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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
.. it , ( " . ' DAILY CAMTAL JOURNAL, SALUM, QRlirQON, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1007. M & STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER. Spring '07 Styles NOW READY The new Spring Styles in Men's Clothing are now here. "THE FRAT" Simply Swallow Many Eat ns Though They Were Wind nnil Their Tongues Cut Out. Fl IV f; ?'i The new College Cut in blue Serge for young men is making a bigl.hit. The coat is a three-button, double breasted style cut about 31 inches long, lined with black mohair and has no opening mjhe back. The trousers are cut iuii uvor uie nips. THIS IS THE LATEST THING OUT Boys, Comein. GORDON HATS rW Spring Shapes are here in all the most-wanted ASK 10 see iiik new i eauiei-weigiii sj jp a wi GRAND THEATRE iyf March 4 farorlto young actress. ; Margarita Fischer IN egtwtMw II UTAH"! &ory of Mormonism Mtenlngs, 15 and 2Ec. jcial Sale i few broken sizes and At Cost e out for Summer Stock. M VOGT State Street. J. W. BOLLEN Managor gSalem Undertaking Co. Funeral Director and Embalmor. Calls answered day or night. Phono 70. 383 Court St.. Snlnm agiBwf Dyspepsia is built on confidence too much confidence In tho nblllty or your stomach to digest anything and everything you put Into It. In this ago we havo developed speed in ovory lino of action, and wo , havo also developed speed In masti cation. Wo don't tako tlmo to eat right, nhd 8omotlmos wo do not eat tho right kind of food. Sometimes wo Carry OUr bll8in(!5St in mil- tnnnlo nnrl , as a result eat mechanically. We eat as tnougn wo woro blind and our tongues cut out. Wo Blninlr swallow Tho result is that tho food wo ent la llnlf t . . .. ... (.o uii uuuweu, ana lies uko a lump or lead on tho stomach. You may deny to yourself that von nbuso your stomach, but when you get n bloty fooling, you enn't ilonv Jyou'vo got it. When you get brash, oruntlnns. uurmiig sensations, bloating, aver sion to food, loss of appotlto, belch ing and othor kindred ailments, thoro is not much uso asking yourself, for tho tlmo being, why you suffer. The fact is you've got those ailments and tho question of tho hour Is how to get rid of them at once, bo thnt at your next meal you may bo ablo to sit down and look at your meal straight in tho face with a keen np- potlto and a smllo, and enjoy thor- oughly everything you eat. Just 0J10 of Stunrfs Dvnnonnln CARPENTER COMMITS SUICIDE Joe Landguth Demented by Jealousy Shoots Himself THnrngh Head IIIIIBIIHHIMI 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL CUT GLASS HHN Salem Fence Wire Headquarters for Woven Wlro Fencing. Hop. Wire, Barb Wire. Poultry Notting, Pickets, Gates, Shingloa and P. & B. Roady Roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Cour.tSt. Salem, Ore JUU.0CK BROS. TAURANT.. Nrs south of WsBank i MOV SjixI W' Li evervrhinn. (k service! BRIGHT SMILES Aro Boon on tho faces of tho man whoso wife or mother ubos r Eppfey's Perfection Baking Powder Try it and bo convinced a Sa-loni-roudo article. ; ; Tnblots will digest nn ordinary meal, ; ; without tho help of tho stomach. Ono . . uiKiuuiuui. ot oiunrrs uysnons a Tnu- ; ; lots will dlgost 3,000 grains of food. Tho strongest stomach couldn't do . . , tho work any bettor than ono of these - wonderful little Tablets can do It. Each tablet contains tho strongest dlgostlvo agents it Is possible to ob tain. Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablets aro not a patent medicine. Wo como out and Bay Just what Is in them hydrnstis, golden seal, loctoso and aseptic pop Bin., They aro recommended by 40, 000 llconsod physicians in tho United Stntos and Cnnada. And thoy aro recommended by ovoryono who usos thorn thoy can't help It, for thoy Immediately lnvigor ato tho Btomach by lotting It tnko a rest; thoy strengthen tho gastric Julco and causo tho appotlto to bo como keon and regulnr. Stunrfs Dyspopsin Tablots will suroly destroy dyspopsin. brash. botching, thnt "lump of lond" fooling, burning sensations, Indigestion, loss of appotlte, and aversion to food. Havo Stuart's Dyspepsia (TablaU handy where you can tnko one or two nftor inenl. Then you will know what a blowing It Is to have n good appetite and to get