Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 22, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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$100 REWARD!
It has come to our notice that unscrupulous dealers nave been
twinkmg the public by offering cheap and inferior compounds
"Cottolene" or "something as good as Cottohfie."
45 vj will dve $100 reward for evidence sufficient to convict a
1 dealer of fraudulently substituting another product when
The Perfect Shortening
is only
is Fairbank's
s asked for,
With this trade-mark
en the pail ; never sold
There are many com
pounds and imitations of
Widen; Avoid tlieml
When you ask for
Be sure you get
one st
Hum YJTil.rU'
m WS
Do not be deceived by
either dealer or manufac
turer, or induced to accept
a substitute for Cottolene.
Remember, no substi
tute is as good as the
No other shortening
and frying medium is as
good as Cottolene.
THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois
4 y r jr ... r. 4
vigilance ot street committee mocks a
Deep Laid Plot
is- .
i Allowed by Commissioners nt
llrgular Miirch Term.
Coroner's Olllco.
ttjh, A. M o.uw
Iwib.A.M -JU
Irftlr, 0, w i
ISsu, P 100
laifcrger, Chas 1.00
My, D. F 1.00
nrolngnr, H. P 1.00
Dird, W. M 1.00
Stonnrd, Elmor 1.70
Prlco, Oscnr 1.70
Hunter, T. J 1.70
Richards, J. H 1.70
Castle, E. B 1.70
Nondol, O. A 1.70
Mooro, H. L 1.70
Morris, R. P 1.70
McGrnth, H. L, 1.70
Johnson, S. T 1.70
Shoroy, Dr. U a G.20
! toll J Blessed Land Rise Uo and Praise Dr. Pierce's Famllv Medlckex
C msaon dratltude Prompts This Sentiment In Favor ot
Dr. Pierce Medicines.
Jim reople, so ready and anxious to recommend Dr. Pierce's Medicines,
n mat urea been cured, or eoino friend or loved ono haa been cured, by
fvHTO unci. aiurany, a tense ol gratitude promnta such persons to
m in 8 n,fdiclnc to lher nfllicted ones. Notwithstanding
Vtfllclnta hae been on Cfmpml !f In i!mi nnd inpHiplnf. iinm.
fei in two decades, yet th.jlr tale continues to grow no it could not were
Ik P'vnM ' more lnn ordinary merit
-- m umq aiiBcsi nave sometimes been made upon Dr. ricrcc's medl
w lemporarily injured their aale, aa in the case of the maliciously,
ir tVu.'JldL."bc'0U8 artlcl published In 1H In the Ladlca' Home
u pi JiiUadelphla, yet their aale in Rrcater to-day than ever. The nub.
' tPPr were brought to account and judgment obtained against
: vZc...1 x"". maiicioua article concerning ur. nerce'a favorite
falsltv of ftp itntp
mnnfjt wr nrAvnn
JlfBlllt Hi nill)lih(.n Inr a miTCYTnt
n opn fniirt nml I'lc
'"".'"iV .. 77
id publish to the whole
on ur. fierce denned tn tim a ivr.ii man nn
list Of tlin ntmwltnnfa nnlnrlni. Intn lito innllitniu ryiwl tt. n.n.
J C0S!OQndl ln mnli.inin tHii...AU ....i ..i...u-....i i..i. .i... r... -...i
ORJIClres, In COnjeOUOnen. hill miullrliina linvn onlnvori n nnntilnritv nml
In fald Of latA. flVnniirifnrv nlmn.f n La,... nt.l f. t UnHniA.l ,l.i, !.
'Tint M&A llAlnniwl o .!.. V- .1.. . .l. --. It n- l: I I .
Mwtutng his patrons and patients by reposing conlldenco in those who
la . n nd lila TOn,lli., u l '.. '. . .- ...!.i.t..u t .1
'PJI:! th Mmivciil.n t.- ...jit i.. i -i i i .!.
bo c y "-t'""'" v ma mivuii.iiil'3 ojiciuy aim nuuve uvniu, no maw
eii.. - ,""'" "" exueuy mini iney are taKing. inna iney nro
ni a rtaii all hn fh,...i.. ..:i . t ' i.i i".. ..m... ...
