f75l DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALBM, ORBGON, SATURDAY, LRCll 0, 1807. STOCKTON THF OLD WHITE CORNER. Spring '07 Styles NOW READY The new Spring Styles in Men's K c,inins-arc no hcre "THE PRAT" in; l- - M V P iJFl ti IUmA I (TCgUt frH ?5?i &gp' The new College Cut in blue Serge for young men is making a big' hit. The coat is a three-button, double breasted style cut about 31 inches long, lined with black mohair and has no opening in the back. The trousers arc cut full over the hips. THIS IS THE LATEST THING OUT Boys, Come in. GORDON HATS nctf Spring Shapes are here in all the most-wanted Ask to see inc new i ecuiier-wtsisiii l j iiii 5ER GRAND THEATRE riday, March 18th MAMURET FISCHER IN i Western Comedy Drama "THE ILDEN GIANT MINE" hictt, eienlngs, 16 and 25c. Special Sale fl a few broken sizes and pcrs At Cost dose out for Summer Stock. ACOB VOGT 313 S State Street. J BULLOCK BROS. ESTAURAIMT.. Two ioocs south of Day and Night ""i everyuwng. - fnvn oci YIX LETTER FROM MANILA. (Continued from pngo four.) tlvo to Uio Phllipplno exhibit for this exposition. Aftor wnrdts ho had nn intorviow with tho oillclals of tho exposition nnd mado them n proposi tion for an exhibit Unit would bo truo to lifo nud still show tho dlffcronco between tho civilized and uncivilized peoples of tho nrchlpolngo. Tlioro is nn idea provalout nmong pooplo at homo who have soon tho Phllipplno exhibit of Moros nnd Igorots nt pro vlous fairs that tho wholo of tho Islands nro Inhabited by that class of people Tho most prominont idea of tho coming exhibit Is to correct this er roneous. Impression that folks nt homo liavo of tho Philippines, nud at tho snmo tlmo mako a display that will accurately represent tho Filipino pooplo as a wholo. To this oud n mammoth exhibit Is bolng prepared of articles illustrating tho arts, Ufa and indilstrios of tho Filipinos, and, In addition to tho Horos and Igorots representing tho uncivilized trlbos; thoro will Uo a complote roprosontn tlon oj VlBuyans, Tngnlogs arid Ilocn- sm Fence Wire WS. A " w Woven Wire . : Poui , ' ul oninglea and I -Ul t lowut prices. falter Morlev CtSt Salem. fW .., w.u 'Women g I ht ,vtry W Z .T U. RoUrttu. M wv' WHAT 18 THK WOULD COMING TO'.' Boyond us. But wo know that tho peoplo who Inhabit this part o(f it will add to thoir health, length of lifo and happiness if thoy eat our bread' Samo thing truo of our rolls, plos and othor pastry. Suro you havo tho name? CAPITAL BAKERY. O. Ullom, Prop.. Oranges! See Our Special It is not the sire, us a great many of the largest aro tho poorest oranges. Wo make a specialty of selling quality, and the slzo we'll cU, you will v flail give the fest 'actio. Moir Grocery Company nos who furnish the best types of tho civilized races. Tho Jamestown exposition is to have a Phllipplno reservation consist ing of ono enclosure, with ono admis sion feo so that every visitor will necessarily see tho great contrast pre sented by tho Iwo elemonts hero In tho Philippines. Among tho civllzed peoplo will bo musicians, wood-enrv-ers, weavers of tho beautiful textiles of country, and othor workers who will" truly represent all phases of tho leading industries of tho civllzed people. Tho morning of January S exper ienced tho coldest tcmperlture slnco tho founding of tho Manila observa tory In 1865, tho moroury registering 59 degrees Fnrsnhelt, under shelter, at 5 o'clock" In tho morning. In tho open nlr at tho samo timo tho ther mometer stood at Bti.S degrees, flvo feet abovo tho ground, and 5 5.6 de gress, ono foot nbovo tho ground. I Tho lowest tentpcrnturo ever reg istered prior to this, and slnco tho foundation of tho observatory, was 59.7 and 60.6 degrees, which was reached Decombor 19 and 20, 1S72, nnd December 10 and 11, 1879. In January, 1881, December, 1892, and February, 1902, tho minimum tom peraturo reached was 59.7 nnd 60 degrees Farenheit. Tho cold wavo was not confined to Manila but reached through tho pro vinces to tho north, soveral places, not in tho mountains, reporting tem peratures around 50 degrees. At Baglno, tho summer capital in tho mountnins of Bcnguot, It was two dogreia bolow freezing and lco was formed. All this cold wob exper ienced between 14 nnd 17 dogrees north latitude, which" is hardly tho wonthor looked for in lands so nonr tho oquntor. o Smiles Eggs down. Sugar up. Tho wild flowors aro in bloom Sulom 'should mako a move for that now armory. Thero has been no kick so fnr on tho records made by Tom Kay nnd Dr. Smith, in tho senate. Smith ov on holpod kill Dr. Plerco'3 frosh nlr snnaturium Job. Hon. W. N. Barrett rotumod last Saturday from Sulom nnd for sovornl days was very slok with tho grip, but is now ttblo to bo down to his ofllco daily. M,r. Darrott Is not altogether pleased with ovarythlng dono during tho 1907 session of the legislature. Forost drove Tintee. Captain Walter Lyons sarcasm In Albany Heinld: "The California leg islature has voted to romovo the cap ital from Snornmento to Berkeley, tho site of tho stnto unlvenlty. Por haps Oregon will take ouo nnd move tho cnpltnl around to tho different state institutions located awify from the seat of government, contrary to constitutional provision. Eugene would naturally havo tho flrst claim on tho portable capital. Then would coma CorvalllB, Monmouth, Weston, Ashland, nosoburg and Drain." Woodbum la to boom during 1907. Mayor Jtodgers was ono of tho fow members of tho , house who had no favors to ask, or did not Introduco any bills. In somo of his ablo speech os, howovor, ho put tho "crimp" In a great many "freak" bills. States man. Mayor Rodgers Is to bo compli mented. Jeromo Simmons had no favors to ask and Introduced only "people's" measures, and mado a rec ord also to be proud of. SIMPLE HOME REMEDY Makes the Kidneys Filter Out the Poisons lending Journal In answering the question, "What Is tho best pro scription to clean and purify tho blood," prints in a recent issuo tho follewing: Fluid Extract of Dnndo- lion one-half ounce, Compound Kar gon ono ounce, Compouud Syrup Snr Baparllla threo ounces. Shako woll rand uso In tenspoonful doses after each mcnl nnd nt bedtime. A well known druggist who Is fa miliar with this prescription states that It is harmless, being composed of vcgetablo Ingredients which enn bo obtained from any good prescription pharmacy. It cleans tho blood of nil Impuri ties and nourishes tho blood. In Just a fow days tho skin begins to clear of sores, bolls and pimples. It puts vigor nnd energy Into run-down, do blliated mon and women. For many years Sarsnpnrllla alone has been considered a good blood' mcdiclno. But whllo it built up nud mado now blood, tho impultics remained within nnd tho good accomplished was only tompornry. Snrsaparllln, howovor, when used In combination with Com pound Knrgou nnd Extract Dando lion works wonders. Tills combina tion put tho kidneys to work to niter nnd sift out tho wasto matter, uric add and other impurities that causo dlBoasc. It makes now blood and ro llovcs rhoumntism nnd Inme back and bladder troubles. Tills proscription is bettor than tho usual pntont medicines, which nro in tho most part nlcohollo concoctions. Th lngrodlouts cost but little. They may bo procured from nny good phar macist and in txod nt homo. Every mnn and woman hero should mako somo up nnd try it If they fcol their systom requires a good blood mcdi clno nnd tonic. Tho Knrgon to cloan tho kldnoys nnd vltallzo thorn ho thoy can clenn tho blood. Sarsaparilln to mnko now rich blood nnd Dandelion to tono tho stomach, oloan tho llvor nnd mnko it nctivo and 'relievo constipation Is tho way tho proscription nets nnd so mildly nud gently that ouo doos not consldor thoy nro taking n medicine. OREGON STATE BANK JKWoa, Ortgo Capital $25,000 BMt facilities Jmown to lettable banking offered patrons. Jtffarsoa ta a gooa' town, fias good tterM, goeri milft, a good Wiftfc, a4 good people. Come amd sec &s. Or ego State Bank J. A. AUPPERLE, Prt4tt H. J. CAMPBELL, Whnt Boiiso lu thoro in condemning n mnn on bo frivolous u charge as plHgNrlBin without having n hearing? o Saved Her Soii'h Ilfo. Tho happiest mothor in the little town of Avn, Mo., Is Mrs. S. Uuppou. Sho wrltes: "One yonr ago my son was down with suoh sorlous lung trouble that our physician was tin nblo to holp hint; when, by our drug gist's advlco I began giving him Dr. King's Now Discovery, nnd I noon noticed improvement. I kopt thli treatment up for a few wooks when ho was porfectly woll. Ho has work ed Btendlly slnco at carpenter work. Dr. Klng'B Discovery saved his life." Guaranteed best cough and cold euro by J. C. Perry, druggist; 50c and l. Trial bottlo free. CASTOR I A It l&fkaU ani Chlidrta. Tli KN Ym.Hjyi Always Intf! z Bears tho gign&tBre of THE JOY OP LIVING Is greotly Increased to a person and hie family who uso Eppley'ft Perfection BakJeg Powder aivo. it a trial and bo convinced. A homo mado product, as puro as It cn bo made. C. M. EPPLEY OrtfM Salem's Stylish Dressers AUK COMPLIMENTING US HiniUA OX OUlt DISPLAY OF Novelty Spring Dress Suitings WE SHOW A WOXDEKFUL ASSOHTMUNT OF THE LATEST CHEATION. DESIKAHLK NOVELTIES AHE SOAUCE IN THE WHOLESALE MARKET, SO IT WILL HE ALMOST 1MPOSSII1LK TO SECURE THE 1JRST PATTERNS IF YOU DELAY YOUR llUY 1NO UNTIL THE PRESENT STOCKS ARE 1IROKEN. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR ROOK OF New Trimmings YOU'LL FIND ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN THE LATEST COLORINGS. Our Line of Sheer White Wash Goods and Fancy Wash Goods IS NOW COMPLETE. THE PATTERNS ARE E.VTRE.MELY DAINTY. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT OF New Fancy Silks THE RANGE OF PATTERNS IS ALMOST ENDLESS. OUR WONDERFUL SUCCESS IN THE DRY GOODS RUSINESS IS DUE TO OUR HAVING EXACTLY WHAT THE LADIES WANT JUST WHEN THEY WANT IT, AND OUR PRICES ARE FIG URED ON THE SPOT CASH HASIS. j&vsd ed W4A MGf& C ? JJ?crsste4, &ri'. WE UNDERSELL "REGULAR STORES.' RECEPTION TO CHAS. W. FULTON Oregon's Senior Senator to " Be Given a Cordial Greet" ing at Salem Tho pooplo of Sulom are foellug vory kindly towards Senator Fulton for his offoctlvo work for Oregon. Cnpt. Chas, A. Murphy, Hopubllonu county ohalriuuu; Dr. J. N. Smith, president of tho Roosevolt oluli; Hob ort Downing, city chairman; Hal I) Patton, president of tho Young Men's Republican club, and Frank W. Waters, stnto chitlrmnn, met nt tho olllco of Dr. J. N. Smith last ovonlng to mnko preliminary arrangements for a reception by tho Republicans of Salem to United Stntou Senator Ulins, W. Fulton, when ho vUUb In thU city, as ho 1b oxp'eated to do next wook. The movement Is a vory propor ouo to bo taken up by tho heads of tho roKUlur organisations. x Found m Jat. J. A. Harmon, of Llzomore, West Va., says: "At last I have found tbo porfoct pill that neror dlsappoinU me; and for tho benefit of others af flicted with torpid llvor nnd cbronlo constipation, will Bay: take Dr. King's Now Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory. 25c at J. C Perry, drug. glat. Full Pardon. J. O. Itynn, who wnH convicted In tho betting enso for hulug n Btnke holder, has received a full pardon at tho hands of Governor Chamber lain. Ho oxpeats to go on tho rouil Hulling olgnrs. Linton And romombor tho next tlmo you Hiirfor front pnln cnuBod by damp wonthor when your liond nearly hursts from neuralgia try llallnrd'n Snow' Llnimout. It will euro you. A prominont business mnn of llonip stead, Texas, writes: "I havo used your liniment. Provloua to using it I was a groat sufforor from Rhouma tlnm nud Nouralgln. I am ploasnd to sny tlmt now I am froo from thono complaints. I nm suro I'owo this to your Ilnlninnt." Sold by D. J. Fry. Tho full dinner pall dous not re oolvo un much eucoumgomont as It Hhould at tho hands of tin city conn-ell. u Don't Complain. If your chest pains and you are unable to steep bocauso of a cough. Ruy a bottle of Uallard'a Hort'jound Syrup, and you won't hi.o nny cough. Got a bottle now nnd that cough will not last long. A cure for all pulmonary dhtoaioii. Mrs. J., Galveston, Texas, wrltes: "I can't say enough for IlAllard.'a Ilorehound Syrup. The relief It bus given me Is all that Is necessary for mo to sat' ' Sold by D. J. Fry. 1 o Aldormun Hnyne usod to be called ccnuldorublo of a tulker In the. city council. Hut ho says now he hn;i been fairly outolavsod, nnd will lit future, ho says, not much more bo heard of trmSk Whon thero Is slcknosa lu tho house and medicines aro proscribed, tho ono great thing to bo careful of lu to get them carefully compoundrxl and of tho purest and fresheat drugs only. Perhaps you did not kuow that If tho mcdiclno Is not fresh it hi not of nny use. Stale drugs aro an abomination. That Is why wo always nmko It a point to keep only tho pur est and freshest drugs obtainable. HVA) MOSS PlfAKMAGY, Jithwh Ward, Prer, Phono 111. ZftMMI WW. if