DAILY CAM TATi JOURNAL SAMCH, OREGON. WKD.V13HAY, SLtnCH 13, 1007. 4 I m . i SPECIAL SALE Saturday, MarchJ6 & 100 Solid Oak Plate, Racks feotfi we&thetcd and golden finish. Regafa $1.50 vatoe Sat- QO tifday special - - OC il.t. oomino attractions. . "Wednesday, March 13. Croslon Clnrko In "Tho Ragged Messenger." Saturday, Mnrch 1C: Charles II, 'llnnord In "Julus Cnosar." Krldny, March 15: Honoflt to "Margarita l-'iacher. Wednesday, April 10: Housa's Int est opera, "Tho Frco Lnnco." Ilnymond Hitchcock, in "Tho Yan kco Tourist." "Allco Sit by tho Flro." "Tho Tondorfoot." Kllngor-Gnuid. 'Tenight: Tho Fischer company In -Tho Golden Glntit Mlno.V Auditorium Holler Itlnk. Morning, nftornoon nnd ovonlng taostdons. Tnosdny ovenlhg: Bpoolnl society cvont 10 to 12 p. in. for Albany ex eurslonists. 'J tin Niks' llnll.' Thursday nlKht: Hlks' soalnl, mil iilcnl program and dancing. BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitrol AND ALL Spray Material AT FRY'S Drug Store Prices Absolutely Lowcsl .ffomommcmiiai&sssMx ilARP WHISKY Lh Sl A DKUQllTMIi HKKH(K A 8AVK STIMULANT A (i(K)l) MKIHMNK For sate by A. NCHKKUIKit. YOU cau start checking o count vllU us at ttny tluio and with any amount. It U only neces sary that you ha onouith monuy in tho bank to covar tho total amount of tho eheolcs you mma IF yuvrr hoki amount to only 5.00 n mohDw t.Ui bujh will curry ohf aeoaimL TIW mousy In tk Dank ttakaa your cuwk good. lAYV cWmV. bwaHW U Is the eatott. sitrot and most con vettleut method. Saltm State Bank L. K. PAGE, PtMitet EW, HAZARD, CMfcte I Clergyman on tho Hinge. Tho vorsntlllty of Creston Clarke has ofton boon commented upon In his ntngo career, which, although ho Ib still a young man, has oxtond od over n long period of years, Mr. ainrko lias played inoro than thrco hundred different parts. Probably In no other twp of all theso Is thoro hucIi n dlHHlmllnrlty as In tho rolos of tho gay, young, frivolous "Mon sieur Honucalro" of Inst season nnd tho grave, serious John Morton, tho clorgymnn, In "Tho Hngged Mob Hougor" of this season. In dress, In npcooh nnd lit niaunor, thoso two roloH aro widely dlfforont. As "Monslour Houiicalro," Mr. Clarke woro the platuroHn.no costunio of n French prluco of two centuries ago powdered hair, patches, laoos, silk boss, sllvor buckles, nnd all tho other hablllmouts of tho dandy of that period. Ho tlion apoko with a broken accent, never ouco forgetting tils dollghtful simulation of tho French tongue. As John Morton, ho Is clothed In tho sombro garb of n clergyman of tho present day. Ho now delivers his lines In tho purest Htugllsh, with n clearness of enun ciation that one who had heard him only us "Monsieur Ilsnuciilro" would doeiu hint eupublt of. 'hro lust mason lis was volntll, bold and Qulxotle, over ready to dnno. to tlttbt. or to love, lit Is this awisou tirnstii, ttinlil. tiitrniiiaiiltc. Only through hit art win Creston Clarke as the Itrr. .loll i Morton of tlits sen sou b recognised s "Monsieur lieaucalro" of iHst. Tho Mine rare gifts by which results were then ob- lalnHl without atralnlug for them nn hrrIu itmnlfiHit shrug of the Ijouldwr, hh arch of the brow, n wiili'r. each d li work effect itih ofu-u dramatical! For the uti rtHliiuient end tnl ruction M wll hh the good Judgment HMd rr pull of IochI theatre-goer, It It to i.. Imiiwl that h goodly attenilunoe liuia thU soooiuplwilied tiotor t ih.. tlraud 0veni House this evou int. when he prevents "Tke 1 tagged M' ngor " MILLS THURSDAY NIGHT ('nil for IthK lluls will lit rtKMlvod by the un dt tsigni'd. up to 6 p. in. on Monday, Miinh H. 1U0T, for th purohnso vt u r.iHd grnder for the City of Sa lt in lllddvr will be reuulred to fitiuh with their bids apsotnontlons if thi' roHd grader ottered. V. A. M00HK8. 