DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, PRECOX. TUESDAY, LRC1I 12, 1007. 3 2E3? The effect or mww " ". You catch cold easily or become run down because of the after effects of malaria, Strengthen yourself withce' Zmtitsion. It builds new blood and tones up your nervous PleXtt' ... nnimofeTSl GOc. AND $1.00. iQQ8Q"8,40,,9,,0MM8,,C,0M80,81 500 000 GRAIN SACKS tcir!iiti(n Tnkcs nnd I !ylng I" """'" r"L,t nn.l Hi-Bin Tbtcur ru,w ....... .. , 10 Unit n. mll- wfleton.Mrcni-- ""-" ma bags were pur. -- " b.rtB Wheat Growers' ,Asao- will be Hiiiiiu"-"" PEOPLE AND THE DOCTORS It lins boon rosorved for our time n rnninvo innnv views front tho Lr tho farmers of thli and Mor- roai,u or ignorance, unccrtninty,nnd Mnntiw. Tne nrlce ' doubt, and to pluce thorn on a unsis f ' ..ilmin Mini .. . . . -. i of Knowledge, cortatniy, niiu oxp- mcntnl proof. The fnr ronchlng re sults of tho work of tho Vlrchows, T.n..... .l.r. termite, ftllfl nHinrrt it IS verj " I'iiBiuuiD, inu .uv..o, ...... .i.. ,1... urtnn nnlil . .. ..., i .. nii . IjmJI, hOWCVCr, limi t'"- "vw SIIOUIU UO BUIIICll'lll. uuvu ui ii v" lu moro than nine im ' cnn n Halt to nil mo interna oujec- i jj renuitii'u. " - iions oi inu wuuk-iiuuuuu, ibv'". to vera manufactnreu m "" :l and ' ?! - '.ho nrm of whom they -!.... j has not been glvon fit thoso Inn rested say that j..i i verv sausuK-w. and Belf-sntlsflcd who pormlt thorn solves to remain In a stato of con- TM order for the purchnso was llnucti drowsiness, allowing guoss ... . mpettnu called for that ...np,. ... tnun i10 nlnco of oxnet in- Lose by President Scott, contracts V09tgation. .At Inst tho public has r the 500.000 bags having boon nwaj0ne,i to tho necosslty of nc ptd up. Immediately nftor la8t jnowlodglng that exact sclonco Is ttsrdar meeting. C. C. Pattorson, ' moro tlun n i,0bby. Whon tho fam ' UArmv countv. wrote over to se- .... B(nniiR t tho crnvo of a rolatlvo : permission for the farmors of , wj,0 hna 8UCCumbed to n condition it county to come In on tho propo- W,cu could hnvo boon provontcd, or ion, and contracts wero sont him wllcu coui(i imvo boon mot buccobs- ffttorn mall. As a result 120)000 ful, aa lma boon ,,roVon by dlfforont - I liri.nn hie the jnianu ftinpire whuhl wrs Association incorpoiuiuu Lithe articles therefor are now bo lt Drnarcd by Judge S. A. Lowell. till wi.l make tho organization n lal Institution, nnd give It greater l.Ttri than It now has In Its unln fcrporated form I The group of farmers which com ae this organization seem to bo r much In earnest, nnd they nro Kited with tho Idea that If thoy lis! together they will not only bo li!e to securo their grain bngs at a enable price, but that they will the mi ks orderetl yesterday will nc.ion in the solfsnmo condition In wat to Morrow county. ' ntinr noonlo. n new Kloa takos pos it his also been finally decided to , BOgslon 0f thorn. I I Bhould like, however, to consider tho situation from n moro general point of view. Tho great "organism of mankind, nnd similarly that of n nation, hns its activities subdivided for successful work. In prehistoric times tho cliff dwellers mny have ex changed with his neighbor fruit for tho moat of nu animal. Today tho Chlncso mny exchnngo his ten for tho nlnntrlc llcht of an EdUon. Such n transaction involves a numbor of systems tho mall, transportation, tho bank, and kindred institutions. - i "." - '--J i neso BysiuuiB miu u.unj.. - i bl to command a better price B,IPi. macnltudo that tho individual Nr their wheal. nnaiiv fnrirota thnt they nro not of any lmportnnco In themselves but ImalcrV AnM)clniIon ConveitcH. only ns constituents of a vast num- nttibnrg. March IS. Tho fourth r of systems tho voluo of which ul convention of the American 'consists only in their ability to cam mikers nsgoclatlori imo to- out succossiuuy wmu i mu - ihr in this city today for a sos- thon1' . , ... luting until and Including tho noo wno concuru miu.....- - t.s Tt, ., ... . tho natural scloncos occupy jubi sum -. iv VUIIIVUIIUII IS IUIIIIIUBCU . -, I the leading good road advocates 8,t,on n8 ol'O"0"19 , a,f,fom' IroBjhout the Tnlteil Stntos. Jas especially tho medical with fill Its al- lied urnncnos. i nesu ru ui . i.i i. In tho groat machinery. Viewed from this standpoint wo nt onco enn define moro clearly tho position of tho gen oral population to thoso whom they hold rosponslblo for tholr wolfnro in hoalth and disease. Wo cannot fall to bco that tho gonornl population is each state should insist upon tho best possible training of physicians. It should see to It that the principles of correct living nro made known to every Individual In tho state so far as this can bo done. Ono of tho de mands of modern times, proper hos pital accommodations, oven a. small community can afford to enjoy. I should like to remind thoso inter ested in theso ouoetlon nnd every body should be lntoreated that ex penditures for proper institutions aro not contributions to luxury but dostlned to strongthen tho orgnnlsm of tho nation; furthermore that tho ittliUc must not expect good work when It refuses the men nnd the ma terial for such work; nnd, lastly tho American pooplo should oronto and manngo propor InatitutonB for tho general welfare, instead of waiting for tho holp of Individuals and de pending upon tho snme. Thoro is amplo opportunity for charity for other pttrposos. Tho beginning which has been mntlo toward tho moro gonornl ap plication of woll known facts, wo hope, may onnble our succossora to call tho twontloth contury tho cen tury of hyglono. Tho groat nctlvlty of nil civilized nations In lighting tuberculosis Is significant, and not loss so is tho boglnning of tho cru- sndo ngalnst tho soclnl ovll diseases. The trnnsmlsslon of mnlnrln and yel low fever hns been detected In our time. Tho dust quostlon is begin ning to become prominent. Tho recr ognltion of tho fact thnt many dls onsos can bo provontod with certain ty has brought nbout n ehnngo of tho view concerning tho responsibil ity of tho community toward its mombors. Tho numbor of tho under lying principles In sulllclontly largo and tholr natttro Is amply satisfac tory to guarantee tho grontost hy glonls progross of tho human rnco in its history if they nro used os a bnsls for practlcnl work. May it be remembered thnt sup port of publtc Institutions for tho general wolfare Is not n contribution but nn invostmont tho returns of which are certain, nnd thoy benefit evovybody without any exception, o Might Kml In Slow Trains. New Yorkr March 12. Sovorat passenger agents of tho New York Contrnl lines nt an Informal confer ence talked chiefly of tho possibility of finding aomo wny by which fast through trains to tho woet on which nn extra fare Is charged can be run If the two-cent n mile movement spreads. No ana could nrrlvo nt nny devise for getting around tho propo sition If Illinois, Michigan und Now York ever adopt the two-cent rnto and It was the gonornl opinion thnt if pnssenger rntos busting koops up thore will not bo anything leaving Now York for tho middle stntos ox copt slow trains. "So long ns Now York state loaves paseongor rates alone," said ono of tho pnssongor ngonts, "wo can find somo wny of tncktng on tho oxtra fnro ovon if tho man who pays it dooa travol most of tho way through a country whore thoro Is a two-cont rate. Thoro has never been nny complaint from per sons who use tho trains.' If thoy wnnt to got a cross tho country fnst or than thoy could go on nn ordinary train they nro willing to pny for it." o Wntmsh Ciiiu'v'Ih Contract. Now York. March 12. Tho enn- collntlon of n contract for 2500 now Bteol ears by tho WnbaBh railway has act some knowing ones thinking. Tho Wnbnsh olllclals will not go on rocord themsolves nH to why thl order was cancelled, It is understood thnt It wns because- they could not get tho cars when they wanted them - ijpice Perfection Sold on Merit ii .J-iji'MJ''i SgCSfl J.A.FDU3ERaX 9 gOLDENGAT rVe vCi2ESy B W High grade SPICES V J fSKL Always the Same JAftljierfiCc. San Francisco Tho Wnbnsh, llko othor roads, Is crying for moro enrfl. Tho mills can not run tho stuff for Bteel enra out fast enough, nnd It la fair to assumo that tho WabnBh did Just what tho prosldcnt of tho Ponnsylvnnln hns threntonod to do cancel oruors for cars in tho Pittsburg shops unloss it enn bo Bhown that tho carB can be furnlshod In boiuo kind of tlmo. Thnt Is ronaoitnlilo. It Btnnds to renaon thnt If tho Wnbnalt had ordoia In for 2500 enrs nnd those orders wore moving up tho lino to where they OLD TRUSTY irvcu- BATORS The Incubator thnt nlways soils Must he a ronBon why ovory body bus. It Is tho simplici ty of tho rogulntor; tho oaso with which thoy nro operated; they burn loss oil than nny oth or mnchlno of tho sntno alao. Your neighbor ItnB one nnd will toll you thnt thoy nro good and that you had hotter buy one. Homomnor it is uio onrty chicken that payB tho big uvou. ey. UKT OXH NOW. free Test You hnvo sixty days to tost thorn; longer If you wnnt tt. Wo hnvo confidence In tho ma chine or wo would not solt U on thoso forms. D. A. WHITE & SONS WliolOstulo mid Hetnll I'ccd men nnd Koorinicn. Poultry and Hoc Kuppllcft. !i.15 Commercial St. Phono 10 W. I could bo lllled shortly It would no. bud policy to cancel ordora bocnuRO stool cars nro nenrly ns good nB golu boudu, whllo being sonrcer. Society Night- At tho Auditorium lHnk tonight from 10 to 12:30. Kvory ltoco ot mtiBlc will bo for couples only. Sa lem Military Hand will furnish mu lo Kver.vhody welcome. Admls- 'bIou 10c Bkntea 2rc. i Donald, president of tho Amorl Cood Roads association, pro- w ii opening session, which wns "r larsly attmdiHl. Tho south lUkcn great Intermit In this con- rWsn Slid has K. nt snma nt lia1 etprartlal mni here to partlcl- Wttln the t1-li ns anil dlBrirBHlnnn ftwei"-Tn f-'V rtiko are. largely ateJ Mt-hiRan. Wisconsin, tacsc Ern,jlDK tnt.)r be8t ima BBBBHsff?iBlBBBHBBBBBBBBr RI1W Rfi KrineTU.YTa fvriMta PslViHiHflHBiiiiH I A Whole MSBMniSStiHBBSHiaMiiiSieaHSMa Medicine Chest. X Win. of nriiim KINQ Cat.tiib nn te Urn cf tntrctaf ' tur. g8F. PEAK'S lIMCTUS OIL 3Wia . . . WiuTi ' "' lrtcot Mlth. WwZl cr"4tU. TT. . x. :rr.-"f rreTv -..to, JlU. bM-td,,UtU"' ..w, bunion, Iomi. W. !utiuunOn. ontltlod to oxpoct whnt it ilomanus from tho medical profession the provention of dlsoaBc, tho ouro of nffections. when possible, and all thoso contributions which nro necos- sary for tho host auninnuit mu u tho raco. for othor wiso tho object oi life moro or Joss Is mlasod. Tho cor rect Intorprotntion of. tho natural phenomena for tho bonoflt of the human rnco requires a detailed, pro- tnncod. nnd painstaking effort uy pooplo prepared to bo nblo to under take 4hoso studios. It Invoivoa prac tical nnollcatlon of tho principles found and places woll flttod out for .that purpose. A nvo mousanu mui i power englno cannot bo constructed by the village blacksmith in hla snop. ti, nmnnr wnrktm! ulflco and men aro needed to meet demands of simi lar character In any field of human activity. In viewing tho magnltudo of tno population in general to matters pertaining to their weltaro una health we still nro confronted, bow- ever, with a sad prooi 01 iac knowledge and Its only exceptional nnnrcelatlon ot its duty. Tho Wei meant contribution of individuals to Instlutlons ot general usefulness unmntlmna create In me a HttlO feel- InK of regret 1 admit that wo Bhould appreciate tho private gifts to mo nroncr medical and kindred Institu tions Inasmuch as tho spirit of tho contributor Js concerned and tno purpose achieved. The almost In numerable benefits to the population as a -whole and to Its single constitu ents which accruo from tbo propor ac tion toward medical Institutions aro so obvious that I need not dwell upon them. Each locality should have the bet possible accommodations for the study and ntl of saedldae, and fcVa&qfeeAiB bbbbbbbbbIbW Record of Mrs. Vrooman's Franquette Walnut Grove Since It Began Bearing OKKGON NUI18KKY CO., halijm, onuaoN. OKNTLKMRN: YOU ASK ME TO CUVK YOU A HICPOJtT OV THK f.NOlIKARIi OF MY FHANQUETTK WALNUT THKK8 SINCK T1IKY IlKdAN TO I1KAH. HAPPILY I ILVVE THE FIQUIIKS AT HANI). WHEN 8 YKAIW OLD, 1001 a WJH WHEN 1 YEAH8 OLD, lOOiJ n- "H VilKS O YEAltS OLD, 100 '00 !',w WHEK O YKAItS OLD, 1001 .000 !' WJIKN 7 Y1CAHR OLD, 100ft H!,JM$ LllM WHEN 8 YEA1I8 OLD, 1000 ttl,8M LUS THK OUT.PUT H18 PHAOTICALLY DOUIlIiKII KVEHY YEAH SINCE THE THEIOH CAME INTO HKAIUNO. MU8. K. M. VHOOMAN, WALNUTMEHE SANTA ItOSA, CALIF. NOV. 2a, '00. THIS GUOVE CONTAINS M AOHK8 AND 18 PLANTKD WITH 1,000 KIIWT GKNKKATION OHAITED FltANQUETTE WALNUT TltKKH. AKTEH FILL1NO ALL ORDKnS TO DATJ& WE STILL HAVE A FKW TKEK8 OF THE VHOOMAN 8THA1N FHANQUHTTE WAIiNUTB. TUIWK ARE ONE-YEAR, BBOOND OKNKRATION FKOM lOOff CHOP OF NUTS. SAME AS ON HOKDKH. INTERESTED FARTIK8 SHOULD WRITE FOR FREE BOOK ON WALNUT CUIl'URE OR CALL AT OUR OFFICW AND 8EK THIS STOCK FOR TIIKHHHLVsW. WH FAID MRS. VROOMAN fl,140.JWJ FOR THK 100 CROP OF NUTS OVHU SlOO.Oe PER ACRE, THE 8TH YEAR FROM PLANT INO. Tins IS THE VAKIsTTY TKAT IS DESTINED TO MAKE THE WHiLAHOTTK VALLEY FAMOUS AS A "WALNUT 8HOTION. OU1' STARTED RiaHT ITS MORE THAN HALF THE 11ATTLK AND USUAI LY ALL THE PROFIT. CALL AT OUR OFFICE ON ISTH STREET. OK ADDRHSS SBBBBBBBBBBBBBRiHrBmntBBBBBBBBBBBBBBft SBBBflBflBflBBBrJr i fiS VsBBBBBBBflBflBflBflBflV ' Oregon Nursery Company SALEM OREGON sHHHr HsBbHbbHbbHP BflBBflaHBSsflBBflH HHsBBBB BBBBflflBflflBflBBBBB LHbH VaflflBBBflBBflBBBBBBBflBflBBflBF BflBflflBflBflBflBflT BBBBBBBBBB SfJBJBSSSSSBflpS SypppBHBBpBBjPjS -SSSSSBJSS- BBBBBmklkB " v " n