-j .. (I- T , I f WSW'flJWWIWR ' DAILY CAMTAL JOURNAL, BALEM, mtcnnv. THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1007- ...CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL - o-jpmppr,--r - PAG HOFERv BROS. Pkherg and Proprietors MB JOURNAL STANDS FOR TltO GUESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. GOOD NOT THE OHOAN OP GRAFTERS. CI H 1 1 III Ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-H H I I I I I I Mr HI'11! Tho people must excuse this paper If It (low not alwnyB use tho most Dollto languago In dealing with politicians and public mnttors. Ko one can contomplato tho policies of delay that have blocked nil nttcmplfl nt public Improvomonts In this city and not como to the con cluBlon that HOME ONB HAH ULTERIOR INTHHKST IN THAT GAME OK OBSTRUCTION. Only yesterday an nldorninn remarked to tho editor of Tho Capital Journal that ho could nnmo two man who, while apparently opposing each other, woro really working a scientific block gnmo. It men aro playing this gnmo for a consideration, to protect tax dodgers and obstructionists generally, thoy should bo unmasked, for NOTHING COULD HE GREATER TREACHERY TO BALEM. When men will systematically ralso technicalities, and nre always sup plied with supremo court opinions to sustain their contentions, and poso an protecting tho dear people, they will bear watching. When professional politicians will labor for months to got control of tho architect and superintendent of construction of a public building TJIEY WILL HEAR WATCHING. Tho Capital Journal Is not tho organ of any class of patriots. S EARLY DAY NEWSPAPER Mayor Caulfield Obtains Copy of First Paper Printed in Oregon City "Oregon Spectator" fine Specimen of Early Day Journalism Edited by W. G. T'Vault---Booms Oregon as Place to Live. f I HI I i M M II I M I I I I I I 1 11 1 I I M I H I M II 1 I I III H H- IIHAUTY OF TWO HY8TEMS. Of all tho crazy and unbuslncBS'llko proceedings is tho establishment of two tolophono systems In this city. In a city of this alio tho tax for telephones, undor any clrmimstuncos, H A CONHIDHHAIILB 1TKM OF EXPENSE. Then to havo two systems, really doubles this oxponso and Increases tho dangor from crossing wires. Tho merchants, tho professional and business man must have two In utrumonts In his houso and placo of buslnoss. OHIclnlH and InaniiRors rjf any large business must, In addition, hnvo two desk telephones. Any of tho largor business houso WILL UK COMPELLED TO KEEP FROM FOUR TO TWENTY ADDITIONAL TELEPHONES. Of course, all this means nothing to the person who keeps no tolo phonos. They can hwj- no objection to two syBtoms. Tho wholo nbsurd system of two syBtams fostors tho idea of ownership, nud tho sooner that comes tho butter for tho rolief of who hnvo to pay tho bills. public UlOHtJ tub woodiiurn iiokhehhow. At several places la this valley exhibitions of draft homo f being hold this spring that aru or groat Importance. When heavy -drnft horses sell roadlly for f'JOO to 300 at throo to four yonra old. TUB IMPORTANCE OF TUB IIOHSB INDUSTRY .MUST ItB APPARENT. Wooilburu holds noxt Saturday a pnrndo and exhibition of fine horses thnt will bo attended by thousands of people and horse rnlHers. Tho fanners' Institutes that have been held under the auspice of the State Agricultural College have done muuh to elevate the homo Industry. llulslng horses for ilrnft purpose has become almost a sclenoe, yet IT IB I'llAOTIQAMiY IN TIIK ItBACII OF ANV OltlMNAItlliY lXTIIIo LIGE.Yl? IWIt.MP.lt. Growing, one thousand to two thousand additional draft horses Mich year In this county Wins an added Income of wen II h to tho ooHiily or u Qiinrtqr to a half million dollars. Tho promotion of Industrie and the IUHiik of the country with popu Intlou IS OF TUB OltMATBST IMPORTANCE AND OVHRSIIAROWS AM, KI.SH. Tho exUuefflH of the horoe