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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1907)
"VS" o s DAILY CAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 10W TODAY ONLY t SPECIAL HAHGAI.V BALK NO. 321 For today's midweek bargain wlo wo offer CHILDREN'S DRESSES . They conio In a feroat varloty of colors nnd affects nro this season's stylo their first showing sizes rnngo from 1 to 4 years thlB will bo a boon to mothers, ns they enn dress the llttlo ones very neatly nnd economical today only salt- 23c No telephone orders received FAHINO.VAIILH DRESS GOODS AND SILKS Tho newest weaves nnd rolors. Our silk nnd dross goods dophrt mont nro suporlor to nny nnd nil In tho Wllliunotfo vnlloy. In our great Spring showing nro to bo found everything from tho latest novelties down to tho standard weaves. Thoro Is much newness this season In both weaves nnd colorings. Tho choicest will bo clioaon first, so would ndvlso nn early selection. SILK GLOVES Anticipating tho practically ns surcd ronowed popularity of long silk gloves ngnln this senson, wo announco nn cxtcnslvo showing, embracing ovory deslrnblo color and Bhndo. They conio In two longths 12 nnd 10 button, all nro exquisitely finished nnd no street or ovonlng costumo Is com ploto without a pair. You will do woll to chooso quickly, for at thoso prices thoy can not bo excelled. $1.50 to $3.00. WOMEN'S CORRECT ATTIRE. Naturally, In looking for now Spring wearables, you want tho advantage of selecting from tho largest assortment of ovorythlng now nnd stylish. This Is only ponslblo by coming to this great storo. It Is n gnthorlng of wear nblos In groator profusion than wo Imvo ovor hcott nblo beforo to plnco beforo tho public. Wo want you to Inspect these now things no wo known you will bo ploased wpr tho stylo, quality nnd prlco Tafrorod suits for ladles nnd mlsios. ?ll-85 to $.10. OXFORDS FOR SWUNG WEAR THE NEWEST STYLES Evory wanted lonthor Is used. Tho stylos of lastB aro fashion's newest and thoy nro for every pur pose, from tho dnlntlost party Ox fords to tho sturdlost mokos for Btrcot wear In lasts to fit ovory foot and shapes to please all In Individual tastos. $3.50 AXIl UP. HIDDONS.' FOR OARNITUHING. Thoro Isn't a woman but who knows thnt a dainty plcco of rib bon horb nnd thoro does much to enliven tho effect of tho balance of her nttlro. Thoro Is much nov elty this soason for tho demand will bo very general. AH tho plain colorlngB partl-colorcd ef fects, plaids and fancies nro to bo soon horo In groat profusion and t In all wanted widths. Tho quali ties aro tho host to be found nnd prlcos nro nn usual vory modest for nuoh high class morchandlso HPRIXO TOGS You will find thorn horo In the moBt popular mnterlnls nnd color ings. Tho nowost styles In a vn rloty to plonso you. $10 I'l. SHIRT WAISTS Everything doslrnblo In fashion nblo waists from tho plnln waists to tho most elabornto ones. Tho prlco Is right In every Instnnco. 50c to $15 A c7fieiieM&& CITY NEWS A Collection of Iiiiportnut Para, graphs for Your Consideration. Saturday's Npwlal Just tho thing for houso cleaning. A handy, long nnd short-range dust er nnd cobweb catcher, 25a. Duron & Hamilton. Tim Uimlmrn Tho Male quartet nnd Swiss Hell ringers, nt the Ohrlatlnu church, March 2 1st. Floor Covering Of every deuarlptlon ut Duron & Hamilton's. Wmr green nt tho IrUh Hall, 2t Hng, Rugs, Hng A: big lut Just received by Huron & Hamilten: Many of Our Grandmothers and Grandfathers Suffered nlmoil dally with hed cho nnd many times sick headache lu thaw days wbn thoy woro young nnd going to school hardly anybody know that headaches could bo curtM hf Hearing prokrly tit ted glasses, whn nil other remedies