I Efdlrt i i "ii mm vuiiiiub uo LUiiouificu us turner trvicv r
ffi.. jJ?.?WRE Pfinlo often nslr I tlnnn. u-pnLnn ituI rilalrosslnirilprnnffn.
niPiits, Is Dr. Pierce's Fuvorlto Preterit
lion, as is umply aitsteu by tiiousanus
of unvllcltHl tt'nlinoiilala contributed by
fTatoful jiatlents who havn been cured by
t of leucorrhcu, painful x'tUl, Irregular-
Itles. nrolutus and other dltmlaccmenU.
i ulceration of litems and kindred atfec
) Uons, often aftor many other advertised
mMiiciues nau isiicu.
Itoth tlipsu world-famed medicines are
wholly made up from the itlveerlc ex
tracts of natlvo, medicinal roots, found
In our American forcts, Tho procetsca
employed In their manufuUuro were
original with Dr Pierce, and they are
carried on by sUillnl chemUU ntid pbar
maolU with tbo aid of apparatus and
appliances f dally designed and built
for this purism. Itotii medicines arts
entln-ly free from alcohol and all other
harmful, hablt-foniilnx dniKs. A full
list of their Ingredients la printed on each
iney are ooin maue
Irlnal roots as Iiav
trnnci't nrinrninnt anil
auases while pralto for their curative virtues from
ir iu Diooa t the
School Hiiporiiitemlunt'H Olllw.
Duron & Hamilton $ 10.00
TUtda Z w . wplo often ask
T."Ii LIS Intura la ai.a aA.lJ..
"""m is iJiAip -uniaPTi
l-Diirtpfr, ap;i tnnlr )?.
CU twplallv favnrnhlv
TT .
i. bowels
TltfrintA(rti nt
B SI i5i "l,,er dlseaw af.
Mill. I.f. "" cmiorrnai
KttS.'?."J?.u".H. diarrhea).
!? thaVhMM. . ". Peivic organs.
lalM&H?' u'w"tlve ataes
Ik7tl0a. It U eenerallv mer?.
115X5?;. "fwt th-Golden
fsaetsfnl7...i. w'Hia0UDH "
Jt..i "-.- Kuuwn ia
,nbDr.CesnSuJ?h A ?! w5? ..-.a"
th. VT.-i LWMh,u and I received the stroncest endorwn
im .TTrL'.. .' .
Mv riMinln ni luflflitw -kn lr1fHf
uiuai Liiuuilticiatt ith-i waa mimimu
rJiocsiln!;.w"n eIK .VIlcu In this country. What Is said of
2oTaMn,b,'.nf- Th.'.! thB'r Pwer to c" aeveral dlwaes
lisoni. ."entwlll for which they are adWscd may be
. -- sudtisimi . ..--" " mss)iv, nuu sauuirii ui ur. il. - iicrcv. iiuaiaiiu.
Jlte Itiasjls fc"U.Hg Ui
BsBiaTt tkT' (JOvC it. a
V V frtf lftflA wwM4 unld Km hr.t
j va aa tsv iksvv" " mivm '
1 jAmnllail Mntitnlnlnn snlrktia Jwfpistl
slcians of the several school of orac
iTly'xunt in .w -, "S lira wr uiwr kuhudco in prrcnum. 11
SSai v..'L'ta wrvlne. For ' la raztt to alu A postal card request
. aj.r mi.
ir-wiuiinn- il l mwjiii p.nnypj COplOU MlriClS
tjPn flavt nf jfe from numerous standard medical books.
.ZT a Inewi.Hri.Ii' V.rn8 wn,e ar8 consulted as authorities Uy
hiTT", ls a tmi-.w.;. iiruiiar 10
SUtfcr. I'ilV". women-no will brln Il
aaSJWsXt..lWWowOi ' You don't have to rely solely upon Um
rCIStabiJ iS. l.'t " foun1 manufacturer's ayo as to the por of
aCt U wr,inJlh?.treBtb, Dr. Pierces medicine to cuftL aa with
aai'UiSnV. Bf"ons,aui. other medicine told throuch drutrirlsts.
iSt1 i otod?. r".1 hljhr. 1 You have the dUJiitratf tstlmonv of
b wuuji jn 6f h tfhnl.1 ' . i.,,k - ... i..4i. i i ...,ri.
sasi,7f UJ!tm !,, . !nd teachers. Send for this copious
ir?3 hYmofi l,r American teaUmony. It can bo rrfUl upon to
Sj? L' ble medl. be truthful becauso It U mtlrtly dlr
T? a bmui .T ". v " oi our tifrtfti.
