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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
& '1? 10 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, AKCHlOO? r ' " Aii-uorr humbi ith rounrcot roru New White Oxfords Just received tlio latest Btylos In spring and summer Oxfords. Tlioy como in whlto nnd gray, In wcHh nnd turns. Every bIzo Is included In this shipment. Shirt Waists In latest etyloB in lawns, linens and ' silks ,ia xi great variety to choose- from 50c to $ 5.00 New Skirts for Today Now York's latest fashions In smnrt skirts, Tliero is ho many that n description Is out of tlio question. Howovor, thoro nro voIIoh, pomonns, mohnlrs, worst eds nnd surges In plain black, stripes, checks, plaids nnd plain wbito. Home nro mndo plain, oth ers with silk braid nnd trim inlngs, nccordcon plaited, box ptnltod, etc, Thero nro nil slzos In tlio lot. The Ladies' Home Journal Fot Aptfil Is nn especially largo Issue nnd contains ntnong other interesting things nrtidcB on how to mnke your noxt sutnnior garden, with lllustrntlons. Tho cover, by Tny lor, "Who I Modllnto on Theo In tho Night Wntclios," Is one of tho best Journal covors wo have ever soon und well worth framing, Flftcon conts per copy, In our pat tern department. Hosiery Nowcst doslgns in n. grout varie ty of colors nnd mntorlalu. In tho allowing nro stockings having laco work with colored ombrold orod llgures, others plain with embroidery, nnd plnln ones In all wolghts. 0c to $3.00 New Suits fot Boys Wo nro jiiBt in receipt of i shipment of boys' clothing In tho now 'spring stylos und fabrics. Th oho buHb aro bound to mnko a Btlr with pnrontB who nppreclnto n good vuluo. With thoso suite wo glvo two kinds of pants, the straight and tho knickorbockor, a In Illustration. Tho biggest vuluo you'll Und In tho elty. $5.00 rete&& Egg Cups Special for Easter. TJwenty per cent discount on all Btyles at the Yo kohama Tea Company's store. Only One more week remains before the close of tho prize contest at the Yo kohama Tea Store. Each tGOc pur chase entitles you to a,,chanco to draw one of tho three'" .handsome prizes. -. I Your Library Tabic Needs a now fclUtop. Let'us call for It. Buron & Hamilton. A sl)cs (OS- Table felt for dining tables prp- vents burning. Sold by the yard. Duron & Hamilton. Injured His Hand Whilo working in his shop on South Llborty strcot this morning, E. M. Klghtlingor recolvcjd a .severe cut In tho palm of his hand, 'which will necessitate his laying oft for n wook or more Are You Going to buy sotno coffee, tea, baking powder, extracts, spices, etc , at tho Yokohama Tea Storo and so cure a chanco on the handsome silver tea set or doll. Only ono wrick more. No Trouble To And Just what you want, my nssortmont of hats Is so varied and complete). Laterst Parisian creations at low prices. Mrs. P. H. Fullorton, tho milliner, 291, North Commercial street. Personals COal !'. Trial Packnce tn iw . Bilious brenti.. '. !?ul !-.....:mwiiin CITY JNEWS A Collection of Important l'nra ftrnpli for Your Consideration. Maamt UroH, I'IoiIkIh, South Salem For cabbtigo pluutH. Aiiuminroniciit Oct dutulU mid particulars on club being formed In Halom. W'utuh ad vertising. Ad In paper now. Look fur It. It. 0. Hunter, ruprosontu tlvo International Correaponduuue tfchooU. If Your Memory In Poor Tatoo this nn your nrm, that Tho flpa lends In Master nnd all spoolnl day gooda. H our frying pan and egga. 38 Htato street, ood llurH & New Shipment Of uphoUtvrlHK goods-Ilamlltnu Many of Our Grandmothers and Grandfathers Bufforud almost dally with htad Ackra and many tlmea sick hondaohos la tho) dnye they woro young ad going to school hardly anybody kMW that headaches could bo cured by wearing properly fitted elae, wheat all othwr re-modlea failed. Tkero la no oscuao for ua in thU day nnd age, when so much progroaa baa tiera mado in optomotry. Wltou tho oyoa tako nn unuiual AWoutit of nervo forco to adjust their vWoa, noiuy other part of tho human MtackHnUiu must eufcr. We will amJm your eye free, and toll you ( you need glasitoa or tho card of a fisyalctaa, i Am ytMvk'iirtpd ostitis la chwga. PuiiHy Pinntw Mason llros,, Flnrlats, South Salem Old Furniture Made to look llko now in our up bolstering department. Huron & Hnm,lltou. Dunce Tlogu Hall tonight. Bought l'lno Sulem Home F. J. Uifky, who recently camo horo fiom tho East, has bought tho W. W. Hall rosldonuo on East Stnto street, nnd also tho lot adjoining on tho oast. Tho dual Include 92 foot frontage, through from Stnto to Court street, with tho buildings nnd linprovemuuta. Tbla la one of tho boat home In that section of tho olty, and thu price paid Is about $5000. Mr. Ufky and his family havo com to Sulem to stay, and have Mud a x(Ht election for a pormH- HMtt home. Mr. Hall, It l under stood, will rvturn to hi ranch for the HrwHt, a hi health m to re quire out-door xaraitM. lUby Wnlkvr Jual In. rwttdy for thu ynung wnlk tru. llunm & UniHlltiui. Tioga Hall tonight. lkNtutlful IkHir Add much to tho beauty of a new house. Kvery atylo can bo had nt Hnusen'a Plunlug Mills, from tho plainest to tho most maailvo and no tUtlc. 3.S3-3t lkl Sptwtdw And stand covers Murvn & Hamlltou, Jut received. BARrTS JEWELRY STORE laBt jmu! f Murti'ff $tm KaiktiT Htcial On egg cups for soft and hard boiled tRg, in china, aeuil-porcelain aud glasa. Twenty ler cent dUuount alt ne-st week, at tho Yokohama Tea Couipany'a atoro. Twmtjr IVr Cent W4eotit All nest woek on ess cup, at the Yokohama Tea Company' atoro. The Hoi. Tho Umpire Stock Company Is pre senting "Tho Lost Hoir" nt tho Kllngor Grand this wook. Tho play contains n pretty lovo story, which is surrounded with romance nnd mis fortune, but flnnlly tho clouds of In justice nro swept away nnd tho right heir proves his claim to tho ostnte, nnd frees his Bwoethonrt from tho clutches of tho villain and IiIb ac complices. Sovoral good specialties aro given in tho production by tho clover McConnell comedians. Tho moving pictures und Illustrated song nro good, nnd add much to tho Inter est of tho piny. Look Here A sllvor ton sot, vuluo $30; or n largo, linndBomo doll, valuo $7.50, given nwny. A chanco with each HOe purchase In our coffoo nnd tea de partment, also a handsome gold plated clock, valuo $15, n ohnnco with ench GOc purchnso in our crookory and glasswnro department. Yoko- hnmn Tea Company. p Chicken Ulnncr Sunday ua usual, at tho Angolus restaurant. I nm Doing Itusltu' On my own capital, and rocqlvo tho full benotlt of nil tho discounts that this entitles mo to na n spot cash buyer, and 1 nm bnoked by abundant mllllnory oxporlonco ns woll, enabling mo to buy right and soil right. Now Is the time to buy or soloct your new spring lint. Mnko your soloctlon now, pay down a small sunt, and I will Bavo tho hat for you until you nro ready. Mrs. P. H. Fullorton, the now milliner nt Mm. Hilko'B . old stand. See Tho thro hniuUotuo prize In our north show window, it only requires a 50o pur chant In the coKea nnd tea dtnmrtnittHt to seure n cUnnoe on the Blhwr ten wt or tho d611, and a like HiHiiunt in tho crockwy aad glnaa waro diMrtwwnt to awur a raane on the gold platml cloek. The grat r the pureliaae the more coujhh to you. Yokohama Tea Company Workri! Like n Cluirtu. 1). N. Walker, editor of that Journal, the KHtwnrise. LouUa. Va., say: "i ran a nail In my foot last weok. and nt onco ap plied Huoklen's Arnica Salve, No Inflammation followed; tho salv simply healed tho wound." Heals overy sore, bum nnd skin dlseaso. Guaranteed at J, c. Perry's, drug gist. 25c Hit. K. C. MOHLKH, Kyeslght Sjwclalist. Formorly of San Francisco, well- known on tho Pacific coast as ono of tho foremost members of tho op tical profession, Is now In Snlem with the view of locating. Dr. Mohler comos vory highly rec ommended, having fitted a number of Salem's most rospocted citizens, and It Is through tholr earnest solici tation thnt ho Is now with us. For tho presont tho doctor Is located at Sulto 21, Tho Eldrledge, where ho will bo pleased to meet old ns woll ns tho now patrons who may doslro work in his line. (iei'mnit Evangelical. Tho regular church sermon at 10:30 a. m. St. Johns. Corn or of Fourteenth and Center streets. Also ' vcr.Sundny vUlt In Oregon City. Attorney John Jeffries, after a short visit here, left for hlsofflce In Portland, He was formerly, of this qlty, and Is now of tho" firm of Jeff ries & Lennon, of Portland'. J. G. Smart left this morning for Walla Walla on a few weeks' busi ness trip. The Misses Florence ' Bigger and Sarah Itodgers arrived in tho city yesterday from Portland to visit Sa lem rolatlves and friends. Miss Inez Thomas, who has been visiting in tho city, loft last ev ening for her home In Harrlsburg. Miss Amanda Hayes returned to her homo In Eugene yesterday. after visiting her brother, R. R. Hayes, of this city. Mrs. Clydo Clearwater, who has boon visiting her sister, Sirs. Harry Moyor, left yesterday for Portland. E. Flanders, representing tho Coos Bay Monthly, which ls-edlted by P. C. Lovar, at Marshfleld, is in th city, looking after tho Interests of thnt bright Pacific coast periodical. A. N. Moores left today for a bus iness trip to Newport. Attorney M. E. Poguo left today charcoal quickly absorb! for Albany on business. unnatural odors and m M. S. Burson, Stayton, who was ( If J'0" suffer from indfsestkt Hurt recently in a sawmin nt uanas, i UUit" k as a result, Stcart't left todny Tor ills nomo, nrter visit ing Snlem friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pete Philips went to Portlnnd todny for a few dnys visit. Mrs. Chnrlcs Hinges left this morning for Portland. O. O. Robarts, a student of tho Snlem high school, left todny for nn To Owners of Bad fa Foul Odor f lBd, ""BorDrinl Once With St4 digestion victim,, 3 smokers, drinkers , pas on tho stomach Tr.i oy themselves, dhu..7ill Powerful bad w',? Thv nil breathe ii breath ,.. v. iB Ui , om outfit r makes thnso ....... Ul w m -awtadZir Part of It la that tie r 7 realize what a.. vH offensive breath is to otkrUi uwcoal is a wond of gases and odo n .. w times It own v... :IrHlJ SMinr' nw . . ' PUt a Stop to tour U " breath, nnd to yonrbe.r oyer the cause or sowLl on Good Friday. March 20th. nt 10:30 n. in. Evorybody Invited Rev. Quo. Eugle, pnstor. liesllo M. H. Leslie M. E. church. Pronching by pastor at 10:30 a. m. Clnss moot ing nt 11:30 n. m, Sunday Bchool at 12 m. Epworth Longuo at 0:30 p. m. Evonlng tfervlcos nt 7:30 p. m. wllll bo conducted by Y. M. C. A. You nro Invited to nttond. o How to Remain Young. To contlnuo young In health nnd strength, do ns Mrs. N. F. Rowan, McDonough, On. did. Sbo Bays: "Threo bottles of Electric Blttors cured mo of chronic liver nnd st'om nch troublo, complicated with such nn unhealthy condition of tho blood thnt my skin turned red na flannel. I nm now practically 20 years young er thnn beforo I took Electric Blttors. I can now do all my work with caso nnd nsslst In my husband's store." Guaranteed nt J. C. Perry, drugglBt. Prlco 50c. Men who nro too congonlnl, too serviceable, too popular, too good follows, aro apt to como high boforo the peoplo aro dono with them. fniiMi of Stomach Trouble. Whon n mnn hns troublo with his stomnch you may know that ho is eating more than ho should or of Bomo nrtlclo of food or drink not suited to his age or occupation, or that his bowels aro habitually con stipated. Take Chaiaberlnln's Stom nch nnd Llvor Tablets to regulato tho bowels and Improve tho dlgostlon nnd see If tho trouble does not dlsnp pour. Ask for a froo samplo. Sold by Dr. Stono's Drug Storo. What do tho people expect of u man who make a buslnoes of poll tic, but that he will do business? Mr apluy Chicken Dinner Sunday aa uaitHl, at the Angolus restaurant. IIOTHL ARRIVALS. daughter, B. H. Sellhorn, of Princeton, .Mlun., who has boon here looking for a brick yard, left thu morning for Ashland. New l)4Kry Good a&d Madras. llawjltott. Bursa ft Be Cheerful Worry and ;loomy thoughts wear on the nerves and injure the digejtioa. When you fed blue, try to took oa the bright aide of thirujs, cultivate heauh-thoujjhta and cotmt the jys tern by taking rtkeehanfi ? 4&sM AUtvcrywkfc. IubQxeilfc.Mtllt; Wlllanu-lte. Mr. tt. IS. Gore and Modfurd. Mrs. G. W. Myers, Portland. C. H. Finn. La Grande. K. D. Reaalor, Monmouth. A. G. Webeko, Monmouth. Chas. A. Nye, Dubuque, la. Chas. P. Llvlngstou, Portland. John Ulakeloy, Portlaud. J. C. Currlo, Portland. K. J. Shaw, Seattle. F. J. Luebbort, San Francisco. B. F. Landls, Cooa Bay. G. Halnee. San Francisco. Joo Mlllett. Oregon City. William L, Flnley, Portland. John P. Hunt, George F. Hammond, Portland. Paul Marls, Newberg. Dolon Kenworthy, do. Foster Mills, do. A. K. Wilson, do, Walter Spauldlng, do. N. B. Brown, city. II. L. McCan, city. D. F. Clement, Loa Angeles. B. H. SUharm, Prineeoa, Mian. Mis J. GoSner and family, BU wark, N. D, II. C. Porter, tho woll-known real ostnto man of Aumsvlllc, arrived In tho city this morning on business. A. Davis and R. L. Hart and broth or, J. P. Hart, left this morning for tho Smlkmicon country, In British Columbia, where they will reside. Mrs. T. B. Jonos roturned yester day from Portlnnd, whero she was called by tho Illness of Mr. Jono's mother. Mr. Jonos will return Sun day with the body of his mothor. Roy Bnlloy has roturned from Portland to this city, where ho will reside Mrs. Grnck Bobbins, of Portland, arrived In Snlem this morning to visit rolntlves and friends. Sho wns formerly MIbs Grnco Savage, of this city. Miss Margnrot Kunko, of tho tele phone olllce, loft Vestordny for a visit In Turner. Chnrlos A. Gray has roturned from 'Portland, whbro ho has been on business for several dayB. MIbs Entma Godfrey, who has boon visiting In Portland, roturned homo this morning. Uankor Claud Catch arrived In the city this morning. Mr. and Mtb. II. A. Rawson ro turnod Inst ovonlng from a wook's visit with old-tlmo frlonds In Eu gone and surrounding country. E. B. Hiitton, nnd threo daughters, of Hambrey, Iown, nrrlved in tho olty this morning to visit rolntlves. Mr. Hntton is vory much plensed with whnt ho linn Been of this sec tion of tho country, and will prob ably locnto horo, A. L. Brown loft this morning for Jefferson on buslnoss. Judgo R. S. Bean left today for an over-Sunday visit In Eugene. I). W. Fisher, tlfo well-known saw mill man, camo up from Brooks this morning for nn ovor-Sunday visit with his family. Ho was formerly a prominent grocerymnn of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wlnt, of Portland, formor rosldonts of Salem are In the city visiting Mr. Wlnt's pnronts. Thoy will return home Monday. Mrs. Harry Stapleton, who has boon tho Ruost of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bnumgartnor, loft this morning for her homo in Roseburg. Mrs. E. E. Gore, noice, Miss Flora Gray, Miss Bllton and Miss Ivy Boeck who have been visiting In tho city, left this morning for Medford. Mrs. Goro is on tho repotorial staff of ono of Medford's leading papers. coal Lozenges win abiorbiUiu. n,..1 .i.. mnm uU uium) jou siop oeltWtj, " uu geuing up in ih a you havo suchabad.bliieMi that you can almost sntiiit, self, Stunrt'B Charcoal LoitW, buu no oi it tor you qnkty If you havo been smoUtrw ing, or havo been eating c&w omor odorous things, Stem's ( coal Lozenges will make joita puro and sweet. Charcoal Is also tho bett i known. You will take a sk ful nnd no hnrm will unit m wonderfully easy regulator. And then, too, It Men job li overy pnrtlclo of poison salt lty In your blood Is dMtrojrt, i you begin to notlco the dlffemsl your fnco first thing jour tlwa plexton. Stuart's Charcoal Lot:pii mado from puro willow eciKc!,s just a llttlo honey Is put la u i thorn palatablo, but sot too i They will work woaden li i stomach, and mako yon fel ti fresh, Your blood and brutk i purified. You will feel deu! Wo want to proro all thlito; so Just send for a free sample t Thon after you get It and umm will llko them so well that jon go to your druggist and ftta' box of theso Stuart'i Cbarretll onges. Send us your name and aJJnl day nnd wo will atoaceKEirKJ mall a samplo packtge free F. A. Stuart Co.. Stairt Marshall, Mich. n- Pnitnco Grove will waJ ono mnln business street. Caret LbjbW. A. B. Conman, Chlafl. Mar. 4. 1903. "IUTlnjbW with Lumbago, at dlfferMt U tried ono physician alter h then dlfforent olntnunU m monts, gave It up altosttaw. rin nnpfl more, aod iota'" Ballard's Snow Llnlmest, N' ,- i.tnt relief. I fully reelmmoad It, aadfl7j name to your Utt of w- by D. J. Fry. DIED. PHILLIPS. At Sheridan, Oregon, March 22, 1907, at 5 p. ra., Joseph Phillips, aged 61 years of heart disease. Tho funeral will tako placo tomor row from tbo residence of hia broth er James Phillips, corner of Thir teenth and Mission streets, at 2 o'clock p. va. Alice KeoMreK Weddfe Waa something to be record la the aanala of history. Herblae has a ackaoweldged tho greatest of lire Mcvlator. A positive cure for hit lM kedaelM, ciMUiU0. Chill auad Fevr, aad all liver ceaapUla. J. a 8ealtk, LltU Keck, Ark., wTiUc "Kcehia ta tk grwaUat Ht r ikit kma, Hawi K U yr. It m tk imt" 9M fcy D. J. Fry. . JIOBElf TOJ Over LaddA Bush'. BMI Norwich IWF ln ."i2Bm Office wiia " "' 129 Commercial anew- NEW T0DA1 .. .j1 -. .. j nnaHfU " UNI OH HI " ... j-. an opportnalty of ,, ing to .... iauratft ,ei, "t,J-tfca- mnd Maw "u.- Us worm. -ini live. money-i-V tW lease for w'r,M $15,000 diw- - aoBtha. CRlrfM The AW"' ft proprieior, - y, a j " ' . .MalV f . w,m. 990 Oak f Wi-rtsaV-TOWf,,! mado cana'w- -v & "L rresa " t fadonJ, cl iuo a- - far cheap- JS street.