h J pagbI DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 100? CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL ft c I. HOFER" BROS. Pofefahcii anc? Proprietors THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PHOOHEB3, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LAHOK. GOOD SCIENCE. Sho loads the soa through hills of Dnrlon, And lirlngH tho Bast and WohI to ovory door, With silent Influonco drnwlng mora and inoro Into close brothorhood the tribes of mon. Sho holds tho trail of Pain to his secret dan; Tho dim procoss of being dnro8 explores, Spolla slowly out on mountain, rock, and shore Tho syllable of Ood to mortal kon. Sho yot may sail from vague, cloud-bulldod plors. And yot lay along tho dnrknoss and tho wind A cahlo vast whloh world to world fllinll bind; Breathless may catch tho doop, slow apocch of Mam, Now, haply, passing on from outor spheres Tho grnvo, tremendous mcBsngo of tho atnrs. Honry Joromo Stoakard, In Hnrpor'a Wookly. HOW CAN THESE THINGS HE EXPLAINED? Thoro nro n number of thlnga about tho last Oregon legislature hard to explain. Tho pcoplo could bottor stand lo contemplate Increased burdoris IE THERE WERE INCREASED INCOMES TO CARRY THEM. Thoy could bettor stand to havo to pay .Increased snlurlos If thoro woro Increased rovonttcs to mcot theso domandB of tho tnx oators. Utit tho loglslatiiro not only provided no Increased rovonues, RUT .ACTUALLY WIPED OUT SOME EXISTING REVENUES. For Instance, they wiped out tho ono dollar por annum poll tnx that formerly brought many of tho coimllos of tho stuto thousands of dollars income annually. It in truo that dromon woro oxomptod and many did not pay It, but It wns A PERMANENT SOURCE OF INCOME TO NEARLY ALL THE COUNTIES OP THE STATE. In futiiro tho Btnto tnxos will bo apportioned on tho basis of ttssosssd vnluntlon. Thin will ontoh tho counties hard that put tholr assoasmout up about two hundred por cent, llku Marlon county. No revenue wns provided. Hovonuo was out off. Tho counties that linvo adopted tho cash valuation plan of assessment are to bo cinched Immodorntoiy. Yot wo nro to sit buck and keop still UNLESS FOR KOOTIt WE ARE TO RE GALLED AN ASSISTANT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER. Unless those things can booxplnlnod somo ono also has nsslslod th Domncnitlo party mntorlnlly by careless work In tho loulslaturo. o- OUR SVSTEM IS SO SUPERIOR. for Tho gownmont forestry olllolnla have npproprluted Grant county n sheep pasture. They left n little strip of land along tho John Day river hut tho rest of tho county has boon coullsmited 'or tha use and bauallt of SIIEHP THAT COME INTO GRANT COUNTV DURING THE HUMMER PROM NEIGHIKhUNG COUNTI IW. Through Inufllcloucy. and possibly oolluslou tho government has per mitted muoli of tha good tlmbar of tha county to pass Into tha hands of private Individuals and thou make n aheap (mature of tha rest of It. TAKE THE lST WITHHHAWAI.S LYING ALONG TDK NORTH HIDE OP THE JOHN DAY. All last fall and wlutar this tlmbar whs orulaad .and entered and Juat as whiii aa tha good tlmbar was taken, than tha reaarva whs extended to take In nil the Kraalng InndaSO THAT TIKI POREIGN SHIIIIP WOULD HAVE IIKITER PirKING. Aa the roemve how staud It la nothing mora than governmental pre roKHilvr Imul-D la tha I Merest of foreign stock.