shnll bo tho duty ,. ,i , . . . . " .--- .-.. mw fi-v. mi uepusfjor the m&hk. osamtncr to report to " SHW ""h wirfWMK cMNiHia-;iora ot any Hch bank or snbordlnuto 'tho board ot bnnk commissioners tor. or to wake pnbll reeonlstbnnk or banking department shall tho narao of every person not known ana Hnblleh tho samo. In no tHetaneeibave a Hrat And prior lien upon all to bo living who nppenrs by the rec- WU the haw. of an' deMMttor or the aweta of such bank, branch or ords or a bank to havo a sum of mon- d.btur. r the amount of bta ilepoelt , subordinate bonk or banking depart- oy on deposit therein, together with or debt, be diaJol to any on, ox-j wont where such d.HMit was, made the amount of said deposit; provided e iHeofur a. way be necoeaury In or credit extended, and In tho dls- this section shall apply only to de- tk-efeiriwneolbaoclAlduUeii.trtbtlonof anek aseetg. or tho pro- posits mndo seven years or more klft.ll eUaVV llalilltalU euf ft la I iulaiJ-U. )...t.. akA... .. r .. . ""TV"" , i""" vn.ri. uw Mine snail tirst bo prior to aueh report which havo not I r sball be considered a wlsdeweanor. applied to alWf the amount due been added to by such depositor by rAPTAI COMMISSI and. open oenvlet ton thereof. Ma ans .suoh depositors, furlher dopotlu or reduccdl by wlth. CAPITAL Vy jj, , "v w r "V rr ' "K"1 J,,QU,,,I " TU ttorney general drawal mado by him. Tho bank ex- T?,MJQ ! HU"Wv4 flne of B'1 " """Net all actions, amlner under tho direction of tho , Vr. I1 ,H th H,t of HrdUs begun by tho board shall give publicity to any suoh w. -v , ,. mnw, WUK oxawmor Mnuer th oauthorlty of faot In suoh mannor as the board may immSiMl MOSlowai"""" i i 'SBBBk SaialalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBalaaaaaaWfaalaaaaaaaaaaaiafeal STONirS HEAVE tU i.f-rkH'tj Greatest known rc j Prico $1. to expi from Salem I Py nu charges er .. 1 !l Tnhiand. Oregon, uct - 1 This 1. to certify tbst ; 1 !P l.nftm 01 - . uinxu uu iw..- or beth: aiulupttH any ok eonvie tlon. the otnee or employmt of aneh pereon fchall be forfeited. 8ition. 3 J. Anthin twelve Months After this net go Into eft every bank doing buslnees In this Hate at the time of the taking offeat of this not, shal intake a report to la bank oxamlner on blank form to be fur- mm au aau may eall to his assist- nrescrlba. anoe the dtetrkt attorney ot the dls-1 Sectlou 43. trtet la wkleb nck action, suit or inor shall inn proeUJR8 are eoadttoted. Sexitlnn 4t. There U hereby ap propriated annually out of any inon UT in tho treasury not otherwlsu appropriated, the sum of $10,000. or so much thereof as tuay ba neces-ipart theroof.-aro hereby repealed. . luaa. .....! her " . Drops" anu "" ,.wyji This was last winter 'rfwt, been afflicted since-" ' Dr. S. C. STOU -- For sale by all t 267 Comma" Phone 175 The said bank exam maintain bis office In tho city of Salem and tho secretary of stato is hereby required to furnish suitable quarters therefor. Section 44. All nota and parts of acu la conflict with this act or any Cash Purchase Poultry. Eggs, AH Farm Pf" 1m of m kkaWtifct r Jw, UV (" HW After wctrlintlikuy declare a dhldcad of so much j " CjU&T7Z2ZKks d$ Kjtmn 3C UTC. ft