3 18 M CIV)' Heoorder. llniuUoiiin Home of Knlem Hlk, (From Portland Publle 8rvlw ) The new bulldltiR orosted by Uo Suleiu lodso of Hlks In tho Capital City. U ono of Uilgh thoy muy well be proud The ixivt ktructuro coat more thuu JJ0.000. nnd U romnrk able by rtwuon of the eomHleteneM of Us equipment for tho dual purpose of u olub houo nnd of u lodge. The Sttlom todito has n nminbomhlp of about 400, composed prlnolpally of the reprtMentatlvo buslneM and pro. fiwlounl ineti of th elt lu ortl oers are follews: Chus. I MtCCary, xaltel rulr: Hurry 1L Alboj-t, otejuuHl leading knight: U. a BohuokluK, ettwiuod 104-al knljsht; James Uamev). e. ,teMM lecturing knight; Dr. II. II. 1 OliHxer. eequlrej John Mnurer. Inner KMirI. A OorKayer. t)ler; V. A 'Irvlu. ekapllH; Artkur F. HeusoM. secretary; Hd. R Maker, traurr; ). Y Meredith, rjeorse H. Waton. Henry W. Mer. trute4. Tho enUre tlrst floor and baemHt have ba leased to tho llllheo Olub, wauy tueuibvra of. whloh are alto members of tko lodgo. The compUMo eUxtrlc cqulpmeat of the bulldlns was fnruUfced and la stalled by tho Salost branch of tko Portliad lUllwar, UKbt A IHjwm Cotupaay. Walter Thomas Mills, A. M., wll' address tho peoplo of Salem at tho Grand Opera House Thursday even ing, Mnrch 14th, on tho subject of "Economic Evolution." It will be remembered that Mr. Mills spoko in Salem about a month ago to a large nnd enthusiastic audlonco. Mr Mills doos not talk nt random Ho prcsonts his subject In a logical and forceful manner that' Is oasy to understand. l Wnltor Mills was a farmor boy, born in n log cabin. Ho worked his way through collego ,nnd today has tho degree of Mastor of Arts from both Obcrlln collogo nnd Woostor University. Ho has been n lecturer nnd tonohor all his life. Ho has spoken in 315 American collogos, and now hns inoro dates for speaking than he can fill. There will bo nn admission of 25 conts charged. Earn More There Is inspiration in good health. Willi keen appetite, sound digestion, good blood, clear head, strong nerves, you feel that you can attempt and succeed in almost any undertaking. Keep physically fit and you can do more and earn more. WeecfumM Utt CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for tho Public Schools nnd tho Family Circle. Appointments l,y Governor. Govornor Chamberlain hns made tho following appointments, Stato Hoard of Health uppolntod aro Dr. A. C. Smith, Poitlnnd; Dr. Alfred C. Klunoy, Astoria, and Dr. C. J. Smith, Pendleton. D"r. A. C Smith Is a Republican, tho other two nro Democrats. Tho govornor appointed tho fol lowing members of tho Stnto Fair Ilenrd: V. II. Downing, Shaw, Ma rlon county, nnd W. A. Howe, Carl ton, Yamhill count. Howo Is a Re publican. State Hoard of Sheep Commission ers: W. H. StoiiBloff. Salem. for the first district; Thomas Uoylnn, Ante lope, second district, and