DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKU, ORBGON, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1007. S 1 ISTOCKTON THFOLP Wilnl: LUKfNtK Spring '07 Styles NOW READY The new Spring Styles in Men's Clothing are no here. "THE fRAT" as- 950 SO !00 900 The new College Cut in blue Serge for young men is making a big hit. The coat is a three-button, double breasted style cut about 31 inches long, lined with black mohair and has no opening in the back. The trousers are cut full over the hips. THIS IS THE LATEST THING OUT J Boys, Come in. GORDON HATS s CC.MMm -i4-fc ltr in nil ills mcf-ttnrf-strl The new spring aiidJt " ."IV "X 0fS, ASKtOSecuiBHBYr ICaUIBI-TTCISIH. L . I If I 1C00 950 25 10 !; IMMMMMM in PfR CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL CUT GLASS nnrine the entire month of March. This will be a Kg saving and would pay you to make selections for further weddines, birthday or anniversary presents. ! SILVER DEPOSIT WARE also in this sale. Every piece new cut and latest designs, and tine&t quality cut glass and silver deposit ever shown in Salem. Jeweler and Optician, 1 23 Commercial st. Easy to find. Next door to Capital Bank. 2 IHIHIMIIimtiwifiwwiwwwwwinwwwi Deranged Woman Burned. Ilwton, Or, March 11. Mrs. 17 MtLaughlln, a pioneer of Ma rc canity slnco lsCJ, was burned toth Saturday forenoon nt her rtsear this clt For moro than bur Mir McLaughlin has boon nn iiltl, and her mind moro or loss tatted In view of this fact tho I) ttlMrcn living nt homo bavo toatUnt watih over the old Phillip McLaughlin, tho oltlor 1 4tTo children at home, enmo to cdtyonbuslnrsss Saturday inorn- r. ltd during his absence tho iter ws call.-d to the barn to ifter th stock. While both iwent Mrs McLaughlin ovl- pr commenced playing with tho ,U6. ui ft.quently disposed rk'nkTdutrjtcfpd condition, nnd ff caugli fliv The young I'' MBjf hep mother scronni. Mthe house, and was met at tho ER GRAND THEATRE ty. March 18th Junauurr fisciikh iv Wotirn Comedy Drama "THE DEN GIANT MINE" "alnn, 15 and 25c door by her mother, n mass of (lames MIbs McLaughlin called for help, and neighbors arrived in ttmo to save tho building, but not until tho young lady was frightfully burned on both hnnds nnd anus. It Is fonred that sho may not rocovor, and In any ovont sho will bo deprived of tho In jured members for life. Mrs. MbLnughlln sottlod on tho farm who'ro sho mot hor (loath In 1S01, nnd has continually rosldod thoro. Tho funornl was hold Mon day nt tho Miller church, near hor home, nnd hor romnlns wcro Intorred In tho Miller comotcry, by tho sldo of hor husbnnd, who preceded her sovornl yoars. Fence Wire 1 Wr Woven Wire. .Fwcbg. K Blrh wi.. ... Ttt "wane. er Morley " Salem Clia, ,., vni fAl COUUkcixi 7Jrcia! St. "179 Uffhflico . rW r "' . ,M7 , and Di'iif Mute Poisoned, Silverton, Or., Mnrch 11. Mrs. Smith, a doaf muto, living northeast of this city, nnd hor son, Charlos D. Smith, woro polsonod last Saturday by eating broad supposed to bavo arsenic in it. Mrs. Smith Is Bald to bo in ir" critical condition, but tho boy will speedily recover. Tho only way thoy can account for tho poison bolng in tho bread is duo to tho fact that arsenic was pur chased at tho drug storo u few daya previous and put out for rats. It Is presumed that tho posts carried tho poison acid into tho flour with, per haps, fatal results. Mrs. Smith is comparatively a stranger in Sllverton, having Uvea but a short tlmo upon a farm owned by Burcn, liubbs & Co., of this city, but thero seems to bo no doutjt, aftor a careful investigation, about tho poisoning having been accidental. I CO. Hi. Produ ce. Oranges! See Our Special It U not the size, aa a great Buuiy of tho largest are tho poorest oranges. Wo mako a specialty of selling quality, and Uie stzo we'll sell, you will find give tho best satisfaction. Moir Grocery Company State. PfaM 1M Transfers of Heal Estate. The following deeds have boon placed on record" In tho ofllco ot tho Marion county recerder: J. H. and M. Campbell to S. E. Cahlli, east 30 feet ot lot 8, block N, Cnrtwrlghfs ndd to Salem $ W. A.'Lamb to V. A. "VVeddle, tuna in sec 13 nnd 14f t 10 s, r 3 k, w i Wm. Drown, ot ux., to J. W. Pnrrlsh, land in t fO s, r 3 w j q c d It. and M. F. Poinsett to S. O. I Yoder, 2 acres, d 1 c of Ev I lng Purvine, w d 'John E. Itoberts, ot ux., to J. A. Colgan, ot ux., 107 acres in t 10 s, r 2 w. w d ....$3600 T. L. nnd P. A. Amblor to J. and G. Zollnor, 1.07 acres In sec 10, t 6 s, r 1 w, w d 1750 J. A. Colgan, et'ux., to John E. Roberts,1 et ux., lots 24, 2G, and 31, Capital Home ndd to Salem, w d J. II. nnd M. Campbell to S. , ..E. Cahlli, part of lot 8, j north block of G. M. Cnrt- 1 Wright's ndd to Salem, w d E. M. Crolsan, et ux., to W. II. Hnll, pnrt lot 1G, S. S. P. P., t 8 s, r 3 w, w d .... II. II. Hall to E. M. Crolsnn, land in t 8 s, r 3w, w d Geo. H. Lettelher, et ux., to O'Ncll Dros. & Calllgan Co. land In Niagara, w d M. D. and J. J. Ashby to N. I and C. Donny, lnnd in Mn- ' rlon county .William McMnstor, et ux., to Mason Kellogg, ot ux., 123.- I 37 acres in t 0 s, r 2 w, w d J. G. Voget to P. A. Tumor, land In Cnpltnl Home ndddl tion to Salem, v d D. W. Cook to L. L. Parks, onc-hnlf aero in t G s, r 1, w w d T. A. Dltmnrs, ot ux., to A. Imlnh, 10.3G ncros In t 5 s, r 2 w, w d II. L. Donts, ot nl., to W. II. Wntorbury, 1.03 ncros In Ma rlon county, w d Chnrlos Prudon, ot nl., to J. and L. M. Nonl, ll.DS aoros, In t I s, r 2 nnd 3 w, w d . . P. A. Hakor to J. A. DornardI, et nl., lot 1, block 3, Quoon Ann addition to Salem, w d P. P. Whltlook, ot ux., to J. T. Smith, ot ux., lots 2 nnd 3, xblock 18, Scotts Mills, v d L. T. and M. M. Darker, by tho shorlff, to Emma TorroUjJots 1 nnd 8, block n.Mohnnin? s d Anna Scott, ot nl., to J. T. Smith, ot ux., laud In block 41, PrlondB' Orogon Colony, nt' Scotts Mills, w d A. P. Denny to X. nnd C. Denny, lnnd in soo 34, t S s, r 1 o, q o d ' W. H. Hognn, ot ux., to O'Null & Cnllngan Co., html In Ni agara nnd sec. 20, t 9 s, r 4 o, q c d J. A. Hutching to Curtis Lum ber Co, lnnd In Marlon coun ty, q c d L. II. and M. J. Donny to N. nnd C. Donny, land In Ma rion county, q c d Stnr Lnnd Co. to Mary S. Kin noy, undivided half Intorost In lot 3, block 4, Southwest nddltlon to Snlom, q c d . . Mildred A. Donhnm, ot nl,, to Raphael P. Donhnm, land in Marlon county, q c d ; Rnphaol P. Bonham, et at., to Mildred Donhnm, 40 acres In t 7 s, r 3 w, xv d . , V. P. Fsk to C S. Flsk, land In block 8G, Snlcin, q c d . . E. Hovendon to Francis Poller, lota 4, G and 6, Tooze's second addition to Wood burn, qcd SIMPLE HOME REMEDY Makes the Kidneys Filter Out the Poisons 800 GG0 46G 440 375 300 22G 200 190 195 A loading Journnl In answering tho question, "Whnt Is tho best pro scription to clean and purify tho blood," prints In a recent issuo tho follewing: Fluid Extrnct of Dande lion ono-hnlf ounce, Compound Knr gon ono ounce, Compound Syrup Sar snpnrllln threo ouncos. Shako well and uso In tenspoontul doses after each monl nnd at bedtime. A woll known druggist who Is fa miliar with this proscription states that it Is harmless, being composed of vogetnblo Ingredients which can bo obtained from nny good prescription pharmacy. It cleans tho blood ot all Impuri ties and nourishes tho blood. In Just a fow dnys tho skin begins to clear of Bores, bolls nnd pimples. It puts vigor and energy Into run-down, do blliatcd mon and womon. For many years Sarsaparllla nlono has boon considered a good blood medlclno. But whllo It built up nnd nindo now blood, tho lmpuitlos romnlned within and tho good accomplished wns only temporary. Snrsnpnrllla, howovor, when used in combination with Com pound Kargon and Extrnct Dnndo llon works wonders. This combina tion put tho kidneys to work to flltor and sift out tho wnsto matter, uric acid and othor Impurities that causo disease. It mnkes now blood and re lievos rheumatism nnd Intno back and bladder troubles. This proscription Is hotter than tho usual patent modlcinoa, which nro In tho moat pnrt alcoholic concoctions. Th ingrodlonts cost but llttlo. Thoy may bo procurod from any good phar macist and mixed nt home. Every man nnd woman hero should mnko somo up nnd try it if thoy fool tholr Bystom roqulros a good blood medl olno nnd tonic. Tho ICnrgou to elonn tho kidneys and vitalize thorn bo thoy enn clean tho blood. Sarsaparllln to mako now rich blood nnd Dandelion to tono tho atom noli, clonn tho llvor nnd mnko It ncttvo nnd roltovo constipation Is tho wny'tho proscription nets nnd so mildly nnd gontly that ono does not consldor thoy nro tnklng n modlclno. SALEM'S STYLISH DRESSERS AK13 COMPLIMENTING US HIGHLY OX OUIt DISPLAY OF Novelty Spring Dress Suitings WM SHOW A WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST CREATION. DESlHARLH NOVELTIES AUK SCARCE IN TIIK WHOLESALE MARKET, SO IT WILL HE ALMOST 1MPOSSD3LE TO SECURE THE BEST PATTERNS IF YOU DELAY YOUR BUY. 1NG UNTIL THE PRESENT STOCKS ARE BROKEN. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR BOOK OF New Trimmings YOU'LL FIND ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN THE LATEST COLORINGS. Our Line of Sheer White Wash Goods and Fancy Wash Goods IS NOW COMPLETE. THE PATTERNS ARE EXTREMELY DAINTY. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT OF New Fancy Silks THE RANGE OF PATTERNS IS ALMOST ENDLESS. OUR WONDERFUL SUCCESS IN THE DRY GOODS BUSINESS' IS DUE TO OUR HAVING EXACTLY WHAT THE LADIES WANT JUST WHEN THEY WANT IT, AND Ol'R PRICES ARE FIG URED ON THE SPOT CASH J1A8IS. & &rs'Se4s f&z yrj r v MSin' 0&UMC K? owed'. ccarryi'. WE UNDERSELL 'REGULAR STORES," V& Zfrei Ho had no coat upon his back, Dut had ono on his tongue, And Rocky Mountain Tea, It's said Kept him from being hung. (Dad breath.) Sold at Dr. Stone's. Albany Mm Cflebrat John Murphy and tho woll-known violator of tho local option law, Henry Carmody, camo down from Albany Saturday, and, being dry, partook quite freely of beverages, which soon overcamo their giddy brains. Thoy wero escorted to tho city Jail, whoro tho former was fined ?5, and tho Inttor's Jag was adjudged to bo worth $10. Carmody, who seemed to bo treasurer for tho two paid both fines, and ho and his part ner went homo seemingly satisfied that thoy had valuo received. Manual Training. Ladles or gontlomon Intorostod in manual training In tho publlo schools nro Invited to attend a mooting nt tho high school this ovonlng nt 7:30 o'clock. o Saved Her Son' Life. Tho hnpploHt mother In tho llttlo town of Avn, Mo., is Mrs. S. Iluppoo. Sho wrltea: "Ono yonr ngo my Hon was down with such sorlous lung troublo that our physician was uu nblo to holp htm; whon, by our drug gist's ndvico I bogan giving him Dr. King's Now Discovery, and I soon notlcod improvement. I kept this treatment up for n fow wooks whon ho was perfectly woll. Ho has work ed atoadlly slnco nt carpontor work. Dr. King's DUcovory saved his life." Guarantoodbeat cough and cold euro by J. C. Perry, druggist; 50c and l, Trial bottlo free. DIED. FARMElt. -At his homo in Port land, Saturday evening, Mnrph 1), 1907, W. II. Parmor, agod 48 yonrs. Ho Is a momhor of tho Snlom camp or Modorn Woodmou, nnd Ih woll known In thla city. Tho funornl ser vices will bo conducted In Portland tomorrow. CASTOR I A 7er lafitnta and. Children. Til KM Yu Han Always BtteM Bears the &igMarof (Z&Vffi&t Ship Builder Strike. Cleveland, Mar. 11. Fifteen hun dred employes ot the American ship building plants bcro, at Detroit, Scorso, St. Clair and Loralne struck this morning on account of tho refu sal of the company to dliouas wages and hours with tho union. THE JOY OF LIVING Is greatly increased to a person and his family who uso Eppley's Perfection BaJrJag Powder r jive it a trial and be convinced. A homo mado product, as pure as it can bo made. C. M. EPPLEY MwMtfacturer Salem, Oregwt Don't Complain. If your choat pains and you arc unnblo to sloop booatiso of a cough. Buy a bottlo ot Ballard's Horohound Syrup, and you won't hnvo nny cough. Got a bottlo now nnd that cough will not iHst long. A ciiro for all pulmonary dlseasos, Mrs. J ., Galveston, Toxan, writes: "I can't say enough for Ballard's Horohound Syrup. Tho rellof It has given mo Is all that Is noccisary for mo to say." Sold by D. J. Fry. o Klkn lo AUxiny Momhoru ot Snlom lodge 33G, B. P. O. E. nro going to Albany on Tuos day ovonlng's train nt 0:32 o'clock, to assist in n grand initiation, re turning Wednesday. Round trip tickets, 11.15. All members nro urged to go along. Joo. Harris, J. W. Wilson and L. M. Haines, com mittee. 3-ll-2t HOTEL ARRlVAtiS. Mr. H. L. AddiUm Of Portland, will speak tomorrow night at W. C. T. U. hall on "Total Abstlnance." WlWMWWff ; Spring I Goods Now- arrivals, Hnvo you soon our largo sllvor prunes at four pounds for a quartor also somo fino Italian prunos at sir pounds for a quarter. Ho 'roombor the place. H, Me BRANSON ! Phone 131. 432 Stalest. ': Willamette. Charlos Mliizenmlor. A. J. Donly, Portland. W. T. Williamson, Portland. W. R. Rice. Chicago. O. II. Kuolper, Portland. J. J. Pltzgornld, Portlnnd. N. M. Parsons, KoIho, Wash. Grok lluiton, Portland, Goo. II. Fltzglbbon, Portlnnd. J. Noah, Portland. 8. B. Enkln, Euguuo. P. IS. Chlpmnu, Boston. t Niilitni, Burt Joiitts. St. I.oiiIm. Loo Thomns, Tacoina. Petor Wohor. Alum, Mich. S. II. Stowart, Woodburn. J. AV. Brown, Detroit. Frank Ebhood. Seattle). A. II. Davis, Portlnnd. 8. H. Orr, Jr., San Francisco. V. II. QuIUono, Portland. Listen And romombor tho noxt tlmo you suffer from pain caused by damp weather when your head noarly bursts from neuralgia try Ballard's Snow Liniment. It will euro you. A prominont business man of Hornp. stead, Toxaa, writes: "I have used your llnlmont. Previous to using It I was a groat sufforer from Rheuma tism and Neuralgia. I am pleased to say that now I am froo from theeo complaints. I am sure I owo this to your llnlmont." Sold by D. J. Fry. n DIED. RICH. At tho fumlly homo In En gluwood, Sunday, March 10, 11T07, Mrs. Knthorlno Illoh, ugod 65 years. Tho funeral services worn held from tho homo this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Mrs. Rich was well and favorably known hero, and loavos tho follow ing children to mourn hor death': Rons, Joo Rich, of Kastorn Oregon, and Petor Rloh, of this city. Tho daughtorH living aro Lena and Mary, of Salem; Katharine, now living in Kansas, and Anna who rouldos in Washington. ? X-RAYS The Grango oomprUon solid farm em. sonslblo housewives, robust boys and rosy-chooked girls, e e Tho Pendleton Trluuno has an ed itorial ou tho Importance of news paper. Yes, somo of them are too Important, (