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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1907)
'irT 'iT."" pnr-iv-Hy DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM. OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1007. -rvrn j Wlgrjff tmf " ' .' ' r ""Wiy'r- Cough hdidne iwAMV,xa- L-vrf to Orvgon Unprc- Ltrf-to thc Xc,vco",t,r3 feci nt Home .,.... is The cam- terming which has boon sol "' . .,. f ninety f lbe TrnmerCal bodies of ...,- r. Much cre- K""..;f this campaign cr!XpreSs throughout the hich has " " . titinr tho coloniBt ro?--,'-i; lfUchwmconuuu .---- L aro tho lowest over . the transconiiBBuiu ... : li homeseekers, quick to r.lMB, of thorn, aro pour- L Oregon la constantly increas- Uben. Whllo many 01 come through 10 ruruuuu, ..nmhera havo scattered to L puts of tho state. It Is now r r .in.... tn ntntro tj,ty ol our ciiumo i . ..Mn within our gates feel Lb- at home. Wo should show . every attention; givo mom !.., information; tho effect of encouragement, a llttlo noigh L. during tho first few day3 rki. will bo marvelous, and no ajftomcrs becomo bettor ne tted at close rango with wnai Ms has In storo for them, thoy he thoroughly glad thoy aro hero. Till wonder why they did not L More. lower, It must not bo forgotten Itfeselow rates will continue- for reki more, and that groat work r U dono In that time. It has i said that "Persistent Publicity Salem. Eugene, Grants Pass itord and Ashland havo becomo i believers In this doctrine. Alice Hoosorclt Wedding i loðlng to ho recorded In thv ill of history. Hcrblno hns boon y!dged tho greatest of liver Miton. A posltlvo euro for bll- teadaches, constipation, Chills Fever, and all liver complaints. .Smith, Llttlo Rock, Ark., ret ' Hcrblno Is tho greatest llv- EeMIcIoo known. Havo used it jln It does the work." Sold la J. Frr o XkrlUncous Sporting Nuwh. '.' Scnd.r defeated J. A. u U the 14 2 balk-line tourna- -t at tho Knickerbocker Billiard 'km Ihookhn. for the chum- uaipof Gr,aNr N'ew York. P Shak, of tho Wheaton Golf h Chicac- was the winner of th F Bfdal off r d for the heat unnre I'itlt-hu.o qualification round of f usual cub championship colt hmrt wfh a card of 1C7. t -tZ-lK5arr I "- ".,.. r''"ff iMt rrs:i M. cU.-inriar..t SrHlContoosadthsr Nas,:otic. 2 ) ;Mfi ""LOSS OF SLEEP. hSwik. rwY ervtAJvca. Tver's Cherry Pectoral is a regular cough medl cine, a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desperate coughs. II your doctor fully endorses it for your case, then take it. If not, then don't take it. Never go contrary to his advice. nr hT no ccrt I Wa publUh J.O.AyrrCo., .hn formulas of emr preparations. Lowell. Mui. Gcorgo Sutton, champion at both styles of balk-line, will go to Paris in a fow days to fulfil a three monthB engagement In n billiard academy in thnt city. It is impossible to go hungry on tho motor boat rnca around Cnpe Cod to Mnrblehcad, for sandwich and a bottlo of water will not bo allowed to pass for proper stores. A complcto outfit necessary for feedlns and sleeping tho crew must also bo on board. Tho Indian Harbor Yacht Club has planned a raco to Jamestown to tako tho big fleet to contest in tho big regatta planned nt the Exposi tion. This trip is an important in novation, being tho 4lrst big ocean raco projected for several years, and with tho lncentivo of two weoks of racing nt tho other end. It will attract a record entry. Tho early cruising raco Is fixed for Tuesday Juno 25th, starting' early in the morning from Greenwich, and tak ing tlfo fleet into New London Just before sundown. o $100 Reward, $100. Tho readers of this paper will bo pleasod to learn that thoro Is at least on dreaded dlsoaso thnt sclonco has been nblo to euro in nil its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tho only poBltlvo euro now known to tho mddicnl fraternity. Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatmont. Hall's Catarrh Curo is takeu Inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho systom, thorcby destroying tho foundation of tho dlsoaso, nnd giving tho patlont strength by building up tho consti tution nnd assisting nnturo in doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith In its curativo powers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso that it fails to cure. Sond for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENBY & CO., To ledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 7Gc. Tnko Hall's Family Pills for con stlpatlon. II on jest Murder Trial Comes Up. Morrlsvlllo, N. Y., March IS. Onolda, N. Y., tho county court of Onoldn county convonod today at Morrlsvllle, for tho trial of Nicholas Honyost for tho murder of Ellas Jacobs, nn Onodaga Indian, nt Stock brldgo on May 20 last. The charge Is murder In the first degree. Judge Durham, of Oneida, and ex-dlstrlct uttornoy Senn, of Morrlsvllle, are de fending Honyest, and 'District Attor noy Cushmnn, of Hamilton, will prosocuto tho caso. As it is a num ber of years Blnco a murder caso wns tried In this county, great interest Is excited by tho ovent. CASTORIA Tor Infantg and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Bears the , A Signature Xwr vJ For MONEY FOR THE RIYERS And Harbors Not Considered Cause of National Ex travagance Washington, March IS. Whllo thoro Is a tondoncy In certain quar ters to criticize tho Fifty-ninth Con gress on tho scoro of extravanganco in appropriations, this criticism has not been levelled at tho rlvora and harbors bill. Tho enormous growth of waterway transportation in this country has practically controlled tho government to rccognlzo its im portance. As an illustration of tho enormous amount of freight carried by water, it is only necessary to point to the trnlllc on thc Great Lakes, which during tho season of navigation last year reached a total of moro than 237,000,000 tons. Tho Ohio rlvor nlono carried 13,000,000 tons of various classes of commodi ties, principally coal. As a result of tho great trafllc tho rivers and harbors measuro war rants an expenditure of moro than $19,000,000 for Improvomonts to tho harbors and channels of tho Great Lakes. This might almost bo called n parsimonious amount, whon it Is known that tho harbors of Duluth nnd Superior during tho past yenr contributed n tonnage of 38,000,000 tons to tho general movement of freight on tho lakes. Out of tho harbors of Michigan a tonnngo of 1C,000;000 wns roglstored; Ohio harbors contributed 33,000,000 tons; Wisconsin harbors in, 000,000 tons and tho harbors of Illinois 20,000, 000 tons to swell tho grand total. , It Is a remarkable- fact In this con nection, thnt tho tonnngo from tho Duluth-Suporlor harbor exceeds tho tonnngo of throe or tho lnrgost ports on tho Atlantic const. Whllo tho Duluth-Suporlor port sends out 38, 000,000 toiiB a yenr, tho tonnngo from Boston Is only 28,000,000; thnt from Phllodelphin 25,000,000, and of Baltimore only 8,000,000 tons. Tho comparison could bo drnwn furthor by taking tho amount of tonnngo thnt passod through tho Dotrolt rlvor last year and compnr lug It with tho throe Atlantic- const harbors named. Tho totnl tonnngo out of Boston, I'hllndolphln and Bal timore harbors was RS.OOO.OOO tons; that passing through the Detroit rlvor during the season of naviga tion wns 56,000,000. Other figures of tonnage on the in land waterwns have Just been made public. On tho Mississippi between the Missouri rlvor nnd St. Paul, tho frolght carried aggregated -1,000,000 tons; on tho Mississippi betwoon tho Ohio nnd tho Missouri rlvors n totnl movoment of 7,000,000 tons was notod, hut ns more than 6.000,000 tons of this was roprosentml by forry trafllc botwoen St. Louis and East St. Louis, the nctual frolght tonnnge in that reach of tho river was prob ably loss than half n million tons. Tho monoy appropriated for a com plcto survey of tho Mississippi river will permit of appropriations for the development of tho Fnthor of Wa ters being mudo Intelligently as soon as tho onglnoerlng reports aro In tho hands of Congress. Another appropriation for river Improve ments is ono of $2,600,000 for the Improvement of tho mouth of tha Columbia rlvor. Tho National Rlvors and Harbors Congress is being congratulated on tho passage of tho rlvora and har bors bill. For tho last four years this organization lias endeavored to bring forcibly to tho attention of Congress the necessity for undertak ing a wldosproad campaign of water way development, contending that not lesa than $50,000,000 n year should bo expended in tho work. Tho measure, whllo a long stop tow ard meeting this doraand, is not yet all that tho National Jllvors and Harbors Congress could doslre. As a result tho organization Is ondeav orlng to Increase its already largo membership which is to bo found in orery stato In tho union, and Cap tain J. F. Ellison, of Cincinnati, O., Its secretary and treasurer, has Is sued a general call to all believers la waterway transportation, flrmB, Individuals and shippers to Join the movement. O ' Many business men are shortslght In not looking into things. They aro dally losing money by not adopting the great Holllster Rocky Mountain Tea aysytem. Makes them well and keeps the well. 35 cants. For sala at Dr. Stone's store. What Ails You? Bo you feel weak, tired, despondoni, havo frequent hoadnchos, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste In morning, "heart burn," belching of gas, acid risings In throat alter eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spoils, poor or variable- appctito, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? If yoTSvo any considerable number ol thvabovo iTyeantoms you aro suffering fromllounwOhrpId liver with Indl ffostlonHtMypepsM Pr. I'Jerce' KoMen, Mimical Dfc'Vivprv Is winrtiMin of the nvvTt valnabM mtMlcmnl "principle known to mod lea I vlenro for the permanent cnirT. such almorm,iLcontltilonsu It Is a niivi efllclcnt liver Invlgoralor, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and norvo strongthoncr. Tho "UoUlen Medical Discovery Is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full lUt of lw Ingredients bolnir printed on Its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glauco at Its formula will show that It contains no alcohol, or harmful hablWormlng drugs. It Is a fluid extract mado with puro, trlplo-rotlned glycerine, of proper strength, from tho roots of the following native American forest plants, viz., Golden Seal root, Storm root. Black Cherrybark, Queen's root, Uloodroot, and Mandrako root. Tho following1 leading medlct authorities, anion? a liott ot other, extol tho forecoine roots for thn curo of Juit aticb. ailment ai tho aboreftynnitom Indicate! Prof. R llartholow, St. D., of Joffpfson Mini. Colh-tfo, 1'lilla.l Prof. H.O Woort. M. U.,of I'nW.ot i'n.i I'ruf.fcilwln M HatcvM D, or Hahnemann Med. College, Chtcacin Trot. John Klmr. M. I) , Author ot American UInenatoryi Prof. Jna M. Beiia dor. M. I)., Autliorot Hpeclflc Medicine; Pro?. LaurenroJohnon. M. I)., Med. DepU Unlr. of N. Y.I Prof Klnler Klllnewood. M. D.. Author of Materia Medlca and Prof, tn Ponnott Medi cal Collcfe. I'lilcaca Send name and ad drew on t'oital Card to I)r. Jt. V. I'lirco. Hut fali. N Y., niuI recelro frt booklet slrmc oxtrncu froia wrttlnir of all th atTo mvdl cal author and manr other riKlorjInir. tn thn t tronirtvii tKtlhl tprm. each and ovwrr In arcdlciit of which "Golden Medical Dlkco err" l comrx)t. f fir. PlnrcnW l'laant TelloU reffdate and tnTlirorato utomach. llrer and txiwol. Ther nar Ik tt.etl In conjunction with "Oolden Medical Uloorerr"li bowoU aro much ooa tipated. Tlxr'ra tlnr and ausaieoaUsL flrwtt Snort Bt'lng Coventor. Boston, March 18. Alderman Bcrwln says ho finds It gront sport to be mayor, but ho won't rovlow tho pnrndo today. Ho has rocolvod n number ot gifts during his incum bency of tho mayoralty whllo Mayor Fltzgornld has boon nwny and has thoroughly onjoyod himself. Ono of his gifts wns n massing enko from the Daughters of tho Confederacy in Now Orleans, with throo lings in tho confer tho stars and stripes, tho other a confedornto flag, and tho third n green ono with nn ombroltl ored hnrp and shamrock. B B B Oraor a packago of this famous health and brain building flour nnd onjoy somo good old fashlonod New England Drown Itrt-ml. A chnnco nt n right hot loaf will mako you think you nro In Boston. With Alien's fielf.rlMliig I). 11. II. Flour you can mako broad Just llko tho Puritans usod to mako. a-B Pnnctko Flour Is nlso n puro food; solf rising and nil ready to mix with water and bako Trado Mark on a hot grlddlo. ALLEN'S B B B f LOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, Han Johc, Cut. Eastern Factory, Llttlo Wolf Mills, Manawn, Wis. FOR KABTKR Wo havo a variety of delicious cakes, pies and pastry, Including our fam ous "Hot Cross Buns" not forgot- ting our over popular home-mado bread. Tho products of our bakery can always bo rolled upon for bolng absolutely fresh, healthful and nu tritious. Wo employ tho best skill and roquiro thorough oleanllness In all departments, Insuring perfect sanitary conditions. Let us havo your Easter order early. CAPITAL IIAKKUY. O. Ulloni, Prop.. INDKPKXDKNCK BTAaE. Dally except Sunday, Leaves Wil lamette Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con nects with motor for Monmouth nni Dalbui At I: IS 9. w, Lvm Iade pieac at 8 a. n. Phoae Mai 171, RALPH BUDLONO, (3W I CLASSIFIED Miiwuiwttitwf tmtwmmmtw FOB 8AIJB Tonni for Snle. Good span of heavy work horses, nt n low figure. On T. M. Smith plnco, 1M miles cast ot Salem on Mncleny road. B.'A. Autranco. 3-lC-3t For Sale. Fresh milch cow. In- qulro nt Doyens & Westncott Btables. Phono 1SS. 3-lG-3t For Snlc Six-year-old maro, wolght 1000 pounds, kind nnd gontlo. In qulro nt Frultlnnd storo 3-lG-3t For Snle. Second-hand buggy, In goad condition. Inqulro of G. W. Johnson. 3-lG-3t For Snlc Four acres on North 21st with houBo nnd barn nnd good or chard. Also 80 acres 3 miles south ot town on Jefferson road, mostly in wheat nnd oats. Ono houro In Highland ndd. Inqulro of J. G. SchuUs, 747, South 12th street. 3-12-lwk For Salo. 12 to 18 good houses, somo with tracts of land. Also farms 10 to 223 acres. Ono ot tho best farniB In tho valloy for $10, 000. Inqulro of J. C. Schultz, 747 South 12th ntroot. 3-9-2wk For Sale. A flvo and a alx-room houso, with from ono to six, lota with each, woll located In East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schoneflold, 21st nnd Marlon Sts., Snlom. 1-aS-tt For 8nU A comploto box manufac turing and planing mill plant. Ad dress E. Burkholdor, Albany Or. 2-20-tf IODOKS. Foresters of Amerlcn Court Sh.r wood Forostors, No. 19. Moots Tuesday in Hurst hnll, Stato stroot Loo Abblo, O. It.; A, L. Brown, F. S. Cent ml Lodge No. 18. K. of P. Cnstlo Hall in Holmnu block, cor ner Stnto nnd Liberty stroots. Tuesday ot each wook nt 7:30 p, m. E. W. Hazard, O. C; W. I. Staloy, K. ot R. nnd 8. Modern Woodmen of America 'Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng nt 8 o'clock in Holmnn hall. W, W. Hill, V. 0.; F. A? Tumor, Clork. Woodmen of World Meek, ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holmnn hall. J. A. Dlckoy, C. 8.; P. L. Frnzlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and ponslon Insurnnco; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory clulm paid Oood agents wanted. J. II. O. Montgomery, suprotno organizer, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R Rynn, socrectary, 540 Stnto stroot. MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jtitsvit Toackor of pi ano; touch, toohnlch, Intorprotn tlon. Thorough preparatory courso Advoncetl studonts propurod for public npponranco. Rusldunco CB8 Contor St. Tel. Main 520. 2-28-tf. WANTED, WnutiHl to Buy Hoavy druft horsos, weight 1400 pounds and upward J, Connor, Wlllamotto hotel, l-28-tf Help Wanted. A dozen good men for work in nursery. C. F. Lans ing, Quaker Nursorlos, on Garden toad. Phono CG6. 2-22-f Wanted. Stenographlo position by young woman wishing to make chango the first of April. Six years' experience. Excollont rof orences. Address "Stonogrnphor," caro Capital Journal. S-lO-lm Wanted Gontloraan ar lady to travol for morcantllo houso ot largo cap ital. Territory at homo or abroad to suit. If doslrablo tho homo may bo uiod as headquarters. Weekly salary of $10p0 por year and ex penses. Address Joseph A. Alex ander, Salem, Oro, 2-19-lm Witntod At onco a boy to learn tho bakery trade. Inqulro at Fuller & Douglas'. 2-15-3t I Wunt to Buy 20 bead of heavy draft horses In tho next two weoks Will pay good prices. I nlso want a first-class saddle horse, weight not loss sthan 1100 pounds, must be hlgh-grado and single-footer. J. Conner, Willamette Hotel. 3-4-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro than any other bread, yet tho price Is no higher. For sale at your urocer'i. . CALIFORNIA WAKKKY. ThosBM ft Cooley, Frops. DEPARTMENT j NKW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. Now and Sccoml-IIam! Good. Bought and sold, also range, atoves and cooking utensils, disk os, granlto and tlnwaro ot all klate Glvo us a call. O. L. McPook, 17 South Comtnorclal St. 8-13-ly rilYBICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. D. It. Grlftln, tho Siecialist e Morphine All drutt and liquor habits, which ho euros in 3 days. No monoy until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem. Oro. Phono G68, Jofca Doyons, Business Manager. OSTEOPATH. , Dr. 11. II. White Graduate of Kirks- vlllo, Mo., undor founder ot 0 teopathy. Room 21, Breyraa building. Commercial street. Phono 87. Rosldonco corner Mill nnd Twonty-flrst Sis, Phone G80. Treats aouto and chroalo dtaoasoa. Examination freo. 11-17-tt PLUMsIU. Thco. M. Warr Plumbing, hot water and stoam heating and tlnnlag, 104 Commercial street. Phoae Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J, PetxeU-Plumbing, stoam am4 gas fitting. Successor to Knox M Murphy, 220 Commercial street. 'Phono Mala 17. DRAYMKri. It. O. Cumntlns Successor to White Cummins, express, dollvory and trnnsfor linw. Prompt sorvlce k our motto. Furnlturo and piano moving n spocinlty. Stand at 15 South Commercial stroot. Phone 17G. Rosldonco phono 908. 8-4-tt gABII AJTD DOOR rAOTOaDW. Frank M. Brown, Manufacturer e4l sash, doom, mouldings All kinds homo finish nnd hard wood work. Front street, hot, State and Court, MISCELLANEOUS. For Unit Eight-room furnished houso in Yow Park. Inqulro nt 712 Fourteenth street, or nt Yow Park grocory. 3-10-lwk Kpoclul Meeting Of Oregon Grnpo Gamp No. 13 GO, R. N. ot A., In Holmnn'a hhll Tuomlny, March Kith, nt 2:30 p. m. By ordur of M argil rot Hundrlclc, ornclo. 3-lG-Ut DreHsiiuikiug Plain or fancy dress making done by Portland Indy of oxperlouoe. Mrs. A. N. Mini soy, 3SG Seventeenth street. Phono 1171. 3-lG-lwk For Rent. Nlou cnltnge, largo grounds; the rose mid flowor cor ner hlook of Salem. Houso In first-class condition, screens to all windows and doors, nuw shades, ourtalu polos, hot nnd cold witter in bud rooms, porcolnln nnd mar bio wash stands, porcolnln hath nnd toilet, chandeliers In ovory room, oluctrio lights, fino porch undshndotroos; tho finest location In Snlom, olono In, corner of Mill nnd church stroots. This cottaga will ho for runt April 1st. J. Con nor, Wlljninotto Hotul. 3-14-tf Enlarged Our moat market on East State street has boon doubled in size and we aro bettor propared than ovor to sorro oustomors. Prompt eorvico and tho boat ot meats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop Pinna Tuner L. L. Woods, pano ex port tuning, ropnlring and polish ing. Leavo orders at Geo. O. Wills' music storo, Salem, 2 D-lyr Concrete Work. Get my prlcoi oa sidewalks, curbs, soptio tanks and comont work of any kind. Alt work guaranteed first-class. M. Ward, Highland add. Phono G09. 'J-ll-tf Butto A WVudentli Fln wlaes, liquors and cigars. Wo handle the colebrated Kellogg and Cm tin whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr Halem Iron Works, Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Mantf facturers of nil kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers ot the Balorn Iron Works Hop Press, Contractor and Ilullur A. J. An derson, contractor and bulldor, s tlmates furnished freo. It win pay you to see mo boforo you build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 415 Court street, or ke 544. 2-15-tt I