Dnn P. Smytho, Pomrlotoii.thlrd district. The terms of olllco aro ono, two nnd three yonrs, respectively. Smytho was appointed to tho long term, Steuslorf two yonrs, and Uoy lnn 0110 yunr. Kadi eunimlHslouor Is allowed llfiOO por annum for travel ing oxpeuses, but drnws 110 salary. A piosldont nnd secretary aro to be elected, tho secretary to receive G0O per year. Tim leglalaturo appropriated $12, 000 to enrry out tho provisions of this law, which goes Into1 effect at one. Ilifiglnr Kilter Ktoiv. Ilurglara entered the J. N. ShnutzN second-hand store on Court street some time Moailay night, through a rear window, and auecoaded lu es caping with four watches and two re volvers. The theft was not diecowrcd un til yveterday. The police wure Im mediately Hotlfled, and are making every effort to locate the guilt) par ties, but h yet no clue has been oblHlned that would lend to their detection. --o 1 Thoy Know It. Thousands of neonle tlmmehmit the country know that the ordinary remedies for Piles ointment, sup pcwltorles uud loctil Hiipllancee will uot cure. The beet of them only brine nnaa. lug relief. Dr. heonlmrdt's Heiu-Itold la n. tablet taken Internally that remove the cause of Piles, honce the euro M permuiiont. Kvery package sold car ries a Kiinrantoe with it. It Is perfectly hnriuloes to tho most delicate constitution. Sold nt $1 00. Dr. l.eonlmrdt Co., Niagara Falls. N. Y . Proprietors. Sold by S. C Stono. Suleiu. - o FrUoo Will Conform. San PranoUoo. March 13 A rc olutlon In conformity with tho agree ment entered Into between Roosevelt nnd tho San Franelcco board of ed ucation on tho question of admitting Japauoso children to the white schools was draw a up lv tti board this afternoon, and will be adopted at a mooting held this afternoon, ac cording to prosnt plans. ThU will clone tho Incident over the exclusion of the Japan from tho public schools. WOMEN WHO ARE SICKLY and anxluua to be made well again should conuneuce taking lloitoUer's Stomach llKtore. o guarantor every bottle of tke genuine to be pure and In taking it )ou hnvo the pojlttvo bMHraace that kaMag cured others. It will cure you too H0STETTERS STOMACH BITTERS will strengthen and tone the entire feminine organism and cure lUck. ttchrv Slclc Hkdrbs CYamps, DluJ. , DjhhU, iRdlgtetlon, Chill. CVhla or L frlptvc. have special value for busy people. When overwork causes brain-fag, loss of nervous force, impairs the diges tion; or when inactive bowels make, one feel discouraged and blue take Beccham's Pills. There is nothing like them to strengthen the digestion, regulatcthcbowcls, remove biliousdis ordcrs, relieve nerve tension.andbeget the self-confidence and poise which Inspire Success Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c and ajc. TrnnsfiMM of Ileal Ifetutc. Tho following dcods have been te- corded In tho ofllco of tho Marlon county recorder: V. M. Kalsor, ot nl to Win. Wnldo, bind In block 32, Sa lem, w d . ?9000 M. i:. and G. O. Holninn to L. X. Honey, land in Marlon county, w d D50 K. L. Uently to W. J. Prultt, lot 7, block 2S, North Salem, w d 100 J Amstiiti!, ot ux., to A. M. nnd M S. Mulkey, 108 ncros In t 7 s, r 1 w, w d . . . . . . . . 