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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1907)
i 8 DAILY CAM TAL JOURXAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1007. GREATEST SHOWING OP SPRING STYLES DOUBLY INTERESTING BECAUSE THE VALUES ARE UNEQUALLED ELSEWMCKC l.VlWwnMW WHO EXAMINES QUALITY, STYLE, MAKINfl AND FINISH, AND WHO MAKES CARKlTI, "'"f "p O CED THI J K WT1IAT WllATKVKUTIlKrillCB Bill MAY ELECT TO PAY, nM1. Till! IsSsftNTIAM OP EXCELLENCE THAN THE SAME PRICE WILL COMMAND ANYWHERE ELSE. THE CHIHI I AlIUK TRinUTINfl TO THIS RESULT IS THE IMMENSE VOLUME OF OUR RU8INESS 1&F Women's Correct Easter Attire JjAIKJKHT ASSORTMENT OV MODISH WEARAIILEH IN SALEM. Naturally, In looking for now Spring wearables, you wnnt tho (KtvuntnKO of selecting from tho lnrgcst assortment of ovorythlng now and stylluli. This In only posRlblo by coming to tbln gront Btoro. It l a gathering of wonr ablos In greater prof union thnn wo Jinvo ovor boon nblo boforo to jilnco boforo tho public. Wo wnnt you to liiHjioet tliowo now things nn wo known you will bo plonsud with tho Rtylo, aunllty and prlco. Tailored Hutts for lndloB nod misses. $1.85 to $40 Tnllorod Jnckets In tho newest stylctf nnd fabric In all hIzoh. $5 to $15 SHIRT WAISTS EvorythlnK desirable In fnBhlon nblo wnUtH from tho plain walHtn to tho inout olnbnrnto ones. Tho prlco U rluht In every Instance. 50c to $15 WEDNESDAY ONLY ". SPECIAL HAROAIN SALE NO. 1121 Vor our coining mlil-wcck Imr- wile wo offer CHILDREN'S DRESSES , rm.t.F nnmn In n trrnnt vnrlfirV tit CCilntA find OffOCtS flt0 til IK ROnfiOZl'B itylo tholr first showing alzosrnngo from 1 to 4 yonrs thlBlfe will do ft noon 10 mouiorH, u iu oan dross tho llttlo onoa vory neatly nnd oconomlonlly Wodnosdny only J No telephone orders received Nono Hold until H:() n. i.f( , Personals 23c FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS AND SILKS Tho nowoBt woavoa and colors. Our Bilk nnd dross goodB depart ment nro Biiporlor to any and nil In tho Wlllnniotto vnlloy. In our grcnt Spring Bhowlng aro to bo found ovorylhlng from tho IntOHt novoltlos down to tho standnrd wcavofl. Thoro Ib much nownoss this hoosoii In botfi wonvoB and colorings. Tho choicest will bo clionon first, so would ndvlso an early Holeotlou. SILK GLOVES Anticipating tho prnotlcnlly ns stirod ronowod popularity of long silk glovou again this BonBon, wo announoo an oxtonslvo Bhowlng ombrnclng ovory doslrnblo color and Hhiido. Thoy como In two longthB 12 nnd 10 button, all aro exquisitely finished and no Rtroot or ovonlug costumo Is com plete without a pair. You will do well to cIioobo quickly, for at thnso prices they can not bo excelled. $1 .50 to $3 OXFORDS n ' EOR SPRING WEAR-THH NEWEST STYLES Every wanted loathor Ib used. Tho Htylca of laBts aro fashion's newest nnd they nro for ovor)' pur pose, from tho daintiest party Ox fords to tho sturdiest makes lor Btrcet woar In lasts to fit evory foot and shnpcB to ploaso all la Individual tnstos. $3.50 and up RIBBONS FOR OARNITURINO. Thoro Isn't a woman but who Iciowb that a dainty ploco of rib- bou hero nnd thero doos lunch to enllvon tho offoct of tho bnlnnce i of her nttlro. Thoro Ib much nov- ' elty this sensou for tho damnnd will bo very gauornl. All the plain colorings partl-colorod ef fects, )lalds nnd fnucloa nro to bo soon lioro In groat profusion nnd In all wanted widths. Tho quail Hob aro tho best to bo found nnd prices nro as usual vory modest for such high clnss merchandise. &P w rR ' rJ ISM 4WmW I c7leueMd'SonA '"TJ.JJ.J Spring Togs You will find thorn horo In the most popular mntorlnls and color