I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORKGOX. S YTl'ltlUY, MAltCII 2.1, 1007. Spice perfection Sold on Merit Hfdlger&c" 9 f(0w , ?Zpy UlEH GRAD SPICES Always the Same J.A.Foigep.: San Francisco lEGON'S NEW BANKING LAW (Continued from page six). kt MB1 ncrcss.irj to provide for Fki until such surplus shall equal i wr tent of the pultl capital, pro- Led bowercr, that ssid charges l,!i sua butpiu inn" duum Linr htn the undivided prof- i iro insufficient to covor Bald sectvn 1 The ow iters or officers in, lank who shall ra it nv d -posit knowing that Kelt link H Insolvent shnll deemed KUlltv of a felony, 11 cashed upon conviction thoro- it a fltK not exceeding $100.0, B,'jnnunt in the stnte penlton- lr t ex. t Jing two years, or by hi f: and imprisonment, at tho rrt' a cf He court Ik: a 1' Mt n nn minor or other person under disability shall havo or mako a deposit In any bank In his or her name, such bank may pay such money on a check or ordor of such person, tho snmo ns in other cases, and such payment shall bo In all respects valid in law. No bank shall bo llablo.to a depositor for tho pnymont by It of a forged or raised check unless within thirty days after tho return to tho doposltor of tho vouchor of such payment such do posltor shall notify tho bnnk thnt the checks so paid was forged or ralsod. When u doposlt has beon made or shall horcaftor bo mado In tho namo of two persons, payable to either, or payable to olthor or tho survivor, such deposit, or nny part thereof, or Interest or dividends t hereon, may bo pnld to either of the said persons whother the other bo living or not, and the receipt or acquittance of the porson so paid be valid and BUfllclont release and discharge to tho bank for any payment so made. This sosslon shall apply to all banking institu tions, including Xntlonal banks, with in this state. Section 20. Thte total llbnblllty to nny bank( of any parson, or of nny company, corporation or firm, for m'onoy loaned, Including tho liabili ties of tho company or firms, tho lia bilities of tho Bevernl members there of, Bhnll at no time exceed 25 per cent of tho nggrogato paid In capital and surplus of such bnnk; but tho discount of bills of oxchnngo drawn In good faith against nctual existing vnluos, and tho discount of commer cial or buslnoss pnpor actually ownod by tho porsons negotiating tho snmo and loans mado on or socurod by real ostnto of porsonnl property, warohoiiHo receipts and bills of lad ing roprosontlng notual vnltto shall not be restricted to or consldorod ns coming within said limitation of 25 per cont; provided, that such loan Bhnll not oxceed 75 per cent of tho actual value of said commercial or business paper, warehouse receipts, or personal property and that such lonn an all not oxceed 50 per cent of tho nctual value of any renl estate given as security for such loans. Section 21. No owner, olllcer, agent, clerk, or employee of nny bank Hhall certify to a check unless the nmount thereof actually stands to the credit of the drawer on tho books of tho bank, and any person who Bhnll wilfully vlolato this provision shall, on conviction thereof, bo deemed guilty of n misdemeanor and bo pun ished by a fine not exceeding $1000. Tho amount of nny check certified shall bo not at onco charged t6 the drawor's account and credited to cer tified check account, thoro to romnln until snld check is retired. Any such chock so cortifled by n duly au thorized porson shall bo n good and valid obligation of tho bnnk In tho hands of the holder In duo course. Soctton 22. No ofllcor, owner or employee of any bank In this stnte, nor tho stnto bank oxnmluor, nor nuy employee of such state bank exam I tner shall be permitted to borrow any of tho funds of the bank upon his own noto or obligation whothor so , cured or not without first having ob . talned the approval of a majority of J the bonrd of directors of tho bank, or or an executlvo board or discount Ing committee selectod by a major Ity of tho board of directors; such selection to bo recordod In tho mln , tites and the approval of tho loan, If I obtained, shall bo mado a part of the records of the bank. And If tho di rectors of any Incorporated bank shall knowingly pormlt nny of the ofllcors, directors or omployoes of such bank or the stnto bnnk examiner or nny employee of such stnto bank oxnmlnor to borrow tho funds of Bitch bank In an excessive or dishon or t ninnnor, or In n mnnnor Incurring groat risk or loss to such bank, every director who participated In or as sented to tho samo shall bo hold liable In his porsonnl and Invidldual mpaclty' for all damngo whloh tho corporation, Its stockholders or nny o th or person shall have sustaluod In consoquonco thereof. Section 23. J3very bnnk doing business undor this act In cities or towns having a population of loss than 60,000 Inhabitants, Bhnll have on hand at nil Union In notual cash, or balances due from good solvent banks, to bo approved by tho bank oxnmlnor, not lees than 15 por cont of Its demnnd liabilities and 