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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1907)
4f ik up, not down; look out, not in; forward, not back; move ahead' H Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. S.YIiKM, OREGON, TITS1) AY, MAHC1I 10, 1007. NO. 08. .svii. IDENT'S RADICAL VIEW RES HE STATE RAILROAD LAWS ARE ANNULLED IREATER GRAFT IS EXPOSED By and County Supervisors Got Away Witti :uu,uinj fiile Bribes Almost Innumerable Have Passed into the Hands of the Gang U Francisco. March 13. ab- .ilng revelations, snld to have ) nJ6 beforo Mondny's sosslon- t grand Jury, which did not end 1 dmost 1 o'clock this morning, j mated a most profound sonBn- Few of the county and city su- friiors who nro alleged to huvo Ituedor who aro under subpI- i. slept last night. All aro scur- IrtoiTold the Jam Honey Is try- Stoiwcep upon them. It Is freely rted that this morning somo ka attempt to get away, but and a corps of sleuths nrp Htilalng a relentless shadow, nnd r of tho men against whom ln dlctmcnts nro oxpected attempt to ob capo they will bo arrested. Al though tho spoolflc amount of monoy l Bald to havo been given tho super visors and others, It rcachos tho stu pendous total of approximately $700,000. Tho district attorney's of ftco is confident to bo nblo to show that bribes to tho amount of moro than a million havo been passed. Attempts wero made by the super visors' crowd to communicate with Ruof, nfter tho grand Jury adjourned, but Elisor Blggy would permit no ono to talk with his prisoner. Ruef was practically In solitary confine ment all night, and the samo restrlc- niCAGO STO PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE Beautiful New Spring Goods. On Sale in Every Department GRAND OPENING fine Millinery, Ladies' Coats, La s' Jackets, Spring Suits, Silk Waists, e Waists, Silk Petticoats, Dress s. GRAND OPENING New Spring Dress Goods, Pine h New Embroideries, New Laces, Ltass Trimmings, Fancy Braids, ons, All Over Laces, Waisting hnc Hosiery, Summer Under and Ribbons. GRAND OPENING New Oxford Shoes, White Goods, s Ginehams. Snrintr Calicoes. 2 Dress Goods, Long Gloves, Cor- slm, Underwear and Waistings ARE THE MAKERS OF LOW PRICES VAsner cMtowwa avonx. r0Y BROS. Cantr f Dmumt cUtttf Ctvrt mxmto tlons were.lmposcd by tho elisor this morning. Hcnoy Is Klntcri. Tho grand Jury decided not to hold n session this morning, tho foromnn ordorlng a postponement until 2 o'clock, when nroat batch of Indlctmonts will bo illod. Tho fact that Indictments will bo re turned this afternoon was officially announced, but tho Indictments will be against Ruof for agreeing to ac cept a bribe. Prosecutor Honey was at his desk early, and, whllo show ing the effects of tho gront strain ho has boon under for months, ho was plainly olnted ovor tho turn of events He declined to discuss the occur rences of Monday, and nnnouncod that from now on ho must decline to discuss further plans. I'YNeo Politics Itfiltcn. Dotcctlvo Burns stated this morn ing thnt ovidoncc-of crookednoss has boon discovered In evory department of tho municipal govornmont. Tho only official against whom thero Is not a particle of evldoncc, and who Is being pointed out as ono of tho honest officials of the city, Is tho pros ident of the Hoard of Public Works, Gcorgo Duffy, who was a member ot the board of supervisors until n fow months ago, and who was given his present position, It Is said, In ordor to get hint out of tho wny. Kclunltz Caso Continued. Schmltz entered a plea of not guilty. "When asked to plead tho mayor aroso with his eyes cast down, and his arms hanging loosly at his side, and answered In low, distinct tones, "Not guilty." After pleading ho asked permission to add to or chango his plcn nt any thno. Granted. Tho enso was continued until April 8th. Flftwu HnVo ConfcrMed. Absolute co'nilrmntlon of tho re ports In tho morning pnpors was se cured this morning. It is asserted positively that 15 supervisors have cenfessed: that among tho indict ments to be returned this nftornoon will be several against olllclnls of tho Hqmo Telephone Company. Whilo Langdon would not afllrm or deny tho statements thnt tho supervisors had confessed, ho nd in It ted an un dercurrent of truth In each roport. Another who It Is said will fall un der the ban ot tho grnnd Jury la T. C. Hnlsey, of tho Pacific States Tolu pjiono Company, from whom Super visor I.onergnn is nllogcd to havo confess?d he rocolved $5000 for a vote. Huef spont n night of horrors in his sumptous quarters at tho St. Francis. Cut off from his friends, ho paced the small room In an agony of tljuht and terror. For tho first tlmo since his Indictment nnd arrest he roallzod the serlousnoss of his predicament. Tlmo nnd again ho threw himself on his bod in an effort to sloop, but, nfter a fow moments' reposo, would Jump from hlu bed and again begin his consoloss tramp. The elisor rumnlnod in tho room with him all night, fearing tho prisoner might attempt to do himself bodily hnrm. Schmltz was plainly agitated whon ho appeared In Judge Dunne's court this morning to make his plea to ono ot tho extortion Indlctmonts. Ho was palo and norvous and wore nnd expression of apprehension. Ho re fused to mnko a statement, Baying that when ho had a Btntemont to mnko thnt ho would do It In court through his "attorneys. Hnlsey, It wns stated, will bo Indicted on at least 12 'counts. Humors cntno thick and fast as tho day grow older, nnd Indictments ngnliiHt practically every person mentioned as having been connected in yesterday's pro ceedings nro ' prophesied, or an- PROGRESSIVE ELEMENT STRONGER Salem City Council Votes Down Slow Trains Through City Paving Ordinance Allowd to Sleep Sidewalk Referred for a Legal Opinion Parks Get $550 (Continued on Page i.) ROOSEVELT'S RADICALISM RAMPANT Tho city council by vote of bovou to nix snt down on Alderman Haas program of slow trains through city, following refusing to give Mr. Haas an endorsemout: Churchill, Downing IVasor, (Jootlc, (im-itbuuiu, Htock ton, Waldo 7. Those sustaining tho Haas program wore: Daynu, Oosnor, Haas, Jno- obs, Low, Hndollff -0. On tho Haas water rato ordinance the majority was still larger against tho lender from tho second wan): Churchill, Downing, Pi-aavr, (Joiner, (Joodc, GrwulMimi, Iow, Stockton. Wnlrto O. . .... . . . - - ........ tiio council buowb an increasing majority in invor ot progress, uui nou a word was Bald at tho meeting last night about paving Stnto street. It Is understood thnt Alderman Gettnor has endless technical objections up hla.sleovo to lntcrposo Bhould anything bo attempted. Tho f notion ho is posluK as tho loader of nro pWlng tho game of obstruction very adroitly mid fUiccoMfnlly.4 ' J r , I This wns sliDWh In the disposition of a resolution to constrtict frtildo walk In front of onn lot. Tho olty attorney had drawn; tho description or tho property, but u technical objection from Gunner tieut It buck to the city uttornoy for nn "opinion." Mr. llnyne made a desporato effort to gut through a resolution endor sing Aldormnu Haas' slow-train program, calling It up for aye and nay. vote three times. A saloon ordlnnuoe oxtendlng the tlmo fur cloving from midnight to 1 a. ni. was Introduced. Ordinances woro Introduced raining tho annual lioomto uT (olograph and express compnnlos from $100 to $(100. Tho Park Hoard wns given ?5C0 to expend on WillsOii nvuuus nnd Marlon Square. Mr. Ilayno has prepared bills to fix rates of gas and oleotrlo light, , (Continued on pngo fix.) He Wipes Out All State Rail road Laws Federal ' Government Alone Can Deal With the Problems Washington, March 19. One of tho most radical and far-reaching movements of American politics has been opened in tho President's latest addition to tho railroad policy. State regulation of fares on tho railroads concerned will bo whipped out In tho Btato courts and legislatures. It Is claimed by tho administration that it has no Jurisdiction to regulate rail roads. This means that every act by every state legislature, passed or bo lug passed slnco June, Is unconstitu tional. It means a. two-cent faro and laws of demurrage, laws for safety coupler and similar laws by stato legislatures aro worth uo moro than tbo paper they aro written on. Theso matters all will be hurried to the su preme court beforo Christmas. It la expected control by states will be a thing of the past. This refers to within stato carriers, as well as In terstate. Tho passage of tho rate bill will do moro than anybody suspected when whipped out state control over the common carriers. The constitu tion gives to congress power over In terstate commerce. Up to the pas sage of the rate law by the federal government It bad sot assumed full power. The ( of that act by the satkwal frerawat took full control of tho railroads. Nothing remains for tho states. Tho Pros! don't opinion is that states, havo no control. It is backed by Chief Jus tlco Marshall, In tho ease ot Ogden vs. Gibbons, in which that Jurist held a steamship pTylng between Now York and4 Albany as engaged In In torataUreommorce, although It didn't leave the state waters. It Is ex pected the states rights senators will ralso a big howl. Lay lUtro Hill dyutim. Preliminary examination Into tho doings ot the Hill system of rail roads has convinced tho interstate commlsolon that the light of day up on them will be beneficial to tho business Interests of tho country. It Is stated officially at the offices of tho commission today that It will thor oughly examine tho Hill lines in a similar 'way to the Harrlinan lines, now progressing. It will be made before next winter. 8peclal attor ney are bow gathering data. Dr. J. P. COOK TUB WGTAXiCAL aKMTJOft, MOVnt TO S LZPHHTY iTKMrT FOR AXX MMLfcMC CALL OK Hit. coo, comvvr at tnml CUBAN SITUATION SERIOUS Laying: Foundation to De mand an American Protectorate sworn, and spnrrud with Jerome most Hkllfully. Jerome Insisted that Dr. Jolllffo duKorlbu the form of Insanity from which Thaw Is suffering. Ho shrewd ly avoldod hint by finally saying that, from tho facts In Jerome's hypothet ical (iiiuHtlon, ho could only say that ho was liiHitno, without attempting to say In wbnt form. Tho noaroat Jerome got Jolllffo to a doflnito statement was that Thaw bight have been suffering from circu lar Insanity. Washington, March 10. Tho Cu ban situation' appears' to bo as fol lows; At tho municipal election last Juno tho property ownors refused to vote, and tho low alomont got the offices. Tho foreign powers make representations to this effect. This government will bo forced tn an nounce a protectorate. bngllBli, Gorman and French citizens own $150,000,000; American oltlzous, $126,000,000 of tho property of tho Island. Bpaln owns two-thirds of tho land Intermits. o Two Killed for I)V, Holder, Ky., March 19. In nn old vlllsgo In Southern Virginia Frank Dutton nnd Allono Itoso eloped to this town. 8am Hoso, tho girl's brother, follolwed and Idled Dut ton at the end of tho marrlago crO mony. Kllas Dutton, Franka broth er, killed 8am Ttoso and fled to tho mountains. A poio Is pursuing. o The TliW Cae. Ken York, March 19.--Dr Jollltfo was recalled and Jerome contlnu d bis relentless probing. JelllVo re mained cool and elusive la bis an- HARRIMAN LINES TO W TIED UP Cleveland, March 10. At a meet ing of tho oxucutfvo board of tho In ternational llrothorhood of Holler makers and Iron Hhlpbullders tliia morning an ultimatum was Issued to Harrlumn thnt n general strike on atl his lines will be declared within 4 hours unless tho officials of tho Chi cago & Alton come to terms with tho bollermakers, Further IUhIc iHVfAtixatloti. Chicago, March Xt). Further In vestigation of tho banking mothoJs of Walsh were ordered by Judgo An derson this piornlDK at the Impanel ing of a now federal grand Jury. They tyero Instructed to Investigate? tho alleged vlolatjons of tbo banking laws prior to tko division In 190 or tho Judicial circuit.