le Family tysician The best medicines in the world cannot tike the place or toe family physician. Consult bim early when taken ill. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask bim about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Do as he says. W no eret I W pnblUh J.C.ArvrOo., MiiiformnUofllearprtrtlon. IxnrW. M. -Sw18' ovcr s,nt0 Vnl' k ST ,.K-tltor. xtrMK" ' . . e J- Wlnans, oi tttf "" ..' wns awarded rnivers.- d by 7 PrCS,drtS rtBO"180 .n.nv- Saturday L oat over Wlstar John lll'nlversltxof Oregon "' mmltteo had spont al tieBOTrnn,inlnK tholr ! '0l'nr a vote before adjourn-ai- Dr ,.. decided not to w which tbo ohoico i0lt the tote W d tQ ' Co aaiudBed "T eaual in very high 5 L Son led in athletics was superior in student haiing held many posl rf?bono at Willamette. This e shiP said to havo on,.t Wlnan's favor. ',r?r,MM,thocholcowas ?akown by the fact that the ! Evened at 2 o'clock and iouraunUlG. Both can- jijjpptarea ueiun: w committee which made the ...i-.i nf Presidents P. L. M, University of Oregon; . -nib. wcino uu... . - - f jtcMlnnvlllo Coltego; H. N. ". .11.. rniinep. nnd Profes- V E. Kirk, Wlllametto Untvor- utiui for President uoieiuuu . .i... hn wns awarded aiodes jcholarshlp, Is a son of I ltd Mrs. W. R. winans oi ou- He Is a member or tne senior ,. u'liiamottn rnlvorslty and i..j lamlni. ntnnntr students W(Bliru liuuv --a u IVtltution. Ho is prosldont . ...j,.-t )nU- nrcnnlzatlon. has 4 u prcshlent of the collogo lC A., is treasurer oi uio nuui . Basketball league, and is an .. ..(,ni. nr tliA lltarnrv and JUtUiUVl . it!t( societies of the univorslty. ftdlnatloa is toward uoukh L-iv. iMMIra tlinneh ha is a Efcr of tbo university bnskotball tkHUnl Match of :()( Points. tUttjo, March 11 Jake Schae- laiCcorRo Sutton are preparing umy at the continuous IS. 2 ; line match ot 3000 points, to ;itd in blocks of 500 each night a ! tbo principal cities of tho :irr Tin lcinntUe Is a trophy M v, and of course, n ;if 'c gato money. The first ft of ' iuvl match will follow ami t ived between thoee two i ttampliiushlp, which is liad 'o take plaeo at Orecheatrn -;m Tmauh g the first m:lcv rr'iJ In this conn- " fi. T . -1 t...u.rnl el t '4 ' 11 Mil fA night matches, but always they btive been played In ono city, in tho samo hall, and on consecutive nights, tho spheres bolng spotted in tho same positions loft at tho end of the pro ceeding night's game. It thi3 cveut tho players will bo compelled to bank for tho opening shot after each block. Tho cities In which the games nro to bo played, as outlined nro Chi cago, St. Louis, Pittsburg, Philadel phia, New York nnd Boston. Shao for has fully recovered from his at tack of pleurisy and gastritis, nnd has rounded Into form for a spirited contest. o OVERTAXED. Hundreds of Salem Headers Know What It Means. Tho kidneys aro overtaxed; Havo too much to do. They tell about It in many aches and pninB Backache, sidcache, headache. Early symptoms of kidney ills. Urinary trouble, diabetes, Bright's diseaso follow. A Salem citizen tells hero a cer tain cure. E. E. Gillian, proprietor of livery and feed stablo, at C2 Ferry St., and living at 332 Water St., Salem Ore., says: 'Years of almost constant driv ing nnd a fall I got Boveral years ngo which wronched my back badly had tended to hurt my kidneys which I felt in sovoro bnckacho and lame ness so that at times I could hardly straighton up. Sharp pains caught mo when I nroso after sitting. Nono of tho remedlos I tried did mo any good until a short time ngo I was In ducod to got Doan's Kidney PIIIb at Dr. Stono's drug store. In a short tlmo I obtained moro roliof from tho bnckacha and disordered condition of tho kldnoys, than I had for yoars. I know of noighbors who hnvo also used your romedy and thoy all Bpoak of it as tho host kidney medicine thoro Is nnd I bollove this to bo so." For salo by all donlors. Price GO coats. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Xow York, solo ngonts for tho United States. Hhomembor tho nniuo Donns nnd tnko no other. o Woman Kicked by llttix. Mrs. J. X. Groshong mot with n sevoto accident Sntudny. Whon thoy iwero Just north of town some of tho Ihnrnoss broke nnd Mrs. Groshong Igot out to fix It. While she was fix ing It the horse klckud hor and made n largo gnsli over hor loft oye. Tho blow knocked hor senseless nnd some neighboring mou hoipod to plnca her into the rig nnd alio wns then tnkon to her daughter's, Mrs. Jos. Martin In South Salem, and Dr. Byrd wns called to nsHlat Iter BN t IKIbA Vrtll TTnvn A1t?.n.OT T..i.i. .. .1 ...l.t.T. i.na .vo . -..v. luniijo uuugui, uuu nuicu una injum. use for over 30 years, litis bonio tho Bifimatnro of sy .. nntl luw boon uindo under IiIh pw Mffl?7rtfh, fionnl supervision Hlnco Its lnflmcy. - t, -wcwi Allow no ono to ,iecoivo y0U iu tliln. CcnntcrfelU, Imitations nnd " Just-ns-ffood nr bub JjWfenta that trlilo with nntl ondnntr tlio hea.i of and CblUlttjn-Experlenco against Expert -nfc What is CASTORIA - Harmless substitute for Castor Oil, rar jyi Drops hud Soothing Syrups. It ia Pleasant. It jTJM neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nnrcotlo T. IU age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms COlr tJ Fevor,h"css. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind d FkLi TM3tulnff Troubles, cures Constipation Vi " assunuatcs tlio I'ooa, reguuitert mo U Tibni nvelst Bailiff licoltliy and natural sloop. vBuareiPs Panncca- Tho DIothers Friend. t'lNE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears tho Signaturo of w x nw 4 You Haye Always Bought use For Over 30 Years. iLsKT-TIf. 7Ty.A . Mr wvyAy - s-rws " coouit. ?r mwiuut ktmct, new m ctt. TRILL DENIES PLAGIARISM NeverfRead the Beyeridge Speech and Will Not Leave Salem Tho Orogonlnn Saturday publlslipd a two-column story with plcturo branding Wnllaco G. Trill, of Salem, ns a plagiarist, and Baying ho had confessed over tho tolcphono to steal ing 300 words bodily from a spocch by Senator Bovcrldge. No proof was offered of its accusa tions. It stated that Trill would lcavo tho stato and shako tho dust of Orogon from bis feot forever. Now it seoms all Its statements wero false nnd It retracts them in an ob- scuro plnco on its lnsido pages. (Salem special to tho Orcgonlnn Sunday) : Wallace G. Trill, who was yester day barred from tho lntor-collogiato oratorical contest for alloged plaginr- lsm, declares In most emphatic lan guage that ho is absolutely innocont of tho charge. Ho also denies that he. ever confosscd guilt, nnd snys ho hns no intention of leaving Salem. Ho thinks ho has been very unfairly treated in tho published rcportB of tho charges against him. Trill says he never road Senator Boverldgo's Philipplno speech until it was. shown to him in McMlnnvlllo, and no ono wns moro surprised thnn himself when ho found expressions in his oration wore idcnticnl with ex pressions in tbo Boveridgo speech. Ho asserts that It was not fair for tbo executive committee to compnre a few phrases and sentences. of his oration with parts of tho Bcvcrldgo spcoch. Ho proposed to tho commlttco that thoy submit tho Buvorldgo spcoch ontlro nnd ills' oration ontlro to any HVo McMlnnvlllo men sclectod by them, nnd ho would cheerfully nbido by tholr doclslon upon tho quostton of plagiarism. This tho committoo would not agrco to. Till Lb SAYS THAT TIIH COSIMITTKK DID WHAT TIIKY THOUGHT AVAS IHGIIT, AND HAD II K .IUDGKD TIIK ORATION IIY TIIK PAH ALlilCliKI) KXCKIHTS, UK WOULD IIAVK ItKACIIKI) TIIK SAMK CON CLUSION TIIKY DID. His contention Is that tho oration and spcoch should havo boon com pnrod ns n whole. Trill says that liis oration was submitted to mem bors or th faculty of Wlllnmotto Uni vorslty, nnd nt tholr suggostlou ho changed a few words. Some of the words thus Inserted wore In the ex pressions wliloli are Idonticnl with passages In the Deverldge spooch. This, Mr. Trill nsMrts, shows that ho did not copy from Deverldge. o .MmlilulM.s Meet in I'ittMhiu-g. I'lttaburg, March ll. To cement the niHchlnlsU unions of Pittsburg and Hurrohudlng territory into n moro onergetio body and to cniiHo them to work in unison, a mooting of roprosontntlvofl from 78 locals in eastern