ings. Tho uewost styles In a va riety to plonso you. $10 and up Spring Underwear Wo aro ready with tho new spring underwear in all weights In cotton and wool at modest prices. CITY JVIEWS A CollcHilou of Important Pnnt. gni pi in for Your Consideration, FIFTEEN RUCKH () WILL RUY AN EXCELLENT TAlIXMt MADE SUIT. MAKE, FIT AND MATERIAL (JUARANTEHD. THE TOOOERY. Oh lug to Prayer Mevtlng - The Dunham will begin their pro gram at 8:30 o'nlook at tho Chris tian churoh. Ww gnvii at tho Irltli Rail, lit MM Afternoon rU'nni At tho Auditorium rink from 3:30 until D:30 nro fJr general ukallUK by nil and nro iwpeolitlly pupulur with Advanced and bgluuur who still liealtnto to attend evening Mentions, luitruotlon without charge. The la dles and children admitted free. THE REASON WHY tio many people come to u for KlttMo U liocttune wo arc vory uc utul In tUtlng them. Tho other lay n gentleman came to ui ntatlne that ho had n doten luilrs of gltutea HHd uon wtro atlfnctory, and ho mid he trltsl all tho optlcam ho cauio Ncrosa. Wo succi'Odcd In fitting him BtUfactorlly becauio wo found tho trouble that all tho ret overlooked. Wo have up to date intrumeut nd up to to dato knowknlgo how to uo tbotu and long experlcnco. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE MuriMud CUlwl Mcr Mary Fleming, taa wowau who was arVsteHl lant alsht U Chlaa town. rkarl with vacrtcy. was $& mi Utoty Spm ux rn pcti- Floor CovTlngi Of evory description nt Huron & Hnmllton'H. Morning HvhkIoh Tho Auditorium rink U opon ovory morning, oxaopt Huudity, from 10 to 1.2. Competent and gontlomnnly In structors nro kept constantly In at tendance, and tho morning session Is OHpeolnlly for beglnuurH nnd for fauoy skating nxperts. No olmrge for admission or Instruction. Now RocUen Just received ,nt Huron & ilamll- ton'a. Gnsttent Hell Rliigora on Hontl Tho nnnlmrs, at tho Ohrlstlnii church next Thursday night. KNOCKH (KNOX) THE RUST W.H HAT ON THE MARKET, UP-TO-DATE .MEN'S GOOUH AT THE TOtIERY. Wear grveu at tho IrUh Rail. Ut Tli Uunlwr Tho Male quartet nnd 8 wins Hell ringer, at tho ChrUtltm churoh, March 31t. Finds Vinliur Funl Yea, wo are prepared to supply your wauta In all theso lines, as well as lu groceries, vegetables and every thing that goes toward making up a good meal. Farrlngton & VanPatton. Nothing l.lko tho IHinbar At tho Christian church Thursday. IrUh I!anct Tho loug.lookisl for Irish Hall will ho given In Tioga hall Wednes day uvenlag, March 20lh. Wear grvHiu. 2t Nolle) to Si-hool Children Commencing today tho hours of skating for afternoon, sessions at tho Auditorium rink will ho from 2. SO to 5:30. This will sUo you two hours of skating after school. tlon, who claimed to bo her bus bnud. Tho Vomnn stated today that sho was )n Portland, nnd had lived previously In Pendleton. Sho snld that this was tho first tlmo thnt she was over arroBted. and olnlmod that two other girls, wlibm sho know, had visited tho 8!ilum Chinatown boforo she came to tho city. Tho woman was well dressed and was of good appearance. Aro Dollar People- Tho Ounbars aro a dollar company but wo have mado n rate of 60 cents Emlcmor Sodal Tho Christina Kndenvor of tho First Christian church gave an on- Joyablc social In tho parlors of tho church Inst night. A largo number of tho young pooplo of tho church nnd Invited guests woro prosont to onjoy the many gamos of nmusomout and tho society or tholr frlonds. At a late hour refreshments were sorvod SaturtLty'ri Special Just tho thing (or house cleaning. A hondy, long nnd Bhnrt-rango dust er nnd cobweb catoher, 26o. Huron & Hamilton. INIng Morw Sand Tho Southern Paclflu g