DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1007. 3 ? of Appetite OREGON'S SENIOR SENATOR l-.knhlood needs pun- s000 m7 for then the blood .& organs the Prt ,. ho nroncr per- their functions. anil Is pre-eminently -- ' ..l. T mnkPfl tllO KU rich, and strengthens Will Cflwrtlw organs. r " .. .- Jnnn ana una no t After taking one bottle of rcrwmia i couia t J fed I "" ,f Amnnda Fen- ww. Conn. &o substitute for j'sSarsapaniia . ttvPii. Get it today. h w Bar. rr , nonfl v. l 1 . h pi lorui. w -.--- ElpllUV' - Be Given a Cordial Greeting at the Cap ital City Th Republicans of Salem and Wll lametto vnlley cities will honor Sen ator Fulton on his visit here with a public reception. An enthusiastic nicoting was held last evening at tho office of Sonator Smith for the purpose of perfecting arrangements' for a demonstration Thursday (tomorrdw) evening. Captain Chas. A. Murphy, chair man of tho county central committee, presided, and aftor discussion the fol lowing committees wero nnmed: Committee on banquot Hal D. Patton, F. N. Derby and II. A. John son. Co'mmltteo on reception Senators J. N. Smith, T. B. Kay and Mayor Rodgcrs. Commlttco on program Col. Hof or, R. J. Hond ricks, F. W. Waters. Commlttco on cntertninment and Introduction If. B. Thiolsen, E. M. LaForo, J. J. Murphy, T. B. Jones, J. II. Scott, A. M. La Follett, D. II. Looney, of Jefferson; Ed. Martin, Turner; J. II. Sottlcmlor and Hurley Moore, Woedburn: M VanVnlkonberg, Sllvorton; W. J. Clarke, Qorvals; M. L. Jonos, Brooks , II. A. Snydor, Aurora; W. II. Hob Ison, Stnyton; Q. P. Terrell, Mehamn; Bruce Cunningham, Liberty; L. M. iGllbort, Rosedale; L. T. Reynolds nnd E. L. Chalcrnft, Chemawa. Sonntor Fulton will nrrlve by tho morning trnin from Portland, nnd will bo driven to tho Hotel Willam ette. It Is expected that tho com .. i M'lii-lil Trio. l,rton j"mii. ----- tfjaere, Md, March u. ...,..,., YMIS0n. Of tl p,rt Episcopal Church South, cd today on nis trip uruuim .. . .. t C.n EVntirlRPO fcj, lHDg I""" " loins He wm Blul Hotolttlu His nrsi ., will bo to represent tho w't Episcopal Church South lie tentennary celebration of th- Tacc of the first nroiesiam nu- ;irr into China, nt Sliangnni, on I jth. After this lie win go 10 L to attend tho first gonornl jttme of tho Methodist upisco I church of Japan, which will bo tl In May He win represent nw Lth t this conference, which will ut tbe union of the work or tno branches of Methodists In Japan. Lop Wilson and his wife colobrat- titir golden wedding In Baltl- t ca tho evening of tho 4th of Lea, with a very large company of I'Bdj and well-wishers. o Alice Hooovelt Wedding i tcmethlng to be recorded in tho lull of history. Horblno has boon (tsoweldged tho greatest of llvor '.Utori. A posttlvo cure for bll- kttdicbes, constipation, Chills irmr, and all liver complaints, i, ntteo on cntortnlnment nnd Intro C Smith, Little Rock, Ark., . ductoa will seo thnt tho day Is mado ket "Horblno Is tho greatest llv- j ,,iCft8nnt for hlra nnd Umt nll who ' "v" "laesiro may do given tno opportunl- Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Oyer-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only nriuary and bladder troubles -were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly .nil diseases have their beginning in the disbrucr of these most Important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneysarc weak or out or order, you can unucrslnnu now quickly your entire body is nITcctcd and how every orcan seems to fail to do its duty. If you nre sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys nre well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you nre sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and tho extraordinary ciTcct of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest fp its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, ami is sold on us uterus by all druggistu in fifty-cent nnd one-dollar size bottles. You may nave n sample bottle iioraocfSmunp-Root, 'FRISCO BUILDS ANEW Great Deniatid for Certain Kincsof Mechanics and Laborers 'f.'J'uui i Jli '"'1 Lii PtiirrTrWisSsa ttSL'ltliNi'.MMJU by mail free, also n pamphlet telling you now to una out it you nave kuincy or paper , mug. Btdldne known. Ijmh. It docs tno work." Sold riW Fry. o it Woman of Iown May go on Stage. Dei Moines. March 13. Miss Vernon Cash, tho winner of i bttuty prlro given by tho Dally tl, of Des Moines, Is considering ulerfrom "Tho Man on tho Box" !(oon tho stage. Tho offer is $35 k, and was drawn out by tho fj.fi beauty, which struck tho mnn- Terjr decidedly, Sho has boon tttti the part of Mrs. Conwav. 'it Friend " Sho was vory sn- ptoatto learn whether a girl could cathe stage nnd keep straight. 'CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine StU. DrucslBtfl refund money If Mi to cure. E. W. GROVE'S w on each box. ale bladder trouble. Mention this .flint. .ft:.ii4r. T"W l.-!1ii... ". On hamtou, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swnmn-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, nnd the ad dress, Uinghauilon, N. Y. , on every bottle. ty to meet him. An elaborate banquet In his honor In tho evening at tho hotel, and for this tickets bavo been provided nt $1.00 each. Thcso can bo had at tho ofllco of tho Statesman, Tho Journal, Pattons' hook store, Dr. J. N. Smith's ofllco or from H. A. Johnson, Frank Dnvoy, F. N. Derby or County Clerk Allen. Thoro Is a goncrnl Invitation to .Republicans of I tho city and surrounding country to join In this welcomo to Senator Ful ton, which Is Informal. Democrats, also, will bo wolcome. In fnct, it Is , high rank In shipping clrolos, nnd Exhibition of Pictures for Children. Sponcerport, N Y March 13. A vory no exhibition ofpicturosls be ing hold far tho bonet of tho Spon corport high school nt tho Masonic tomplo. Tho money will bo used for tho purchnso of plcturos for tho school lioro. Reproductions In largo carbon photographs, engravings and photo grnvuros of tho old and mod ern mnsterplocos In tho groat gallor Iob of tho old world, with some of tho host works from prlvnto collec tions aro horo. Evory gallory In tho world would hnvo to bo visited to seo tho originals of tho pictures shown. Tho exhibition is well pat ronized. o Last of Piscatnipinn KqunrvRlggvre. Portsmouth, N. II., March 13. Word has been received In this city that tho bark Yosomlto, tho last American Burvlvor of tho once-fa mous fleet of Plscatanuas square riggers, has been sold by San Fran cisco owners-to China Intorcats. Sho was built In Portsmouth In 1808. Somo of tho fleet nro now in com mission under forolgn lings, whllo others aro ondlng their days as coal barges, among them being tho City of Montrcnl, Dashing Wave, and Richard III. This lino long held a popular movomont to honor and oncourugo Oregon's ronlor sonator. At tho banquot It Is oxpocted Sen ator Fulton will glvo nn address, nnd thoro will probably ho a few short re sponses nt tho call of tho toast master by local Republicans. Thoro will also ho good music and a pleas ant tlmo In gonornl. has dono n largo sharo of tho world's work upon tho waves. u Albany Khutors in Town. Thirty op forty Albany young poo plo camo down oii the 2:28 train for a skating outing on tho Salem rink, roturnlng on tho 2:23 train. Olcy Woodworth acted us ehaporono. 1 ' Horseless carriages Wireless telegraphy- Now lardless cookery Improvement is the order of the aCe. "e was a time when Lard was considered Jfoniy shortening. To-day, the only people !? lard for shortening and frying pur- tSL!fil5i!e,whoar8 not miliar with the SeS,!. Co"l(ne; !t pays to be abreast of Urd Vrl a. i0'"" s not only superior to oni a health standpoint, being a vegetable aori S?.8?,!111 Product, but it will make S5a5S,e I00 than lard; and l i3 moro lSt lard because, being richer, one- uuuiuuuut VUWJUUJg UUllCl. sentially n product of nature and contains only that which is digestible, healthful, and a real means of sustaining life. If your grocer is an up-to-date, progressive man, he will have Colhtenc in stock. More than that, if he has ever used it in his own family, he will recommend it in preference to lard or cooking butter. If he does not do this, it is only because he is unfamiliar with the virtues of Cottolene. Prove our claims to your own satisfaction by giving tbe product a fair test. . w ult"u' Give Cottolene a good, fair test, use it Urf J cooked food is not digestible because according to directions, and note the benefit fA(at Product. Cottolene makes food ore dioiVt 1"wucl' f-oiiotene ma aecsuble and healthful because it is es- to vour digestion. You'll never go back to Lard. COTTOLENE was fraatml & GRAND PRIZE (kkbt Jibl award) ovar al atW oookmg fat at tk COTTOLENE mtW GRAND PRIZE. '7ome fMf" (mA f 399 JW r, AJ Zjjn' 2T w (r u 2 Ummp, If ytm Th N. K. Fmkhemk C-mjumy. Chicago JV of kpU, COTTOCENE eku, tn i wkkw.f JT k frwH WUk H twiiMi drs f Hm I.WM u Jrts a, .4c Nature's Gift from the Sunny South . Special to tho Journal.) San Frnnclsco, Mnroh 8. -Tho Mold of activity throughout Cali fornia has bean wide during tho month of Februnry, and all indus tries seem to have tnkon on grent ly increased virility. Tho California Promotion Committee, In Ita Investi gations of condltlona In tho state, has found numorous indications of a general broadtniug of develop ment. This Is oepoclnlly noticeable In the subdivision of largo tracts of land which havo been liorotoforc held In slnglo holdings. Those lands which nro tho groat grants, nro In bodlos comprising thousands of ncros, and their segregation has worked against" tho upbuilding of tho Interior. So grcnt has become tho domnnd for small forms, however, thnt the owners nro now cutting up tho lnrgo farina, formorly given ovor to grnln raising nnd grnzlng, with tho result that nil ovor tho stnto thorc Is an Influx of homosookcrs who nro buy ing snmll farms of ton, twonty and forty acres. This Increase In dovolopmont' hns hnd the further effect of stimulating railroad building, especially of elec tric lines, which nro now penetrat ing tho mountain country, opening now countries to dovolopmont nnd settlement. Thoro hns novor boon a tlmo boforo In tho history of (o stnto when thoro hns 'boon so gront activity In rnllroad clrolos. Seasonal rains hnvo been gonornl and of such quantity as to Insure nn nbundnnco of nll kinds of crops. This Is especially true of fruit, and ns thoro haB been no adverse cir cumstances, It Is expected that the coming season will noto tho honvlest fruit crop over raised In California. From reports received from nll parts of tho East, Mlddlo West nnd Europe, It Is believed thnt tho Im migration into Cnllfornlnn during 1D07 will exceed that of any previ ous year, and thnt fully two hun dred thousand Bottlers will ninko their ho men In tho Golden Stnto during tho yonr. From Europe conies tho report that thero Is groator Intorest in Cnllfornlnn this yonr than over boforo, and hundreds of fnmllloB nro forming colonies for tho purpose of emigrating to thU Htnto. Construction conditions In San Francisco aro most satisfactory In ovory wny, and rehabitntlon work Is progressing moro rapidly than oven tho most snugulno expectations Ronl ostato valuta have beau main tained In nll parts of tho city, and In jnnny locnlitlos havo lucroasod with nqtlvo domond. Apartmout housos, flats, and hotels nro being completod in lnrgo numbers, - nnd tho housing problom lu rapidly being solved. Rontals of rosldunco propor tlos Is bolugn reduced to normal, nnd tho cost of living In also return ing to conditions which obtained provlous to the flro. Building activity during tho month of February Is shown by tho building porinlts issued, which num bered 009, at n total ost hunted val uation of $7,233,010. According to the ostlmatos of contractors and architects this amount does not rep resent tho truo figures called for by 15 per cent, as thero la nlways a tendency to underestimate tho valu of a building. Adding, thoreforo, 15 per cent of tho abovo amount to tho total It would bring tho amount J called for by tho permits to $8,3 17, 901. Since tho flro tho totnl number of permits for building that havo been Issued la 8,393, with a repre sented valuation of $10,851,870. Applying the lamu rule horo it would Increaso this amount to $53,883,107. During tho month tho customs receipts of San Francisco havo shown a marked Increaso ovor thoso of February, 1906. Tho total for tho previous month was $817,719--94, against a total of $777,73C.8G for tho camo month a year ago. During the samo time this year tho postal receipts wero $142,142. San FranoiBca'g bank clonrlngB for February amounted to $104, 294,368 against $156,271,911 for tbe samo month of 1906 Rut at that time tho Oakland banka cleared through tho San Francisco clearing house, and this year Oakland has Its own clearing house. Adding. therefore, tbe Oakland bank clear ings for February to tho Sao Fran- WOMEN WHO CHARM: Health Is tho First Essential Toward Malting u Woman Attractive. MISS HULDA KU6HLER Thero is a beauty and attraotlvo ness In health which Is far greater tlmn moro regularity of feature. A sickly. Irritable, nnd complaining woman always carries n cloud of depression with hor; sho Is not only unhappy horsolf but is a damper to nil Joy nnd huppUicss when with hor family and friends. It ifltho bright, healthy, vlvaolouH woman who always charms and carries sunshine wherever sho goes. It a woman finds that her energies nro flagging and that ovory thing tires her; If lior feminine system falls to perform its allotted duties, thero Is nervousness, sleoplcAsnoss, fnlntncss, baokncho, headache, bearing -down pains, and irregularities, causing constant misery nnd nielnnuholla, sho should remember thnt Lydla E. Plnklmm'4 Vegetable Compound mado from nntlvo roots nnd herbs will dispel all these troubles. Ry correct ing tho caiiRO of tho tronblo It ouros whero other treatment may have failed. Miss Elisabeth Wynn, ! No. S05 8th Avenue, Now York City, writes : Dear Mrs. Finklinms Tor months I suffered with dreadful headache, pnln In tho bock nnd nevoro hmnorrhftgtM, I wni wonk and out of aorta, nil tho tlmo. I.ydln K. rinkham'a VcRotAbla Compound hoi pod mo when nll other medl clno had failed. It aeomed to xt Jut wlmt I noodod nnd quickly restored my hoalth." MISS ELIZABETH WYNN Miss Ituldn Kughler, of No, S3h West 15th Strcot, Now Yorlc City,, writes : DenrMrs. rinkhamt ' "For months I was 111 wlthnn Interna tronblo. 1 suffered terrlblo nffony, waa. lie rroiw. Irritable, nnd nick nll tho tlmo. took different medicines without benent. Lydla E. rinkhnm's Vece table Comixmmtl was roeommeiuled nnd within six inouUia I' was completely restored to hmlth anl X want to recommond It to evory suffering', woman." Women who nre troubled wlthA painful or Irregular functions, back neho, bloutlng(or flatulence). displace--menU, liiflnmmntlon or ulceration,, thnt benring-down feeling, dUzlncss Indlgustlop, or nervous prostration may bo restored to per feat health nnd strength by taking Lydla E. Plnlc liam's Vegetable Compound, Mrs. Plnknam's Invitation te Wemcn Women Buffering from any form '' femnlo weakness nro Invited to promptly communicate with Mrs, rlukham, nt Lynn, Mass. From tho nymntotns given, the tronblo may bo located and the quickest nnd surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience In trentlng fomnla Ills Mrs. Pinkham probably hns tho very knowledgo that will help your case. Her uavloo la froa and alwnya holpful. Cisco clcnrlngB, thero In a total of $210,04S,012 for tho two cities, or an Increaso of moro than fifty mil lion dollars over tho Bnmo month InBt year. ' Tj'iiiu'snco WiuiIh u Juveullo Imw. Nashvlllo, Tonn,, Miirch 13. A movomont Is bolng started to obtain from tho leglulnturo u now Juvenile law. Tho ladles who will have chargo of tho "Hoys' Club" aro tho moat earnest advocates, nnd nro pushing It with all their energy, and thoy will suroly got It. Tho Indlen say that tho Juvonllo law that wbb passed two years ngo wbb a por feet failure. Tho Indies will nlso. ask tho legislature for an appropria tion for a now reformatory school. Attempted Hulcldc. Medford, Or., March 11,- (Spo clnl.) Kdna lknton, n 10-year-old) girl, despondent over tho neglect of her lover, nttomptod to Hhultlo oft tho rosponslbllltlefl of llfo this niorn Ing by taking cnrbollo acid. Tha prompt use of a stmnnch pump saved hor life, although hIiu Is fright fully burned. Tho unhappy girl re sides lu Grants Pass. A SQUARE DEAL AND A IWIU TRIAL OF OIK FARM lMPLKMKXTH AND MACIIIXKRY OF ALL KINDH. IF YOU ARE NOT HATIHFIED WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NEED NOT HUY. I HELL TRACTION AND HTATIONEKV ENOIXKH, NIUIIOL'S AND HIIIM'ARD'S RED HIVER HEI'ARATORH, HAY HALERS, KTREET AND ROAD OHADINO MACHINERY, WE HANDLE THE IIYIIII WAOO.VH, E.NOEH IIIKKJIItfl, IIAOKH AM) f'ARHIAOEH. WE ARE AOENTH VOU THE ADHIAXCE, HUUREYE MOW KICK, CLH'PEU PLOWS AND HhUE IIIIIIION OUrriVATORH, ALSO HOME HECOXH HAND FARM IMPLH.ME.VfH AND WAfJOXH VERY CHEAP. PAlNTfl, OIIJ4 AND VARNIHHEH AT WHOLEHALH AND RE TAIL, OLAHH AM) HTAINH OF ALL ' KINDH, AND PAINTERH 8UPPLIICH. Hl'ffOY TOPH, DARHROARDH, WHIPH, IIOIIIM, ETt. CORHEHPONDENCE HOLICITED, ClIICl'iailH AMI DICHCRIP TIVE CATALOflURH FUK.MHHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Pop. PHONE 101 MAIN (Y)R. FRONT AND PINE KTHEKTtt K We Dont Put Out Bicycle tires in tfae window, or in the sua, thws allowing them to cferode and aircheck lWfore being toted, but keep them kt a cool, dark place Tfcix as xres oar customerf of tires as fresh anal alee as whea. they left the factories. We hare tires from $2.50 up New Wheels from $25 up; Cash or Iastalbawats f&t&twxK t i