VAlhXUU'llAljMJttnAAJAi'hMrvn'vi'''niJAl'AX' CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL a Aj h i HOFERV BROS., Pdfatog ad Proprietors THK JOUIINAL STANDS FOIt PIIOGIIKSS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGHADED LAIIOR. GOOD THE HOME OP HPIIING. Ortgtnul Spring poom by A. L. Orr.) Snya Spring to tho Enrth I nm coming, And I hopo thoso dear queer llttlo man, Til oho people who call thcmsclvdB polls Wlllull begin Bcrlbbllhg ngnln, "Old Wlntor Iiab imed them o badly, No wondor tlioy laid down tho pun, With my warm kindly breath tnthelr fnooB They'll choor up nnd pralBo mo again, "And whon I roach boatitlful Snlom, Whoro ovoryono loves mo tho host 0f co n ro I will tarry and ohcor them Much longor than I do tho rost. "'Wlllnmoltoo'fl my favorlto valloy 'TIb hard to bo up and awny I moan to rout Wlntor entirely Mnko thoro mylicndquartorB and stay." o THE HOUSE OF MIHTH. They say let tho Btato university III-: THE CLASSICAL SCHOOL nnd tho agricultural collpgo bo THE I'JtATICAL AND SCIENTIMt SCHOOL. In the moan tlmo It might bo a good thing to tako tho referendum on tho Btato unlvorBlty appropriation Just to toaoh thorn a losson to bo a llttlo more Bpcclflc In their domands for public nionoy. 'This 1b a book that should bo oxpolled from tho Salem public library. IT IS DEVOID OF ANV LITEHAHV Oil ETHICAL MEItIT WHAT. 3KVEII. Tho women In It uro soclnl dogonoratoH of tho fast set. Tho mon nro miost loehoroiiB cadH. Tho women gamble, Hiuoko clgarottoa and uso tlrugs. THE PHEUDO aiEHOINE 1)1 I'M UNDEIt A DOSE OF CHLOHAL. Thoy nro nbsolutoly ohlldlesB immorality as It provalln In high bo- cioty. It r(iilroH tho dlgoBtlon of n horBO to road It AND NOT HECOME WHPKiTia Thoro Ih not u thrill or linnoat human ImpulBo In tho wholo work, nntll nonr tho end n rnggod-out Mooluty wnmun hua a bnby put In hor arms by a wnHhorwoman. For a wondor tho child dooH not our! up nnd porlsh from tho contact, o THH PHOIILIJM OF lilGIIEIt EDUCATION IN OltliGOX. JUSTICE TO Mil. THILL. Tho Capital Journal does not hesitate to declaro that u rank Injustice has boon done to Wallace G. Trill, of Willamette Unlvorslty. Without proof ho was branded before tho world nB a falsjflcr nnd protondor, A PUIILOIXEII OF STOLEN IDEAS. Ho was horalded in tho nowapapors as having confessed to committing the lltornry offonso of having taken 300 words by falso pretense. SO FAIl NO PHOOF HAS HBE.V MADE PUHLIC. Tho committco that nccusod him of thin havo not been willing to submit tho matter to tho public. Yet a young man, without proof, and without confession on his part, IS PILLOUIED HEFORE THE PUHLIC AS A JULHFACTOIt. Tho Portland nowBpnpcr that has done this should bo sued for libel. It ndvortlBod Mr. Trill beforo tho world In a most llbollous mnnnor. That Is an outrago on a prlvato citizen whoso good namo and reputa tion should not bo thuB degraded bqfore tho public. Such a nowspnpor will novor rotract, will nevor undo tho injury dono this young man. IT HAS OUTRAGED DECENCY IN THIS CASE and will not rcstoro to him tho good nnmo and reputation that havo been do Btroyed. It has dono so in ninny instances and has novor retracted a libel or Blander It has onoo promulgated. It shou'd bo compelled to "mnko good" In hard cash. o HELP EDIT THE PAI'EIt. f"7- Tho editor of this papor Is not proud, llo doos not know It all. New Hook at Salem Public Library. PILES CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS, No ono can deny, from a Btudy of tho pant, that tho people of Oregon tnro willing to ilo what Is right and Just to support hlghor oducmtlon. Tho way thoy Imva HUpjtortod tho Institutions of higher education IN THE PAST PROVE THIS. Hut thoy havo protected ngnltiBt tho IncretiMe In tho number of these InxtltutloDH. If stopH had not boon takon to ah oak theae Institutions there would 1jo a normal school now IN HALF Till! COUNTIES OF THE STATE. Tho puoplo hitvo protostud at the iiumbor and ox pause and educa tional character of thene liiHtltutloua. TIiIb Btato Iiiih not loday a Hint cIum, hlghgrndu statu normal school TIIKV ARE ALL DOING MORE OR LESS OE PREPARATORY AND JIK1II SCHOOL WORE. Tho dmnund for tho past Jour yon n ha been to' reduce the number nnd rnUe the stuiidnrd. Thoro wan no pledge so freely an. I commonly made by emultdntos fur Joglaluttve oltluuM and Ux statu olllcea lust spring Hi that. Tho demand to restrict Hit number of thM Institutions at state ex pend round eMireosioit in the leglshuure o( 1006 In MVtrttl ways. Tho VnwUr bill to put nil tiniltr on board of regents, put them under business administration, AND RAISE THE STANDARDS PASSED THIt HOUSE. Hut 'in tti annate the bill wm killed by Hi twiiatore from lb normal chool counties. AND UHlltVINO LOCAL I MOUNTS FROM THE FOUR TDIFFIIRENT SCHOOLS, ThoM regents didn't waul their petty local grafts abolished ami help .I kill th bill. Next tbw people took lb referendum uu the appropriation bill which vmitIwI appropriations for all these liiatltutioMa. Whs It wub submitted to a vol last aprliiK the educational Instltu tloHa made a campaign for the bill a ail the people lu many counties VOTED KI.N'OIIA.VI'l.r TO SUSTAIN THE APPUOPIMATION. The way the bill was worded Oh the ballot was to maintain lb state jfluiH. th aiai itrliKta, rfrin Hbool. (o. Normal mIiooIm not HtMlll. Than Ik atau UHhwally ((fit out a bulletin In (It fall uiihuhtltti ta llun of bavlHK fuur Horiual Hhooki. THAT HRINGS Tllll MATTER UP TO THE LIKHHUVI'URII OF 11)117. In that lKtalntur lb InatltulloHs tbat wr uudar qHwtlOH wr gut In th mtddl. THEV Wllllll (IIVILN (ONTROL OF THE I.MPORTANT COMMIT TI1IW ON EDUCATION AND WAYS AND MEANS. Th onlj publlr InatltulloHN about which thn waa ny qaMtlon. on whlth the piplo bad tukwu tbw rtffvrwtidum two yar ngu, wru wad omiiimi of tho altuatlMH. TIIMY WERE AIII.U TO IMITATE TERMS TO AM, THH OTHER INTERESTS IN THE STATE. Th atutv tiuivrally boldly wlkl In and demuMdwl a ad lek a quar ter of a million wltbout any wxulttnatlona or bill of imrUeMluw. TU aKflrultural mHk dmmlMl uior bHt all' kekt off about lUty thoiiwaml to woupt u vvto. THE NORMAL ('110014 WERE VERV MODIIUATE IN THEIR l'INAl. DltMANDS. Tby did not wt Iwlf wbnt tMy tlrat aakad. Tim irMldHt of thtt tU UMlVDMlty U bwy UravllMK ovt tb atato tryliiK to HriniHd tb oili tbat tby abHbl Hot rwwrt to tb nfr MHilHW. Geuornl Sherman Momorlos, two volumoH, Reed Spinner In tho Sun. Mnlot For Horizon and Sir Rich ard Calmndy. Dariro Oon, Shorldnn, Tho Long Day, Storlos by Fronch Authors. IIowollB MlnlBtorB' Chnrgo. Ilnrrlo Sontlinontnl Tommy. Noymny A aontlomnn of Franco. Norrls Union or tho Lady Lotty. Kipling Many IiiBontlniB. Crnno Hod Dadgo of Courage. Alion Rolgn or Law. Jackson Nolly's Sllvor Mlno. Illackmoro Piirlycrona. Wallor WardonlHor or 'Lymphua. Von Suttnor Lay Down Your Arms. Irving Hrncbrldgo Hall, Taloa of a Tntvallnr, Conquoat of Granada, Legend or Sloapy Hollow. Croehatt Lllno Siinbnniiet. Phllllpa Tho Tart. Dalnml Oaklolgh. WardLady Rosa's Daughtar. llnbart luvoutor. Greelt-y lCxplorai-a and Travel lra. t Smith Wonlth of Nation. J MoAlaatar Sixth volume of His tory or United States, Itlley Afterwhllaa, The Mlet. Whllo and Atlanta The Myattry. o 1- lu puttliig down atreot imvlng at lCitfeno that olty lurfora one great dlaadvaatase. Tbey haven't got any pri pnnnni ami surveyor In the rlty rouut-ll. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to euro any caao of Itching, Blind, Blooding or Protruding Piles In G to 14 dnys or monoy refunded. 60c. ii It don't tnko thorn two years to pave a street at Eugene. At ono meeting tho council decided to do it. Next wook Mayor and all go to Port land to soo dlfforont kinds of pavo- ments nnd roport In fnvor or bltu llthlc. Two wooks lator olovon blocks are ordered paved and an or dinance pnmed and published. I Thousands Have Kidney I Trnnlila QHtl HoUPT QllCnOPf If IIUUUIU OIIU IIUIU1 UHupUUl llr How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; asuunneiuursei tlingindicatcsau unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if itstnins your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to nass it ornain " hi the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. wnai to ua. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, rir.tu ,vfrv wish in curing rheumatism. pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to bold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild nnd the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing coses. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug cists in fifty-cent and one-lollar sizes. You may nave a bouijhc uumc uuu u book that tens au about it, both sent free bv marl. Address Dr. KUmer & Co.. Bing- hamton.'N. Y. When Homotswnip-Root. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Ur. Kilmers swamp-Kooi, ami the address, Dinghamton, N. Y. House Cleaning Isme Tho season ig htn ( houso and when o i. j. r your plumbing Dut i . thoro is anwhi.: i How to Roituilu Young. To continue young in honith nnd strongth, do an Mrs. N. F. Rowan, MuDonough, Gn. did. She Bays: "Throo bottles of Electric Blttors cured me of chronic liver nnd stom ach trouble, compllontod with such au unhealthy condition of tho blond that my akin turned red as flannel. I am now practically 20 yonrs young or thnn beforo I took Eloctrlc Hlttora. I can now do nil my work with onso nnd naatat In my husband's storo." Guaranteed at J. C. I'orry, druggist. Price 60c. Wild Rose Flour This is our high grado brand or flour suitable ror all pur posos. Out or It you can make tho llghtost loar broad and also th flnost pastry. It Is giving bottor sntlsractlon than ever this yonr and Is without a doubt tho host family flour on tho market. Glvo It a trial when you want flour again. At All Grocers anything Wr0B. .,.: rnnirn nr -.... .. . , "ttlur "nit, tew.. DlDOB or rrna r,t. .. . w' oiperfcmced b to wTh'i A- L. FRASEfil 25H Rtatn Kf Vl Phono 133. Peter Piper's Son Stolo the pig' and ran air t j it. Ahy steal meat wh (j prices are so low Tryutuli convinced. i:. c, CROSi Phono UU I 370 Suits :x .JN Spring Medicine In thousundii ami thousnmU of homoH in oitl, towns and villagod three domM a day of Hood's Sarsnpn rilla aro now being taken by every iiiombor of tho family. Wfiy Hiiuh wido and general use? HooattRo Hood's Sursaparilla has provml itsolf tho HMt Spring Medteiuo, by ltd Moudorful uffoutH in oloanslng the ays- torn of all humors, overcoming that tlrotl finding, oroatlug appetite, clearing tho complexion, giving strength and animation. Over forty thousand testimonials re eolml In two years, by actual eouut. Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla Insitt on having Hood's. Git it today, lu liquid or tablot form. 100 Do $1. BARGAINS In Real Estate NOW THE COM) IMITS ARE THE PEOPLE t)F OR1KUJN ARE IN IUVOU OF A AMOl'.NT OF KTATE AID FOR HUilllllt .EDUCATION. They ahvaj-s baxe bos and always will be. Hut tbey demattd sjo4 fcwidnea sailMlHlsirHtk'H. and autrttorlMHow UmlttMt U aetuul m4s. Thoy dHMml tbat mwo of the aHMtort or lUw IttetltMUoHs sball eowt rm the tuition, as tbey ar Urely pntroalied lij- thm able to my. Tho mw t OreKOH are nk ohosI t walNtalHlHg ttret eteee or whI sohool. or everl f tketM. If th work IS KM1T ARSOl.UTEl.Y JKiWX It) THE TlMI.VI.Va OF PROFESSIONAL TIMOIIHHS. Thoy renllw that tk atae nis better MUbllo tmhool teaeben. Ilut wtM birds of the work doae at tbss stats aormala ooh be done at tke iMibllo hlisb hchooU. THE PEOPLE OIUEtT TO THH TEACHING OF GRADES AND THH JMU.VCI OF (X).MMO.V HIGH SCHOOL WORE AT THESE XOIUUId AT jstatk', Tho toila object to tbe state asrleultMr! oolleKfl nnd the stt u. vursUy doing duplloato viotk la tmglnwrlag. mining phrwao book Vwplng and otbur brauobvs. A Husband and Wife CAN DEPOSIT Money la our Sfclogs Deoart wont to be hM to either wktle llvlmc a.Hl tbo aorrlvor In ouse or doath ol IUmt. Tkls Is a. oon-Hlet way tit bare money on UohosU ami art veu tho trtiHble and dkty of Probate Court iHeeisltiMts. Throe r Ht iHtereM hmJiI on soch ao- OOMHU. Savlags Depattment Captod Natiooal Bank RhI i-ntutf will advance, buy now Wo aio orffrlng you buys that will pay you to Investigate. Three-fourths aero or flue rich land, a new 7 room bouse, all mod ern; good fruit of all kinds, good well, chicken yard; located In East Salem. See ltadcllfT Co. ror prlco. See this before you buy: Ten room house on Court, US feet rrontngo by ICO feet deep, close In. Price seo End cliff Co. Modern cottage of Ave rooms, all plumbed and wired, good woodshed lot 7R by 150 reet. aeptto trank. Price 11500. Nlrto room house, plastered, cloa ts. pawtry. basement, septle tank, barn 8(5x34, woodshed 18x22. This place Is three blocks rrom court house. Price MCS6. Sevew acres all In cultivation, good house and 1mm. nlantv nt,i ,.. This place Is oh a good crushed rock ' road JH wiles rrom Salem. Price $1200. Ten acres all la estivation, good flvo room kotts. barn and woodshed. good mlxvil rrult. well reared. 7 aortas la oats. .ull'es from SiX. bJHi. Price 19. Eighty acres; 67 In rulllratlon 13 In iwstnre and timber; 30 a...... m wheat and ebeut; 7 acres la tlov.-r. f room bouse, Rod bar a and gran ary; I horse. S head or eattle. h,,ca ohlekons; 2 wagons. 3 net or harn all Imnlennu. hay. gmla. etc Price ISOO. C-... It . u"" nouses tor rent. Call If you want aa thine in Insuraace or notary vork. omifr Mti B B o Oraer a packago of this ramouB hoalth'and brnln building Hour nnd enjoy Bomo good old rashlonod New England Drown Rrom!. A chanco at a right hot loaf will mako you think you aro la IJoston. With Allen's Helf-rislng II. II. R. YXqxxx you can mako broad Just Uko tho Puritans used to make. 8-11 Pnncalco Flour is also a puro roed: self- Trndo rising and all ready to Mark mix with wator and bako on a hot griddle. ALLEN'S B B B FLOUR CO. Pacific Coaat Factory, San Jose, Cnl. Knatern Factory, Llttlo Wolf llilU, Manawa, Wis. From rafts to o,. ii i Is used In tho hanJi.nga Jt:j of our lumber, and asoii.Uj money. Come and se us about pen flOODALK LnillERCO.! Yard Xr I H. S. Gilc & Co. Wholesale Groecrs a mission Mztchnls Tn h market at all tlSM I drlod fruit and farm proiWj kinds. SPECIAL We htre ror al a fe V$,f Inc and slicing oacnlnM; for a large dryer, will art' s price. ialtfcnw eta 'fcssS bsbbm TteFasfiioflSU. roraerly Knvwa'1 ""j , .. J... 11. .r 1 " v. i nd eltM' u. cn.ta w TiJfl 247 and Hi Hij 8s J RADCLIFF CO., Reliable Agents Room U. Moores block. Ssle, Ore ilofaraiiee. any bank or bujlness houw In the city of Salem. Spent wisely is the source of much aaturactlon. Why not spend a little Jot It wisely now buying groceries ot jusT Baker, Lawrence & Baker ccKsa to Hirritt Lawxeace. iTonTA. OtitaYwHwJjthsiM I C&&PH mamfc I A 'a Stn. Cut ui Sum ;' T, fc-' ami miwi it iKTZju - ?-i-jiw ." - Tii-.t": rw,.'sw'''-, WnUManMlfSUPWi'" H...Uftn anvifVZ-sl Vnilali panws Tj-eMBBBsl t i SoW7Saera6y,5u, ...-OVTIRN'CK St" . r.... ..-n Sandy , necis wiw WW- jd i D41IM ai 9i v - j . . s a. vTi J-- -RALPH ' T f gg SI SI I W&WJMF"?" IT JfieMwJ to cujrftJ8ljUtipa'lOQK'thnt the buUainr onitnanr.. , .,......,- -. I Wi.lWliBhni!Mo ., 1 ?;b?fiVrr VfWV''-SV lW?5SlinKuirio twn.-L mh ... - a., " mi m m s-nscaig "jj, -j..f c5-aw urus-n luiirJrecimniSBd Mr ,ji .,-i;-- ta- ----- r- r- .i.u.m-.j 1 V .l. -A . - - .-. tit lWmii2XltiarfX.7xiX-