fulled. Thoro Is no luaue for us In this day urn! ago, when to much progress has )ifin made lu optometry. When tho eye take an unusual MMOiiut of nerve force to adjust their V(lon, aomo other part of tho human atecbauUm must suffer. Wo will ex mmIho your e free-, nnd toll you If you need glame or tho raro of n lihyslclan, Am vxrH'rlruciHl eptlclim Itt duu-ge. BARR'S JCWtLRY STORE H9P fciaWwy ia frs Cnrpeti New nnd beautiful, Just received. Duron & Hamilton's. To 1-NirtH'liMW Mortgage- Charles Sapplnglleld nnd Mary 18. Happlngllold vs. Mary K. Stephens Is tho title of a suit that has boen oommuueod In dopnrtmont No. 2 of tho Marlon county circuit court to collect two note for tho sums of $1000 nnd $040, respectively. Tho complaint state that tho defend ants about tho 15th of March, tOOtl. made and delivered to tho plaintiffs tho said uoteti for a valuable consid eration, and gnvo n mortgage to se cure payment of tho sumo. Tho prin cipal nnd Inlorest nr unpaid, ncord lug to tho complaint, which asks for a Judgment of 11010 nnd Interest, also $176 for attorney's fee and for tho oosts of notion. The petition asks that tho property bo Bold and applied to tho payment of said Judgment. Salem Military Hand At llm Auditorium Rink Tonight. I'liv Alarm Hyttii B. (1. Porhatn, president of tho State Agent Company, which has tho contract for tho uew flro alarm sys tem, laft yesterday for Portland. with tho understanding that he would return In a few days and put tho now boxes lu operation. For Lo(nt of Hlrd Next Friday night tho people of Salem aro to havo a rare treat In tho way of an Illustrated bird lecture All who read tho best periodicals will recognise tho name of Dohlman, and Fluloy as tho authoni of fine photographs and Interesting articles about bird life. These two young men como to Salem through tho lu vltatlon of members of tho Ulrd Club Tho lecturo will bo given lu tho high sohool auditorium at 7:30 o'clock. No admission fco charged. All aro Invited. Afternoon Htt At tho Auditorium rink from 3:30 until 5;30 are (or general skating by all and aro especially popular with advanced and beginners who stilt aeellate to atttl events mmIom. laetrttctle wktowt crg, Th la 4kMl ft4 eUUtaM a4ttlU4 free. Salem Military Hand At the Auditorium Rink Tonight. Huslm)" Changes Hands Tho Yow Park market, which has been conducted by O. M. Matthews, has been purchased by D. Z. Irvln, who will continue tho business In nn up-to-date manner. Mr. Irvln ro contly como horo from Portland, and will push the business to the forofront. -jft " Now Cnrpeti Aro arriving every - day. Throe wagon loads today, and mora com ing. Duron & Hamilton, f Hoard of Trade Meeting t Tho Salem Doard of Trad will meet this (Wednesday) ovonlng nt tho police court room In tho city hall nt 7 30 for tho transaction of gener al business. Ail mombors should make It a point to bo on hand. Hiilein Military Hand At the Auditorium iTinlr Tonight. Auuoiiiiuiiiciif Get dotnlls and particulars on club bolng formod In Snlem. Watch advertising In.pnpor now. Look for it. K. O. lluntor, roprc8entntlvo In ternational Corrospomkniec , Schools. Main 451. ' Salem Military Hand At tin Auditorium Rink Tonight. McConvllIo-Vaughn County Clerk Allen this morning Issued a mnrrlago licctiBo to Hugh McConvllIe, of Salem, ngod 12, nnd Alonii 13. Vuughn, of Salem, aged 30, Milton A. Hudlonng nctlng ns witness. Nollilng Like tho Dunbar At tho Christian church Thursday. Hand Concert At the Auditorium Rink Tonight. Admission JOc. HIaro-Pearxon Itnlph H. Dlnco, aged 20, and Vida S. Pearson, aged 18, both of Salem, woro this afternoon issued a marriage llconso by County Clork Al len, Anna J. Dlnco nctng us wltnoss. SENATOR FULTON TO SPEAK At the Woodburn Horse Show Next Saturday Senator Fulton Is to speak at the horso show and fine stock exhibit nt Woodburn noxt Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Covornor Chamborlnln is alHo ndvartlBdd, but It is not yot cortnln that ho can bo there, but tho commlttoo heard from the Astoria man this morning, and he has prom ised to como. It is expected that quite a largo delegation will go down from Salem Saturday to boo tho pa rade, and nttend the speaking In the nfternoon. Hand Concert At the Auditorium Rink Tonight. AdmlNlou 10c. Funeral Notice. The funeral of tho Into Samuel D. Ppdegraff will bo conducted from tho family homo nt 10:30 .o'clock Friday morning, nnd tho burial will bo In City Vlow omctory. O' Art Hollar People. Tho Dunbars nro n dollar company but we havo mado a rato of GO cents Wear green nt the IrNh Hall. 2t o Don't Complain. If your chest pains nnd you nro unablo to sleep becnuso of a cough. Duy a bottlo of Dallard's Horehound 8yrup, nnd ypu won't havo nny cough, (lot n bottlo now nnd thnt cough will not Inst long. A euro for nil pulmonary dlseasos. Mrs. J . Galveston, Texas, wrltes: "I can't say enough for Dallard's Horohound Syrup. Tho relief It has given mo Is all thnt Is necessary for mo to say." Sold by D. J. Fry. Notice. Notlco Is hereby given that tho board of directors of School District No. 80, county of Marion, State of Oregon, will receive sealed bids on or boforo April 1, 1907, for tho erec tion of n two-room school houso. Plans and specifications and rules governing bids aro now on fllo In tho clerk's office, nnd aro open to Inspection. Tho board reserves tho right to reject nny or nil bldB. WM. H. HOWD, Clork of District, Shaw, Or. 3-7-tf o KciiiiiiIh Art Club in Jersey City. Jersoy City, N. J. Mnrch 20. Tho olovonth nnnunl exhibition of tno Jersey City Art club ojunod today nt tho Jorsoy City club houso, and will continue tomorrow. Tho ladles of tho society havo during tho pnst fw wooks made many designs for placw of china for exhibition, and tho dls play In notoworthy. Tho doslgntj woro cnrrled out In n color sohom of grey nnd yollow or grey nnd plnlfl nnd nro placod lu n soparato groui o Dad broath, coated tongue, a Inn gold feeling, Is entirely unnnturni Your Inzy llvor and bowels nood tonic. Tho boat soothing tonic t every organ Is Holllstor'B Reck: Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea o Tablets. For 8alo nt Dr. Stone's store o Morning Sessions Tho Auditorium rink Is opon ovary morning, oxcopt Sunday, from 10 to 12. Compotont and gontlomauly In structors nro kept constantly In nt- tondnuco, and tho morning sosslon Is ospeclnlly for boglnnors nnd for fancy skating exports. No charge for ndmlsslon or instruction. Tho Wages of Rum Jack Nelson occupied a bed at the city Jail lust night, and will pay $B Into tho city troasury for letting the evil spirits overcomo him. o CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Th Kind You Have Always tehl i ii Personals A sniali stotk .. ! Corvallis uazeue. the lowPf i. 7. ""R William McKlnney, ,we medical " xn tity Mr. and Mrs. Daumgardtir, of Sa eom, are guests at the hotfe of Mr. and Mrs. Matt George, 11 this city. Corvallis Gazette. William McKlnney, Jhe medical Btudent, left this morni for -a short C t j visit In Portland. ; OkXQ rfaAtu. Dr. Starbuck, of Por-land, who at r M lSV tended the funeral oflhe late Mrs. . Wo have BecurM . tended the S. Gibson, returned to his home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott and little son returned last evtning from Portland. .Mrs. Prescott has been visiting Seaside relatives aid friends. Mr. Prescott will return tlPortland today to resume his dutieiiB editor of the Northwest departmlt of tho Oregonlan. 1 Miss Clara Foster, whelms been tho uue-st of Portland fmids, re turned home last evening. Miss Julia Flolds hr from visiting Portland fr: Mrs. M. S. Lane, of is the guest of Snlom frl Rev. and Mrs. T. II ""ley and can aa;.?,i ,n . quantity i0, miki nrntin,, M.t . uflrln' i to buy no ,Ua-tl Diamond Chick Feed Wo are again returned ds. rrlsburg. s. buck and S rimed daughtor, Misa Edith, morning to tholr homo Thev attended tho ftu: late Mrs. S.' Gibson, wh at Zena yesterday. Miss Murah Hatch lirthls morn ing fnf n tow wopUb! ' tn Vnrt this Portland. 1 of tho as buried great feed f .... ."-" ra prtwiMhoio;;?!! esila tittjj. ; D. A. ym &Sons I Fecdmcn aniSahmi PoullrvandBfcSujJ Bears the Bgiutiuro of yPr . STir-P- U i Keep This In Mind That I sell the best bicycle that mwiran boy. Price co4ded, yo caS5W better wbk than W The Famous Racycle Tte Well Known JL The Popalai Cornell The Economical Btfceton iuino iirooH assembly this evening. C. D. Gibson, of Wost'ldborty, la nfter a visit In this city left th morning for Coos Dny. Ho Is visl in Oregon with a view of locntln and Is woll ploasod with tho countr Sheriff Smith, of Linn county, wt In the city yeetorday on official but new. Mr. and Mrs. G. Darolngor, wl have been the guests of Mr. and Ml Walton, have returned to their hor In Corvallis. Mrs. Stinson and daughter, M Mary, left this morning for J offers ou buslnoss. K. J. Dowors, prcsldont of tho ( colalla Ico and Fuel Company, Spokane, loft yesterday for his ho after visiting hla son, Paul, who I student In tho Wlllamotte UnlvPA -i Professor Z. M. Pnrvln nrrlvod In tho city this morning. o Listen And romomber tho noxt tlmo you suffer from pain cauood by damp weathor when your head nearly burets from neuralgia try Ballard's 8now LlnlmenC It will euro you. A promlnont business man of Honip stead, Texas, writes: "I have used your llnimont. Previous to using it I was a great sufferer from Rheuma tUrn and Neuralgia. I am pleased to Bay that now I am free from these complaints. I am sure I owo this to your liniment." Sold by D. J. Fry. o I Current Erents I'M'. HUDDLESTON. At U 1 East Salem, VedMW March 20, 1907. EIsh slnn ncoit 26 Ho was a brother to C & etnn hnnk VHnCr St t tlry. also of Willi H4 Woodburn. and Alien of Sllverton. BcM tl crs ho loaves a mother t ' rlnt 1l tk. fimpml irrssx0 ' not been fulb' C0BpW-.r"i Borvlees will bo cOBdl I ,n hv Rcr. WlfflUf; either from tho chorea' don undertaking pwW"- Remember I am prepare to kt&Jtimg ol all kinds. ' Best Work at Howl Prices Ftanfc J. Iloot e EXPORT WmK 47CtStMC JtTMMIC 399 Thomas Balloy Aldrlch, the author and literary man of Boston, is dead. Nlcaraguan soldiers In tho cap tured cities of Honduras aro looting houses, and threaten to molest Amer ican residents. A well-dlsclpllned army of 200,0 men from tho Stato of Salvador has gono to the assistance of President Bonllla, of Honduras, In hla war with Nlaragua. Tho Southern Pacific and Santa Fo railroads, at Los Angeles, havo been indicted ror cruelty to animals In shipping horse from Arlsona. Tho prlmo minister of Russia, In hit, address to tho parliament, prom lied raaa7 reforms, Including free dom of speech and pres and liberty of faith. Local Bclf-goveraweat a popular aelf-goTerBueBt ar also proled. Th gdveraatvt transport BufoHl 9it . -mt-1 OAliTOS miMR" MONFYTOUW t"" TWW.'J p?er Ldd Bui,, l Norwich IW . rArltlk. , ""Jzr- nmu wltn "" 129 Comratttlsl Mre NEVVT005 U -M J Fop Itoat. Tarw - , -.. utl cheap. al Z& pawn; -- jtc Address Box ' i. mm 1 1 7 k .. 1 f For 8k-W TV Reason, mo - j,i barfiiu " ," 9 orf4 )a4l Kh - HIS Hl A .X" --1k- : Mj