DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1007. I 9 id Rest Every ment of t "fEn- Lmenuu-r 1 Tr follows that Sormentalexliaus STrimnly means an aft on the nerves. tame r-- -;r-- v .,x cWr with fl nerves. Dr. Miles' Lino soothes the irri-h-nn and restores nerv- i energy. ..... ...!.. Tit l . titivA nvra nciiny .. aVWV.iooJ up npUnst testl 1,1 1?, rubMcntlon. but the un- HISSmT a ft medicine, for 2Si toomnla. Intensinca oy iopk ?.,!. in a hleh altitude compel! TrOCTlM US superiors i ..' n lesct W Xr medicine I Jtove ever usca rnimBtffi ynTi.fiwfwm iii """, ;;," mom tnedi- 2finwmnla. nnd enn connplont- iroa iv. it. r mo.wuii S1 - D,lntrM fV1rt Uuiorauu D4'4ib b. MUM' Nervine li told by your Irt, who Will Qusranicc ..... - rMUt ' bneflt- " ,l fa,,,' h8 k rtfund your money. Ou Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind L, Wonwn Rider Keeps In Front. he York, March 21. Miss Joslo , jiott tho only woman who has Ltd a coropleto back somersault 1 1 running horse nnd llvotl, la Inly fir her return to Now York bj Out at her homo In Home ltd, L I , thero is a unrn instuo Iihltli them Is spneo and warmth, tl ucidentally a circus ring Just Lta a circus ring as ono is wont sra In Madison Square Gardon. He Homestead "ring unrn" as frtui parlanco has It, Is owned by I'm De Mott It Is thoro sho win iter prlvato stock, nnd It Is thoro iieepi In constant practlco for tho lisatr itasons with tho show. Out a tie ting barn In Homestead, whtlo inc. was piling around tho cor- ltd under tho oaves, Joslo Do fottu pirouetting and somosaultlng iler horse on tho Inside, rendering uelf more and inoro porfoct In hor irt 0 iriie Hall's Symphony Concerts. V York, March 21. Cnrnoglo ri hit two concerts will bo glvon ttt and on the 23rd. On this insist i program Is tho throo part ;ioa,r poem by Caudo Dobussy, .! Tho S. a " yTEfTrM Accidents 1! Happen! i ba itwj do v n you new a ' .inime.nl nud .1 Bt Ubtt Al ii krrp ou Kami a WOF. DEWS WICA3TUS OIL 3LRION COUNTY COURT. Claims, Allowed by Commissioners nt Regular March Term. Romls nml Highways. Ames, S $ 2.10 Arnold, Sam G.00 Asplnwnld, A. M 7.40 Barnlck, Adolph 14.00 Bnrnlck, L Darnlck, Leonard , Benson, R. E. BIrdsall. II M Bolter, E. O Bramblot, A" W Cap. Imp. Co. . . Cauthorn, 11 K 21.00 Chamborlaln, M. W 3.00 Chamberlain, M. E 2.00 Chamberlain. B II 1.50 Colgnn, G II 5.00 Combs, John 23.75 1.50 3.25 S.23 29.40 11.25 24.00 1.25 Cutsforth, Cutsforth, Frank Clyde 13.50 3.00 II t Cutsforth, Irwin 12.00 Dalrymplo, W. Daniels, John . . Daniels, Anton , Davidson, W. F. Dledrlch, M. . . Dcdrlch, John . Dorn, O Ehlon, 11. C Escli, Jos . . . . Eskow, J. W. . Fclstor, S. . . . Fromntor, Louis Fryor, Q. H. 43.40 1.50 1.50 2S.75 1.50 ' 1.50 1.50 12.00 1.25 62.25 3.00 3.00 1C9.25 Qaniard, Judd 13.50 Garner, W 10.00 Gesnor B. B 25.00 Gillham, Thos 2C.25 Glrod, Adolph 1.50 GIrod, Arthur 44.75 Goulot, W II ..' &G.95 Grimm, Gordon 1.60 Gullllford, C G 3.00 Hammack, Fred ' 30.00 Harris, D. A 150 Harris, L. B 12.00 Harrison, Thos 4.25 Hayes Imp. Co 4.25 Hetrlck, J. B 15.00 Ilorrlck, B. B., Jr .35.00 Hoovor, Win 2.80 Hopp, Honry c-00 Huddoll, Henry 1-50 Imlnh, John 4.50 Joquenond, Chns i-"u Jcssno, John .B0 Jones, Geo 1-00 Klllan, Geo 2C3.C2 Klnon, II 48-75 Lambert, L. S .00 Lander, Arthur 1.50 Landor, Ralph 0.00 Lander, W. W 13-50 Lang, L 12.00 Larson, John 9-7C Lombcko, Chas 1-50 .75 27.50 COO 10.35 7.50 12.00 COO 3.00 20.10 M. fl Llndsoy, E, Llnor, F Low, W. S. . . . Matthoe, Ed .. Mnthay, Waltor Marshall, Sam Muosy, Follx . . XIIHor, Win. F. Mlllor. J. C. .. Mumpor, W. A 9 Murphoy, J. P 50 Murphoy, J. E 1-87 McCorklo, M.. A. .; 1710 B. C. O. i t i Co. 1.00 C7.12 4.00 S7.Sr 6.2 ' 4S.0O 1 o J 2.2 2. 2' 2.00 1.50 koothlnv and TV ' ixm jtirtrt ,.j i-kb:- tftitJ mutMaa hlwtm i l""WlCk., ... ., -. aw4 H.WVff Huls With out A Scar irulM. Mirva. j! 0UBd. lum feCBM.-... DM, f'.t I !!. .. .. K . hw.T" ." Il", c :rui biiM m .t uikiM w... .:r v : i tu m " er Mrw ,,,. ... uimu and - , linu CIX. i: .r l -- atAav ia a.. -- -" tlfc.. r rorUu la hT..: ;u ' ,B decor- ' ftU --.we ,r inlg. cm no Substltuto. " - ,, iH . St. O. McCrory, D. Mcllwnln, E, Neal, W. H. Needhnm, I. Nye, Perry Ore and Wash Sowor P. Ottorstrom, Albort Ottorstrom, Chas Otterstrotn, Promo . . . Pattoreon. Dick .... . Parker. J. B. Potzol, Joseph 10.84 Pohlo & Bishop S7.90 Prahgo, B 6-88 Ring, Alva 15 Robertson, A. E -75 'Robertson, II. II 3- Richardson. W. Y 3.00 Savago, J. C 6-5 Sohwab, John 9-60 Schwab. Fred 1200 Rhlnn. Wfttt. 124.25 ""! " " " " - - - Shoemaker, C . . Bkalfo & Emmett Simpson, J. N. . Smith & Co. ,.. Smith, I. G. ... Smith, E. B. . . , . Smith. Wm. II. H. Snauldlns: Lob. Co 26.73 Spencer, Wm. B -50 Taylor, E. A. . . . '. 3-00 Taylor, F. M 3 Valtx. Fred , 500 Vandall, L. A. , l-5 Von Bahren, II, II 3-50 Wade &. Co., R. M. -00 Wade, Poarce & Co 4-50 WTalton, E s-00 Wands, Bert J1-26 Warwick, C. F 31B Wattler & Son, V w Welch. N , IC50 Weldman. R. I3-50 Whltnojr, Geo . . . . , '2-25 Whitney, Henry 5.25 Whitney, IIOBty 7-50 WMUatch, Jack " WUsoH, Ch. N. 1-69. Winner. Btort .! ,. o nft 1.00 1.25 2.55 3.00 1.60 2.75 PRESCIHITIOX TO v CLILVNSE THE HLOOD. Any one can easily mix the following prescription at home, which Is said to bo splendid be cause of its peculiar action upon tho kidneys, which aro mndo to properly filter and strain from tho blood tho Impurities and pioneors. Got tho Ingredients, which nro all of vecetnblc extraction and harmless, from any good phar- l1Inrtley, H. A. jZolkoske, Conrad Ehlon, H. C. Ehlon, G. A. . Whitney, O. C. Vnndnle, J. B. Davidson, W. F. . Cavannugh, Ed. Cutsforth, John H. Wyldor, Calvin Whitney, John ! McKee, Chas. A. Hesslng, Fred Hobart, A. F. mnoy and mix them by shaking well in n bettle: Fluid Extract Dnndollon, one-half ounce; Com pound Kargon, ono ounco; Com Iiound Syrup Snrsapiirllla, three 0(11103. Tako In toaspoonful dososs af tor onch meal and nt bodtlmo. Drink plonty of good wator, too. Those who rqqulro n good blood cloansor and systom tonic, whoso kldnoys nro wonk nnd clogged up, should proparo this mixture and tnko as directed for n few days, and noto results. Mlllor, J. U Sommers, A. II. Jeftor8on, W. J. Landor W. W. GIrod, Arthur , Hull, F. B. ... Floklln, C. S. Jefferson, J. A'. Harris, D. A. . , Taylor, W. A. i Arnold, Snmuol ' 2.50 5.00 5.00 B.OO 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 S.50 5.00 5.Q0 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 7.50 5.00 5.00 7.50 B.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 McKInno, E. E 5.00 Wlndlshnr, J 2.50 Wright, C. W 1.C0 Zlcglor, Henry 12.00 K 18.00 9.G2 C.12 3.50 2.02 1.76 a. 75 Zleglcr, J. E , Dromond, J Wilder, Pomroy, Grovor , Redmond, C , Jermnu, L Coplnud, E , . . . , Carter, K 15.50 Kolsoy, Wilos 2.1 S Dnw8on, A 13.70 Hall, B. F. Knight, F. D Jonos, Bruce Solwort, D. A RubsoM, S. H. 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 Fryer, G. J. H. Robortsnn, B. K, Brownell, S. S. ,West, A. L. ... .Cunningham, B. Brosslor, J. P. . , Simpson, F. B. Lambort, L. S. . . Solgmuml, E. G. Fnrrons, O. L. . Smith, Lyle G. Hunt, J. W. .. Cauthorn, 11. K. Johnson, T. O. Brown & Son, Loo Caldwell, A. J. . . Hnuser. W. J 15.50 N'eodluim, W. 1 18.00 Shophml. Jnmu COO Smith, John W 3.00 Townsend, A. R 1 3.75 White, H. F 12.00 Out or Bend District, No. it I. Smith, Win. II II ........ 450 t V 7.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 5.00 5.00 7.50 5.00 87.27 20.00 Shoemnkor, C 2.00 Curtvnt Expenses. Alien, H. D 15.00 Culver, W, J 42.40 Coast Agency Co, ........ 3.00 Drngor, D. Q 10.00 Horrlok, n. B., Jr. , 2.00 Irwln-Hotlson Co 142.05 Mooroa & Co., Boss E. .... 152.82 McCorklo, M. A 2.00 MoN'nry, J. H. 3.00 Mooros, E. T 17.(50 Paoittc States T. & T. Co... 7.40 Pat ton Bros 55.13 Rice, F. J 1.00 Scott, J. II. . . . . , 5.40 Statesman Pub. Co 58.00 Court. IIoh.io Expenses. Brown, Frnnk M 2.32 Fond rich, George 3.40 Funk, T. R , 10.20 Johnson, W. E 7.00 Lnmme, John H. 14.50 Pnclfc States T. & T. Co... 7.50 Portland Gon. Eloc Co. , . . . 60.70 Salem Wntor Company .... 12.85 Circuit Court. Clark Gnbrlollu $ 11.00 Culver, W. J GO Pomoroy, O. S C20 Pomoroy, Allco G.20 Coldrun, Julia 11.40 Justice Court. Webster, D ? 11.30 Johnson, J. H 8.50 Culver, W. .1 1.70 Hunter, R. Q. ........... 1.70 Dolch, F i.00 Morse, W. B 1.70 Eckhnrt, T. M 1.70 Knight, John .'. '. . 1.90 Gilbert, Hay 1.70 Stousloff, Win 1.70 Webster, D 11.45 Johnson, J. C . . . 11.10 Wostfnll, II. F 30.30 Vlorlok, II. C , . . 20.30 Johnson, J. C. . . . . 1.70 Webster, D 13.80 Johnson, J. C. 105 Hayes, F T. . . . 3 10 Beachi Amos Wobster, D Johnson, J. C Hohc, Ellxnboth llohe, Emma .... Irnius, Martha .... ...... Irams, Richard Aufrance, Mrs. E, E. ...... Aufrnnce, C. D ( Aufrance, Mary Wobster, D ' Johnson, J. O. .......... I Hnnson, II, Z Hnnstn, H. Z Robinson, J tunes Potior, a t i G.10 13.90 11.75, 2.10" 2.10 2.10 2,10 2.10 9.5 7.05 2.5a 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.70 Potter, Benjamin Poor. Clymor, Goo. W $111.04 a 15.00 1.50 15.00 COO 80.00 Howard, W. J . Paolllc Stntos T. &. T. Co... RlRdon, W. T. . Skatfo & Emmett Smith, F. E. ... Smith & Fontnin 30.58 WntorH, Goo. E 5.00 o How to Remain Yoiiiik. To coutlnuo younc In health nnd strength, do as Mrs. N. F, Rowan, MeDonough, Oa. did. Sho Bays: "Thrco bottles of Electric Bitter cured mo of chronic liver nnd stom-v ach trouhlo, complicated with such an unhealthy condition of tho blood that my skin turned red ns flannel. I am now practically 20 yenro younK or than before I took Elcctrlo Bittern. I can now do nil my work with ease nnd nsBUt in my husband'a itoro." Guaranteed at J. C. Perry, druggist. Price 50c. o Orogou City Is to form n military com puny. o Tli Medford National nnd Jncksou County Banks occupy now buildings, recently completed nt a cost of 80, 000, j&kffiiSHfriW EirM,!Ilfl Record of Mrs. Vrooman's Franquette Walnut Grove Since It Began Bearing OREGON NURSERY CO., KAL1CM, OREGON. GENTLEMEN: YOU ASK ME TO GIVE YOU A HHPORT OF THE INCREASE OF MY FRANQUETTE WALNUT TREKS SINCE THEY BEGAN TO BEAR, HAPPILY I HAVE THE FIGURES AT HANI). WHEN !l YEARS OLD, 11)01 H'i MIH WHEN l YRIRH OLD, 1(MJ MIO liBH WHEN 5 YEARS OLD, 11)011 s .'1,700 LBS WHEN O YEARS OLD, 100 1 0,000 LBS WHEN 7 YEARS OLD, 1005 lU.SJiMJ LllH WHEN 8 YEARS OLD, 1000 U 1,211 i LBS THE OUT-PUT HAS PRACTICALLY DOUBLED EVERY YEAR SINCE THE TREES CAME INTO BEARING. .MRS. K. M. VROOMAN, WALNUTMERE SANTA ROSA, CALIF. NOV, 2, '00. THIS GROVE CONTAINS 55 ACRES AND IS PLANTED WITH 1,000 FIRST GENERATION GRAFTED FRANQUETTE WALNUT TREES. AFTER FILLING ALL ORDERS TO DATE. WE STILL HAVE A FEW TREKS OF THE VROOMAN STRAIN FIUNQUETTE WALNUTS, THESE ARE ONE-YEAR, SECOND GENERATION FROM 1005 CROP OF NUTS, SAME AS ON BORDER. INTERESTED PARTIES SHOULD WRITE FOR FREE BOOK ON WALNUT CULTURE OR CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND SEE THIS STOCK FOR THEMSELVES. WE PAID MRS. VROOMAN 1,110.55 FOR THE lOOO CROP OF NUTS OVER $100.00 PER ACRE, THE 8T1I YEAR FROM PLANT INO. THIS IS THE VARIETY THAT 19 DESTINED TO MAKE THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FAMOUS AS A WALNUT SECTION, GET STARTED RIGHT ITS MORE THAN HALF THE BATTLE AND USUAL LY ALL THE PROFIT. CALL AT OUR OFFICE ON 12TH STREET, OR ADDRESS Oregon Nursery Company SALEM, - - OREGON A. ? i"- ft.