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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
AILYOAPITAL JOTJBN AL. kxtfi. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAItCH 23, 1007. NO. TX. :her THAN CROESUS ownership Plans For BjDlare Up North - u ol Thft CGH- ..n inrtu K bulletin today shows the t, 550, but for every $2.85 L.thero is i""1 """""" . . f lnninnan I ,(, The percentage u '"""" tik from lu " "- UnUcl. except the decndo from I to 1S0. Stock Market Weaker. York. Marco, jo. oiuu ith ceneral dei lines within ,,-m after the opening, prices !nerallr disordered with frac- jrtlllM. t'non Pac'flc Btooks unong the lowest, being off Mints. Tnere was a ihuiiu " Bwrie In Berlin on account of ttMCM frm Xew York' In b mining shares dropped ten b, B 0- ana I'ennsyivunm (ptd flTO point?, and Cnnndlnn He 11- icU continued erratic, nnd U btous. Canadian racnic tie brunt of the storm, both . sad abroad. It hit 158 boforo tu tapported. nnd momornblo event. About 500 guests will bo presnt, and It Is In tended that these-shnll bo as repre sentative of the wholo of America as possible. Tho Pilgrims society In tended giving this dinner upon the arrival of Mr. Bryco, but Mr. Dryce asked that It bo postponed, until he could first come to Washington and mako the acqunlntnnco of tho Presi dent. Among the spenkors arc Sec rotary Root nnd J. H. Choato. 1m Society Honor Rrycc. U York, March 23 Men high Lsdal and diplomatic lifo In klatfon aro looking forward trot Interest to tho coming jur tonight to bo given by tho PI1- Mdety of New York to tho Brltiih ambassador, Mr. Jnmcs it, it tho Waldorf-Astoria. Tho tUrles of state, of war nnd of urr are among thoso who nro !, 11 are also most of the proml- torelgn diplomats. Tho Pll- tipeet to mako It a notablo Kntertnlnhig Ambassador Hryce. Now York, Maroh 22. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph H. Chonte, former Am bassador to Groat Britain, ontor tntned Ambassador Bryco, British Ambassad r to this country, with his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Clmrlos P. Alexander will glvo them a recep tion nt their town hnuso on Monday afternoon. Ambassador" Bryco nnd Mrs. Bryco stopped ovor in New York for several days en routo to Canada, whero thoy will pay a lengthy visit. Tho Brycos nro prov ing vary popuar In society nnd are considered quite unconventional, re ceiving friends without much form ality. o - Charter Day. vSnn Francisco, March 23. Presi dent Nlcholns Butler, of Columbia University, delivered today the Charter Day address nt tho Unlvor Blty of California. President Butler Is horo on his honeymoon, and Is making a lecture as woll, presum ably to got ahead of his wife, at least tompornrlly, on tho lecturo quostion Happily there is tlmo enough for Mtb. Butler's lectures. Ho will got back to Chicago on Mondny April 1, when ho will be tho guest of the Co lumbia Unlvcdslty Alumni associa tion of Chicago. 0 China Famine Frightful. Washington, March 23. Tho Christian Herald notifies tho depart ment that Its reports show tho China famlno districts to bo frightful. Thoy aro sending $50,000 additional to tho Red Cross, and $150,000 worth of supplies to bo placed on tho transport Buford, to sail from San Francisco next month. DIVORCE CONTEST SETTLED HURLKI) BY DYNAMITE. Olo Anderson Returned to Sec Fuh Wns Lighted. if and Suicide Oregon City, March 23. Olo An derson, n Swede, wnfc lnirlcd 20 foot into tho air by an ncoldant that hap pened whllo blasting stumps on tho n T ti j j farm of George H. Brown, two and a By Double Murder 3nd.bnu rans 8iuh f nw Krn- Amir- Bun BMsiuiuvu uiu loss 01 uuwi oyua, a broken nose, n fractured