"-lJII3rTnnpqr&!irT j ,j, I I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, nnrnnN. MONDAY. MARCH 18, 1007- S Marks of Distinction What the Victoria Cross is to the Brit ish soldiers, the "Triangle A" is to cigars the mark of highest merit. Only soldiers of proven merit wear the cross. Only the best cigars on earth bear the "A" (Triangle A). You record an emphatic protest against low-quality high-profit cigars every time you demand the " Triangle A" brands. When you buy cigars get your money9 s worth and be sure of it ! Choose your cigars from boxes bearing the "Triangle A" mark of merit then you know you're getting greater value than your money can buy any other way. The "Triangle A" identifies the product of the American Cigar Company the only complete organization with the only "stemmeries" equip ment for scientifically developing tho ripest fra granco of tho best tobacco, for making a smooth, uniform blend, and for delivering the cigars to you in their best smoking condition. Tho ''Triangle A" on a cigar box guarantees full value, cleanliness, and unvarying quality. The New CREMO represents tho beat quality that can bo produced nnd Bold for five cents it proves overy claim wo mako for cigars aolil under tho "Trianglo A." Every box is oxtra-wrnpped in glossino paper, scaled Ht each ond with tho "Trianglo A" in red, to maintain perfect smoking condition and cleanliness until tho box is opened. KAXS AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY Manufacturer iaxrti 1VIIK.Y HKIt HACK AOIIKH. A Woman Finds All Her Knrrgy mill Ambition Hllpplng Away. Baltitu wo m ou know how tliu aches nnd pains thnt conio whon tho kid neys full innko lifts n burduu. lluok ncho, hip iKilim, himdnehos, dlsiy apclls, distressing urlunry trouble, nil toll of nick kldmiya uiul wnrn you of tho uttutlth) approach (it diabetes, dropsy uiul Ilrlghra dUoasu. Dunn's Kidney 1'IIU permanently onro nil thoso disorders. Hero's proof of It in a Hit lo in woman's wertU: MrH. 8. Collins, of C70 High St.. Haloin, Ore., says: "Troubles with my kidneys uml bnokuoho have caused m much uunuyanoo for ev urn) years. AlthotiKh I used a Knot! imuiy remedies, I obtained no post tlvo roller until my attention was willed to Donu'H Kidney Pills nnd I procured thorn til l)r, Stone's dniK atoro They toon brought tno otfec- tlvo benefit, connod tho bearing down fouling through tho buck nnd loins und buulshod tho uohlng nnd othor symptoms thut hnd unnoyod mo for o Ions. I have slncia learned of othors who think tho world of your rollnblo roiniHly und I Kindly rocom iimnd It to nil suffering front bnok nuho or kidney troublo." For snlo by nil dealers. Prlco KO cuntn. Fostor-Mllhurn Co., lluffalo, Now York, nolo agents for tho Uni ted StatoH. Itumombor tho naino Deans nnd tuko no othor. Auk Hxtmiptlou from Texas. Providence, K. 1., Mnrah IS. The taxpayers, In ptibllo mooting today, nro considering tho patltlon of tho Forestdale Manufacturing company unking thut the now brick addition to bo erected by tho company at Korontdulo be exempted from taxa tion for a period of ton years STOP WOMAN AND CONSIDER First, thstaltuoataveryoperatlo 1 our UonpUaU, performed upoa women. becomes necessary becauaa of utfltcC of such symptoms as Msckache, Irregularities, Displace tusaVs, Vain In the Klde, Dragglng Sensation, Dlulucss and Sleepless Smiles The newspapers hnvo given Alder man Haas too much prominence nnd too many unkind criticism. Ho should not bo ordered to lenvo town as ono correspondent suggests. Tho Gold Beach Buzzard says mil llonnlro Humo has a new hat. The only thing that makes Humo hot Is to call him a multl-rnllllonnlre. Who got tho most personnl grafts out of tho lato . . W April seems to bo getting In tho lap of March, shedding n fow toars. Tony Noltnor makos n mistake Jumping on to Hep. Jonos, of Polk county. When Jones gets n inovo on ho mnkos mlncomont out of anyone who Jumps onto him. Ho Is n wild cat In a sera j). A CITV WITHOUT A GOOD LIVI5 IMTTAir. DISTINCT IH A DKAI) OXU I'ATHOXIKI IIOMK MKIIOHAXTS AM) MAKI3 TIIK CITV AMVK WITH IIUHIXKSS. The salmon hatchery on the Mc Konzlo has turned out moro snlmon tlinn any hatchory In tho state. It is a tributary of tho Willamette No nlmon in tho Wlllainotto! Now thoro Is to bo n hntchory erected on tho Bnntlnm. It Is n tributary of tho Willamette. a Tho mnllnglng of Hopresontntlve Jonos by tmmo Tologrnm odltor In ro gard to tho normal school matter Is not a position backed by facts. Mr. Jonos did nil In his powor to pass tho normal school bill; nnd tho Drnln rldor wns sprung too Into to succow fully combat. DallnB Itomlzor. Hop. Jonos has boon unjustly nttackud. No man moro faithfully roprosontcd his county nnd Its Intorosts than Jonos, Iiosldos ho pnssod tho frco locks bill. m m Money Ib only dangerous- in tho hands of dangerous men, This Is truo socially and politically. Tho higher education organs still ronHt Tom Kuy nnd Tho Cnpltnl Jour nal. HWI 1 1 1 H-H I -; a f TRANSFERS IN : REAL ESTATE ;; tlllMH-H-WHl""llHIII The following deeds have been placed on record In tho offlce of the Mnrlon county recerder: C. 0. Samdahl ot ux to A. L. Ask, et ux, 87. 27 acres, t 7 s, r 2 w, w d $ 1 0. and M. V. Corby to Jnnnlo Coldrey, lots 5, 6, 9 and 10, D. L. Remington's addition, Woodburn, deed 1000 Goo. F. Rodgors ot ux to J. H. Albort, land In block 14, Uni versity Add., Salem, w d . . . . W. A. Ryan to II. D. Trover, lots 4 nnd G, block 7, Rlver sldo addition, Salem, w d.. H. M. BranBon et ux to II. D. Trovor, lot C, block 7, River side Add., Salem, w d .... R. M. and S. B. Brown to E. nnd J. Boscow, GO acres in Marion county, w d C. Frickey to Susnn Hugor, land In Frlckoy's Railroad addition, Salem, q c d Mary Sappiiigflold to Chns. Sap ingnold, lnnd In t 7 s, r 2 w W. B. Brown ot ux to Zoo Ij. Shoroy, 10.17 ncros In Mnr lon county, w d I S. T. King ot ux to A. J. King, 1 IS 1-Jl ncros, t 7 s, r 1 w, tied M. h. Jonos ot ux tb Brltt Aspln wnld, 20.5 noros In t 7 8, r 2 w, w d 2000 Brltt ABplnwnld to W. S. A. and Mngflov. 20. 0G ncros. t C 8. i To Owners of Bad Breath- G00 40 40 GG00 Foul Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, Kating or Drinking Stopped nt Once With Stuart's Clinr- conl Lozenges. THnl Pnckngc to Prove It Sent Free Bilious brcathers,onion caters, in dlgostion victims, cabbage consumers, smokers, drinkers nnd thoso with gas on tho stomach arc in a class alt by themselves, distinguished by a poworful bad breath. They all breathe, and as they breathe, they whiff out odor which makos thosostanding near, turn their, hoads away In disgust. The pltiablo part of it Is that those victims do not realize what a Blckenlng thing a bad offonslvo broath is to others. Charcoal is a wonderful absorber of gases nnd odors. It nbsorbs 100 times it own volumo of gas. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges will .put n stop to your bad, offensive I breath, and to your belchtngs, what 'over tho causo or source, becauso tho charcoal quickly absorbs all noxious, unnatural ordors and gases. If vnu suffer from indigestion nnd 1400 .bolch gas as a result, Stuart's Char coal Lozenges will absorb all tho gas and mako you stop belching. If on getting up in tho morning you hnvo such a bad, bilious breath, that you can almost smell it your solf, Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges will got rid of It for you quickly. If you hnvo been smoking or chew ing, or hnvo boon eating onions or I othor odorous things, Stunrt's Char coal Lozongos will mako you breath 1500 170 BARGa a t ipan r z w, w u iou- mro flnd BW00t Tho following floods have boon . Chnrcoft, ,9 n,BO tho bost inxatlvo filed for rocord In tho ofllco of tho known, You will tnko a wholo box- Thoro'a naught so sweet ns lovu's young, dream And It would sweeter bo, If lovorB would only tako A little Rocky Mountnln Ton. For salo Dr. Stono'a Btoro. o i HUIIUH1IAX TltAlX HHUVICK. Southern Pnclllc Will 0Hirnto Dally lWciwr Tralim llvtwcm Ku grno uml Sprlngllold, Wattlllnt: und Coburg, Ilfglnnliig Within a IVu- WtMkK. soo Marlon county recerder: John W. Cook ot ux to Byron T. Rnndnll, part of lots 5 and 0, block 2, Add "13," Woodburn, w d $ 200 Ray Reeves ot nl to Glonn 1311- you, undivided Vi Interest lot 12, block C, Jefferson, w d Goo. Rlohtor et ux to Minnie Rlchtor, lot 10, block G, Frlckoy's Add., Salem, w d. F. Kurz ot ux to Annlo M. Townsond, lots 3 nnd 4, block 12, G. H. Jonos Add., Salem, w d F. H. WheeUr et ux to "W. n. Wheeler, lot 12, blk 7, High land Add., Salem, w d. . . . Atla Strong ot nl to N. Roson bautn, lot 3, blook 4, South west Add., Salem, w d . . . . L. L. Huobnor to P. H. Mnr lay, land In t 9 a, r 2 o, dooil P. W. Mum et ux to ISmll Glor, land and rights In Mt. Angel, w d It is n Kugono, March 19. Tho new out off branch betwuon Sprlngllold und Sprlngllofd Junction wna formally turnud over to tho Southern Pacific company nnd noeoptod. It Is now In tho hands of tho operating depart ment of tho company nnd na soon ns tho bridge ncros tho mill race In HprlngMd la complotod, which will bo In a vory fow wok, a regular paBongor Borvloo botwaon hJugouo and Sprlngllold will bt lnnuguaratod. It I said that tho paaaongor depart inont of tho oompnny la now working on a Bohedulo for thla trvle. and It win bo given to the public within a abort time A auburban servloe of several trains dally will bo oatablUhed be twewn Hugeno and Sprlneflold. Co- If tho trains run too fast for Aldor Haas ho can trnvol by boat. Cured Lumbago. A. 11. Caumnn, Chicago, wrltos Mar. 4, 1903. "Having beon troubled with Lumbago, nt dlfforont tlmos nnd tried ono physician nftor anothor, thou different olutmeuts nnd llcl montB, gavo It up altogothor. So I trlod onco moro, and got a bottlo of Ballnrd'a Snow Liniment, which gavo mo almost InBtant rollof. I can cheer fully reolmmend It, nnd will add my namo to your list of sufferers." Sold by D. J. Fry. ful and no hnrm will rosult. wonderfully easy regulator. And then, too, It niters your blood ovory pnrtlclo of poison and impur ity in your blood is destroyed, npd you begin to notlco tho dlfforonco in your faco first thing your clear com plexion. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges nro iinado from puro willow cbnrconl, and IjiiBt n llttlo honey is put in to innko -" tlinm nnlfltnfilA il,f nnt inn au-ntt !', ".. a.uv ww anvv... They will work wondors in your stomnch, and mnko you fool flno and fresh. Your blood nnd breath will bo 2000 .purified. You will fool clean inside Wo want to provo all this to you, o Just send for a freo samplo today, Thon nftor you got It and uso it, you will llko thorn so well that you will go to your druggist and get a 2Do box of thoso Stuart's Charcoal Loz enges. Sond us your namo and address to day nnd wo will nt onco sond you by mail a samplo packago freo. Addross F. A. Stuart Co., 03 Stuart BIdg., Marshall, Mich. 425 2200 in Real Real ftnA . . Wo aro off,,;' ' "l Pay you to Investigate. n Three-fonrHi. .. land'a7roon,H1 ; good fruit of u J1 ell, chicken yard: .1 Salem. See IUdciIIt r , ' 1 See this before mVA house on Court, 128 m w3 100 feet iiMn .i "I?lftti Radcllff Co. mUUrn cottago of fir, ,1 Plumbed and wired, Prlco $1500. tt Nino room house, p. t ets. riant tv i, '", i linrn Ofi.o . . h Hf1 ;r " ,r:::.:o.0.as '"" ,a ",reo "locks fro, hoUHC. Prlco 1262B Seven acres all n cnWn houso and barn, nlentTrfZ;' 7i8..oas; "" u ues irom Silts ?1200. tt- Ton acres all la culUn, iuum uuuse, Darat4R goou mixed fruit, well to acres In oats. 2H mubnl lorn. Prlco J1300. ' Eighty acres; 67 la ctluml in liuHiuro anu timber; II K wheat and cheat; 7 screiin G room house, goodbsrauii ary; 4 horBes, 6 head of ! chickens; 2 wagons, SieUlb, all lmplomonts, hay, grtlittti $8000. I Soveral houses for renj. you want anything la iuvc notary work. RADCLIFF C( Reliable Agcnbi Room 11, Moorcs block, SttaJ Reference, any bank or la houso In tho city ot Silo. House Cleaning Time AHurado'H Offer Accvptod. Mexico, Mnrch is. Tho Yaquls aro to be exterminated or drlvon to othor hiding places, from whence perhaps they must hustlo out from time to time to harry hapleee sot J. A. Hamilton, of Turner, wbb in tho city Saturday on business. o CASTOfilA Tor Infanta and Children, The Kind You Have Always Blight ot&L&ffi&c&U Bears tho Signature vH IIS K5 ml m&M CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Commercial St. Phone 179 burg, AVandllng nnd possibly Natron, 'tiers, l'oddo Alvarado, of Faral, ikoond, thst LydU K. rinkhun Vtfttblo Compound, intulo front SMtWe noU and hvrl. h cured moro cam4 ot female lilt than nv othvr o&e ramllela koowis, It rtf uUten, trvufthertB nd rtor womcn'i health and U lnTluible In weprli9g woawu (or child-birth ud during Uio xrlo4 of Chinr of Life. Third, the KTeat volume of unaollcltrd and jrteful teatimonUla o Ale at Uie Itukhaw Lelxtratonr nt Lynu, MaM.. iny of which r from tltuo to time lelur puMUlied by Bpclal ivermliulou, give Kbnolute evi dnoof the value of Lydla, K, 11nUhvUi'aVegt table Comjwuud ami Mrs, nulihama aulrloe. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vcietable Compound For more than SO year has Wt ourlnr Female CotuRlalata, aitck a wtnar Moaauoua. ntu MacK. -iiinir ana uimuimmmmm. iu. flamnatloR and UioraUMi. and Orraule l)UMa. aa4 U Maeolvca Drartfine Weoutlona, Weak Hack. Fall! and ayN! Tusaora at m earl staye. Mrj, Plnkkam's 5Und!ri InvlUtkm to Wwtn Woimb eulfetiaf fnm an lorm of lentaUt weJnMe are lTite4 to write Mr. WaVhaw, torn, Maas. feradvlee. SfeoUike Mr. Itukaaw vrho 1Mb Wew advlaluf irk vraaat fro ot ekarf far ftwra ifcaa tweaty , aad Vefwa that the eaeliiia hr aaeiar-Ulaw. LtU X. Wc Mwa la adTWur. Tfcua aa ta aMeJlallv vall U6 W vUe akk a ..." a - a bi 1 . . r . a.- .hk. i , i vacicw muw, wrto4ajr. iMaawaiuauoaM. auch an tho Kugono Morchanta' Pro tective association petitioned for last summer, although not us many trains as suggested by th associa tion will bo put on. ns that many would not be praotloablo. There will no doubt be, however, enough trains Q thut the people living on the Wendllng nud Woodburn-Natron branches cnu como to Kugeno and spend a few hours shopping and ro turn homo In the afternoon or even ing without having to traasfor from stage to train, and vice ersa. it Is also pjobablo that thoro will be sev. oral trains dally between hero and Springfield, taking the plaeo of tho prsint stage servlco and affording a service such as would be given by a trolley line. Oongnvjum-u on Panama Jaunt HHurulng. Washington, March IS Tho par ty of fifty congressmen, who salleJ ior i&nntM m innx.. . . . . the Isthmian canal on March 6, sail Hl yestorday from Colon oa the re turn trip. They will arrlvo In New York on tho M. They had a flno Have, being abundantly entortt..i Thty took great Interest la the caaai iUIbk It a thorowtk survey. offorwl to glvo ton million of dollars to equip and maintain a roglmont of Indian Jlghtora to rid Maxlco of tho Yaqnls. Presldout Dlat has con cluded to accept tho roglmont upon condition that all the odlcors of the command shall be selected from tho Moxlcan army, and that nono but Mexicans shall bo enlisted In tho campaign. The war department wnnts to disburse tho funds, and thla Alvarado agreea to, but bogs DIar not to insist upon using nono but Mexicans. Alvarado has received offers from many Arliona and Dako ta frontiersmen to furnish a company. Cash Purchasers of Pouicry, Eggs, and AH Farm Produce. Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho board of directors of School Dlitrlct No. SO, county of Marlon, Stato of Oregon, will receive sealed bids on or before April 1, 1907. for the erec tion ot a two-room school honsn Plans and specifications and ruKB governing bids are now on file la ma cierira omee, and ara open to Inspection, The board reaerve the right to rejt any or all btda, WM, H. HQWD. Clerk o! District, Mw, Or. M-tf BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitrol AND ALL Spray Material AT FRY'S Drug Store (Prices Absolutely Lwest Tho season Is hers f ' house nnd whea It U dou J ' your plumbing put la M thoro Is anything wroaj- range or water tank, tlnB nr crng nlDM Stttd VOf experienced men to put It ' A. L. Fl 2M sute tot. Phone 133. A BEAUTIFUL" Kinl stamp tar TontiniaiilMlS ot Muant the CfoinplOlfc ' Tnln,wtions. Mkl3'' Improves the Ifeslla, l BCAUTYSW bcncflcial nW oninrKfiTEK CJI" Madison SALEM WATER COMtkWi orncw ecrr Kixiu re VMkVsr rrl asp) at " fJf msMtjjr ha SendthcFan WashiTl and you'll never bet' , It dono at home V0A when every t9 tn send the wi"1"' . I &MT- but times hsv have the methoJ tr i" you can better family waihlaf - .LuSB Ask about oar "" Inff, rough erf. " QmMy .M rhstsA Jmm M sassfssteta M tha i