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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1907)
,, s 's. ' , "jy"1 DAILY CAPITA, JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAItCH 10, 100 9 jjM,,MMMBiMirtay- . mmmtmmmamttmmmmmmmmmamaanm' . 'M . 1 1B Salem Social (Soesip MAN -A-LIN Klka Kiilcrtaln. " assisted In serving. Tho guests The concert given Thursday ovon- numbered G2. Intr In tho Elks' hall by Profoagors T. J u. cimi. A von Jessen, Lenoy donor and II. The T. B. C. Club, composed of a A. IlerUagowns ono of tho finest and number of well-known young ladle , rnn nninvnblo tiroKrnma that hns Is about to logo one of Ha momhora, or boon gCn n 1 dgo circles in l Cecelia Ifelm... who Is soon to Zc ity A U crowd of enthusl- ,bo married, and will then reside In laMr Slks nml tholr lady friend Portland. They meet every week, woro print iraftlr tho oxcol-jnnd wero Mrs. Frank ion tirmrnm a dtHclotts luncheon iMoyors Inst. wa. orml" nnJ Si light fantastic i Tho members nro Misses Zoo Stock Z a onjoyed until the small hours of ton, Cora Talk.ngton, Grayce nine . .',.. nM. rciw orchostrn. man, Allno Thompson, Barbara Ln- nsBlstod uy W H. McHlroy, of Port, kin, Kato Carn.lohaol, Alono Polk, f" f10!.:!. ;:, i - ,... for tho Cecolln Ilnlnta and Mrs. Frank Moy- IUI1U) furnlshod the muulc for tho era. (.nil tforlrly at the Illnk. k ';"" A "Society Evening" was glvon at Previous to tho wedding of MIsm tho Auditorium last Tuesday night, 'Cecelia Haines, of this city, to Mr. when 64 skaters from Albany woro Jsadoro Ilolsinan. late of Ch cago, a tho gnosis of the Salem knights and number of hor frlonds liovo been on idles of tho rollers. A lato s.s-.torta.nlng for her. This afternoon ilon was held from 10.30 to 12:30, Miss Alono Falk gave a "china show and a very pleasant social whirl waa or" for her, entertaining tho mom enjoyed. A band of sovori pieces fur- hers of tho T. 13. C. Club, and about 10 othor society girls. A mock ceremony was prosonted by tho club girls, eight In number, much ntnusomont. enjoyed nlshed tho music. Jolmntoii. Clark. A vnrv nrotty ' homo wedding, i,tv iif.rfnrmoil hoforo a Htnall which afforded number of relatives and friends, was After thlB D00 was played, that of Miss Alice Clark to Mr. Cllf- j Tho decorations In tho double par ford Johnston, at the homo of the lora woro of red hearts and tho club brldo's parents, east of Hnlain, ombloms. Hero ulso was tho bridal March 10th, at high noon. "ornor, arranged with u canopy of Tho houao was prettily dacoratod groon and u lovors .knot of whtto for tho occasion with Oregon grnpo, V'l0' .... and cut llowors. Tho ceremony was 1 t" dining room tho docorntlons norformod umlnr a canopy of whlto wore of pink and groon. Abovo tho carnations by J'.ov. Noff, after which table hung suspondod a basket of tho n delightful lunohoon was served. ln l.aurenstlna and fwtoons of Miss Edith Itagiin played tho wod-,. pink hearts and pink ribbon ding march. '8ro ,n,,(1 w,th n V8ry l'ralty ortecl' Tho young pooplo will make their Mima draco Fnlk and Mary Frlsby futuro homo on tho grooms farm In served. KntvrtuliiM cnriNtinii KtiucnvorH. Tho MIhhos Gertrude Falk and hor Salem Iron i Mnrcus. of thO Works, is building a $2000 residence on the Murphy hill, In South Sn Jon.. p W Durbln Is having his barn remodeled Into a neat cottage, under tho direction of Steve McFadden. Julius Nelson Is having a noat residence built