? Ml "? 1 U w 9 0 uUUUUI. IMI. . M.Folder&C' (jOJdenCafe IGH iRA Igffggj. MMMHIMMIHimiUM ' Poems of the i j Common People i i Sons of Freedom Listen to mo, And yo dnughtors to glvo car. You n sad nnd mourfiil story At) was over told shall hear. . Ull you know his tropps Burrondorcd And Defenceless loft tho went. Then our foiirces quick assembled, Tho Invldar to roslst. Among tho troojiH that marched to Krlo,- Woro tho Kingston VoluntoorB. Captoln Thomas then commanded, To protoct tho went frontlors, Tondor wore tho sconos of parting Mothers wrung tholr hands and cried. lllllllUlin WUJIk LIIUU DWIllllW III BUl'IDl, Fathers strovo thulr toars to hide. Hut there's ono among tho numbor, Tall nnd graceful In his nielli, Firm his stops, his look undaunted, Hcnrco a nobler youth was soon, Ono nfvoot kiss ho snatched from Mary, Craved his mother's prayer ouci more, Pressed his father's hand and left them, For Lake Krlo'ti distant shore. Mary tried to sny "Farowoll Jntnoi," Waved her hnnd but nothing spoku 'Good bye Illrd, may heaven protect you," From tho rest at parting spoke. Boon thuy caiiio whoro noble Perry, llnd assembled his fleet; There tho gallant Illrd onllsted Hoping soon his foe to muut. Where U Illrd? Tim buttle rugw, Is ho In strife or no, Now tho oanous roar Tremendous, Dnro ho inwit his hostile foo. Aye, Hohold htm Bee him, Perry In tho self same ship they llRht Though his ntMmuatttK fall around htm, Nothing mn his eoul afrlght. Uul behold a ball has struok him, Hih) tho oi'luiMuu current How. Ioavo tho diok, uxolulmed brave I'orry. No, orled Illrd. I will not ko. Hero on deck I took my station, No'or will Illrd his country lly I'll stand by you gallant captain Till we conquer or wg die, fittll ho fought though, faint and bleeding, Till our stars and strplo nroso. Victory having crowned our efforts All triumphant o'er our foes. And did Illrd receive a pensien: Was ho to hi friends restored No, nor never to his bosom Clasped tho nmtd his hart adored. Hut tho moot dreadful tidings From Lake Hrle's dUtant shores, Hotter If illrd had perished Midst the battle uwful roar. Dearest parent road tho letter. This will bring end news to you. Do not. mount, your first beloved. Though this brings his last adieu. X must suffer for deserting From the brig Niagara. Head this letters brothers, sisters TU tho last you will hear from we. tA and gloomy was the more, illrd was ordered out to die. TVhare Is tho breast not dead to pity, Rut for him. would hearQ v flgh. )3 I I-o, he fought ko bravely at Krl. Krly bl4, and jwAly dare4; JUt hU eottla, pd for mwtn JM kU irlous 5Jf b prd, I DAILY Absolutely Pure NO ADULTERATION jPur Cream Tartar and Purt Bicarlonatt Soda Only SOLD oil MERITS A. Folger & Co. a- Frdo Sco him march nnd bear Ills fcttorH, Harsh thoy clank upon tho car, Hut his step Is firm und manly, For his heart no'or harborod foar. Sco ho kneels upon his coinn, Hiiro his death can do no good. Sparo 111 in t Hark! Oh Ood, thoy shot him Oh, his bosom streams with blood. Farowoll Illrd, Farewell for ever, Friends nnd homo you'll boo no more, Hut his mangled corpso lies burled, On Lake Hrlo'a distant shore. W. Debord. o Vino Howard, 9100. Tho ronaors of this pnpor will bo ploascd to learn that thoro Is at least on dreaded dlsonso that sclonoo has boon nblo to cure In nil Its Btagos, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is tho only posltlvo euro