,-rxv wTKHWWWipFMiPM'.r DAILY CAPITA!. JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1007. K-.--- Jr.' I K K ta& ffl&jeM&& CLEVER SPRING IDEAS YOU WILL IK) WISELY TO INSPECT TUB SPUING ASSORT MENTS NOW, AND DO YOUR CHOOSING AS KAMA' AH POSSIBLE rou foresight jh a moht potent factor in buying THINGS THAT MUST BE MADE lI BEFORE THEY CAN UK UHKI), WHILK IT IS .irHT AS NECESSARY IN SELECTING THOSE THINGS THAT ARK ALREADY MADE, HUT WHOSE ASSORT MENTS ARE LIKELY TO HE SOMEWHAT DEPLITTED IF YOU DELAY YOUR PURCHASES UNTIL LATKH. JhJ & I fill 'Hit SMART COATS Smnrt coats for spring wcnr aro In grent varloly iioro, and you cnn chooso with tlm assurance Mint they aro tho newest orcn tlonn. A full rniiKo of hIzob In populnr coverts nnd tho snappy Btrlpon, chocks mid plaids. Thu young miss cnn ho Httod Jtmt as woll ns tho grown-ups. Vnluos rungo from $5to$5 HILK om)'i:h. Now silk gloves jiiHt received. Thoy como In wnntcd longthB and rimL In iiopulnr ahtulos, Includ iHgblnck nnd whlto. It would ho woll to nntlclpnto your summer glovo needs nnd supply them now while you hnvo n Kood assortment to choosu from. Prlcos rungo from $1 50 to 3 50. Li W 4 mmaM If I w a SENATOR FULTON IN TOWN Visits Salem High School and Given Banquet Tonight Spring; Clothes Now fltylua nnd tmttornB In variety of shades nnd cut to plcaso tho most fastidious dress or. Your UiHto nnd prlco can bo suited, nnd you will snvo monoy, ns no othor storo horenbouts of font Htich lino qunlltloa of goods for such llttto prices, $10 nnd up. IS REMNANT DAY. , TonfiorrowHortI'iiKt,"MruHNmN,,,nnmI Kibit Price tlepcmUhlo liicirlmiullNO at . . . A CITY JNEWS A Onllurtlnn of Important Para. graphs for Your Consideration. Hojnl Arcli Chapter Meeting Multnomah Iloyul Arch Chnptor, N'n. 1. Special convocation this ev ening. Work In tho iloyul Arch de gree, Refreshments. VUUIiik com panions welcome tbttHttlay Only Plato rack mndo of solid onk. Hogulnr prlco l.60. Bivlo prlou UHo. Huron & Hamilton. Hair Kwltrlic Mado to order. Batlsfnctlon guar anteed. New collar nnd cuffs. The Vurltoy Store. Auno'rn Wploh, pro prietor, Court street. Vrfnl Article Bolld oak pinto rack, regular tl.BO value, PRc on Saturday. Huron Hamilton. IVpot liiiprotfinrttt Two new stove novo recently been placed In tho Southern Pacific depot, which Is stop In tho right direction Let tho good work go ou. Me Going S-J Newport Tim yx can bring tho agate tkf Jtad ko ami hava thorn pol il At aay Una of ta year. Wo Imt a bow up to data plant for afrl4lS and pollafcla agate and ktHwedg Ht ability to da W work. Try us wkoa yon fcava 4Ptta to polUh. We will iwislM MitofectloB or will not ask you to jwy im eoot for tb work. Matl a Narrow Encim Tuosdny nftornoon llttlo Krnnkle lfloitia unit mt AttnttwiU lrii r , ",uo ', D" .7'. tho snmo with a people, whom one! Ilolimw, hnd a inlsbnp which, under' , ,, ..' . ,... ,.,.. United Statca Senator CharleB W. Fulton, of Astoria, arrived In the city on tho morning train, nnd wns met at tho train by a recop'tlon com mlttco composed of Semitors Kay and Smith nnd Mayor Hodgcrs. Ho wn8 driven to tho Willamette hotol, whero he lunched with tho commit tee and nftorwnrda visited tho Sa lem high school. Ho told a roportor that ho wns not here to try n lawsuit, ns had boon published. His nnmo appeared bo can bo ho Is still in partnership with his brother, nnd his nnmo still ap pears as ono of tho firm, but ho Is not practicing lnw, nnd hns no cnaos In court, excepting ono, that of n rami nccusrd of intinlcr, whom ho will de fend Bomo time this ycni'. "I am giving my ontlro tlmo to my odlclal duties, nnd shall knock nbout the stnto a grcnt deal. I expect to bo In Snlcm sovornl times during tho Bum mer nnd before I return to Washing ton In tho fall." Scnntor Fulton said ho wns not horo to talk politics, but to ve0 lls friends, nnd, so fnr ns his duties In tho aonnte wcro concerned, ! ho hnd nover uskod a man If ho woro of this party or thnt, but had gone ahead and dono his liost for tho state and tho peoplo, regardless of party adulations, nnd ho oxpectod to koop on doing thnt whllo ho wns In public llfo. Senator Fulton oxpoets to lonvo Snlcm In tho morning to mnko a trip to Eastern Orcgon,whoro ho has somo appointment!) to mcot friends. Ho wns greeted vory cordially nil tho nf tornoon by many porsonal frlonds. A delegation of ton Republicans enmo down from Independence, and Re publicans aro In tho city from all parts of tho county. At tho High School. Mayor Rodgora introduced Sena tor Fulton, with a few romnrkB. Ho would "mnko them tired" some oth er time. Senator Fulton wns vory happy In all his remarks. lie ox, pressed his love for young people, and Ida Interest In tholr work. Tho enormous Importance of thoso school dnys woro novor appreciated by young people. Taking ndvnntago of them was a duty. Good training wns whut mado tho man or womnn. It mado tho nrmy, It made tho state. It wns Personals I Miss Roso Schlittenhnrt, after a visit in' the city, has returned to her home lfi Hubbnrd. Mr. b beon v8ltlnS j Mrs. P. E. Fuller! 10 less favorable elrouniMtivtnces, might hnvo cost him his life. It seomn thnt thu boy wns playing with his companions on tho bridge nemos North ElRhteenth street, near Clio moketn, whon ho fell Into tho water whero It It nearly 12 feet doep. Uy superior presouco of mind ho grasped u board, nnd wns helped to shore by , Catl Poppa, ii youth of about tho mttuo ago. Neither of tho boys could jswliu, nnd tho fortuunto outcome ono should know his pnrt, keep his place nnd perform his duty. Tho ro Httlts In nftor llfo from sucli training as thlB, In the youra to como, would surpuss tholr fondest expectations. Ho praised tho high school for Its beauty ns n building, for Its equip ment nnd tenchors all of which woro tlrst-olaas. Senntor Kny wns also In for n Hhort talk. Ho showed that public Muhol taxes hal always boen oheor fully paid by tho peoplo. There wns raised nbout J 1.300. 000 annually for public schools. With appropriations for hlghot' education, about 40 pur cent of all puhllo rovenuen were rnlsod for education. was almost mlrnoulous. Ooiiitulltitl to .Uylum After an uxnmlnatlon by Dr. J. A HlohuriUou, betoro County Judge Scott yesterday, Fred Drier, a young farmer, of Sublimity, was commit-' ted to tho Insnno tiHylum. Tho unfor-, lunate mnn Is 28 years of age, nnd ' owns u 300-aoro farm near Sublimity r He has been an Intnuto of tho nsyulm Mrw. OftlKini lmpnning before, and was relensod upon his Mrs. K. F. Osborn, who Injured Improved condition. He recently be- her knee in Hust Snlem some weeks canto violent nnd secured n rlllo nnd ago, had an operation ystorday at threatened to kilt his neighbors. He a hospital In Portland, and Is re- wai taken Into oustody by Constablo ported as improving nicely, it was Henry Smith, of Btnyton, and found that tho cap of her left knee nd Mrs. Ed. Baker, who have Sniom relatives, left this morning for their home In Spo kane. . Mrs? J. L. Blackwoll, of JefTerson, Is the;guest of Salem relatives. Mrs. J. A. Norwood loft today for Snttlo-to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Waltor Stoltz left todnVfor a visit in Portland. Mrs. Mntllda Johnson loft this? J morning for Minnesota to visit hor;J mother, who is seriously ill. j Itov. Father Moors wont to Port- ( Inndiodny. J.W. Crnlghoad loft this morning for' d businoss visit In tho metropo lis.. Frank Moyors loft tills morning for Portland on businoss. Miss Allco Dotty and sister, Miss Clnrn, loft today for n scvoral months visit nt their home In Contrnlln, Washington. Henry Konno, of Shnw, was In tho city on business yosterdny. Mrs: E. N. Fallls loft this morn ing for Lobnnon to visit rolntlves. Mr. and Mrs. II. Snook, after vis iting Enstorn rolntlves, who are in tho city, hnvo returned to Corvnl lls. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. P. Philips, of Tur ner, wore visiting In tho city todny. Mrs. S. P. Driver, of Wnmlc, Is tho guest of Snlcm relatives. George Edgnr, ono of Marlon's progresslvo farmers, wns a Salem vis itor yostordny. Guy Nichols wns a Portlnnd-bound passengor this morning. Newton Smith wont to Portland todny. Mrs. Clifford Lewis, nftor visiting her pnronts In this city, returned this morning to hqr homo In Portlnnd. M. M. Ilnlsoy, of Jcfforson, the fur- nlturo man, was In tho city on busi ness yestordny. Mrs. J. R. Whltuoy loft last evon Ing for Albany to visit friends. Illshop L. Iinrklcy Is visiting in tho city. Miss Mettn FInlcy, of Orogon City, Is tho guest of Mrs. CD. Sholton. Mr. and Mrs. Zadoc Rtggs have re turned from a business trip to Port lnnd. F. G. Deckcbnch hns returned from a businoss trip to tho metropolis. George A. Forbos, tho local Y. M. C .A. secretary, loft yostordny for Portlnnd on businoss. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. Horron, nftor visiting Snlom frlonds, hnvo returned to their homo nt Aurora. It. C. Ilonnott, of tho Fuol & Trnns for Company, of Tncomn, Is In tho city buying horsos nnd mulos. Ho will ship a drove of horses today. F. E. Llbby. of Jefferson. wns a Snlem visitor ywtordny. SALEM, OREGON Ofl 1 INVITES YOUR INSPECTION OP HER FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PATTERN HATS AND NOVELTIES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER AT HER STORE, 201 NORTH COMMEK CIAL STREET, ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 15 .AND in, 1007. M Opposite Barnc's Cash Store Successor to Mrs.Hfct WMH 101 ! ! ! CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for the Public Schools and tho Fninily Circle. in I . i nnu Ciihhngc PlnutM At Mason Bros., florists. brought to this city yesterday. It. P. (), KILh, Attrition Tonight at Elks hall Profs, (le uer, Von Jcmcn and Herltago give n was broken In two, and It beenmo necessary to remove tho bono to clean out tho clotted blood from be neath, nnd draw It together with sil ver threads. Tho doctor think she complimentary concert, to bo fol- will bo nolo to bo about as woll as Grand Klks-Woodmnn Reueflt Honr Miss Mnrgnrltu Fischer nt tho Grand Oporn House Frldny ovonlng. She will bo nt hor host. o . A Chimney Flrv Tho flro company wero called out this morning nbout 9 o'clock by a mull "Chlmnoy lire on Contor stroot, nonr tho Enst Salem school. The blnxo was soon extinguished without any property loss. Sonntor Fulton Is nt Snlom, and nddrossod tho Salem high school. Gorman hns, through Us parlia ment, authorized tho purchnso of $7C, 000,000 worth of new guns for artillery. The great Loulsvlllo Btrect car strlko Is to bo sottlod by arbitration. Thoro 1b another sovcro flood tho valleys of tho Alloghnney Ohio rivers. Mrs. Russell Sngo hns donntcd $10,000,000 toward raising tho so cial nnd Industrial condltlonsof tho American peoplo by education. Tho Btnto of Washington hns ap propriated $125,000 for improving tho upper Columbia and Snnko riv ers. Tho largo sawmill at Emplro City that has been Idle for years, Is to bo reopened soon by tho proprietor, Elijah Smith. o Mjimih Bros., FlnrlNts For cholco pansy plants. ; (I Albeit McPoland Killed. A tologrnm wns recolved this morning by Snlom frlonds which said thnt Albort McPolnnd, a young mnn formorly of this city, was killed yos tordny, while nt work nenr Sprlng eld. Ho wns n machinist by trado and hns beon in the employ of a com pany In tho vicinity of Sprlngeld for sovoral years. Tho telegram was brlof, and moroly stated that Albort MoPoIand hud beon killed by a treo, and that the body would bo shipped horo for burial. Albort was a grad- uato of tho Garland normal, formerly of this city, and was a young man with a promising future, well and fa vorably known horo. A ShiKcrs's LniiEj. Dinger ai mo end OttluwJ wvu .,u jiuiiuju neaviiy. j. ono nunureu nnd nlnely-alxnotatl nine, no said, without on t brcnth." "Indeed. That must be x mtttl "No. Tho record Is held bj aJ nco rounus. l'oundssangJH. wmiout respiration In Uj! record previous to that iV i-'nrinolll, with 300 notes. Nor Snlmond has sung 287 notes It E wny. Tho nverngo man could k-s sing 50 notes without brttlly t tho singer 200 would bo sotbj- I'niinaolphln Bulletin. I BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Stale mi J Ukmiv Sttm Stitm lowixl by a dance, to whloh all Elks and their ladles aro Invited. H. P. O. Klks, AtteHtlivH Tonight at Klk hall Profs, Ges nor. Von Jeasen and Heritage glvo a rompllmvutary concert, to bo fol lowed by a dance, to which all Klks nud tholr ladle aro Invited. K1p ivico Ou plate racks Saturday only, 9Sc llureu & Hamilton. 0) At Oh KllHgtv Gmtttl. Tho Empire Stock Company, led by Ml Myles, or Chicago, will ap pear at tho Kllusor Grand this ev ening In "The Great Dlaaiond Rob bery." ThU U the opculnur tugftgo meat o.f tho nrvseat company, and a most enjoyabl vealng U promlied A four-plec orcktra will furnlaa music, a ad the bill will be caaag twlc mcV wek. over within a month or two. ltoudi Approve! Tho bond of Edwin II. Collls, tiled as administrator of tho estate of Isaac Kohr Amend, deceased, was yetorday approved by tho Marlon county court. Tho bond U In the sum of fSOOO. Tho court also ap proved tho bond of John Whitney, me auuiwiiiraior e: tn estato of tho lata Anna Feller, of Wbodburn, tho amount of tho boud being if 000. lHvorw Grntrtl Huth K. Urowu waa yesterday granted a divorce from Harry Brown upon tho default of the defendant. At a eloa of circuit court last night L. Kdwla Rice was giwn a dl vorc from Jullett F. Rice, after th twtltaony waa taken and tho defend- aat defaulted. No property rights wer Involved in either suit. The Call of The Rod" IS BEING HEARD BY CYCLISTS ON EVERY HAND. HAVE YOU A BICYCLE TO ANSWER THIS CALL? IF NOT SEE FRANK MOOItE, WHO HAS A FULL AND UP-TO-DATE LINK OF HI CYCLES, INCLUDING The Racycle, $50? Yale, $45$ Cornell, $35$ Vantinc Flyet, $30j Ptiaceton, $25 WHEN IN NEED OF TIRES SEE US. WE BUY DIRECT FROM THE FACTORIES, AND ARE THUS ALWAYS ABLE TO GIVE YOU THE FRESHEST AND REST THUS. AVE ARK SALEM'S LEADING AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE BICYCLE HOUSE. DONT FORQET THE NUMBER, 417 COURT STREET. Fank J. Mooe EXPERT REPAERINp 447 Cwitt Sfcttt tm jwp dii:i). ROBERSON At tho family six mllos north of Salem. Wife dny, March 13, 1907, Jatces 1 crson, aged 1G yean. Tho funeral services will b t ducted from the home Frldiy to 15, 1907, nt 2 p. m. o MAHHIKD. BURROWES-PROPP. At tki sonngo of IMgcwater tlonnl church, Seattle, utk I 1007, Mr. Charles M. Ben nnd Miss Lydla if. Propp united In marriage by Ret. V.i Kantner, D. D., oflclitlnf. The bride formerly resided Is I Ia.m M.l...n A. h.i n wMrW!tfl iUill, IIVIU OIIV ll- w...vw.- frlonds. Sho recontly ictttrned froia a r1 In tho Enst. Mr. Burrowes Is well knon U Ho was nt one time connect rtj the Slntosmnn PublUhlos CoFJ but recently moved to Sttlt o NEW TODAY l'n,i,1 Woman to do wW fmntiv of three, Addrta "tl Journal offlce. Wnnttxl -Young men to stodt rnnhv Positions whCfl t Wngos J75 to $90 Pr otltJ nlv Immediately. Oregon uni rimmnn wealth BttlkUi' ,..., n. M iauu, w. Wanted Loganberry tip er I ,, ni.Ai.nn Kurwrf iiuuto. vr.o j- pany. ik ib-nt. Nice cotUl. nrn..- the rose sod i9t i.iv f Salca. H flrst-class condltloa, ma windows and door, . i. ht aadeoM' curium jiuiv, ., . 1...J ., noreelilB1 i,m wash stand, pow" mnd toilet, chandelier - ! rie llKht. and abado tree; the S1 in Salem, cioa- . ..-W .Mil tW" ana cnurcu ;- t . j, will bo for r"X ' ,-1 ner, Wiuamei" - Wautcd A Hrst-cl Call at Hotel Sal- . dtAHWl Lot Llgni """-,. jiw. u,uuv"' Mr v ir o" l?w Hfllt-I I V3. -- ... . qulro I. BaufflSrt j Grounds store. v, lTwoleUfrw riM and nine 7Vjl wagon shed, chldrt l snap of water jnqu -- a, supply of wieVIBi(is premise from W c f. 1454 LeUe St.. ,.,! ThwaTI .!. rtCt. ,1T. Fr Se T" - a " ai. i