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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
DAILY OAPITAXi JOURNAL, 8ALT2M, OREGON, FKHIAY, MA.KC1I 8, 1 00', i" cffieM reUSS . OURS IS A METROPOLITAN STOCK ShcIi r you will And ncmlicro elo In Hnlcm AVIictlicr you wish thv most exclusive) JuiKrfatloiiH or tlio tdnnilanl productions of our own country, you'll find tliciu hero lit witlsfnctory nbiiiulnnco mid nl ways nt lowest piicrn. For tlio brightest nnd newest fashions, for the kiwi of iiiorcluindlso J lint Is most desirable, everyone thin wnson will aeek. Tie Big Stote Witk the Goods SPRING GARMENTS A Truly Magnificent Display Kvory qualification of ported nt tiro Ib met In our magnificent show Ink of tha now styles for spring. All grade from tlio most popular prices MP to tk vary llncnt nnd highest elan garments nro to bo found on exhibition huro. Tlio stylos nro ox nnd tho price extraordinarily low. $11.85 to $40.00 Oxfords For Spring Wear Wo hnvo boon oxtromoly for tunnto In securing otirllnon qf spring footwear no enrly In tlio Hcaaon. Tlio Htyloa nro tho new cBt nnd befit of tills souson's productlona nnd tlio vnltioo nro much bottor thnn you will bo nblo to find oiituldo of this store. Wo want you lo sco theso now models. "MERODE" Underwear QUAL1TV AND IX)W PIUGKH. TIioro nro tho two chnrnctorlitlcs at this underwear. Exnmlno details carefully nnd you'll find thnt not only Is this underwear moro correct ly made, but thoro nro llttlo nicotics of finish thnt nro not to bo hud In underwear sold olsowhere. All tha now stylos In spring nnd summer wolghts nro ready In a full rnngo of situs. 10c to $6.00 EASTER SUITS For Small Boys It Is not too onrly to think of fitting out tho boy for Ens tor, nnd right now wo nro showing BOino romnrlcnbly good vuluots In novulty suits for boys from A to 7 yonrs of ngo. Thoy nrostho nowoht stylos nnd fab rics. $4 to $7 SPRING SUITS For Men Wo hnvo Just rccolvod nn othor shlpmont of men's cloth ing for spring wear. Theso now garments como In plntn blacks nnd fancies, long cont modal, tho nuwast stylos to bo found nnywhoro. You will llko theso gnrmonts. Lot ua show you today. $10 to $15 MEN'S NEW Night Robes Now stylos In plain whlto corded dimity night robes, mndo without collars, nil sizes $1.50 T ' imftttju ,s Remnot Day. Short lengths of IUIIIUIIUYV SetwwiiWc ami HU.f P.. Dependable merchandise at I lal I -r I Lis BWa imim t f ! i - . i CITY JVJEWS A Collection of Important Para. Rftttiia fur Your Consideration. Vt Dlvldo Property- Au notion entitled I.ovenm Wo. gun, el al., vs. LUlluu Donlson und J It, DunUon was commenced In do partment No. 3 of tho circuit court yesterday to secure the division of 408.83 acres of land In which tho liUlntlffs and defendants hold Inter U A. O. Condlt appears as attor ney for nil parllc Interested lu tht proceeding. wt tk0 Cnmit To tha Kllnger Orand. You nro tun) to no pieatxHi and set your wPRey'n worth. MtHbury OtVHtM Joseph Meyers ft Sons' great spring opening In millinery goods began to day, siul tho showing In that do partment U tho roost elaborate that lias ever been seen In Salem. Tho (tklpments are from big Raaturu Arms nad contain some ot tho most exclu de Parisian and New York deulgui hi tailored nnd pattern hats. Almost very conceivable shape and design k ow. Jilts M. D. Kvans has charge of tho department, and Is an avrUst la tho millinery lino. She Iwut a wry competent forco ot as MUtants and tho display kurpae a-tythta over wxa In this city. The rMM oh tho second floor ot the Mayan Sobs' department atoro ke crowded all day with cut a4 Mte Kvm rKlve4 flaw )tavaU m hr Mtk, Tim l'Vbrunry Clarion Tho high school students hnvo u very Interesting number