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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1907)
r rf 'Wf- wi l.'4W.v,(.3 v . 'V ,.,.. '. f DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEARCH 0, 1007. ."'"' rvmmr-wi pring "Brutus," and that Mr. Dnrrctt would piny "Casslus." Thcso two distin guished players woro prompt In Ax ing on Charles D. Hnnford for the i.-- fn voU Irf VfJLhlv cleanse ould ll'u'7effete matters umors every Standpoint that you othor Prominent rolo. It was n brll- I blood of all those impure. ,,a?t lmrt for th0 young actor nn? !l I Miss Mario Drofnnh who will have the role ot "Portia," and tlto re mainder of the cast has beon select ed with the caro which Is always In evidence when theso players appear. " avcVccumua- ' ILS. - t-inuLiJ ' - B"B ill feel better, loe: V""n i deep better, d S ' J jJnn rom' i .- .- MMM 111 i rbcasC5a""f ellimer win hot ves ui t jnfr a fcive such a u j . ..jihncrcut..." - re."V;ond run-clown. SrWS uv rilla as :nru more easuy " ? r 5i -ind be in goq ton& Sist prevail rJdtoShltandtl embraced It with befitting artistic onthusiasm. It Is a some what re markable fact that It was n per formance In broad farco that paved the way for Mr. Hanford's appear ance as n trngodlnn. Whon Kobson and Crane were playing tlu "Comedy of Errors," Hnnford was engaged STATU FAIR IMPHOVKMKNTS. A Member of tlto Raring Olrcntt Xew Buildings Hotter Onto Selected. I The stntr fair business Is now pro grossing in line shape, and the otit- MKS. J. P. GEE. I speak from csperlenco of 25 years with Hood's Sorsapnrllla In giving nir recom- A,t fnr SurImom,nt'0 rr Print: humors nnd ns a a renuJ " Jccnoral blood purltler this medicine nover ?- (1,A tilf!t. MrUI.tfa It n1ttta .In... nil ,1.a I. At.l.n.1 f I. JlUinOrS thousands andmord.v I know it to bo irood for scrofula! annua" "J. ,.1.,-j. Jt tl snlt r,,0,im nntl n" similar troubles, and as a Brtteful PCOplCt I"11 . . I Konernl sprinc meiltrlne lean positively nny ii.. n1.inSCS the Dl It has no equal. Itcirestno ironulno satisfac tion to sar those few words In favor of the mcdlclub I lmvo found so reliable in our family." Sins. J. i Gee, SO Uould street Stoncbam. Mass. nueniy ves strong iv" th ana tone GRAND OPERA HOUSE JNO. F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Saturday, Maxell 16 Vs ,T,n and function ffflSSc Shale syste lildsupthc 9 Hoo convince and euro rbei rsaparilla jn n fair tx-ial. Buy a bottlo today -.tTVarMPorilll I Sold by nil drnjwists or sent promptly by 8tabs Iff'jK? ME!grtP c l. Ud cZ . ..r ,mder the roil Drugs Act, June 30, 1000. No. 32-1. unAK"- I - all t ci AM ATTDATIrVIC 4 t blAV3LLAll UVU-BHJUO nH i Amusements the Capital City iMlltltrfrfr14 ll"l"l"HH-M-t4frHH. Grand Oiwrn Hou Tonlcht Dark. on B. nvi..,inv. Mnrcn ii aarko la 'Tho Ragged Saturday, March io. Huford In "Julius Caesai Comlne Attrncllol Raymond Hitchcock Inp- ta Tourist." "Como Allco Sit by th Philip Sousa and his "Tho Tenderfoot." KllnKcr.Grnn Tenight: Tho Flschfy. la "Tho Golden Giant M Auditorium Nolle Monday, afternoon teutons fag ffJi HI i ' kkBV V wr Bk: lJH ,111! J. y 17 V VartlilkkHHHlH wV' iaiy Engagement of the Emtoent Actor CHARLES B. HANFORD Accompanied by MISS MARIE DROFNAH Presenting Klmkepeare'H (liVAtot Historical Urnnm JULIUS CAESAR 40 People in the Production and a Carload of Special Scenery A Series of Hcnutlfttl Stnuo Sett tup Showing T11K GUAM) SQUAUK IX UOMK. T11K HOrAX SKXATK. TUR rOXSlMUACY lXimi'Tl'S' GAUDKX. TUR GHRAT QU.HllRr. SCKXK IX TUR TKXT OV HUl'TlH. TIIR IM.AIXH OK riltUI'I. An Rvunt of UmiMinl Artistic I,inpornnce,, t.oo, 7nc. boc. Note Mr. Hnnford will nppear In tho east n8 "Mnro Anthony," tho samo rolo ho so successfully placed In tho famous llooth-Ilar-rott combination for two soasons. Box offlco open Saturday at 0 a. in. mmmmmmHmmmmmMatmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmKmmmmmm 1 i tho likelihood of hor falling In love , In tho supporting company with tho with her Intended victim hns nover , pnrt of "Aogeon." Dosplto Its merry oven been conBldored. They nro J surrounding thoro Is n strain of married. Tho play from this on movos pathos and dignity In this character forward rapidly with a sorlos of which Mr. Hnnford brought out In a startling Incidents to tho cllmnctorlc manner that nttracted tho notlco of situation whoro they nil lay in watch ; Lawronco Uarrott and led to tho buo for Mary to go to tho room of Uertle sequent distinguished association Carpenter, a rich and famous nrchl- which paved tho way for tho career tect, who has beon relentlessly pur- Hnnford has slnco enjoyed. Mr. suing hor to becomo his mlBtroBs. Barrett occupied n box and tho offoct Carpenter Ib cloverly thwarted In his produced by Mr. Hnnford's work was designs by John Morton, Mary Is noted by ono of tho Chicago critics saved from the trnp that has been as follews: set for hor, and although much suf- "Evon Aogeon a very minor pnrt forlng afterward comes to both John wns prcsonted by Charles B. Hanford ( look promises tho host fair In Ore gon's history. Prusldont Downing. In spenklng to n Journnl reporter, Bald: "I do not wish to oxnggorato tho prospocts ot the state fair, and do not mako this statement to flatter our hopes, but tho Interest thnt haB boon shown and tho actual business dono juslflco mo In snylng that Ore gon hns now tho best outlook for n good llvo fair thnt she hns over had," The stato fair has beon in ado Ilcncflt to llnlH) Alter a successful (f threo weeks at tho Miss Margarita Flscheit'O" a benefit at tho Granif '"0 Friday evening, Marc the vill appear undor the order of Elks, Knl and Woodmen of the Fltcher appears today Grand in matinee, ai m "The Golden Wet friend and adrulrert rejoice to know that in Salem has been a aad profitable one, . steadily growing In t the theatre-going pi to be presented at Friday baa not yet 1 on, but will bo one tll have. In addltld Us not before soerJ attors who will bo the occasion. ot Ind ion of Ins Iss lor vl jont ful Ib of lay ext up-ind !al- by for Knilnent Trngc It will be tho goo ca' plarera on Wednesi at ih Grand to see tl tor Creston Clark, in or taotlonal drama, ' fea Mnger' John M ,nB character. Is a clor ore for his fellow men -lP l&K them have led ims of the great met: 'm8 detined to apend ayfl there without ev hat tbere Is anything 'W tnaa abject p0T old misery, when acr nes acteming wc. the Vtti beauty ot I es BOt BS0T9 him so eU s and. deatltnt ier Ited an Immense f ex" Ptd would be r ffed veegtace upon " Aiti' tr.M as the lear ' Wi. Her Uc HPaUon In h, gwulae. grateful h" " point h'1 eT mla. i ow- w. Ui. ot tk fw ise4 1 good appropriation for an exhibit, which Is tho first In tho history ot tho fnlr, nnd mnny othor countlos are falling In lino. A. 1 Mlllor has boon appolntod to tnko chargo'of tho Multnomah display, nnd will bo m tho city Tuosdny to soloct a space. Prosldont Downing nnd Soerotary Welch will soon visit many of th county courts In tho IntoroHt of the fnlr, which will no doubt bring a cheerful response. Tho prlr.08 lmvo boon gonornlly raised, thnt for tho 2:1-1 trot on Wodnosdny to $ 5000, nnd that of tho 2:09 paco on Thursday to $5000. Tho rogular racing circuit of tho Xorthwost covors tho following dntes: Rvorott, Wnjh., Sopt. 27; Cehtra- Ua. Wash.. 8opt. 0-H: Salem, Or, Sopt. 1C-21; Spokano, Sopt. 23-Oct. B; North Yakima, Oct. 7-12; Lewis ton, Oct. 7-12; Walla Walla' Oct. 14 19: Boise. Oct. 21-2B. Mlddlesladt, Loo Illlyou. J. A. Bllyoufc John Wosoley add Q. A. ltnndnll Albany Democrnt. A Sclo Fnlr. Tho Sclo 8tock and Agricultural Fair nsBOclntlon Iibb perfected an or- a number of tho racing circuit of tho KnnUatlon at Sclo. Th purposes of Northwest, It hns hotter lighting fa cilities, assured by tho lighting bill passed by tho legislature, 14 now tho association nro to hold an annual fair of threo days at Sclo to on courngo Immigration, nnd at stated CVcihtou Clarke, In "The Hugged Messenger." and Mary, they are In the end happily united. No ndequnto Idea of tho in tensity of this soul-stirring drama can bo given. It Is truly a play that must bo seen for one to fully under stand and appreciate It. Ifnnfonl lu Julia drear. The production of "Julius Caesar" by Charles B. Hanford this season must inevitably awaken Memories which are cherished with reverent in- J purchased from tho estate tho entire terest by every student on tho Amer- Julius Caesar production. This ho lean stage. "When Booth and Barrett luBod In his Initial staring tour. The lu such a manner as to thrill Law rence Barrett and ovoko his unbound ed applause" After that Mr. Hanford played with Booth and Barrett, and Booth and Modjeska and othor distinguished stars of that day. But his loyallty to the play In which ho, first wou sig nal success never wavered and when Lawrence Barrett died Mr. Hanford formed their famous partnership and produced "Julius Ceasar" on a scale of magnificence which astonished both the theatrical profession and the public there wu some curiosity to who wbuM ytar the part of Mare Ahy." It tu Uaneaiate- ly ec!44 that Mr. Beh wobU ptey Booth-Barrett production Is of course a thing of the past, yet It serves as a basis upon which Is constructed the elaborate modern scenic revival which Mr. Hanford -will present at the Grand opera house on Saturday, Uirck 1fi. The coaiftaay will aal lactate j&J PwSf -2dllslaHkKiBHiiHBBHIBaH. VvHt fl Ail''' ,'i.. ,,4. ' ttiuiiavs iMMbTi i i Hwtti ilrnri InB I'Vii HsbhL dn ,JLo6r flHH'illliHa'ilH K'ASmWVm ! AiKxilK 4r "tiBtt , iiiiiHiiH '.IsilllillliVjlilHn. 4. lASB3k? 'JIk vJliHlklilsliHLBsv!cifl3L . tjM 9100 ltewnnl, (8Jt00, Tho r on dors of this paper will bo plonsod to learn thnt thoro Is at lenst on dronded dlitotiBO that sclonco hna boon nblo to cure In all Its stngon. and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curb is tho only positive o.ur'o now known to tho medical fraternity. Ca tarrh holng n constitutional dlsoaso, roqulros a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Intor nnlly, acting directly upon tho blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation ot tho dlsenso, attd giving tho patient strongth by building up tho consti tution nnd nsslBtlng nnturo In doing Its work. Tho proprietors lmvo so much' faith In Its curntlvo powor thnt they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any cnno that It falls to cure. Sond for list of testimonials.' Address F. J. CHENEY ft CO., To ledo, O. Sold by nil druggists, 7 Co. Tnko IlnU'e Family Pills for. cor-, Btlpatlon. n . . Plot to Kelro CVIcIm'h Inland. Cnpotown. Mnroh 0. Tho local pollco lmvo JtiHt loarnod tho dotnlla of nu nudnolous flllhusterlng lu tho Malay Arohfpollgo, situated to tho east of Borneo. A bnnd of 300ft nrmod ndvuuturou plnnnod to concen trate) nnd doHcond on tho Island and hold It by forco ngaliiHt tho Dutch while Its mineral rlohos worn being developed and worked. It was In toudod, however, to demand mining concoortloiiH from tho Dutch govorn- mont, and only to employ forco lu tho ovout of a refusal. Tho pollco got u oluo to tho plot, nnd, follow ing tho trull, wvro led to said pram Iboh In this olty. Wharo tlioy HoUod n nu nib or of docunmiiu rotating to tho orgnnUutlon of tho eutiirprlHo, which, It Is nllugod haw branohw lu England, on tho continent, lu the; United StntoH nnd other countries. Margarita Fischer, at tho Kllnger-Gnind. stock barns 36x200 feet will bo con- tlmea during tho year to hold farm structed with every modern convent-tors' Institutes, Ono hundred and once. Tho grounds are to bo Jm.'ten shares of stock wero sold, and proved, and the date of the fair ha9 been changed at the request of tho North Pacific Stockmen's Association to the third week of September. This not only accomaodate the stock men, but the date will be after most of tho hop yards have latMwl their work, aid will MM is the attend' aace." Maltaowtah eewfttr Ium k4 a the association will buy suitable grounds, orcct building? and build a first class one-half in lie raco track and also ball grounds. The oMcera elected for one year are as follows. President, A, O. Prill; 91m pmtftt T. M. Heltr wwretary, T. L. DJ7 treMurer, "Wllllaaa Phillip; iirnKtorf, M. O. Q, Carl The Texas WonMvr. Cures all kidney, blnddor and rhoumatlo trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mail for $1. Dr. H. W. Hall, 2020 Oliro atroot, St. Louis, Mo, Sond for testimonials , Sold by Htono'n drug store. dw-lyr o Niock HxcluiugH Kent MrlugH 7n,0(K Now York, Mnroh a. A notltccu bio drop on tho prleo of stnok ex change memberships has been re corded when (t Is nnnouiioeil that a. soat on the exchange has been sold for 75,000. Tho latost provlous. salo of n sunt, which ooeiirrod three wooks ago, was inndo at 80,oH)0, and during 1005 and 1008 uentt brought as much as $9&,000. Nu reason, excopt the unsettled and urt satisfactory condition of tho stock market was assigned for the Hudtlms falllilg off. II ' Sick Headache brain-fag, dull heat) pain, wkctbe i caused bv overwork, biliousfles cowtlpatfon or stomach disorders yield quickly to t4swokrft curative properties oi Beechams Pills ibisf KtMiyttkiM. iVa ihA W asJ titt SS SfW SeWS 4BS BBBSfBR PBBf SJHBS) iaSMBlla,