4. dcuuj. -r ' mi a tiiM ir . n- iu - ti . -n.it. . -... I
ur. i icrco a j-icwasui iciieu tuio vun
supauon. Coitlpatkn is tlie caute ot
f5 JftMriTi.1. 1?!' disease. If we
aaC'fcha ri? ""a conviction.
CornolliiB, Llzzlo
CoBpcr, Margaret
Frost, Albort . . .
Hofor Bros
Mlzo, A. W.
Rolland, Cnrrlo B GO. 00
Morris, May 24.00
Stntcamnn Pub. Co 3.30
Assessment nnd CollcctltiK Tne.
Elliott, N. D $ 11. GO
Each, Win 32.00
Hcckman, S. W 28.00
McCulloch, Anglo C.OO
Phillips, P. E 20.25
RIchea, (Joo. II 2.GQ
Rice, P. J G0.00
Woodburn 10.00
Tnx Rebate.
Culver, W. J 2.80
Hofcr Droa 24.20
Statesman Pub. Co 33.30
Culver, W. J $
Taylor. W. A
Armstrong, E. C $ 57.45
Ktock Iiwpector.
Koolor, D. D. $ 7G.O0
ItondH nml Highway.
Au franco, A, K $
Cully, Jnmcfl L.
Goulot, W. II.
Hicks, John .
Massey, Joaalo
Mol, Henry . .
Necdham, I. a 18.00
Current Kxpenscs.
Culver, W. J $ 20.00
Congor Print. Co 13.7G
Mooros, Ross B G.4Z
Rodger a & Co., Geo. II C.60
Western Uuon Tel. Co 2.76
AHsesHnicnt nnd Collecting Taxcu.
DuBhey, Wm $11-1.00
Ryan, R. R G.00
Court Houmi KirjieiiM.
Hughes, John Co $ 4.7?
Smith, Henry I 13.00
Tnx lU-bute.
Gilliam, A..P 6.75
County Court and Conimbwlonem.
Johnson, Geo. P. $ 4.00
Johnson, Robocca 4.00
Zollnskl, Gertrude 3.20
Drown, H. E 10.00
Hofer Bros 19.83
Statesman Pub, Co. 22.75
Goulet, W. II '. .. 39.20
Out of Iload District No. UI.
Sblpp, Watt 257.85
County Court nnd CotnniIIonen.
Needham, I. C $ 33 40
Court Houun KxpciiM.
Oregon FIro R. Assn I 12 00
, Poor.
Jlnyor Ilodgers nnd and AKlormnn
Sttpkton nnd tho whoto street com
mltee hnvo boon doing qulot but oN
foctivc work tho past low days
to break up tho combination ot clr
ciimstnnces that havo doferrotl action
on,strcct Improvements at Salem.
'they wore urousod by an abortive
ntt unpt of tho organized obstruc
tion graft to Bholvo nil pormnnent
strrtet linprovemoutB for tho prosont
It Is not known just how this wns
to bo dono, but tho fact thnt It was
attemiitod, nnd enmo from tho sourco
that lias attempted nt nil times to
block Impruvcmonta wns enough.
Tho Obstruction Joker.
A resolution wob Bhown to sovornl
nUlcrmon, to fool of thorn, thnt pro
posed to crento a now commlttoo to
take tho plnco of tho streot commit
tee. Tho resolution was finally hand
ed to Aldormnn Stockton, who roal
ized that It was a "loaded dlco" to
vitiate nnd mnko lllognl all proceed
ings up t(. dato, and ho promptly had
It destroed. No copy Is known to
exist. It rocltod In sot typo-wrltton
tortus that, whoruiiH tho Btntullng
commlttoo on streots woro Bwatnpod
with a largo amount ot work, nnd
prospoctB wero good for n largo
amount of additional work, and
whoroaB projected paving nnd grnd
lug roqulrod ostablshmont of many
now grades, that A COMMITTEE ON
ated, consisting of Stockton, Gcsnor
and Rndcllff, to whom all pertnnnont
ImprovcmentH nnd establishment of
grades bo roferrcd.
