r "r vttj - DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH IB. 1007. A ci7tleijeMd& SMART COATS Smart coaU for spring wear aro In great variety hero, and you can choosb with tho assurance tbnt thoy nro tho newest crea tions. A full rango of sizes In popular cbverts ami tho nnnppy stripes, checks nnil plaldH. Tho young tnlBH can bo filled JiiBt ns well ns tho grown-ups. Values rango from $5 to $15 bilk olovhh. Now silk glovos just raoalvad. They como In wantod lengths and In popular Bhados, Includ ing black and white. It would bo woll to nntlclpato your summer glovo needs nnd supply thorn now whllo you liavo a good nBHortmont to choose Jrom. Prices rango from gl SO tp .?3 50. DRESS GOODS Our dross goods department has n delightful ndvnnce showing of tho now goods, Including, among ninny chnrnllng things, tho chninbro blacks, black checks and tho decidedly Into novelty In MooNLioHT mixtures In nil tho newest shades. An oxtonslvo variety In nil classes, weaves and colorings from which to chooso. INFANTS' WEAR Now stylos nnd ideas In In fants' wear. Hvory garment nooded Ib horo In n vnrloty lnrgo onough to plunso both your fancy nnd purso. Second Floor. I II I 1MB II Spring Clothes Now styles 'and patterns in a variety of shades artd cut to pleaso tho most faBtldloutf, dress or. Your tnsto nnd price can Tjo Bulled, arid you will savo money, as no other storo horeabouts of fors such flno qualities of goods for such llttlo pricos, $10 AM) UP. Oxfords Strictly this season's stylos in wantod loathors. Thoro 1b no bot tor Bhoo In this city for stylo, ser vice, fit nnd prlco. Wo want you to como In nnd boo the litnv styles what's to bo worn this souson. If you hnvo narrow foot and have trouble In getting narrow shoos, wo havo thorn for you widths rango from AAA to K. Suit Cases No other store horoabouts shows such n variety of travollng bngs ns wo do, nnd nouo gives hotter values. Our stock Is most com plete of tho nowost Ideas In a groat vnrloty. HANI) HAGS and BUIT OASES of all slzos, varying In prlco from $2-75 TO $23.50 Lace Curtains You'll nood a few pairs to re place tho old uurtnlns. Lot us show you tho nowost designs -values tho best you'll dud in tho city. 7r to $io oo mi". IS REMNANT DAY. TOUS V Short lengths of NciiNouitblo nnd f3 r TICC ' dependable incrrbaiKllNO at . . . BRAIN STORM EXPLODED One Expert Overturns Yiews of Another Delmas and Jerome Are Stili Exploiting Hypothetical Questions CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Para graphs for Your Consideration, HaUhco All Tonight wo glvo another ono of thoso lino dnnces at Tioga hull. Also Host Wednesday night, Mnrch SO, wo glvo our Irish dunce, when everybody wears green. Peerless Orchostrn. MM Hpoktt Ht tho Grand Prof. W. T. Mills dollvored nu In torostlng nnd Instriiotlvu address lust night nt tho Grand Opera llouso on "Economic Involution." In allud ing to tho trusts tho spoakor was heartily cheered nnd showed a thor ough knowledge of his subject. Ho will loo tu re hero again an April 12. Useful Article Hoi Id uuk plato rook, regular $1.10 valtto, I) So on Huturduy. Huron & Hamilton. 13H. OYMintti' Tho concurt given Inst night In tho Hike' hall by I'rofwwors A. von Josson, Lullny Gosnor and It. A. Her itage was one of tho lluwt and most onjoynhlo prograuu that has over boon given u lodgo circles In tho city. A large uruwtl of enthuslnstlo Elks nnd tholr lady friends wore present, and, after an oxoollunt pro l?rnni, a light fantastic was enjoyed until tho smnll hours of morning. Kattmlay Only Plato raoks made of solid oak. Itegular prlco f 1. SO. Halo price DSc. Huron & Hamilton. o. XhM ilW (MOW TtOfOPK.3:--. sj ill WJ tW Hi UM BSM People Going to Newport Tkls yar can bring the agates tky And homo and havo them pol k4 at Any tlui of tho year. Wo kan a uew up to date, plant for grladlng nnd polishing agates and Vf knowlvOgo and ability to du ffoml work. Try us when you havo ftte to polish, We will guarantee Ufetlou or will not ask you to jfT us a cent for the work. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE 44'uJ IHiArrv Qw P-J Simpson (liven Medal Wullaco Trill, who won first placo In tho local oratorical contost, nnd has slnco boon charged with plngur- Ism, has refunded tho twenty-dollar prize, rofuslng to accept It undor tho present circumstances. Tho oratoric al association, at n special meeting yesterday, awarded tho first plnco to Ocorgo Simpson, who won second honors at tho .local contest. Hale, Price On platu racks Saturday only, OSo. Huron & Hamilton. A Fliu Drove of Iloivei C. W. Marlols & Co. today shlppod a drove of 21 horsos to San Francis co. Tho animals woro purahnsod in this vicinity, and will bo sold at tho Oregon Horse Market In Han Fran oIhgo. Tho company's represents- tlvo will return In about ton days to buy up another lot. Halo Price On plato racks Saturday only, 98c. Huron & Hamilton. A Growing Industry Tho Conimorolnl street mont mar ket owned by F. A. ICurts Is now among the most up-to-date shops of tho city. In keeping with tho Im provements of tho times, Mr. Kurts hns recently remodeled IiIh placo of buslnos, placing in It a fine onloo. whloh adds to tho appearance of tho place, ns well as being a convenient addition. Useful Article Solid oak plato rnak, regular $1.60 vulue. OSo on Saturday. Huron & Hamilton. Pills and Vile. A proline cause of Pile Is tho uio of cathartics and pills of a drastic violent nature, always followed by a reaction on account of tho retdnous, drylug properties they contain. Thero nro other causes, but no matter what tho causa or what tho kind or Plies. Or. Lvonhardt's Hem Hold can bo relied upon to cure- to atay cured. It's an Internal remedy that re moves tho cuusej of ttchlnc, llllnd, lllecdlng or Suppurating Piles. A guarantee govs with each pack age. 11.00 at druggists, or Dr. Leon hardt Co.. N'lagar Falls, N. Y., Pro prietors. Sold by Dr. Stone, Salem. o KntunUy Only Plato racks made of solid oak Regular prlco $1.60. Hole price 9So. Huron & Hamilton. CASTOR I A wt m kMBW SlHriB fciBw W Tk VLJ V Ha AWut - IM all 111 Pfrl KmWfk W9m C&A&&& ZiZ New York, March 15. Dr. Austin n. Flint took tho stand nt ths opon iny of the Thaw trial. Ho was ex ciiBod temporarily, whilo Dr. Win. Hlrscli qualified as nn dxport. He testified that tho psrsdn daecrlbsd In tho hypothetical question know the nature nnd qunllty of the not when ho Blew nnothor'ihitn, as named In tho question. Jeromo ntlackdd Dr. Kvans, who ndvnnced tho "brain storm" theory for Thnw, whon ho naksd Hirsch whnt Bclentlllc mon undorstood by "brain Btorm." Tho wltnoss said: "Among scientific mon thero is no such thing ns a 'brpln storm.' " Delmns objected 'to this lino of testimony, and a long wrnnglo fol lowed. Joromo cltod tho enso glvon by Evnns ns authority, Hlrscli said tho casea woro no inoro allko thnn cases of smnllpox or n broken limb. Tho Doctors DNnKi-cc. Doctors Prltchnrd, ForrlH nnd Hef ondorff nil tostliled Hint Thaw was Hiino when ho shot White. They were not cross-oxnmlned. Dr. Mat son vnn called nnd tostlllod tho same Hartrldgo began the cross-oxnmlna-tlon Mntson had been in court all during tho trial. Hartrldgo asked him, If considering nil tho tostlmony, ho thought Thaw Insnuu whon he shot White. Joromo's objoetlon wns sustained. Hartrldgo extomporanu otiBly formod tho hypothetical ques tion, Tho quostlon Involvos Thnw's childhood dlBoasns, Kvolyn's tost I nio ny nnd defendant's action through all. Ho again asked Mntson If Thaw wiib Insnno whon ho killed White. Jo romo objectod, and nn adjournment