Imliwlry eeeme nlmoot unlimited here, hs the demand far henry ilrsft horse toems not likely to diminish. The Ills cUiee are Browing so fHit and commerce Is expanding at such r rut thnt It Is doubtful If the prod net Ion of Urge borees will ever overtake the demand. wooii pitirits mw. Will Hi No Wool DUpoMil of Pilot- to Slii'iitliig Knli'M Ualoit Nut Compiled, Pendleton. March to. With three wool buyer how here nnd mure eom- Ing noon, the wool soaeon In this -tlon will soon be ulttclutly oponed. Theme now here are 'Cnnrlea II Greene, reiireeentatlve of Kimhluud Urns., II. II. Clarke, with the some house, ntut Leon atruutvu. who U hh Independent buyer. Mr. Greene has boon bore, for nevoral days, while Mr. Straus and wife arrived last night. All nre glioma nt the Hotel Pendleton and thoy eiimpuko the ndvanoo guard of tho wool buylug corps that has head qua rtwe here ovory spring and aummor. "1 am hero now for the purpose of taking a preliminary look oor Your Idle Money Will wni litttYt If ilcpoaUtMl la our Having Department, You may not uettl It aoon, nud It will tlrniv littrrvot for tw)r month it rviunlui mi dojMilt, When jou tld itcotl It, It will bo Jut m ntrtOnliU ah It W nt ptv rut, Opon n MViitge nccount and put It to .urk. Savings DepartKtat CafHafNMoalBak the Held, nsaortalnlnK how the sheep have wintered, etc.," sld Mr. Greene this afternoon. "There will We Utile If any Mediate done thto year uhIII after shearing beoMitee the Ki-ewers are e-xpeotlKK ten hlxh prises to per- I mlt of ooutmetlnn. Moet of the wool win prtuiauiy aKaiu lie nejii mr me Wile day." HKnnltuK prleee this year Mr. OreeHe. like the other buyers. ( olaree lower flguree will prevail thai, last season. He enye that no oa wade nay money last year oat of OreRtm wool for tho simple reason that tBfl much was paid. This mis take ho ltttlmut the buyers wilt avoid this eeason, and as a reeult lower prleee will We paid. The ArlMiHa market Into rr open ed at nWeat SI oeats, aeewrdtai: to Mr. Greene, bat oloeed at least X oeuts lower than that flKure. The clip la that territory he says wn about 18 per oent larger than last year owing to the laereaseil MHMWer et sheep new Welat; run there. WRhlu the last year many sheet) have beew shipped from OreKua aad other weet rn ktute Into Arluina. The seasoa Is now praetlrally rioted at PiweNlx and the most of the buyers are at present In southern Cnlttorata, from whltlh section they will tooa esme to eastern OrOKon. Thus far no snhedule of dale Wat , Ween arrntiKOd for the sale days la joasturn Oregon, bat It Is prosuml that the Mhlule will bo made ua jeooH after Seareiary 3hi)1WH rotoro I fAUi ill am swtkt (Oregon City Star.) Mayor E. O. Cauflold has Just como Into possession of a valuablo rollo in tho shape of the flrBt number or tho first paper published in Ore gon City. This Is volume I, number 1 or the Spcctntor, published on the Cth day or February, 184(5. Cau flcld obtained tho paper from a com pany or auctioneers In Montroat, Canada. Tho pnpor Ib Interesting not only as an oxnmplo or early journalism, but also for Its historical valuo as woll. It is a four column, four page sheet, with fourteon Inch columns, nnd the proas work on It is na good as could ho turned out thoso days. This particular copy Is exceedingly well preserved, showing that It has been carefully kept by someone. On tho first pago appears a report of tho loglslatlvo commlttoc ndvlslng tho ndoptlon or an organic law by the territory "until such tlmo nn tho United States or America shall ox tend tholr jurisdiction over us." Thlu organic law was tho basis or all J laws that havo slnco boon onacted and wad pasaed by tho territorial leg iBlaturo of July, IS 15. In tho De oombor aesslou of IS -IB thoro were Home minor nmondmonts mnde, which aro printed in this Issuo or tho Spec tator. Thoro Is also