now known to tho modlcnl frntornlty. Ca tarrh bolng a constitutional disease, roqulrcs n constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken lntor nnlly, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous Btirfacos of tho system, thoroby destroying tho foundation o( tho. disease, nnd giving tho pntlont strongth by building up tho constl- tutlon nnd assisting nnturo In doing Cloments Horst, botweon 10,000 Its work. Tho proprietors hnvo bo nnd 15,000 bales, and Wlgnn-ltlch-much faith In Its curntlvo powors ' ardBou & Co., from 5000 to 7000 that thoy offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any ciibo that It falls to curo. Bend tor list of testimonials. ' Address F. J. CIIKNEY & CO., To lodo, O. Sold by nil druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stlpatlon. i Unhappy Couples. rt i... x. i. . u..t t " ' " ' . ' dlooroo has been llled with County Clork llreonmuu for Dyolo A. Knotts, who wants her freedom from hor husband, Wlllam II. Knotts. The complaint states that thoy woro married In Orogon City, May 13, 1803, and that two ohlldreu have buen born to them, Hurvoy Hdwurd, aged 13, and Ia)U Anno Knotts, agod 10. Mrs. Knotts state that on May 2, 1901, her husband denurted hor and has sluuo fulled to provide both for hor and for tho uhlldron. Khu nuk fur dlveroe and whatever relief tho court may fool InollniHl to grant her. lrom " w,l0l(w, 0". ltnd She also wnnte tho custody of the!af ttt rot,, a Jlnt two tons two children. uf non HnJ uu"nK twine arrived yes- Hdwln I. UeiulHo has tlletl n suit twslny for rlbntlon among the for divorce from his wife. Nettle Kiowers. It comes In two grades nnd lsliam llemlee. with tho county olerk. lM,tH U, " 21 cents Tho couple were married In Albany ,,ttr ,H,uml for tht w,ni KrndM ' lu 1SSC. and have two grown-up twl that are being rotnlled at 23 ohlldron. one of them a mnrrled!86 oont,, Thy a, hav G0Q(i daughter, llendvo alleges that his ,,ound'1 of llttur In transit, at wife's treatment of him compelled a-10 I,ttr t0- n,ul .000 yards of him to Imvu her some seven yeara 0,oth, ttt 13 0,"ta ,,or 'nriJ' wn,h no. and that hIiumi that in.... , h.. ! been living in Portland. He asks nothing but a separation. Another uuhnppy married couple want their freedom from their un pleasant relations, and have tiled a suit for divorce throuiih Kmmons and Kmmons. l.loyd It. Flagg claims that his wife, Alllse Flagg, deserted him on November 30, 1905. and wants a separation from hor. Ho says that they were married lu Ta coma. Wash., September 7. 1903, und that there have been no children from tho union. " 'O Syiophuny Concert In Jeiey City. Jersej' City. March 21. -CarryliiR out the promise made by them last week, the Klka organisation wU give a symjihony concert at Klks hall under tho management ot tho Schubert Qleo Club tonight. The or ganisation has undertaken this work as a purely educational feature, In connection with lu regular aubscrlp tlou concerts. Tho club will not sing at this concert, but tho program Will ... nl.. ...v , ...tA ..! I ... ... MU .. VI M III IIIUMK IjCVl Vf the New York Symphoity Orchestra. The new conductor of tte Seatilxrt Qlee Club, Mr. KllloU 8lHHM:k, will ooaduct the symphony kre, CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALSM, Hop Growers to Combine. Salem special: According to Sec rotary James Coleman, the Oregon Hop Growers' Assocntlon Is to form a permanent combination of grow ers and contract tho product direct with tho brewer from ono season to another. "Instead of Improving," said Mr. Coloman, "tho conditions nro grow ing worse from season to season, nnd unless some decisive and effect ive steps nro taken In self-defense In tho near future tho growers will find themselves down and out. Our sal vation Is by offectlng a permanent and solid organization, or pool, If you ploaso; ono that tho grower can dopond upon to dollvor tho goods and donl with tho browcr direct. "I know tho donlors and, Indeed, many of tho growers will 'pooh-pooh' this suggestion and say It Is ImpoB- slblo to hold tho growers togothor on any proposition by tho plan Hint Is now under consldorntalon and which will probably take doflnlte form at tho noxt mooting of the as sociation. Tho plan Is different from anything yet experimented upon and I think It could bo worked to n suc cessful termination. "Tho plan is to select only the largo growers or those who own their own wards and nro absolutely froo from obligation or oncumbrnnco to pool tholr ontlro crops for a torm of years and sign an agreement to that offect. "Wo would control from 40,000 to CO. 000 hatos annually and bo In L vmMon to command tho rospect of tho browors and doal with thorn directly, contracting tho combined output from year to yoar. "Statistics, as compllod from the records for tho past 12 yoars.by tho Watorvlllo Tlmos and published In ono or mo tonrunry issuos, snow that tho avorago cost to tho broworf hns boon about 20 coats per pound, whllo tho average prlco recolvod by tho growor has boon only 12 cents. "It Is said that tho Paul It. O. Horst company has bought upward of 30,000 balos of Lho 1900 crop; K haletj, making a combined total for lho three firms of approximately 00,000 balos, or nearly one-half tho Ontlro crop of Oregon for 190G, which Is figured at botweon 130,000 nnd 1-10,000 bales. All three llrms aru still In tho market and picking, up lots at from 10 to 11 cents. Tho lnt est purchase reported Is that of tho Hlrsehborg-McUiughlln lot, of Indc- pondonco, to Uahmund & PIiicub, ngontH for Paul It. G. Horst, and tho COI1Bli,onUIon, whlch B not mniU public, Is snld to bo botweon th figures above quotod. It Is esti mated there aru butwoon 20,000 nnd 25,000 bales left In llrst hands In Oregon. "One groat good that the Oregon Hop Growers' association Is doing for Its mumbors, which encourages tho olllcors to exert themuslvo in other dtreutlous and especially to put the now plan for a permunont pool to a practical tout. Is tho wiving of hun dreds of dollars nnnuully by pur- clinnlni; tholr supplies, such as sul ,,,,ur l,,lU"B ftni1 k,,n c,oth ml tw,,u' ' rotnlllng ut H cents. Tho ontlro order aggregating a cost ot $6171. o Onion Affix ting Lumber. Austin, Texas, March 21. Th railroad commission has Issued the following order: When the lumbor and articles taklug tho samo rates U loaded In open cars and transported between points In Tesus, allowance will bo made for weight ot stakos as follews: For six stakes, 300 pounds; eight stakes, 350 pounds; ten stakes, -10(1 pounds; 12 stakes. ISO peunds: 14 stakes. 500 pounds; 16 stakes. 550 pounds. An allowance of not to ex eeed 600 pousds will be raado on carloads loaded on apm cars when rained on within twenty-four hours prior to weighing. Railway agents will use his Judgment la making proper and reasonable allowance, not to exceed above maximum ti.. maximum nllowaur &.... . .. ,,. runutxi ior I above weight of stakes and fr w will bo deducted from the act Male weight, whloh must be stamped on billing and notation tuade on billing for what account of allowance is wade, shipments to be billed -. is. aet weight after deductlae alio. I at abov TkU rdr uk tcft today. fMOS. THUJMPAV. MARCH 21, 1007. - 1 1 1 1 1 H-frfr-H-HW T r-r-ISIAI urnuML DIRECTORY Delegation In Congress. Senator Chas. W. Fulton, Astoria. Sonator Jpnathan Bourne, Jr., Portland. Itoprosontatlvo W. C. Hawley, Sa lem. Roprosontntlvo W. It. Ellis, Pendle ton. Slate OnicialH. Qovsmor, Qoorgo B. Chamberlain. Sorotary of State, Frank W. Ben son. Stato Tronsuror, George A. Steele. Suporlntondcnt of Public Instruc tion, J. H. Ackorman. Attorney Gonoral, A. M. Crawford. Stnto Prlntor, Vf. S. Dunlwny. State Labor Commissioner, O. P. Hoff. Supremo Court. Chlof Justlco, Robert S. Bonn. Associate Justlco, Frank A. Mooro. Assoclnto JusUcc, Robert Enkln. Commissioners, W. T. Slntor, W. R. King. Clork, J. J. Murphy. Roportor, R. Q. Morrow. Halllff, P. H. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Geo. H. Burnett, Snlom; William Galloway, MoMlnn- vlllo. District Attorney, John II. Mc Xary, Salem. Other Stato Olllrlals. J. W. Balloy, Food and Dairy Com missioner, Portland. J. W. linker, Gamo and Forostry warden, Cottage Grove. Robt. C. Yonny, Stnto Honlth Offi cer, Portland. J. H. Luwis, Stato ISnglnoor, Sn lom. 13. Gllllnghnm, Stato Librarian, Sa lem. 11. G. Van Duson, Stnto Fish Com- mlsslonor, Astoria. Chas. V. Galloway, Stato Land Agent, Salem. W. W. Elder, Comnmndor Soldlors' Home, Roseburg. Marlon County Olllclals. Johu II. Scott, County nnd Probate Judge. R. D. Allen, Clork of Courts. W. J. Culver, Shorlff. W. Y. Rlchnrdson, Tronsuror. 13. T. Mooros, Superintendent of Schools. F. J. Rice, Aasossor. B. II. Hcrrlck, Jr., Surveyor. J. C. Needham, W. H. Goulot, Com mlssioners. A. M. Clougl), Coroner. D. G. Drnger, Recordor. Salem City OIllelalH. Goo. F. Rodgors, Mayor. W. A. Moores, Recorder and Police Judge. I). W. Gibson, Marshal and Chief of Police. Frank Meredith, City Tronsurcr. A. O. Condlt. City Attornoy. Jus. W. Martin,- Street Commis sioner. Mark Savage, chief Fire Depart ment. W. C. Smith. Health OHlcer. City Standing Committee. Ways and Means Jacob, Wnldo, Churchill. Ordinances Greenbaum, Low, Goode. ' ' Account and Current lSxpensos Churchill, Rndcllff, Wayne. Streeta Downing, Stockton, Stolz, Public Buildings Stockton, Stolz, Geener. Sewerage. Stoli, Jacob, Low. Plumbing Praser, Downing, Gos ner. i Fire nnd Water Low, Rndcllff, ' Goodo. Wrldges Geener, Churchill, Fras or. ' Health nnd Polleo Unas, Jacob Waldo. Lights Goodo, Hans. Greenbaum. Printing Radollff. Haas. Frnsor Public Parks Wayno, Greenbaum, Stockton. Hoard of Kduciitlon. W. H. Byrd. Chairman. A. A. Leo, II. c. Bploy, E. m Crolsan, Directors. H. A. Johnson, Jr., Clerk. J. M. Powers. City Supt. Schools o- awako organltatloa. It has been list ened to lectures by noted and olo quont rabbis, tho most oloquout rab bi bolng Dr. Martin Meyer, of Temple Israel, choosing for tils subject tho "Wandering Jow." In which ho de scribed the marvelous htstorv of thn race. They give a grand ball tonlKht ' at Prospect hall. MlnUters Attend Mtiee. New York, March 21Rer, Madi son C. Peters Is among tho lalnlstera who this afternoon attended the spe cial taatlnei for clergjweai of "Mrs, Warren's Profeaaloa." at MaaaatUa theater. Newly 2f wJt4f ac- oer you neea ai a pnee inai win ma Hebrew Young Men Wlrto Awake, torially economlio In tho cost. Just Wrooklyn, March 21 Tho Hcbrow come and seo us and look over our Young Men association la a wide yards. Light Infantry Entertained. Charleston, S. C, March 21. A very talented band of amateur mln Btrels will perform tonight at tho Academy of Music for tho benefit of tho historic Washington Light In fantry's armory fund. The program is of wide variety and the minstrels would copo Interest with most pro fessional companies. The jokea are of recent vintage, and plenty of localisms will bo Introduced. Para bles In which homo nffairs nro ex ploited will bo sung. Rev. Warren WInson is diretcor of music. Salem Fence Wire Headquarters for Woven Wlro Fencing. Hop Wlro, Barb Wire, Poultry Nottlng, Pickets, Oatcs, Shingles and P. & D. Ready Roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Commercial St. Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Puuicry, Eggs, and AH Farm Produce. Better Than the Best Wild Rose Flour Made From Selected Valley Wheat At All Grocers $1.00 a Sack si,0"t wisely Is the source ot much satisfaction. Why not spend a little . l wisely now buying groceries ot ubT Baker, Lawrence & Baker Buccoeson to Haxrltt & Lawrence. BUILDINQ A HOUSE. Wo can supply you with tho lusa- GOODALK LUMBER CO., Yanls Newr Itot. ete)sj8ejaMe)M Gold Dost Flout & by XXX SYBMVr OW 3BI OOMPAWY, St4r, Oree. Mim er family as. Ask jear rK for It, Braa a4 ekertef aWeys a Aaid. P. B. Walkce f AGBNT avy BARG In Real fW al ostn -in TCi Reel estato win , We are offering ? Pay you lo mrZJUir Throe-fourthi acr8 ., , land, a new 7 room b" ern: coni i...u . "'"'.Bd well, chicken t&h. Jil Salem. Seo IUdcim KTT1 " See this before Waw-S! hOUBQ On Pni,,l .... ' lfW IO deep, doN Radcllff Co " ki Modern cottn , . Plumbed and wired, sa . ujr 10 leet, imu. Prlco $1G00. 1 Nino room home, pbi,w , fits. nnnl.v I "Ijl w ';;;;' """"'we i """ "". woodsy liuj, jim-u id inreo mocks iron house. Prlco 1261B. ui;u ucrea ail m caltliufe.. houso and barn, plenlTefr; This place Is on a good crufl uuu ova muea lrom Siln. U200. Ton acres all la culttaa J "u mum uuuae, Daraada good mixed fruit, well acres In oats, 2H mllM fciil icm. rrico J1900. Eighty acres; 67 In wltln In pasturo and timber: It i wheat and cheat; 7 acrn 5 room houBo, good bin Mo ary; 4 horses, 6 head ot catUe,K cnicKcns; 2 wagons, 3 sttotbn all Implemonts, hay, grufti 18000. Sovoral houses for rest you want anything In Ibis notary work. RADCLIfF d Reliable Age Room 11, Moores block, Sij Reference, any bank orW houso la tho city of Silo. House Cleaning Time (frxmm TJio season Is here fw ' Viniton nnH when It It dcaiJK'l .... ninmhfne nut la H thero Is anything rcs wj range or water tank, pipes or gas pipes sens ww" experienced men to put A. L. 258 Stat S riioae 1J H. S.Gite Wholesale Ge i mJssto In the market dried fruit and kinds. small' We have for l',, ing and slicing ' ' . i... rrr: ' ior a w -- price. Snd the Fi WashiHTl and you'll nererbotk1 H done at home when every fa"1 to send the vuW but times h have the methods you can better " family wasnU . nr4! Askabouiou'r lag, rough dry. ! - TheSrf Stettin ull 'I 1 Hit l i -. mi r mm .Avs 5K cturted DMlavlUUoau mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm