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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAIi, SAMBtf, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1007. Perfect Womanhood ..test menace to woman's 3 nt happiness in me wn twn,Vt comes from somo do PfferiB.V. nf the feminine organs. "" i;mds of women nvo -urtincuj"" , iku too late to save their purely In time to save their lit- v . .neecssful wife, to retain , , Sffiratlon of her hus JSS be a woman's constant ,t8,a: woman finds that her cnei- &daXahanowa Wr Vnd,r " "he has backache, head MaWdown nsattons nor- . irregular i hl-b ui .Ve should start at onco to 2RptafVtbJtowlth "" -tvnvert. SUCH US ipecuiu r- fll 0BSSSSkJ P f) ssssssssnassVHBssslissssssvK i W nBmSPEStSSSSSW - 'vsssssr i Js " , IbsssssssssssssssssssI ' JBlMBssBWMawsssssI - Smiles LydiaE. Ptakham's Vegetable Compound w.lwonian 9 remcuy iur nuuimiDiuoi ...... uuij uiiuuiauuuuirua, Female Complaints, such as Dragging SensatlonB, Weak ,piiini and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and all ? WseaM, and is Invaluablo in tho Change of Life. It dissolves rvIs Tumors at nn early stage. Subdues Falntness, Nervous !!i.V.NnTi Kxhaustion. and strengthens and tones tho Stomach. Cures SSShe General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates tho whole fre srseni. It is an excellent remedy for derangements of tho jOlMyinclthc?M'X. foESWISOFFKKKl) KOK IIA11M.S3 m '"a LiMae Mke $ iin nwn pat lp for the I tocos to ne noiu t Sulcin. It the eighth annual mooting of L North PaclHc Fair association ,ld yesterday In Portland in tho ooi of tho chamber of commorco .1.. .-naa O.lfl tlt,,fllnfV lIJJ lOr WO HHWlceo " ""o stings held In connection wltn it'e and county fairs In tho h.i 'hat comprise the association, 1-1 the amount of money that will riven by iach city for tho stnko cl pnno events were decided upon. Ut amount of money that will bo ten my this year at Sulom should isict ho attention gf all tho light intu men on tho Paclflc coast, j:4 should bring to that city a 4her and better class of horsos that rt need there in tho past. Ote of tho most important fea- tm of tho meeting was tho $5000 i-jm that tho Oregon state fair has idied to Its purso and Btnko ontrlos. Vl m&ftns ihnt In mlrilHnn in n II purse for 2.09 pacors, a 5000 line till bo hung up for tho trot- to la tho 2 14 class, In all Salem fa be distributed among tho light rati clais during tho week of pmbtt 16 to 21 nbout $22,200. ! rliht hero lot it bo known thut lUOrcron stato fair in 1907 will lire hung up more monoy for dlstrl- fjuea among the harnoss brlgndo U u ever distributed on tho Pn- tcoait it g true that In Call- peater purses have boon -' to running races, such ns the !i handnap and other big stako i Undlcap events, but this Is tho time m the history of harnoss H cn thu coast that so much Mw haa been offered to harnoss Aw ivstcm of handicapping was itJocl. the Idoa belnr thnt n mm, pa trotter with a mark of 2:1 1 iMking h!i entiy m ia chnriro.i eent and so on down tho lino. .1 KlTO a man Who nu-na n W ui peMy racer a chunco to Jhorie into tho bii? ,,v f. criMe l-vs, than a man who none wheso reenril u ri..i. !29to the mark Wliitumu CoIIcko Xotos. Wnlln Wnlln, ilarch 11. Tho sovonth nnnunl Intcr-scholnrnstlc trnck meet and doclnmatlon contest will bo hold In Walla Wnlla on May 2 nnd 3. This yoar tho collogo ex tends Its invitations to Include tho leading schools of Idaho as well as onstorn Oregon nnd onstorn Wash ington, thus giving nn opportunity for determining tho athletic cham pionship of tho secondary schools of tho Inlniul Empire. Xcw features are Introduced this year In this trl 8tnto moot, tho collogo undertaking to pay tho railroad oxponses of ton representatives from each of tho lending high scliools, nnd to provldo froo ontortninmont during tholr stay In Wnlln Walla. Among tho schools which will take part nt Bolso, Low Iston, Uakor City, La Grande, Pon dloton, Tho Dalles, Walla Wnlln, Dayton, Spokano, RTtzvlllo, N'orth Yakima and porbnpB others. Tho commercial club of Walla Walla has undertaken to back tho collogo In as suming tho financial responsibilities for this exponslvo athletic gather ing. Tho events will bo CO-ynrd dash. 100-yard dash, 22C-yard vlosh, 440 yard dash, half mtlo run, mllo run, putting tho shot, throwing tbo ham mer, hurling tho discus, running board jump, running high Jump, polo vnult, 120-yard" raco, 220-yard hurdlo rnco and rolay raco (hnlf mllo). The declamation contost will occur on tho night of May 2. Prlzos will bo glvon for the winners In nil events; a gold modnl for tho first prize, sil ver modal for tho second prize, and a bronzo medal for tho third. Tho school winning tho rolny rnco will rocoivo n handsomo silver cup, which It is allowed to retain in Its posses sion for tho year, but not to rotnln in pormanont possession until it hus boon won throe tlmos. Pearsons academy, tho prepara tory dopartmont of Whitman Collogo will not enter tho moot, nor will any reproBontntlvo of tho collogo tako part In any of tho events. Tho schools Invltod nro guests of tho In stitution, nnd the Whitman studcjitB will play tho part of hosts to tho host of their ability. Children will reflect and carry out Clio idealB held by tho parent. Meral: Got good ideals, nnd even then thoy will not always bo reflect ed. m m a Tho wondorful Improvements mndo in the Nashville, Tennessoo, I penitentiary mnko it a very desita- blo place to omlgrato to, and some of tho mombors of tho legislature tuny bo found traveling that way. If tho Union nnd Southern Pacific are dlvorcod, who will got tho ali mony Hnrrlman? Talked to doath by mon was tho strnngo fato of the woman suffrage. bill In Groat Britain. if thoro wuro a few women la tho Salem city council parhnps anything of Importance would not bo tnlkod to doath. Tho baseball sonson was opened Sunday at Bnkor City with groat oclat. Oregon Is very prosperous. At lonst that Is what tho loglslnturo thought. Too many exports spoil tho pave ment. w Prosperous Oregon. Mnrquam Is to have a $1G00 school house. Tho morchnnts of Coqulllo nro up in arms nt unjust freight rntos that dlscrlmlnnto against their city. M To Judgo from tho land notices published In tho papors the Innd graft Is holng pushed bigger than ovor. m Tho Poudloton Elks huvo bought tho Dr. Colo rosldouco for a lodge homo for $7500. V V V Medford has nn automobile gar age. STOMACH TROUBLE Cl'llKO WITHOUT DBUGS. Letter PiiblMiiHl by Hequost of Our Well Known Druggist G. W. Put man. NEW YORK FASHION LETTER Roseburg Is the real rose city of Oregon. It Grand Millinery Display... Better, Brighter, Blggtt Than Ever. Out Millinery Department has Grown. This wasoa we are carrying th largest aod best assorted stock in the city. We avc more experienced trimmers and "P io wait on yo. All h new crea tta we being shown here. Beaotifal Hovers and trimmed hats. Out oral Prices will fee the rele. ROSTCIN & GRFFNRADM GOODS AND MIUINHIY STORE Wrlnklos nro ngc-tollors. Drive them away by taking Holllator'a Rocky Mountain Ton. lt' hotter thnn cosmotlcs. It docs tho busi ness. 3G conts, Toa or Tablets, at Dr. Stono'a. o Another Fast Atlantic Scheme. Halifax, N. S March 11. In tho new Foundlaud legislative assembly Prcmlor Pond proposed an adoption of n contract botwocn thu Now Foundlnnd govornmont and Messrs. Oelis, capitalists of London, and pro viding for tho establishment of a ship lino of tranB-Atlantlc stoumora between Klllory, on tho west const of Iroland, and Green Bay, on tho oast const of Now Foundlaud. Tho plan provldos for n two-hour rail road trip across tho colony to Port AuRasquo, whonco a 20-knot stonm or would convoy malls nnd passong ors to Capo Ouu, In summor and Syd ney, C. B. In whitor. Tho iromotors of tho project claim that thoro would bo a saving of 32 hours ovor any othor trnns-Atlnntlc route. Tho pro ject must tnko shnpo within two years, or olso all liability on tho part of tho colony will coase. Should thu capitalists carry out tholr announced plans the Now Foundlaud govorn mont proposes to pay thorn $75,000 annually for 25 yoars. It Is said tljo British, United Stutotj and Canadian government will bo asked to assist in establishing tho proposed lino. To the Editer: Bollovelnc that tho people of Salem will bo Interest ed In cures by such a slmplo romory, wo nsk you to publish tho following for tho good It may. do othors. Mr. Thomas 0. Wnllaco, of Do trolt, Mich., writes: "Aftor having suffered with a sovoro stomach trou blo for years and trying modlclnos nnd doctors without any benefit whatever, I commenced to take VI nol, and 1 nm plonsod to state that It has entirely curod mo, glvon mo a hearty appetlto, and I nm strongor nnd In better health thnn I have been for years." A member o tho G. Wf. Putmnn Co., In referring to Vlnol, said: "You see Vlnol contains all of tbo healing and strongth creating ole- nionts of cod llvor oil, but without a drop of tho usoloss oil to upsot tho stomach nnd retard its work, and tonic Iron nddod. "Very few pooplo who suffor with stomach trouble can tnko othor forms of cod llvor oil and emulsions or sickening drugs, but Vlnol strengthens nnd tones up tho wonk onod nerves of tho dlgostlvo organs nnd enables tho HUfforor to digest with ease tho vory foods that onco caused distress. 'Wo ask ovory porson In Snlom suffering from stomach trouble to try Vlnol on our guarantee." G. W. Putmnn, druggists. Note. While wo nro solo ngonts for Vlnol In Snlom, It Is now for tmlo at the leading drug store In nearly ovory town nnd city In tho country. Look for the Vlnol agency In your town. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtlnc Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic caro of tho person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, dcodoriilng and healing qualities arc extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass. TALKKI) MONHOK DOOTIUXK. Professor OinmhhI HIn Mouth Stopped In. mill $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that thcro Is nt least on dreaded disease that sclouco has been able to cure in all tta stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is tho only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease, roqulrea a constitutional trcatmont. Haifa Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surface of tho system, thereby destroying tbo foundation of tho disease, and giving tho patlont strength by building up tbo consti tution and assisting nnturo In doing Its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith in its curative powerd that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any cose that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addresa F. J. CHENEY &. CO., To ledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 7C& Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. O" The Ttxtu Woaffor. Cure all kidney, bladder and rkeamatlo trouble; sold by all drug State, er two Months treatment by aaail far $1. Dr. 9. W. KaJL Vlt OUT atrMt St. LouU, Mo. Sm fer tMUaioaJtla . gold by ftUsVa Irag tra. dw-lyr Berlin, March 11. Tho lapso of Professor BurgOHs, holder of the Roosevelt championship, on the Mon roo doctrine, has mado htm bnu nnsoa crate with tho German clllzons but ho has won gront rospect and re gard for his suporlor qualities of mind nnd honrt so that his depar ture rocolves many expressions of public rogret and ostoom. Tho faro- well dinners given In his honor provod a groat succowi, tho guotitH Including thu lending reprosontatlves of ofllclal and educational circles. Prof. Burgeas was toasted and choerod heartily. Minister of Edu cation von Studt declnred that tho prosonco In Gormany of such Ameri can representatives of tho serious soloncos not only contributor to their niutuiTl friendship, but Is n sourco of honor to both couutrlos. Prepara tions for othor ontortalumonts of Professor Burgess show that thu pro- fossor has taken a deep hold on tho hoart of Germany. Notice. Notlco is horeby glvon that tho board of directors of School Dlstrlot No. 80, county of Marlon, Stato of Oregon, will recelvo scaled bids on or boforo April 1, 1907, for tho oroc tlon of n two-room school houso. Plana nnd specifications and ruloa governing bids are now on fllo In tho clerk's offlco, and aro opon to Inspection, Tho board reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. WM. H. HOWD, Clerk of District, Shaw, Or. 3-7-tf - BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitrol AND AIL Spray Material AT FRY'S Drug Store Prices Ahsefettefy Lowest Now York, March 7. Now is the hour nt hand whon women who de light In dainty underwear gets In, her host work. Thoro aro mnuy who dis like tho Idoa of factory goods and sweat-shop work, who opposed to mnchlno work cannot afford the Im ported hnnd mndo labor, find tho so lution In doing this work for them solvo8. Every year thoso fascinating garments grow tlnor and finer and moro costly until ono wondors If the climax Is not nt hand. Tho days nro -jnst whon women mndo great dlfforonco In winter nnd summor nppnrol, nnd the sheorest of lawns nnd tho dalntlost of locos nnd embroideries aro as much to be soon In tho llngorlo shop In mid-winter as In summor. It is In the outer gnrmonts that my Indy looks for warmth nnd a good Idoa It Is with out highly hentod houses. Of courso ono may have lingerie nt a cost thut to tho ordinary woman would mortn a small fortune, for In stance a recent brldo paid $200; for ono Bklrt nnd n Bet of three pieces for ?1000. But to tho woman or modornto salnry or Income such o.x travagouco Ib out of tho question, hut by taking n look at thoso beautiful creations and by tho nld of hor own clvor fingers sho often coutrlvos nnd crentos and outfit which Is bought in n shop would cost far moro than Bho could othorwlso afford, nnd moro thoro Is such n satisfaction In thus outdoing circumstances, Becnuso of tho ehnngo In outer gar ments llngorlo modes must also change, Just ns corsots must. With tho prosont voguo of clinging grnco ful lined your underdross must bo perfect nnd each garment cut to fit tho contour of the llguro ns nearly as possible. Tho old tlmo buiichlnoss has dlsappoarod nnd the gown o'f tho modtshly droBuod womnn has no moro benonth It thnn Is nbBolutoly uccoa sory. Porhaps It Is safe to say that tho maximum Ib a couplo of thick nesses of fine nainsook or somo sim ilar gown, os great caro holng takon to avoid oxtra ftillnoss whoro not do Blroablo and still hnvo ample width elsewhere. In fact, tho modish wom an bollevoB It no waBte of time or monoy to think long nnd carofully on what she wears underneath. She is willing to thus spend bccnuBO Bho kuowa that tho fit of hor gowns do pond upon all such things. Tho stout woman and tho thin womnn must In the solectlou of tholr undorwonr pnttoriu study propor tions (ib much as thoy do for tholr drosses. As long as there nro stout women nnd thin women will thoro bo combination garment that havo not nn Inch to spare, and chemises that nro full of lliilllnnw to Increase tho llguro. For the stout woman who wishes to roducu hor slzo to a mini mum, thu combination suit certainly nldB her In nttalnlng this end. Every particle of HitporlluouH fulluoss Ih done away with with a elevor method of cutting nnd n Honm nt tho waist Hue, making It the garmont by nil odds tho host to wear under the prin cess gown. Now the chemise Ih tho friend of tho Hlmdor woman. In tho now models thoro Is no front opening, bolng slipped ovor thu bend, whoh makes possible all sorts of elaborate trimming schomos either of artistically InsoL lacus or beautiful doalgns In ombroldory. Mnny mnku a grunt mlstako In thinking that It Is economy to buy Inexpensive materials. Whllu it Is not worth whllo to purchase shoot mn torlalB for less than 25 conts n yard, good long cloth, cambric, muslin, sor vlceablo for nightgowns, drawers and ordinary nottlelntH can at tho best bo bought sometimes for mil oh less. For corset covorrt handkor- chief linen Is most dainty nnd ser viceable If of a good quality, which should bo nbout 50 cents a yard, and If ono makes tholr own covers this oxpenso can bo taken. Batisto Is an other material that la liked because of Us dalntlnosH and adaptability to all sorts of titfou but caro must bu takon as It Is not after all as durable as nainsook because of thu uneven threads and dimity has tho saino If not worse fault, and tours easily, thoroforo do not put very exponslvo trimmings upon elthor1 but resorvo thorn for the fine linens. China silk Is liked for undarwalsts and skirts. Tho reckless profusion of bund em broidery is perhaps to tho unlnltluted tho most surprising foaturo of these marvelous sets of dainty lingerie Ono inodo of docoratlon fa sotting medallions of hand embroidery In an Insertion of real loco, tho Insertion bolng in turn edged with a narrow lace, tho wholo resembles flowers framed in laced: In a "chemise nightgown," that Is that it slips over I fll OLD TRUSTY Tho Incubator that always Bolla Must be a reason why every body buys. It Ib tho simplici ty of tho regulator; tho enao with which thoy arc oporatcd;. thoy burn loss oil than any oth, or machine of the same slic Your neighbor has one ami will toll you that thoy nro good! nnd that you had bottor buy ono. Romombor It la tho onrly ehlckon that pays tho big mon ey OUT ONE NOW. Free Test You havo Blxty dnyB to tent them; longer If you want It. We have confidence In tho ma chine or we would not soil It on those tonus. D. A. WHITE & SONS Wholesale nnd Retail FecO'- inen and Slinon, Poultry ami lieu Supplies. -W Commercial St, Phone UK) i li the head Instead of opening In front", tho gown fnlls full from a round yoke, lUHot with medallions. Tho pointed yoko effect Is a great favor Ito and In which tho fine noodle workor may ndnpt many a pattern oaslly as tho yoko may bo entirely finished before It Is sot on tho gar mont nftor bolng Joined to tho gown It Is usunlly finished with a deep, rulllo. On a number of tho uow gowns seen tho klmona Bleoo 1a oftoi' used. Most of tho alcoves nre "coiiBpFclous by tholr nbsonco," for anything reaching bolow tho olbow Is not for the momont tolerntod and mnny aro even shortor thnn olbow length. Ribbons, oh, yon, yards and' ynrdB of them In bows Hob nnd flut tering onila nro used. But, Bponkfug? of ribbons thoBO nro not tho narrow flllkon strlpB of tho paBt, but lUBtroua Hhlmmory bnndB, which need much' coaxing to pass them through tho lit tle oyeletB and which brondon out Into clilo little bows. A Hood Idea Is that adopted by somo clover women who If not push ed of necessity to It aro yet full of that accomplishment which known how to save llngorlo nt somo rella ablo houso and then, In odd mo ments, trim those gnrmonts with Gorman ValonclonncH, Mechlin or Cluny laco with perhaps an em broidered Intlal as a further adorn meiit. Tho work Ib plonsant nnd tho total cost Ih Just nbout half what In would bring In thu lingerie Bhopu. But tho woman who most send her lino clothes to tho InundrusH or woro the so-called hand laundries, though she may have n few nice pieces linn a full supply from which haa been eliminated all unnocotumry ruftloK and Iiiqoh. Instead of beading ca Ings run with linen tapes or colored wash-ribbons, this casing Is made by Mulshing thu neck nnd sloovoa with a bias band or this matorlul which whon finished Is about an Inch Id depth and wears ns long as tho gown ItHolf and wo all know how qulokly beading wours out. Another now fancy to ho used Instoad of bonding Ib working little oyoletu around tho top of tho corsot cover or othor gnr- inontH and running narrow ribbons, through, Tho womnn who does nor mind work will Insert bonding over all aaam and little wIiooIb of lnce cases aro covered with fine feathnr stltchlng. Tho uewiMt thing In eonwt oovon and ono that promise to bo perma nent because the womnn who Is d Klrous of a slender figure but must attain It by certain Illusions known only to droflsmakow, finds It a boon and also because It Ih tho boat gar ment under the prince dross. X vory pretty garmont of this order I mado with a Hhapod yoko of nll-ovor ombroldory showing n aquaro neck opening edged with a lava rufllo. The fullness at thu waist Is adjusted by nnrrow tucks which widen out In to a wldu skirt fastened at thu aide and finished on tho button with ruf- II oh Inset on ribbons and a big how at each side. Bomotlmoa tho skirt Dt gored and mado Bopnrntoly from tftiw waist and nftorwards Joined to ft dy a Htrong beading run with a rlloon. CATII ERINE MANN-PA YS5ANT Cure! iAitnhago, A. B. Canmsn, Chicago, writes Mar. 4, 1003, "Having been troubled with Lumbago, at dlfforont times ana? tried ono physician after another then different ointments nnd lini ments, gave it up altogether. 8o 1 trlod onco more, and got a bottle ot Ballard's Snow LInlmont, which gavo mn almost Instant relief. I can cheer fully reclmmend it, and will add my name to your lilt of sufferers." Beld: by D. J. Fry. I