on this page a copy or n proposed act to prohibit tho sale or introduction into tho ter ritory or any liquor whatever, oxcopt by a practising physlalnn, who may sell It In (uantltlou not to exceed hnir n pint. This, act, subsequent history hIiowh did not push tho legis lature. On the editorial page the odltor, V. G. T'Vault, makoa IiIh bow to the public as the editor or a newspaper, and nnuounooH his Intention or keep ing politics strictly out or tho col umns ot hla paper wlshee It dlstlnstly understood that ho Is a .lefforsouluu Democrat, and believes that the principles put forth by Jeffereon nro the only ones cap able of brlngliiK about a good gov ernment. Another editorial om "City Govern ment" contains the following adrlee: "Gentlemen. dl up the atumiw. grade tho etreeU. tax dojjt, proMbll hogs and advertise In the Siiecta tor." Ot eoHrao tho advantage or OregoH City aro boasted or a ad the "ttalubrous cIluMtlo" or Oregon Is dwelt hihih at length. A oonimiiHlontloH signed "New Emigrant" Is printed, in whleh tho cause (it tern pern n oe Is set forth with mnoh oarHeotneae ami oratorical ef feot. "Oh. Oregon! My adopted onimtry!" the corresnoHdent ox- elalnw. "0n you were tree; you wore not contaminated by the in ebriating fluid. How is it now?" He ends his communication with these werds: "I pant not ror fame or re nown, but my heart's dosire is, that Oregon may bo savod from intempor anco, and that our bolovod Httlo col ony may contlnuo free, and may be come groat and good." - Thoro Is much in tho papor that would bo called "filler" In thoso days, but owing to tho limited facil ities for obtaining news nnd tho ab sonce of tho "nows noso" that makes nows when there Is none, this wns necessary. A notice is inserted in forming tho public that tho next mall oast would bo carrlod by II. Burns for one trip only to Weston, Mo., nnd from there forwarded to all points in tho United States. The poBtago Is placed at 50 cents for a single sheot. Tho advertisements in this initial numbor of tho Spectator do not take up much space. Thoro Is a two Inch enrd of tho City Hotol, kopt by II. M. Knighton, and F. W. I'ottygrovo ad vortlBoe certain goods just recolvod nnd lor sale In tho lied Houso. Hu also states that ho has a branch store located In n town twolvo mllos down the rlvor and called Portland. John Trnvers nnd William Glasor an nounce thnt they arc ready to manu facture hats, and C. B. Pickett offers for sale certain lota nt tho Juncture or the Clncknmnn and Wlllnmotto rivers. A uottco to the members of tho Mnaonlo fraternity Is iusortod, calling a moellng ror the purpose or taking steps to secure a charter ror a lodge. On the fourth page Is the toxt or a law providing ror the oetnbllshlng or a poetolllco department and tho ofllce or postmnstor gonornl, and tho articles of compnot whoroby tho Oro kou printing nswoclntlon Is formed Howevor, he for the purpose of printing the Spec-, tutor. Morses telegraph Is com mented on In nn exact from the Dos- ton Dally Advertiser, nnd the predic tion Is made that before long It will revolutionize the methods of com munication between cities. The last column contains clippings from the Louisville Democrat tolling of a man with hie wire and twenty children paaeed through that town en route to Oregon. That waa In the days berore race onletde had been thought I or. Th Spectator had a brief existence of a row yean, and was. suceeded aft er, an Interval by the Argus, that in turn giving plaoe to the Hnterprlse. which na continued uninterrupted ly since IStiti. or this leeue or the Spectator It la known that th His torical society or Portland had n bound Hie. but whether or not thore are any other copies ht not known. Ak Hu'iuptlon from To. Providence, R. I.. Mareh IS. The taxpayer. In public meeting today, are considering tho petition of tho Koroatdale