this month, tho cover Is especially attractive be ing u wntor color by Horace Sykos. It contains a number of orlglnul stories nnd soma clover Jokes. Starting Toulgtit-- At tho Klluger Orand, the West ern comedy drama, "Tho Golden (limit Mine." Woodmen Initiate . Tho Modern Woodmen of America hold au Interesting seaslon last ulght nnd Initiated four candidates. After the session n substantial banquet was served. People Going to Newport This year can bring tho agates they find homo and bavo them put- j a. any wuie o. mo year, wo have a now up to date plant for grinding and polishing agntos and have knowledge and ability to do good work. Try us when you bias agates to polish. We will guaraute satisfaction or will not ask you to pay us a cent for the work. A Blight Smash Ulnluo Hubbard hired tlio fine-yellow buggy from Johnson's livery stnblo nnd started to enjoy a rldo this morning. Ho had readied tho Col lcgo of Music, nnd, in endeavoring to nvold a mud hole, the buggy hit a pole, which broko tho tonguo out of the rig. Ho secured another bug gy, nnd all was well. AllM'rt Itnpo filck Albert Itnpe, a young nwm well known In this city, Ib vory 111 with pneumonia fever, in St. Vincent's hospital, Portland. Ho Is reported to bo In a Bcrlous condition. ' Hnlr Switches- Mndo to order. Satisfaction guar anteed. Tho Variety Storo, 32S-332 Court streot. Annorn Welch. 3-8-2t ; I'KItSOXALS. It. A. Jones, tho Unlvqrslty stu dont, left todny for nn ovcr-Sundny visit nt Ills homo In Jefferson. Otto Schultz und It. F. Moyors, of Jorferson, wore In tho city this morn ing. Mrs. John Roach nnd dnughtcr loft this morning for Hubbard, whoro they will roiildo. MIbh Lillian AdnniM wont to JofTor boii today to vlalt her sister, Mrs Fnrlow. Miss Stella Qrottio left Uils morn ing for Lyons, whoro hIio Is engaged ns tenchor In tho public Bcliool. Sho was nccompnnicd by her mother ns far ns Albnny. Wntt Shlpp returned from a busi ness trip to Portland this morning. .MIbh Millio Ayer, who linB been tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Kurtz, hns roturnod to hor homo In HoBcburg. Willis McKlroy, tho well-known muslcliui, Mi-i-lvod in tha olty hist night to visit his family for n few dnys. A. W. Prescott, wlfo nnd bnby nr visiting Portland friends. Professor WiiBhburn loft today for McMlnuvlllo to attend tho orntoricat contost. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. DuhIi woro nmong tho Portliiiid-bouml passengers this morning. Mrs. Joseph Evans und Mrs. T. C. Hmlth nro In Portland to uttond tlio opora of "Mndamo Hutterfly." Mr. and Mrs. Chnuncoy lllshop hnvo returned from their honeymoon trip In California. Julius Nelson, tho painter, was nmong tho pnssongers bound for Portland Inst night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Illngos loft toduy for Portland, whoro thoy will attend tho "Mndnmu Hutterfly" oporn tonight. Mr. Illngos will also at tend tho optical convention which Is being hojd In tho metropolis. 0 Id eon Htoltz loft this morning for Portland on buslnotw. L. P. Swan, of Chnmpoog, was n business visitor lu Snlom this morn Ing. J. J. Ilyun after n buslnww visit here, loft for Woodburn todny. Mrs. Dnvo Hyro nnd Mrs. 11. H. Whlto wont to Portland this morning. J. Graham was nmong tho Port Inud-brjuud pnssengorH today. K. O. Armstrong, tho fruit Inspec tor, went to Woodburn on buslnoss toduy. Colonel vJamos Jackson left this morning for Woodburn, where ho will Inspect Company I tonight. This will complete his work, und he will then return to his home lu Portland. II. N'. Stoudonmoyer left today for Portland, where ho will nttend tho "Madam Ilutteruy" conoort at tho Holllg tonight. Mr. Williams, one of tho leading violinists