10 per cent of Its time deposits. lSvory bank doing buslnoss undor this net In cities hnving n population exceed ing 50,000 Inhabitants, shall havo on hand at all times In nctual cash, or balances due from good solvent banks, to bo approved by the bnnk examiner, not h ss than 25 per c nt cou8HS KING OF CURES golds THE WONDER WORKER THROAT. DR. KINC?S LUNGS NEW DISCOVERY i FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed It would, surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my caso incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's Now Discovery cured mo so completely thnt I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 50c and $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Dottle Freo H SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY MM J. C. PERRY'S DRUG STORE WUHyi of Its demand liabilities, and 10 per cont of Its tlmo deposits. At least one-third of the reserve- percentages required under this section shall con atst of actual cash on liMiid. Section 2 1. The bank examiner Bhnll call upon each bank governed by tht provisions of this act for the reports herein i Mildred. Such culls shnll be nuido by the exttmluer Tor tho same .lutes and ns often ns calls are Issued by the comptroller of the currency of the United States for roports from National banks. The bnnk oxnmlnor shall prescribe the forms for such reorts. Snld reports Bhnll be sworn to by the owners, president, malinger, or oajshlor of tho bnnk making thorn and attested 1V not less than two of tho board or directors If said bank Is ii corpora tion, and shall exhibit lu detail and hndcr appropriate- heads, the total resources and total liabilities of thr bank on the puxt la l the batik cMimlixM h i'UIimI, and said repot Is shall l transmitted bv the bank to tho bnnk tHinliur within ten dns of the receipt of n written or tele graphic leanest therefor. The bank making such reports shall cause an abstract of tho same to be published according to forms prescribed by the bank examiner within 15 days from receipt of call, In some newspaper published In tho tjlty or town where such bank Is situated, or, If no news paper Is published therein, thei. In some newspaper published at the county seat of the county In which such bank Is situated. Proof of noli publication shnll he, furnished by the bank to the blink oxnmluoi within ten days from tho complatlon thereof For any failure, or delav lu riiiutrthliig Maid repot 1 1, publish ing th ' snim and suppblug tit' pionf ihi roof thi owntiH prcslden' manager, or cashier, of any such bank so lu default nud tho mouthers of the board of directors of mi lit bank, If said bank Is a corporation, refusing to attest said report shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor hud upon conviction thetenf shall be punished by a Huh of ?R0 a day for each day while lit such default. Section R. The bank examiner shall locelve and plnce on llle In his o til eo the reports required to be made by banks under this act, prepare and furnish on demand, to nil the banks required to report, blank forms for such statements or reports ns nitty be by law required of (hum: mako on or before (he llrst day of Docoin bur of unah year a report to tho sold board of bank commlHHionorH, con taining a copy of tho ptihlltihod ab stract of (he liiRt report furnished hi each Iwuil. uiuhr IiIh Juiludlrllon and iiu otb prorccdltiRH had or xlScisciscisCiXiSsQSscssc 3 PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 240 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET l? HMH ll MM MMsMMl II MM! PP li IB llilMHHs llMMMHMBMMMMMM M H 1 MMMMPflJfE 3 ilMMMMMMMH bkfwRJaaM ! C&fiff I ljjlff!" LABMMMpHJr m MfwHimmf 'luEfRMflf HHTMvBinHMINDflMMHMMnHl (VRpMMMMMMMMmV lMV fHtp ''. 1 w -, JMrTjiMyBiMrM. ME I faWMBMMri mt .ewLJfcfcBHMBZiM fit rww mm ilMMHMMa WH 1 Jaw BMMdKBaEMMMMMRMMMMMMnY 'i stf'W 43 ftijHI MMMF T t I ll S MMMMD flfMl MMU ll m ' i ft X$$Lnt' HhMMMII SHMMMIMMMMMMMMI uI!HmTLmhSOhBHMMhI'7 mWPPBMMbI MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 33vK IflPvl jMMMMM MMmMMMBHj m.MMMh 4k. IHMm U V tM jf If 8MH JJLJr.U MMTH HBlflHW f vIl jQtHM Mb MfMssBMl iMMJL'? i -MJHMMMMMJ IbhV flCMJEHPMMMMJl MMMMMP MMm tAHMMMMMMH "Zwm "WiHMMB MMMMMMMB ImMMLHPvHmHUI a LmMMMMSSSmmTTiOi HVlcH'rM BMbH Hi W- tffc. jUlalialUptVki. w nHHRbEMs aMMrPttHMMl MMMMlT MU IMMMMMMMh C J aHMMMl XMMMMMMh MMMMMMMaJHMMMMMl ft H ffSMMMF TZZiMMI V wflrlr MHMHMMl HMfW firHMI VMMMMMMpVT lf t aMBMMBLHHfl2MIMl 1MMMI MMMMMMMMB .VZMl aMMMMl BP9MMr MMMMMMMMMMMWVmMMMDM il T MMMMH ft orJ ltfMMMMrHlH MnHMMML P' iHMMBMti SmwMMr vVmMhkT i. i T Jw Mt MMMMpwBBHMEipHjBj Hapap flH MMMMMML T w IsiMalHMMMl HWISEv "K. 1 1 H MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMiiMMMMpVVh 9 HMEMMMMiHKMMHffi MMMMvB MMM tP si rn cl3 INTERIOR Of BOILER ROOM PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY STEAM PLANT, SALEM, OREGON. 800 HORSE POWER. OIL BURNERS. i is 7ttKVHm9PvpnrTPvi im jrwjpwvV4 wwrwjrMtWMwini !2?j&&4 tJHl!&k .4."- Lil. '. 333Z3l33Z3 Ui tt2KitlXS&t&