DAIM OAl'ITAli JODnSAI,, SAtEJI, OBECOK, MOXB.tr. MARCH 18, 0". 1 ss: m Hi hi RBI Personals GREATEST SHOWING OE SPRING STYLES '" l Attorney H. J. Bigger spent Sun day with his family in Portland. Miss Leln Tnrpley has returned from a visit in Portland. C. E. Iddings, of Portland, spent Sunday In this city. Mrs: C. R. Lucns left for Turner this morning to attend tho golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mra. T. Mathlns. W. E. Wanu, tho Insuranco man, is In Albany on business. Andrew Hanson nnd A. L. Brown ore business visitors in Jefferson to day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Sieh and children, of Stony Plain,, Canada, DOUBLY INTERESTING BECAUSE THE VALUES ARE UNEQUALLED ELSEWHERE EVERY WOMAN WHO EXAMINICH QUALITY, STYLE, MAKING AND FINISH, AND WHO MAKKS CAKEITL ""'.'JniS? Si? FORCED TO TIJI riK CONCLUSION THAT WHATEVER THE PRICE HIIK MAY ELECT TO PAY, THAT rilltJv mi.u BI7 "" roV ALS OK EXCELLENCE THAN TUB 8AMK PItlCB WILL COMMAND ANYWHEUE ELSE. THE CHILI" I-AOiim w THE EHBENTI THIHUTING TO THIS RESULT IS THE IMMENSE VOLUME OF Ol'lt RUKINES.S WEDNESDAY ONLY . SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE NO. 021 For our ruining mid-week bar- fink' vo offer CHILDREN'S DRESSES w J5toT f'ft W J 'fi rfea am m OF Women's Correct Easter Attire LARGEST ASSORTMENT ' MODISH WEARABLES IN HALEM. Nnlurnlly, In looking fur now Spring wearables, you wont tlio ndvuntngo of selecting from tlio Inrgost assortment of ovorythlng now anil BtyllHli. Thl Ib only )ohhII1o by coming to thin grout fttoro. It Ib a gathering of wonr nbles In groator profusion thnn wo hnvo ovor boon nblo boforo to ploco boforo tlio public. Wo wnnt you to Inspect those now thlngB nn wo known you will bo planned with tlio Htylo, (iinllty nnd prloo. Tnllorod suits for Indies nnd IlllSBOH. $1.85 to $40 Tnllorod JuokotH In tlio nowost stylos nnd fabric In nil alios. $5 to $15 SHIRT WAISTS Everything desirable In fashion nlilo waists from tlio plain wiiIhIh to tlio moot elaborate ouch. Tlio prlco U rlulit In ovory Instance. 50c to $15 . They como In a great variety of colors nnd effocts style their first showing slzos rouge from 1 to 1 will be a boon to mothors, ns tboy Van droHH the llttlo onon vory nontly nnd economically Wodnoadny only -are this Kdagbii' years this salt 23c No telephone order received None Mild until K:0( n. m. FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS-AND SILKS Tlio newest weitVos nnd colors. Our silk nnd dross goods depurt inont nro suporior to any nnd nil In tlio Wlllnmetto vnlloy. In our f?ront Spring showing nro to bo found ovorythlng from tlio Intoat novollles down to tlio stnndnrd weaves. Thero is much newness this Hoation In both wonvos uud colorings. Tlio choicest will bo choson first, so would ndvlso nn onrly selection. SILK GLOVES Anticipating the practically ns- surod rouowod populnrlty of long silk glovos ngnln this sonson, wo nnnounco nn oxtonslvo showing, embruolng ovury doalrublo color nnd shndo. Thoy como In two lengths 12 nnd 1G button, nil nro exquisitely finished and no streot or evening costumo Is com ploto without n pair, You will do well to choose quickly, for tit those prices thoy can not bo oxcollcd. $1 .50 to $3 ' OXFORDS FOR SPRING WEAR THE NEWEST STYLES Every wanted lonthor In used. Tlio stylos of lasts nro fashion's newest nnd thoy nro for every pur pose, from tlio daintiest party Ox fords to tlio sturdiest mnkcs'f&r street wear In lnsts to fit ovory foot nnd shapes to plonso all In Individual tustos. $3.50 and up RIBBONS FORGAItNITURINO. Thoro Isn't a woman but who knows that n dainty ploco of rib ban horo nnd thero does much to onllvon the offoct of tlio balance of her attire. Thoro Is much nov elty this season for tlio demand will bo very general. All the plain colorings purtl-colored of fects, plaids nnd fanclos nro to bo seen 'hero in great profusion and in all wanted widths. Tlio quali ties are tlio best to bo found nnd prlcos nro ns usual vory modest for such high class merchandise. Mc&Tfti eiieM&& x ?jmm wMkm -y raiSJS . i mm ',&? tea vtffis .ww m i m i i i i- in ' - VX 1LW y W Spring Togs You will find thorn horo in the most popular matarlnls nnd color ings. Tlio newest styles in u va riety to plonso you. $10 and up Spring Underwear Wo nro ready with tlio now spring underwear In all weights In cotton nnd wool nt modest prices. CITY JNEWS A Collection of Importnnt Pnrn graphs for Your Coukldenttlon, Hoom Moulding And walll papor. llton. Huron & Until- KNOCKS (KNOX) THE ifttST n.(M) IIAT ON THE MAHKirr, UP-TO-DATE MEN'S HH)I)H AT THE TOCOHIIY. At Work Again Hurt Iithrop, who tins ahnrgo of one of H. O. Cummins' oxpruss wagons, U ukqIu nt work. Ho broko )il leg nearly four month oko. and, utter a long olK, hun renumed his regular place. Tint Ihuibui Tlio Mulo qunrtt and HwU Hull jrlngori, nt tho ChrUtlau eh it roll, March Slit. THE, REASON WHY Aro Dollar People The Duubnrs arc u dollar company hut wo hnvo made a rate or f0 cents. New Hooker Just received. Huron & Hamilton. Soon to Ito u llrlde Mrs. I M. Haines nnd daughter, MUs Ceoolla, left this morning for Portland. Miss Cecelia will lie united In mnrrlnwo on tho 24th of this month to Mr. Isndoro Holsmnu, of OhlonKu. Tho mnrrliiKO ceromony will bo performed In Portland In thw same houao In which Mr. and Mrs. Haines wore married 27 yenrs mo. Miss Cuculln Is among Salem's accomplished young IiuHes, uud has a wide olrole of frloiuU hero uud In Portland. A Huck lUuigiv On thirty days' free trial. & Hamilton, lluren So many people conitf to us for glatoo Is bccauio wo am vory sue cful In fitting them. Tho other ly n Kontlomon enme to us stntlm; that ho had a doxen pairs of kIamcs uud nono word tlfactory, and ho ld lie trUsI all tho optlcAns ho camo cros. Wo succeeded In flttluR him watUfaotorlly becauo wo found tho trouble that all th ret overlooked. Wo have up to date instruments ud up to to date knowledge how to wa them and long eiprlence. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Daugvrous to KhwH Bojtv A raldnt of KaKlowood Mk Tho I I Journal to protest asalast tk slow Oen. Nil How's lUrthtLiy Tho Woman's Christian Temper nuco union Invito tho tomporanco peoplo of Salem to Join with them In celebrating tho birthday of Oen. Nl Dow on noxt )Vcduoday, tho 20th. at 7:30 p. m. nt their hall. A Kuod program has boon prepared. Picture bVnmlng And fttnci" mat cutting at Huron & Hamilton's. lUrk nt Her Pot Miss Mao Evans, who has boon at her homo In Walla. Walla for tho past two months, has returned to Sa lem to resume her poiltlon with hor slstor, MUs M. 1). Evans, In tho mil linery parlors. MUs Evans has been III durlug her absence, but Is now fully recovered. Every Mail Should have a lluok stove or range In his home. (2rvtet IW11 Itlngvra o lUwd Tho Dunbar, at the Christian church next Thursday night. vrs tho lives of tho small boys. As It is now, soino of tho trnlus run at such a slow spood that thoso enter prising youiiKHtors jump on nnd off nt will, nnd It Is the fonr of tho pa rents that some time thoro will be n mishap, and ouo of thorn will bu orushed. The pnsseuKor trains don't seom to bo so much of n temptation to tho boys, owing to the high steps, but tho prnotlco of catching on should be stopped. If a boy should bo killed It would bu little consolation to tho beroavod paronts to bo told Unit it was tho boy's fault, and If the trains ere run at n 1iIk1it spood thoro will bo no attempts madu to ride, nnd consequently no diuiRer from Hint cause. Owing to Prayer Meeting Tho Dunbnrs will bogln tholr pro gram at S:30 o'clock nt tho Chris tian church. Watch ' Our south window for the llttlo o.x tttslon linudlo culling dusters for lions denning. Huron & Hamilton. Nothing Like the Dunbar At tho Christian church Thursday. Mls ISdnn Moutgoinory left this morning for Portland, whoro she will visit friends. Henry Hubbard, the hop man, loft I today for u roundup In tho Mt. Angel I country. ENAIU.KD IX) HAVE Saved by A Bicycle THE MAN WHO HIDES A HICYCLE IS MOUK TIME AND XNE1K1Y TilAV mw mav wnn .-,, THE .UVN WHO HIDES A 1UCYCLE IS ENAHLED TO SAVP MOHK TIME AND STHKNOTH TII.VN THE Jux Ano HHIES OTHKU hO-CALLED "IlTS." LEr I'SJillOW YOU WHY A HICYCLE HOVHT OK US WILL SAVE YOU MONEY P". CAVSE VK HANDLE THE MOST llKLlAULK MAKES, AND 8FM. THEM AT THE MOST ItKASOXAllLH PHICES. THE HACYCLE, YALE AND COIUVELLj A THIO THAT HS WKRX CUITICISED HY EXPEHTS, AND HAS GIVEN SAT1SPVC TION KVKIIY WHEHE. IF YOl'K WHEEL NEEDS HEPAIUINO HHING IT TO VS AVP WILL FIX IT AND USE THE HEST MATEHIALS AND WOUK MEN, TllEHKhX)UE YOU WILL SAVE TIME, WOItHY AND MOV arrived in tho city today, as tlio guests of Mr. John Mumm, who is a brother-in-law to Mr. Sloh. Elder and Mrs. George Mouror, who have been visiting Snlom rela tives, left this morning for Califor nia, en routo for tholr home in Cen tral Knnsas. They wero very much pleased with Orogon nnd the hospl tallty of tho people. Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. FergUBon left this morning for a visit In Shedds. Mrs. T. B. Killon, of Orogon City. , is tho guest of her niece, Mrs. Grant Corby. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Drngor nnd children, nftor visiting Salem rela tives, hnve returned to their homo in Scotts Mills. Mr. Drnger was tho ef ficient journal clerk of tho house at the last session of tho legislature. R. G. Huntor and wife returned this morning from n business trip to Portland. Frank Harris, of Rivordalc, Ne braska, is visiting his sister, Mrs. S. Dcsnrt, of this city. Fred Gooch loft today for n busi ness trip to Jefferson. Miss Mabel Tnto roturncd to her home in Sublimity this morning, af ter n visit in this city. Governor Chnmberlnin will return to tho city Tuosdny from Baker City. State Superintendent Ackermnn has gone to Eastern Orogon to hold teachers' Institutes, and will bo gono severnl wcoks. W. N. Harris, tho electrician, of Woodburn, Bpent Sundny visiting Sa lem relatives and friends. Clarence Perry roturncd this morn Ing from n visit in Albnny. Attorney L. II. McMnhon left this morning for Portlnnd on business. Miss Gladys Riches spent Sundny with her parents In Turner. County Superintendent Moorea went to Hubbard this morning. Frank Durbln went to Portlnnd today. Mrs. Baldwin, of Portland, is visit ing her dnughtor, who Is one of tho nurses at tho Wlllametto sanitarium. Miss Wlldn Holland, after a sever al woks visit hero, has roturncd to Portlnnd. Ex-Mayor Wators was among thoBO going to Portland today. Louis McLnln, tlio gns mnn of Vuncouvor, spoilt Sundny In this city with his family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Conner, of tho Wlllnmetto, will lonvo this evening for Klnmnth county, where they will spend sevornl months. Ernost Wolls, tho hop man, left for the lowor valley country this morn ing on business. H. L. Hart, of Portland, spent Sun day In this city. Mrs. D. F. Games wont to Port land today. o . CURRENT TOPICS TODAY. Best Work at Honest Prices Fank J. Moore EXPERT REPAIRING 447CctSmt There has been a massacro of Jows In Roumnnln, and tho city of Podlllllo was destroyed. NIuo thousand dressmakers and ladles' tailors havo gono on a strlko at Vienna, Austria. A flro In tho harbor of Genoa, Italy has destroyed 51,000,000 worth of cotton. Japan has added 24,000 men to her standing army. General Botha, tho leader of tho Boer armies, has becomo prime min ister or tho Transvaal. At tho close of tho Boer-England war ho was oxlled with a largo body of his troops on tho island of St, Helena. A revolution, backed by powerful forces, has been starteJ In tho state of Tachlra, Republic of Venezuela, with Juan Pablo Pentosa as leader. Tho trial of Abraham Ruef, charged with extortion at San Fran cisco, was postponed to March 3Cth, tho day after the hearing at Wash ington, beforo tho United States su preme court. At San Francisco. Mavor Schmlta has announced' that he would file clurgea of mismanagement and In competency against tho relief cor poration that disbursed funda and supplies after the great Callforal earthquake. vo SIU 11Ulflf i Hhhxl?..!!!;! '!s-!-Cranky and'ffx.ij. --"UHJJgtfljl, .v. alc Ulnny PK)plei. i'HB sooa inadoMh cepi tne hole. For thm tl nothing In this world U J Their greatest trouble i (71 , v , "'ueaaay. Tkt o in uooiiioa,nnathljijtast, ly SllOWn In a mnn'. i... . i .r"-.:'a"i e uU Dl.v;u8eiui niusmaTeismij. Bide. Tho wnrM l...i. . .' -" ""ox U)J uiuii) uyaiiepsia races ihx uisnster and gloom. Stomach trouble Is the incut t mon cnuso or UlscontenL ton i recklessness, dlsguitandUtldJ lilUnn. A lm, ....t .. 1 "" "'"""itu inert si j secrei oi many a failure. enn hnve a good stomach, 1 1 stomach, a stomach that bj i enro of anything nnd eremfchm Is put into it, no matter vhttk is a vory llttlo stomach or wt Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets tot! vory thing. Ono Ingredient of t llttlo tablets digests 3000 piia food, and no matter how lid j dyspepsln or Indigestion Uwri dlgotit everything in jroor ttc thoroughly and completely uj tor and moro quickly this 1 1 strong healthy stomach caa Ia : Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets in y ly euro loss of appetite, brus, l tntion, burning sensations, u-j henrtburn, eructations, loss of i and energy, bad memory, uA i pepsin and Indigestion In UelrM worst forms. No other llttlo tablets In the t can do so much. Yon should i Stuart's Dyspepsia TableU in with you wherever yon msy p i tnko them after meals. Thcai will you realize what It li ton a meal, nnd what perfect d!(o means. Your whole body isa mind will feel tho effects, jmt i will Increase, you will be morti fled with what tho world 4o.j will think hnpplcr and be lift nnd your faco will be on d i nremo contentment. Thatm! you success nnd then more i Your- fnco will bring yoa u.-i Try It. It will cost you Jort lkl a pnekogo of these wonderfslStusl Dyspopsla Tablets, at ny an on earth. Send us your name and rit today nnd wo will at once mM by rnnll a snmplo pactu' dress F. A. Stuart Co., M W Bldg., Marshall, Mich. - P03lA' mwwm" ojs.m lLaiA J UT C&jW DIED. ovi.-Ec in Indiana. FrldiJ. 1907. Mrs.' Marjartt S aged SI years. aun. the mother ..!.. a tAhn RvVel. ofPl' .. Th. fnnorsl was coadsS".' L...on hv rbv. d. A. Em1 tho Clough undertaklnj P burial took place In toe " cemetory. BARNARD.-At the lf .. . ii.. nnHhwet W Monday morning MweiW.'' r. T. Barnard, w ". aunoosw""" A Tho funeral appear later. NEW TOW wa-rof Vnu nc Man W work. Rodgers PP 404 Court street- - i Wantl.-A girl ' "T-nI work. Small ITtf' Mission street. For Sale Fnraltw lal' or Sale Funmw- -- xi room boarding i tlon, rent rw- j4f- C. Dllman. Cow toe S.l-Goo4. k . nd Jersey APff .jUr mini, phone S6S. Ptoac3&S ..MONEY TO LOAN.. THOWJLS XL POU IBnfWul nf .f vsAtt. tttt. .m..a tMft I Feiini -A ooi tflftf Stafcl UMH1! S(f t StitlMJ part of tow, m, . y, It eu J aqc- I oa W. V. RK l-J Ortr LaM A i,v sUk, uumt Or. arr. Ui, -v f . m .a jr i -v