was tnkon until 2 o'clock, to pormlt Hnrtrldgo to rofrn'mo his quostlon. H.vlyii Culled to Btiiiid. At tho opening of thu nftoruoon session Hartrldgo announced the withdrawal of thu hypothetical quos tlon. Joromo said that tho dafoiiKO must show that hvolyn was Hum mol'H client. I-.volyn wns called. Sho looked snd and Bcomod worried. Tho thread of tho caso wns taken up whore It was dropped whon tho state began tbo Introduction of exports. Ho now rovortod to tho Introduction of tho nfllduvlt Kvelyn mado nt Hummd'H dictation. Dolman fought every Inch of ob jection to Jerome's quostlon asking Hummel If Ifivelyn told him Thnw boggod her to awear to documents charging Whlto with betraying her. This wnH ovorrulod, nnd Hummel nu swerod that the girl had In effect so told him. Hummel Testimony In. Tho quibbling hitwoon Jerome and Dolmas over questions to bu asked Kvelyn finally ended by the court's ruling In favor of Delmns. ICvelyn then testified that Hummel acted ns her attorney. Humnud was recall od nnd tho court ruled that Kvolyn In testifying in regard to the conference with Hummel had Involuntarily wnlved privilege, and could not now Interpose it. Hummol oontradictod Kwlyn. who said she hud never signed any ntll dnvlL Hummel testified that he gave her tho original copy, and that shu returned It to him with two sig nature, tho latter rvstlmouy being ruled out. Mlnuto details of Hummol's prep aration of tho affidavit woro brought out by Jeromo as a basis for major testimony. Delmas Is objecting to every question asked Hummel, and Is usually overruled. iHni't Coiuplatu, If your chest pains and you are unable to sleep bocausa of a cough. Huy a bottle of Daltard's Horohound Syrup, and you won't havo any cough. Got a, bottle now and that cough will not last long. A cure for all pulmonary disease. Mrs. J , Clalvcston, Texas, writes: "I can't say enough for Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Tho relief It has given mo is all that la nccv&sary for we to any," 8old by D. J. Fry. o Governor Out of Town. Governor Chamberlain went to Corvallls today to attend a mating of the board of regents of the State Agricultural College. He goes thence to Uaker City, where, Sunday even Ing he delivers an addreu for tho Catholic society there. fr v.. w-fcrf ,VX'ffii3ty A M .41' i s i: i i ?fer m m, ik " lrt!KJT5"Tf..TM JVlio Snld Dinner? Hh! xx rMHxH . s. ! Cranky asd ? 1 x - ! Beow; ' ' i-.l.-xIDon'tDigests?!-- There are many people who cnn. - n.hinir Boot! In a doughnut qx- cept th" hole. For them thero Is nothing in this world uui csmiw Their grenteat trouble is to have to eat three tlns tv,day;' The stomach Is In lebelllon. nnd 1ils Is lminedlnto ly shown in a man's fac.o, A man to be successful must havo sunshine In side. The world nlrendy has too many dyspepsia faces that breathe disaster and gloom. Stomach trouble Is tho most com mon cause of dlscontont, sour face, recklessness, disgust and lack of am bition. A bad Btomnch thoro is tno .prot of many a failure. Anyone cnn havo a good stomach, a strong Btomnch, a stomach that can tnko care of anything nnd ovorythlng that Is put Into it, no matter whothor It Is a very llttlo Btomnch or not. Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets do this very thing. Ono Ingredlont of thoso llttlo tnblots digests 3000 grains or food, nnd no matter how bad your dyspepsia or Indlgostlon thoy will digest overythlng In your stomach, thoroiiKhli and complotoly and bet ter nnd moro quickly than u good strong healthy stomach can do It. Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablots will quick ly cure loss of nppotlto, brash, Irri tation, burning sousntlons, nniiBon, heartburn, oructntlons, lose of vim nnd energy, bad momory, and dys pepsia and indlgostlon in tholr very worst forms. No othor llttlo tnblots in tho world cnn do so much. Y.ou should carry Stuurt's Dyspepsia Tablots around with you whorevor you may go nnd take them after meals. Thon only will you ronllzo what It is to enjoy a meal, nnd whnt perfect dlgostlon moans. Your wholo body nnd your mind will fool tho offsets; your vim will IncronBC, you will bo more satis fied with what tho world does, you will think happier nnd bo happior and your fnco will bo ono of su premo contentment. That will bring you succoss nnd thon moro succ'osb. Your face will bring you dollars. Try It. It will cost you just 50c for a package of these wonderful Stuart's DyspeiHila Tablets, at any drug store on onrth. Sond us your nnme and nddross today and we will at once send you by mall a sample pnekago froo. Ad dross F. A. Stuart Co., S2 Stuart Hblg.. Mnrshall, Mich. Personals Ben White nnd George Gosser leave tonight for San Francisco, whore they expect to engage In team ing. ''' " '--'-- ' ' ', Rev. W. Aldersop,. of, St. Johnsl was n Salem visitor yesterday.- J. C, Goodalo, tho lumberman, has returned frbm a visit to his soiuln Portlnnd., ...?.. M. K. Sottlomler, of Portland, who has been in the city on business, left this morning fbr Woodburn. Fred Hans has returned from a btislnoss trip to Lebanon. Dr. It. R. Hamilton and wife lft yesterday for Portland, to nttend the wedding of a frlond. ' ; C. N. Ling has returned from i visit In Newport. Attorney John Jeffroy returned to Portland yostorday, after transacting business horo. J; Mlas Sylvia Jonos, ofGcrvals, the guest of Saloin frlon'ds. , Mrs. Honry Meyers was a Portland Visitor yesterday. , ' f A. F. Miller, who hns charge of tho Multnomah state fair exhibit, re turned this morning to hishotno In Portlnnd. Ho attended tho fnrmers Institute at Sublimity yesterday and reported It to bo one of tho most en thusiastic meetings that he ever at tended. He succeeded in obtaining some very choice seeds, which ho will cultlvnto for tho fair display.' 4 Miss M. MagorB left this mornlnp for Portland, whore sho has a class fh music. MIbb A. Wolch and Miss May Mc Coy loft this morning for a visit in Portland. . Mrs. Mattlo Gamble and children loft today for Portland, whero they will reside. i Mr. and Mrs. Keller, of Iowa, stop pod off at Snlom yostorday to visit tholr cousin, Mrs. Glttlns, nt the Loslio M. B. parsonage. Mrs. S. Miller, of Tumor, was a Salem visitor this morning. Miss Norma Oardnor and Miss Hnllio Sholloy, who havo booh at tending school horo, loft this morn Iiir for their homo In Stnytou. Rev. B. I. Harrington, who hns been tho guest of Dr. B. Perry, of this city, left this morning for his home In Grnnt'sTnss. George Launsbury, formerly a Wlllamotto University student, is In tho city for a short business visit. Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain left today for Corvallls, whero ho will attend a meeting of tho stato board of rogents. Tho Fischer Stock Company ar rived from Sllverton this morning, nnd will npponr at tho Grand tonight. Dr. A,. C. Smith, of Portland, was here yostorday on professional business. Salem Postofilce llid. Washington, Mnrch 15. Dlds woro oponod this nftoruoon for tho construction of tho approaches and Improving th grounds of tho fodoral postottlco at Salem, Or, Houdrlch & Hughos, Salem, $12,870, who of fer to complete tho work by July 1, 1907: Chns. A. Gray, Salem, $15, 2S0, Soptombor 1, 1907; Hiram M. "Ely, Snlom, Jl 0,736, Septombor 1, 1907. Th. award will bo made In 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo M. Grllley, of thfs city, nrrivod this morning from Kansas, whero they hnvo been visiting for tho past several months. "The Call of The Road" IS lim.NG HEARD ItY CYCLISTS OX EVERY HAND. HAVE YOU A 1HCYCLE TO ANSWER THIS CALL? IF NOT SEE FRANK MOORE, WHO HAS A FULL AND UP-TO-DATE LINE OF III CYCLES, INCLUDING The Racycle, $50 Yale, $45 ConeIl$35 Vantine Fiye, $30 Pdbaceton, $25 WHEN IN NEED OF TIRES SEE US. WE HUY DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, AND ARE, THUS ALWAYS AlILE TO , GI'E YOU THE FRESHEST AND I1EST TIRES. WE ARE SALEM'S LEADING AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE RICYCLK HOUSE. DON'T FORGET THE NUM11ER, 447 COURT STREET. Fank J. Moore EXPERT REPAIRING 447 Crt Stmt P1mhS6I WY NERVfili? ' P?PLE ARE rALCPg Showing Abo ., . .. "ch,ncuS Xm Tonic. Why are nerm.,. .. . H bly pale people- Peop'9 M . Tho answer tn .v.. Plains why a J the blood canr- 'lUtii It unimr.. :wtTQllf r--B-MMo v nr t. . Pink Pills for Pa, "r F, -" i".-ujjie - It Is because of the imi tbo blood andTheTT nofves. The erTou, "Jjl celvos Its nourlnhmc .. 'l modlclno ti,r.n,.i. .. :,,;1IM "uu me t!u ,1 fl(n ll1n,I 1 u,w in , "'"uu "-ome thin, Ht the victim la starts .. .- that leads to nervous ,-.. 3 Vr.11 0 UnnnU " H :z:'.:jr nre pa,e wo. i... imiior comes first Enn, J v. uu,. uie nerves ara wa and toned up to do th JT Hams' Pink Pills make and transform nervnn. ,.. ailing people Into strong,' JL .uKjuiui uieii nno women Proof of this statemiM .... in the testimony of Mrs. limit 5 i-orior, oi zu uuerty avenoe. i .Mouioru, .Mass., a womia esteemea In her communitj prominently identified titi church, work. "I hml nevpr iom. -.1 I childhood," sho says, 'nd iJ years ago I began to hive & Bpolls. At such times I cobM walk straight. I was auiid cf? olysls and was on the verjeclt vous nrostrntion. Then ji set In and n fleeted theild'rfi fnce. 'I ho pains la mr forti wnrn nxpnif-lnllntr tinA mt t. I " -- " ..... D ...... utj ,-a pained mo so that my doctor (n ncura uia or 1110 neart 1 triMi oral different kinds of trcatmtsth they did me no cood, "Ono day my son bronilt soiiio of Dr. Williams' Pini 1 and I round tnat tney strtspu my norvos I took several nnd folt better In every y. unin tin tnnrn ilfffr tlflrri ) ,wiiiinlvln lnf mA nnil I h Km.I ..:...r: "::.:: vj'ti wen woman ever siucu. iumn ommonded tho piiu to a nsaw my friends." Dr. Williams' Pink Pffli ndnpted for diseases due to la l.lnn.1 nnil oVinttorfwt IttTXtL aro In valuablo In ansenli, ; .1-... llA...n.l. f il n IllltllBlll, llllclTlltu. - -- and fovers nnd In sick he nizzinoss. nervuusuvw, m"i and even partial paralyiU ui 1 motor ataxia. A valuablo booklet, w Dlsordors," will b sent fr ts i nuost to any one Interested iii. Yt'ininms- Pink PilliirtH by all druggists, or will ! w postpaid on receiptor prlcf. nor box. six boxes for U 50 tju Dr. Williams Medicine Schenectady, N Y. IVia tn flm lllCTClCS nr,ni hf hoea flte htlswt en In during tho put t riding without HBhtt. n tobonouaetrylngtododxttHJ thorltlos, for tney ev "-. .. ... , iv rider. To and a half was charted e ; offenders, and as thU u W timo they havo appwrf 0 1 "J llco court they pais a' "7 llngly. after being pnW their families should eotW tho $2.50 was squanaerw. The Modern Woods" ...tA,i ati If trr ea to nave u- - . t-t.. incf nicah "' for raemoeru' thqsowero taken in by oHP- IutI j.(. TTatAttPlK r i mart i . ...v. TUtiitd' Frank -aereuu-, , Office with Wm.Broo; 139 Commercini "- MnrtFY TO U .IIvri- n-HOJfAlX.1 Oter Ladd & Dull' - NEVVT00AV good condition. law"j.Hf jonnson. -4 DaKery r. nnuelai 1000 :Z guiro imtit CO., tMHltOH4 . " U 01 Ur. W iM U WIUHWU vtef imMm ttMuIlMK w Jtf Ita to m m ttMT I iMv Uh 1U Wet wM My. Cwhc'i siiiVwiii tm- mmt m mm imw, - m s.. ...:. w.,. j M - i km. tsjvititjf M. w lo4 ItuUnt relief. X ea Uiwtr I For stuck felgt gr4 KHt r itmm lc mtf sM" ' fciiiW mltaw t ,-ji -m a .ll. ..'.yftfcrW.J. iir . A 'jr-"" , --7,-j) i wj'jg.sj. ,,ittjma,iiJi,?MW'Ji Uktv a i M--i