flapT",H'7' tffwt- r t'- " DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAU SAI.KM. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAUCIt 2, 1007. 3 tttHHlllllil iTAGELAND ATTRACTIONS J and ,uscments at the Capital City foH4.3 nn extended period. It is, therefore, cortain that the performances at the Now Amsterdam, just concluded, will bo tho last In New York, and th Ibson comedy will bo given only oc casionally next yoar, and not aftor." o- rittslli'ltl's Park Anniversary. Plttsflold, Mass., March 23. Tho 1 25th anniversary of tho Pnrk club Is being celebrntod today with groat gusto. Avory largo and most actlvo oxQcutivo committee has chargo of tho affair, and citizens gonornlly are actively Interested In tho procood lngs. AddreesoB and music by a local orohostra arc the ordor of tho day, and n grant crowd, composed of tho club members and their friends, who nre legion, is onjoying tho ovont. i Tho club done Plttsflold much good in various wayB. Its splendidly decorated rooms have no oqual in ' western Massachusetts. fJlSD OVBRX HOUSE. SS.MaKh 26. "The Tender- .,.. Adnirtloll. "d Hitchcock in "Tho an- Tsarlst " 1T1 I llll 11. 7Sl opera, "The Froe ji,T JurV by the high It. Lest BUr." evenings, Satur- WfaM ana sununj c. "..,. Christian iiiurvn. . .....ti itnllcr Rink. Iw.j afternoon and ovoning i. circpt sunuuy. r i,f,wi Tuesday Xlclit. Lr L. Flgman, the co-star of .Tenderfoot. witn um ". l .. i, ia m. nt surrosfl ns a tipucnui U' ,,3 to tho thorough training MANY LOVERS OF BIRDS Hear Lectufe by W. L. Finley and Witness Beautiful 9 Pictures Mr. William L. Pinloy, looturor for tho National Association of Audu bon Soclotlos, guvo a storeoptlcon luo- turo at tho high school assembly hall last ovenlng on "Tho Home Llfo of Wild Birds.' Tho meeting wna under the auspices of tho Stato Au dubon Sooiety, ftiid tho Snluni Bird Study Club, and was largely attond- od, notwithstanding ttho lnoloment woathor. In opening Mr. Finley otnphnsUod tho work that has boen dono by this organization in protecting tho wild birds and nnlmals. In his lecture ho showed conclusively why our com mon songsters should bo protected from tho plume hunter, not only on account of tholr aesthetic vnluo to man, but becauso of their econom ic importance in our dally llfo. vSi t ' aaL' kJBr i ? at k 3 5 jpffflt' IbjLlAJbEbbbbiH PHB . EbbbTv a f 'ik? y 4 fc TkiBi T 1 4bi 3ff t1 uK?4sbsbsbsbsk E ' r . J1 .jMt Ji.t? Jbb1bbhibsiV Catarrh, the Bane of the World Pe-ruEia, the Standard Remedy, STATf5 i -? ? p 9 . g ft g CANADA MEXICO CUBA JAFRicaI WUSfRjUttJ oRIENT EURoJ r bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb W 5 J J iJb flBlVL llll JB " lllltl J 1 sBBBBBBBBBBBB' 'K. bbbbHbbx ' x ,a m im iu -. v.ai hti h bi . hi a v (' . ibb T-k,n-i w An, ieyiiLU ui 'w JT"- w .. RVAffeTL ; lh .. aJmWAi J.l " j EEBsaoiamEE. -B . h F HOT WEATHER Us fCl-c i Affects the Stomach, Kidneys, Bowels, Pelvic Organs. COLD WEATHER: CATARRH. v 4 X" ;.. Affects the Head, Throat,. T.iinrre IM I Bronchial. JBmutm V.T"f we- lubes.. Catarrh is recognized all over the civilized world as a formidable disease. In the United States alone, two hundred thousand people have catarrh annually. In other countries the ratio of victims is as great. For many years Pe-ru-na has held the foremost place as a standard remedy for catarrh. Pe-ru-na is well-known in both the western and! eastern hemispheres. llrldesmnlds In "The Toiulrrfoot." flHln tho old stock companies In 'tut. Dramatic writers all ovor eatry have denlored tho nnsa- tftheitock rompantoB, nnd with " Tnere la no school whoreln tutor aay leara ro many of tho 'rwau or bis profession as in n t organization of this kind lUrted on the atngo playing J Jru, as they wero called, and U Tttlauut. The chantro of mm. ' i ai a big one, but was t tha rcauwt nf vm n n.,i. 'koairthe poMibllltlos In tho f tor fire years ago, nnd put w a long term contract. Ho lfcTh!m th n.w f .. . Tia Bargomaster." and then h Philadelphia run of the " Wm play the part of tho U part ih. h .... .... , TT Uo 'awns, and now be is Li i Tho Tenderfoot," Lk "'" by th0 Chicago kJ 7 relation as Professor ! la "The Ti.i.. m ....... jjT1 btt creatnlngly funny -, ",eu - tub en- r1 Wehard Mansfield at lw thCater' Wh,ch Wu!n'!fteaid cl08f tonight N. It iT. ,Bcce,,ful eaaBe- H pT Known that the rr Orat severely taxe ;Httiifc Bh and endurance, tfc. u. ". bea ade4 to dls. fc. u? .?d wm now g0 Kmi. tncne6 to Ba'- bW.111 England. inM.,. fc - '"Mann ..... ' -- JJor znaayyn,, i J?1 draUo season vi - U 37 Mr. SI.B.II.M.. L" r taz.':rl bw- . -- ..vi ana (ba pro- . " rer rint i vi. "toptayltTO Allen Home to lie Sold TtNlny. Lexington, Ky., March 23. The old Kentucky homo of Jninos Lanu Allen, is again on the market. Sena tor Joseph W. Ilulloy, of Toxas, nd vortlsod It for salo today. This Is tho socond sale of bluo erase farms made by Senator Bailey, ho having rocontly sold a tract of land known as the Freeman plnco. 