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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8 ALES I, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1007. STOCKTON THF OLD WHITE CORNER. TODAY'S BARGAIN SPECIAL K Women s Muslin i.f AUnc $1.50 Values 98c . i.. I.nnnnlnir nt R30. WO OffOr nil ClOCMlt 88- : .l. nun l 9V DQUi uj,iu"-o i at cl Women's Muslin Oowns, mnde of a fine, soft-flnlshod "k trimmed with now pnttorned embroldorles nnd lacos. They I lotclh round or squaro yuKe. mm u.i iu., d..-. ,.. BOYS ON THE TRAINS i st nlucs FOR THE ONE QQr DAY ONLY. . . &0 NOXE SOLD UNTIL 8:30. New Suits for Women k- bio Just opened a now shipment of Women's Tailored Suits, mndo L of the latest materials, checks, plulds, stripes, etc. Wo nro also r .. ..i In Wnmnnie nnil MIrkob' .TnplfptH. fcjflng tno new bijjlb ,....w. - - - wad Ope a House iSO. I'. OOHDHAY, MunnKcr. TUESDAY, MARCH 19 - Elicit Sblnman Presonts )SELLE KNOTT In the ros Criterion Thentro (N. Y.) Success. lAUCE-SIT-BY-THE-rTRE" hj M Darrle, author of "Tho n Mint r, " Peter Pan" and Itl Silcmlidt) dressed and ?H . IrkM- M 50, Jl "", 75c and BOc. i caw open Tudaj at 9 n. in. NGtR GRAND THEATRE )irc Stock Co. Now I'lVsouthin IN GEORGIA" i i rht 1 Titling 15 ami IMc I0ME IDUSTRIES ISwd to bo encouraged, and v- py should help mako them lacmi, wbKh you will be do- a Jou use Epptey's Perfection Bkkig Powder l8:taj nada product, onco '"7i wed. M. EPPLEY M"trfacturer 3'i Orp.rnn Hosello Knott In "Allce-Slt-by-tlie-Fire." Miss Roscllo Knott's work In her now play, "Allco-Slt-by-tho-Flro," by J. M. Barrio, author of "Polar Pnn," Tho Llttlo Minister," otc, Is said to lmvo BtirpaBsod this clovor actross work as "Mnry Tudor" In "When Knighthood Wns In Flowor," in which Charlos Mnjor, tho author, declared that sho wns tho "Mary Tu dor" steppod from tho pagos of his book. Tho play, "Allco-Sit-by-tho-Flro Is consldorod tho bust of the Darrlo comedlos, and rnn for one year at tho Criterion Thoatre, Now York City, and will bo glvon horo In Us ontirety. It Is consldorod ono of tho moat gorgeously cqulppod pro ductions lonvlng Now York City, ovory act, proporty nnd nptfessorlOH being cnrrlod. Miss Knott and an oxceptlonnl cast of associate playorH will bo the next nttrnction of morlt at tho Grand Oporn IIouso on to morrow (Tuesday) whon tho produc tion of "Allco-Slt-by-the-Flro" will be presented in Its entirety, o Call for Bid. Dlds will be received by the un dersigned, up to 5 p. m. on Monday, March IS, 1907, for the purohaso of a road grador for the City of Sa lem. RIddors will bo required to furnish with their bids specifications of tho road grader offered. W. A. MOORES, CUNGS-WELL t rood Bounding name for fc.i "6. iais mount- - .mi ana sticks to Its "we truu i .. r. , waiy notice- ttLvi. .7 instruments i m ,:"' UiQ I0" correcting h 7nt iUn no long iv iime. tw. . ' H. Hinges 4u.n.i,.. A., --wUAH. rwj.!wwt, next door to JUoiulI Bank. iTUiTT " T"r b5RK!y m. oa i - --. ainL p2rn -. 3-12-5t City Rocordor. Moyer-Heywood Trial. Tho trial of Charles II. Moyor, prosldont; William D. Hoywood, soc-rotary-treasuror, nnd George A. Pot tlbone, membor of tho oxocutlvo oommltteo of tho Western Federation of Miners, ohargod with being acces sories to tho murder of Govornor Steunonborg, of Idnho, is scheduled to open at Caldwell, Idaho, on Wod nosday. Tho Capital Journal will have a specially full telegraphic report of tho trial. o M0x3iae.,s:u.. IbiKiadYosHnAMFirsMeK wtA t Let Us Deliver Your Order for Today You will bavo no troublo In selecting your orders from the best stock of groceries and tho most completo line of fruits and vegetables In tho city. Our 30c special In oranges Is giving tho very beat of satlsfac tlon and our banana are the beat. Look over this list ot vegetables: Asparagus, Rhubarb, Celery, Grcea Peas, CauIJAower, Cabbage, Yooag Onions and MaeUrd Greens. It la our aim to please you. Moir Grocery Company Slow Passenger Trains Are Menace to School Children Tho overland passongor trnln that came through tho city an hour Into today, whon it passed the East Salem school, was bonrdod by tho boys, and nt oach vostlbulo had sov oral lads aboard. Somo of thorn wore evon riding on tho ends of tho journal boxes, In n very dnngorous position. Tho trains, running nttho ordlnnnco speed, permits this, and tho longer this continues tho greater the danger, as It Is Impossible to keep school boys from bonrdlng such Blow-moving trains. Salem and Portland papers con tlnuo to glvo Alderman Unas great prominence for his achievement, nnd tho Oregonlnn today prints moro mnt tor about the situation that has mndo Salem tho laughing stock ot tho country. Tho railroad oRlclals havo not yet begun to retaliate, but It Is believed they will cut Snlom out ot nil favorable consideration In tho dis tribution of advertising matter and in bringing In of Eastern people, which Is now proceeding on n largo scale. Tho pross Is being consurcd for giving Alderman Unas undo sorvod prominence, as somo ot tho papers havo been publishing his bul letins nnd rommuulcntlons to Super intendent Fields boforo thoy woro mnllod. Hero Is the lntoet from tho Orogonlnn teday: Urging Unas to Fight. "Whothor or not Aldermnn Hans will be s.uccosatul In his fight to make 1 tho Southoru Pacific Company con form to tho Hpood regulations ot tho city, is an Important question to tho peoplo of Salem at prosont. Mr. Haas has succoodod in stirring up ono of tho warmest lights thnt has cvor boon witnessed In this city. "It Is nssertud by somo that tho company will rotnltate by not stop ping tho early morning Urn In nt Sa eom. Mr. Hans says that this throat doos not worry hi m in tho lonst, ba enuHO It Is the duty ot tho railway commission to sottlo Just suqh trouble as thnt. Mr. liana stated this morlnlrig thnt ho Is In tho fight to stny nnd thnt he (low not pro pos to back down under any cir cumstances. Mr. Hmr hut prepared a commu nication for publication, In which he clearly Mti out his petition, and positively declare that ha will ar rest every onglueer who exuaaded the speed limit. "It wns learned on good authority this morning thnt a bill Is being pro pa rod by somo members of tho coun cil which Is to allow the trains to run at full spood through tho su burbs, but It will roqulro them to comply with the prosont regulations whllo pnsslng through tho thickly settled portion of tho city." The Texas Wonaer. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic troublo; sold by all drug gists, or two months' troatmont by mall for SI. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2928 Ollvo street, St. Louis. Mo. Send for .testimonials. Sold by Btono'e drug store. dw-lyr REAL LIVE MEIttLMD. Japanow FlfclUTUien Capture One Off Yncyuimi Luclui Island. MUSICAL RECITAL. Ily Pupils of College Tuesday. of Music Aragonalso, from "Lo Cld" Mnssanot Anna Jackson, Anchored Watson Helen Mar Smith. Sing, Smile, Slumber Gounod Ivy Grnco Cook. Polonaise In A-Mnjor Chopin Notta Kiddle. A Llttlo Thlot Leo Stern Proposal Drackott Nina J. Uushnoll. Go, 4'retty Rose Manlnls Freda nnd Martha Schlndler. Mazurka Godnrd Ireno Campbell. Slumber Sen Chlsholm Viola Fisher. A May Morning Donra Mnry D. Smith. Romance, "Evening Star," Tann- hausor Wagnor-Llszt Ruth Field. Ah, 'Tls a Dream Lassorr Because I Lovo You, Dear. . .Hawloy DIrdIo E. Dutlor. For All Eternity Mnscheronl Ermlno E. llushncll. Scherzo In U-flnt major Chopin Mnrgucrlto Dowers. A Character Sketch. Tho 'Itoso ot Auvorgno, or Spoil ing tho Soup" Offenbach Flourotte, "a. kitchen girl -. Morale- A. HUg Pierre, 'a burly blacksmith".... Archlo A. Strang Atponso, "a dandy Bhoemnkcr" . . Maurice Roberts Scent A kitchen. Tlmo, 40 minutes. n Saved Her Son's Life. Tho hannlost mother In tho llttlo tov.Ni ot Avn, Mo., Is Mrs. S. Ruppce. Sho writes: "Ono yonr ago my son wns down with such serious lung trouble that our physician wan tin nblo to help him; v. lion, by our drug gist's ndvlco I bogan giving him Dr. King's New Dlscovory, nnd I soon notlcod lmprovomont. I kopt thU trontment up for a few wcoks whon ho vas perfectly well. Ho has work ed steadily slnco nt carpontor work. Dr. King's Dlscovory saved his llfo." Guaranteed host cough nnd cold euro by J. C. Perry, druggist; GOo and $1. Trial bottle free. HOTEL AIIUIVAUS. WlllameHe. W. Peterson, Sacramento. W. H. Grader, New York. W. E. Frazler, Portland. T. French, San Fmnclsco. W. T. Wllllnmson, Portland. W. W. Chnpboll, Fall City. C. A. Koiberg, Portland. J. A. Hucklln, Chicago. W. Jeffrlee, Portlnnd. 18. Waldman, Portland. Jno. S. Iluull, Portlnnd. Geo. A. Steel, Portland. Kalem. S. a. Dorr, Portland. J. H. Loyd, San Francisco. N. Q. Tetur, Seattle A. Saltzlngor, Mill City. Ohns. Lembeko, Hubbard. Moss Averlll, Point Ilonltn. Cat F. Klrsoher, Madison, Wle. K. P. Morcom, Woodburn. T. T. Mills. Woodburn. II. Q, Mooro, San Francisco. o Victoria. B. C, March .-Japanese nowB received today by tho stoam er Athenian contains a roport that a fisherman took a llvo mormald off Yncyama Luchu Islands, and tho spcclmon was brought to Toklo and exhibited nt Uyeno Park. o Kitchen Cabinet The good kind. Duron & Hamilton Don't Complain. If your chost pains and you are unable to sleep becauso of a cough. Iluy a bottlo of Ballard's Horohound Syrup, and you won't havo any cough. Oot a bottlo now nnd that cough will not last long. A cure for all pulmonary diseases. Mrs. J ., Galveston, Toxas, writes: "I can't say enough for Ballard's Horohound Syrup. Tho roliof It baa given me Is all that la necessary for mo to say." 8old by D. J. Fry. . i a FIFTEEN IJUCKH ()- WILL 1IUY AN EXCELLENT TAILOR MADE SUIT. MAKE, FIT AND MATERIAL GUARANTEED THE TOGGERY. Only One of a Kind i Deceit lug u hlilpnient ot spring """ racn way, mm iikto win uj no two of these liaU alike la Hulem. ONLY LARGE EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY STORE IN SALEM la fchowlng tlie xery newest and not wiv-to-lato millinery to Ihj secured la the Eatcnt market center, and ku ouch lw been fa vored In tho seon opened, by an unprecedented natronngo from ieopIo of Ute, who prefer tint uet, and appreclMto eicluIve nenH In stylo and design. FISK IIATS. GAGE IIAT8. Ilaud-tallom! street nnd ult Iwt In latot New York patterns. Our wlllteer In direct from ll" East. I MISS M. r,t,Som I Rp1 IP YOU REALIZE THE OF BUYING GOOD Clothes, WE WANT YOU TO SEE OUR NEW SPRING IN MEN'S SUITS I Before any fabric goes into a B. K. & W. suit it must pass inspection from a fashion standpoint and stand a rig id test for durability. Every detail in the makeup of a suit is attended to by expert tailors in one of the best equipped factories in America. The result is that B.K.&W.CLOTHING Satisfies particular dressers. Undersells "Regular Stores. ve Another New Man .mil m ni:v haniikhk i ou hkm:ual ykaus one of the REST REPAIRMEN 1H AGAIN WITH UH. AND WITH OUR Al READY EFI'ICIENT WORKMAN, WE AUK AIILK TO HKIIVIC YOU WITH THE BEST WORUMANHIIIP, AND PROMPT 1)1 LIVERY. WE CARRY Till: LAP.GEST Ht'PPLY OF RICVCIiEH, AND RICYCLK Hl'PPMES J)F ANY IIOl'HE IN THE NORTH WEST. WHEN IN NEED, TH NK OF US lftt& POWERS CHOSEN AGAIN At the' rogular mooting of the Sa lem Board ot Education, .City Super intendent J. M. Powers was again ohoson for another year as tho head ot tho Salem schools, this being his third engagement at tho Capital City. Mr. Powers took tho position originally with somo reluct unco, succeeding a very able man, L. R. Travcrs, who had outgrown tho slttatlon of this district to retain his services. Ho has developed slowly Into ono of tho most ofnclont public school men In tho state, and, whllo ho was rather dlffldunt about assert ing himself, tho entire teaching forco lovo Superintendent Powers, and tho children In all tho schools acknowl edge that they liko hli.i aa a teacher. Ho Is a graduate of thn' University of Wisconsin, and his retention by tho Salem board Is a vote of confidence In his ability to fill tho position at the head of tho second largest schools In tho state. Tho Board of Education havo re elected Superintendent Powers thus early, In order that he might know that k vas giving satisfaction, a&A to save him tho usual effort mndo by teachers to hunt other Jobs. Mr. Powers has tho greatest pride lu tlm Salem schools, and glvos thorn his first, solo and best thoughts for their succoss. Ho Is a graduate of tho Uni versity of Wisconsin, has had about ton years' experience in other states. Ho received tho ontlro yoto of tlm board, except H. M. Crolsan, who stated that he did not consider Mr. Powers competent, and that thoro should be competition for tho place. Tho roport of Director Leo for now walks urouud, tho North Salem school was adopted and tho walks ordered built. Soveral bills were ordered paid, and the board adjourned. You'll Be Glad after taking tho first few doses ot tho Hitters that ou rosolvo to glvo It a trial. Its, beneficial results will bo so clearly demonstrated that you will wonder why you didn't start sooner. Hut start today, HOSTETTEK'S STOMACH BITTERS Is tho only medicine to strengthen and build up rundown systems and to curd HprtHg Fever, CoMs, Grle, l)yK-pl, lHNetioH, CoHvee, or Malaria Fever Ht$ Ajpto, It U absolutely pur. fmttUW9mmmmmWmmtmrt'mmmrwmmmm t