-- Prairie City .Miliar. Tha Pralrla Olt- Miner le a vary unreasonable newspaper. Does It not know tliHt the affaire of Oregon omii ba governed far batter at long range by a Jnl of forestry olUolata UNDER TllltCIVIL SERVICE SYHTIiMY When a lot af eastern college graduates deolda that It la good policy lo do a thlag (h a oerUtln way, what business baa h paper Uka tha Miner wlinae hair ta long ami wool), to nhjeetr Don't It know that a auperlor elaaa of paopla who can paaa typewritten book examination, many of them cigarette-smoking collate dudas. CAN NOW GET INTO OlMMCIC POR LIPII AND RUN THE PITHLIO UXNDSV What right have tha people of Oregon to their lands anyway? Tha tig of Hillena graduate has arrived, and tha reolnmntlun service, tha geologic survey, the agricultural department expert, tha pollMoul "won urn" nra In the saddle. Tha Miner should realise that the state are tilled with federal nttl oluli who hold for Ufa, not aiiajeet to political iHtlnanee, and not amen able to publlo aentlmuui. WHO MANAGE THE LA.VDS AND THE AP PA1HH OP THE PKOPLIL Has It not noticed the wonderful eknag In Uie omillty of qnnnetl goods aluuo the pure rood lawa were pneetd QfiitfHg seven mHlluaa par annum fur InspoaiorsT The Miner should he twUallftl ta eat gsjvarument iHsueat od canntd good and keep still. TIIKTUUTH Oil THE MATTHH, The goiitirul rom of our educational Institutions li ( Impress upon tha youth of tftj eeuntry tha iMpartane m wait at Ike attveaURa af be Ing honest and truthful lu the wallet af life that "kantaiy la tha best polloy. This as mo Idea Is, w ahouM ba, Impressed upon tha youth la kla home Ufa. AND NO IKH'RT AS A RULH IT IS, lu aplte of all this tearhtug. however, old and young alike. generally speaking, have btn nod sttll are of the oplnlon-that there la ho wrong attaohvd to swindling a corporation, especially a railway eorteratlon. From the tramp to the millionaire, aud from tho man of affair to tha preacher of rlghteousae thoro mhm to ba a sense of delight and satis faction WHKN OPl'ORTUNITY IS OPI'HRED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE It Is swindling, It Is theft, It Is dishonesty In either case, only that the public has made Itself bellovo that it is not wrong to slip the hand of thlovory into tho pockot of a railway company and pick it. IP THE ROAD "PICK" RACK A LITTLE DO THEY DO MORL THAN THEY HAVE IIEEN TAUGHT TO DO I1Y THE PUIILIC? Nevertheless, even thoso who nra ever on the alert to Bwlndlo tho streot or steam road out of a fare, aro not slow to admit that but for the daring of mon and capital In blazing Ihe way for men Into almost unknown regions for homo seokers and business enterprises to peno trato and build towns and cltlos nnd plant the acres of tho torrltory round about, moro than one-hnlf of the United States would still bo a wilderness. LET US RE REASONARLE. Tho cold facts of history show In glaring light that whan n great ca lamity comos swooping down upon a community the railways aro tho first to rush to tho relief of tho stricken. Nor doos tho rnllway ask if tho disaster came by storm, by flro or by earthquake, or by wajor. ITS WHEELS ROLL EAST TO CARRY RELIEF. Whon San Francisco nwoko on tho 18th day of April last to find her self a pllo of ruins, tho Southorn Pacific and tho Santa Fo railways) were tho first to extend a holplng hand. " Tho greatest stress was lmmedlato provisions for tho homeless, and thoso two "brutal monopolies" opened all their cars to tho stricken peo ple to go to tho Interior of tho state, or over tbhc eastern states with out foo or reward for tho transportation. And whllo tho outbound tralnB woro laden with fleeing humanity, tho inbound trains camo rushing to tho rollof of tho hungry laden with food, nnd all this vast Borvico wholly AND ENTIRELY WITHOUT EX