Ohio, northern Woet Virginia nnd' western Pennsylvania ussomblod hero today nt tho Hotel Orlswoid. Notlcrs wero sont out by tho district council, International Association of Machinists, at a mooting held in Jan uary instructing businoss agents Mlnolly nnd Ireland to Issue a call for International association to meet. In viow of tho announced intention of tho local machinists to presont an ultlmatiiim to employers on May l for a minimum rato of -I0 conts an hour nnd a B0 hour wook, tbo local for the Interstate mooting was sig nificant. In addition to thoso de mands tho machinists will also ask for an lncreaso of 10 por cent for all special workmon, or thoso who are now drawing over tho 40 cents an hour. Machinists' apprentice boys wore recently organized. A Most Valuable Agent The glycerine employed In Dr. Pierce's BPdlcinoS sroatlvnntinnKAa tn nn.lii...i properties which it extracts from natlvo , uiuuicuiui roow nnu uows in solution much bettor than alcohol would. It ah?o poascssos medicinal properties of Its own, being & valuablo demulcent, nutritive, Bntlscptlc and antlfnrmcnt. It adili greatly to tho efllcacy o t tbo lllnck Cherry bark, Bloodroot, Golden Seal root, Stono root and Queen's root, contalnwl In "Golden Medical Discovery - In subduing chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial, throat and lung affections, for all of which thoso agents aro recommended by stand ard medical authorities. In all cases whero thcro Is a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak stomocTi, as In tho csrly stages of con sumjfilijn, thcro can bo no doubt tint gly cerlnoacU as a v&luablo nutritive and aids Mio Gulden Seal root, Stono root, QuccQ robt and Black Ghcrrybarlc In promuUne fliccstlon and building up tbo flesh anwJsfrcnRth. controlling tbo coubu and brining about a healthy condition of the whA'.o system. Of course. It must not bo ofik-cUd to work miracles. It will not curoifcnsumptlon except In its earlier Stages. It will piirw vnrv vorp. nhntl. PMo. hhnKMin. MirontP cniiirliq. bronchial and laryriKi-i;! tnnmTpnp riiropi- TMKHf lllff ! !! f l191!IHlIHimtHWI CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ' i i " iii '. .,.""r"i in. j ami lanriKiMi tniuiiips. npq pirm)ic torn jmsrsenev. in acuiecougnt anu laTVUKt; it is not so c In nr cllecllu. ITIs In the llnnprlnir nang-on cougns, or tuoso oi long standing, ovon when accompanied by btecdlng from lungs, that It has performed Its most marvelous curej. Prof. Flnley tlllngwood, M. D., of Ben nett Med. Collogo, Chicago, says of gly cerine: IndrriNlUsorTMneTp)Uentpurpose. IloIUInir a UJi.'tl quanlltr of tho ivfltnl(l ot hydmccn In rolutton, it H ono ot tho bct manufactured product of tho troont tlmo In IU action upon enfeebled, disordered atom artu, rsppclallr tt tlirro li ulctrtlna or ca tarrhal etrlll (catarrhal tnllammatlon ot gtomach), It l a trott efficient preparation. Olycrrlno w.ll rpllnvo manrcatesot trroH (lioartburn) and oxccislvo castrlo (stomach) acltlltr" "Golclun Medical Dlvovnrr" enriches and purlflos tho blood curlnir blotches Pimple, eruptions acrutulous awullliur and old aorra. or ulcers Send to Dr. It. V. Pierce, of nuffalo. N. Y.. tor fren tKXlUt tollluff alt about tho nattTa me)tclnal roou comioltnf this vrondorftu toedlulua Thoro uo alcohol In It. Send the Family Washing To Lis nnd you'll novor bothor with having it dono at homo ngain. Tlmo was whon every family could not afford to sond tho washing to a laundry, but times hnvo changed so, too, havo tho methods and pricos. Today you can better afford to send tho family washing hero thnn not to. Ask about our pricos on family wash ing, rough dry, or llnlshod. The Salem Steam Laundry Phono li5. 1KM(M S. Liberty St. ! Garden Seeds ! Wo hnvo n largo stock of Gardon Seeds in bulk. Our seeds nro all 1900 crop; no carry-ovor. ONION 8KTS. Ask for small onion sots. You get throo times ns many to the pound. FIKLD flKKDH. Fancy Bluostem Whont, Chovolin Bnrloy, Oats, Corn, Clovor, Alfalfa, Flold Teas, Land Plaster, etc. Distributing agents for Coulson's Kgg Foods, Coulson's Chick Foods, Coulson's Condition Powdors. Tho largoat wholosalo nnd rotall dealors in tho city. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St FOK AAZB ii ! iai i fiiiggmfiiaimiaimi Sftlcm Iron Works. Foundors, ohiulsts and blacksmiths. Manu facturers ot all kinds ot sawmill machlnory. Hop and fruit dryiHg stoves, etc Manufacturers ot tke Salem Iron Works Hop Press. For Sale. -12 to 13 good houses, somo with tracts of land. Also farms 10 to 233 acres. Ono ot tbo best farms In tho valloy for $10, 000. Inquiro of J. C. Schultz, 747 South 12th streot. 3-9-2wk For Sale. A flvo and a six-room bouso, with from ono to six lota with oach. woll located in East Salem, Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflcld, 21st and Marlon Sta., Salem. l-2S-tt For Salcv A comploto box manufac turing and planing mill plant. Ad dress B. Burkholdor, Albany, Or. 2-20-tt For Sale Eight year old horso. har ness, top buggy with rubber tires. Call nt 373 Stato streot. 3-8-3t For Sale. 34-acro farm north ot Gardon Road, ono mllo from city limits. Woll Improved, 10 ncres of hops, good houso, all klnda ot small fruit Inquiro of C. W. Yaunko, Fashion stables. 3-l-2w For Sale Four-horso powor stoam ongtno and drill pross, lino shaft, with pulloys and bolting, also four-horso powor locomotlvo with tank. Sold clioap If taken now. Prlco nltogothor 75. Inqutro ot Horbort Gamble, cornor ot 17th nnd Forry streot, Salem, Or. 3-5-lw LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sh-r-wood Forostors, No. 19. Moots Tuesday in Hurst hall, Stato streot Loo Abblo. O. R.; A. L. Brown, F. 8. Contractor and DulUlcr-7-A. J. Aa dorson, contractor and builder, es timates furnlBbcd frco. It wlH pay you to soo mo boforo yen build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 415 Court stroot, or phone G44. 2-lG-tf NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. Now and SccomMIand Good-. Bought and sold, also ranges, stoves and cooking utonslls, dlk es, granlto and tinware ot all klaate Give us a call. O. L. MoPeek, 17f South Commercial St. 8-H-ly PHYBIOTANa AND BURGBQN8. Dr. D. B. GrlfllH, the BFeebOkt e Morphine All drue and llr habits, which ho cure in S days. No money until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem. Ore. Phone 668. Jofca Doyens, Business Manager. Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of 1 Castle Hall In Holman block, cor nor Stato nnd Llborty stroots. Tuosdny ot each wook at 7:30 p. m. B. W. Hazard, O. O.J W. I. Staloy, K. ot It. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Codnr Camp No. D240. Meets ovory Thursday ovonlng nt 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C.J F. A. Tumor, Clerk. wnwnnmsmoiMimiM I'rt'imrlng for tho New Bridge. Now York, March 11. A start will soon bo nindo on the task of cloarlng away from tho Brooklyn ap proach of the Manhattan bridge. Comptroller sMetz signed tho notice sale of the building which the city has acquired, and whloh takes place today. Ono of the provisions ot the sale is that the buildings must be dismantled 'within 30 days. Accord ing to Comptroller Mets the property will probably bo turned over to Bor ough Prosldont Color about April 10. Tho approach, when It Is completed, will bo in reality an extension of Flatbush avonuo. 'When tho site is turned over to President Color It will bo Incumbent upon lllm to improvo it, and Mr. Metz has usked what sort of improvement Is contemplated. Gold Dust Fiotii Made by THE 8TDNBY TOW BS COMPANY, pUaey, Oregon. Mada for family uan. Ask your groctr for it. Bran and aborts i X always on band. 1 P. B. Wallace AGENT tmmmmmmmwwti i J. W. BOLLEN Manager fSalem ' Undertaking Co. Funfera! Director and EmbaJmer. CaKs answered day or J mgnc t Phone 70, 383 Court St., Balem J mumiiMtiimimn m Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, in Holman hall. J. A. Dickey, C. 8.; P. L. Frazlor, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and ponston Insurance, 2, 000,000 plcdgod; ovory claim paid Good agonts wanted. J. H. C, Montgomery, supromo organizer, Box 432 Salem, Orogon. It. It Itynn, socroctary, C40 Stato stroot. MUSICAL. kt Artlitir Von Jiimkmi Tcneker of pi ano; touch, toohnlch, Intorprntn tlon. Thorough propuratory oottrsc Advanced studouts proparod for public nppenrniibn. Rosldonce G68 Center St. Tel. Mnlu 520. 2-28-tf. MIHCKLLANKOUH, -SrfrfrflNtSi.H Plnno Tuner L. L. Woods, plnno ox port tuning, ropnlrlng and polish ing. Leavo orders nt Goo, C. Wilts' muslo Btoro, Salem. 2- 0-lyr CoiitTt'to Work. Got my pricos on sldowalks, curbs, septic tanks nnd comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed flrst-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phono C09. 2-11-tf BUHERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro thnn any other broad, yot the price Is no higher. For salo at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKKRY. Thomas & Oooley, Props. Ilutto & WetKlorotli Vine wines, liquors and cigars. Wo bandlo the colobratod Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drougb. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr SALEM WATER COMPANY OITCOB CITY KAXL. For watar aervlee apply at offle Bills payable monthly In advanei Make all complaints at tba offlea. O. C. T. CO -STEAMERS- I'OMONA AND OREGONA LKiVVB rORTIiAND MONDAY, Wi:NE8 DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. &L, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND BATUKDAYS AT 8:00 A. . FOR OOKVAWS 'JUB8DAY, THURSDAY AND 8ATUHDAY ABOUT P. U, J P. H. BALDWIN, At OSTBOPATXS. Dr. 11. If. Whito Graduate ot Kirttt vllle, Mo., undor founder ot Os teopathy. Room 21, Breynua building. Commercial street. Phono S7. Restdonco corner Mill and Twenty-first Bts, Phone 589. Treats acuta and chroalo dlsoasos. Examination free. 11-17-tt FXA7U91R8. Thco. M. Rarr Plumbing, hot water and stoam hoatlng and Unalag, 1C4 Commercial street. Phone Main 192. 8-1-ly M. J. retsel Plumbing, nteam aal gas fitting. Bucocwor to Knox M Murphy, 20 Commoreial strest. 'Phono Mala 17. DRAYMBN. R. O. Cummins SuccoBsor to White Cummins, oxpross, dollrory and transfer lint. Prompt sorrloo la our motto. Furnlturo nnd piano moving n spoclalty. Stand at 168 South Commercial street. Phone 175. Restdonco phono 908. 8-4-tt BASH AND DOOR rAOTORIEB. ITank M. Brown. Manufacturer 0 saab, diors, moulding. All kinds ef homo finltli and bard wood work. Front streot, hot. Stato and Court. WANTED. WiiiiUhI. Two sknto boys nt tho Au ditorium rink. Inquiro ot Otto Hundrlck, mniiugvr. 3-9-lt Men Wniitoii To work for Orogon Nursery Company. Inquiro nt of llco on Twelfth street 3-4-Gt Viui(41 to liny Heavy draft horsos, weight 1400 pounds and upward. J. Connor, Wlllnmotto tiotol. 1-28-tf Help Wiiii(nI. A dozen good mon for work In nursory. C. F. Lans ing, Quaker Nursorioi, an Gardon road. Phono 060. 2-23-f K11 lu rged- Our meat market on Hast Stato street has boon doublod In slzo and we aro better proparod than ever to servo customers. Prompt servico and tho beat ot meats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. H. Kd wards, Prop Wanted. Stenographic position by young woman wishing to mako ohaugo th first of April. Six years' experience. Kxcollont rof erono. Address "fltunographor," earo Capital Journal. 2-10-lm I Want to Buy 20 hoad of hoary draft horses In tho next two wook a Will pay good prices. I also want a first-class saddlo horse, weight not less stlinu 1100 pounds, mtiut bo high-grade and single-footer. J. Connor, Willamette Hotel. 3-4-tt Wanted Gentloman or lady to travel for mercantile houso of largo cap ital. Territory at homo or abroad to suit. If deslrablo tho homo may be usod as headquarters. Weekly salary ot 11000 por yoar and ex penses. Address Joseph A. Alex ander, Salem, Ore. 2-19-lm HOtUE-rerra Rocky Mfluntarn Tea Hut A Bur KtJJtlai Ut Uu; Pmj4. EHip 0U4a Uialtli aal RaivI Vl(r. X ap-IAo ttt Coiutlivation. lotli(iMtloa, IJS ami KI'Jii Troublnn, Hin(tr. Kvteiat, liopum Uluo! HA Ilruiia. luilih (owU. iftaJaclia aivl Utkwt ll' lUwky HouaUlo Tw In U IH toiin. Xi cuiii a tu( (Uuum iiuuU by MoLuerca Due rovi-i, ?lvJUon, Wit, m.9tH NU0CETS F0N 8ALL0W PEOfj '1 la '-?- jsixrsswrsrss limucn.marriea; uM!iji:osi STW V!T I