giving tho walk in front of the passenger de pot a new laer of Grants Pass' sand. Bicycling IS A PLEASURE WHEN YOU RIDE THE EASY RINNINO RACYCLE WE ALSO HANDLE THE YALE AND CORNELL WHICH ARK HKUTIKS, AND IVK ENTIRE SATISFACTION. COME IN AND WE WILL RE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM TO YOU. OUR LINK OF RICYCLE SUPPLIES IS MOST COMPLETE AND OUR WORKMANSHIP IS WELL EQUIPPED. RRIXO IN YOUR WHEEL FOR REPAIRS AND LET US SHOW YOU THE MKAN1NO OF PROM1TNKSS AND GOOD WORKMANSHIP. Best Work at Honest Prices Fank J. Mooe EXPERT REPAIRING 447 Crt SfeMt Pb36 Dolph Kerr loft today for Corvnl 11b for a ahort visit. Mrs. J. Vallontlne, of Dallas, after a brief visit here, left this morning for Roseburg, whoro sho will bo. the guest of friends nnd relatives. Mrs. Beecraft, of W5lsor, Idaho, arrived this morning to visit hor grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. EbUb, of North Salem. Miss Wlnnlfrod Ncwtlt, a trained nurse of the Salem hoapltal, loft to day to visit hor slstor nt the mute school. Ex-Mayor C. P. Bishop, of Port land, is visiting in the city. Rev. T. H. Stnrbuck nnd wife ar rived hero this morning from Port lnnd to attond the funeral of the Into Mrs. S. Gibson, who wns tho niothor of Mrs. Stnrbuok. ' J. B. Gibson roturned from Port land" thrs morning with tho body of his mother, tho lato Mrs. Gibson. A. Gosner wont to Gervnls on busi ness this morning. Potor Kling, of Seattle, who Is In terested In Alaska mines, and has boon horo on bustnoss, loft today for Albnny. "" Cnptnln Jonos nntl " Cadet Jen nings, of tho locnl Salvation Army corps, loft this morning for polntB In the southern pnrt of tho valley. Dr. Stnrbuck and Bister, Miss Edith, of Portland, arrived hero UiIb morning to nttond tho funeral of tho Into Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. T. G. Hnllcy left this morn ing for a vUlt In Portland. Squlrp Fnrrar left this morning for Portland on business. Miss McGrnth, who has boon tho guost of Salem friends, left this morning for hor homo In Portlnnd, Mrs. Charles Lomboko, nfter visit ing Salem frlonds, line returned to her homo In Hubbnrd. Mrs. L. II. Turploy, who hnB boon visiting relntlvos In this city, loft to day for her homo in Portland. Mrs. T. Truman, who has been tho guost of Salem frlonds, left this morning for her homo In Tncomn. Mrs. I. W. Smith nnd daughtor, of Vlroqun, Wisconsin, who havo been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. F. B. Southwick nnd family, left today for Portlnnd, en routo to their homo in tho East. I Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Longfellow, who havo been tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Polsnl, loft this morning for tholr homo In Wnterloo, Iowa. Mrs. J. T. Wcntworth left today for a visit in Seattle, Washington. Miss Lillian Hnrwood left today for a several cooks' visit in Port lnnd. Miss Norma Gnrdner hnB roturned from a visit at hor home In Stnyton. W. B. Wann roturnod this morn ing fiom u business trip to Albnny. MUs Kttln Hunt nnd brothor, Mau rlco, kftvSjpstorday for an outing at Seaside. Attorney Thomas. Brown was a Sa eom visitor from Woodburn yostor dny. I). G. Boodlngholmor, of Stnyton, was In tho olty yesterday, transact ing business and advertising the horso show which will bo held in Stnyton on tho 30th of thU month. Poh Tamplln, of Portland, is visit ing In tho olty. C. E. Iddlngs, of tho Merchants' Invostmont & Trust Company, of Portland, roturnod to his hpme this morning, after spending Sundny In this city with friends, Mrs. Frank Farrlngton and slstor, Miss Ruth VanPatton, loft this morn ing for a visit in Portland. BLESSINJH TO MAHY j Simple HomeReedvfWi ' neys or Rheiaat" This is a niHi... ... 4fl haimlnea n.i ... M M and sunshine Into 111? dreds of dlsheart-J - aged men and WOmea w U cnu'l bt boojht .,1'. i:!T,b , cltioB throuch ih ' ,lli IntnnrKwl "w, .?"'f' 1 rheumatism, kidney ,.'"' """""- ""innate B, cripples and Invalid. .. . , ,of some of our bright 18S ost people. Tho dniEBlsts hett h,u the Ingredients, and th rj' iu imve no trouble locbuijt mo prescription Is ai follow Extract Dandelion. n.v.,,' Compound Kargon, one tea, -, uiHiiounu oi 8arapsril!j ounces. Jiix by Bhaklnttfl! oouie. tiio dose is on ut ful nfter each meal and it u. Recent experlmcnU, truij vero Hospital cages, nrowin.. mixture tho remedy for ran because of its positive icioi , the ollmlnntive tissues of &t neys. It compels these moit tal gana to filter from the blood u4q torn the waste Impurities at , acid which nro the cause of fej Usui. It cleanses the Vi Btrongthcns them and rcmoiHt ly such sj mptoms ns backitlt J dlsordors, bladder veahea, quont urination, painful, kJ and discolored urine. Itscui powerful stimulant to tbt kidney and bladder stroctsrc, ; now life Into them, and Inrire tho entlro tract. It makes tie 12 clean tho blood. ThoDindtHn tnko enro of the liver UwVa . constipation, and Is fine for tit i nch. All tho Ingredients, states i ' known local druggist, are cf i tnblo extraction, making it i and harmless prescription it time. Thoso who suffer and an n tomed to mirchase a bottle clii medicine should not let a Ihfti convenience Interfere with si up this proscription Wlermrt becomes generally known, w lnrco Eastern DublKatlOR. It tho salo of the patent m)Ww' so-cnllod rheuraatlim w w euros, which Is its best s49 of virtue. Has u Rurgtiin. Tho better class of resldonco prop erties in and about Salem aro being Picked up rapidly, and Dorby & Will son roport a number of sales at ad vancing prlceB. Thoy havo one flno suburbau homo near one of tho large schools, with a beautiful view, and all Improvements, flno garden, many (lowers and trees and shrubs, for BaU nt about one-third less than cost cost J3500 will eell for $2500 house almost as good as new and caunot bo built for prlco asked, which would leave nearly & block of ground with cow and horso barn, car rlago and wood shed free. Call ear ly on Derby & Wlllson, and ask to be shown Interior flnUh and furnish ings. "In Oeorgla" Tho Empire Stock Company played to a good-sized audience last evening at the Kllnger Grand. "In Georgia" Is an Interesting Southern story of war times, and Is being presented In a manner that deserves liberal pat ronage. 4 Aks for CitUesi&lUp John St, Onge, a British subject, yesterday declared his intention h fore County Clerk Allen, o! hco ng an American citliea. The appli cant is 27 years oW, U a rssUent et Woodbuta and a music teaefcer. DIKI). UPDEGRAKF At tho futflj M onst of this city, modut March IS, 1307. Simsd & dograff, aged 34 jtttt, i mnnln nttar fl ihOft 12&C& II, ... tho inn nf llf Sit. 11U no uu "w- -- I. W TlnrlnirrftrT. and SUT"1 ..!.!.. nnn.n JlPri. hlTUI illtUIUUi; nil""" --.-. od on the farm near tbli w many years. Tho luneru ..- monts will not do cobpk brollier, who resides in can bo Beard from. Room SUo Rugs In velvet. Axmlnster' inof roppived nuren8ia ..MONEY TO THMOSt' Over Ladd& Bush's ' lorffkkV" Prank Mercu.v- Office with Wft J" 1 139 Commerclsl NEWTON " ' ! r!Tif set Arc You in ""T $& log to my jjU8iiW 011 mv restsarsw. ,ts worth Thli live. monej- - fw lease for H' $15,000 vt months. Cjllyl proprietor, 6" JO. 1--I lav fnt W sssV. school. Ml"' lean, or.