PENSE OF THE RAILWAYS. It was tho railways that solved tho problem of how to handle tho sit uation ahd provido ways nnd means to glvo tho victims of tho disaster the quickest posslhlo rollof. And tho solution was In carrying the homeless to tho open arm of outlying communities and fetching food nnd clothing to those who ro mnlnod. Put wjint tho railways did to aid San Francisco Into dollars and cents and It will bo found that tholr contributions nggrogato moro than thoso of oven tho nntlonal government or tho whole stuto of California. Let us bo Just. Lot us tall tho truth. Uorkoloy Gazette, Fob. 2G, 1007. ' o DOERS TO RULE TRANSVAAL. 4llTaf "I"!1 1 I 1 I FtM" -H 1 1 1 I H-H COMMISSION APPOINTED TO FORMULATE PUNS FOR iKLrtiiwjioNSUMPTi A Commission has been appointed by the Gov cnior of h investlgato tulwculosls conditions in tin. .,. .. ---- iiiu iinri tv inenilatioii to the next general nssvmbly of tho Lpoi , Mntc farm for the euro of consumption bo ,tny S.,WlB ' Tho Commission lins prepared plnns that Include ihT nf R 10(1.000 for the nurchnKO of nhm.f nn eip provided tlie necessary buildings, to care for about m 150 nuiIo and .150 female. PJ Tho aloatloiiB JiiBt hold for tho first parllamont In tho Trnnsvnnl under Drltlsh away has resultod In a victory for tho Uoers. Tho progrosslvo, or Itritlsh uarty, won 21 of tho Gi) senta In tho chnmbor, whllo tho hot volk, or Dutch party, gained 37 seats. The rost of tho souts in tho cham ber will ho hold by Gnutlonnllsts, 3 Inbo'rltes and 2 Indepondonts. All of thoso minor groups nro allied with the hat volk on tho main issuos, whloh gives tho Uoors a majority of 23 In tho chnmbor. Thoro is a big mlxturo of olomonts in tho pnrllatuort. but It is bolievod that legislation will bo enacted which will hot bo antagonized vory strongly by any group. Tho progressives nro tho English-speaking party, nnd comprlso tho mine owners and a majority of the morohnnts and tho professional clues. Tho Inborltos, tho nationalists and tha Independent aro also English speaking paoplo, most of them being IlrltlBu colonists, but thoy unite with the Dutch on the Inrger Issues. Most or tho Dutch party, or hot volk, are engaged fnt running, us they wore, before tho war of 1S99-1902. Premier Cnmpboll-Hnnnormnn Is denounced by tho torlos In Englnnd for giving lo the Transvaal the sort of home rule which has put tho lloera lu control, but aa they comprise a large majority of tho population, the premier could not devlso any sort of a fair scheme or raproaontntlve government which wduld havo prevented them rrom getting Into the ascendant. Aa all elements of the population waat prosperity, no harm ful legislation against any important luterest Is likely to le attempted. Oold mlHing la by far the biggeat single concern la the colony It amount! to $118,000,000 in the oalemlar year. 108. and avJII renoh ? 1 10.000,000 fl)r 1907. according to the preaent outlook. Oeueral Dotha. the laat of the Iloer warriors to he "reconstructed," la put at the head of the ministry under the aeNv diatiettaatlon, but pence la the true Intermit of lloora aa well aa Urltiah hereafter. As the lloera under the new ounatltntloH, gat many of the things for which they.fought they have a special Incentive to accept the ltMntlon.--Olobe DemooniU This movement is quite in accord with ti. . ., ...... .. ,,.. v Kvucrl tnA uuuuKiiiiwi. uiu .uii" juuh.111 luwuru too cnidlcatloa of I ly white plague. Tho disease is so much more easily than cured that it appears criminal to mirii ... ... . 