rib and an ugly gash ovor ono oyo. It sooms that Andorson had lit tho fuses of two sticks of dynnmlto, ono of which appeared not to havo boon lit, and when Anderson wont back to light It, both charges exploded at once, with tho obovo mentioned ro Bult. Anderson rcgnlnod conscious ness In tho evening. It Is thought ho will rocovor, but ho is sure to bo a crlpplo for life. Another Double Crime Due to Jealousy at Astoria fllCAGO STOB PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE SH L Beatifl New Spfing Goods.. On Sale in Every Department GRAND OPENING Fine Millinery, Ladies' Coats, La- Jackets, Sprine Suits, Silk Waists, ce Waists, Silk Petticoats, Dress GRAND OPENING P New Spring Dress Goods, Fine New Embroideries, New Laces, Dress Trimmings, Fancy Braids, khis, AH Over Laces, Waistmg fine Hosiery, Summer Under 1 Ribbons. 1 GRAND OPENING rJJw Oxford Shoes, White Goods, 2 Ginghams, Spring Calicoes, Sy . s Gods, Long Gloves, Cor jjgfin. Underwear and Waistings I11 E THE RAKERS OF LOW PRICES flMOWDW WORK. Orogon City, March 23. "Win. W. Hendorson, crazed by jonloiiBy, shot and killed his wife and wounded his fnther-in-law, Joseph D. Maxwell, at tho William Toll Hotel, nt 8 o'clock this morning. Ho then turned tho gun on himself, dying lustnntly. His wlfo was suing for n divorce. Maxwell mny not recover. Details of tho Crime. Later reports nro that Maxwell mny not rccovor. Tho physlclnns wore working over him, nnd expect ing him to dlo at any moment, at 2 o'clock today. Ho mndo u statement to tho Star reportor a few minutes iiftor tho shooting, while lying on tho floor, saying Hendorson did tho shooting, killing his wlfo and then hlmsolf. They died within a fow minutes of each othor, tho woman dying first, Hondorson taking dead ly nlm. Honderson - shot himself through tho hond nftor shooting his wlfo through tho loft bronst with n 41-Colt's rovolvor. What a Witness Says. Ed. "Wllloughby, who had n room next to them nt tho hotol, ovorhenrd loud talking Just before tho shoot ing. All thrco took part. Hondor son pleaded with his wlfo to tnko him back. She replied that ho had mis treated her, and sho could not think of it.. Ho then hoard her cry eut: "For God's sako, don't." Then a shot was fired that penetrated tho parti tion, nnd missed tho llstonor by only two Inches. They nro all from Ln troho, Ca'l., and Henderson has been working nt Seattle. Dlvorco pro ceedings woro begun March" 11th, nnd tlmo for filing tho nnswor had elapsed. This mndo Henderson des perate. Tho Inquest will bo hold tonight, Jim Hill to Retire. St. Paul. March 23. Tho porslst ent rumors that J. J. Hill will rctlro In favor of his son, Louis, who will bo Bueeocdod by F. H. McOulggnn, the fourth vice-president of tho Grand Trunk line, find no confirma tion horo. It Is now said that Hill will retire July 1st. 1 o FIFTY THOUSAND STRIKE Is On the Stocks If Things Do Not Go Right Aontlier Crime. Astoria, Or., March 23. Corporal Lewis of tho Thirty-third const ar tillery, stationed nt Fort Canby, ear ly this morning shot at Mrs. F, Rob ertson in a Commerolnl stroot saloon nnd thon killed hlmsolf. Tho woman was not HorloitHly Hurt. Jonlouuy was tho cause. pOY BROS. Ckmt ? CMUfttr ckLmi Cttrt Stmts More California Storm. San Fruncisco, March 23. A rain storm of tromendoiiH fury, accom panied by high winds, set in Inst night, rondorlng all railroad and tele graph conditions oven worso than ov er. RoportB of a most alarming na ture como from Sacramonto and tho San Joaquin vnlloys. It is feared that tho already badly woakened leveoc havo given way undor tho added strain. If they havo millions of dol lar's worth of dnmngo w.lll havo been dono. Thcro aro many unconfirmed roporta of loss of lifo. Public OinierslUp Plans. Winnipeg, March 23. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta aro work ing out plans for tho government ownership of telephones and tele graphs, involving enormous suma of money in all cities. Municipal owner ship of street cars, light, power and water will either bo accomplished or bonds aro being floated. Such great amounts aro involved that conserva tive bankers aro being alarmed, o Norwegian Ship Seized. Mobile, Ala., March 23. The steamer Columbia, from Honduras, today brought the first news of tho seizure of the Norwegian ship Habll by Honduras soldiers, while' taking fruit at Celba, March 17th. The sol diers planned to go to Truxhlllo and capture the city. Donllla hurriedly ordered the ship restored to tho crew when he learned of tho seizure. e Kte8tOH Again Shaken. Kingston, Jamaica, March 23. There was a severe earthquake hero last night. People were panic stricken, but nobody was. hurt. A number of walls, damae4 In the big shock, fell down. Caaaoa a nd otb er American tourists just missed sailing shortly before the shake. Chicago, Mnrch 23. Unloss tho Westorn railroads rccedo from their stand in refusing to consider tho further domnnds of omployos, GO, 000 railroad men will Btrlko in April. A hundred committeemen from tho lo cal orders of trainmen and conduc tors met Grand Chiefs Gnrretsnn nnd Mlrrlnboy today to plan future oper ations. A. F. Whltticr, chairman of tho committee, unofficially conllrmn thAt the men voted In favor of n strike. Ho snys that if tho roada per sist in furthor opposition tho mou's decision will bo put Into effect. If thcro is co-oporntlon bt nil tho mom bora of CnnnJa nnd Moxlco nnd nil this country It Is expected that tho Btrlko will exceed tho ono In 1894, when Grovor Clovolnnd ordorod tho federal troops out In Chicago nnd Debs wnB sont to prison. Whltner says tho men hnvo tho greatest strike fund ever collected, o Tho Keronth'H Game Tonight. Now York, March 23. Tho Cist gnmos of tho Sovonth Roglmcnt Ath lotlc association will bo hold tonight Tho regulation running, jumping and weight throwing contests nro sched uled as nre nlno tho military events which hnvo proved so populnr nt tho moots in the past. Thoro nro a great many athletes in tho rogimont. Tho rollor skating race, which mndo such a hit nt tho 50th games, will bo given tonight, revived in tho shape of a mllo hnndlcnp affair. Harry F. MacDonnld mado a thrilling sprint in tho last Up of tho race last fall, and was robbed of victory only by an un fortunate fall at tho head of tho stretch, 1 THAW CLEARLY IS SANE Is Opinion of Counsel For Defense Y. M. C. A. Over One Hundred Dollars RfeeD Yesterday- Many New Mviuncrs. ..Coming In. Many Letters and Affidavits Are Offered Now York, March 23. Thnw' dofenso to Joromo's insanity proceed ings was filed this nttornoon, It consists of affidavits of Dolman, Glon son nnd McPIko, Drs. Evans, Wag ner, Jollffo, Hammond nnd Shlols, al so a nutnbor of notes by Thnw di recting tho case. In ono lottor Thaw Insisted upon his rights as n husband to boo Del mas' notes on his wife's testimony, as ho would permit nothing but tho truth. Ho centinued: "Todny wit ness perjured herself In a very nat ural nnd studied manner. Thin grieves mo, nnd forces 1110 to insist upon my rights ns n husband, if not upon that doferonco duo my rights ns prlnelpnl." Lntor tho mother's af fidavit was filed. It trios to provo no horodltnry Insanity In either fam ily, describing In mluuto dctnll whu sho torniB "two ensos of moutnl do rangomont nnd one opllopsy In tho Thnw family.'" Home Tlinu ComineiitN. Ono