all the good possible out of ovorythlng you oat. You'll feol rosy and swoot. Stunrfs Dyspepsia Tablots at any drug storo on onrth, 50o. Sond us your nnmo nnd nddross to day and wo will at onco sond you by mnll a snmplo pnokngo froe. Ad- dross P. A. Stunrt Co., 86 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mloh. o Craiod by Joalousy Joo W. Lnnd guth last, night, about 9 o'clock, walked down tho railroad track at Turner and dollborntoly sent a bullet from a 3S-callbro Ivor-Johnson re volver through his head. Landguth was a enrponter who moved horo from tho East somo tlmo ago. and has rccontly been engngod in dolnc Bomo work at Portland. Mra. Land guth, whllo her husband was away. llvod at tho homo of Mrs. Martin, tho well-known blacksmith in Tumor. Lnnguth, It Is said, camo homo re cently nnd wanted his wiro to return to Portland with him. but for somo reason sho did not comply with his request. After protending to go to tho metropolis ho only camo as far as Salem, nnd thon returned to Tur ner, and his body was found this morning lying near tho railroad track cold in death. Ho left a lottor to his wlfo plainly reciting Jealousy as tho causo of his rnBh act, but not Implicating any por son living In Turner. Ho bid her nnd his two Uttlo boya nn nffcctlonato farowell. Sheriff Culver and Coronor Clough wont to Turner thlB morning nnd Investigated all tho facts In tho enso. It wns such a plain and prc- modltutcd sulcldo thnt they did not dccldo to hold nn Inquest. Tho'ro- mnlns of Landguth wero brought to Salem, nnd will probably .bo sent to hlB peoplo In Knnsns, who havo been communlcntod with. Landguth wnB between 3C nnd 40 years of ago. Lnnguth had ?51 in his pookets. ' nnd left Ills wlfo n policy In tho Woodmen of the World. o . Iuar.if frlh ... .lt Sf i- 1-i ... . ism 1115 uik umie iirumu 01 marcn. I nis will be a big saving and would pay you to make selections for further weddings, birthday or anniversary presents. SILVER DEPOSIT WARE also in this sale. Every piece new cut and latest designs, md fkieet quality cut glass and silver deposit ever shown m Salem. CHAS. H. HINGES, jeweiw ana upiician, i s Commercial st. Ly 10 una. roexc aoor to capital Bank. I ,,www it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ih4 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 in n 1 1 1 1 n n u u 1 1 11, i; CURRENT EVENTS Of ii HISTORICAL INTEREST il :: Compiled by the Daily Journal For the Public Schools : i h-i n 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 m Mi m 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 n 1 n n !' ' Four of tho largest sawmills nt Portland havo shut down In anticipa tion of n strike. Tho eleventh parliament of British Columbia was oponed at Victoria on March 7th, by reading tho King's apocch. Taxes on roal nnd norsonal proporty aro to bo reduced from ono to thrco-flfths of ono por cont. Tho rnllroads of Illinois havo de cided to ralso frolght rates on conl ten cents per ton. Tho President has nppolnted ten nous of military olllcors to Wefit Point. Missouri has adopted tho Oregon plan of dlrbct primary nomination of candidates, t Tho Marqunm thentro in Portland hnB been sold for $200,000. ' Tho prlco of Oregon hops has ad vanced two conts por pound tho past wook. Thero havo boon rocurront ahooks of Earthquuko at Kingston tho past wook, nccompnnicd nt times with a torrlflo roar. NEWBERG CHARGES PLAGIARISM Unfounded Effort Is Being: 'Made to Convict Willam ette Qrator Nxpert Scourge SlmrkH. Radical changOB in tho admlnlstrn- tlon of tho flro Insurance business in tho northwest within n not fnr dis tant dato is predicted by ChnrloB Sumner Boat, of New York City, publisher of Best's Insurnnco Ro portfl, who Is spondlng a fow dnys In this city. Tho reports, published monthly by Mr. Host nB to tho finan cial standing. of llfo nnd llro Insur nnco compnnioa, aro accepted as au thority by tho Insurance men of tho (Btntca. Thoy aro considered ontlro .ly freo from ovory tlngo of whlto wnah and varnish, nnd aro received by tho fratornlty for tholr truo worth. Mr. Host Is outBpokon in his criti cism of tho method of tho Pnclllo Board of Flro Underwriters. Ho snys tho present muddlo ns to tho disposi tion of tho emergency premium nf 2C per cont thnt was oxacted of northwost policy Iioldors Ib tho result of pure ignorance, or It nmountB to a dollbornto extortion on tho pnrt of mandlng n wholosalo rovilon of ex isting prnctlccs. Tho mission of Mr. Host to tho const wus to Inquire Into tho flro In surnnco hUBlnosa in California nnd tho manner in which tho companies adjusted lossoa In San Francisco fol lowing tho onrthquako. Ho camo to tho const last July, and for more than two months Inhored In tho Bay City without his identity becoming known. As a result ho was ablo to got on tli ItiRldo nnd lonrntuch concerning tho methods resortod to by "wolchlng" compnnioa In dofrnud Ing policyholders In ndJiiHtlng lossoa. ThlB data Iwb boon compiled by Mr. Beat, nnd will soon ho published in Ills II mil report as to lila Investiga tions In tho Qoldou Stntea. This re port la being anxiously uwnttod by In surnnco men. As nearly as Mr. Boat can oatl mate tho totnl of Insurance losses in Snn Francisco from tho onrthqunko nnd flro will nircreunto between 1225,000,000 mid 1230,000,000. Of this enormous total ho a&ya about 100,000.00 lina boon distributed Vitro! Ml Material Drue Stnro LWy Lowest cJwT"" viiiMurui . teS fasersof Ml nttyfig c. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon HOTEL AIUUVALS. Oranges! Sec Our Special It la not the slie, m r groat nutny of tho lArgeot aro tho Ioory8t oniBgea. We Buko a icchlty of selling quality, nnd the sbo ye?H sell.roii will And give tho beat satisfaction. Moir Grocery Company MMll mtm rtmim Willamette. Col. Jnmo8 Jackson, Portljind. ' Jnmea B. Tucker, San Franojsco. W. E. Lagan, 1909. J. R. Flynn, Portland. , II. E. N6blo, Portlnnd. Miss Mnrjorl Noble, Portland, F. L. Walker, iianford Co. R. P. Bonham, Portland. J. C. Ryan, Mexico Qlty. Fred Zllby, Portland. J. E. Harniel. A. E. Shumate, Portland! Caspar W. Hodgson. D. B. Taylor, Independence. Paul Bandy, Alameda, Cal, ' C. A. Scott. Portland. John Huoy. Cottage. D. A. McLean, Portland O. H. Thomas, Chicago; Misa Seaton. ' Mlas Browor. D. Mlaaner. A. E. Wllrin, Ioulsvlile. Ky. D. Warner, Portland. A. M. Hogen, Portland. Salem, Lore Tanzlor, Gervals. A. R. Siegmund, Oorvals, Damon Smith, Harrlaburg. M. McManus, Qerrala. A. D. Eswald, Sylvan! Fred Yaker, St. Paul. T. W. Hilton, 8t. Paul. John Ncal, St. Paul. .! ... . Don't consider lightly the evi dence of diie&se In your system Don't take desperate chances .with ordinary medicine, Uso HollUter's Rocky Mountain Tea, the great ope clic 35 cesta, Tea r Tablets, A report, vague in Its character, conies to Salem that nn effort la be ing made to deljnr Wallace Q. Trill from tho Intercolloglnto contmit at MoMlnuvillu tonight, on tho charge of plagarlam. Tho kick cornea from Newberg College nnd tho charges aro that Trill borrowod somo Idvaa from Bovoridgo's famous speech in tho son nto on tho Philippines. Thobollof la ourrent that tho Now berg people nro afraid of Trill, and tho fear of impondlng disaster nnd thnt the Sllvor-Tonuiiud Wnllaoli would win with hands down, trumped up thoao ahnrges. It is probable thnt should Trill havo desired to stool thunder from anybody ho would havu selocted a moro prolific sourco than Boveridgo, and a apeoch that had moro reason nnd login in It than tho Indiana sen ator's flamboyant effort. Tho Editor of Tho Capital Journal was ono of tho Judgos on tho lltorary morlta of Mr. Trill's oration, and can say, whllo tho subject of Democracy does not admit of mauy novelties, Mr. Trill's oration la ono of tho beat construed, moat retreuhlng and moat eloquont treatments of the subject ever prosontod to tho public. It is absolutely out of tho question to bring a chnrgo of plagarlsm agalnat that tirao-wprn subject, any moro than It would bo to bring ono against a subject Uko "Morality," because It inciuaou tnu gist of tho ten com- mandmonta. A report this afternoon state that Wallace Trill has been barred from taking part In tho oratorical contest owing to his copying 300 words from Do vend go a speech. !' w .Ti'Wwwwsws uuoil IIIOLI IIJIllUll tho insurnnco compnnloB. Ho anya among tho policyholders. Of tho 200 1110 motiiod ol the compnnioa nstto- liiHiirauco 'oompnnlus or ngenoiei elated with this hoard are ospoolally nmong which this Inaurnuoe wns ilia lax nnd lucking of n proper aystom. trlhuted, Mr. Best considers thnt ha in tno eastern state, ho re ntua. will be able tn uiiiku nlnnr rnnnriM In tho matter of living rntea and gen orally regulating the Insurance bual- niMa 1b duluguted to nn wxeoutlvo board, reproHoututlvo of nit of thy companloa, whllo on the Pnolflo coast tlilH work la largoly attuudod to by ono man. Not only Is tills tho fnot, but tho iiniiuiftr of transacting tho bualuoHH, ho anya, under tho proaont ayatom, la open to conauro both on tho ground of discrimina tion nnd favoritism. Regarding tho excoaa premium that was addod by tho l'aclflo Board of Flro Uiidorwrltera immediately following tho Snn Prnnclaco dlsastor Mr. Boat aaya tho additional charge favor of not to oxceed 0- 10. IX)P OFF Uff.CK.NT FA UK. Oi-yon City-Porthiiul KI1I0 Will Bo ffO CVntH. Salem Hpeelul: If ourrent reports nro truo, tho Southern I'aolllo la about; to dlaoontliiuo Its 2Ccont paa Sanger rnte between Orogou City nnd Portland, nnd olinrgo tho regular 3- cont faro. Tho purpose of this la aald to put nn end to tho troiiblcsomo lirnetleo lltl.vulliiV nonntn Imvii nf waa unwarranted nnd oxocosalvo. To , buying tickets to Oregon City, and tide ovor tho possibility of a torn- then paying tholr faro from Tho Worat Kind. After Pllea havo existed for 0 lone tlmo and passed through different stages, tho suffering Is intense pain, nchimr. throbblnr. tnmnn fnrm ah. ed to bursting with blood, ' symptoms Indicating other trou bles may appear to a thoroughly Pile sick person. .Th,J! ..i,..'wbcn Dr. Loonhardfs Hem-Rold. tho only absolute Pile cure, brings tho results that havo made Its fame. It Will CUrO the mmt attitihnrn mm and a guarantee to that effect goes wua escu pacaage, fl.00 at the drug store, or from Dr. Leonhardt Co.. Kluara Vaiu w Y., Proprietors. U ky Dr. U. C. Stoae, Saless. porary ombarrassment, that waa In prospeot from tho enormous losses tho companies woro required to meet, ho says amplo provlalon could havo been mado for the contingency by making a Jinlform fractional In crease on all Insurnnco. Inatend, tho board ordorod an Incrcaau of 25 per cent In tho premiums on all mer cantile nnd manufacturing risks. Thla plan, ha declares, was especially objectionablo for tho reason that these classes of proporty wore al ready paying a good rato and wero heavily Insured, Ho considers as out-1-accoub thu nttomnt of those com panloa to undortuko to ovnro rerunn ing theso excesa premiums. Mr. Beat Is on hla way to his homo in Now York, but before leaving tho onnut hn Is Investigating tho affairs of flro and llfo Insurance companies. both In this atato and In Washington, tr.. tmii Intotiilnd donartlnit Inst night for Beattle, but, becoming acquainted with tho disturbed stato of insurnnco business In this section, resulting from tho Issuanco of olroulars on tho question of refunding premiums, bus dldcd to remain in Portland t n fur inva. In tho meantime. bo will Interview some of tho lead ing business men and banking Instl- H.tlnna nriil nftnualnt thom With tllO questionable tactics employed by the, majority of the Insurance companies of tho coast, to tho end that they ay be equipped to bettor protect tair laterests la the future by do- that plaoo to Portland, by which moans thoy aavo 25 conta. Whllo tho South ern Puolllo holds somo paBsongors by meeting tho oleutrlc lino's 2Gcent rate, It loses tho 25 coats thnt might bo collected from passengers who would stay on tho train regardless of tho difference In faros. In tho mnt- ter of revenue- tho Southern Pacing loses as much as It guilts by meeting tho elootrlo lino's rate. In addltloa tho conductors aro loaded down with work on both sides of Oregon City. Under tho proaont aystom, n n? songor from Salem to Portland can save 25 conts by buying a ticket to Oregon City, and thon staying on thg train and paying tho conductor 25 conts after leaving Orogon Cltyj Probably half thn passengers from Salem tako advantngo of this means of saving 25 conts. Most of thesc however, would pay thu extra 2tf cents for 11 ticket through to Fort? land rather than get off nt Oregon City and take the electric car. 3 Eliza Wilson, a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln, died at Sterling, III. 1 O- ' CASTOR I A' IV lttraaU ami CUUrttL Tk KW Yi Km Ahnys h iSPPTP VSJVHs' zvm& 11 - a . yL$tiM-!m&& i . Ik. .tflfe