'ten,HI caution. "10Pbt An ordinary cough or cold tends to weaken the lunej Mj iiiviu i.-nin.-viujij h-iufhuj lu mu luuvrcuiar gCHn. What I (I ii tilt- llm mnut. fllr.lonf. nipiiis tn nmniniti. i i- S." "V "TOl C0IU Or ttmJ, A the prescription of a noted authority on lung trouble. ItbdJj ed this will not only break up a cold quickly, but will n ; cough that is curable. Tho formula calls for a lmlf onnJtll . . Oil of Pine (Pure), two ounces of Glycerine and a half platctZIi . . A lilskey. Mix well, nnd take n tenspoonfttl every four hoiTl Tho necessary Ingredients cost little nnd can be purcliAlttati ;; good drug store. Virgin OH of Pine (Pure) Is put a for cfej?' lng only, in half ounce vials, each vial securely sealed in 7Zj mwui-ii vtinv hiiii nit vjii""! nniiipur, snowing the nnmc Tri I! Oil of Pine (Pure), guaranteed under the Fowl and DregiActtj " Juno !IO, 100(1, serial number 431, pivparetl onlr hr Ia,,i, L cnl Co., Cincinnati, Ohio plainly printed thereon. The oiliall lu bulk, and the sundry cheap imitations of Virgin Oil of ft (Pure) put nut under similar name nnd style of pneknge Kt only iiieirecnve lor tno purpose, out are often dnngerouj It hi ways well to remember that the object of an Imitator 1$ tedwftt TUore Is no known suostltute lor virgin Oil of Pine (Pure). 4-4H-H-fffHfr Stnyton Horse Flr. Tho Stayton horse fair, wa bo hold on the 30th of tbu i will bo of great Interest to tu nnd promises to be one of thl exhibits that has been tan 'J years. o i. Smiles ADVHRTISING PAYS IN ORHGON Alderman Jncobs bogs in vnln for improvements in his part of tho town. If ho got ono Btnrtod ho would moot an nldormnn with such tochnical objection that would knock him clear out or tho wator. Mayor Hodgars at least expedites buslnoss. Hut ho has n hard bunch or obstructionists to contend wltlv Alderman llndollff let his ordi nance to rnlso tho llcouso tux of in surance companies go over on prom ise that tho paving ordlunnco bo taken up, and was disappointed. Head The Cnpltal Journal's motto over the first page, grow wlso nnd be happy. It is time, a new effort wna made by the city council to tnx doge. .. -. The Thaw trial and tho Hermann trial are to run another week. Alice Roosevelt WcdJlnj Wns something to be recorded U'J annals of history. Hcrblnebit acknowcldged tbo greatest of 1 regulators. A positive nn for ) Ions headaches, constlpitlos, and Fever, and all liver conp'jj J. C. Smith, Little. Rock, Li wrltos. "Herblno Is the (retttst J or medicine known. Hire wil faf yoars. It does the totl'i I y D. J. Fry. TQ, CUIUS A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinlno Tablets. Druggists refund monoy if it falls to nuro. E. W. GROVE'S slgnnturo on each box. 2 la a : Oregon la reoelvlas the benetlta of extenelre adx'erttolag of thut state SlMH,,,,, hetlng, It being ogtlmated that 1000 now people are eomlatj to Uio state daily to Ar "'"8 no,(l nightly this voek realtle ntrnmnontlir. More than one billion piece Uf Mterare have i,n tU Goal)o1 Chnpol. coruor of Flf- beeu dtatrlbuted to eastern people rolatle to the nilvantniieM nf n,.r ...