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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
DAILY CAPITA!, JOiniXAU HALKM. OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1007. CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAG rc f! B' I HOFER BROS,, Polishers d Proprietors THK JOUItNAI, STANDS FOR PRO OUIS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AM) NO DEGRADED LA1JOH. GOOD LIFE, TRUTH AM) LOVE. ELMol Llfo! Llfo! Hut a paltry tlmo ago Wo thought Its Boat Was tlio rliytlunlu boat Of tho heart, mid the pulsos' flow; But tho scales have dropped from our oyos bIiioo thon, JvnOl wo know Hint Mind Is tho Ufa of mon. i Tmihl Truth! Truth How wo soought It ovorywhorol Oil, tho years wo gavo To tho effort bravo, Tho wnsponkablo labor and carol ' Anfl wo loam today that dcop down within Wo must wako to tho truth whtoh redeems from sin. Cuwo! I.ovo! Lovol 'Twas llfo'H, Its Joy; nut as tarnished with tears, , And scarred with fonrs, J&nil lose wan Its hnso alloy. MDcnr God, purge tho dross from our metal away, Xhat, refined, It may yield to Love, wo pray. (Qbrtrudo King In March C. S. Journal,) IIROAUENING RUKINE8S IDEAS. That advertising is getting to bo tho koynoto of luminous success more and more Is being domunstrntod dally In overy town In tho land, and "thin is especially truo In Bnlom, Dunlnoss firms Iti our town who aro kaniong tho most successful aro thono which advortlso. Somo now con corns have rapidly crowded thomselvos Into tho foro front by tho sheor "force of advertising whllo others that for yoara novor advortUcd, now "!flnrt It to their Intorost to tnlk to tholr oustomors with prlntors' Ink. Lines of business whluh used to consider It unprofessional to ndvor- flno nro now among tho most onorgotlo In this rospoot. Principally anions these might bo named tho banks. Tho tlmo was whan banks constdorod Ht ns much out of plneo to boost for tholr own business as do the othloal doctors of today, but durliiR tho past deeada this has been ontlroly vSjnngcd and It Is now getting to where Instlutlons which refuso to ad wortlso uro looked upon with u dogreo or suspicion as though thoy wore h frit Id to talco tho public Into tholr confidence. One of the blggost ads Hhat over appoar In a uowspapor is t boon brokon on February 22 by tho 'ndvortlnlntf records aro said to have boon brogon on February 22 by tho publication of tho Schonoctndy Garotte of tho advertlsmont of tho Scho nootady Havings bnlik. covering ton full pngux. Tho announcement is claimed to bo not only tho largoHt known to have boon placed by a finan cial Instliitlon with any single newspaper, but It distinctive nluo In rospect 4o tho detailed figures represented. It gives a list of all tlui securities Itold, and also the number of tho passbooks and tho amount of the ac count of overy one of the bank's 22.2UB depositors. Every person who has borrowed money from tho bank on u mortgage knows tho number eft tho mortgage, as tho rwlpUt for Interest always contain tho number. Knoh portion knowing the amount of his own mortgage, therefore, onu -chock It from tho printed Hat. In the twin way depositors ran eheok ' their passbook accounts. Thu advqrtlsebent Is nppnrofttly complete. In wlolnll, and ooimtltutee u nomplste chunking syaytum In Itealf. o .. . 8TATIISMHN HHU'HI) IIVTHIIIH WIVHS, (The Dalles Chronicle.) In the prominent place which Stehator It. M. La Pollette boMe lu the nubile his wife appears etttltled to have a aitere. Too Intimate o (jHalnuniiB (if the Wisconsin senator know that hie wife le a woman of itoltMcal u scHrcoly, If el nil. Inferior to hie own. and that he PHU grea eonlhleuco lu her Judgment HiidenuHsol. the has recently given a tt oxlilbtiiou or the deep Interest which she takes In hie personal m w oil as pollllt! wtlfnre. H Is retaLetl Hint a rw daya ago, when the senator was III at Waek liiKton. M. m lllette. then hi their home near MaUUran. Wis., rose at X o'clock In the morning, prepared, a liaety oiip of ooffee and tramped four in Ilea to the station in order to taka an early train for the national capital, iter sudden lonvtug and the drnnmtlo manner of It naturally Huvo rlee lu wmsldemble comment. Rome credited It to n HMslble reiwrt that her husband's Illness had tnkn a tarn for the worse; others be lleved that in view of the political situation over Senator Spooler's reslg. nation she had hurried In hr husband with aihleee from the seat of ar. The theory most generally accepted was that the exettewent followlnl. the political upheaval might have a aerloue effect iiwn Senator U Fol lelte's condition, and that she had gone to protect him from Importunate politicians and correspondents. Whatever view of tho oase may be eorr vt. the one fact stands ant In ualdrellef that lu har devotion to his Int Meets, pereoHul or political. sh wasprontpt to aet. without regard to her omx phyeionl iwinfort It la. of course, no unlinie thing tor the wives of public men to be the Tonridontlal adviser and helpmate of their husbands. Gladstone, the "Grand Okl Man," uf Hnuland, fro)uently said that he owed moro Un 1ij could ever propurly noknowledgo to the watchful earo and good ad vlao of liU wife, and In our own land there are not laaklng many lh alaneoa of suocess lu statesmanship being due In largo mvaaure to the mental mrgy, comuinn senso and wfol- devotion of women. Tluyr are ocrtnluU' worthy of a share of the fame whloh oouuw to their 'husbnuds, , ' ' ' o It was graft becauso The bill that passed the legislature was a forco and a fraud. aimed to defor nlll reform for four years. The Orcgonion Is upholding tho prosent state printing ono of tho relatives Is getting tho bnoflt. Imagine what It would say under all tho circumstances about faith broken with the people If some low. outside heathen were In the office, A POLITICAL PAKIAII NOT OF IT SOWN lM.HKIATfc AMIIA ? But putting tho prlntcry on a salary and doing tho work at actual cost to tho Htoto at loast $25,000 a year could be saved. A few bills could bo grouped and roforred that would SAh THh I'lvOI'LK OF THK STATE AT LEAST 9r00,0()0 JHENNIAL. Hut tho subtle, secrot Influences aro all at work to dodgo those reform and attract the attention of tho people to something lu tho future. ; 0 WHAT IT COSTS TO HUN MAHION COUNT V. lUx'liostrr to llcmitlfy, Hoohesler. N. Y.. March HS.Th suggestion mado by Charles -Mulford Itobluson In a paper reud at a moot ing somo little white ago In the ohambor of commerce hall, are bear ing fruit. Mr. Robinson took strong ground for tho improvement and beautifying of tho city. Ho described in his speech the mot hod adopted lu aities In lturope. He also spoko of tho work that had beon done In De- All the machine and graft IntlunncM lu the state are easy the dnys lrou "urfa,0 iBfaJo Springe. Co- trying to dodge the referendum. iiumuut, Hraonse, Denver, Oakland An orgau of the game preserves of pamperwl oftlelaltetn oomee out- Honolulu. Meaanros ar being nd saye the State Unlxttrslty will not be submitted to a refuranduni. ,WKen toaroueo puWlc watlinent, and Anulhor lolls how mueh Is being vl In tho stalo prlnUng ottlo. HOUOINO Till? HHFHUHNHU.M. In Marion county for 190G tho oxponsos of govornmont wore distrib uted as follews: County court and commissioner, $3182.12; tho circuit court, $6434. 25; Justices courts, $2194.60; shorlff's ofllco, $4153.96; clerk's ofllco, $3329.93; recorder's ofilco, 2832.40; treasurer's ofllco, $1200; coroner's ofllco, $292.75; school superintendent's ofllco, $1C28.57; stock Inspector, $300; nssossor'H ofllco, $4200. Tho Capital Journal bollovos that all those offices aro conducted with reasonable economy. HUT WHAT WILL HE DONE WITH OUH $100,000 OF MONEY HAISED FOR COUNTY 1'UKTOSKS AMOVE CUHHENT EXPENSES? Tho peoplo boflo'vo thoro should bo something dono in tho way of an oxtonded construction of permanent highways. It will Bound nlco to havo at tho ond of tho prosont year $50,000 cash surplus on hnnd. Dut that Is not what county govornmont Is for, to hoard up largo surplus. Ilottor go In debt $50,00 Onnd have something to show for It. This county needs development, and two main highways built through tho county, ono north and south, and ono oast and wost, WOULD DO MORE TO SETTLE UI THE COUNTRY AND ADVANCE THE VALUE OF LANDS THAN ANY OTHER ONE THING. It may scorn Impertinent for n moro citizen to suggost such n thing to tho county court, but tho people are anxiously waiting for Bomolhlng In tho way of pormanont highways boaldos llttlo local plecos of work. A comprohenslvo plan of work should bo adopted, THAT WILL AP PEAL TO THE PRIDE OF THE WHOLK COUNTY. Tho city of Salem, through Its Commorclnl Club, two years ego put up $2000 to bo UBod ns purses for Inducing tho construction of high ways. Lot us not bo afraid to make new demands, right demands, and pro gressive demands for tho development of the county. Blood Humors Persistent Eczema Druggist Advised Proper Medicine Another Complete Cure. II ninlcus no difforonco how sovero or long-seated a caso o bad blood, humora, uozuinn or tscrufuln may bo, Hood's harsarrarilla cures just tlio tuimo. It Iihh tlio grontoBt record of nny modlotuo ovor ituitlo. Una reivhed thu lu,rgoNt nitmhor of testimonials lO.SOO in two yours. It Ib tho ono nbovo all others fir you to take if you need u thorough ly good medloino for your Wood. Jttwd the folkmtwc from Mr. C. ('. Itally n welt-kiKMMi pump itwuufucttiri'r, uf ClmmiMlRn, 111. "Whu I tukMl my doctor rlwt that riith)U was v lilch imue uialcr my rlslil oar, and wliloli twit rofuMMl to jlld to hiHiie treatment, bv said It was a ImhI on 83 of uetOHin and that It would take a long time to euro It. Anutlior din-tor mttd It was about the worst raw ho ervr miv. I fol lowed their ndvlro fur is tnmtlif, and at 111 tho eruption would not 1hnI. 'One day I anVwl ltt driumlit It he had nujrthlng ho ttumxlit wtailil ilu mo Kuotl. Ho said If Aiiythtng would cure me It vrat Hood's Sarsaparilla Will convince and cure whoro glvon n fnir trial. Uuy n bottlo today. anrsninoa nro mxm triwroi in i c I . UAILCY. Hood's Sarsaparilla, ond advlsod that I buy thrw bottles, watch the rosalta, and be Koverned n.-ronllntly. Ttiore was bu1i decided Improvement at the end of that time that another bottle eftwtwta completo cure." C v. luiler, K. University nvouuo, ChaiiitMlicu, III. 1 tali- let furm. IUvr WHfeUy 10 lo it. iliil liv all tlnii;elU or Mt pi wall on rwolpt ( priee by C, 1. I LAI WW l. .HUM. ramptly by iiooa uo GuAiusTCKi) under tho Food and Drugs Act, Juno SO, 1000. No. 324. Superintendent Jamw, of tho pon Uvntlnry. went to Portlnad today on bust news. TO CUM! A COU) IX ONE DAY. Tako LAXATIVE DROMO Qulnlno Tablots. Druggists refund money If it falls to euro. E. w. GROVE'S signature on each box. 31c. und thoro will b NO UHl'imiCVIHr.M ox A IMhT K.IhHV von tiih MTATIt IMU.VTHH. And so It how on. Oraft and oftlulalhun stnnd togthr, and In Ik numo of ihluoHtlun or uny aht bsrrnokw to hldw behind, say let u v wo will bo rood. It It proposed to UU th rorarondnw on thv nftlftlal pa4 bill, and th Ulll appropriating $l0.t)Q0 for anuortw fur wllltU oompanlu. It will bo m that grafUng oWoialWm u trying lo shunt th rfrH iImw to things that tlonl hurt. TIIKOFI'UMAIj l'ASS mi.r IS A I.W. IHiaTIVi: MONSTIIOSITV TOO nilOSA IX) 1LVIST l. ANY VOWSU Thn appropriation to orwt nrntorlos HAS MOUK .M Kit IT THAN ANY t)P TIIH OTIIIIIt IIIM-S lMtOlHSUtl TO IIH UKI'imiUU) IX) THK rito VIM Thi wonoy will ltd tspondd In n orttollim of pormauent bulldlng4 nnd will t bo thrown away ou Mlarl. Th tw and tho compensation of tho statu printer have not be changed by law. Th absBjdlty oxUt that tho pooplo aro to havo n wuch reform In ?Otat oco at a consolouttout and iienoraus-nilndM official SKKs KIT TO tJIVK'THHM. inrm plans that will increase tho park nystom, which Is good as far as It goes. Othor decorations of the iti- nro fating ditvl4. and It Is cer tain that in oonnHftne of Mr. Rob inson's addroM this city will bio. m out ns ono o the attractive mu nlflipalUlM whr people of taste aro gUd to live and sirmngra are glad 19 oema. f .Mr. IlobtawMi's suggea. lions ar fully adopted the olty as a whole will adopt a p)n to be car ried out as a Koneral stfcew to bean, tlfy and adorn until the city becomes a grand tMotur of what ran bo done to make a city an attraction and Joy forover. - OJa,P03rtSA(t ""cffe itLut Your Idle Money Will wm inletvst If deposited In our SrtUngs Dcimrtmciit. You nuy Ht ,iihh! it sootlt aud it will draw intorvbt for every month it rvuulni ou deposit. Whe jou do need h. It will fao Just a nallabu ns It Is t pre out. Open n vviugs account anil put It to work. Savings Depaxtmcnt Capital NatoaiBmfc TsSwfOfc V V vkrB Jim The Good Clothes Storp you'll fancy llcre. AVre noted for hath. 1Il4Lv WI wo say ..I,, "J le correct cut and, w Inf. Whllo many g(orcg about tho Now Ideas in Spri" and womlcrlnK whether thejuT we're helling them. TI'onu.,nvlmllvC8ll appenrnnoo will (lnd at n.Jj l Clothes Store" ctatUy whll u . When wo nnmo such ndnt as ?10, K15. 820 or vi , r our Choice Spring Suit,, i",ll oi Keep ronsvii. G. W. Johnson & Co, THE GOOD CLOTHES STORE A Hlg IlowlhiK Mutch. Now York, Murch 23. A bowling match that will attract wldo nttontion and oxclto Interest all ovor tho con tinent Is that which will bo given to night at Rosovlllo, at tho nlleya of tho Rosovlllo Athletic association. Tho prlnciplos will bo tho flvo Roso vlllo bowlers, rocont winners of tho nhlotlc longuo championship, and nn all-star quintet composed of tho most prominont bowlors in tho cast. Tho nil-star combination conslptB of Jimmy Smith, Johnny Voorhels, John Kostor, Leo Johns und William Wolngnrth. Tho first throo aro Groator Now York bowlorri, whllo Johns and Wolngnrth llvo In Newark. Conditions cnll for throo games, and opinion Is divided ns to tho probablo outcome. Not long ago tho Rosovlllo tonm, consisting of Picrson, Olognza, Wood, Van Nobs and Mayor rollad n tOSl total on tho home alloy. It has been pointed out by somo thnt the visitors will not bo ablo to "find" tho alloys In time to hold tho athletic leaguers. Another point In favor of HoH.ville ltoi lu tho fact that the dub must ueoeeenrlly posses a oer tiiln team strength which will, he larking In the all-star five. On the oilu-r hand every member of tho visit ing tam Is a wlsard ou the alleys. Only h few weeks ago Smith went over to Newark and made a perfect score of 200 in a toiiruamout game. Voorhels, Wolngnrth and Koater have been credited with perfect scores. Not long ago, in a series against Voorhels, Johns had nn aver age of 23G. Smith Kostor, Voorhels and Johns are leading lu tho Greater New York Individual championship tournament. Welngarth who Is also In this copetltlon has nn nvorage bet ter than 200. INSTRUCTIVE IXTE ("Correct Engfe How to usei A Monthly Mngnzlnc DcroWtil Use of Knglbh. JOSEPHINE TUHCK 1UKER,! Partial Centrtiti: Course In Grammar How to Increase Ono'i Yoah'i Tho Art of ConverHtku. Shall and Will; Stall Weuld: How toUjoThtm. ' Pronunciations t Ceatary Kol nry). u Correct English In the llcsbl Correct English In tba ! What to Say and WW fo Say. Pnnrafl In T.pltM.WrltlJtl Punctuation. ) Alphobotlc list of AbbrtTi Diislness English for the En Mnn. r,..,..,n..n,l UnvtAI Them. Studies In English Utmti Agents VntiL 1.00 A Yi:H. Send 10 Ctauj single (Xrr COHHKtT lAtiUMI. KimI BULLOCK BROS. .RESTAURANT.. Two doors south of Bush's Bank Open Day and Night The best of everything. Ctean and quick service. OMri B B B Trado Mark Order a package of this famous health and brain building flour and enjoy soma good old fashioned New KnglaBd Brown Ilreful. A chance at a right hot loaf will make ,you think yon aro In Boston. With Allen's Self-rlalnR B. B. B. Flosur you can make bread Jnst like the Puritans used to make. 3-11 Pancake Iloar Is also a puro food; self rising and all ready to mix with water and bako on a hot griddle. ALLEN'S B B B f LOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, Baa Jeeet Cwl. Easter Factory, littla WoH MUU, Win.Wt, Wis. 1L2 fe.- m VJtH ivnn'ir fcl . . . linA COftl And eat proj-- " ' yj more potent tUan infi,JTM n Men nua.n v. -- - Ulloroak.s BeM prlnolpal artn.e oi .... -u- msif rtrau receive " " -- - Hon of all food P0, I. oaroful!) and JJ best flour, and Ii rici t and healthful P1 r . ... C. Ullo. rrr J c. nio J I fiarden .- I..M x lUS "J w n uai . . aaidanBeJUj, seeds are all " carry-oTct Ask for ?;, You get threa U t0 lD VlEli tf, Fancy W" ::tz Und VlxiW. nUng'l E6 tvL.i. Coulson-CaF- Coulsoa' Coa aJ 1Bi .--- iaU'" retail o reiau TILLSON t(4 1511"