DAILY CATI TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1007. ... 1 T na44ar Than Anir Claf PomnJ.. T-,.A Health and Strength Because Vinol is a real Cotl Liver Preparation and docs not contain a single disagreeable or harmful ingredient and is not n secret formula. Because Vinol contains all the medicinal' elements the soothing, healing, strengthening and flesh creative properties of Cod Liver Oil but without oil or grease. Because everything In Vinol, except the tonic iron and n fine old wine, is actually extracted from fresh cods' livers and their oil. Because Vinol is dcliciously palatable and agreeable under nil conditions. Everybody likes it, Because Vinol tones up the system, strengthens every organ, nerve, muscle and fibre of the whole body and thus overcomes weakness by thoroughly eradicating the cause of disease. That's Why Vinol is altogether different and better than any other remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and all Tliroat, Lung and Wasting Diseases. That's Why Vinol Restores Health and Strength to Delicate Children, Feeble Old People, Weak and Sickly Persons, Nursing Mothers, and Convalescents. WAWMf Yinbl WE RETURN MONEY f IT FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION G. W. PUTNAM CO., Druggists IANKS SALEM LADIES Journal Permit me, tiirougn r columns, to thank you and the people of Salem for tho vory til reteptlon our new uusinoss retired. Our Bprlng oponlng Borfthan we could have naked, I tie ladles of Salem arc entltlod kir appreciation and thnnkB for kk( inch a successful ovont or AH bad only the highest prnlso r display, and we enjoy hav nit th.lr tastes to such n com- ii extent Our lines of pattorn i, tailored hats and hats trimmed dr will be kept up to tho top and no duplicates will be litA Wn want to mnkn tho rnn. among Salem peoplo for Ifllnj the best styles, nnd giving hnttahici In our line, and no ef- l fill be spared to do this. Ev- j Invited to come nnd look lew, whether they wish to buy 9L MRS, P. E. Fl'LLERTON. THE BEST REMEDY. Fir con, burni, bruliei, ri, n. i, btrtxd wir cuu 4 i.i bsrta jf mm or Uutii Dean's q King Cactus OH only llotmtot tbit noils without a scar. J 0c,H, H.nJlJ.liM. Ac:tpt n latnliute. St. J br 0. W, Putnnm Co. 133 X. Com. St. Snlein, Or. BULLOCK BRns RESTAURANT.. Two doors south of . Bush's Bank Uwn Daw TinA m i.t. fscst of everything. " w quick service. I? iwsusag Dust Flotii 17 TKB SYDNEY FOW. I mriw m.i Xkkt j """vi uregon. " Itmilv n.. v, A iorh '.:r-:our . ... a EDQ ,nort BTwilUce AGENT llulltl Up, Xt Tear Down. Ed. Jeurnnl: Whllo all ratlonnl peoplo in Salem nro glad that tho slow-trnln embargo has boon re moved, 11 Is none tho loss n vory bad thing for our town to have had it brought on. In the flrst place, wo havo antagonized tho only rallrond wo havo, and, cvon though It may be n Boullosa cor'pornt.Ion, wo ncod It and want Its good will. In tho next plhco wo havo again bocamo the laughing stock of Oregon, just to gratify tho whim of u potty nKlorman who is "stoorod" by grasping poli ticians; whothor ho knows It or not. And lastly, wo havo now loss protec tion In caso of nccldont than we would havo had had the old law stood. Under tho old ordinance no body hns over boon Injured, but if such a calamity had occurred tho In terested pnrtlos would havo beon In a better position to collect dnmngos than thoy will now bo. But thon, tho howelrs for "enforce tho ordinances or repeal them" havo demonstrated tho logic of their whang-doodle. It still romalns that Bomo laws nro bet tor In tho breech than In tho per formance, but tho political stool pigeons luivo had tholr day in court, nnd they don't seem to enro how ri diculous they mnko tholr community. In many instances a lnw that is not enforced is bettor loft on the Htntuto bookH thnn tnknn off. for It Ih useful whon uoodod. All will ndmlt that tho ten commnndnionta nro not lived up to, but fow would have the temer ity to suggost tholr ropoal or nbol Ishmont. Perhaps those "enforce or ropoal" jlngoos would ilka to hnvo tho docaloguo reponled too. It Is not "onforced." , BUSINESS. Thore'B naught so sweot as lovo's young dronm And it would swectbr be, If lovors would only tako A llttlo Rooky Mountain Ton. For snlo Dr. Stono's store. ItUILDIXG MATERIAL. Shortage of JJme Lumber, Lnth nnd Sliinglo Situation. L "'I'luiii ptemp Pnro A'.. M"H far w0Tea Wlr8 mr JS" . VJre. Poultrr h5raaB,ta- m " t prices RL S.leniore ftSTSBIA Zfi (Portland Daily Abstract.) Tho strike of tho tnlllmen is, of Itself, a sufficiently vexatious matter to contractors with unfinished build ings on their hands, but this is not all thero is to embarnss building op erations. Tho old complaint of n shortago of cars Is still unanswered, Tako the question of lime, for in stance. Most of tho local dealers re colvo "their supply from tho San Juan Island kilns In Pugct sound. Tho domarid Beoins to exceed the capacity to produce and thy car shortage pre vents prompt deliveries. The schoon er trado between San Juan Island and 8an Francisco, where tho proeent demand is enormous, embarrasses Portland dealers. Hardly a barrel Is to bo found In the city. Tho price has advanced from tho old figure of $1.50 to 11.65". Ono firm has an nounced to its customers that it will not All orders even at 11.65 for fu turo delivery, which Indicates an other advance soon. Nottingham & Co. has possibly 4100 or 500 barrels that will arrlvo before long. The J. M. MeCraclcen Co. states that it has probably 30Q0 barrels en route, some where between Tacoma and Portland. These supplies will relieve the lime famine partially, and the railroads hope to be able to supply sufficient cars soon. As to Portland cement, now so much In demand for concrete work, It le estimated fey one authority that thero nro probably 100,000 barrels In tho city at present. Xottlughnm & Co, expect n big cargo In Juno. Inqulrlos nt tho City nrlck Agency show that thoro is no .Bhortngo of old stock, nnd that n largo and pl?n tlful supply of now brick will bo add ed about tho mlddlo of May. Lnst year brick sold for $S; now thoy nro (Tuotud nt J9.50. Tho ndvnnco la duo, so the manufneturers stntc, to tho In creased cost of fuel and of labor. Tho supply of wooden lnths Is somewhnt scanty. There soems to bo. plenty of shingles. Last yoar shlnglos wore quoted at $2.25; now thoy nro ?3. During the contlnunnco of tho strike mills nro not generally filling orders for lumber. Thore Is not n largo supply on hand. Contractors fear another advance whon the mills resume, nnd tho opinion Is provnlent, whether true or not, thnt tho lum bermen will clnlm such advance as nnsonable, evidently expecting tho loggers to screw up their prices n notch or two. Tho sash nnd door situation Is had but It U not thought to bo duo to tho strike directly, but to nn xces clve demand which tho mills soom unnbl to meet. As to window glnss It Is the mnservRtlve opinion thnt the shipments here this senson will not bo aboe normal; or about 200 onrs. The I'cnniNlvaiiin and Indiana fac tories nr. not shipping largely of stnndnrd sizes. Vh6n tho pinch comes, the only thing denlors can do is to cut down largo bIzos Into small nnd advance tho price to cover loss In wnste Portland could probably utlllsr,e this year 300 cars "and thon somo." So far rB learnod tho vlslblo sup ply of builders hardware Is oqual to tho deninnd. On tho othor hnnd, ow ing to the unprecedented prosperity nil over tho country, thoro Is n grent shortage of tools of nonrly evory kind. A. Dekum Bays thnt this Is so because none of tho tool-mnnufactur-lug plants wero ablo to forsco tho ox trnordlnnry domnnd, nnd consequent ly cnriot (111 ordors. rMMrQwMM(ilOHr Rickets. Simply tho visible sign that baby's tiny bones are not forming rapidly enough. Lack of nourishment is the cause. JScotf'j? Emulsion nourishes baby's entire system. Stimulates and makes bone. & tm & m I a !& Ik ! ta.Hala Jl, ALL DRUGGISTS i 60c. AND $1.09 Ok ja mt j -" 1 V BfJk Kl'OHXK CATHOLIC ClIVKCH. Cluui'h Would lo CriHilt to Any City. Vnny business mon nre shortslght In not looking Into things. 'Thoy nro dally losing mouoy by not ndoptlng tho gront Ilolllstor Hooky Mountain Ton Bysytoui. Makes thorn well and koons them well. 3G conts. For snlo nt Dr Stono's store. Hugene, March IS. Through the courteay of father O'Farrell, a pre ropreMtitttlv was gtven n view of the Cnthollo. church lait nlxht via dor tho oluctrlo llgllte, nnd ttvne a revolution to hltu. Tho' Routing are alt In place, and thoy hnvo received tholr lnst cost of varnish. They wore mndo by Mldg loy, nnd tho hundsomoHt grnluud boards woro selected. Thoy nre of our ownv Oregon Douglas Or, than which thoro Ib no handsomor wood to bo finished In Its nnturnl grain, It Ih Btnlnud with just enough brown to bring out tho grain of tho wood nnd thon glvon n cont of llllor and two coats of varnish. Tho altar Is a handsnmo piece of work, nnd rollouts gront credit on carved from tho purost l'nrlnn mar ble. Tho contractors art Mouror & Welch, of Salem t Curel LumtMigo. A. I). Cnnmnn, Chicago, wrltos Mar. , 1003. "Having beon troubled with Lumbago, at dlfforont tlmos and tried ono physician nftor another, thon dlfforont ointments nnd llnl tuonts, giivo It up nltogothor. So I trlod once moro, and gut a bottto of Uallnrd'o Snow Llnlmont, which gnvo mo almost Instant rollof. 1 can choor futly rcclmmond it, nnd will mid my nnmo to your list of sufferers." Sold by D. J. Kry. To Hi- County Clerk Alton Issued two mnrrlngo permits yesterday after noon aH follews: William T. Welch, of Snlom, ngod 78, nnd Susan llen mnn, of this city, agod 75; O) W. In iiiitii ... tho architect, h wull ns tho crafts-, "' wunoss. wiiiuim juuu, ngou man who mndo It. It hnH now ro-j30- n,ul Jetl WooUmb, of llroolcs, colved sovornl cqnts of uuro whlto nml 'iV Jl,co,, Vo witness. ' o pnlnt without any gloss, and Is to ro- colvo two moro coats. From any part j . C) in inu ruuiu, iih u HiiuuiH (iiu mini rt,lritk Its setting ngnlnst a background of eignatcm dark red, It lookH ns though it win nt IVCSIXS.X.A.. U.8 Mnd Voa Haw Unit BotM 7 ' A ins iur,u ii d&w8HB KnHHfilLBHi. JutMBUiBBiR. HBStmJiflHiB wNSlMKk SHhLLLLLLLLL Km HLLLflMiiLLLLw UVHlBiiKaiiiiiiiiiH ttJlUCTfi Record of Mrs. Vrooman's Franquette Walnut Grove Since It Began Bearing OHKRON NUILSKKY CO., SALi:.M, OHKGOX. OKNTLKMKN's YOU AHK MK TO OIVB YOU A ltKPOIlT OF TIIK I.VCltMAfiH OF MY I'HAXQUKTTR WALNUT TURKS SIXCU TIIKY 11KGAX TO 1IKAIL HAPPILY I HAVE TIIK FIOUItI AT IIAXI). WIIKX YKAHfl OLD, 1001 H'J LIIH WHKX I YILMtS OLD, 1002 020 LIIH WIIKX 5 YKAItH OLD, 100U ,71)0 LIIH WHKX 0 YKAltS OLD, 1001 t v 0,000 LIH WIIKX 7 YKAItH OLD, 1005 12,1125 LlJS WIIKX H YKAHH OLD, 1000 21,1111 1.113 TIIK OL'T.PUT HAH PHACTiaLLY DOUHLKD KVKItY YKAIt BIXCR TIIK TItKKH CAMK 1XTO IIKAIHXO. MIIH. K. M. VIIOOMAX, WALXUTMKHR HAXTA HOHA, CALIF. NOV. 22, '00. THIB OltOVR CONTAINS A3 ACUKH AND IH PLAXTKD WITH 1,000 FIItHT OKNRHATIOX GltAHTKD FltAXQUinTK WALNUT THKKH. !WMaMWMMMWWMMWliWWMWWaMMMMWWMWMWiWWaWWMMWaWMiMawWMBWMMMaWWMm Al-TTEH FILL1XO ALL OltDKHH TO DATK. WR HTILL HAVE A l'KW THKIL4 OF TIIR VltQOMAN 8TICAIX 1'ItANQUI-TTTK WALXUTH. THESE AUK OXE-YEAIt, SECOND OKXKHATIOX I'HOM 1005 CHOP OF XUT8. SAME AS OX IIOHDKH. INTKItKSTEIl PAIITIK8 HHOULD WHITE 1X)U PIIEE HOOK OX WALXl'T CUITUHR OH CALL AT OUH OFFICE AND HER THIS STOCK FOIt THEMSELVES. WE PAID MHH. VUOOMAN 80,110.55 FOIl TIIR 1000 CHOP OF NUTS OVKU $100.00 PUIt ACHE, THE HTH YEAH FHOM PLANT IXO. THIS IS THE VAIIIETY THAT IS DESTINED TO MAKE THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FAMOUS AH A WALNUT SECTION. GET STARTED ItlOHTITH MORE THAN HALF TIIR HATTLK AND USUAL LY ALL THE PROFIT, CALL AT OUH OFFICE ON 1STII 8TRKLT. OK ADDRESS Oregon Nursery Company SALEM, - - OREGON HuiJHIbiiiH 'KHv HHHpr "I n