of Thnw'a lotions Is solf-ox-plnnatory: "Do not permit Jerome boforo tho jury to nsk mo when I snld I had shot 'V.' This neither In fact nor In ovldonco. Another: "I am informed that In tho last 20,000 casos dctnlued In tho Tombs not one BUfTorod from his wife's being sub poenaed to produce letters." At an othor period In tho trial Thaw wrete: "ThlB wholo lino should bo objectod to, It will bo sustnlnedk ' Ono written apparently during tho tlrosomo nxumlnnllon of ISvnna ruads: "Jeromo hopcB ISvana will tiro the jury nnd thoy wlllsjudgq ac cording to tho axiom, 'glvo n man ropo nnough ahd"jio)wlll hung him-, mi m self.' TImw'h Movement). To Select IHiode Scholarship. Albany, N. Y March 23. Six of the eight candidates of Now York state for tho Rhodes scholarship have passed tho examination, and it rests now with the committee to mako an award by tho selection of one from tho selected six. Tho scholarship amounts to 11500 a year, and en titles tho recipient to a courso in Oxford university. The committee meeta in this city today to mako the decision. . e : White Primary at XavanotM. j Navasota, Tex., March 23. A Democratic primary election is being held today in this city to nomlnato candidates for city offices at tho April election. With tho exception of tho, marshal's office no opposition to the present officers is being put forwod. a Homer McDonough and wlfo aro the guests of Turner relatives. Dr. Wngnor'H stntemoutH bring out faots novor before shown, uh whon Thnw dettorlbod to him his movomonta on tho roof garden, Just previous to tho shooting. Wngnor swears Hint Thaw denied to him Smith's tostlmony uh to how Smith watched Thaw, because It being a llrst night tho gardon was docoruto.l with plnnts nnd shrubs, among which Thuw walked, so ono could not hnve followed him with IiIh ryes. Ho said ho didn't see Whlto at nil until he was about to louve tho gardon. Jo romu this nttornoon declined to dis miss tho nllldnvlts. Relievo Thaw Kane. All tho attorneys and alienists as serted tho opinion that Thnw was sano today. Dr. Shields makes affi davit that ho examined Thaw yester day, and pronounces him fully com petent to ndvlau oounsol, Delmns de poses thnt ho had frequent Inter vlows with Thaw In court and at tho Tombs, received many notes nnd let ters from Thaw. Ho nsserts that "Thaw is and hus been fully cnpnblo of understanding tho naturo and ob ject of tho proceedings ngalnst him, of comprehending his condition in reference- to such proceedings, and of conducting his own dofonso in a rational manner. During Mm wholj trial ho has conducted hlmsolf In a rational manner." Glcnson deposes; "I havo known Thaw for years. During tho trial he consulted mo frequently in a sano and intelligent manner." Ho de clares Thaw's memory is extremely accurate Other attorneys' affidavits aro along tho same lines, all appear ing to think Thaw's letters to them aro most Important oviJenco of his present sanity. Many of his letters aro appended to affidavits, showing that ho initiated a number of moves his attorneys subsequently nude. Tho Y. M. C. A. fuud stllE con tinues to grow nnd prosper. Orrcrr ono hundred of tho $G71 oxrteniBO monoy to collect wna raised" ycHfcor dny. A fow more days nnd tho luOIT oxponsos will bo paid. Tho eommitr- tco Is working hard to gt tho mirk, accomplished ns soon ns possible an whon tho boys call on you Bo good' to them and hnvo your nnme on the list ns ono who holpod UuIUl' tttanv a home. Many mombors nre comUiK In to take ndvnntngo of the great, honoiUo of tho lnstlutlon. YHiy unw swimming tank, tho gymnasium' audi t'.io baths nro filled each day witu bright boys who crnvo nnd need." g,ootfl healthful exercise. o : Gilbert Taken to Oregon Ciry-- George Gltbort, alias G. R. Cl!f ford, who waB yesterday tAkcxu huta custody by Chief Gibson, was takoro to Orogon City todny by Chlof ot Pt llco Rums, who camo up toe that purpose. Acting upon telegraphic dispatches, Chief ot Police Gltaoni yesterday arrested tho wan who ttf ohnrgod with larceny by C. CICcmst,, a rosldont of Oregon City. Mr. Ctite Bor nrrlved In tho city yoRtorilay an Idontlilod tho man. Tho prtaouex charged with appropriating a .utcrn nnd chain, n suit of clothes,, a Hull; (intio nnd sevoral othor urtlclea tratm his amployer, Mr. Crltoser, In Orcuocn City, Inst Sunday. -o ProTtato lltislncKs. I. Raumgnrdnor, C. 10. Pearson and? II. Houkutt. hnvo boon appointed. ai prnlsers of the ostnto ot O. F- Klton or, deceased, and tho bond of T. CU Sloper, administrator, has heuu at,v proved. Charles Sauvnln, A. W. Andonwc and T. MnpleUorp havo boon a; polntod nppralsors ot tho cstntO"4: Adam Suhuts, Insnno, and. (hu band! of Mnymo Schutx. ns guardian, ar jirovod. Tlio properly for tho Carey guar dianship estnto has been nppruho' nt $000. Tho property consists. uC lota in Tillamook. Ih HoHor ot Prtif. JfeHberri', A vory pleasant surprise waa. glw on lust evening n the hdino ot MU o Ilesslu and Nellie Tucker, on Cap ital stroe-t, (n honor of Prof. Flautt Newberry, who will lenvo noxt moutU, for Rend, Or., whero ho will resti . A largo number of frlunds wen present, Including tunny Y. M. C. A. boys. Prof. Newberry has been connect od with tlio CoU'go of .Music, untt more recontly conducted n studio In the opera hotiso block. Ho Is a mem ber of tho Y. M. C. A., and will bo greatly missed by u largo number ot friends in this olty. o Attorney Carson Huff. J. A. Carson, tho well-known PJ.r lent attorney, sailed from SualUt, Mnroh 11th on tho steamer North western, thnt was roported yvtxetduy on tho rocks at Islntuf, ott the coast of Alaska. Lnter odvteetn are thnt all tho passongeru anf bng gngo woro taken off and lauded at Vuldez by tho next stcamor that sailed from Seattle a week later. Tn& Indications aro that tho wrecked ves sel was on tho rooks for a week lo f.oro relief camo. Dr. J. F. COOK TUB BCVAXlGAZi BOOVOK, wovus m j.Twmrr wtwmn FO AMY UllslliW CXUj OK WC COOK. OOHMTUTATIOK VNIML Wreck At Aktoria. Astoria, Or., March 23. A un known steam schooner is drifting ou tbo rocks at North Hond, at thq mouth of tho Columbia. Agalo is blowing, and distress signals are ly ing. Tugs are unable to reach her and her name cannot be made out. Tho words "San Francisco" are on the stern. Bhe U loaded lt lu her, and her dock is swept by the waves, and no answer to slgaala, Trolley Wires Rrokrii. Tho Portland Electric Company trolley wire, near tho WillamcUo ho tol, and ono or two othor placet to tho olty, was broken down lust nfjc&t. by tho storm, and during thu nghl Ur largo forco of men were kept bmv ronnlrluK thu broken wires ami t)m aro light circuit. No other damwffo? -was reported, and tho company fcs nil the linos now )u good worklns;ex der. On. Organize IUnd. Tho Pop Corn brass band has bum organized again for this season, and; haB elected Roy .McDowell presides, and James Rest secretary. Tho Dm4l has a membership of 12, and AiuiMh less will bo u croJIt to tho euinnm nity. 11 .. ... ... . lU'vhul MtiOugs. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Rrtroaan holding a revival meeting at tho-Ptopi Corn church, in Polk county, and' aro winning many converts for the, or ganization of that,placo. William Flnley, who lectured: a tho city last n!ht, katf returns kis kona U PeftkUkd Mrs. Nettl Lley was a 8ae visitor from Turser tkis noralag. n