Manufacturing company asking that the new brink addition to bo orvMed by too company at FortHtd&la bo exempted from taxa doa fof a rertod ot Un y?r. To Piwvent Ai'i'lilmtN on tin ConM. Now York, March J I The New York City hoard of trade and trans porUlloH la holding a conference with a large nnmWor of rituwne It has invited to be preeeat. for tho pur pose of considering aaeh ruangea In the rule and rRHlaUone for tho supervision ot navigation as may be thought Nocoeeary to preveat aeel denU along the ooaet. The board atd In IU Invitatiens: Conditions whleh have prevailed In this dUtrlot, under the revised rales and regula tions for the supervision of naviga tion In tkma and coaUgnous water, have not resulted to the satisfaction of those upon whom the reeoonMbll Ity reals ot oonservlng the Interests of the publle. CaUetrophes whleh have ooonrrod within the past two yeors, oulmlnaUag In tho eolllslon of we steamer lrvkMont and tk ranked as one of tho greatest Greco itoman wreoUors In tho world and as nobly represented Paterson on tha mat. has arranged a big benollt for tonight, for whleh a large numbor of tickets have been sold. A flno por rormaaco will We given. Tom Sharkey will be proeent. and till the offlco ot tleketfollor. ami a number of first olase Woxore win perform, nil to bo referred by the only Hob Fltrslm mons. The rosponso Is suro to bo very Renerons. Don't Complain. If yonr chest pains and you nro unable to sleep because of a cough. Buy a bottle or Ballard's Horohound Syrnp, and yon won't havo any cough. Got a bottlo now and that oough will not last long. A cure for an pulmonary diseases. Mrs. J .. nohoonor Harry Knowttoo. and the GMroston, Texas, write: "I can't Um of Hpward of S nv- Wae ' enough tor Ballard's Horohound uQnwnvwwtvii UHl inr M a HeOOS- 4tX of addltlomil MfognanU aad ot ampHtilag tJte erotw and anthertty of the Koveratnenui lnS(Mcio." rr lkinollt for Hinll Seliit. !. Mareh Jl Kmn selva. unltid ot Um monier oa wkleW ho vros o long ImorlMMMNl la Franee. le now in Italy, anxious to mar to this oouatry aad WW frleooe. In or der to ran fnnde to Wrlag htm here and la Blo him a Mart uUw hU terrible oxixvrloawj i . fi,.ihn.?... and prlMB, HearV Amuti. tha man who taanatied Selva when he' talned Jjite YacbtiiiR News. The exceutlvo committee of the Long Island Sound Yacht Racing as sociation facos a difficult situation. It rails to its lot annually to arrange the tentative racing schedule ror the sound yachtsmon. Tho dates that are desired by tho various clubs are Invariably decided upon by the re gatta committees and submitted to the executive committee. Ordinarily it is easy to arrange things Batlsrac torlly, but this year It Is impossible to rollow tho regular routine. The oarly part or tho yoar can bo adjust ed without dlfllculty, but in July, August and Soptembor thoro Is trouble. As a result tho Seawahakas, Corinthians, Indian Harbor and Hanhnsset Bay slubs clash, and there is dlfllculty in finding any date for tho New Rocholle Tall races. None of the clubs seem disposed to accept a compromise. Thero Is also a clash over the New York Yacht club dates, that club fixing on tho Yale-Harvard boat racos for Rs annual regatte Juno 27th which lnterfora with Tn dlan Harbor's cruising races, that would tako the fleet to witness tho big collego event. It Is said that E. R. Coleman, ot tho N. Y. Y. C hns mado arrange ments for tho building on the Clyde of a schoonor yacht which will rate considerable moro than tho big schooner Glonlffer, tho largest of tho typo ever built thero. In tho steam er doslgned for Mr. Bugcne IIIggltiB, America will havo tho largost Btcam yacht In tho world, nnd as this new schooner will also carry tho stars and strlpos, it will load tho sailing wing ns well. Professor Charles Lane Poor has resigned ns monsurcr of tho Now York Yacht club, nnd Commodoro Vanderblt has filled tho vacancy by appointing Profossor William Hal lock. Mr. Henry Putmnn has decided to nnmo his new throc-mnsted auxiliary steam yacht tho Alcycono. Mr. Chns. B. Proctor will -nnmo his now steam yacht tho Cavnllor. o TO CURB A COLD IN ONB DAT. Tako LAXATIVE DROMO Quinlno Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to ouro. E. W. GROVE'S signnturo on each box. 2fc. o RIk .Sunday School Convention. Dullas. Tex., March 21. The Sun day school convantlon, which hns convened In thlu city todny Is tho largest that has ever nssomblod in the state. It will remain in session until the SKth, and every moment of the time will be profitably employed. The whole state waa thoroughly aroused on this convention, and men and women have come to attend It that have never nttondod provlous convention. Speukors of promlnenco notod for their oxport knowlodgo on Sunday school matters, aro boro and will dellvor addrossos on difforont topics nud difforont phases of theso topics. o Listen And remember tho next tlmo you suffer from pnln caused by damp woathor when your head nearly bursts from nouralgla try Ballard's Snow Liniment. It will cure you. A promtnont buslnoss man ot Hemp stoad, Texas, writes: "I havo used your liniment. Provlous to using it I was a groat sufferer from Rhouma tlsm and Nouralgla. I am ploasod to say that now I am free from these complaints. I am suro I owo this to your liniment, A Sold by D. J. Fry. DR. KUM uonaertuiCHINBF J m wit IZ wd cure anr dli,. ,.r or pain. ". MB is Jo,, j Salem, sad h tatM T,W people her., t, TIJ oses rnnny medicina. t tt5l doctors, ..J -.:r ".""! ' - ""a it. Syrup, The relief it has given mo Is all that u aeceesary for mo to say." SoW by D, J. Fry. o a Wnt Now Hlectrlc lUmtl. Oneldn. N. y.. Maroh 21. The Slate Railroad Commissioner aro In jMoh at Bagg' Hotol, Utlca. today tO WOUr &n AlMllntlnn nt .. rtnal.tA Rowo RalUy eompany for permls-l alon to Wniid an eleotrlo railway J mm uowe ie uaeiiia. onotda roal dent are anxious to seo this road built daring the present summer. The rights Of wav havo hum ob- 2m,t B B Trado Jiark Oraer a package" of this famous health and brain bulldlag flour and enjoy some good old fashioned New England RrowH Rrcd. A chance at a right hot loaf will make you think you aro la Boaton. With Alb'e Sclf.rlslBg B. B. B. FJoaJf you can make bread just llko the Puritans used to mako. S-B Pancake Flour is also a pure food; self rising and all ready to mix with water and bake on a hot griddle. ALLEN'S B B B TLOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, San Jow, Gal. Eastern Factory, Llttto Wolf Mills, Maaawa, WW. catarrh, asthma, u,. I3.1" s- 5s; ltSt euro private ilKUH .t.! etaefall.. He baa luid7 and glTM J Prleee for medlM- .. Persona in the country L 2 blank. Bend itamn. IJ you want ometrtHu It from n "I 167 Bontfc ttuv ...... .: " 1. Ile mt 1 A Grand I Display.. Or good always on hand i wo take great pleatort t showing them to yoa. Hm you noticed thoie blj tin aj anges, and early vegtuVki nnd our prices are iSJ right. ii H. M. BRW( ! Phond31. 432SWtS l Garden Seds Wo havo a large stock Garden Seedi In bilk. seeds aro all 1906 crop, carry-over ONION SKT3. Ask ror small onloa tfJ You get three tlmei u auH to the pound in;i.i) skeds. Fan y Blueitem Wli'J Cbevella Barley. Oati. Clover. Alfalfa, FkM Land Plaster, etc Distributing agenti I Coulson's Egg Food, r-nnldnn Chick Fooii. Coulaon s Condltloa Poij Thn lareest wboleaw retail dealcn la U t7. TILLSON & 0 151 !. 0. C T. Q -STEAMSS- F05IO.VA AND ORWO PORTLAND MOXnAj. DAY AND wZ vmtt m." TWlBBir SATURDAYS AT H l OOKVAliia u-ra'7-! -... tTirnnAY A10CT wu o.-" - 1 P. M. BALD' ThVsUt .. ..! Up-toit. U7 ",i Vnnersl turaoote rTT koforpteVSvftl U7 aaJ s .reTt'aW; Two dodrtT lrZii ucan J. . .aaejgs'jAfejLait i..r.1-JtrjSiLtirt" A