0" WIIKN I!K HACK AC1IHS. A Woman IHiid-H All Her Ilnei-Ky nnd Ambition Slipping Away. Salem women know how tho aches and pains that como when the kid neys fall mako llfo a burden. Back ache, hip pains, hcadachos, dltzy spoils, dlstmwlug urinary troubles, all tell of sick kidneys and warn you of the stealthy approach of diabetes, dropsy and Drlght'a disease. Doan's Kidney Pills permanently euro all those dlsordors. Here's proof of It in a Salem irosaan'a werds: I Mrs. S. Collins, of 679 High St., Salem, Ore., says: "Troubles with my kidnoya nnd backacho have caused mo muck annoyance for sev eral years. Although I used a good ' many remedies, I obtained no posi tive relief until my attention was called to Doan's Kidney Pills and I procured them at Dr Stone's drug store. Thoy soon brought mo effec tive benefit, ceased the bearing down feeling through tho back and loins and banished tho aching and other symptoms that had annoyed me for i so long. I have since learned of others who think the world of your rellablo remedy and I gladly recom mend It to all suffering from back ache or kidney trouble." For salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. New York, solo agents for the Uni ted States. Remember the name Doans and take 10 eta-M-. OAVO xMtu l,MMl,li. t CAM&jffu&C During his talk Mr. Fluloy showod a romnrknblo serlos of photographs that ho and his partner, Mr. Hormnn T. Dohlman, have colloctod about the woods nnd Holds, Tho rosults thoy havo secured show that thosu two naturalists aro tlroloss workers, and thoy aro not tho least backward l'l risking llfo and limb to portray and study tho llfo of our rarer birds. Tho lecturer showod many intl mato studies of hawks, owls, wood peckers, chickadees, wrens, warblers, hummingbirds and others that wore mudo only aftor Bpondlng duys and wooks about tho natural haunts of thwo creaturw). Perhaps tho most dlltlcult and try ing work In bird photography accom plished by Mr. Flnloy and bis com panlon was getting a serlos of pic tures on tho humming bird, a feath ered sprite, which taxed tho camera and photographer for their most rap id work. Many of the exposures wore made on 1-1000 part of a second, and tho poised bird with whirring wings shown on the'soreen attested tho delicacy of tho task. No doubt tho most dangerous and exciting experiences were undergone in scouring a set of photographs on tho Hed'talled hawk, which wero taken near tho top of a tall cotton wood tree, 120 feet from the ground. Seven different trips woro fnndo to tho red-tail's home necessitating tho climb td the topmost branchos of the tree to get pictures of tho family, and views showing the method of their photography. After tho formal meeting, the lec turer, In an informal way, talked to the Salem bird lovers assembled and tho result was a call for a meet ing at the Unitarian church next Tuesday ovenlng for the reorganiza tion of the local work for tho com Jng seaaon. Wm. Warner, the Salem bird authority, was present with a large number of bird skins of Ore gon and other birds, which attracted great attention. A rising vote of thanks waa gives Mr. Finley at the clow of kl helpful talks. Salem Social (5oestp Kt. l'titrU'k'H Hall. A grand ball was given In honor of St. Patrick last Tuesdny evening In tho Tlogn hall. Tho hall was taste fully docorntod with drapurloa of groon nnd tho shamrock of old Urlii waB ovorywhoro In evidence. About thlrty-flvo couples woro present and spont one of tho most enjoyable ovonlngs of tho sonson. Tho Poor loss orohoHtra furnished tho music. Thoro will bu nnothor of thosu pop ular Tioga dances this ovenlng. Holsiiuin-HulncM. County Clerk Allen has Issued a marriage llconso to Isadoro Halaman of Portland, aged 26, and MIsh Co- colla HalnoH. of this city, aged 22. L. M. HalnoH noted as wltnoss, Addrtt. at Temperance Hull. Rev. Mr. May, of Wolser, will ad- drew the Gospel Temperance meet ing at 4 o'elock Sunday aftornoon In tho W. C. T. U. hall. at Y, V, C, A, KnU'rtuliinwnt. This evening the young lady mem bora of tho Y. W. C. A. of Willamette University, will give nn Indian en tertainment in Philodorlan ball. Tho hall is artistically decorated with Indian ornaments and Postors. Tho luncheon will bo served in Indian baskets and everything will bo In Indian style. Tho following pro gram will be given: Indian Jargon Songjlcssio Cornollui Indian Legend Allco Shepherd Indian Club Swinging Prof. Roy Heater Heading From Hiawatha...... Olive Rlgby Instrumental Solo, ...Robert Kakln Vocation Time. The vacation time between scm eaters Is on at a numbor of the sehools, and students aro at homo for a week or more. Tam Oatch and Don Ynntls, tho latter of tho pharma cy department, are home from tho Agricultural College. Clifford Ren- son, son of the secretary of state, al so a student at Corvallis, is visiting at home, ill eoiwla, Harry Beaton, of Klamath FnllH, Is with him. The Willamutto students will havo their vacation soma woeks later. Row Mnlileit Citntnln. Dlrurtor llorltage, of the Snlwm Choral Club and First M. K. ohurch oholr, will prosHit this beautiful can tata to tho HuIhiii public at tho ohuroh with a choruH of about 60 volecw, on Wednesday ovoulng. The soloists will bo Morulo A. Hug, so prano; llotio Cornelius, alto; J. Frank Hughes, tenor; Horltage, basso. SUNDAY SERVICES I'nlU-d Kvnngi'llrol. Sundny sohool at 10 a. m. Sermon by tho pastor at 11 n. in., thamo, "Sorvlce, Its Cost nnd Crown." R. L. of C. K. at 6:30 p. m. At 7:30 p. in. thu Woman's Missionary sooiety will take chargo of tho sorviue. II A. Deck, pastor. Unitarian. At tho Unitarian church at 11 a. m. Rev. Paul S. Iiandy will spoak. All are cordially invited. UiiIUhI HrvtJircn. There will bo qunrtoly meotlng services in tho Yew Park U, 1). church next Sunday at 11 a. m. Ulihop H. h. Ilarkley and wife, of Portland, Or., will bo with use. All aro Invited to attend this service A. R. Lttudy, P. K. flopfl Clutpt'l. Fifteenth and Mill streets. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:5 p. m. Testimony servlco nt C:it p. m. Prayer meet ing Friday evening. Blblo study Tuesday evening at HBO Ferry St. W. N. McCandllsh. ClirUtian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 440 Chemeketa street. Services Sun day at 10.30 a. m. and 7:30 p. ro. Subject of lesion sermon, "Reality " Sunday school at 11:46 a. m. Tho Wednoaday evening meeting la held at 7:30 p. m. Reading room in the church open each afternoon except Sunday. All nre cordially Invltod to attend the servlmm and tho rending room. Kt. Paul'. Chrmekotn and- Church street Rov. Burr 0. I.eo, rector. Palm Sunday. Uusual survluos at 7:30 and 11 n. in. and 4:30 p. in. Sunday Hchonl, 10 a. ni. Dally servlco at A p. m. Holy communion, Monday (Anuunulntloii) 8:30 n. in. and Maundy-Thursday, 8:30 u. in. Good Friday services, 0:20 a. in. mid 12 in. to 3 p. in. Thu public Is wolcomo at all survluos. I'lrht I'rviriiyti'iliiii, Chiiruh strout near Cliumokota streut, Itov. Ilonry T. Bnbonck, pas tor. Morning servlco 10:30 a. in., pronehlng by tho pastor, uubjoar,. "Parables of thu Mustard Hood nn thu Hoaven." Bumlny sohool nt 12 m. O. li. at 6:30 p. in. Kveulng servlco nt 7:30 p. in., pruaohlug by the pastor, subject, "Christian Stead fastness." Monday at 7:30 i. in. an nual congregation mooting. Hleotlorv of eldors nnd trutoes. Annual re ports wll bu given by nil societies of tho ohuroh. Refreshments will be sarvod. Thursday mld-weuk prayer meeting at 7:30 p. ni., subject, "Thu Rosurrootlon and Christian Activity." Kt. JoM'ph'M CnOiollr. Rev. A. Moore, root or. Palm Sun duy. First muss nt 7:30 a. in. Cat echism at 0:30 it. in. High mass, at 10:30 n. m. Tomorrow being Palm Sunday thu palms will be blessed and distributed immediately before tho last mass. Vespers nnd benedlotlou ut 7:30 p. in. During Holy Wook tho her vices on Holy Thursday, dood Friday and Holy Saturday will bo at 8 a. m., and will bo conducted bp Rov. Father Datln, of Brooks. Good Friday at 7:30 p. in. "Tho Way ? thu Cross and I'ojwIoii Sermon." Firftt MtdiodlM. Rev. W. H. Selleok will preach at 10:30 on "Spiritual Investments" and at 7:30 p. m, on "Arrogance and Humility." Special mtisla wlUi bo rendered. Topic of Kpworth Leaguo ut 6:30 p. in.: "The Resur rection." All are mado welcome. There's naught so uweet as lovo'a young dream And (t would sweeter be. If lovers would only take A little Rocky Mountain Tea. For sale Dr. Stone's store.