,k up, not down; look out, not in; forward, not back; move ahead 'iV SILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. m SALESI, OHKGON, WKDNF.Sl) VY, MARCH HO, 1007 .SVH. NO. 00 MADE BANK EXAMINER TEEL loosevelt Says He Cannot Help the Railroad Situation DDY CAN DO NOTHING t tlons from Droomo, Chotmngo, Tioga, , Alleghany and Stcubon counties hnvo boon nctlvoly nt work for somo tlmo ! mnklng plans to opposo the Jerome .bills, ono of which proposos to rc- poal tllo Pcrcy-Grny racing law por 'mlttlng racing but requiring that 5 ' per cent of tho gross receipts bo set 'nsldo for tho benefit of agriculture, ! and tho other, which proposes to np STATE BOARD MEETS i W fiVe tile irOllDie5Umi: prcrprinto ?210,000 to bo divided Railroad Situation truMneton. March 20. Isnnc N. Imiia had a conference with tho iMnl for half an hour this irta Leaving he said tho Prosl- tlid sent for him, and that tho Etnl financial situation was dls- -dii length, "The Prosldont j tot believe. ' Bald Sollgman, Lt be can do anything to rollovo imlroad situation, If It needed re lit All ho can do Is to onforco prewnt laws. Tho President hi It was not responsible for tho i of tho state legislatures." o .Iplnst Jerome Racing Dills. &i(hamton, March 20. Sccro- Hirrlion of tho New York stato rud representatives of other ng slttrtl societies and fair assocla- among tho nlnety-throo agricultural Bocletlos of tho state. Tho fair inon say that If tho ap propriation could bo mndo n porma nont ono thoy would bo satisfied, but that It would bo hnposslblo to con duct fairs nnd bo obliged every yoar to tako tho chances of a legislature refusing to npproprlato tho nionoy nftor plans had been mndo for tho opening fnlr. Evory agricultural so ciety In tho stato has roproacntntlvoa at Albany today strongly opposing tho bills nt tho honrlng sot for tho bill.s A great fooling has boon aroused among tho ngriculturnllsts ngnlnst theso bills, as it 1b felt that thoy will greatly Injure tho societies, as tho revenue received by them from tho races carried on throughout tho etato aro sulllclcnt to pay tho ex penses of their organizations and of greatly Improved county fairs. r . i J1ICAG0 sim PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Beautiful New ting Goods sP Names James Steel for State Bank Examiner On Sale in Every Department GRAND OPENING W Fine Millinery, Ladies' Coats, La- jatKeis, spring aims, auit yyaibib, cc Waists, Silk Petticoats, Dress s. GRAND OPENING New Spring Dress Goods, Fine 5. Np.VV Fmhtvurlorioc Not I arPC. w Dress Trimmings, Fancy Braids, Medallions. AH n i arc Wakf-incr fine Hosiery, Summer Under- e and Ribbons. GRAND OPENING New Oxford Shoes, White Goods, s uinghams, Spring Calicoes, J br ess Goods, Long Gfoves, Cor- IMWsiin, Underwear and Waistings ARE THE MAKERS OF LOW PRICES rAimrr ohowiwo wtomx, s Tho Btato executive council, com posed of tho governor, treasurer nnd secretary of stato mot todny, and, on motion of Secretary of Stnte Uunsou, Jnmos Stool, of Portland, was ap pointed stato bank oxamluer, under tho provisions of tho now state bank ing act. It was necossnry to do this, as Secretary llonson Is going nway for his hoalth to Southorn California, and It was considered lTest to select a man who would becomo familiar with tho duties of tho office. Stato Treasurer Stcol is a brother of tho now stnto bank examiner, nnd snyB ho considers his brother fully qualified, and It is tho opinion of disinterested persons that the new official has and n great deal of expe rience In tho organization nnd con ducting of banks. All tho details of his record liavo not boon inudo public, but it is bollovcd to bo n clenn record, nnd that ho will fit tho dutlos of tho ofllco well. Walter Pugh, of Salem, wns cho9 on as architect and uupcrlntondont of construction of tho new wing that is to bo ndded 'to tho asylum. Mo is tho only rosldont architect nt Salem, and put up tho othor wings. Tho Btnto board took no action in tho mnttor of appointing a fish war- don. Tho Stato Land Hoard requlrod I tho Columbia Southern Irrigation Company to protect settlors and show what they havo done to com ply with tho law and orders of tho Stnto Land Hoard. fins Association Meets. Peoria, 111., March 20. Tho an nual convention of tho Illinois Orb nssolatlon Is bolng held in this city today and tomorrow. Fully 150 dele gates aro present nt tho convention. The association wns organized In 1004, and is composed of representa tives of the 5C gas organizations of tho state, with four exceptions. It has boon proposed to nmllnto tho Illinois association with tho Ameri can das l:i8tltuto nnd It is probable that the state of Indiana and Ken tucky will bo taken Into tho Illinois organization. Tlu Idaho Judgeship. Washington, Mnroh 20. Tha President this afternoon announced tho appointment of Frank S. Dolt rloh, of Pocntello, to bo Unltod States district judgo of Idaho, vice Doattly, rofltgnod. THAW TRIAL OPENED With a Fight Over Hamilton Testimony w r0Y BROS. Coomt of COMHtr citiM Cttrt Struts Xiu-m.'h Meet in Xew lklforl. Now Bedford, Mass., March 20. Tho convention of tho Stnto Nurses' association is meeting today in Odd Follows hall. This Is tho first tlmo tho association has over mot In this city, and groat Interest is felt in tho proceedings. Tho attendance of state nurses is very largo, and is made still larger by visitors from othor states, and experloncos aro bo lng Interchanged between tho stnto nurses and thoso from other states, greatly to mutual profit of all. A measure will bo pressed to nllow graduate nursfts to ubo It. N. (regis tered nurse) after tholr names to distinguish tho trained hospital nurso from thoso who "havo not taken a thorough hospital course. o Hnrry Scroggs and Joe Tipnuiii. Daltimore, March 20. Tho dato of tho 20-round battle botwoon Harry Scroggs and Joe Tipman was changed until tonight, from March 13. Tip man claiming ho would not havo ouiflclcnt tlmo to get Into shapo for tho fray. It has been a yoar since Joo put on tho glovoa in a fight, a his Inst battlo was fought with Harry Scroggs last December a year ago. Scroggs has fought somo slashing battles since then, and is very much Improved since them. Ho clinched his claim on tho cbaplonshlp of the south by recontly defeating Kid At tell, the local boxer, who is consid ered one of tho most promising lad in this section. i m Fatal Furnace Explosion. Bingham. Ala., March 20. Fire negroes and one-white man were killed by a boiler explosion In an Iron furnace this morning. Now York, March 20. Dr. Allen McLnno Hamilton wns tho first wit ness called by Delmas In tho Thaw trial this morning. Tho Thaw cuso was lato in opoulng this morning. Tho Judgo wns not ns punctual as usual. Kvolyn, May Mc- Konzlo nnd Mrs. Cnlno arrlvod onrly at tho courthouse. Lator Mrs. Wil liam Thaw arrived. Dolmus sur prised nil by withdrawing tho lottor offered Inst night, nnd called Ham ilton. Fight Over Hamilton. Hamilton mndo first examination of Thaw Juno 27. Dolmns nskod tho wltnosB to describe tho examination Jerome wns on his foot with an ob jection. In tho argument of Delmns and Jerome thoro was much hitter talk, each showing considerable fool ing. It wns frequently stated that Hamilton wns discharged fronutho employment of tho dofonso because ho maintained a belief that Thaw was still Insane. This morning Joromo tried to mako Dolmas say that ho would oxaralho tho witness on all points on which ho waj prepared to testify. This would have forced Dol mas to ask Hamilton what he thought of Thaw's condition today. Ho will refuse to bo bound by any restriction made by tho district at torney, said Delmas In his smooth est tone. "No," retorted tho attor noy for tho defense. He dooi not want to go completely into this mat tor. The argument was turned to tho effort of Jeromo to havo a ruling that Hamilton tell everything or nothing. Jerome interrupted tho trial to day to requeu that tho- court insti tute Inquiry Into Thaw's mental con dition. This Inquiry will bo for tho court's own guidance Jeromo of fered Fitzgerald all tho information he believes likely to help tho trial of Thaw's sanity. The result will bo a commission to inquiro into his men tal status, Hamilton Mutt Talk. Tho court sustained Jerome's ob jection to the limited questions of Dolmas' attempts to get specific opinions from Hamilton were met by Jerome's objections repeatedly. Each time Delmas succeeded in making tho court go on record. Ho reserved exceptions, thus making second basis for appeal for a new trial. At this point Delmas asked a recess, to per mit hlra to confer with the othor at- torney8 of tho defom-o. Thoy ad journed to nu nnto-ohnmbor to do clAo whether to nccopt Jerome's prop osttlon to allow Hamilton to testify a to tho opinion ho hold or now holds ub to tho sanity of Thaw. Af ter tho conferenco Dolmas agreed to lot Hamilton tell all ho obsorved about Thaw, Ho asked him to Btnto all tho facts ho learned at each vIhII to Thaw, taking them In tholr order. Mellm'H Season Kuded. Now York, Mnroh 20. Mine Mcllm omls her souson nt tho Manhattan opera house tonight. In "Lucia," but sho will not sail for Europe until nuxt wcok. Mmo. Molbn Is much disappointed that sho cannot slug moro times horo tills sonBon, but tho contract only cnlled for ono per formance a week. She nnd Mr. Ham morstoln had no Idea how popular tho opora senium would bo hero, so sho mndo roucort ougngomoutH. Noxt year sho will sing only In oporn, and probnbly two or three times a week. Sho Is to sing ToBon for tho first tlmo nt Covont Garden this spring, and bIio hopos to sing tho rolo hero next year It somo ar rangement can bo mndo with tho HlcordlB. At any rate sho will "'I. several pnrtH which sho has not sung for sovornl years. Tho Blnger will roturn beforo tho opening of tho uenson, nnd open tho opora house Later sho will bo heard In "Altla'' and "Olollo nnd other operas. o ... HE WILL REDUCE HOLDINGS MAYOR SCHMITZ AND RUEF Still the Center of In terest at Bay City Heney and Burns Continue To Be Their Limelight Rivals Of Government and Munlcl-Securitles San Francisco, March 20 With tho returning of 70 to 100 Indlct inonts this nftomoou assured and lit tlo doubt existing nB to tho Idontlty of tho men to bo Indicted, tho prin cipal Interest In tho Honvatlonnl ex posuro of grnft now centers around Ituof and Sohmltz. ltuef .May Hqtfnl. Knot's announcement that ho will make n stntement that will create n sensation even greater than tho sqn satlou following the confessions of tfio supervisors, has aroused Intouno Interost. That tho little boss could, If ho cared or dared, tell n mighty Interesting story It Is conceded, but to mako tho prosecution exorcise for conjecture.' That Hums has iTn Inkling of what tho boon will mako public iiIho Hcoins )o bo certain, hut, although Hums has been working on lluef for days In nn effort to get n statement from him, tho sleuth wan iinnbl to wring anything of nn In criminating nature from tho prison er. iJiirns Has gone to ituuf armed with facts, rolntod by Informers, but tho Iiohh has been more than a match for tho secret service man. DosplU the repulses Hums believes It Is only n mnttor of tlmo( when Htiof will tttt boHom himself 'to tho prosecutor, limey refuses to confirm or deny tho report that Ituof lias boon promised Immunity In return for a confession. Washington, March 20. Tho ex clusive information In thoo die- mtnlwkti nnnmii'ttl ttt t lift irnvnrn tiwifif 0 , ,, , , . ,. , mont that ho contemplntos lllght. Ho proposed policy In reference to rotlr-' .. , , ' Kuof'H friends laugh nt tho rumor. Sohmltz Indignantly donles tho stato- Ing railroad bonds ns soourltloH for publlo money hn caused n (lurry among tho representatives of Wall street Interests. C'ortelyou is bolng beBlogtd for an offlolal statement. Ho deollnos to mako a formal an nounoomont nt this tlmo, but has in dicated tho seutlmont of tho admin istration against the continued hold- Is equally indignant over tho report Inst night to tho effect that ho hud Hod. Tho reports, however, nerved t omnko the prosecution exorciso greater caution, and a closer shadow was thrown about tho mayor today. Krliiullx May Weaken. Although clamor for Schmitz's resignation is beginning to grow, there is little expectation that the ftur nf rnllrnml tmtnlAlnn I ni ulnia it .- -.. i!i i, i i , , , mayor will quit under fire. 8omo of bonds us securities. It Is hinted to . , ,,., , , ... him jiuimcui uppununin uru uinwu, be tho policy to gradually reduco tho numbor of such bonds and finally to elimluato them entirely. It Is be lieved that by next summor all tho railroad bonds tho government holds will bo released. and appear to bellovo that he wilt tell nil and throw himself on tho mercy of Honey or Dunne, busing tholr conclusion on the mayor's statement that If he had anything to' tell It would bo told ' in court, through his attorneys. Tho request that ho bQ. permitted to change or add to or umond his plan of not guil ty to a charge of extortion, ontered To Improve Thirteenth Klm-4. Alderman Hndellff has started a petition for the improvement of Thir teenth street from Dusllo to tho cltj' boforo Dunl0 yMI,on,y wns nll(J limits south. It Is proposed to be commontoj upqn ,Knfloantly. A graded nnd made Into a beautiful BUrnrUt, may be ,n 8toro for tho BU. boulevard with curb lines and grad- j ,)0rv,Bor, w10( ,nco confusing havo ed and rolled with tho natural nia-'fl(lUl, H8 though they felt uro to terlal. Tho petition Is balng hacked RO un,)UnU,od or t,olr PrlIIIM. In with liberal subscriptions of cash to vwhttbmy jndlctmonls ugalnst aid tho city, and over 1100 Is already I ,he ,for10rj, will be returned this Insight. Tho potillon and cash will nft0rn00II ,f for no other purposO bo put up to tho city government and than to hold them us witnesses, tho council will havo to deoldo whether or not thvy woro promjsed whothor ono suburban street can bo Immun,ty in return for their con Improved. Converting Thirteenth ;feM0n tUo prosecutlou will not say, street Into a flno driveway would re- but ,t ,a rononabiy glir0 tlmt two suit in a neuer ciass ot improve monts and a regular building' boom In that part of tho city. Alderman Itadclln has been ono of tho most progressive men la that part of tho city, having sold many lots and him self put up a number of flno cot tages and small residences for work Ins; people. will never bo prosecuted. 'uj-.jn.fm,., mat Dr. J. F. COOK THK KOTAXICAIi IKMTfOK, WOVKI) TO tM UTMCHTY HTKKKT FOit ANY DWKAiW CALL OX D. COOK. CONtrUUTATION FNItK. i M m I