It Is not known who invented tho
schomo, but that it was dono 1b not
ftcnlcd by oovcrnl aldermen who
vero Bhown tho resolution. That It
traH an attompi on tuo part or boiuo
ft.no to increnno tho powers now
Iiruvu ill iiiu juiiiun ui liiu uuavruw-
tlon graft no ono can doubt. It Is
claimed thnt tho resolution wait last
aeon In tho hands of Aldormnn
Grcenbnum, who promptly destroyed
it. Slncu thou tho mayor nnd ndlor
men fnvorablo to portnanent Im
provomonlH hnvo reconstructed tho
ordlnaneo for pnvlng Stnto streot as
to Rome ot tho technical dotnllB and
havo had It rovlsod by tho city at
torney nnd Engineer Ilunhy.
IVrAvtlng tlio Onllnnnro.
City Attorney Condlt, with a forco
of lypowrltors, has boon constructing
a now paving ordlnaneo from tho
start to finish. Engineer Dushoy has I
witn n forco or abstractors, boon
making tho descriptions of property
letter perfect. It is not Intended to
leave a gap or loophole for technical
objection by obstructionists.
Mombors ot tho stroot commlttoo
havo gono over tho domnnds for Im
provements for tho outsldo wnrds
and havo agreod to certain Important
Improvements that oro to bo mndo
this spring, and that tho ouUldo puo
plo want,
Tho polloy ot obstruction Is going
to bo broken up. It is killing busi
ness and hnmporlng tho dovolop
mont of tho city, driving nwny pcoplo
and provontlng prlvnto Improvcmontn
Tho buslncBB men and thoso favor
nblo to tho town going' nhond nro
determined thnt permntiunt public
improvomnntn slinll bo made. Tho
tlmo lina como to break up nnd de
stroy tho cinch ot mossbncklBin thnt
hns pnrnlyzod all offorts in tho pant.
It appears thoro hnB boon a well
orgnnlzod effort to thwart all per
manent Improvements under Mayor
RodgorA and by tho prosont council,
nnd tho Joker rosojution to croato n
now streot commlttoo wns proof of
Its oxlstonco thnt has boon lacking.
9100 ltcwnrd, 10().
Tuo renders ot this papor will bo
plcaBod to learn thnt thoro Is at least
on dreaded dlsoaso that uclonco hns
boon ablo to euro In all its stagos,
and thnt is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Curo la tho only poattlvo euro now
known to tho modlcnl fraternity. Cn
tarrh being a constitutional dlscnse,
requlros a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Intor
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system,
thorohy destroying tho foundation ot
tho dlsoaso, and giving tho patlont
strougth by building up tho consti
tution nnd assisting nnturo In doing
Its work. Tho proprietors have ao
much fnlth In Its curative powor
thnt thoy off or Ono Hundred Dollars
for any caso that It falls to curo.
Bend for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., To
ledo, O.
Sold by nil druggists, 75c.
Tnko Hall's Family Pills for con
Tkaisaxds Hsys Kiftgy
Trouble and Never Suspect IL
How To rind Out,
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
wator and let it stand twen. y-foar hours r
dition of the kid
neys ; if it stains-
your linen it l
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too.
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is.
also convincing proof that the kidncyau
and bladder are out ol onicr.
Wlint To o.
There is comfort in tho knowledge so.
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer'
Swnmp-Koot, the crcnt kiducy remedy,,
fulfills every wish in curing rhcumntisnjj.
pain in the kick, kidneys, liver, bladder
nnd every jwrt of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding twin in passing it, or bad
cITccta following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes thnt unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often;
during the day, nnd to got up ninny
times ilurlni! the night. The mild ami
the extraordinary cfTect of Swamp-Root
is soon realised. It stands tho highest
for Its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need n medicine
you (diotild have tho besti Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar slzca.
You may have a sample bottle and ft
lmok that tells nil RTC1
nbout it, both scut f rec
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., lllng.
hnuiton. N. Y. When nomt8wmr-ttoo.
writing mention this paper ntul don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, auOt
the address, llinghamtoti, N. Y.
tho hands ot tho government and tho
poatoflko dopnrttuent. Tho settled
policy of tho dopnrttuont, In whoscv
lunula tho wholo tolegrnpli sorvlco
of tho country Is placod, la to pro
cood Btondlly, ns fundB nro available,
with tho burying ot tho main trunk'
lluuH throughout tho country, nnd In
the course ot tho noxt tow years It
Is oxpoctad thnt nil tho largo townn
ot Bnglnnd nnd Scotland will bo
thus connected. Telogrnphlc com
tnuntcntlon will thou bo seeiiro from
tho wildest galea and from partial
Interruption that nro ofton annoy-
lug and oxponslvo. Tho repairs no
count will, of course, bo vory lnrgo
ly reduced, nnd grout security will
bo given to tho sorvlco by eliminat
ing so many chances of disturbance)
ot tho wlroa nnd communication..