1 - O ' CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. ftie Kind You Have Always Bought iionra ino f J( ? j r- 6igJxa;uro of l6xfjff&dul&''id Mexico Is afflicted with yellow fevor. The Japanese armored cruiser Tn guga will ontor Hampton Roads May 8th, tho first steel armored warship made by the Japanese. Tho telephone girls of Helena, Mont., havo gono on strlko from ?50 t o $G0 per month. Tho government of our country will establish a factory to make tor pedos at 'Newport naval station. Tho nrmy of Honduras, which hns Invndod Nlcaragunn territory, led by n rcnogade, on Saturday defeated tho Nlcarnguans, and nmong tho killed Is Bnlt do bo General Zolaya nnd Colo nel Caracas. The Chicago grand Jury has Indict ed tho members of tho pew manufac turers and school furniture manufac turers trust. Admiral Lord Charles Bcresford, ot tho BrltlBb navy, is at Seattle. Portland men nro planning for tho erection of largo carshops on tho peninsula to build freight enrs. Two electric power plnnts nro to bo erected for tho Portland nnd Mt. Hood electric rnllway to cost $5,000,-000. .Support Good Plnyw. Manngor Meredith, of tho Grand Oporn House, says It Is discouraging to bring tho better class of plays on tho larger thoatro circuits 10 Salem, and havo thorn so poorly supported. Ho says tho outlook for a good sale of soats for tho "Ragged Messenger" tonight is not whnt It should bo, nnd Hint, while Salem peoplo will clamo'r for tho host plays on tho rond, thoy will not glvo them tho support thnt thoy nro ontltled to when thoy como. Mr. Meredith has glvon this city a vorysuporlor clnss of plays this sea son, and thcio Is truth In whnt ho sit) s A now pioductlon by ono of the most eminent of American nctors Is entitled to n full house. onuuT TAHj T- consul . My but nenM.., i lot of trouble. I off !?, -" 10 t. - iv-.-"l ifiiK-1 POT fc tod (L? c n. rowsu. 20?l, nircowithme. Thevl.i,F,ti, ndtellmethatlofjiS. the grave with n;!?!?.!1 trouble, or kidney cotnnl.- ? 1 nerofdlseaiei.BJfflUWMa bod cured b,- :.: " '!,ttKC" " w notLiiU! iuiiui;iis. Aa niatitfif 1 stomach give, out M-.l??.W thrown out oi order too, When a Deron r..i. .!. . . ' fe0n.le-v' . i faffl! Uslelnir.,!!'- other trouble, heVll.ble 7 fiM h.-n::r?,e' !-.'. seen Conner'. N. n; ,l0 i?,"Il.h.t0u.i? r peopKt letter about hi " "I suffered for 1 lo tw, , knowing iuu what w.. Tv.J me. I seldom felt like tsuit ll B , ... .,.,,,,1, aly OlftltJM extremely poor and whtn lift , stipatcd and freoufnilr .1,1.1 l. raoklnU, violent hesdtchei. VWy, of what the Cooper remnfei , for others I resolved to tr.k. "Relief came with the SntboA. 1 !'' 'iu ui(ciuon improved r I am no longer connlntini , a.7 those dreadful hesdichei. li, nnd am alnin flesh." CH.rWi Harrison Addition. Dulutb, Mia. We are selling immenie qAiaal inese meuicinesinaourcuttoame great satisfsction. J. C. PERRY Flew to Death. Cincinnati, March 11- HnrnlECh, aged 20, owlifd; honlth, hastened to an cnjlc olllco on the 13th floor oltlil tlon building this mornlif leaped to the pavement IF YOU ARE ANXIOU TO SEE THE NEW FASHIONS IN NG CLOTHES SPRI 1 1 1 M.la .Mt . MI 1 MICHAELS-STERN rinu CLOTHING Don't fail to come Iiete. We will take pleasure in show ing yoa the cottect appatet iot business and dtess we The largest assortment Spring Suits $ J 2.50 to $25.00 SPRING TOP COATS S$?fi.!i FOR THIS WEATH? SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE w