Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 14, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Tskvourdoctor about these throat coughs. He will
tell vou how deceptive they are. A tickling in the
throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better
exnlain your case carefully toNyour doctor, and ask
him about your taking Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. Then
do as he says, uct ic uci iui"v, uy.
v -l Tf nnhlliS
J. O, Ayer Co.,
Lowell, Ml,
Amusements at the Capital City jj
-,. March 16: Charlos B.
f's ...uho rnosar."
?riu Flscner m
find Hitchcock, in "The Van-
I fAHfitt '(
Lee Sit by tho Fire."
Iflu Tenderfoot.
i KlInKcr-wranu.
lirct Diamond Robbery," by tho
i company.
Tl.x VI Lq Ilnll.
Lrsday night: Elks' social, mti-,.-m
nnd dancing.
Hwfonl In "Julius Cncsar.
e enterprise In wiucn uiui iu
... oKnifoenmroan nroducer
&gi8 jHi'i'"-
Ats B, Hanford has embarked
' . with tha loyal and Intel-
tt co-operation of his llfo long
ajerlil associnto r. wirun
i. ! t. tippullar congenial one.
to Caesar" Is a play which tosts
iruw of any exponent oi mo
. ka ho ninvor. staco director,
Knir designer to the utmost,
tudnations have Invited tho on
rori of tho greatest actors who
.v. . rnrllflh Inncunco. Dltt
Kr Hanford tho labor Is ono of
fe u well as of ambition, lor it
ilatbli play that ho stopped forth
from tho ranks of tho comparative
ly unknown into stellnr prominence.
When Booth and Barrett decided to
put on "Julius Caesar" with Booth
as tho historical patriot, "Brutus,"
and Barrett as the thoughtful "Cns
slus" tho question of who was to
play "Marc Antony" was not to bo
lightly decided. Yet It was without
hcstitatlon that they allotted tho role
to young Hanford who by his stu
dious attention to detail and his
ready comprehension of any sugges
tion placed beforo him had attracted
tho favorablo notlco of both these
great players. It may bo said that
Mr. Hanford awoko to find himself
famous. Critics Immediately insist
ed that hero was an actor entitled to
an equal sharo of tho plaudits, so
liberally bestowed. Prcdlcltlons of
tho most uncompromisingly favor
ablo charcator woro ventured on all
hands by tho writers for the press;
predictions which havo found dis
tinguished Indorsement from tho
critics of tho prosent decado. The
cast which will bo fully equal to
tho great demand of this wonderful
drama has been provided ami thu
sconory will bo modolod after thnt
used In tho rcmarkablo representa
tion of tho play by Booth and Bar
rett. Mr. Hanford's ongngomont at
tho Grand opera house Is announced
for Saturday, March 1G.
Representative Dye's Bill Wil
Be on the New Statute
ftrors Sales Below Par.
ta York, March 14. It Is ro-
rtd torn Albany that It was Btatod
: ca Comptroller Metz suggestion
IJl mi to bo Introduced pormlt-
; ibe city to raise tho rate of In-
Mt oa corporato stock from -1 to
Kf cent Mr Mctz said yostorday
to such proposition had ovor
Ii male by him, but ho said ho
kVI tdrocato a bill allowing tho
' itock to ho sold below par.
I fujy realize," ho added, "thnt
i? be difficult to continue selling
: i' par or a little moro than
t it the rate of 4 per cant. Tho
r-'Tirirkft and the rate of Intor-
lfoiin?ti' cannot be regulntod
wr. tit ,uv depended entire-
i?ea f Tilihnnn vshlch vary from
i;u m. In ins opinion the only
'a tv tg tit do o as not to dls-
u a;uint tho bonds already
frtKl tiMandinic atalnst 'ho
whang, tlip charter provl-
ii.'3 doci not allow the comp-
'a sell bonds below par. If
rsi-je',3i w, c removed, bonds
could bo sold on a 4 per cont Inter
est bnsts and bo dopondont ontlroly
upon market conditions at tho ttmo
of salo.
Tho Texas Wonfler.
Cures all kidney, bladder and
rhoumatlc troublo; sold by all drug
glats, or two months' treatment by
mall for 1. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2926
Olivo street, St. Louis, Mo. Sond
for testimonials. Sold by Stono'a
drug store. dw-lyr
Hvpublh-mt Primary t Topokn.
Topoka, March M.-r-Thls Is "the
day set for the Republican primary,
and a very lively Interest la manifest
ed In It by nil Republicans, but es
pecially by the leaders. The registra
tion by votors Is very large, and It U
very evldont that great lmportanoo
is nttachod to the ovent. The Re
publicans havon't got used to pri
maries as yot, and handle thorn as
new things. The; numbor of candi
dates Is large
MKla Yon Ilftvo Always Bought and which haa boo.
I M fnr (ivai. nn ai. i .A
nr gl nnd has been inado under his pc-
yZ$jffljZjtrf", aortal supervision ulnco its iufeacy
Si t'CAX aIIowho ono to deceive yowln tkte,
JJCtetcrfelts, Imitations and Just-RS-frood" ar Vufc
g8 tkat trifle with and endanger tho ha t of
" aad Cidt Experieaco against Expori .mt
What is CASTOR I A
J a harmless feubstltuto for Castor Oil, Par
J Drops und Soothhigr SyrHiwf. It Is PleasaHt. It
r?s neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotto
2c. IU ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Wora
rMys FeYerlslmcss. It cures Diarrhea and Whwl
JJJ' relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
Viiiu lcy Ifc slmllatos the Food, regulats the
V rin?Ud Bowel3 CIeT healthy aad Batural ateep.
vwwrctt8 Panacea-th Mother's Friend.
aviW CASTORIA always
) Bears tli lifmatars of
r Haye Always Boipt
n u$e For Over 30 Year.
lTndor tho now law It will bo pos
sible for a community like Liberty
to have a high school.
It Is now possible for two or moro
county school districts to comblno
and establish n union high school, a
bill having boon introduced by Rep
resentative Dye, of Oregon City, mak
ing this condition possible. Tho bill
passed both houses nnd becamo a
law. Such districts as may doslro
thus to comblno and establish a high
school will bo exempt from n county
high school tax whero ono has boon
voted or established. Tho chlof ln
centlvo for tho establishment of theso
schools, however, lies In tho fact
that n pupil may domand his school
money from any district which does
not maintain a high school and go
olsewoher to school.
Under the provisions of this law it
Is possible to havo several high
schools In n county, nnd Inhabitants
of rural districts will havo an op
portunity to save tho oxpenso of Bond
ing their chlldron nway to school to
securo a higher education.
Thoro wns considerable school leg
islation passed during tho Inst ses
sion of tho loglslature, and among
ono ot tno notnblo measures wnR a
strlngont truant lnw. Tho compul
sory education lnw was Introduced
by Senator Frank J. Miller of Mar
lon nnd Linn, nnd Is considered tho
strictest law of tho kind In tho Uni
ted Stntos. Its provisions nro as foleows:
"All chlldron between tho ages of
9 and 14 years must go to school
all tho torm. Chlldron from 14 to
1G must olthor work or go to school.
Tho exceptions to theso requirements
nro ohlldron In private schools, pu
pils physically uunblo to attend, pu
pils under 10 living moro than ono
nnd ono-hnlf miles from school, pu
pils of any ago living moro than
threo miles from schools nnd pupils
undor private tutors at homo.
Notlco is horeby glvon thnt tho
board of dlrootors of School District
Xo. 80, county of Marion, Stnto of
Orogon, will rooelvo sealed bids on
or beforo April 1, 1907, for tho erec
tion of a two-room school houso
Plans nnd specifications and rulos
governing bids nro now on fllo In
tho clork's ofllco, nnd nro opon to
Inspection. Tho board resorvos tho
right to rojoot any or all bids.
Glark of District, Shaw, Or.
"Words of PraiBo
For tho several Ingredients oi which Dr.
Plorco's medicines aro compose., s glv n
by leaders In all tho several scnoo!.. of
medlclno, should havo far moro weight
than any amount of non-professional tes
timonials. Dr. Plorco's Favorite Prescrip
tion has the Iuukiu of uonestt on ovory
bottle-wrapper, In a full list of nil its in
gredients printed In plain English.
If you aro an Invalid woman and suffer
from frequpnt headache, backache, gnaw
ing dlstrfii In stomach, periodical pains,
dlsagreu&blo, catarrhal, pelvic drain,
dragghfgilown distress In lower abdomen
or pelvis, porhaps dark spots or specks
danchg beforo tho cyc3, faint spells and
kindl symptoms caused by female weak
ness, oWhr derangement of tho f oralnlno
organs, )fj can list do better than taka
Dr. PicrA-;-. Favorite Prescription.
Tho hlfh til, surgeon's knlfo and opera
ting taliniay bo avoided by tho timely
uso of vpavorlta Prescription" In such
cases. Thereby tho ohnnxlou rvamtn
n.tlon a iui" 'r v ) i'rn t pJ, M t lit r m I
pnysician can no avc-Mort ann a tuoaoigi
wiimtioiif ifif tiitiiiwi
course of successful treatment carrtil owl,
InTjlii- tiriv..yijiljhn lnip' "1-Javnrlt
Prescription " Is co.nposea oTUic very bet
native medicinal roou known to medical
science for tho euro of woman's peculiar
aliments, contains no alcohol and no
harmful or hablt-formlng drugs.
Do not expect too much from "Favorlto
Prescription; " It will not perform mira
cles ; It will not dlsolvo or euro tumors.
Xo medlclno will. It will do as much to
establish vigorous health In most weak
nesses and ailments peculiarly Incident to
women as any medlclno can. It must bo
given a fair rnance by perseverance In It
uso for a reasnnablo length of tlmo.
Vd'cnu'i snyvd !rLarfiM't.n r'J-Jins-truni
n a mtwtUute f"r 1111 ri,r,nHy "1
Sick women are Invited to consult Dr.
Plcrco, by letter,rce. All, corresiwnd
enco Is guarded as sacredly secret and
vomaniy commences am nrowcicu
irofcsslonal privacy. Addross Dr. It.
Dr. Pierce's Ploasant PelloU tho bet
laxative and regulator of tho liowela
They invigorate stomach, liver and
bowl!. Oqo a laxatlvo; two or throe
cathartic Easy to tako as candy,
For Snlo Four acres on North 21st
with houso and barn nnd good or
chard. Also SO acres 3 miles
south of town on Jefferson road,
mostly in wheat and oats. Ono
hottFo In Highland add. Inqulro
of J. C. Schultat, 747, South 12th
Btrcot. 3-12-lwk
For Sale. 12 to IS good houses,
somo with tracts of laud. Also
farms 10 to 223 acres. Orio of tho
host farms In tho vnlloy for $10,
000. inqulro of J. C. Schultz, 747
South 12th street. 3-9-2wk
For Snlo. A Ovo and a six-room
houso, with from ono to six lots
with each, woll located in East
Salem. Good bargains. Isninh
Schonoflold, 21st and Marlon Sts
Salem. 1-28-tf
For 8aU A comploto box manufac
turing nnd planing mill plant. Ad
droBs E. Durkholdor, Albany, Or.
Garden Seeds !
largo stock of
in bulk. Our
190G crop; no
Schooner for Roguo River.
Marshlleld, March 14. Tho gas
oline schoonor Herwlok arrived from
Portland with a cargo of frolght,
about all of whloh waB for II. D.
Hume, of Roguo rlvor. Tho boat
eamo hero to tako on moro frolght
for Mr. Humo'fl cannory. Two largo
canning machlnos wore Included In
tho lot takon from this port. Tho
Ilerwlck was 22 hours In coming
from Portland to this port. Sho has
boon In Portland for tho past two
months, during which tlmo a cold
storago plant was Installed In tho
vessel, which adds materially to hor
valuo as a carrier of packed salmon,
for which purpose Mr. Humo usos
tho ship. Tho cargo of tho Ilerwlck
Inoluded a deck load of 140 empty
casks for packing salmon, nnd a
largo lot of flour. Tho Ilorwick will
probably leavo Coos Hay early this
Cincinnati Kennel Club Annual
Cincinnati, March 14. Tho annu
al show of tho Cincinnati Kennol
Club opened today In MubIc Halt.
It Is a three-point show, that Is ovor
500 dogs aro cnterod. It la the only
show held this yoar in Cincinnati,
under tho auspices of tho Amerioan
Kennel Asosclatlon. Tho prizes are
numerous, and the entries largo. The
attendance Is large.
' a '-
Alabama Official JntoroU In Hnvlug
Good Roads.
Mobile, Ala., March 14. Hon.
John Craft, vice-president for Ala
bama of the National Good Roads
Association, and president of th
Commercial Club ot Mobile, has gono
to Pittsburg to attend the conven
tion ot good roads men, and feel an
absorbing Interest In tho meeting.
He has dono wlt on the roads that
have coma under his care.
wo uavo a
Garden Seeds
seods aro all
Ask for small onion sets.
You got threo times ns many
to tho pound.
Fancy Dluestom Whoat,
Chovolln Ilarloy, Oats, Corn,
Clovor, Alfalfa, Flold PoaB,
Land Plnstor, etc.
Distributing agents for
Coupon's Egg Foods,
Coulson's Chick Foods,
Coulson's Condition Powders.
Tho largest wholesale and
rotatl dealers In tho city.
151 High St,
For Sale. 34-acrc. farm north ot
Garden Road, ono milo from city
limits. Woll Improved, 10 acres
of hops, good houso, all kinds ot
small fruit. Inqulro of C. W.
Ynnnko, Fashion stnblos.
SaIciu Iron Works. Foundors, ma
chinists and blacksmiths. Manu
facturers ot all kinds ot sawmill
machinery. Hop and fruit drjlag
stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the
Salem Iron Works Hop Press.
Contractor and Rullder A. J. An
dorson, contractor and bulldor, es
timates furnished free. It will
pny you to boo mo boforo you
build. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Call at 41G Court Btrcot, or phone
G44. 2-16-tt
New and SecomMInml Good.
nought and sold, also ranges,
stovos and cooking utonsils, dish
es, granlto and tinwaro of all klada
Give us a call. O. L. McPoek, 17ft
South- Commercial St. 8-lS-ly
Dr. I). It. Grimn, the Sneehdkrt e
Morphine All drug and lUuer
habits, which he cures la 8 days.
No money until cured, 314 Trad
St., Balem, Ore. Phone 58. Joka
Doyens, Business Manager.
I'orestcrs ot America Court Sh.r
wood Forostors, No. 19, Moots
Tuesday In HurBt hall, Stato street
Loo Abblo, C. R.; A. L. Drown,
F. S.
Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P.
Cnstlo Hall in Holmnu block, cor
nor Stato and Llborty stroots.
Tuosdny of onch wook at 7:30 p.
in. E. W. Hazard. O. C; W. I.
Staloy, K. of R. a'nd S.
Gold Dust .Flow;
Ett COMPANY, Sidney, Orogon.
Mado for family uso. Ask your
grocer for it. Bran and aborts
always on hand.
P. B. Wallace
Funeral Dlroctor
CaHs answered day or
night '
Phone 70, 381 Court St., Salem 1
It Is worth more thaa any other
bread, yet the prlee ts ao fclfher.
For sale at your rreeer's.
TheBau ft Oooley, Props.
Dally except. Suaday. Leaves Wil
lamotte Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con
nocts with saotor for Monmouth and
Dallas at C;15 p. m. Leaves Inde
pendeace at 8 a. m. Phone Mala
Rtcky Mtuntafn Tea Huftf
A Bur MiItJa Ut Dei Fop!.
Erfafi 0Mia Uulta ml Kaii Vljr.
X trto fofColUlltMlK'H. IUlfetlOB. IJA
ml KJunajr Troui'lw )-n.iU. Lcicm. liopur
UiooJ IlaJ Ilia'b. ; -v ' .1 ikxru. JIkIcU
inti Hxckaclin. t ll r MTiimmaTm laUU
Irt form. OT ct" k h t "-i n nuul br
IoM.unm Ihi , CV rtr M WM
Modern Woolmen of AincricH Oro
gon Codnr Camp No. G240. Moots
ovory Thursday ovonlng at S
o'clock in Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. C; F. A. Tumor, Clork.
Dr. U. II. AVliltc Graduate of Klrka
vllle, Mo., under founder ot Os
teopathy. Room 21, Breyraaa
building, Commercial street.
Phono 87, Rosldonoo comer
Mill and Twonty-Brst Sts, Phoae
580. Treats acuta and chronle
dlscosos. Examination free.
Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri
day night at 7:30, In Holman hall.
J. A, Dlckoy, Q, 8.; P. L. Frazlor,
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, accl
dont nnd ponsion Insurance, J2,
000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid
Good agonts wanted. J, H. O.
Montgomery, supromo organUor,
Box 432 Salem, Orogon. It. R
Ryan, socroctary, C40 Stato street.
-Toaekor of pi-
Arthur Von .Ichwii
nno; touch, techulch,
tlon. Thorough preparatory course
Advanced shutouts proparod for
public npponrnnue. HoBldonco 068
Contor St. Tel. Main 620.
Found. A buggy robo, Tuesday,
Ownor can havo Bamo by calling 'on
County Troasuror Richardson, de
scribing proporty and paying for
this ad. 3-13-
l.oat. Scarf pin, olthor nt tho rlnlc
or botwoon rink and High stroet,
last night. Flndor bring to Jour
nal olllco and rocolvo roward.
Tlioo. M. Hrr Plumbing, hot water
nnd steam boating and tinalag,
104 Commercial street. Phoae
Main 192. 9-1-ly
M. J, retsei Plumbing, steam a4
gas fitting, ouoecwor to Knox m
Murphy, 220 Coramorekl street.
'Phono Mala 17.
R. O. UuminlHn Succossor to White
Cummins, oxpross, delivery aad
trnnsfor llnv.. Prompt sorvice la
our motto. Furniture and plaao
moving a spoclalty. Stand at Ii9
South Commercial stroot. Phoae
175 Resldnnco phone 068. 8-4-tt
Prank M, Brown. Mnnufnoturor ot
sash, dMrif, moulding. All kinds of
limmo flu I li and hard wood work.
Front street, hot. State and Oowrt,
Wuiitl to Huy Heavy draft horsos,
wolght 1400 pounds and upward.
J. Connor, Willamette hotel.
Help Wnutd. A dorou good men
for work in nursery. O. P. Lans
ing, Quaker Nursorlos, on Gardoa
road. Phono GOO, 2-22-f
A GomI Implement Junior Suodor
nnd cultivator for sale Inqulro
of city mail carrlor No. 7, Salem
postoffloo. 3-12-3t
For Iteiit. A four-roomed cottago,
with basement, on 12th ntroet.
Inqulro of H. Pohlo, 1137 Court
street. S-12-3t
XoUw. Mrs. C. A. Spauldlng will
romaln at 40G Front street, with
her hair goods, until March 18.
Ladles call and bring your work
or buy now. Phono Main 1210.
PUmo Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ex
pert tuning, repairing and polish
ing. LeaTo orders at Geo. C.
Wills' music store, Salem.
3- 9-lyr
ls PRbsV IRI e 9 sBsy
CoAcrrU) Work. -Get my prices oa
stdowalks, curbs, septic tanks and
cement work of any kind. All
work guaraateed flmt-claas. M
Ward, Highland add. Phone 669.
HutU) A WwsdoroCti Flae wines,
liquors and cigars. We handle the
celebrated Kellogg and Caatle
whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer
constantly on drougb. South
Commercial street 9-3-lyr
Yor waUr wrvlee tpply al eM
Wile payable otbly la advaaes
Make all seetahlate at Ue edUe,
Our moat markot on East Stato
street has been doubled In also and
we are hotter prepared than ovor to
sorvo customers. Prompt service and
tho bust of meats our motto. Call
or phono 193. II. H. Edwards, Prop
WanhHi.- Htonographlo position by
young woman wishing to mako
change the first of April. Six
yeara' experience. Excellent ref
eronoes. Addross "Stenographer,"
care Capital Journal, 2-19-ln
I Wont to IJuy20 bond of heavy
draft horsoa in the noxt two weoku
Will pay good prices. I also waat
a flrat-ctand saddlo borso, welgat
not loss atban 1100 pounds, must
bo hlgh-grodo and slngle-footor. J.
Connor, Willamette Hotel.
Wanted Gentleman or tody to travel
for mercantile houso of largo cap
ital. Territory at home or abroad
to suit. If desirable the homo may
be uiod as headquarters. Weekly
salary of 1000 per year aad e
penses. Address Joseph A. Alex
ander, Salem, Ore. t-19-lra
O. C T. CO
t &iJi'L? !w.iiifettt,''.-
j- tj. sU fee-