at a cost of about $1200. C S Hamilton Is Improving his property on Chomakota street nnr Front street with a new basement and a fluo porch to his house. A fine dwolllng Is bolng erected by Kaughman on orui ouiu..... Cains anu nouu betwoon C street Ex-Councilman P. L. Frazlor Is In stalling a windmill on his proporti on North Summer street, which will tank of 2000 gallons capnci- MAKES THE KIDNEYS STRONG A Prescription for Rheuma tisin and Bladder Trouble cousin, Miss Alono Fawk, ontortnlnod Polk county. I'ivo Himtlml Club, t.nui TiiiiHitnv iwiinlnir tho "Nemo" Flvo Hundred Club met with Mr. and Christian Bndoavors of tho Uap Mro. Harry Ollngor, and a most on- tlst church on Tuosday ovonlng, at inviiiiin nvenlnir was nt.ont. Tho first -'" formor'a homo on Commorclnl ladles' prlto was won by Mrs. II. H. troot. Music and progroBslvo games L, Btelnor nnd tho first gentlomnu'ti by Mr. U, Dnucy. Ht, I'ntrlrk'a Party, Mrs, 10. C. Dick nnd Mrs. Thomas Kay woro hostesses of a most onjojr Hblo a It air yctorday afternoon, in tho nutur nt a Ht. Patrick's party. Tho color schetno wan groon, and was successfully carried out In uumnrouu ways. Largo English violets, pussy willows and groons wore used, loose ly arranged In bowls and wall vases, throughout tho rooms, giving tho Kuosts inoro than a breath of Bprlug tlinu. Mrs, liny (lllhort won tho ilrst priieo In a guosslng contest, while tho convolution wont to Mrs. Itoubim llolae, Jr. Tho hnateMOH woro an slated In serving by Mm. Chorion Cray, Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs. William ThloWtm and Mlos Orayco Kliiemnn. About 40 ludliw woro prudent. In tho evening thoy nguln ro roivod, their husbands nstUtlng, this tlinu ontortalulug tholr guests at "000." Mrs. J. l Calbroath and Mr. W. N. Unions won tho prlios in this, Mrs. K. C. Cros and tho MlittiH Veda Cros and Nell Thiol- woro enjoyed. In u progressiva pen nut gamo Miss Montgomery nnd Mr. Foster captured tho prlzos, whllo In a "no anu yes" roniesi, wuicu insi ed through tho ovonlng, Mr. Abol Grnbor won it. Misses Grnco Fnlk nnd Mary Frlsby sorvod tho refresh ments. About 30 woro present. o (lrtt Nortlivm Stock Ihnur. Minneapolis, March 10. Uy post- ponemunt by tho court in tho matter of th propo-ed Issuo or J00.000.000 capital stock of tho Great Northern Hnllroud eoinpuny. tho date for filing thu ntMilgumout of rights tu subscribe to tho now stock to tho closo of busU of tho Ilrst, Hocoml, and third install ments on tho new Issuo, to March ID. Tho closing of tho stock trans for books to ascertain stockholders untitled to subsorlbo for tho Issuo and for receiving subscriptions to tho Itnitio, to tho closo of business on March 12, 1007. o OASTOKSA. tUtnth y? U KinJ Yw Ilirt Alnjn BjM Tcz&mi Coprrlelit 1Wj4, If Tba JUruIln Co. Excellent Remedy for CONSTIPATION And the Many Ailments Resulting Therefrom. Useful in Overcoming Colds and Headaches Requiring a LAXATIVE To Dispel Them. It lias a Gentle Action on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. the MAN-A-LIN CO., OOLUMOUS, OHIO, U. 8. A. To mnke up (enough of the "vege table troatmont," which Is claimed to bo rollovlng noarly every sufferer who uss It for baokache, kidney complaint, soro weak bladder and rheumatism; get from any .good prescription pharmacy one-halt ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, ono ounco Compound Knrgon and three ounces Compound Syrup of Sarapa rllla Shnke woll in a bottle and take have a t'- . ,.... A modern, cosy cotingo is uib construct! on Wlntor sirosi .. Mill by ii. J. uswniu. i teaspoonful dosos nfter each meal Mr. McFarlana has racontl Hn- I iBhed a new home on North Comraoi- Mea R dnlm thnt rial street. . n nnJ it nets gontly but thoroughly on the A. Moult Is tho owner o( dncyg0ovlnB backacheand bind- onnn iiwulline which has recontly . Klu"tB' ' ' , .... been completed on North uommcr clal street. It Is roportod thnt J. Joseph Is contemplating building n new dwol llng on North Wlntor streot soon. F. Kurz, of South Salem, Is build ing a new cottnge. will llsnnott Is tlio owner oi a dor troublo and urinary dlulcultlcs nlmost Instantly. Many cases of rheumatism aro known to hnvo been rollevcd within n few days, tho pain nnd swelling diminishing with .ench dose. A woll known local druggist, who Is in a position to know, assorts that ,iu jjiIUt.. ,i i,nt this precrlptlon, whorovcr It bccomoB modern cottage which Is bolng built 8nlo Qf on Liberty and yiUon.oeu, August Bchrolbor . making oxten u .ive repairs to his lions on North proBOrpton wh(jh thQ maJorIty of High strot. patent modlclno mnnufneturers, and Tho work on tho loon V . M. & A. i , , d,lHk0 t0 gc0 building s not yet com i its d. Jj o , d fl , , , walls and stairs are be! ng dn tod, I to r which w I add much to the appear Influflnco ' ."Ai-ItSSnZ tlng rlnklsbe- e,ng composed of common every- in. shlnglod The building was llrst Y vogotnhlo Ingrodlonts, which can over Sh p per roohng, which be gotten from any druggist it makes ,1U trouble during the hard P Bood. honest and harmless rem- storms, but tho addition of tho ody nnd at small cost. shingle root will mnko a vory sub stantial covering. Tho Spnuldlng Lumbor Company SALEM BUILDING ITEMS Many New Houses and Gcn eral Improvements Under Way M Men Ate Well Dressed If They Have Their Clothes Made By JOHN SHOLUND, The Opera House MERCHANT TAILOR CUranlnjf, Pressing and Repairing. IgWOHigOMf SMBMialllliMSlliiagSgiMW(IMOMItBO0Ot Tho Hprlng season is bringing with It moro than tho ordinary amount of building activity. Hcoros of roal donceB nro being remodeled nnd ro pairod, whllo not a few now ono nro going up. To turt with, tho Salem llrowory Association, whloh has boon busy all wlntor on repairs, has now Btnrted thu foundations for tholr now bot- tllnit house, which will bo on tho corntr of tho ulloy and Trado streot. back of tho main brewery building. It Is to bo a two-story brick struc turo 54x100 foot, Llko all th,o nthur buildings of this concern. It U being built strictly flrst-clas. Tho romodellng of thu Murphy block for the olsctrlc ottleea and waiting rooms, nnd for the Uonrd of Trade hoadqunrtors will mnko a vast Imfirnremeflt In that prfterty, which will add m noli to the appeamnee of the outlro street. Hon. C. II. Moorts is about to re move his old residence property ad Curcl Lumbago. A. 'D. Canman, Chicago, writes In building the Inrgost scow that has Mar. 1, 1903. "Having boon troubled been on tho uppor Wlllnmettd, and with Lumbago, nt different times nnd when comploted another will bo com- tried ono physician niter nnotnor, moncod. Tho bnrgo Is 135 foot long, thon dlfforont ointments nnu uni wlth a 35-foot beam. ments, gavo It up nltogothor. So I Oscar UoardBloy and son nro build- tried onco moro, and got a bottlo of Ing a substantial warohouso nnd ma- Ballard's Snow Liniment, which gavo chlno shop on Front nnd Hood mo nlmost Instant rollof. I can cheer- stroots. Tho building will bo 50x100 fully reclmmond It, and will add my foot. ' nnmo to your list of sufJorerB." Sold Dr. O. W. Donn Is putting a porch by D. J. Fry. on his Church nnd Contor streets a BARGAi J" Ek We are oln, Pay you to Invest),,,. ntii ThrCc.fourthSacre'OI . land, a now 7 . 0L i om; good fruit of mm' well, chicken mm. . 1 Salem. See Raaclia cT?0 Seo this before , L- l houso on Court, 128 tJ.. 1C0 feet deep, c!oM . S Raddiir en " ti Modern cotfm. . Plumbed nd wired. goal 3 Prlco $1600. U1 Jz:t w ::' uase.raca,.ftiei placo Is threo blocki frea house. Price $2625 Seven acres all la culutujt,. houso and barn, plenty of (J. This placo Is on a good mt Jl road 3 miles from Sa!ta ri Ten acres all In cultlmicj, , mu luum House, oara and good mixed fruit, well fas! iiuros in oais, 2 miles tres lom. Prlco $1900. Eighty ncroa; 67 la cnltlutn, in pnsiuro nnu timber. It wheat and cheat; 7 acm u ( 5 room house, good barn ul. ary; 4 horsos, 6 head of ciuiti chickons; 2 wagons, 3 lotolta all Implements, hay, mt,w ?S000. Several houses for real you want anything in imnai notary work. RADCLIFF C( Reliable Agents Room 11, Moorca block, Stka.0 Reference, any bank or h houso in tho city ot Silca Hardwood Floors In Cans y oprtq intra on )our oik floor with sihJ Wuth, (ltd hic tn ur-KKltte rtvtpilon room, dminecoom. hill or rulor. Niiunl hoo4 fmuh, icMigh, tUiUc and durtbltw mfr) varno-Lac ticdy Imluit all line vfcoJt, no mtntt now old tn ur?f. f to h tttln4. The only arttcU mJ that ttulrr ao UlH ( f product tiJ rwutrv. Aol4 Olurpolntrntnt by ittMatWrtct tosUfor N'arno-Lw. oVaBssssss1iV mm GEO. B. JACOB ntOXT AND I'lXK STKKrS. OKTH !4AI.V:.M, dwelling. , Tho 13. T. Darnos rnckot storo Is being Improved by tho addition of Haw sholvlng bolng built In tho roar of tli building. The sholvlng runs from the tloor to tho colling, nnd will be used tor a shoo department. Hid. Looo, on routo No. 1, Is ro placing his chicken houses, which ware burned recently, together with several hundred chickens, by larger and more subetnntlnl buildings. V. A. Adams, of routo No. 1, Is building a good olght-room house. D. A. Whlto & Sou, tho ontorprls lug feed merchants, recently roofed tholr warehouse near their store. Mrs. P. n. Strong Is completing a dwelling on llelevlew street, near South ComiMtrclal. Tony Klein recently tlnlshed a nut cottage on Onk street. An addition has been recently built on the Pfell battling works, In North Salem. The board ot trustee of the First Daptlst church are figuring on build ing a new iMtrsoaage. Mr. Uenlson U building a Hvat cottage on the Turner road nrui Twenty-neeond street. A line sevea-roont dweJUag is be- OASTORIA. B:-itb ir. wno ira nan Aiirarj twaya o New IucorponitloiiH. Local Progress Club, Snnko River, Oregon; otllce,- Welser, Idaho; Jen nie Patch, prosldont, Mrs. Grnco Croy secretary. Oregon & California Transporta tion Co., of Klamath Falls; stock $26,000; J. M. Mclntlro, Pokcgema, Wm. R. Davis, Ilrownoll, Cnl.; II. W. Straw, Klamath FallB. Dunmulor Invostmont Co., Port land; stock $5000. F. L. Dotsford Co., tlmbor lands, Portland; stock $10,000. Swiss Aid Society, of Portlnnd, Lakeview Public Reading Room and Library Association. PacIIlc Light & lower Co., of Port land. HARPEI WHISKY) A DELIGHTFUL nKV A SAFE STDIVLAXT A GOOD MKDIC1SE For sale by A. SCHKWI Joining tho M. K. ohuroh. on Stato ' ,SK buUl U "fonlntf on Twen street, baok outo Forry streot, and build In Its pluoo n row of deslrnblo flats for rent, Riohard 13ly, who last year built a now cottage on part of tho old CI. W. Gray blook. has broken ground for auother adjoining It oa tho cori nor of State and Thirteenth strctita H. a Sflhultx. the bulkier, has a new resldenoo about completed ou Kast Court street, to the roar ot the old David Simpson home. His fam ily will oooupy it hen oompluted. Frank Hushea and F. W. Durbln hsvo bought the lot south of tho tol ophouo ottlee on Llborty strvxU, nnd rwiwrt ana It that thoy will build a biulaca blook on it, but they don't corroborate the statemeat. This la Kood buslnws property, and will some day havo a flue block built oa It. Ira Erb, tho coutraotor, has bought tho old John Patterson corner on Stato and Hightath strata, which has three old buildings. He (a now remodeling ono lato a modern cot tago. Ho win probably fix up all the buildings in aa up-t-dato man ner. J. O, Relglwa& I building a fine rtildeaee oa Mill tret near Sum ww, at a cost ot about $1000. tleUi qad Hyde streets, A. Mlchotvltoh is adding a sub stantlal porch to his residence on North Front street. j A aeat $1600 cottage Is being fin ished by Judge Uotso on Libert)' and Division street. K. J. Roth will soon begis to build ' a $2000 dwwlllag on North Cottago ' street. j W. II. Owoim is having a house i built in Highlnud near the Frlonds' churoh. whloh wtll eo( about $1600. Ira Jnrseasea. the eatorprlslng hlaekswith. U having a good rsl deaca built ou North Liberty street, eonvertlag an old oh Ihio a very preticmtable wolara dwelUag. A. A. Selwert, wl Twentieth and Forry streets, will soon have com pleted a bow rokideace at a coit of about $200. Will Hold MccUng. Mm, M. A. Hlllls, ot Portland, will comwenco a protacted meotlns at tho Frea Methodist church In North. Salem, Sunday, March 17 Sao cornea to tho city well recom Bteaded aa a speaker and -will doubt lea coaduct a profitabu mtTaL Spasms St. Vitus' Dzmce Many persons Yllo suf fered untold agonies from epilepsy, iits, spasms, and St. Vitus' Dance aro to day well. Tho strength ening influence of Vr. Miles' Xervino upon tho shattered nerves having restored them to perfect health. "I endurwl mony that word can not praa from BU Vituu' dance, which followed a very severe apeU of rheumatUm. I doctored with a phy ylolouj; but the more 1 took of hla med icine the worse 1 got My mother1 de votion saved m. After ho hud become mtmoat heart-broken , aa welt aa phys ically eahaiuted from conatant caw. by the Hdvlce of a neighbor nhe procur ed a bottle of Dr Miles Nervine. Krom tho nrat loi to the last a continual chance .for the better vaa notlcablc, and when I had taken eleven botUea 1 waa well, and In robust health." JRDWAKD D. KKAM. Jsorth Manchester, Indiana. "9?r Utu bo'r JInnr. had eeaama tr thre years, and although wo doc tored with many physicians, ha cn tlnued to Krow were until fee had xt spawns In on wsJt. About that ttssa ?SrJ!itei,U?a caa Dr. ' tiffTl,1?' x" tiTlnsr tt to Was. when hi en) rt.v.i .k ....k. tls th inumi K.d ui . - Kertln.- MxtasKxa; rKt ao.t naw for tmm. we 4 r. JUsa- shall, al waya noaauj TVTitjai nm wM UiktmUmifiC .iriVB Vri Greatest kno") from Saleni v r-hnrcca. rtJ it. 1 -'wSTtSid TU13 is - - " , ooKl ' DroW and c"..".! This was last -nl"7 f- been atfllcted Pr. S. C. StOV For ialo bf s11 dr ruillfYX P rf; al I--' Jk ism 3mfL