Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 22, 1907, Image 1

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k up, not down; look out, not in; forward, not back; move ahead
NO. 71.
' otrw "w-""' t, "ni ',,r "'
- Obstacle Now to Com
Icte Cornering of Ruef
smncIsco. March 22. This is
Lktment drawing date nt tho
-rt ittorncj's ofllce, and, nccord-
u present plans, a great batch of
mil against employes and om-
, f the telephone company will
ented to tho grand jury whon
fatd tomorrow, to bo voted
Tho district attornoy nnd
Kt to work early on an Import-
mk and, it nothing tlovolops,
ml reaulre the immodlnto nt-
is of that inquisitorial body
sit meets tomorrow. Indict
u are being prepared today to
aaiti In Immediately and voted
i tt once. Considerable ntton-
I till be paid today to Nellio
li, a stubborn stenographer for
littorners of the Home Telo-
Company, whoso rofusal to
tilt ahe knows about certain
knlutlons between Iluef nnd
Iraplorers Is one obstacle in tho
let securing Indictments against
Htme offlclalB, according to
San Francisco, . March 22. With
tho tolophono scandal out of the
way, the wntor stonl will bo the noxt
nmttor gone Into. Ex-Mayor Pholan
is oxpoted to givo important testi
mony in tho wntor deal, whoroby it
was proposod to buy the wntor sys
totn of tho Hay Cltlos Company for
$10,400,000, despite the opportunity
of tho city in securing a healthy
system, which it is claimed is by far
superior nnd for a fnr loss sum.
Particular stross will bo placed up
on tho fact that tho opposition board
of experts, appointed by tho sapor
visors was entirely Ignored in tho
matter, nnd tho purchase of the liny
Cities system was decided upon.
San Francisco, March 22. An
alarmist interview waB given out in
Now York by Cnlhoun, president of
tho United Railroads. It has given
impetus to tho movemont to hnvo de
clared Invalid the franchise permits
secured by thnt company by nlloged
bribery. Calhoun dcclnros that con
templated improvements will bo
abandoned. His clever evasion of
tho question whether bribo money
,wns passed, by Baying "no offlclalB"
i bribed, is being commented on slg
Inliicautly. Calhoun rofused to say
I whether or not ho paid bribo monoy
to Ruef. Honey's repeated state
ments thnt informors will not bo
prosecuted or removed from olllco
continues to meet with public disap
proval. Tho demand that they bo
sent to tho penitentiary is growing.
San Francisco, March 22. By n
strange freak of naturo Schmitz'R
john h. Scon
(Continued on pago eight.)
Beatrtif ttl New
Spring Goods,
On Sale in Every Department
Fine Millinery, Ladies' Coats, La
s' Jackets, Sorine Suits. Silk Waists,
e Waists, Silk Petticoats, Dress
Nw Spring Dress Goods, Fine
if New Embroideries, New Laces,
Bfess Trimmings, Fancy Braids,
Ofis, All Over Laces, Waisting
fine Hosiery, Summer Under
and Ribbons.
kw Oxford Shoes, White Goods,
St. S '
umghams, Spring Calicoes,
JjKKn, Underwear and Waistings
Amr mwwwm wows.
Cmr if Zmmc-
dti-Mi Cant Itmte
But He Does Not Belr ive That Any Long
Piece of Road Cefr Be Built at
Tho Capital Journal editor had an
Intorvlow with Judgo Scott this
morning, in which thnt gentloman
took oxceptlons to an editorial In'
this paper saying thnt tho county
court should ilnlsh up each yoar boiuo
plcco of main lino macadamized
highway connecting two important
places in tho county, as Snlom and
Sllvorton, Snlom nnd Jefferson, or
Salem and Woodburn.
Judgo Scott gavo reasons that, to
his mind, nro sufficient why this can
not bo done, and, whllo bo is will
ing to bo shown to tho contrary, ho
haH his own mind pretty well forti
fied with theories to tho contrary
Ills attention wns called to tho fact '
that all tho county offices and dopurt- j
ments together cost for 190C less
than $30,000, and that tho county
revenues woro at least $130,000, al
lowing only $10,000 as tho incomo
from feos for tho dlfferont ofllcos, ,
such as dork and recorder, etc. Ho i
Bald out of this must bo tnkon $10,-1
000 dobt from last year, $0000 tax '
robatc, $2000 dolliiQUout tnxou, ;
$0000 levied for puvlng, $17,000 '
for road supervisors, $G000 for '
bridgos, and that would leavo only
$27,000 surplus, which might bo nb-!
sorbod in additional criminal ox
ponsos. Judgo Scptt donlod voho
montly that thoro was n grnft of a
slnglo dollar "in any dopartmont of
tho county government, and It does
look ns though It would bo hard to
mnko any such discovery, although
it would bo unsnfo to wngor what
an export might not tlnd In nn ox
hauBtlvo investigation. Tho Capital
Journal did not cbargo a graft was
In oxlstonco, but did lntlmato that
thoro woro politicians In this eity
and county not abovo playing tho
part ot an Abo Ituof, and It Is not
meaning Judgo Scott. The editor of
Tho Capital Journal asked Judge
Scott why It would not bo possible,
with help from the county, to ilnlsh
a macadamized highway from Salem
tv . Jefferson or Sllvorton If tho
iii. icy woro taken thnt Is spent ouch
yt through tho rond supervisors
or 'hose main highways, If tho poo-p-'
of Salem nnd tho towns on tho
I and tho abutting proporty own-
nil holpod, nnd If help could bo
red from tho stnto? Judgo Scott
not believe it could bo done, but
willing to bo shown. Ho says nd-
.lsomonts will bo published soon
frff lds on n nlcco of road from Sll-
vpon east under tho provisions ot
1'Tuttlo act.
Offers to Put Up. .
'ho Capital Journal still bc
vtn thnt bo mo main lino highways
ig&.'s ilnlshed tula year, as tho
fI0,aro paying mora tuxos than
over bofore, nnd hnvo a right to ex
pect something tanglblo nu n result,
in addition to tho local Improvo
tnontH that nro being mndo In various
parts of tho county. Tho Capital
Journal bolloves it can bo done.
Thoro Is nnturnl material nil along
tho lino, nnd if tho peoplo of Jcffor
Bon and Snlom, nnd tho peoplo of
Turner nnd Marion, nnd tho owners
of proporty all along tho lino nro
willing to take hold In the right spir
it, It can bo done. Tho governor has
offurod to glvo nsslntnnco In oxtond
Ing onn main lino of highway through
tho contcr of Western Oregon, to
show whnt can bo dono, and tho
county court could ndd to Its reputa
tion for doing things If it would tnko
ndvantago of all tho help nffored, and
each year finish up a good stretch of
road In so mo direction from tho
Stnto Capital and county soat. Thin
was not Bald to ilnd fault with Judgo
Scott or tho county court for any
thing that lias been done, but to on
courngo them to still groutorundor
tnklng and co-operntlon with tho
peoplo. Tho peoplo would bo hotter
satisfied with paying their monoy If
thoy could drlvo 20 miles or rldo
that dlstnnco in an nuto In any purt
of Marlon county, which they cannot
do at present.
Question of (Jivut National Import
ance. Pittsburg, Pn.. Mnroh 22. The
question of most importance consid
ered at tho convontlon In this city
by tho American Rondmnkors' Asso
ciation was tho national rownrd bill
thnt will bo Introduced In tho noxt
congross. Tho bill provldos for tho
erection of tho United Stntos high
way dopartmont, and a fund of
$100,000,000 to bo UBcd In tho pay
ment of national rownrds for tho
construction of public rondB, under
government supervision. Thoro li
llttlo doubt thnt tho bill, which will
bo Introduced by Roprosontfttlvo
Chns. 13. TowiiRoml. of Michigan, will
bocomo the most Important one of all
acts for motormon. Tho bill pro
vides that payment of $600 bo mndo
by tho govornmont Tor onch mllo ot
gravol rond built In nccordnneo with
federal specifications; for onch mile
of gravol nnd Btono road, $750; for
onch mllo of macadamized road.
$1000. Tho fund of $100,000,000
In to bo distributed nt tho rato of
$10,000,000 a year. Natlonnl aid Is
nsked for on tho plan thnt tho gov
ornmont has extended Immonso sums
to rivers nnd harbors, nnd It In tlmo
thnt Boino monoy bo spout on roads,
us tho govornmont lias oxpomled
elsowhcro enough to pay $1000 a
mllo for nil tho ronds In the United
Stntos. All IntoroBts unite In de
manding thnt tho national govern
ment tnko a strong hand In helping
tho states build roads that would on
nblo tho fanners to draw nroduco
moro easily and economically to mar
kot, nnd glvo tho ploasuru rider 1" an
nutomobllo an faster rldo.
Will Publish Newspaper aadL
Make War on Rooscyelt
Ironton, Mo., March 22. Kx-Son-ntor
Hurton was liberated this niorn
mx. Ho woro tho fnded roso which
was pinned on by his wlfo when ho
eutored tho Jull. Accompanied by
hts wlfo nnd relatives ho Btnrtcd for
Kansas. Ho mndo a statement that
ho was going bnok to Abtleno to re
enter politics, not for rovuugo, but to
Justify hlmnolf, and provo that ho
was persecuted, not prosecuted ntut
railroaded to jnll by Thcodoro Roos
ovolt. Ho will publish a wookly pa
per and call it "Home Rulo" and toll
tho true story of his case.
' O '
-d Wo-".
Rev. W. R. F. Brown Loses
Watch in the Methodist
Marshfleld, March 2 2.- (Special)
Rev. W. R. P. Browne, of tho
Methodist church, had a curious loss
Sunday, when his watch was stolen
from the pulpit of his church. Mr.
Drowno stepped down from tho pul-
Dlt after the scrvlco and loft his
watch on the reading desk, and for-
forgetUng all about It, the watch was
not missed until at dinner time.
When be found the watch was gone
Mr, Browne remembbttA leaving It
In tho pulpit, hat It coul4 not be
found, The fvppoeUtOH is that tome
boys lyiff Mr th church dis
covered tho watch and appropriated
Mr. Browne feels tho loss keenly,
on account of having carried tho
timepiece for a number of years.
The watch will bo easily Identified,
It being- a thin silver case, Wnltham
movomont, with tho Initials "C. H.
L." engraved on tho back.
To Itostoro Peace.
Washington, March 22. Corea,
tho Nicaragua minister, called at the
state department today for a long
conference, and then Yisltcd the
American ambassador. It Is belloved
Root is endeavoring to bavo him
urgo his government to accept the
peaceful offics of the United States
and Mexico to restore peace in Cen
tral America.
Washington. March 22. Secre
tary Tnft takes hasty leave tomor
row for Charleston on board tho
Mayflower. Ho will roaoh Panama
about March 30th for Investigation
of conditions, to uottlo differences
nnd start things smoothly for tli
summor's work. Ho will stop at Ha-
'vana nnd confer with Mngood.
Nothing Doing in Tluuv Trial.
Now York, March 22. Tho court
this morning excused tho Thaw Jury
until 10:30 Wednesday morning.
Thoro was but a brief session,
Thnw's rolatlvos bolng prosont. Hart
rldgo made u brief statomont rola
tlvo to Jerome's Insinuation as to
attorneys for defonso employing un
professional conduot, und tho court
adjourned. Dolmas and Qloason
were not prosont. Thoy nro prepar
ing affidavits to bo hnudud to tho
court tomorrow to oflnut Jerome's
demand for a commission.
Jeromo and Hnrtrldgo, during this
morning's brief session, mndo mutu
al explanations to tho court and
closed tho unplcasunt Incident. It
Is rumored this afternoon that Je
rome Intends to carry to thu higher
courts tho fight for u lunacy commis
sion, if Fitzgorald rules against him.
Ironton Firv.
Ironton, Ohio, March 22. A flro
started at noon conning $100,000
loss In two hours. The entlro plant
of tho Ironton Lumber Company and
nlno residences woro destroyed in tho
most exclusive section. A high wind
is blowing nnd neighboring cltlos aro
ruBhlng engines to tight tho amos. '
j PJttsburg, Murch 22. This morn
ing, ni mownri, it iuiioh irom nui-u,
tho fnBt Pennsylvania limited, Nqw
York to Chicago, wan wrockod. Offi
cials declare their belief that tho
track wns tampered with, Thp on
glno wnn"lfeitallei; throo Bloepors fol
lowing. A number ot train jnon
woro HorlotiNly hurt. Aipptg t)o In
jured nro A. Watts, of tho United
Railroads, of Snn Francisco, slight
ly bruised; 10. V. Collin, un routo to.
Konttlo, bruised.
Dr. J. P. COOK
movk to 9m Liimwrr rrtumr
mm axt hiistimw caix ok tm.
Huti'leH rioM for flic Brooklyn Hliow.
Brooklyn, March 22. Tho entries
eloso tomorrow for tho Brooklyn
Horse Show, which comes off nt tho
clubhouse of the Riding and Driving
Club on tho ovoulngit of April 0, 10,
,11, and 12. The show will bo tho
finest ovor hold In Brooklyn. Thu
prize list, contusing thirty-eight
elasHeH for saddle horses, polo po
iiIom, hunters nnd Jumpers, tundoinB,
four-ln-hands, nnd cnrrlngo horse
and nppolntmuuts. Tho directors
have advices of largo numbers ot
oxhlbltors und still larger numbers
of spoctntors, ho that tho nttouduuco
cannot holp being n record breaker.
o -
Collapwd nt KxecuUon.
Walla Walla, Wash., March 22.
Fred Miller, tho murderer of Frits
Dlerk, at Castle Rock, last October,
was hanged this morning. Ho col
lapsed, and was totally unconuciou
when the noose was placed about bU
Gunboat Hunted,
Pensacola, March 22. Flro de
stroyed the machinery and oqulp
west of tho gunboat Gloucester at
Isle Delusion navy yard. Tosn f 176
Liverpool, Mnroh 22. J. Plerpout
Morgan arrived this morning, nnd
said that he never even suggest;! a
visit of tho railway presidents to
Roosevelt. Ho refused to discuss,
the railroads, and his whola atten
tion was occupied by a good thlug la
tho Grand National races this afternoon.
Hxpct to Adjourn Today.
Trenton, N. J., March 33. The
lawmakers of New Jersey, tired ot
tho grind of legislation for day aftor
day, will adjourn today, If posslUU.
Strenuous efforts hnvo been made
to get troublesome .matters put of
tho way. There ha como up a
strong sentiment from tho country
towns against a long sosrion, ami tho
Now Jersoy legislature will closely
graze the record this yoar for a
short and busy session. Some good
laws havo been passed, and a now
United States senator has beon
Chlcafto Mrkrt,
Chicago, March 22. -Wheat 75 96.
7K, cora UHipiC, oats 42ft