- i taenia and Mill stroats. Bvancoiiat ern neighbor nnd the effect Is being felt lu increased populntlon and K,u, Bnd wlf nro assisting In tho The atale has aot had to imy the expeaae of this advertising wholly the railway comimules Jotalng In tbi expeas and In the distribution of the llteratare. No state la the union, not evea Oregon, has the basis for extensive advertising that Idaho has. yet but little, comparatively is be. Ing doae in that dlrectioa. Neither the state uor the railway companies seem to exert them selves aa they should in this direction, with the re sult that the growth or Idaho la much las. proportion to its advu tagea and rosouroes than It ought to be Uolse Capital News. preaching nnd singing. All invited most cordially to attend. OP A RAILWAY'S MISTAKE OR OVERSIGHT to retain In the pocket moat') that should go to It. Almui by common consent It la ao crime to "boat" a railway, street or ilium trunk Una. In the payment of freight bills or paeeenget fare. The rally a) a are looked upon Uy M many aa puhllo oneHuea, aad that It U oeryenoi duty to "$hi Use Ktp'Plhta." even If one has to Itaut around fur or umke an uaportuHlty to purloin tho road's money aad Jewel. A inau way hd roliiag In wealth nad. hl uookota may he bulged out by tho buideu of handfai of Hohauge.M yet a he&vonty amllo of uprmo MtUfaotlon lights up his face If the cowluotor pawes hla by, THOUGH TMK VMXK 1IIJ ON fV A NICKEL, Tho Mine 1 true 'of. a car pftaaenger noi all hut moat of. them. Tho publo Jini Utile or uo acme of honor or 'honesty whua dealing wit,k railways, aad yot there U not theMIgbttUllferBchetvf(8ca "boat- lag" ?our g;tcr or sey other person who aupplie you with cowmodt ti4 or svrvica and beatlgf a railway. , Proaldont Coleman, of Willamette UnlverslU', wont to Portland today. Mr. O. H, Krnusse. who has been visiting Mm J. J. Dalrymple, of this city, returned this morulas to her home In Portland. Mrs. 56adoo HlKiea la the gaeat of Portland friends. Mrs. J. J. Roberts westt to Port laud today to visit friend. County Judge Saott went to Port land today. C. 1). OabrleUoR left this morn ing for a bealaeae trip to leaatern Orosn. o How to Ronmlti Young. To continue yuag la healih and itmagth, do as Mrs. N. p. Rowan, McDoBOURh, Oa. did. She says: "Thrco bottles of Blectrie Hltten oared mo of chronic liver and stom ach trouble, complicated with auoa au unhealthy condition jaf the blood that my skin turned red as flannel. 1 aro, now practically SO years young' er than before I took Bleotrlo Bitter. I can aow do all my work with case and audit In my hutband'a stoa." Guaranteed at J. C Prry, dntcgUt. rrlw 88c Your Idle Money Will vani Interest If deposited la our Sating Department. You may not need It soon, ,! It Will draw Interna f,r eveiy month It nuiuihu ut dHiit, When you do need It, H will I Jut m nrnllahle s It s t 1tvs. out. Open mvIiir awut and put It to ork. Savings Department Capital National Baafc THE REST ROAST THE FAMILY KVEIt HAD.. Can bo obtalaed from pur prime tender and Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats aro selected from tho choicest, and prepared for tho table to suit tho demands of the fastidious. Our prices aro lower for Quality than you can And at any plaeo la Salem. convinced. E. C. CROSS. Phone 201 a70- State St. Garden Seeds! Wo havo a Urge stock i finrnVn s, tds In bulk. 0 8vds are all 190S croft ram-uwr omu, at.13. ii Ask for small ooloa You get threo times u : to the pound FIELD SKEDS. Fnn.v niuestem Chevelm Barley. 0t. 1 Clover. Alfalfa, Field Ki "Land Plaster, etc. Distributing agent far Coulsoas Egg Foods. Coulson s rhck Food, r.-.... a rnnrtltlon PaJs . . , hnlUS S retail dealers la tbt W- TILLS0N & 0 151 HitfiS. O. C T. aWn4 T!?.?:-- a i lM22!Blii5 CXaV$ I UMUuSiIK5JSiiir'",cB ggigt-" .e. STEAMC-' pnunv AXD OR1,. "SStt vax "Lir M., TL'b" "" , jf,I COUVAUSi.-"-,!. g.vrcKu." -- AXD P H. BALDW ronnariy - ,j Up-to-data ut7 -jj kofarpie55S3 pttasl w. rT 247 aad 31' ' -..ll!lTt nv- - !. .SLScesS afiWjgaSSfl wSrvg'Si USmkvik.59c0M tikHlCN uwi '- O