Underground WIivh In Kiiglniid.
London, March 22. All rocunt
postmnstors - gonornl In Groat Ilrl
tain hnvo boon entltusliiHtlu mtpport-
oru of undorground toUgrnpli linos
tho tolegrnpli huslnosfl lioro bulng In
CniiMO of Stoiiineli Troubles.
, Whon a man ban troublo with hiu
stomach you mny know that ho 1
eating moro than ho Bhould or ot
Bomo nrtlclo ot food or drink not
Btilted to his ago or occupation, or
thnt his bowols nro habitually con
stipated. Tnko Chamborlalu's Stom
ach nnd Mver Tablets to roguluto tho
bowolH nnd linprovo tho digestion
nnd sen If tho troublo does not dlsnp
ponr. Ask for a froo snmplo. Sold
by Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Vou Iltielotv IiiveM for IlolhbiyH.
Ilurlln, March 22. Chancellor von
Huulow loft Ilurlln today to spend
tho Easlor holidays at Rapallo, iv
Heliport and wlntor resort of Italy, 15
iiiIIoh from (3 on ou. Hi will return
horo whon parlltimout ruaasoiublos.
Dohannou, J. D.
$ 5 00
iTl!r.Tw' ?
6Wi?h PrtlTtrt fJ? foovictlon, many dUease. Car tho cau and xou
SwSrtbTt.r?ri5on5H cura li8 dUeaa One -Pellet U a
KaS'bth tl pWnaied- nUa laxaUve. and two a solid cathar
fCJ?H tflSnr?, Prorl c Druffslsu avdl tha. and nothlaa
S aaSrWrt1!? tonl. U'lastaagood.- They aw the ortVlno
TjaW ,tuSL,??,c Bd ru-LltU Ltver IIIU first out bp by old
n UmZZZZ ? "8 I W- f over ya aa Hue
Calumet Arizona Mining Company,
BUb'ee, Ariz., March 22.Tbo an
nual meeting of tho CaJumet-Arl-
xona Mining Company will be held
April 8th. The tranafor booka clow
tomorrow, reopening March 25th.
The old Anaconda Mining Company,
the predeceuaor of the present cow
paay, feu ptttfou4 for diaaolutlon.
It was orgtmtofra I 1881,
a 1 daM JMflHH
OSwsOSW" " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV 9ialaPv3
If jRBsaP.' ''saaaaaMaH'4' ' lBiaaK
4aSisr. , fKMfSKEJSStttK9SX
Grew This Hair
Utile I'rinrrs MarU Koowltyn Is lha 4sub
trr of Dr. K. W, Kuowltoii, tlio dlwferr ef
Inls crrat h&tf -srowlna tnutiy, and Iter tiaull
ful lislr was trown folly by lb uso c( Itila
great toale.
Tills little girl bad no more balr than the
atersee lill4 lt(ure uiloc luudtilim. while
now stie lis the loitvil and wot txaulUul
head o( (Qlilto bslr etr pottoiud ly a cttlld
of br aie In the world,
Dsodrrloe makes the Kalp h'slllir and fertile
sod ketpt It so. Jl U ttie iinliil scip frtlll
r and ttivrefore the cresUU tiSlriroJuclnj
rtmrdy oxer diworerrd. It Is a natural food
and a wholesome iiiedlclno for tolb the hair
and tcalp. Krra a IU. hottla of It will put
mere aenulna life In your hair than a talloti of
aor otlitr balr toolo erer made.
NOW at all ilntgglats, In
1,00 ptr bottle.
three sires. 2S rents, SO rruU
Lurf FriAMOca manic khowi.tum,
fitr Yere, SsO 0..eid ouiiu4, 0ia
To altow how quickly Danatorbte acts, wo will
send a large wmplc frto by return mail to any ono
who kdiIs this admtucmrnt to the KfMiwrUM nalslHnfci
6,i OMsllH with name and addieas and Jo cents Iu silver or
ftUsnpa to pay pottage.
m a-innw