ot the com pany la a personal frlond of Mr Stoudonmoyer. they having been members of tho military band which played a summer's engagement at Venice, California, o Tcmlght At the Kllnger Orand a change ot moving pictures and Illustrated song. NEW YORK CENTRAL OFFICIALS To Be Indicted for White Plains Wreck Suit To Be Bronght to Dis solve the Harriman Merger .Vow York, March fi. It Is an nounced today that the grnnd Jury will probably Indict thlrtoon multi millionaire directors of the Now York Central, ns tho result of tho wreck of tho Whlto Plains spocinl. Follow ing this announcement camo tho nows of tho donth of MIbb Snrnh Mer rltt, aged 25, at Plonsnntvlllo,- tho twonty-fourth victim. To DNsoIvo Merger. Now York, March S. As a direct rosult of tho lntorstnto commorco commission Investigation it is report ed In Wnll street this nfternoon thnt an action will bo started at onco to compel tho Union Pacific to dlsposo of Southern Pnclilc stock nnd dlvorco tho two corporations ontlroly. It is said tho Harriman IntorostB have been tlppod off, nnd nro propnrlng to mnko ono of tho most dospernto fights bIiico tho Croat Northern fight to provent tho oxocutlon ot tho com mission's recommondntions. Grand Millitie Display still on ind will continue ffaroagh the spring season, every tiling new and tip to the minute. PATTERN HATS TAILORED HATS and the newest trimmings. Come early and "see If oar goods are sold at thelght prices. No copies ONE of a kind. y MISS M. D. EVANS In tne Big Jos. Meyers & Sons Store Washington, Mnrch 8. Chairman Knapp, of tho Interstate commorco. commission, this nttornoon rofuscd to confirm tho Wnll streot roport of n suit against Hnrrlmnn. Ho said thoy would tnko tostimony to April 4th, but cannot mnko u decision be fore then. He would not stnto what courso would then bo tnkon. o Saved Her Son's Life. Tho happiest mother In tho llttlo town of Ava, Mo Is Mrs. S. Iluppco. Sho writes: "Ono yenr ngo my son wns down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was un- nblo to help him; when, by our drug gist's ndvico I began giving him Dr. King's Now Discovery, nnd I soon noticed Improvement.. I kept this treatment up for n few weoks when ho wns perfectly well. Ho has work ed steadily slnco at enrponter work. Dr. King's Discovery saved his life." Ounrnnteed host cough nnd cold cure by J. C. Perry, drugglBt; 60c nnd $1. Trlnl bottlo freo. FELL FOUR FLOORS Prominent Woman Victim of an Elevator Accident ATTIttlPTKI) AHSO.V. An HlTmt to Muni the New HcnMciicc of m-Hherllf (inliu-N. Albauy, March S. An nttompt wns made Tiiosdny night to burn tho lnrge, new rosldence of ox-Sheriff Qnlnes, throo mllos from Crnbtroo. Mr. Onlnos nnd family, upon return ing late at night from u party nt a neighbor's, discovered a tire burning on tho floor or the pnrlor, rapidly spreading. They wero Just In tlmo to extinguish It. Coal oil had boon pourod on tho floor nud fired. Mr. Gaines mndo an effort to get soino Portland bloodhounds to trnco tho burnor. but fallod, nnd did the work himself, following tracks to n neighbor's whoro tho man admitted tho ohargo against him. An arrost will probably follow, but at present the name Is private, it has caused n sonsatlon lu tho neighborhood. Cincinnati, March S. An unldon tllWl womnn In tho mcrcantllo li brary this nfternoon rang for tho ele vator boy, who opened tho door too soon, nud tho woman fell through to tho basement, four floors below, her body striking tho machinery nnd causing tho car to rush up and lodgo between tho tenth nnd eleventh floors Imprisoning tho boy. Tho womnn's body wns frightfully crushed. Tho olovntor victim has been Iden tified ns Miss Clnra Iluschmnn, tho daughter ot a prominent surgeon. IDAHO MURDER CASES Uolso, Idaho, Mnrch S. James llnwloy, tho loading attorney In tho prosecution or Moyor, Hnywood nnd Pettlbono, nrrlved this morning from tho trial of Adams nt Wallace. Ho snld ho thought tho officers of tho Wostorn Federation would bo tried at Caldwell about tho middle of April. Judgo Wood is to hold court for Judgo Dryan nt Caldwol! Mon day, whon n motion to dismiss nnd chnngo of vontio will bo argued, pro viding a mandate arrives In tlmo from tho supremo court. Tonight A change ot specialties by E. J Dally, tho banjo and black-face king BARR'S JEWELRY STORE J22sBssa522 EVERYBODY CAN HAVE GOOD HEALTH !ut the first essential Is good digestion If the food Is not properly digested, the body Is not suf flcleutly nourished, the bowels are closed and Impure blood la sent coursing through tho entire sstem. No wond-r you aro sick. (Jet a bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS at once and let It restore your digestive organs to their normal condition, and thus open up the clogged bowels and make the blood pure Then you'll enjoy good health. " For curing and preventing Hmrtbura, Crmmiw. 1W Aw, l.dlnUcH., Dyspu. CosUv . Keso iHs, MttkKuew, Cwiu It la Mwlleit. Try It and im for . . NIUI.II .. .. w. -". ., mm7., re ruK rJfenta. Standard Oil Cases. Chicago, March 8.- Tho federal court today admitted evidence favor nblo to tho government In tho Stand ard cases. It tends' to show .tho Standard knowingly accepted rebates. Society Woman'; Peculiar Death. Vancouver, B. C , March 8. Whllo hanging a picture this morning tho ladder slipped nnd Mrs. Wm. Plm, a prominent society woman, fell upoa tho sitting room floor and was In stantly killed. STRAWBERRY FERTILIZERS Try a few sacks of thli ferl It will pay for its uso ten Umto Evoryono who has ever nsed tti nlwnyB uso it again. Mammoth Blackberry Plants Wo havo a small itock ol iUi mous berry; it Is certalnlyafistV ry and Is going to be the berry for this valley. Ourprictti vory reasonable, and it will jaj) to plant an acre or to, ami hwl berry that will always tell Rhubarb Roots Wo hnvo Bomo cliolco rood I wo nro selling nt a very re price. Our stock Ij tb hi Dodge's Colossal, one of the : varieties on tho market. Garden Seeds IN HULK All fresh, new stock. No old w to work off. Our prices arsftrl or thnn other dealcri. W.y? larger lots nnd secure the rtrf 1 est price; that's the reawn. Onion Sets omo choice sets at a ret prlco D.A.WHTTE& km rnniiiiiTTial Street, rfcswl Welconw to Grosncnor. Athens, O., March 8. General Orosvenor arrived at homo today after 20 years In congress. Trio greatest demonstration over seen In this county welcomed him. Notice. Notlco Is hereby jlren & ' board of directors of School I No. SO, county ot Jlarioa, Sj Oregon, will receive tnw or boforo April 1, )907,fwtM linn nt n two-room KBOW Pl.n. nn,1 nnIfleatlOBS U " governing bids are no tho clerk's office, and r rJ Insnectton. Tho board n rtrht in relect nnT Or H N.. I Clerk of Dl-trW,.1 3-7-tf .. -..... II IIT Arusaas vjn.- -- jjj. n.u- tti.i A-ilcas fW'"' AU3 UUtlim " - ither of their plesat' Vinii-ti a eood preiT " V.o--. -. ui ...mtinr. frosi -" fceen arranged, and tfcs L thoir friends wl """ pleasant evening. NocwkitU .A-lJ . ....ji.V -us- FranK eTeo-. -- . jj OMcewlth Wm.Br1 - 12 Cowaaerclsl trt RMNPY TO MlllVll-- muMUt " "" ' ' M Two Nlcaraguaa Defeats. Puerto Cortes, March S.Ad7lcM I ...,. jj iimil .. Vl " today say Blnalla defeated the Nica-' raguana at Yusgune, March 7th. and I confirms the Honduras victory of March 6th. Next CncasHSflseMt Zanesvtlle, O., March S. Tha er ocuUve committee has selected Sara toga, X, Y for tha aaUoaal satsssa NEWTON ; FW BaJs EJgnt fL r awat ot tho G. A. R. thU yr.