TkVI , ' " ' 'tS1! r. y. DAILY OAPXTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1007. ISTOCKTON THFOLP WHIIE IUKINCK. NEW SPRING STYLES IN Ladies' Suits And Jackets 2 krtk v ' . iv25'5 Exclusive styles that every woman who lntonds purchasing a new spring suit should see. Every now mate rial checks, plaids, strlpo effects and tho favorite Panamas in black, tan, blue, grey, etc. Though you may not wish to buy just now you will And our gene rosity extending to offer you tho courtesy of closely Inspecting any and every garment in our stock. Come in and try them on. You are always welcome. LIVESTOCK PAUL People Coming from Far ntul Near to See the Great Evhlblt nml Puss mi Enjoynble Day. PRETTY WASH GOODS j if ihOWlDE r SPr,nK .'1 nuau iitoim iui UIV1J liuo- purpose, and aro of such excellent styles as to command your ad iiflu ind at prices so reasonable ns to prompt liberal purchasing. iirolirlr desirable are tho dotted bastlstes nnd Swisses in whltu cii, with largo and small polka dotBi fancy silk organdies in i stripes, mercerized cnccKs anu mo omuroiuereu uoucu Swisses 5c to 75c yard 'M GRAND THEATRE ire chock v-u. .Vow Presenting lie Lost Heir" if Melodrama with Twvlve Scenes : leaders of Chase & iJeas and Coffees WHY? iuio they buy and sel ittuand coffees than any s firm tj have the moat oxpert u4 toffee blender In tho !4--lit r bl ndn don't m with ctery shipment, tttii of tV other blends K pert cder for coffee Is yjtiwi i.aikod the day of - f'ur grade 25, i ii 4h ami wtll give tl Un - S' .u.' the sole ' r Sa . m Give It a W- i amoJ that It it; )ir Grocery Company " Bt. pj,one 18 FINNAN HADDIES THEY ARE DANDIES; HIT THEM NOW; THE SEASON IS SHOUT. Crescent Mackerel IN OVAL TINS. TllEV A HE FINE 25 PER TIN. LINGS-WELL f tood loundlng namo for aountlnc This mount- 1 101, tho name, and la 'WUatIl and sticks to ltq Prttence hardly notlco Fitodate in optical 't ue was inurements " treat experts of ' W U for rnrrnfln., Ltt TU,0tt- We do our " w there is no long fwttUme. H. Hinees t1 Optician. wret, next door to xUonl Hank. How About Your Butter WE AHK AGENTS FOR THE IVBIJ. KNOWN SAVAGE, HOHSON, THICK AND PEMREHTON BUT TKH. THV KITIIKH 01' THIS AMOVE HHANDS.' Our 35c Oranges AHK 1IV PAH TIIK BEST TO HE HAD. PHESH VEGETABLES IN EVERY DAY Vitrol All Serial Store Roth & Graber CENTRAL GHOCEHV Phono 2o. 30 173 Commercial IMiotto No. 13 410 State Street Going Up That is ono of tho character istic results of good bnklng pow der. When you uso Eppfey's Perfection you aro always suro that your blsoult, cako and pastry will properly rise, and that they will havo that sweet palatable flavor that is so essential and desirable Try It all tho time. C. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Satem, Oregon A Vbice from the Stomach Woodburn, March 22. Spqclal) Secretary Gregory Rolling, of the' Livestock Association, states that many blooded horses are scheduled to bo here next Saturday, when tho big livestock fair will bo hold in this city. A largo numbor of farmers havo also signified their intention to compote in tho tontn, roadstor, brood mnro and colt clnssos. There will bo n line representation of all classes nnd an exhibit that delights nil stock holders as well as encourages the In dustry of raising good stock. Tho Judges, selected on tho grounds, will render tholr decisions In tho morn ing nnd the prlzos will bo nt once awarded. Tho premiums will bo nwnrdod nt 10 n. m. on tho school grounds, whero Judges will bo solccted. At 2 p. m. there will bo a grand pnrado of nil 'stock entered. Tho outrnnco feos will bo as fol fel fol eows: Stallions, $5.00; teams nnd roadsters, $1; ninros nnd colts, 50 cents. All stallions must bo ontord by tho evening of March 22d, and feos to bo deposited with Secretary Rolling. Others must bo entered be fore 9 n. in., March 23d, tho lay of tho fulr. Tho prlzos will bo as follews: Stal lions, six classes I'orchoron, Shire, Clyde, Belgian, Stnndnrd nnd Conoh. First prize In onch class, $10; sec ond, $5. Tonm, first prize, $2.50; second prlzo, $1,50. Brood mares, first prize, $2.50; second prlzo, $1.50; colts, first prize, $1.50. No prlzo unloss thoro Is compotltlou. Special prize: For tho host of nil clnssos a $25 sllvor cup, donated by tho Dnnk of Woodburn, will bo glvon This bars the wlnnor from nil other prlzos. Spoclnl prize: Speight & McKay offer $10 for the best 2-yoar-old colt, $5 for tho sicoiul host 2-yonr-old, $10 for tho host yearling colt, $5 for tho second host yonrllng, that wore sired by Castol. Tho parado at 2 p. in. will bo n grand spoctnelo and n momornblo evont. Tho lino of lino Htnlllons will bo a truly lntoroetlng and Impros slvo sight. Tho oxocutlvo commlttoo Is com posed of tho follewing: Fred Doso, president of tho association; Gregory Helling, secrotary and treasurer; Dr. W. II. Goulot, gonornl superintend ent; C. O. Gulllford, grand marshal and R. M. Hicks. The fair will bo nn oilucntlon nnd benellcial to runner, who are tak ing n deep Interest In It, nnd aro pleased that Woodburn linn gone to the trouble and expense solely that the cause of good breeding through out thl eectlon may be promoted. Governor Chamberlain has In formed President Dow that It will be ItupoMlble for him to be nt the fair, but President Do no has had a prom ise from Senutor Churlets W. Fulton, reoently roturned from IiIb dutlae at Washington, that ho would come nnd itddrese tho peoplo horo on that day. The people know without further words that n groat treat Is In store for thorn. A lllojdlres Vicht Hetwecn i Tablet nml a Habit The Tablet Wins. (.HAND OPERA HOUSE. Tuoeday, March 26: "Tho Tender foot." Coming Attraction. Raymond Hitchcock In "Tho Yan kee Tourist." "A Stranger in Town." Sousa's latent opera, "Tho Froo Lance." Klliiger-Grand. Tenight: "In Georgia," by tho Eniplro Stock Company. Christian Church. Auditorium Roller Itluk. Morning, afternoon nnd evening sessions, uxcopt Sunday. O ' Aft-wr Ten Venn. Mr. G. L. Stephenson, of Poterebor- nin'li OnL. anvar "for nvnr tnn years I suffered constantly with Pilot first Itching, then Bleeding; pain al most unbearable; II fo a burdon. Tried everything in vain till I uad Tlr T-nnnhnrdt'a Upm-Rnlrl. "I had taken but a'few dotes when I began to notice an Improvement I decided to keep on, and now aftr using three boxes I am glad to say I am completely cured. My general health has alto greatly Improved. It gives me great pleasure to recom mend Hem-Roid to all sufferers with Piles, and I feel convinced that what It has dono for mo it will surely do for them." ...... ..Price 11.00. Dr. Leonhardt Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., rroprieiors. Sold by Dr. a. V. sione, nuiezn. t m. m CASTOR I A Tor lafaaU and Chilirea. Tk M Ym lUn AJwit UU At 0e ago of 22, Claronco had good (tgestlon. Ho had gastric Juice that ctuld d!colvo doughnuts and turn ritplo skins Into good blood corpuscles. At (lio ago of 6 1 he bognn to bo profucb about the waist nnd lean backwards. Ho also began to culti vate sdveral chins. In hW now-found prldo lie bogau to think It hl3 duty to gorpo hlmsolt on evorythlng, tho good nnd tho bad, for nppotlte feeds on apuotltc and ovory good thing la abused. His pictures showed that he took on wolght after ho put his collar on. . At tho ago of 20 Claronco married and went to boarding. On top of all this, ho nttonded oyster Biippors and wine dinnors which reduced tho size of his collar from 10 to 15. With still nbldlng faith in tho strength of his stomach ho gulped his meals and chowed them nttorwnrds. At tho ago of 28 Claronco began to hear an Inward voice a warning from tho stomach. Aftor each meal ho would fool bloated, and bolchlng beenmo a habit. Ho began to bo a light eater and a heavy thlukor. Ho tried to think out a ctiro, for now ho would sit down to his monls rbsolutoly dls gustovl nt tho thought or sight of anything to oat. He would sit down at his monls without tho trace of nn npppetlte, Just because It was tlmo to oat. He would often fool n gnawing, uniutlslled "still- hungry" fooling In his stomach, oven uftor ho wns through eating, whothor his meal was well cooked or not. And he Buffered a good many other things with his stomuch that ho could not explain, but that mado him grouchy, mlsornblo, out-o'-sorts and generally Hour on overybody nnd everything. Finally he road an account, some thing llko this, about tho truly won derful results obtained from Stuart's Dyspepsln Tablets lit nil cases of stomach troublo, dyspepsia, and so on. Ho bought n COo box nt the drug store, nnd took tho whole box. Whon ho Btnrtod, ho had little faith and loss appetite. Whon ho llntshod ho had dilute faith and more appe tite, and more good ohoor. Things began to tnste different and bettor to him. Now he has no more dyspepsia, no more ludlgetitlun, no more lose of ap petite, brash. Irritation, burning sonmtlon, heartburn, nausea, oriiotn tioiiB, bad memory, or loea of vim and vigor. Remember, one lugredtent of Stu art' Dyimepala, Tablet will tllgeet for you SOOQ, grains of food, Just a It dtd for Olareuoe. This relieves your stomach of the work of dlgeetlng until your stomaoh onn get strong nnd healthy again. Your stomach has been overworked nnd abused. It' fagged out. It need a rest. Lot Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablet do tho work of your stomnoh. You will bo surprised how fine you'll feol nftor eating, and how lusolously good everything will tnsto to you. Hood tho call of tho stomnoh now! There's n world of good cheer In ono box of Stuurt's Dyspepsia Tablots, at any drug store, 50c. Send us your namo and addross to day and wo will at once Bend you by mall a samplo package, froo. Ad dross F. A. Stuart Co., 84 Stuurt Illdg.. Marshall, Mich, o Trunfcrft of Heal Kfctatt. The following deeds havo boon placed on record In the ortlco of tho Marlon county recerder: Chus. Lemboko, et ux to W. S. A. and I. S. Massoy, 218 hd aores, t 4 h, r 1 w, w d . . $7500 F. P. Webb, et ux., to E. B. Karn, right of way, i c d . . 1 II. H. Turner, et ux., to Star Land Co., and In Marlon county, qod 1 M. J. and E. M. Marstora to J. R. Hall, east half lot 19, south. In Sllverton, w d . . 500 J. R. Hall, et ux., to C. J Morloy, east half lot 13. south, In Sllverton, w d . 300 a Xt-gro Sentenced. Lincoln, Neb., March 22 O'orge Younger, i negro, was sentenced U 20 year this morning for assault on Myrtle Furlong. o K. I HhKkmUHl )y Flood. Portland, March 23 For the first tlmo In It history tho Boutbom Pacific today started trains for San Franalsco via tho O. R. & N. an J Short Lino through Ogden. It will FURNITURE SsLSttZi BICYCLES Hand sets, Low Prices Several second hand wheels at exceptional bargains. STOVES AND RANGES A New Lot of Second Hand Stoves and Ranges They Arc All Bargains J. N. SHANTZ. Court st.r Satem. A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRLL OF OVR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. IF YOIT ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NEED NOT BUY. I SELL TRACTION AND STATIONERY ENGINES, NICHOL'S AND 8HEPARIVS RED RIVER SEPARATORS, HAY BALERS, STREET AND ROAD GRADING MACHINERY. WE HANDLE THE HYRD WAGONS, KNGER BUGGIES, HACKS AND CARRIAGES. "WIS ARK AGENTS FOR THE ADRIANCE, BUCKEYE MOW ERS, CLIPPER PLOWS AND BLUE RIBBON CULTIVATORS, ALSO SOME SECOND HAND FARM IMPLEMENTS AND WAGONS VERY CHEAP. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES AT WHOLESALE AND HE TAIL, GLASS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINTERS SUPPLIES. BUGGY TOPS, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS, ROBES, ETC. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIP. TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, PoPf PHONE UII MAIN COH. FRONT AND PINE STREETS Christian Churh Concert. All who wont to tho Christian churoh nst night doubting that tho mombora of tho Dunbar qitnrtot woro artists boou had thnt doubt banished. Thoro wns not a dull moment In tho nrournm ovory numbor was ren dered In a mannor that roudty dem onstrated the claim of popularity. Tho qitnrtot Is exceptionally clover, boon oxcolled by any company In this and tho boll work probably novor has city. Harry Dunbar, nB a reader and ehnrnctor man, mado n decided hit, and wns recalled tlmo and ngaln. Tho concort was oponod with "Tho Boys of tllu Old Hrlgmlo." Tho quartet then rendered a negro oddity, nnd for a second onaoro guvo "Tho Old Oaken Bucket," n burlesque on dra matic action. "Narcissus," ns ren dered on the bells, was followed by a choral which I hoiuuMiuoh used In tho drHiuutlo Introduction of Fnuit. The Portugefte hymn wns rendered aa an encore. A trio, composed of cello, piano nnd llute, was recalled several time. Moekoweld'a Spanish Duuoe No 1, nnd "Ln 8orreln" were among the aeleetlons rendered. Mr. C. C. Itoblnaon'tt rendition of "All for You" nnd "Four-Leaf Clover" was pleasing. "Diinny Deovi-r," by Kipling, wiih woll received, and for onoorea n little comedy Htuut wax dono deeorlptlvo of a bra band, and Mother Goose hymns woro sung. The burlosquo of tho grand oporu, Intro ducing tho sextetto from Lucia, to unci a trite oxproeslou, brought down tho house. The ohurch chimes of London, Introducing "Hook of Ages" nnd "Ring tho Hulls of Henvon," wub ono of tho most uffuctlvo numbers glvon. "Star and Strlpo Forov-r" on the bells kept tho muslolans mov ing and Cavnlolr Rustloana was the reuall. Hurry Dunbur's dissolution on tho medieval pout was ono of tho host numbor of tho owning, and "I chawed on" nnd "All Bound Round" woro glvon to passlfy tho audluuoe. Ralph Dunbar Is certainly at homo on tho cello. "A Hungarian Caprlco" wok beautifully rendered, and for onaorea ho gavo "Just a Song nt Twilight" and a serenade. Dr. H. C. Epley, mainly through, whoso efforts tho ontertntnmont wns given, Is to bo congratulated. A larne crowd wns present, and tho building fund Is nt loaBt $75 or $100 better by mooting tho Dunbnra. o " Saved Her Sou' Life. Tho happiest mother In tho llttlo town of Ava, Mo., la Mrs. S. Ruppoo. Sho writes: "Ono year ago my 8on was down with such norlous lung troublo that our physician was tin nblo to hulp him; whon, by our drug glst'B ndvlco I began giving him Dr, King's Now Discovery, nnd I soon noticed Improvement, I kept thia treatment up for a fow weoks whon ho wob perfectly woll. Ho hns work ed stoadlly nlnuo nt enrpautor work. Dr. King's Discovery snvod his llfo." Guaranteed boat cough and oold euro by J. C. Perry, druggist; GOo and 1 1. Trial bottle free Cl'RRHNT TOPICS TODAY. The British government Is op posed to h tunnel under tho straits or Dover, which separate Hnglund from r.-unoe. The combined forau of Honduras and Salvador nltaoked the army of Nicaragua March 2 lit, and ware do fentod with great loss. A water spout U said to havo burst In tho Burnt River canyon, flvu miles from Huntington, Thursday, causing u great Hood. I Flro has destroyed ono of Jho larg est building In the I'oiuncola, Fin., navy yard. I Tho parliament of Transvaal ha passed n law oxcludlng natives of In dla and Japan fromi that country. No more Ohlnuso will be allowed to come. Finding It was not coal lund. 710. 000 aores of land In Oregon ha boou reopened to settlement. Tho Portland city council ha granted a franchise through that city to tho Mt. Hood electric railway. Thoro has been a grunt Hood end an nvaluneho on tho Clearwater rlv er In Idaho. Tho Thompson Creek coal mine in Washington sold for 1230.000. r LtkX'lflLVflLLL9ELaLLv ZEk ARE YOU WORRIED About tho unhealthy condition of our stomach, Ller, Kidney or HoeUV If so you aro only making mattora worse, and bwlde there I no need to remain in urh a condition. Just K't hottlo of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters From your druggist today and glvo it a fair t banco to prove It It will tone, strength en and soothe tho ontlro dleeetlvo system nnd make you strong and robust again. Our IW jenri. record of cure Is our guarantee. Thus, it prevent and oure Num-, llllloiifciirM, DyNepbi, Indigent Ion, Cottlvene, Cramp, Poor Appetite, Belching, Heartburn, Malarial Fover, Cold utidChUU, It is Also a mild and safo medicine for delicate female. Try a bottlo today. It Is compaunded strictly In accordance with tho Pure Drug require mm &&& be a week before the Southern can Uwest i ?-z&; be opened m yaTMEdVnmilmfihH mmk ma - m k & mm m Sears the giga&twecf